2012 Republican Convention Obama doesn't understand freedom. Eastwood was hilarious discussing Obama's empty ideas, empty words, empty promises, empty 'recovery.' Obama isn't working. Also, Eastwood shared the fact that many in Hollywood are conservatives, and the support for Obama turned cult-like and irrational.

We expect to know our President's identity, beliefs, and record. We also expect he'll represent America and our interests well in the world, but the Obama leadership chair is empty.
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You're getting as bad as Biden. Biden is the intellect in the Democrat Party. It’s just kind of a grin with a body behind it. |
Out of despair the Korrupt Media foolishly and ignorantly ridiculed Eastwood's speech at the 2012 RNC Convention. They lacked all sanity in their fury, and even tried to mock Eastwood for being elderly. Eastwood at the RNC Convention is Eastwood at his best.
Clint Eastwood went on to direct "American Sniper," that had the biggest box office opening weekend for a straight drama film. His film also won the biggest debut weekend for a Best Picture Oscar nominee ever. This dynamite Eastwood film is the top grosser of his legendary career to date. And that is saying a lot; he's now better than ever.
In 2012 the Korrupt Media displayed its willful ignorance and hysteria. Obviously they are uninformed, or they'd appreciate Clint Eastwood's normal, usual manner. Clint's slow drawl and dry humor have been the hallmark of his life. He clearly was NOT losing it, as the Korrupt media claimed. Eastwood's now better than ever, and he held his amazing conversation with Mr. Empty chair using a blue-screen process he once used when filming a conversation in his famous "Any Which Way But Loose" movie.

At the Mitt Romney 2012 GOP Convention Clint Eastwood was a masterful communicator. In a graceful and gentle manner he eviscerated "Mr. Empty Chair." And he covered well the vast field of Obama failures by discussing topics ranging from Obama's laughable idea of trying terrorists in downtown New York City, to his persecution of biblical faith.
But I'd just like to say something, ladies and gentlemen. Something that I think is very important. It is that, you, we, we own this country. Thank you. Thank you. Yes, we own it. Politicians are employees of ours. ~ Clint Eastwood
Complete Clint Eastwood RNC Speech
In contrast, consider gun-phobic Obama. Much was made about Romney's VP choice, so it's pertinent to review Obama's VP choice, Joe Biden. Here's a truly laughable figure, if Korrupt Media had scruples they'd hold Obama accountable for his unqualified and extremely incompetent V.P. pick, and his other appointees.
One of Biden’s most famous moments happened when Biden explained the three-letter word: J-O-B-S. {Yet} Obama matched that Biden moment with his own pre-first grade innumeracy: "... making products that we sell around the world stamped with the three words 'Made in the USA.'"
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“Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation” ~Barack Hussein Obama |
There have been many times that President Obama had Biden moments, for example when he said he gave a medal to a living soldier that actually turned out to have sacrificed his life. Another time, while speaking in Hawaii, President Obama referenced Hawaii as being in Asia.
Nov. 13, 2011: President Obama spoke during his closing press conference at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit near Honolulu, Hawaii.(AP), during his press conference Sunday on the outskirts of Honolulu -- despite being born there -- the president mistakenly described his location as "Asia" while answering a question about budget cuts:
"When I meet with world leaders, what's striking -- whether it's in Europe or here in Asia -- the kinds of fundamental reforms and changes, both on the revenue side and the public pension side, that other countries are having to make are so much more significant than what we need to do in order to get our books in order."
Obama referred to Hawaii as 'Asia' during the Summit, so we can add this to the president’s gaffe list — you know, the one that includes Obama's 57 states gaffe. Maybe some blunders are insignificant, but some are not. Unlike Obama, most Americans grasp the great difference between the 50 states, and that crazy 57 states Obama gaffe. Unlike Obama most Americans think of Hawaii as part of America and western, not as Asian. And it is the current global caliphate that holds 57 states!
But Obama's blunders tend to suggest they are significant. For example, they often suggest that Obama may feel Eastern and/or Islamic.

Who is the man who calls himself Barrack Hussein Obama?
Fundamentally "Barrack Hussein" is an Arabic name. Obama recited the Islamic Call to Prayer in an interview with the New York Times in a perfect Arabic accent. According to Islamic scholars, reciting this prayer makes one a Muslim. We must also remember how Obama frequently stated that America is not a Christian nation. But America IS a Christian nation. An intimacy with maps of America, our geographical information, the names of our mountains, rivers, streams, counties, cities, streets, monuments, and halls proves America's deep Biblical heritage.
