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Deborah Georgatos: "Is Ilhan Omar's View Anti-American?" |
If Tlaib and Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi can boycott Israel, Israel and America can boycott them. Easy and fair.
Are Ihan 'Omar's' Views Anti-American?
What is racist? Trump's Census-SCOTUS Win
CNN Panel Speaks About the Squad
MILLER: ... I'm wondering, if they're not racist, how come they haven't befriended one of their white female congresswomen colleagues and let her join. They don't like white people, come on. They're racist.
AOC backtracked on calling Pelosi racist, and changed her accusation to "stupidly ignorant."
The mean girls squad obviously hates America. The insanity of the squad sympathizes with murder, like Ilhan 'Omar' Hirsi's leniency plea for for ISIS fighters!! Ironically, Ilhan Omar Hirsi's the only parliamentarian wearing the headscarf denouncing "loyalty to a foreign country."
Rabbi David M. explains that among Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi's supporters in Minnesota, nothing they say or do is anti-semitic.
"If Omar and Tlaib can boycott Israel, why can’t Israel boycott them?" ~ Marc Thiessen
The Squad is not made of ladies, they are neither noble nor gentlewomen, and this is an understatement. Ilhan serves Erdogan, who hates non-muslims and adores Al Qaeda.
Tlaib wrote for Louis Farrakhan’s publication, the Final Call, which regularly publishes anti-semitic screeds. And, according to the Anti-Defamation League, she invited a Palestinian activist to her swearing-in who has praised Hamas and Hezbollah.

These are professional victim-mongering women who... have been elected to Congress, but are using every tool in the playbook of the Muslim Brotherhood of Islamists.” ~ Quanta Ahmed
Democrats wrongfully liken criticism of the Mean Girls to incitement of violence. But the fact of the matter is the Mob Squad's anti-semitism is REAL racism because the squad is genocidal racism. Contrary to Democrat Party usage, 'racist' doesn't mean stupidly ignorant.

Emily Quatzina
I would be 100% fine if her response was a critique of the criticism she faced. But what she did was say criticism equals incited violence. That's a dangerous slope for censorship. No one is above criticism. Ever. Period.
Serious damage has been done to America because the Caliphate Media Networks (or the MSM), called the driveby media, do not inform Americans about the things that matter to them. And due to the fact Americans are almost completely void of knowledge about Islam and radical islamic terror camps and terrorism in America. Reading this article will begin the necessary education to prevent an American national suicide by ignorance of Islam.
Ilhan 'Omar' knows nothing about American values. We don't conquer, torture, kill, and rape to make our religion dominant, that is what ISIS does. In Part V of a video series, The Spread of the Caliphate, one ISIS fighter explains, "I swear Sharia can't be established without weapons," as he patted his beloved M-16 Assault Rifle. It is an American designed weapon! ISIS brags that nobody dares steal from Muslims because of Sharia: they cut off the hands of thieves. What makes AOC "stupidly ignorant" is being Ilhan's radical islamic pal, since Ilhan was everyone to become compassionate on ISIS fighters who use terror to build a Caliphate! Even Al-Qaeda suggestions are more sane than Ilhan's suggestion.
Ilhan 'Omar' knows nothing about American values. We don't conquer, torture, kill, and rape to make our religion dominant, that is what ISIS does. In Part V of a video series, The Spread of the Caliphate, one ISIS fighter explains, "I swear Sharia can't be established without weapons," as he patted his beloved M-16 Assault Rifle. It is an American designed weapon! ISIS brags that nobody dares steal from Muslims because of Sharia: they cut off the hands of thieves. What makes AOC "stupidly ignorant" is being Ilhan's radical islamic pal, since Ilhan was everyone to become compassionate on ISIS fighters who use terror to build a Caliphate! Even Al-Qaeda suggestions are more sane than Ilhan's suggestion.
The Sunni jihadist group ISIS, Islamic militias, and Islamic rebels in Syria are terrorist groups that committed crimes so disturbing and heinous that even Al-Qaeda hoped to distance itself.
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ISIS Burns Jordan Pilot Alive |
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ISIS Beheads Iraqi Soldiers |
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ISIS Used Yazidi Women as Sex Slaves After Overrunning Yazidi Iraqi Heartland in 2014 |
Ilhan 'Omar' asked that America sympathize with participating in these ISIS atrocities!!! 'Omar' is a criminal person that justifies any villainy, rape, sedition and lawbreaking for the sake of Mohammad, she's not a person capable of writing the anti-slavery-type American Law, or protecting our nation. 'Omar' only values sharia law, and slavery is mandated for non-muslims by sharia law.
Ilhan married her brother, who at the time lived in the UK, for the purpose of immigration fraud against the United States for her brother. This way he also obtained admission and schlarships for college in America. Prison is the appropriate place for her. It is known she's also guilty of 9 counts of perjury.
We ought to send her back to her beloved warlords in Somalia, her citizenship permit was based on lies. This means we can deport her. She got into America claiming falsely that her family name is 'Omar.' If we knew who she and her father really were, they'd have been rejected. They were not fleeing violence in Somalia, they were the violence.
'Omar' insists that we sympathize with terrorism because "the men were lured by propaganda on the internet saying that to be a “true Muslim” they should fight for the Caliphate." That is not a sympathetic extenuating circumstance, it is a confession of guilt! Omar is undiluted barbaric nonsense.
The men who went to trial were found guilty of conspiracy to provide material support to a terror group and conspiracy to commit murder outside the United States. Some of the Minnesota men involved in the conspiracy did ultimately join ISIS, and are believed killed in Syria.
Prosecutors who knew the facts requested 30 years in prison for Mohamed Abdihamid Farah and Abdirahman Yasin Daud, and 40 years for Guled Omar. Basic humanity requires ZERO sympathy for terrorism and murder. Ilhan grew up wild, brainwashed, perverse and defective.
Prosecutors who knew the facts requested 30 years in prison for Mohamed Abdihamid Farah and Abdirahman Yasin Daud, and 40 years for Guled Omar. Basic humanity requires ZERO sympathy for terrorism and murder. Ilhan grew up wild, brainwashed, perverse and defective.

