Wednesday, February 20, 2019



February 20, 2019
True Son of Liberty13 hours ago
This scam has irreparably damaged the President in the eyes of the American people. It's doubtful that his voters will accept a loss in 2020. Moreover, the politicization of the intel community manifestly continues.
Frankly, the federal government has damaged the electoral process for 2020 -- and likely thereafter. I don’t possibly see how a fair result on the Republican side could be had. Not to mention the fact that this scam has basically paralyzed the President from effectively doing the job that the American people put him in their to do in 2016.
For all intents and purposes, the 65 million American citizens who elected President Trump in 2020 has been robbed of meaningful representation by the federal government, big tech, and MSM. I firmly believe that America will become ungovernable after a loss in 2020 because the system, at the federal level, has placed that portion of the population under tyranny. America will never be the same because of this tragedy. This marks the beginning of the end in my opinion.

hounddog12 hours ago
All of this corruption in our top levels of govt and law enforcement, and a MSM serving as their mouthpiece and running cover for them. No more evidence is needed to prove that the MSM is public enemy #1 of the USA.

So which of these was your first clue?
Mueller Worked with Lerner to Target Tea Party
Senior FBI Lawyer Did Not Read Carter Page FISA Before Signing Off on It
Missing: Key Docs On Alleged Misconduct By Mueller’s Lead Prosecutor
Breaking: Mueller Withheld Exculpatory Evidence from Court to Exonerate Trump - Mueller LIED to the Court!... Will He Be Sent to Jail Too?

IG: Mueller's office wiped data on Strzok, Page iPhones - WND
DOJ, FBI still not in full compliance with document request: sources | Fox News
In Submission To Judge Sullivan, Mueller Omits Original FBI 302 Report From Flynn Interview, Submits 302 Prepared Six Months Later

Vanished! Government records faced ‘wholesale destruction’ under Obama
Memo confirms DNC server disappearance
FBI Refuses To Comply With House Declassification Review of Witness Transcripts – Defers To Robert Mueller… | The Last Refuge

Hiding Evidence: The Continuing Cover-Up
FBI Agents: Comey ‘Stood In The Way’ Of Clinton Investigation | The Daily Caller
Devin Nunes: 'Fourth bucket' of classified emails show info withheld from FISA court
DOJ refusing to give Grassley access to agent who interviewed Flynn | Fox News
Devin Nunes rebuffed by Justice Department on document request - Washington Times
DOJ Is Silent About Why It Has Failed To Preserve Comey Emails In FOIA Case | The Daily Caller

Judiciary Chair: 'FBI Is Instructing Mr. Strzok Not to Answer Many, Many Questions'

Truth Factory Shows Senator Getting the CNN Reporter to Admit
Russia Report is a big, fat nothing-burger.

I knew it was fake when that fat stupid incoherent pig Hillary planted the idea into the public's consciousness during the debate.

This attempted coup is one of the biggest scandals in the history of this country. It makes the Watergate scandal look like child's play.
The only thing that has been worse was the assassination of Lincoln and JFK and an attempted assassination on Reagan.
As I wrote that I realized Democrats would have had interest in all those incidents including the attempted coup against Trump.

“That the entire Russia collusion narrative was made up.”
We know! We know!

Pudding cups are a basic human right!

He was a unique, kinda' interesting, doddering old man with weird, out-there proposals in 2016. Reminded me of ardent supporters of the quirky Grateful Dead band.

However, Bernie Sanders running for President, AGAIN, is like offering someone yesterday's cold pizza....

Bernie has the look of someone who is always running around in slippers wearing an open bathrobe.

What The Media Isn't Telling You

I can't wait for David Hogg's face to (accidentally of course) run into someone's fist.

Nah. He's too fond of his precious skin for THAT to happen. He's got more armed goons around him than basket-case dictators do when they appear in public to announce they're going to have to cut the bread rations...again.

"Socialism is not in the least what it pretends to be. It is not the pioneer of a better and finer world, but the spoiler of what thousands of years of civilization have created. It does not build, it destroys. For destruction is the essence of it. It produces nothing, it only consumes what the social order based on private ownership in the means of production has created."
~Ludwig von Mises

Scant Pianist
You'd think after 250 million dead they'd figure it out.

Redwizard000 Scant Pianist16 hours ago
No no no no no... All those other countries, Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela ... they just weren't doing it right. When WE go socialist, WE will do it right and create a utopian Star Trek like society with replicators and sh-t.   

Lewd-a-Chris Maplethorpe
The United States does not have enough zoos to feed the starving if this commie, Bernie, is elected president.