The fact of the matter is that BHO lies about being Christian. He is a communist. Communism opposes christianity, capitalism, nationhood, and the family. This is the real BHO. But Barry Soetoro chooses to use a Muslim name. This is a fact: HUSSEIN. He is the one who chose to use this Islamic name.
“Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy. It is not a side effect, but the central pivot,” wrote Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
Lenin compared religion to venereal disease. Thousands of bishops, monks and clergy were systematically murdered by the security services. Special propaganda units were formed, like the League of the Godless. Christian intellectuals were rounded up and sent to camps. In Stalin’s purges of 1936 and 1937 about one hundred thousand clergymen were rounded up and shot.
In the Communist takeover of Russia, several hundred bishops, well over 50,000 priests, close to 100,000 monks and nuns, and unaccounted millions of other active servants of the church were executed by Barack Obama's beloved marxists, or they died in concentration camps.
According to Karl Marx's communism, religion is a superstructure built on a material base; once this base is removed, religion will disappear. February 2, 1918 Lenin removed the physical base of the church. The Russian government confiscated all church properties, including its places of worship, seminaries, schools, and bank accounts, and deprived the church of any legal status.
Tradition tells us that the Church flourishes in times of persecution, and this experience held true for the Russian Orthodox Church. After Lenin's demonic purging and slaughter of Christians, the Soviet press admitted that the church was showing signs of growth.
This is just one example of the many MAJOR inaccuracies and falsehoods central to Karl Marx’s predictions and ideology. Between 1917 and 1935, 130,000 Orthodox priests were arrested. Of these, 95,000 were put to death. Yet in 2015 over 80% of Russians describe themselves as Orthodox Christians ...
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Eastern Mecca |
Americans agreed that we won't force anyone into a particular religion, a specific church is not "established" by the State for everyone against their individual will and conscience. The State does not collect a church tax and give it to a specific church. But, evidently, we need to fight now to retain our first freedom, freedom of religion. The people choose the laws, and in America the State does not dictate to the church, nor dictate to us what we believe. Long may our Flag wave.
Rather instead the history of America clearly has its foundation in Judeo-Christian values and the Bible. "No taxation without representation," is among SO many other American concepts that reflect what the Bible has to say about government. Jonathan Mayhew (1720 – 1766) was the American minister credited with coining the phrase. Another example of Biblical principles in the founding of America is how Samuel the prophet urged the people to never have any King but God.
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Many Jews Live in Florida |
We don't want to get into a theological discussion about BHO, but he's the one that lacks understanding of christianity, and HE is the one who needs to read the Bible first, rather than preen like some fool in ignorance.
"Even among real Christians few understand that according to the New Testament 'Christ's law' is more strict than the Old Testament law. Jesus fulfilled every point in the law, but did not do away with the law. Previous to Jesus Christ fulfilling the law of Moses, moral ethics focused on a visible breach of the law.
But Jesus told us that the mere entertainment of evil thoughts in the heart is breaking the law, such as looking at a woman to lust after her. Jesus fulfilled all points of the Law and offered a New Covenant between God and His People, a higher law covering more than the outward shows of goodness: Jesus' "Way" taught us to cleanse the inner vessel.
Jesus taught us that trials of our faith manifest in our choices, and we are to be judged for both our deeds and our desires, whether or not they are good or they are evil. We are tested in this life by whether we choose good or evil. Not all harvests are in November, but Judgment Day will come to each and every person. Though consequences are not always immediate, our probationary state will end and God will not be mocked. All will stand at the bar of judgement at the Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord." ~Texas Bible Student
Obama doesn't understand freedom, especially not the freedom of religion. Americans can build consensus to establish common sense laws, but we don't build consensus to fix or change the system of beliefs in the various religions or try to force a belief on anyone.
It's nonsense that Obama claims he can blame Republicans for his broken promises. If Obama wanted to benefit the American People, he'd take actions where The People agree with him. And Obama would show respect for our House of Representatives, if he was seeking to benefit the American People.