Simple proof of Omar's anti-American hatred is her compassion for those seeking to kill American soldiers: 'Omar' sought leniency in sentencing for traitors, Minnesota men accused of conspiracy in joining ISIS. 'Omar' and AOC with their "compassion" for treason and murder are the last people to be self-righteous about dual citizenship accusations!
'Omar' and her poor little 'victims' that savagely kill people, put killing, terrorism, and mutilating people for the Caliphate and sharia above loyalty to America. She does sympathize with treason and murder. The fact of the matter is that Elmi-Hirsi asked that we provide compassion to men hoping to murder American soldiers, commit treason, lawlessness and do terrorism! It is the simple reality, and fact of the matter. Elmi-Hirsi is a Caliphate-ist, or in other words a jihadist with a bully mouth.
The Junior Plastic Squad needs to know that Americans do not empathize with zany jihadi from antiquity killing our soldiers, our friends and heroes, our fathers, brothers, sons and uncles, so that Elmi-Hirsi can help force sharia on Syria and the world! That is medieval tyrannical oppression, not freedom fighting. Forcing people to convert to Islam by the sword is backward nonsense.
Rep Ayanna Pressley said
"We don't need brown faces ...who disagree
with 'the brown voice.' "
No American congressional gang has been more wrong, more loudly, more often than the Mob Squad. As Zell Miller describes the Progressives: "That dog don't hunt. Secular socialism, heavy taxes, big spending, weak defense, limitless lawsuits and heavy regulation – that pack of beagles hasn't caught a rabbit in years." The Democrat Party Mean Girls Squad is completely racist!!
Our government must enforce our immigration laws, starting with fraudster Ilhan 'Elmi-Hirsi' who isn't of the Omar family (she is a fraud who lied to gain American citizenship). So she can be deported. Any concept of loophole must be eliminated in our immigration system, especially for Islamic terrorists like Ilhan and her goebbels-type father. It is self-evident. Ilhan is a horrid Junior Plastic. Also, the rest of the squad gets to wear hoop earrings now, if they want. AOC is already MIA. The solution is to PUNISH fiercely those invading America the Beautiful.
As one Assie put it, "It makes perfect sense that Americans are chanting, 'Send her back.' When Brits come to Australia and start whinging about 'it's so hot here,' we tell them, 'Stop the whinging,' and we call for the Poms, slang for immigrant, to be sent back to England.'"
As one Assie put it, "It makes perfect sense that Americans are chanting, 'Send her back.' When Brits come to Australia and start whinging about 'it's so hot here,' we tell them, 'Stop the whinging,' and we call for the Poms, slang for immigrant, to be sent back to England.'"
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Skull & Bones Society
The Crossed Swords of Islam
FollowFollow @realDonaldTrump
So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world, if they even have a functioning government at all, now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run.Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested
places from which they came. Then come back and show us how . . .
Next Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi-Mynett responded to the above *Trump tweet with her tweet shown below:
- Notice that Democrats do not call Ilhan tweet mania proof of how crazed Ilhan is, even though her tweets are radicalized Islam.
- Democrats are not calling on Ilhan to stop her incessant and maniacal tweeting.
FollowFollow @IlhanMN
You are stoking white nationalism bc you are angry that people like us are serving in Congress and fighting against your hate-filled agenda.
Nationalism is love for one's nation, it is not Marxist Socialism. In point of fact, Karl Marx opposed borders and nationhood. Although Communists and NAZIs claimed their utopias are about the idealism of 'equality,' both Berlin and Moscow sought dominance over their dystopian spheres and the world, NOT equality. And love of one's country has nothing to do with skintone. Ilhan's lies about Trump are totally off and wrong. She is the socialist anti-semite like Hitler.
Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan trust and serve marxist socialist terror organizations. For example, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi-'Mynett' trust and serve the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Movement who's founder and leader is Omar Barghouti of the SocialistWorker.org.
ISIS also opposes borders, as does Karl Marx, Hamas and the Palestinians. Opposing borders is the OPPOSITE of love of country. In fact ISIS leaders pointed out that Hamas is the ISIS terror organization for Palestinians. Few agendas are as hate-filled as Ilhan's: Barghouti, ISIS, Erdogan, Hamas in Lebanon and many other terror organizations, warlords, and somali pirates. The women they capture are sold in sex slave trade.
Islam and Marxist Communism are identical. 70% of Central Asia Communists were Muslims. Hitler's Mein Kampf translates into the Arab language as "My Jihad." And Hitler's signature book Mein Kampf, is a very popular book in Islamic countries. Islamic countries adopted and still adopt Hitler's military songs, Hitler's symbols, names, titles, and ranks for their government and military offices. Hitler is a hero in islamic majority countries.
Trump supports love of our nation, and there is no skin color that proves love of one's nation. One more point, conjuring NAZI white supremacy and Hitler's racial supremacy talk is another of Ilhan's Big Toxic Lies. White supremacists are anti-semitic like Ilhan. Trump isn't antisemitic, he is protective of Americans, he is patriotic. Trump is a nationalist that loves his country. Ilhan has an undiluted deceitful mindset further poisoned by resentment and arrogance. It is Ilhan that attempts to stoke racial turmoil and genocide like Hitler.
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White Supremacists are Antisemites Like Ilhan Ilhan Allies are Farrakhan and David Duke |
Socialist pirates favor stealing from everyone equally, said tongue in cheek. But in the end they kill each other off and they don't want to share the booty. Karl Marx is a diabolical, evil pirate who values the promiscuity of the horde. But Marxists always killed the goose that laid the golden eggs. It is a Loser, criminal system of built-in perpetual violence that comes with a dead end. Hitler's Marxist Socialism was a government who by force steals the private property of a nation. Talk about ignorantly stupid! Socialists like AOC and Ilhan are ignorantly stupid.
It was strange watching Elmi-Hirsi whisper and mutter how she loves America a lot more than Americans do. But one should never confuse 'glee for booty' with love. The love of money is NOT love for America. Omar reminds us daily of her disdain for Americans, and WE are America. Love-it-or-leave-it is not the same as 'leave.' Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi-Mynett is afflicted with a case of zombie victim-mentality and many many crimes.
A bombshell report: Rep. Ilhan Elmi (D-MN-05) entered the country fraudulently in 1995 as a member of the “Omar” family, which isn’t her real family. Ilhan is not Ilhan Omar, she, her father and sister used false names to apply for asylum as members of the Omar family. ... law enforcement has enough information to open an investigation.
The Evidence gives probable cause to investigate Ilhan for eight instances of perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, up to eight years of state and federal tax fraud, two years of federal student loan fraud, and even bigamy.
The so-called 'Omar' went on the most extensive spree of illegal misconduct committed by a House member in American history. Her name in reality is Ilhan Nur Said Elmi-Hirsi (her two last names come by marriage). Rep. Omar’s campaign team threatened the Somali people that exposed her fraud, compound layers of crimes, and nine counts of perjury.
Democrats and their media are ignoring fraud, perjury, threats, and vicious anti-semitism because they're treasonous, and to them millions upon millions of Democrats are above the Law just by Democrat privilege. Their lawlessness is staggering.
Michelle Malkin has long documented the national security consequences of marriage fraud by deadly jihadists:
Michelle Malkin has long documented the national security consequences of marriage fraud by deadly jihadists:
- Eight Mideastern men who plotted to bomb New York landmarks in 1993 all obtained green cards and permanent legal residence by marrying U.S. citizens.
- El Sayyid A. Nosair put a ring on American Karen Ann Mills Sweeney's finger to avoid deportation for overstaying his visa. He acquired U.S. citizenship, allowing him to remain in the country, and was later convicted for conspiracy in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing that claimed six lives.
- Top Osama bin Laden aide Ali Mohamed became a U.S. citizen after marrying a woman he met on a plane trip from Egypt to New York. He was convicted for his role in the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Africa that killed 12 Americans and more than 200 others.
- A year after 9/11, Homeland Security officials cracked a vast Middle Eastern marriage-fraud ring for illegal immigrants in "Operation Broken Vows" that stretched from Boston to South Carolina to California
- Faisal Shahzad, the 2010 Times Square bomb plotter, married an American woman, Huma Mian, in 2008 after spending a decade in the country on foreign student and employment visas.
It's a threat to our country to undermine the integrity of our immigration system, and complex criminal organizations are often involved. We have enough native-born scam artists and fraudsters without having to import more from around the world.
Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi's father was the propaganda minister to Somali Dictator, Said Bari. Her father's name, her family name is Nur Elmi.
Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi filed her jointed tax return with a former 'religious husband' and her future 2nd legal husband named Hirsi while legally married to Elmi. Her sworn statements regarding her taxes was perjury. Her first so-called 'legal' marriage was illegal because, in Minnesota, a marriage performed with a dishonest purpose is not legal.
Documents released showed that Omar filed federal taxes in 2014 and 2015 with her current husband, Ahmed Hirsi, while legally married to Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.
Ilhan and Elmi used a Columbia Heights address on the marriage application. Three months later, Hirsi used the same address to obtain a business license for his One-on-One Cafe Lounge, public records show.
Siblings who petition for a U.S. visa for a non-citizen sibling have typically had to wait more than a dozen years to obtain the document, according to the U.S. State Department. But applications for a spouse carry a minimal waiting period.
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Sadiq Mohamed Nur |
If I were to utilize campaign "muscle," I wouldn't choose a guy with: 1) a recent stabbing conviction; and 2) one who documents his evil activities on social media. ~David Steinberg
There is a 2016 video showing Sadiq Mohamed Nur saying “we must get a hold of” and “remove from our community” the folks who leaked your marriage fraud.
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Guhaad Hashi Going Door-To-Door Shushing People In MN |
A Community Forced Into Silence
Ilhan’s “cultural husband” Ahmed Hirsi, and Guhaad Hashi, who is currently running for a position as a member of Parliament in Somalia’s Federal Government in the upcoming months, are well-connected in Somalia. The People need to know of their crimes.
"Members of the Somali Community are being silenced through intimidation tactics and threats of physical violence on themselves and their families still back home in Somalia."
Members of the Muslim community disapprove of 'Omar''s illegal marriages, perjuries, and fraud and they exposed her. Members of the Somali Community are afraid to speak publicly about their disapproval of the candidate’s involvement in an illegal marriage because Ilhan is a bully and they're being threatened by a convict working on Ilhan's campaign.
A marriage is illegal under Minnesota law, when it takes place for dishonest purposes.
Any such second marriage might be bigamous as well as fraudulent. That is not clear to me. Minnesota law defines bigamy as “knowingly having a prior marriage that is not dissolved” while also “contract[ing] a marriage in this state.” Bigamy is a crime punishable by up to five years in prison or a fine up to $10,000. The definition and penalty provisions of the crime of bigamy are set forth in Minn. Stat. § 609.355.