Mr. Obvious
Bernie is being used by the democrat party as a deflection while Harris and Booker work in the anti-white-man fascist background as the "Wonder Twins."

"Socialism is not in the least what it pretends to be. It is not the pioneer of a better and finer world, but the spoiler of what thousands of years of civilization have created. It does not build, it destroys. For destruction is the essence of it. It produces nothing, it only consumes what the social order based on private ownership in the means of production has created."
~Ludwig von Mises

I'm not sure Americans could handle the constant Bernie impressions!

The Fascist, NAZI Roots of The American Left   

Nationalism For All
Find immigrants who fled communism and see what they have to say.

With the tens of millions of dollars that will be wasted on candidates who are barely qualified to operate a hot dog stand, we could build a wall, a state of the art immigration processing center, emergency care facility to facilitate, and aid those wanting to gain entry LEGALLY.

Bernie is a broke, bitter old man.

Herman Young
1. Sanders - Harris
2. Sanders - O'Rourke
3. Sanders - Warren
4. Sanders - Klobucher
5. Sanders - Perez
6. Sanders - Biden
7. Sanders - M. Obama
8. Sanders - Hickenlooper
9. Sanders - Gillibrand
10. Sanders - H. Clinton
11. Sanders - Kasich
12. Sanders - Schultz
13. Sanders - Spartacus
14. Sanders - Winfrey
Herman Young
Truth is out - the Democrat Clown Car is full. None of them were serious as POTUS, but they might work as a Bernie 2020 fashion accessory. I smell Gene McCarthy and George McGovern.     
Journalist Sharyl Attkisson Speaks Out About Obama-Era Surveillance
Michelle Obama is every bit as qualified as Hillary: they are both wives of formerly presidents. This means Michelle is actually more qualified than her husband.

Resist This!
I guess we'll have to see if the faithful who voted for "The Bern" last time around can find it in their hearts to forgive his purchase of a 3rd home on Lake Champlain after the last election. Seems like Ol' Bern's fond of the good life, and probably not too keen on giving up his assets in the name of Socialism. Somebody's going to have to ask the 77-year-old about that when cameras are rolling . . .

Idiot progs are all about the FREE EVERYTHING. They refuse to know that in order for the government to provide for everybody, everybody must be forced into abject poverty working only to feed the pagan government. The ONLY income equality possible in the real world is dirt scratching poverty for all! There is no other way.
Only diseased, criminal minds want a commie country. In America we have the OPPORTUNITY, not the guarantee, of success. You have to EARN your way. Soros and his illegal alien foot soldiers have NO RIGHT to destroy America!
It will be funny to see Bernie get burned by the DNC again and then watch him cuck-himself, again, to the "chosen" DNC approved candidate.

To be fair, if we had Matter-Antimatter reactors for an unlimited supply of energy and replicators to provide everything else, socialism might work. We will, however, need capitalism to get us there.

Understatement: "It's Not Good For Bernie."
NEWS FLASH: The totally corrupt d-cRAT DNC has just officially announced that Sanders has LOST the 2020 d-cRAT primaries !!!!!
Hey, BERNIE, maybe the 3rd time with be the charm!!!!

Russia Investigation Timeline - 
What Really Happened

The Truth contradicts the Left's agenda. House Democrats are excited about Mueller's Testifying, but not half as excited as Republicans are to question Bob Mueller. And BHO improperly denied Freedom of Information Act Request for Hillary's emails.     

Socialism is only popular with those who have never tasted an authentic version of it.

To be fair there are parts of California where people would stop pooping on the sidewalk long enough to cheer his announcement. Followed immediately by a coughing fit caused by the typhus, as they crawled back inside their tent outside LA's city hall.

Pay no attention to all these naysayers Bernie. Run! Also, move hard to the left as far as you can go. Play the Russian anthem at your rallies and salute the Russian flag too. Fully unmask yourself for all the world to see.

Why did Mueller Team hire Hillary's lawyer 
on their team and only Democrats? 
House Democrats' Impeachment Plan "Will Blow Up in Their Face"

Kona Girl
I wouldn't underestimate Bernie's appeal. I live in the NW, and people here worship this man despite that he's an "old white guy." Being a white man is okay with Leftists, as long as said old white guy is a Leftist.

It's been like Christmas for the GOP, with all the Dem losers lining up to get humiliated by Trump in 2020.

Resist This!
It will be curious if any of his fellow campaigners bring up his third home, or how his wife bankrupted a college.