Thankfully, Republicans ARE standing in BHO's way on so many of his lawless actions. Through our 2010 Elections and the 2010 Republican Landslide, The People sent a new Congress to Washington D.C. to stop and to block the rogue, overreaching POTUS, Barry Soetoro. BHO's response was to ignore the Judicial Branch and the Voice of the People. Barry Soetoro ignored our voice when he ignored and mocked the Legislative Branch and the historic Republican Landslide in Congress.
Mr. Empty Chair said the U.S. Constitution is an inconvenience, "giggle giggle sneer." Then Obama claimed his failures can be blamed on the Congress we elected. The House represents Us, the People. Who was in Barack Hussein's way? that was us. Obama couldn't be bothered keeping his promises and doing what we want, and he ignored the fact that America was furious over his lawlessness.
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Commie Media |
Congress did not block actions The People wanted, that is what Obama has done since he fraudulently obtained power in the United States. The People wanted jobs, but Obama shoved ObamaSnare down the throats of the American People which destroyed jobs.
Obama's budget (when he finally had one just in time for the elections) failed to get a single vote of support in either the House or the Senate. This is the truth. Not one Republican and not one Democrat voted for Obama's budget. The voice of the People loudly demanded attention, but Obama continued to treat Americans as his slaves.
Yes, that is correct, not one member of Congress could accept Obama's proposed budget. Yes, you read that correctly. Obama did not bother to work with Congress to pass a budget. That is his record. He turned a deaf ear, and ignored the Restoring Honor Tea Party as well. There was not another rally like that one, but it didn't register one iota with BHO.
Instead Obama preened about how he preferred his tent city dwellers, Occupy Wall Street. He said he even identified with them. Not one person of the obnoxious Occupy crowd who enabled rapists was elected to represent Americans. Not one. But Obama claimed these derelicts held more standing than our Congressional Representatives.
Barry Soetoro is the poser that portrayed the un-elected, drugged up tent city dwellers as serious contenders, and he honored them at his front door all the while he was raking in Wall Street money through his back doors. Obama's resort of choice was Martha's Vineyard. His family lived outlandishly extravagant as he drone-killed and spent billions with no accountability.
The Tea Party received Barack's curled lip and sneer, while Obama pledged his heart to the OccupyAmerica tent city crowd. As a matter of fact, and for the record, Obama was endorsed by the Communist Party of America, CPUSA, in 2004, 2008, and 2012. In the Democrat Party far Leftist radicals advocate a Muslim Brotherhood Agenda. Minority groups within both parties sought domination and this caused polarization. These extreme factions are fascist, meaning they seek and desire minority rule, and they are built by merging corporate and government power.
Biden's a 'Wreck-it Ralph' bungler. It is Barack who pals around with terrorists, referring to his mentor Bill Ayers, the convicted Weathermen domestic terrorist. But the implications noted here go far broader.
Choosing to help more states and more people, Republicans took a different path. They fight Democrat Party-Muslim Brotherhood spending, bent on destroying our freedom and our nation using astronomical, ceiling-less debt. We must press on to further prevent the lopsided influence of the bizarre activist minority infiltrated by covert operative traitors in all levels of our government.
When members of Islam are the minority in a nation they demand minority rights, perks even. They justify using violence to obtain their demands. When Muslims are the majority, there are NO minority rights.
Speaking about Obama’s refusal to attend the recent march in France, reportedly attended by more than 50 world leaders to condemn Islamic terrorism following the gruesome murders of cartoonists who had the audacity to lampoon Islam, Admiral Lyons said that act was a “signal to Islamic Jihadis... and is one of many signals he sent over the years while in office.”
"There is no meaningful line between Islam and radical Islam. Islam is Islam,” said retired 4-Star U.S. Navy Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons.
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Muslim Brotherhood Valerie Jarrett and Lapdog Media Manipulation |
Following the 2008 election cycle we have consensus among Americans that Leftist lapdog media pundits are delinquent and unreliable in vetting candidates, they fail to report news stories, or even warn Americans of our danger. Our State run media does not share common interests with Americans.
They not only conspire to hide the truth from us, they lie to us. For one thing, the State media told us that Obama was a moderate. It has been bad for their business, and devastating for us. The lapdog media pundits not only lie to the public, they bark sync'd messaging. The left-wing media get distraught over the treatment of terrorists, but they have little problem with our U.S. border agents getting shot in the back with AK-47's supplied by Barrack Obama and his Attorney General, Eric Holder.