Afghanistan was once a Buddhist Nation. Pakistan was once a Hindu Nation. Lebanon was once a Christian Nation. There is a pattern. Today they're all Islamic Nations. With our help Europe can reverse this pattern spreading there. Most of the Muslim domains were wrested from Christendom. Syria, Egypt, and the lands in North Africa were all Christian countries, no less, indeed rather more, than Spain and Sicily.
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The Record Shows Muslims Across Time and Space Behaving Exactly Like ISIS and For The Same Reasons |
Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi has no conscience. When confronted with the evidence that her campaign was oppressing people in Minnesota to silence the dissent against her, even after her crime spree has been exposed, she opened her whinging mouth to lie again: she claimed to have shunned Guhaad Hashi!
The Dirty Rats
Guhaad Hashi was not shunned by @IlhanMN after his threatening posts and reports of intimidating locals in 2016. In fact, he soon appeared at an Elmi "family reunion." He campaigned with Ilhan days before her November 2018 election. And he was with Ilhan in DC for her swearing-in.
The hallmark of Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi is dishonesty. In reality she isn't Ilhan Omar even! Ilhan is not part of the Omar family who corruptly helped Ilhan illegally enter America. She is Ilhan Nur Said Mohamed. Her father's goebbels-type efforts are believed to have partly caused the violence they had claimed to be fleeing.
Ilhan's family are not qualified for asylum, since she was living safely in Kenya. This Somali is a Jew-hater. Ilhan is a terrible, hypocritically self-righteous bully. The Left seem to believe ignoring and breaking the law is called 'social' justice. Justice means that nobody is above the Law, including Democrats. The righteous are just and honest in their relationships. The fact of the matter is that all justice is social, and bully Ilhan is NOT just or honest.
Ilhan acts like an entitled (resentful), arrogant and unrepentant marriage deceiver hiding her crimes behind "Islamophobia" "sexism" "racism" political crazymaking cards.
~ New York Post Op-ed Editor Sohrab Ahmari Tweet
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Some Homewrecker Wrecked Something |
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Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Husband Ahmed Hirsi Wants A Divorce |
https://twitter.com/nypost/status/1166392525361504256 …
With Trump all the cards have been on the table, but Omar is a hypocrite. She insults Trump for adultery, while wearing the hijab falsely proclaiming her modesty and virtue. She castigates Trump while she too is an adulterer. People like Omar in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Omar often presents herself as being morally superior to others. Ilhan is decidedly disdainful of Americans, while she hails from countries “whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe.” Trump was right to slam her for telling Americans ‘how our government should be run’ rather than fixing her country of origin. She sounds virulently smug, not remotely helpful.
Tim Mynett and his E. Street Group received about $230,000 from Omar’s campaign for travel expenses, fundraising consulting, communications and more — a possible ethics violation; she used campaign finance funds to benefit her paramour. Americans are very disgusted by her endless moralizing lectures for Americans, as though she was not the corrupt Hamas terrorist she is.
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Heartbreaker Tim Mynett |
Go to http://justicedemocrats.com to educate yourself. The Mean Girls Squad is funded by George Soros!! Her funding should be illegal. Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi's love of Al Qaeda does not belong in America. Islam attributes the successs of Osman to Jihadists, who created the Ottoman Empire named after Osman. Osman rallied religious warriors to fight for him in the name of Islam. Islam was always about conquest. Islam is an empire wanting to rise and conquer again.
Erdogan, leader today in Turkey, is a leader yearning for the uprising of the Ottoman Empire, and Barack Hussein Obama is his best friend. Turkey was ranked 157th among 180 countries in the 2018 World Press Freedom Index. Talk about ignorantly stupid, AOC? Elmi-Hirsi, Erdogan, Tlaib and Barack Hussein are on the top of the list of the ignorantly stupid racists who violate human rights and are OPPRESSIVE. It is ignorantly stupid that AOC trusts and serves terrorists Ilhan and Tlaib. Oppressive is as oppressive does, and the Founder of her BDS are oppressive Hamas/ISIS terrorists.
Immediately after his re-election, the first person that Barack Hussein called in 2012 was Erdogan. In Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood Morsi died in prison anyway. As Jordan Peterson expertly explained, it is very difficult to get out of a whirlpool of self-destruction that is created by a resentful, arrogant, and deceptive mindset. Barghouti, Tlaib, Elmi-Hirsi-Mynett, Barack, Erdogan and Morsi loaded up with all three self-destructive traits in their toxic mindset: arrogance, resentment, and a deceptive mentality.
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SARAJEVO — Not every Turkish president can come to Sarajevo and get an endorsement from both heaven and earth, but Recep Tayyip Erdogan has managed.
Barack Hussein Obama and Erdogan are making the Ottoman Empire Great Again, working the Mean Girls Squad overtime as human shields. “Today the Turkish nation has a person sent by Allah. He is Recep Tayyip Erdogan,” Izetbegovic proclaimed in Olympic Hall. But many Bosniaks are wary of Erdogan’s crackdown destroying civil rights in Turkey; they hardly see Turkey as a model, regardless of Izetbegovic's commands.
State-Run Turkish News Outlets Raise Funds for Jihad-Rep Ilhan Omar although U.S. federal law prohibits foreign nationals from donating to political candidates. Yeni Şafak published call for funds was the same call for funds, on both the English- and Turkish-language websites of Turkish state-run news wire Anadolu Agency, the website of the Turkish state-run TRT World’s Research Centre, and the Turkish news websites TimeTurk, Haksöz Haber, TürkHaber, and Fikriyat.
Given Yeni Şafak’s Turkish-language website is one of Turkey’s most popular news websites and given Omar’s popularity in Turkey, and that the article was published in Turkish as well as in English, it is likely that some Turks have sought to donate to Rep. Omar’s campaign fund.
Upon winning her election, Omar met with Erdogan in New York, and she also participated in the Istanbul Conference. There ought to be a law against being a representative in the U.S. Congress and being part of the government of another nation. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu phoned Rep. Ilahn in November 2016 to congratulate her on her election victory. There ought to be a law against being a member of America's government, and having a brother in the Somali government, etc.
An explosion in Afghanistan rocks Kabul, and the Taliban claimed responsibility as "peace" talks with the U.S. falter. A U.S.-led coalition invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 to oust the Taliban and hunt down al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden following the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. The talks have failed, because they never wanted peace.
Turkey and the Taliban do not seek peace, or they'd have it. The Taliban and Erdogan expect and demand supremacy. Turkey has pledged its support for the Taliban and pledged an office for the Taliban to be located in Ankara, the capitol of Turkey! So the support for Ilhan's candidacy in office actually is Omar conspiring with Turkey in Taliban brutality, and Erdogan's quest for conquering others. It is the people Ilhan serves that are oppressive. Tlaib needs to be told that it is Turkey that is 157th among 180 countries in the 2018 World Press Freedom Index. Tlaib herself is foreign to us and she is a human shield for this vicious Caliphate.
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Proxy Wars in Qatar and Syria |
Erdogan and Obama sponsor ISIS Iranian militias in the Syrian War, and in Qatar. Saudi Arabia sponsors ISIS rebels that fight Iranian militias in Syria, and fight Iranian militias in Qatar. Syria and Qatar are proxy wars between Shia allies and Sunni allies. Erdogan and Obama united Latin American cartels as Shia allies in Lebanon's Hezbollah-drug-fueled terrorist network in Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, Columbia and Venezuela. Today 'rumors of war' include many proxy wars.
America MUST see our southern border in context. President Trump is correct, and it is Ilahn and her Mob Squad who are not American at all. The mean girls don't mince words: they spew hatred and insults for Americans loudly and constantly. Now you know why the Mean Girls take sides with Venezuela against America: Ilahn is supported by Shia-Erdogan allies and traitors, and Russia is with them. Russia created the Cuba menace, and China is doing the same in Venezuela. The mean girls take sides with America's enemies.
Imam Mehmet Doğan openly declared his admiration for Osama bin Laden and called for armed jihad in Turkey. Erdoğan vigorously defended the indicted cleric Dogan, and helped him get acquitted. Erdoğan, a top politician in Turkey at that point, took extreme measures to defend this radical-hate preacher because Erdogan shares the apocalyptic worldview of the fanatic Al Qaeda preacher, Dogan, when it comes to hating non-Muslims.
Hmmm, Errr-dogan is a fan of Imam Mehmet Dogan, the Al Qaeda preacher.
So Ilhan, a personal chum of Erdogan, does hate Americans, because she serves a man known for hating non-muslims. Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi 'Omar' has chosen to be buddies with the perpetrator of global warfare, Erdogan, a man who hates non-muslims. Clearly Ilahn holds the sympathy and mutual support of Erdogan who hates non-muslims. Ugly is, as ugly does.
Doğan said that he “loves Osama bin Laden” on a live TV program on CNN Türk in December 2014. In another video extensively broadcast on Turkish TV stations, Doğan is heard praising both bin Laden and al-Qaeda. According to seized footage that was aired on CNN Türk TV station at the time, Mehmet Doğan, the head of the group, was heard calling for jihad.

The fact of the matter is that Ilhan hangs-out with those sending men to kill Americans in Afghanistan. She does NOT belong on the Foreign Affairs Committee, to say the least.
Dogan was heard asking followers to build bombs and mortars in their homes, claiming that Islam allows such practices. “If the sword is not used, then this is not Islam,” Doğan said. He also claimed that Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and India will soon be destroyed because they are not governed by Shariah law.
Turkey first learned about Doğan and his following, Tahşiyeciler, on Jan. 22, 2010, when police raided the homes and offices of dozens of people across Turkey as part of an anti-al-Qaeda sweep. Heads up to the Western World: intelligence, military and law enforcement agencies in Turkey flagged the group in early 2000 as a dangerous al-Qaeda support group.
To be perfectly clear, the terrorist group Tahşiyeciler had sent close to 100 people to Afghanistan for arms training. In seized taped recordings, Doğan was heard calling for violent jihad: “I’m telling you to take up your guns and kill them.” He also asked his followers to build bombs and mortars in their homes, urged the decapitating of Americans, and claimed that the Muslim religion allows such practices.
The Erdoğan government helped Doğan and his men avoid punishment, ... prevented original trials from proceeding in appeals, and eventually succeeded in acquitting all of Dogan's people in 2015. Next, Erdoğan orchestrated the building of a frivolous case in which judges and police chiefs who had investigated Dogan and his Tahşiyeciler group as part of their jobs, were now persecuted in judicial warfare. But this time Erdogan was directing the legal assault and judges and police chiefs on behalf of Dogan. This is a sample of how extremely Erdogan backs the Al Qaeda jihadi war on America and all non-muslims.
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AOC Stupidly Ignorant GND |
If baby-talking Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi doesn't understand that Erdogan loves Al Qaeda terrorism, Speaker Pelosi ought to know that that is enough cause for Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi to be removed! REMOVE Ilhan from the Foreign Affairs Committee!!!
Perhaps AOC is MIA on the Ilhan love of Turkey and Al Qaeda because she lives in NY, and her time in Congress could be very brief due to this Ilhan-and-Tlaib love for Al Qaeda: AOC trusts and serves Al Qaeda-loving Erdogan.
The Leftist Progressives cannot argue the facts. AOC's Green New Deal went down in flames. The Senate vote was 57 to 0! AOC spends her time yelling at Congress and Americans like a Know-It-All, yet it turned out upon entering Congress that AOC didn't even know America has three branches of Government. Even all the Democrat Senators found her Green New Deal "stupidly ignorant."
When campaigning (lying) all the Democrat Presidential candidates claimed to love the Green New Deal, but when the Senate voted, zero democrats voted for it. Barack and Hillary were very popular and well paid Goldman Sachs speakers.
Send back all those who empathize with or pity Jihadi terror groups, people like Barry Soetoro!!! They are enemies of humanity, civilization, and America. It is Tlaib who serves oppression. When Jihadi fight for a Caliphate, that is conquest, murder, rape, and looting, NOT freedom fighting as Barack lies. ISIS is international barbaric savagery. People like Omar, Tlaib, Erdogan and Barry Soetoro are tyrannical barbarians, NOT freedom fighters. Numerous Koran verses and canonical (sahih) hadiths portray jihad as the noblest endeavor. “Lining up for battle in the path of Allah,” Muhammad said, “is worthier than 60 years of worship.”
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Emekli Imam Mehmet Dogan Preaches Osama Bin Laden Using Quran |
Erdogan's beloved Imam Dogan promotes legends about Osama Bin Laden and attempts to establish that the Al Qaeda are right and true jihadi by using sacred Islamic texts to support his views.
In his “Esrarname” book, Doğan interprets a hadith he includes on the 16th page of this work as such: “…A flag will arise from Masrikt, and the person making this flag wave will be Suayb Bun Salih from the Temim tribe.” Doğan applies this to Osama Bin Laden, and asserts that in fact, the Temim tribe lives in Yemen.
From the 2003 book from Abdulkadir Badıllı, “İfhamname,” it is quite clear that Doğan interprets passages and hadiths to explain why al-Qaeda should be supported. So calling Dogan an Al Qaeda preacher is in fact no exaggeration. As Dogan sees it, Osama Bin Laden is instrumental in the struggle in Afghanistan.
Badıllı gives another example. Imam Dogan mentions Babylon and a whore from a hadith and compares them to America and Washington. Dogan argues how Osama bin Laden will go to Palestine and form an Islamic state. Later, he will turn over the leadership of this state to the Mehdi. And after that, the Mehdi will create an Islamic reign.
How is it known that Osama bin Laden is a barbarian? He slaughtered many hundreds of Americans in a simultaneous attacks on two American embassies, one in Tanzania and another in Nairobi, Kenya. Savages attack diplomats!!! It is the barbarian who loves savage Osama bin Laden. Wherever Muslim armies went, they desecrated and destroyed churches, broke crosses and statues, and made a particular point of violating nuns and torturing priests and monks.
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The Purpose of Islam Is The Subjugation Of All Nations To Themselves |
Since Erdogan sponsors, protects, and funds Imam Dogan, the Al Qaeda Preacher praising Osama bin Laden, Erdogan is therefore a barbarian. Ilhan is a barbarian because she trusts and serves the barbarian Erdogan: she meets privately with this savage state sponsor of terror. The POINT here is that Ilhan feels perfectly safe meeting privately with terrorist Erdogan.
Ilhan Omar is a threat to US national security. The appointment of any Islamist to decision-making seats in the USA and any country in the west, is a threat to the national security in the West. Ilhan Omar supports the terrorist organizations of Hamas and Hezbollah, Iran and Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.
Tlaib and Ilhan want to destroy Israel, and so does Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro the communist organizer. Hence the vile Barack Coup that House Democrats continue to shamelessly parade around in our capitol.
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UN Private Meeting Discussing Armenian Genocide? |
At the announcement in 2012 of Barack Obama's news of re-election, the first person Obama called was the barbarian, the hater, the Al Qaeda terrorist Erdogan, the man who hates non-muslims. Don't all your friends provide the Taliban an office in their capitol? The so-called 'Omar' is the buddy of Erdogan, and they reek of terror conspiracy.
It should be noted that U.S. federal law prohibits foreign nationals from donating to political candidates. But Turkish state-run news encouraged readers to donate to Omar's campaign fund to provide an "alternative voice" in America's Congress: the voice of America's enemies!!!! That voice does not belong in Congress. Some say that the Mob Squad is a Muslim Brotherhood front. If it walks and squawks like a duck, it is a duck.
Terrorist Omar's message is:
Your opinions are violence.
Your opinions are violence.
Disagreeing with me is assault.
For my safety you must not be allowed to speak.
You must obey. Allahu Akbar!!!!!
Your opinions are violence.
Your opinions are violence.
Disagreeing with me is assault.
For my safety you must not be allowed to speak.
You must obey. Allahu Akbar!!!!!