Parakeet E Lee
Hope Bernie wins the nomination
Things that are "progressive"
1) Democrat-Socialists
2) Alzheimer's
3) ALS
4) Cancer . . .

Lewd-a-Chris Maplethorpe
The United States does not have enough zoos to feed the starving if this commie is elected president.

I really hate the pop ups, but one of moochelle ‘stand down’ obama is really disgusting.

Remember kindly Senator Byrd for being a member of the KKK 
because membership was necessary to advancement 
within the Democrat Party.  ~ Bill Clinton   

Bernie with an Ocasio-Cortez running mate, sadistic progressives are a laugh a minute.

Hilary is running. It is her turn.

That's OK. Haven't you heard? We run everything.

His lower lip hangs out so far that birds can poop on it. President? He's like some whiny old man at a senior citizen home. Could you imagine him negotiating with Putin? Heck, can you imagine him negotiating with anyone?

George Mason 
Crazy Bern’s been a Communist for decades. He vacationed in Russia before the wall came down. What makes the Left think he's not a spy, KGB puppet, or at least a Soviet agent?   

ColdWar Vet 
When Bernie was a young lad, the Dead Sea was only sick.

Bernie Sanders

"Socialism is not in the least what it pretends to be. It is not the pioneer of a better and finer world, but the spoiler of what thousands of years of civilization have created. It does not build, it destroys. For destruction is the essence of it. It produces nothing, it only consumes what the social order based on private ownership in the means of production has created."

Actual Book Cover
Truth about Hitler Still Very Dangerous:

When Mein Kampf is printed and sold in Arabic, the title is translated accurately into Arabic as "My Jihad." Islam infiltrated Germany four hundred years prior to Adolf Hitler. Hitler's book is very popular in Muslim countries, and they call him a great man and a hero. So much for the theory that Islam is the religion of peace, or that their global terror network is a tiny minority among Muslims. 4th Reich coming soon.

Hoax Generating Fake News  

Six Reasons Why The Left is Losing

13 days After Benghazi Ilhan Omar Tweets:
 "Allahu Akbar :) #LifeisGood"   

"This is the way these countries feel about Americans. 
Don't be naive."
Viral Message From Retired Marine 

Anti-Trump Protesters Say "America was Never Great"

Which was the Party of slavery, segregation, and the Klu Klux Klan? The truth is that it was the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party has never acknowledged it. It never apologized for what it did. It never did restitution for what it did. 

The Democrat Party put the blame on America or the South, but the blame for slavery, segregation, and the KKK belongs on the Democrat Party.    

It is the "Big Switch" that is actually the Big Lie.
D'Souza exposes the secret history of LBJ 
and The KKK Racist Democrat Party
Rather than smearing one of America’s strongest allies, the Democrat Party should work on resolving its very real anti-Semitism problem among several of its elected officials
~Michael Glassner, the Trump campaign’s chief operating officer.
 In intelligence collection operations, one focuses on basic authorities. Susan Rice claimed SpyGate was all by the book surveillance collection. Recall that Obama and the Enemy Media all denied there was spying on Trump, but once it couldn't be denied any longer, Rice claimed the collection was done all by the book. Non-disclosed participation explicitly puts Susan Rice totally involved in Comey crimes and unlawful surveillance.

Today Andrea Mitchell starts biting her lip when she begins her false narrative loop that "all 17 intelligence agencies" were behind the soft coup on Donald Trump. That has been proven false now. The criminals had a pyramid of legal, operational and political activity that even included a honey pot and bribes for Papadopoulos. Overseas operations of the FBI using 3rd party nation's intelligence operatives means that Britain's Mi5 and Mi6 were aware, and they had to have waivers or special outreach to make this happen.                                

Andrew Weissmann
Actual Author of the Mueller Report

Yet the "Mueller" team, the Weissmann Team, never questioned Barack Hussein Obama or his inner circle. This is a red flag of the coup. The greatest red flag of a subtle or secret agenda are the acts of omission. The Democrats threatened the President of the United States that Mueller was going to prove Collusion and Obstruction. And then we found out Mueller knows NOTHING about the investigation at all!!! Threats from the Democrats apparently are paper dragons. 

Mueller couldn't name the President who appointed him U.S. Attorney in Massachusetts, he guessed Bush, but it was President Reagan. It was supposed to be a softball question from a Democrat member of the Judiciary Committee. But Mueller didn't know what FusionGPS was!! Democrats like Cummings, Schiff, and Nadler are up on their high horse saying this is just the beginning. Well, it is just the beginning of America learning what treasonous people those three people are, along with Rosenstein, Comey, etc.    

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