"Our" media were silent, aside from internet and local sources, about calls for Eric Holder to resign. The National Border Patrol Council — the union that represents Border Patrol agents around the country — demanded Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation over Operation Fast and Furious. According to the Arizona Daily Star, the union deliberated for over a year before making this call for Holder to step down.
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It may be time for somebody else to come along and solve the problem, like a stellar businessman.
Much is revealed about the real Obama by observing Team Obama and his White House Administration of commie comrade associates.
Birds of a feather flock together and so when we see Barack Obama stacking his cabinet with radicals, it tells us a lot about his mentality. Of course, the fact that his entire term in office has been nothing but a slow motion evisceration of the American dream also tells us a lot about how he thinks, - - but a little more evidence is always welcome.
Take a look at these quotes from members of Barack Obama's administration and then ask yourself what sort of man wants people like this to help him govern the American people?
Obama is the madman who filled his administration with diabolical loons. "It also shouldn't be lost on anyone that while Obama is yammering on about a "war on women," he has someone on his staff who has come out in favor of FORCED ABORTIONS." ~John Hawkins

"There’s a different leader in Syria now. Many of the members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he’s a reformer." ~Hillary Clinton, Obama's Secretary of State
Yes, Obama's Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, called the butcher of Syria a "reformer."
White House adviser touts BHO’s “Leading from Behind.” ...Obama may be moving toward something resembling a doctrine. One of his advisers described the President’s actions in Libya as “leading from behind.” That’s not a slogan designed for signs at the 2012 Democratic Convention ... It’s a different definition of leadership than America is known for, and it comes from two unspoken beliefs: that the relative power of the US is declining, as rivals like China rise, and that the US is reviled in many parts of the world.
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Alexandria Egypt Mubarak Protest |
Team Obama has been out of its depth, demonstrated by Hillary Clinton’s assessment of the situation in Egypt in the final days of the Mubarak regime, given here during her conversation with Spanish foreign minister Trinidad Jimenez in Washington on January 25th, two weeks before Mubarak fell on February 11:
But our assessment is that the Egyptian Government is stable and is looking for ways to respond to the legitimate needs and interests of the Egyptian people. ~Hillary Clinton
Foreign Affairs analyst Nile Gardiner went on to say that “... unsavory organzations usually pay large amounts of money to glitzy PR firms to improve their public image. In the case of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood however, the BHO administration has offered its services for free.”
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Obama's Director of National Intelligence James Clapper |
Gardiner was referring to Team Obama's James Clapper and the extraordinary testimony before a House Intelligence Committee hearing on Capitol Hill, where he described the Muslim Brotherhood as a peaceful, “largely secular" organization that “eschewed violence.” Here is what Clapper told Congress:
“The term 'Muslim Brotherhood' … is an umbrella term for a variety of movements, in the case of Egypt, a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence and has decried al-Qaeda as a perversion of Islam… there is no overarching agenda, particularly in the pursuit of violence…”
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton charitably described the remarks:
“...perhaps the stupidest statement made by any administration in U.S. international history. ...the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood, if it got power in Egypt, would behave any different than Hamas is absurd."
Senator McCain adds up the cumulative foreign policy disasters, “For four years we’ve drifted away from our proudest traditions of global leadership. We’ve let the challenges we face, both at home and abroad, become harder to solve.” The Muslim Brotherhood's self-stated aim is the establishment of a state ruled by Sharia Law. It is seditious, sponsors terror, and much of the membership are terrorists. Sharia Law requires the enslavement of non-muslims. The Muslim Brotherhood is a terror organization. Ambassador John Bolton is absolutely correct about the Muslim Brotherhood.
Barack Hussein Obama made a mind-blowing statement in a speech September 25, 2012 at the cesspool UN: "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." If Barack's lips are moving, he is lying. His Muslim Brotherhood doesn't object to slander, they object to freedom of speech and critical assessments. Simple statements of fact are NOT slander. Slander is a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation. Barack told Cairo he thought his job as President was to keep negative opinions about Islam out of communications in America, he has not limited his controling behavior to false statements.
Censoring speech is not allowed to the President of the United States, only the powers given by the Constitution. And anything not mentioned is reserved to the States. Mohammad was an unsuccessful bandit until he attack arab caravans during their ceasefire season when they had felt safe. Our number one human right is free speech, and in Cairo Barack promised to violate Americans' human rights.