Ilhan Elmi's brother received immigration benefits & a university scholarship
by his illegal marriage done for a dishonest purpose. Ms Ilhan Elmi entered U.S.
committing a felony by using the alias 'Omar' name, and she can be deported.
Send Her Back
Michelle Obama said she was never proud of America until her husband was elected President. Seizing all the power and wealth of the Presidency?! Unlikely that there is a more unholy example than Big Mike. But such a criminal mindset reminds us of how Ilhan despised Republicans when she was claiming that Republicans do not really care about the unborn, but she'd forgotten that she is in the party of baby butchers.
Trump Campaign Produces Brutal Video Highlighting The Mob Squad’s
I’m not saying we forcibly send her anywhere. I’m willing to contribute to buy her a ticket to go visit Somalia. I think she can look and maybe learn a little bit about the disaster that is Somalia. ~ Senator Rand Paul
*Listen at Mark 1:30 RED FLAG:
Ilhan Called For Support for Al Qaeda's Top Donor Hormuud
Democrats bemoaned Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi getting death threats, but don't care about those people who are the targets of fatwahs. Those Democrats and Ilhan only care about her death threats, Ilhan only cares about herself. Apparently Democrats in Washington want to rewrite the dictionary again? to hide that a fatwah is a Islamic Death Threat. Yes, sending death threats is a thing in Islam.
Trump Campaign Produces Brutal Video Highlighting The Mob Squad’s
Crazy Statements

Ed Orme
Rep Ilhan, anti-Semitism is not creating a life that alleviates fear!

How often do we hear Trump supporters are racist or stupid? "You aren't racist for wanting to enforce immigration laws, you aren't stupid for wanting to lower your taxes, and you aren't a homophobe for wanting men to use the men's room . . . "

Did you know Al Sharpton has referred to Jewish people as "bloodsucking Jews" and "Jew bastards"? Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, & Bill De Blasio have all defended Reverend Al in the wake of @realDonaldTrump's attacks. Why are they defending an anti-Semite? 

Facts: 52—years since Baltimore had a Republican mayor 77—years since Baltimore had a Republican council member 101—years that Democrats have controlled the Maryland House & Senate. Total Democrat control has created the 6th poorest city in America. Time for a change?

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Evil MIFTAH Acolytes |
Two American congresswomen shunned a bipartisan congressional delegation to Israel to go on an independent trip to Israel sponsored by vicious anti-semites and terrorists. The Washington Post tried to turn this creepy duo's tale of evil into something to blame on Trump. And the NYT whitewashed their organizers, MIFTAH, to conceal their very real history of soul-less hate and genocidal racism. An Ilhan-Elmi-and-Tlaib trip itinerary was planned by terrorists at MIFTAH.
Taking to Twitter, Tlaib posted a photo of her grandmother and said Israel’s agreement to allow her to visit only under certain terms was humiliating. She stated that she would not “bow down to their oppressive & racist policies.” Tlaib had been heavily criticized by Palestinian groups for initially agreeing to Israel’s terms for a family visit.“Silencing me & treating me like a criminal is not what [my grandmother] wants for me. It would kill a piece of me. I have decided that visiting my grandmother underthese oppressive conditions stands against everything I believe in — fighting against racism, oppression & injustice.”
Since when is it oppressive to stop people entering Israel when they are calling for the annihilation of Israel? Tlaib's call for the genocide of Jews is racist, it isn't racist for Israel to defend their people and country.

The two women need to visit Lebanon to see how oppressive the Muslims are to palestinians. Lebanon does NOT grant citizenship to palestinians. They know well that the grouping is an invention. The point behind the lying lunacy and invented grouping, 'palestinian,' is to annihilate the Jewish people and the state of Israel.
Wikileaks tells us how Muslims treat their own arab 'palestinians':
Palestinians cannot own businesses in Lebanon and are banned from most decent-paying professions, including medicine and law. An estimated two-thirds live in poverty. The government will not give citizenship rights to Palestinian refugees, for fear it could make them stay forever.
Palestinians living in Lebanon tell us that living there is like, "...living in a prison." Bassam Khawaja, a Beirut-based spokesperson for Human Rights Watch, told Al Jazeera:
Nothing prevents Lebanon from respecting Palestinians' basic human rights while withholding permanent residency or citizenship. But instead, generations have grown up in limbo, without basic protections.
The Social Justice Warrior Mob Squad is not on the warpath against Lebanon or calling them oppressive racists, and the Mob Squad ignores these actual human rights violations! Why? Because they are rabid antisemitic genocidal racists who don't care about truth and they are lying about their goals, they are at war with America and Israel!
Since when do Muslims respect human rights? Lebanese citizens obtain free treatment at hospitals. Non-citizens are also barred from most public schools.
Since when do Muslims respect human rights? Lebanese citizens obtain free treatment at hospitals. Non-citizens are also barred from most public schools.
Ilhan Elmi entered the U.S. under a false name. Her intentions are bad. Ilhan Elmi is an intimate with Erdogan who HATES non-muslims and hero-worships Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. Erdogan also fancies himself the rising ottoman empire. This is who Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi is (Ilhan 'Omar'). Ilhan is an evil hoax, and MIFTAH is her evil sponsor.
MIFTAH actually published blood libel, posting an article that accused “the Jews {of using} the blood of Christians in the Jewish Passover.”
MIFTAH published neo-Nazi articles written by white supremacists filled with anti-semitic hate.
It is important to learn that white supremacists are anti-semitic. So being a Trump supporter clearly does not make a person a white supremacist, and clearly Trump is not a white supremacist.
But Ilhan trusts MIFTAH, and they do sympathize with actual white supremacists. Among MIFTAH allies are the white supremacists. Of course Israel can't be white supremists since they are not antisemitic!
The question when vetting a person is, "who do they serve, and who do they trust"? Ilhan and Tlaib serve and trust vile Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden praising terrorists and white supremacist allies. This is the real story.
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The United Nations Was Conceived by Communists Always Run by Communists for Communist Purposes |
One of the main purposes of UNESCO in the UN is flooding the nations' schools with Communist World Government propaganda.
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Islam, USSR, UN Elements in the Indonesian Communist Party Emblem |
MIFTAH is partially funded by the communist cesspool and demonic UN. The Ford Foundation sponsored Stanley Dunham, Barack's alleged mother, in her choice to live in Communist Indonesia. The Ford Foundation also helped fund the founding of MIFTAH.
A MIFTAH article criticized President Barack Obama for praising the Jewish holiday of Passover, which marks the Jewish people’s freedom from slavery in Egypt.
A MIFTAH article criticized President Barack Obama for praising the Jewish holiday of Passover, which marks the Jewish people’s freedom from slavery in Egypt.
...the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Simon Wiesenthal Center, quickly denounced MIFTAH’s anti-Semitic post and its subsequent defense.
In an article titled “Let Us Honor Our Own,” a MIFTAH contributor describes Dalal Al Mughrabi as “a Palestinian fighter who was killed during a military operation against Israel in 1978” and as one of the Palestinian people’s “national heroes.”
The so-called “military operation” is more widely known as the “Coastal Road Massacre,” a bus hijacking that resulted in the deaths of 38 Israeli, 13 of them children, and 71 Israeli's were wounded.
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MIFTAH Finds The Coastal Road Massacre Heroic |
Al Mughrabi is hardly the only terrorist MIFTAH celebrates. It described female suicide bomber Wafa Idrees as the “the beginning of a string of Palestinian women dedicated to sacrificing their lives for the cause.” It singles out for recognition Hanadi Jaradat, a woman who blew herself up in a restaurant, killing 21 people, including four children.
MIFTAH glorifies terrorism, and are fellow Jew-hating servants of terror with Ilhan and Tlaib.
The founder of MIFTAH herself, Ms. Ashrawi, excused jihadist violence by telling an interviewer that “...you cannot somehow adopt the language of either the international community or the occupier by describing anybody who resists as terrorist.”
MIFTAH did what Obama did in his 2009 Cairo speech -- denied the Torah. Denied that Israel was the Jewish State for millennia until the Roman exile. This is the most vile form of anti-semitism: erasure of an entire people from history. This is who was sponsoring the Ilhan-and-Tlaib propaganda tour. ~24News
This MIFTAH is who Ilhan and Tlaib trust and serve. This evil Barack Hussein Obama scandal is in plain sight. Will the media tell us the truth, ever?! Will they finally report on the full context of this dispute, and other international disputes, by exposing one of the world’s oldest hatreds? Never again means the world must destroy antisemitism. Can you imagine the headline scandal if GOP congressmen intended to partner with white nationalists during a visit overseas like Ilhan and Rashida planned to do?
And how sickening is it that none of the Left will stand up to these horrible people? 1930's Germany anyone? And they say Trump Supporters are NAZI's?! ~Shiela 1255The scandal is not that Israel banned Tlaib and Ilhan, the scandal is that there are genocidal racists in the U.S. Congress.
The Mean Girls planned a provocation, and they are the UnAmerican crazies who shouldn't be allowed to treat our best ally this way. They need to be punished.
Who do Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi-Mynett ('Omar') and Tlaib trust, and who do they serve? ANSWER: Al Qaeda genocidal racists and terrorists. There never was a nation called 'palestine.' Democrats need to remove these Jew-haters from committees that view information vital to America's security.
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Death To America Crowd Obviously Foreign To America |
Who do Ilhan Elmi and Tlaib trust and serve? Answer: those chanting "Death to America." At the UN Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi-Mynett ('Omar') met privately with Al Qaeda-loving Erdogan, a hater of non-muslims who created an office for the Taliban in his capitol. Erdogan is the enemy of the USA. I think Ilhan knows about the Taliban being an enemy of the United States, so she is an Enemy of the United States. If Ilhan's citizenship in the United States wasn't a fraud, which it is, then she'd be a traitor.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) was sworn into Congress on her personal Quran. Her remarks about the Founding Fathers and Islam were lies:
“It’s important to me because a lot of Americans have this kind of feeling that Islam is somehow foreign to American history,” Tlaib told the Free Press. “Muslims were there at the beginning … Some of our Founding Fathers knew more about Islam than some members of Congress now.”
A constant in the history of Western-Muslim relations is — WAR: attack and counterattack, jihad and crusade, conquest and reconquest. The way Barry Soetoro lies about it, Islam invented America. He is an obam-a-nation. The way Allah rewards mass murder and theft by permitting mass rape is indeed foreign to America and quite foreign to our Founding Fathers as well. Muslim hostility for the West is not an aberration, but a continuation of Islamic history.
Americans aren't to blame at all for Islam's hate for non-muslims, murder, theft, atrocities, arrogant intolerance, and rape culture. In 622 AD Muhammad's neighbors drove him out of town due to his agitating against their gods and traditions, and the Muslims today consider his conduct ideal, he is their role model. Islam is a religion of savage, religious supremacists, and it is Muhammad's fault, not America's. We didn't even exist when this fire began.
As one researcher summarizes, non-Muslims are described in the Koran as “vile animals and beasts, the worst of creatures and demons; perverted transgressors and partners of Satan to be fought until religion is Allah’s alone. They are to be beheaded; terrorized, annihilated, crucified, punished, and expelled, and plotted against by deceit." The Mean Girl Squad is hyper-racist and Muslims are the most vicious supremacists. Islam mandates wild, endless war.
Americans aren't to blame at all for Islam's hate for non-muslims, murder, theft, atrocities, arrogant intolerance, and rape culture. In 622 AD Muhammad's neighbors drove him out of town due to his agitating against their gods and traditions, and the Muslims today consider his conduct ideal, he is their role model. Islam is a religion of savage, religious supremacists, and it is Muhammad's fault, not America's. We didn't even exist when this fire began.
As one researcher summarizes, non-Muslims are described in the Koran as “vile animals and beasts, the worst of creatures and demons; perverted transgressors and partners of Satan to be fought until religion is Allah’s alone. They are to be beheaded; terrorized, annihilated, crucified, punished, and expelled, and plotted against by deceit." The Mean Girl Squad is hyper-racist and Muslims are the most vicious supremacists. Islam mandates wild, endless war.
In 1786 Thomas Jefferson and John Adams inquired of Tripoli’s ambassador to Britain why the Barbary States preyed on American shipping. They were informed that according to the laws of their prophet, Muslims had a “right and duty” to make war on all nations that did not acknowledge their authority.
The fact of the matter is that Jefferson created the U.S. Navy because he understood the violence of Islam all too well, and when America became an independent nation America was no longer protected from islamic corsairs, the Muslims' state-sponsored pirates. The newly independent USA was no longer protected under the joint European tribute/protection fund sent to Muslim Nations. The Muslim nations stole the cargo from American ships, and they made slaves of the white Americans they didn't kill when they attacked our shipping.
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The Way to Avoid Being Slaves Under Islam Is to FIGHT Them, It Works Well!!! |
The knowledge of Islam by our Founding Fathers was that they were required to pay 10 - 15% of our national revenue to Islam, until Jefferson built up the United States Navy. It was our U.S. Navy that put a stop to Islam extracting stiff extortion revenue from our small and new nation.
Tlaib is absurd to act like Islam contributed to the formation of the United States or our well-being in any way, shape, or form. The Founders did know more about Islam than many Americans do today, and they would NEVER have admitted them as citizens. Our Founding Fathers were not like most members of the Progressive Democrat Left today who are suffering from the audacity of being duped.
Sharia is the opposite of our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. Sharia is a theocracy, which is forbidden in America. Sharia establishes Islam as the religion of a nation, an action forbidden by our U.S. Constitution. Sharia requires that if non-muslims are not killed they are to be slaves. The U.S. Constitution outlawed slavery. Tlaib embraces oppression and this is why she hates Israel and America.
Sharia is the opposite of our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. Sharia is a theocracy, which is forbidden in America. Sharia establishes Islam as the religion of a nation, an action forbidden by our U.S. Constitution. Sharia requires that if non-muslims are not killed they are to be slaves. The U.S. Constitution outlawed slavery. Tlaib embraces oppression and this is why she hates Israel and America.
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NY Son of Hamas Tells Us Islam Is the Problem |
Our Founding Father Thomas Jefferson was fighting Islam on the shores of Tripoli. Islam was NEVER part of our nation's well-being. As Sun Tzu taught in the Art of War Jefferson studied his enemy's Quran so that our new Navy would be successful against Muslim corsairs, their Muslim pirate forces. Jefferson had a Quran in his library to study his ENEMY, and our national government was actively creating designs to repel Islamic pirates from our shipping and shores, and to stop being forced to send Muslims 10 to 15% of our national revenue.