One Obama comrade, Hillary, said the Syrian butcher is a reformer, and his administration assumes the United Sates is in decline. Hillary also said Egypt was stable, as their government of 30 years was toppled. Obama's Intelligence director made the stupidest statement in international history calling the Muslim Brotherhood secular, and non-violent with no violent agenda. Valerie Jarrett is Iranian born. Simply put, Obama's defined by his incompetent radical advisers and the unfortunate desires of his Muslim Brotherhood motley crew.

It appears to be the picture of foolishness when Obama directed the Navy to spend $26.00 a gallon for fuel. Obama is clueless about America and our values. On January 17, 2008 Obama said, “If somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can, it’s just that it will bankrupt them … under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”
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Republicans are critical of Obama's - - $26 a gallon fuel "Great Green Fleet" |
If Americans want to bankrupt themselves, vote for Obama. If Americans want job creation, Obama is not our guy. America needs low energy costs to attract business and create jobs in America.
"Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe." -- Steven Chu, Mr. Empty Chair's Energy Secretary.
Ever wonder why gas prices are so high under Obama? Could it be because Obama's Energy Secretary wants to dramatically increase the price of gas? Gas is more than $8 a gallon in most of Western Europe. Guess that gives them something to shoot for if Obama gets a second term.
This discussion sampling members of Team Obama explains a lot about why we're in so much trouble. It is alarming to list the birds flocking together with Obama. The heart-beat-away Joe Biden, David Axelrod, Michelle Obama, Rham Emanuel, Eric Holder, Steven Chu, Hillary Clinton, James Clapper, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. And the frosting on the cake is Obama's Senior White House Adviser, the Iranian born Valerie Jarrett.
The Democrat Party hates hypocrisy and loves tax increases, so it is worth mentioning two more members of Team Obama: the Treasury secretary who allegedly couldn't understand the payroll tax provisions in his 1040, and Tom Daschle, who had to fall on his sword according to the new Washington rule that no Cabinet can have more than one tax delinquent.
In Batman Begins they discuss the fact that, "It's what we do that defines us." Obama doesn't think the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization. The logical explanation of Team Obama policy is that Obama seeks the destruction of Israel and America.
Obama's energy czar wants Americans to pay $8+ for a gallon of gasoline. They seem unconcerned about the consequence on food prices, or all the other consequences. Team Obama enjoys collecting taxes, but they do not know how to pay taxes. Obama is defined by incompetence and the radical desires of his motley crew.
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With Corruption Comes Economic Woes In Gotham |
Obama's mentors define him; several are Frank Marshall Davis, Edward Said, and Bill Ayers. They are respectively a communist, an anti-Israel activist, and a terrorist. Obama is a communist anti-Israeli terrorist.
"Here are the facts and they are indisputable," writes historian Paul Kengor in his soon-to-be released book, The Communist -- Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor:
"Frank Marshall Davis was a pro-Soviet, pro-Red China, card-carrying member of Communist Party (CPUSA). His Communist Party card number was 47544. Obama was a Marxist himself."
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Edward Said |
Obama trained ACORN staff and defended them in court. Obama's expertise is in voter fraud. 'Fast and Furious' spawned from Obama's warped obsession with taking away American's 2nd Amendment Rights. Illegal aliens shot a border agent, Brian Terry, in the back with an AK-47. So Obama is defined by his efforts at destroying America's free elections, Constitution, and her national identity and strength.
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Obama's Sub-Prime Mortgage Scandal and Obama's Fast and Furious Scandal |
In 1995 Obama sued Citibank. In his mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank, Obama was on the ground floor of the sub-prime mortgage fraud that crashed our American economy and downgraded our triple AAA credit rating. With that lawsuit Obama forced Citibank to make bad loans to African-Americans.
As President, Obama nationalized two of the top three automobile companies. Obama instigated a hostile takeover of one sixth of America's economy through his diabolical ObamaSnare Tax Plan. Obama's 'justice' department sued MANY, including Ohio, Arizona, Gallop, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and members of the military. If he could, he'd sue the Supreme Court.
Obama admits to goals of skyrocketing America's energy costs and bankrupting the coal industry. Obama undermines America's plentiful energy resources. Obama prevents job creation, and stifles trade by raising tariffs. No wonder Americans prefer Obama playing golf instead of working.
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My People the Black Panthers ~Eric Holder |
The Obama Department of Justice announced that it would not enforce the Defense of Marriage Act and our Voter Intimidation Prevention Act. Team Obama did the cover up of the biggest scandal in American history, Fast and Furious. The actions that define Obama tell us he does seek to transform America to something not American. Also, Obama covered up the assassination of our Ambassador in Libya. Weeks later and he still hasn't told us Ambassador Stevens' cause of death.
It makes no sense that even one American would vote for Obama tyranny and the deformity he offers us: bankruptcy and the "old news, grotesquely failed communism." That's so last cold war.
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"Obama's supposedly an ecological man, but he's flying Air Force One
around talking about Student Loans." ~Eastwood |
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Barack Hussein Obama, Lawyer to Terrorists, Promoted Sub-Prime Mortgage Loans Since 1995 |
In 1995 when Obama sued Citibank in his mortgage discrimination lawsuit, Obama was smack center on the ground floor of the sub-prime mortgage crisis that crashed our American economy. With that lawsuit Obama forced Citibank to make bad loans. According to The Center for Public Integrity this is how it all began . . . Barack Hussein Obama, lawyer to the terrorists, promoted sub-prime mortgage loans since 1995.
The catastrophic Wall Street fallout: top 25 sub-prime lenders accounted for America's nearly $1 trillion of sub-prime loans, about 72 percent of the high-priced loans. By 2010 the mortgage industry was racked by foreclosure scandal. Employees with some of the largest mortgage companies said ... that they were encouraged to sign foreclosure documents without reading them or verifying information. There were many questionable foreclosures.
Government officials are currently investigating the nation’s five largest mortgage services over allegations of rampant abuses in the foreclosure process, including the falsification of documents: four of the companies are: Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase & Co., Citigroup, and Wells Fargo & Co.
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Bank of America Stadium Charlotte North Carolina: originally scheduled site of the DNC 2012 Convention |
Fueled by sub-prime lending, the boom ended in bust. Borrowers took out too many loans they couldn’t afford, housing prices tanked, and by the summer of 2007, the sub-prime industry had all but disappeared because big banks had cut off access to credit.
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No wonder the DNC tried to change the name of their Party's Convention location: Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte North Carolina |
Former Obama chief of staff and current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel “earned” at least $320,000 for a brief 14-month gig at Freddie Mac. One of the Obamas' oldest Chicago friends and wealthiest billionaire bundlers, former Obama national finance chairwoman Penny Pritzker, headed up this subprime lender: Superior Bank. ...Pritzker’s enterprises park their money in the very same kind of offshore trusts her candidate is attacking Romney over.
ShoreBank: The “progressive” Chicago-based community-development bank, a “green” institution whose mission was to “create economic equity and a healthy environment,” folded in August 2010. Obama personally had endorsed the politically connected bank and appeared in a video promoting its Kenyan microlending project. But it was a doomed social-justice experiment. After regulators shut it down, Obama-crony companies including Bank of America and Goldman Sachs took over the mess courtesy of taxpayer subsidies.
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Sweetheart Home Loans for Congress and their Staff |
Countrywide / Bank of America: Earlier this month, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee released a report on corruption-plagued Countrywide Financial Corp., which was bailed out by (taxpayer-bailed-out) Bank of America. The House investigation confirmed the notorious favor-trading scheme, which involved sweetheart home loan deals for members of Congress and their staff, top government officials and executives of doomed mortgage giant Fannie Mae.
These relationships helped [Countrywide CEO and Democratic subprime loan king Angelo] Mozilo increase his own company’s profits while dumping the risk of bad loans on taxpayers,” according to the new report. Mozilo copped plea for $67.5 million to avert a high-stakes public trial in the heat of the 2010 midterm election season. Since then, Obama’s Justice Department has taken no action to prosecute Countrywide officials on federal bribery charges.
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Obama's the King of Smear Campaigns and Sub-Prime Mortgage Loans |
And Obama's right hand man, David Axelrod, remains unforgettable with his long history in campaign smears. What Obama does defines him, so Obama is the King of Campaign Smears.