Sharia is the opposite of our Declaration of Independence and the opposite of our Constitution. Sharia is a theocracy, which is forbidden in America. Difficult to be more horribly wrong than Tlaib. Islam is VERY foreign to America, human rights, and freedom.
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Tanzanian Woman Recounts Harrowing Tale of Sex Trafficking |
Tlaib also lied that Mohammad was all about freedom. The exact opposite is true, he is the maker of slaves, including sex slavery. According to the latest Global Slavery Index, more than 40 million people in 2016 suffer in modern day slavery. Sharia makes any non-muslim a slave, but we hear every day that muslims hate white people, and they call Jews white people.
Between 1530 and 1780, the Barbary Coast Muslims enslaved at least a million Europeans. Millions more were taken captive by the Muslim conquerors of Spain. One caliph, Abd al-Rahman III, had 3,750 slaves and 6,300 concubines.
America was forced to make jizya payments—amounting to 16% of the federal budget—to Algeria for the release of captured American sailors. America’s first war as a nation was a war against Islam. For 32 years the U.S. Navy fought an intermittent war to put an end to the Barbary States’ attacks on American shipping.Mohammad had men beheaded, then allowed their widows to be sexually assaulted. Why do the Muslims hate non-Muslims this much right from the start of Islam? Answer: because the 'creatures' refuse to be Muslims. Now you know, America. You did NOTHING to make Islam hate Americans, you aren't even human according to Islam!
Thank goodness that Islam IS foreign to America! All denominations of Islam teach that the way to paradise is to die slitting the throat of a non-muslim, then receiving 72 virgins as a reward in paradise. All denominations of Islam believe this. All of them. Islam is a political and military belief system for global conquest. Islamic countries don't offer minority rights, they permit you to pay heavy tribute or get beheaded! Explain to Tlaib that Islam is oppressive!
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Thomas Jefferson Defeated Islam's Designs Against America By Building The U.S. Navy |
Thomas Jefferson studied MANY forms of government, and also owned many books about the Jesuits. Jefferson didn't own books on Jesuits because he liked them, he sought to understand the Jesuits so that he could defeat Jesuit designs against our country. Thomas Jefferson also studied Islam for the same reason, so that he could defeat Islam's designs against America.
Jefferson obviously held no admiration for Islamic ideals because our government is the opposite of Islam. He and our Founding Fathers attempted to decentralize power, and limit government as much as possible. Jefferson diligently sought to protect human dignity and rights, and his life's blood was spent securing freedom, especially free speech. Americans tolerate the ideas of others, and other religions, and free speech is the ONLY way for tolerant people to behave.
Somalia is the least religiously tolerant nation on earth.
Muslim nations do not respect free speech. They are so intolerant so extremely forbid free speech in islamic countries that they deliver the death penalty for violations. Islam kills to obtain power 'for Allah.' Don't you think the Squad is aware of this? and they are in constant danger from Muslims.
Mohammad's Quran and Haddiths say Allah requires them to conquer other religions and countries by the sword and through terror. Dīn is the exact correlate of Shari'a: "... whereas Shari'a is the ordaining of the Way and its proper subject is God, Dīn is the following of that Way, and its subject is man."
Jefferson wanted to end slavery, and his disapproval of slavery was expressed eloquently in his first and original Declaration of Independence. This portion of Jefferson's Declaration of Independence manuscript was removed by pressure from Southern states to obtain unity among the necessary alliance of all 13 colonies to win a military victory against Britain's superior, world-power forces.
Jefferson and John Adams spent their lives striving to repair this wrong while still holding the Union together. Few Americans respected slavery, they were repulsed by the practice of slavery, especially sex slavery. The Hamas Squad is a disgrace to the female gender. Americans still are repulsed by slavery. Barry Soetoro is not an American.
Yousef recounted how he had witnessed a Palestinian mother send her five children on suicide attacks and told us how this Muslim mother did this to gain respect in society.
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The World Should Unify Against Islam
Just As It Did Against NAZISM
~ Mosab Hassan Yousef
"The Jewish people were able to overcome the World War Two German Genocide, and instead of playing the victim card, they built a democratic state which sets a great example," Yousef concluded. “I came from hell,” and “I love what Israel stands for.”
“We cannot fool ourselves, there is an Islamic problem, like the various radical Islamic terrorist groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram and Islamic State. All of them are killing by the name of Allah and other religions do not act in such ways. There is an Islamic problem and I think humanity needs to stand against this danger. ... But there has been a religious war whether you like it or not.” ~Mosab Yousef
"The pro-Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood regime of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan permits Hamas operatives to run military and security operations on Turkish soil in collaboration with the jihad regime in Tehran. This should focus renewed and very serious attention on this one-time supposed NATO ally." ~ Suheib Yousef
This Erdogan is the Special Friend of Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi ('Omar'); this cruel despot runs a terrorist regime that 'Omar' trusts and serves. Hamas is an Islamic terror organization whose very Covenant asserts that its raison d’etre is the annihilation of the Jewish State of Israel:
“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”
There is close collaboration of Turkish officials with the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood on U.S. soil. No doubt that Tlaib and 'Omar' are Enemies of the State. The recent election of USCMO-backed Ilhan Abdullahi 'Omar' to the U.S. House of Representatives is even more troublesome. She not only demonstrates openly her affiliation with CAIR, the branch of Hamas in America, she has close political ties to Erdogan at a time when Erdoğan is running hostile foreign influence operations against the U.S. government.
Time for a Special Counsel to investigate Ilhan. She needs impeaching. Tlaib doesn't object to oppression, she wants to be the despot.
Many antisemitic things Omar has said come directly from those Goebbels World War Two anitsemitic hate propaganda films, distributed by those who built and used ovens and rat poison against the Jewish People. The NAZI's distributed this diabolical tripe in film, and successfully incited the torture and slaughter of the Jews, attempting to kill every single Jew. Here is a list of some of Ill-han's disgusting antisemitic hate.
- Ilhan said, "It's all about the Benjamins."
- Ilhan said, "Israel has hypnotized the world."
- Ilhan said, "May Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel."
- Ilhan supports MIFTAH who published blood libel accusing the Jews of using the blood of Christians in the Jewish Passover.
- Ilhan Elmi D-Minn. accused Jews of allegiance toward a foreign country, Israel, the same bigotry dating back from the time of Esther.
- Ilhan is pushing the Boycott of Jewish Businesses, same thing the NAZI's and Hitler pushed. Ilhan even compared Israel with the NAZI's!!! This lacks common sense. The defining character of the NAZI is their antisemitism. Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi-Mynett is very NAZI: she's a socialist, terrorist, and radically antisemitic. But to be accurate, Ilhan is a communist like Barack Hussein Obama. She will not protect our borders or nation. She wants the destruction of America, and nations in general.
- Ilhan said Jesus is a Palestinian, although Joseph and Mary came from Bethlehem, Judea.
It was brutal Rome who crucified Jesus. Hundreds of years later the Romans renamed the Judea area of the Greek Seleucid Empire surrounding and including Israel, 'palestine.' The Romans said their purpose in renaming Judea 'palestine' was to wipe out the memory of Jesus, Israel, and His people the Jews. It didn't work. People continued calling the area Judea, and Rome eventually claimed they themselves to be Christians!
Nebuchadnezzar long before Jesus Christ destroyed the Philistines through extensive campaigns, so the majority of the Philistines were either killed or deported back to Babylon. During the 6th Century B.C the Philistines disappear from written history. When the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II, 605 BC – 562 BC, conquered the region, he destroyed Ashkelon. A historical reference used the official name of Syria as "Syria Palestina."
Instead of the world forgetting Jesus Christ, Rome became part of Christendom!!!
There never was a nation called 'palestine.' There are no palestinians. Yasser Arafat was the Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization from 1969 to 2004 and President of the Palestinian National Authority from 1994 to 2004, and Yasser Arafat was an Egyptian, born in Egypt.
Jesus is a Son of David and King of the Jews, born in Bethlehem of Judea where his parents paid their taxes. Question for Ilhan: if Jesus is a Palestinian, why did Jesus say salvation is of the Jews? Jesus said:
"...we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews." ~John 4: 22 KJV
The context is the time when Jesus spoke to the samaritan woman at the well telling her that he was The Christ, which in the Greek language mean the messiah or 'the anointed one.' This conversation between the samaritan woman and Jesus continued in John Chapter Four following verse 22.
The woman saith unto him, "I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things." Jesus saith unto her, "I that speak unto thee am he." ...The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men, "Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ ?"
Ilhan and the Mob Squad are kicking against the pricks, rebelling against God, like the Father of Lies who she worships. Jesus is the King of the Jews and Christian.
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Islam Seems Foreign To America . . . Because It Is |
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Heil Hitler and The Clenched Fist Of Communism
Islamic Countries Teach Their Children To Be Terrorists
Ilhan is at war with America, she says plainly she hopes to be the most despicable person in Congress. Why don't they call Syrians Phoenicians? or Assyrians? or Babylonians? or Persians? or Greeks? The Land of Ashkelon disappeared in 600 BC, there are no Philistines or so-called "palestinians." Arafat was from Egypt and he was born in Egypt. The imaginary 'palestinian' is a created fiction about arabs who rushed to the area because of the return of the Jews, essentially they are not native to the land.
After WW2, many fled the area. Those who fled could be called Syrians or Lebanese, but there was no State of Palestine. Palestine is not a nation. Alexander the Great defeated his rival Darius III and his Persian Empire. The Levant is Syria Palestina and Egypt. It seemed to be the area Erdogan and Barack Obama attempted to defeat, instead Morsi is dead and our people were murdered in Benghazi.
The Land of Jerusalem was purchased by Jews. It was very legal and lawful. And it was the UN that voted to re-establish Israel as a nation-state for the return of Jews after World War Two. No number of UN despots by voting ever can change the truth of world history. Facts are stubborn things.
Ilhan does NOT love America, everyone knows it.
For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. ~ Revelation 22: 15
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House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy with a delegation of members of the United States House of Representatives visit Jerusalem August 11, 2019, photo courtesy Hadari Photography |
The ugly BDS movement was opposed in the Congressional vote 398 to 17. Ilahn 'Omar' is NOT a critic of Israel, she's the enemy of Israel. Ilhan and Tlaib feel safe with Al Qaeda Erdogan, but not in Israel? This reveals how certain we can be that it was a good call to restrict the presence of Tlaib and Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi-Mynett ('Omar') from entering Israel!!!
Think about what Tlaib’s saying. Her position is that she values promoting the anti-semitic BDS movement so much that she’d rather let her grandmother die before visiting her if it means not getting to savage Israel for a few days. Who thinks like this?
Tlaib scrambled to come up with an excuse for NOT visiting her 90-yr-old Matriarch; she turned the whole narrative around.
Tlaib scrambled to come up with an excuse for NOT visiting her 90-yr-old Matriarch; she turned the whole narrative around.
"Before their plans to visit the Holy Land were announced, Israel had already instituted a policy banning members and supporters of the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement – to which both Omar and Tlaib belong – because of its declared anti-semitic agenda geared to ultimately wipe the State of Israel off the face of the Earth.
Even though many agreed Israel’s original explanation for banning Omar and Tlaib from entering its country – due to their BDS involvement – was more than sufficient, the fact that they intentionally denied the legitimacy of Israel as a nation throughout their itinerary by calling it 'Palestine' is more than enough justification.
Even though many agreed Israel’s original explanation for banning Omar and Tlaib from entering its country – due to their BDS involvement – was more than sufficient, the fact that they intentionally denied the legitimacy of Israel as a nation throughout their itinerary by calling it 'Palestine' is more than enough justification.
“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu barred Reps. Rashida Talib (D-Mich.) and Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from entering the country and rightfully so,” Townhall’s Matt Vespa reported. “Both women support the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, which is viciously anti-Israel. And by vicious, I mean, these clowns are pushing for the destruction of the Jewish state.”
Tlaib and Ilhan promote the destruction of the Jewish State and breathe out fire to dominate the Democrat Party! Ilhan, Tlaib and AOC are genocidal racists, they are Jew-haters. Contrary to Fake News, Congress has already demonstrated how unpopular Ilhan and Tlaib's BDS movement is in America.
Tlaib and Ilhan promote the destruction of the Jewish State and breathe out fire to dominate the Democrat Party! Ilhan, Tlaib and AOC are genocidal racists, they are Jew-haters. Contrary to Fake News, Congress has already demonstrated how unpopular Ilhan and Tlaib's BDS movement is in America.
Fake News doesn't know whether or not the sky is up or down. They lie to our country. This dastardly duo easily had the opportunity to visit Israel as part of a bipartisan group from Congress. They instead preferred to set up an itinerary with a terrorist-glorifying group called MIFTAH. In this itinerary they were not planning to meet with any of Israel's leaders or officials. According to their own itinerary, Ilhan 'Omar' and Rashida Tlaib chose to refer to Israel as “Palestine."
Netanyahu said in a statement about Tlaib and Ilhan's itinerary: “... they planned a visit whose sole purpose was to support boycotts and deny Israel’s legitimacy. For example, they called their destination ‘Palestine’ and not ‘Israel,’ and unlike all Democratic and Republican members of Congress before them, they did not seek any meeting with any Israeli official, whether government or opposition."
Ilhan and vulgar Tlaib showed ugly behavior, and the DUO are unprecedentedly offensive as members of Congress representing the United States. No other America members of Congress ever were so foul toward Israel. Americans are happy the pair was restricted, the media are Caliphate shills. We need to punish dastardly Fake News, Ilhan and Tlaib for their ugly conduct.
And for the record, Biden and Barack Obama banned Israeli Knesset member Michael Ben Ari in 2012 from entering America. The Fake News and Biden need to stop lying, Barack Obama did refuse to allow a member of the Knisset to visit America.
Back then there was no caterwauling and crying by Fake News that we must blame Barry Soetoro, or about damaging our special relationship with Israel, or about disrespect to democracy!! Bernie Sanders did not rant and rave that Barry Soetoro disrespected democracy!
Back then there was no caterwauling and crying by Fake News that we must blame Barry Soetoro, or about damaging our special relationship with Israel, or about disrespect to democracy!! Bernie Sanders did not rant and rave that Barry Soetoro disrespected democracy!
What principle of democracy states that you have to issue visas to foreigners who are actively engaged in efforts to harm your citizens? Presidential hopefuls like Biden and Bernie Sanders contend that Israel is showing “enormous disrespect ... to the principles of democracy” by banning Ilhan and Tlaib.
Well, Bernie Sanders' ideas about respect are a bad joke and so is he! Ask Bernie Sanders if this picture below shows respect for the President of the United States? Progressive Socialist Communist Democrats really slaughter the English language while gaslighting the nation.
Sanders wants to use the word 'respect' when defending Tlaib's support for terrorism and the duo's vicious affront calling Israel 'palestine'! Palestine is a place name created by Rome hundreds of years after Jesus Christ to wipe the memory from the earth of Jesus and of the Jews in Israel. Sanders is mentally incompetent to discuss the vast inhuman amplitude of disrespect he shows by not censuring the Mob Squad!
A psychopath charlatan on the unspeakable WW2 horror and racist atrocity:
Sanders wants to use the word 'respect' when defending Tlaib's support for terrorism and the duo's vicious affront calling Israel 'palestine'! Palestine is a place name created by Rome hundreds of years after Jesus Christ to wipe the memory from the earth of Jesus and of the Jews in Israel. Sanders is mentally incompetent to discuss the vast inhuman amplitude of disrespect he shows by not censuring the Mob Squad!
A psychopath charlatan on the unspeakable WW2 horror and racist atrocity:
Where's all the Democrat Party outrage levels when there IS something this disgusting and radically disrespectful?There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust. ~ Rashida Tlaib
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Palestinian Terrorists in 'Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine' (PFLP) Aiming Their Weapons at the Head of Trump in Effigy, The President of the United States! |
Israel Has Every Right To Block Rashida Tlaib And Ilhan Omar
The Federalist Article By David Harsanyl
If Republican Steve King were denied an entry visa into Mexico, not a single congressperson would stand up for him, not a single presidential candidate would claim that Mexico had insulted the honor of the United States, not a single Democrat would argue that it reflected poorly on Mexican democracy. ... not a single liberal pundit would contend that the Mexican-U.S. relationship was being hurt.
In 2012 the Obama administration denied a visa to Michael Ben-Ari, a member of the hard-right Israeli Kach party. Ben-Ari is no more radical than Tlaib or Omar. I don’t remember widespread angst about the state of American democracy. Surely we were secure enough in our beliefs to handle his presence, right?
Here in America a 1998 law stated foreign officials who exhibit “severe violations of religious freedom” were ineligible for visas. Obama refused to give Narendra Modi a visa— now the prime minister of India, but at the time the chief elected official in the state of Gujarat. At that time no one seemed to think we were slapping India in the face.
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India's Knight In ShiningArmor
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
This, of course, was a way to placate Muslim Caliphatists' concerns about Modi’s Hindu nationalism.
Considering every Islamic-majority leader who’s ever visited the White House severely violates religious freedoms — in most cases, banning the worship of other faiths completely — the Leftist Progressive Democrat Party Media is massively hypocritical.
Modi’s disposition toward the United States was, and is, relatively friendly. But the Bush and Obama administrations argued they were following the law.
Israeli law is pretty clear as well. The Knisset passed a bill in 2017 that forbids granting entry visas or residency rights to any foreign nationals who call for economic, cultural, or academic boycotts of Israel.
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In Germany Nazi Boycott Signs Block the Entrance to a Jewish-Owned Shop. One Sign Says: "Germans! Defend Yourselves! Do Not Buy From Jews!" |
Tlaib and Ilhan aren’t critics, they are sleazy enemies of Israel. Critics have been traveling to Israel forever. But Tlaib and Omar actively support a movement with the strategic aim of rallying the world to destroy the Jewish state economically.
The HBO star quoted BDS movement founder Omar Barghouti, who said, “No Palestinian — rational Palestinian, not a sellout Palestinian — will ever accept a Jewish state in Palestine.”
So that's where that comes from, this movement. Someone who doesn't even want a Jewish state at all. ~ Bill Maher
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) called for people to boycott Maher's show after his this commentary on the BDS movement, and her evil fraud. Representative Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) Wednesday after she called for a boycott of his program, HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher, in response to his criticism of the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
"...but here’s the thing, the house voted 318 to 17 to condemn the #BDS movement, including 93% of Dems. Does Tlaib want to boycott 93% of her own party ?” ~ Bill Maher
So now Tlaib is viciously boycotting the First Amendment and the United States Constitution!!! The fact of the matter is that Tlaib continues to prove she's a terrorist-sympathizing shill in her constant attempts to stiffle free speech, control American conversations, dictate to Israel on visa processes, and name-call those who don't fall in line to her bullying.
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Sean Davis August 15, 201 |
"Can you believe Israel banned those two terrorist-sympathizing anti-semites from entering its country?" cried the writer whose co-workers had a complete meltdown over the thought of a guy who opposes baby murder working on the same floor as them.
What principle of democracy states that you have to issue visas to foreigners who are actively engaged in efforts to harm your citizens?
Here are Tlaib's remarks to Israel:
"I would like to request admittance to Israel in order to visit my relatives, and specifically my grandmother, who is in her 90s and lives in Beit Ur al-Fouqa,” Tlaib wrote in her letter to Deri. “This could be my last opportunity to see her. I will respect any restrictions and will not promote boycotts against Israel during my visit."
So after making this promise, Tlaib later called it humiliating to do what she promised, and she insists that requiring her keeping her promise is oppressive?! Palestinian warriors like the Hamas Elmi-Hirsi-Mynett are always playing games because they don't want peace, they want dominance and the annihilation of Israel. Omar Barghouti said so openly as Founder of the Jew-Hater BDS Movement.
“Even more disappointing is that, after deciding to allow Rep. Tlaib to visit her grandmother, who lives in the West Bank, the Israeli government required her to sign a letter in some way limiting her actions while in Israel and/or the West Bank,” said Democrat House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer.
The Steny Hoyer phrase, "in some way limiting," is peculiar and reminds me of the deceitful way Ilhan spoke to the Hamas CAIR organization about the 911 slaughter of Americans, that somebody "did something." Ilhan and Steny are unable to acknowlege they are completely mocking natural feelings when humans are repulsed at hideous conduct ... "in some way limiting" or "did something"?
Israel only required Tlaib to restrain her calls for Israel's annihilation while visiting her grandmother. THAT is hardly oppressive or humiliating. Tlaib is a vulgar, crazymaking charlatan. Are the pressures of reality and Trump's successes driving Steny Hoyer to radical Islam?
Israel only required Tlaib to restrain her calls for Israel's annihilation while visiting her grandmother. THAT is hardly oppressive or humiliating. Tlaib is a vulgar, crazymaking charlatan. Are the pressures of reality and Trump's successes driving Steny Hoyer to radical Islam?
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Tlaib Doing Photo Op With Joe Catron *Catron on the Right End |
Tlaib hosted the anti-Israel terrorist on Capitol Hill, Joe Catron, an avowed supporter of multiple Palestinian terrorist organizations including the very unpopular PLFP featured in above picture with their rifles up to the head of an effigy of the United States President. This group photo op picture was taken during a protest in NJ that was pro palestinian terrorists.
So let's vet the Leader of the House Democrats, Steny Hoyer, to see who he is trusts and serves when he splashes around defending the genocidal racist and vulgar Tlaib. Not surprising to catch another Democrat leader pushing another goebbels-styled hoax, this time Tlaib's whinging about Israeli 'oppression' for expecting her to keep her promise! The Leader of the House Democrats is trusting and serving genocidal racists and terrorist sympathizers.
The so-called Palestinian mindset is overwhelmingly frozen on the fantasy that they are still continuing the 1967 War, they don't acknowledge it ended. They feel they are holy warriors who kill Israeli civilians, dig tunnels to kidnap Israeli children, etc. Islam obligates Muslims to break peace treaties. Sharia requires Muslims subjugate others. Barack Obama is massively disrepectful to call these people 'freedom fighters.'
Leftist Progressives cannot argue the facts. AOC's Green New Deal went down in flames. The Senate vote was 57 to 0! AOC spends her time yelling at Congress and Americans like a Know-It-All, yet it turned out that upon entering Congress AOC didn't even know America has three branches of Government! And all Senators, including the Democrat ones, found her Green New Deal stupidly ignorant. Facts are stubborn things.
Fake News has no credibility, they continue to give AOC a megaphone when she has a voice nobody wants to hear. CNN hired McCabe who was fired by the FBI and a felony leaker! The only conclusion about driveby media coverage on the Tlaib and Ilhan ban is that the driveby media are bizarre Caliphatists. The gross thing is that we have any Congresspersons living in America as radical and racist as Tlaib and Ilhan.
I blame Barry Soetoro. Ilhan came through Kenya. She is here in America illegally. Omar is not her family name. She isn't an American citizen. It is indecent for the genocidal racist duo to throw stones and call others 'racists.' To be clear, the two women are not banned from Israel for being Muslim, it is for their Hamas and BDS activities calling for the annihilation of Israel.

Islam is not a race nor a religion. It is a political-military, global-conquest death cult with Somali pirates that is at war with America, whether we want to be at war with them or not. The Mob Squad is a fringe groups of maniacs.
Some Democrats continue to reject Mean Girl Ilhan 'Omar' donations. The Caliphatists/globalists running the internet protect offensive Ilhan, and fail to give honest coverage on this person who is in reality Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi-Mynett. The driveby media do not tell Americans about Ilhan's many rejections by Democrat colleagues.
It is completely revealing that Ilhan feels safe around Hamas and Taliban sponsor Erdogan, who is in an alliance with the Iranian Guard terror group and that House Democrats, Biden, and Bernie defend their atrocious antics and crazy talk. Ilhan met with Erdogan privately! Ilhan feels safe with the sponsor of the Iranian Guard in Syria, yet the Squad calls our American ally, Israel, too oppressive for her to just visit her grandmother?
On her Twitter page, Ilhan demanded that U.S. President Donald Trump push for the release of a senior member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, Hoda Abdelmonem. Omar posted a photo of herself meeting with pro-Muslim Brotherhood campaigners and retweeted an Al Jazeera video that calls for Abdelmonem’s release. Ilhan is no friend of America.
Nancy Pelosi, by putting this ideologically radical, nasty human being on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, committed a great sin against the American people because this lady should not be anywhere near the levers of power when it comes to the delegation of foreign aid. ~Ben Shapiro
We know the U.S. relationship with Israel is not touched by the crazy Tlaib or the squirt Ilhan, because their ugly BDS movement was opposed in the Congressional vote 398 to 17 . . .
Ilhan 'Omar' is NOT a critic of Israel, she's openly a part of CAIR, the U.S. branch of Hamas. ISIS calls Hamas the ISIS of Palestinians. Ilhan hates non-Muslims, trusts and serves Erdogan. Many Hamas terrorists were first trained in the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization.
The Caliphatist Media is sliming America with lies about the U.S.- Israel relationship; it is their fantasy wishfulness that America's relationship with Israel is weakened. The Squad not only does not speak for America, they are unAmerican and unConstitutional. Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi-Mynett is not a critic of Israel, she's Hamas. Democrats must ban her from Congress and she must be banned from the United States! She is not a citizen and can be deported.
The Caliphatist Media is sliming America with lies about the U.S.- Israel relationship; it is their fantasy wishfulness that America's relationship with Israel is weakened. The Squad not only does not speak for America, they are unAmerican and unConstitutional. Ilhan Elmi-Hirsi-Mynett is not a critic of Israel, she's Hamas. Democrats must ban her from Congress and she must be banned from the United States! She is not a citizen and can be deported.
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The Nascent Sanhedrin Half-Shekel "Render Unto Trump The Things That Are Trump's" |
In gratitude to the U.S. President Donald Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as the capitol of Jerusalem, the nascent Sanhedrin and the Mikdash/Temple Educational Center are minting a replica of the silver half-shekel biblically mandated to be donated by every Jewish male to the Temple.
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Sanhedrin's Half Shekel Other Side |
At first, Tlaib and Ilhan 'Omar' claimed their trip was meant for outreach and education. If that were so, they could have visited Israel with the rest of the U.S. delegation to Israel—a bipartisan trip of over 70 reps that met with both the Israel government and the Palestinian Authority. Instead, their trip to “Palestine” was arranged by the terror-supporting MIFTAH and the demagogic Hanan Ashrawi. You should see the itinerary—not one Israeli on it.
And if Ashrawi’s name sounds familiar, it’s because not so long ago this Palestinian official was denied entrance into the United States. America does not believe people are entitled to visit simply because they demand it.
The horrible truth is that our driveby media regularly do not tell America the news and the truth. The truth would have shut media mouths before they ever opened to gaslight the world that America and Israel are oppressive!!! The hoax media absurdly have eyes that do not see, ears that do not hear, and hearts that do not remember why the Tlaib-and-Ilhan Mob Squad are called The Mean Girls.
The Walt Whiteman Report

August 02, 2016
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Pope Francis, Denial is not just a river in Egypt! |
Walt Whiteman wonders what it would take for Pope Francis, who loves everybody except traditional catholics, to admit that the Islamists are trying to kill us. Pope Francis said yes, there is a war going on, but it's not about religion. Not about religion?! Can you beat that?
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Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvrayench, near Rouen France |
"Two attackers were heard to shout 'Allahu akbar!' as they hacked to death Father Jacques Hamel, 84, as he was saying Mass in the parish church. The two assailants came out of the church and that's when they were killed by the BRI elite force," Spokesperson Brandet told France Info Radio, referring to France's specialized police force.
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Bishop Andrea Gemma |
“It is an ongoing assault by Islam on Christianity,” said Bishop Andrea Gemma, the former head of the Isernia-Venafro diocese. A retired Italian bishop took issue with Pope Francis stating that Islam is not responsible for terrorist violence. In an interview with La Fede Quotidiana, Bishop Gemma said, “I would expect a more firm defense of Christians.” This Italian Bishop disagrees with Pope Francis, and sees the 'ongoing assault' by Islam on Christianity.
Bishop Gemma said that Pope Benedict XVI had made a 'prophetic' critique of Islam in his address at Regensburg, which should be “read, re-read, and studied.”
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Cardinal Gerhard Müller |
According to Cardinal Gerhard Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Sept. 12, 2006, the Regensburg Address was a manifesto of dialogue between religions and cultures based on reason. The Cardinal said that the Regensburg Address was "a historic event of the first order."
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Pope Benedict XVI |
The intention here is not one of retrenchment or negative criticism, but of broadening our concept of reason and its application. While we rejoice in the new possibilities open to humanity, we also see the dangers arising from these possibilities and we must ask ourselves how we can overcome them. ~Pope Benedict XVI, Regensburg Address
Pope Benedict XVI quoted a 14th-century Byzantine emperor that linked Islam and the Prophet Muhammad with violence. Cardinal Müller said, "The Islamic authorities must not only reject the use of violent means to spread religion, but also all aims at religious political world domination."
Two Islamic scholars in 2007 wrote an open letter to the world’s Christian leaders titled "A Common Word Between Us and You," and put forth an offer to dialogue on peaceful co-existence between people of different religious convictions.
Two Islamic scholars in 2007 wrote an open letter to the world’s Christian leaders titled "A Common Word Between Us and You," and put forth an offer to dialogue on peaceful co-existence between people of different religious convictions.
The identity of Europe was established through the advance, and then the retreat, of Islam. The lands of the old Roman Empire—parts of Europe, all of North Africa, Egypt, Syria, and Asia Minor which had become Christian centuries before Islam arrived and were part of the same overarching civilization, were called Christendom. Now after Islam stole some three-fourths of this territory, what is left they call, "The West."
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Our Embassies Look Like War Zones Because Islamic Sharia Makes them War Zones |
Islam severed extensive Christendom. They are the offensive invaders, not the victims. Tlaib is deceitful and she knows it. Shame on all the Democrat Party that is playing footsie with antisemitic terrorists.
Iranian Mullah
Who Became a Christian
Recommended Viewing
In the U.S. House vote the Hamas Squad Resolution against Israel was defeated 398 to 17, and 93% of the Democrats also rejected that evil antisemitic propaganda. Tlaib cast one of the 17 loser votes. Pelosi has authority when she compares AOC to a cup of water. Sadly the driveby media are Caliphatists, evidently. They continue to pump up those losers Americans reject as if they are winning?!!! CNN and the rest of the driveby media are liars.

Who Became a Christian
Recommended Viewing
Ilhan and Tlaib are at war with America and Israel. It is the Mob Squad that is wrong and hypocritical to call Israel 'Nazi Germany.' Ilhan is wrong to rail against America about hypocrisy. Almost everyone knows why, and it is due to the fact that NAZI's tried to genocide every single Jew. Obviously it is not Israel that loves Hitler, or America, since America freed Jews from NAZI death camps. BUT it is the antisemitic Muslim countries who love Hitler and marxism, and hate borders and nation-states.
In Muslim lands Hitler is their hero. Mein Kampf is translated correctly in arabic as My Jihad. Both Karl Marx and Hitler-Nazism are socialist. Ilhan is a socialist. Hitler's book burning teens burned the books of Karl Marx because Marx was by birth a Jew, and Marx called for international class revolution. But it is the Mob Squad itself who are genocidal racists against Jews, like Hitler. It is Ilhan who acts like Hitler, she's rabidly militant, supports terrorism, she collaborates with White Supremacists, acts hostile to Western allies, and Ilhan is antisemitic to boot.
In Muslim lands Hitler is their hero. Mein Kampf is translated correctly in arabic as My Jihad. Both Karl Marx and Hitler-Nazism are socialist. Ilhan is a socialist. Hitler's book burning teens burned the books of Karl Marx because Marx was by birth a Jew, and Marx called for international class revolution. But it is the Mob Squad itself who are genocidal racists against Jews, like Hitler. It is Ilhan who acts like Hitler, she's rabidly militant, supports terrorism, she collaborates with White Supremacists, acts hostile to Western allies, and Ilhan is antisemitic to boot.
The most important element of the story is the fact that two American congresswomen shunned a bipartisan congressional delegation to Israel to go on an independent trip to Israel sponsored by vicious anti-semites. ... looking at the articles and views published on the Miftah website was like peeling an onion of evil. There was layer upon layer of vile anti-semitism. No amount of false accusations by Islamic Mob Squad's finger pointing can distract from the evil that is the Mean Girls.
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Behemoth Hezbollah Tunnel Dug On Lebanon-Israel Border |
In January 2019 Israeli's discovered a behemoth hezbollah tunnel dug beneath the Israel-Lebanon border some 2,500 feet long, 22 stories below ground, and it extended 250 feet into Israeli territory. It features plumbing, air conditioning, electricity, and a PA system. The driveby media whinging over Tlaib and Ilhan not being allowed into Israel bringing their terrorist Miftah entourage are the same media who fail to give Americans news about the global terrorist attacks on Israel, America, world-wide, and even more often against other Muslims.
It's one of the biggest 'flagship' tunnels seen. The tunnel also featured railway tracks, a water pipe and pumps, lighting, and climbing ropes. A section of the tunnel will be left as-is, to help Israel explain the threats it faces from Hezbollah's violation of Resolution 1701. The head of United Nations peacekeeping told the Security Council that the tunnels violate resolution 1701. Military Intelligence revealed that Hezbollah had been secretly working on its tunnel project since The 2006 2nd Lebanon War, investing tens of millions of dollars.
Hezbollah, a recognized terrorist organization, continues to be armed and directed by Iran. There is no international pressure to force Hezbollah to drop its policy of being a state-within-a-state with a dangerously armed private army. This Shiite terror organization has become so powerful, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri admitted that Lebanon can’t rein in Hezbollah and disavowed responsibility. Israel stresses it won’t distinguish between Beirut and Hezbollah in future conflict. The driveby media fails to inform Americans, and too many Americans fail to be realists.
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October 2018 Israel Blew Up a Tunnel Under the Gaza Border
Killing 12 Muslim Militants
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Hamas "Palestinians" Tunnel In Constant, Continual War Against Israel |
In the U.S. House vote the Hamas Squad Resolution against Israel was defeated 398 to 17, and 93% of the Democrats also rejected that evil antisemitic propaganda. Tlaib cast one of the 17 loser votes. Pelosi has authority when she compares AOC to a cup of water. Sadly the driveby media are Caliphatists, evidently. They continue to pump up those losers Americans reject as if they are winning?!!! CNN and the rest of the driveby media are liars.

One need not be more clever than the Hamas Squad to unravel their cons, but likely most are. Talking about them really reminds one of when the Manhunter told Hannibal Lecter that he did not need to be a genius to defeat Hannibal because he had a vast advantage of not being insane like Hannibal Lecter. The charlatan, gaslighting, crazymaking Squad act out in order to obtain money, fame and advantages, and they are a nuke-sized disgrace on the Democrat Party.
"So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion," the President tweeted.

"Greatest book since the Bible." ~ Ann Coulter
The Red Scare And Senator Joseph McCarthy

"If slavery is not wrong, then nothing is wrong." ~ President Lincoln
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