And the concept of humility escapes President Obama so entirely that he branded the millennial generation, Gen 44, after himself. Obama's
EXACTLY what Ayn Rand warned America against.
We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force. ~Ayn Rand
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" ... somebody had a stupid idea of trying terrorists in downtown New York City." |
Clint said, "It is
important to realize that when somebody does not do the job, we've got to let him go." This needed to be said; it had to be said since many out there are too susceptible to media manipulation.
As Ann Coulter said about liberal media pundits with their flavors-of-the-month, "Thoroughly debunked" is the new liberal code for "blindingly accurate."
Another simple fact that Eastwood pointed out was, "...we don't have to be mental masochists and vote
for somebody we don't want in office." Clint Eastwood's input makes crucial sense.
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We didn't check with the Russians to see how they did in Afghanistan |
Eastwood has the
stature to say it, and he did say it, so
he is a hero through and through. He is Dirty Harry, upholding justice and theAmerican. He played tough-talking, no-nonsense police officers.
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Private Kelly in Kelly's Heroes |
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Eastwood To Barack Hussein Obama on U.S. troops: "Why are you giving the target date out now? Why don't you just bring them home tomorrow morning?" |
Debbie Wasserman-Shultz (DWS), the DNC Party Chairman, is one of the corrupt in authority right now. She said Scott Walker's victory in Wisconsin would not have a national consequence. Well, why did national Democrats spend so much money and
time there?
Back then Mitt already knew of Scott Walker's vindication, predictive of the GOP 2014 landslide wave across America where seventy percent of state legislative chambers and governorships went Republican. We reached a new high watermark level of Republican power since Eisenhower. Rejection of Obama led to Republicans obtaining majorities in both the Senate and House.
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We Own This Country, Not Politicians, They Are Employees of Ours |
And the same DWS struggled when she was asked about Eastwood's speech at the 2012 GOP Convention; she knew that the backward, freaky, and mocking remarks she wanted to
say would only damage her.
After a week as topic No. 1 in American politics, former Carmel Mayor Clint Eastwood said the outpouring of criticism from left-wing reporters and liberal politicians after his appearance at the Republican National Convention last Thursday night, followed by an avalanche of support on Twitter and in the blogosphere, is all the proof anybody needs that his 12-minute discourse achieved exactly what he intended it to.
Clint Eastwood was voted 16th in "Greatest Movie Stars of All Time" by Entertainment Weekly, but he's far more than a celebrity star and an accomplished actor. He is a favorite intellectual leader and artist on freedom. He's a highly respected director and prolific artist in all things Americana. Even his orangutan film series highlighted a quest for freedom.
Among so many favorite films, he performed in The Bridges of Madison County and In the Line of Fire, but he also directed films like Absolute Power, Flags of our Fathers, Changeling, Gran Torino, Invictus, and J. Edgar.
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Go ahead - - make my day |
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Clint Eastwood is exceptionally American |
Clint Eastwood is remarkable, and exceptionally American. Besides Tom Cruise, Clint Eastwood is the top money making star. In an October 2010 Esquire magazine it tells us how they "recently commissioned a survey of twenty- and fifty-year-old American men, and when asked to name the coolest man in the country, both groups chose Eastwood by a wide margin." Clint Eastwood is exceptional.
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The Epitome of Masculinity
The great communicator Ronald Reagan liked to quote Clint Eastwood character,
"I have my veto pen drawn and ready for any tax increase that Congress might even think of sending up. And I have only one thing to say to the tax increasers. Go ahead--make my day."
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In 2009 Obama Promised to Cut the National Debt |
It's crazy that Democrats and Obama's lapdog media pundits aren't acknowledging how the GOP convention connected with Eastwood, and that Eastwood was hilarious. The gathering of the GOP was warm, and Eastwood moving. We came out of a rough primary season happy and united, and this has scared the Left so much that
they try everything they can to keep the truth about the Republican Convention from the public.
What isn't hilarious is how Obama broke his promises. ObamaCare was born in a flurry of lobbyist activity, the likes of which even Chicago has never seen.
The Age of Obama begins with perhaps the greatest frenzy of old-politics influence peddling ever seen in Washington. ... And so much for the promise to banish the money changers and influence peddlers from the temple. An ostentatious executive order banning lobbyists was immediately followed by the nomination of at least a dozen current or former lobbyists to high position.
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The Hollywood superstar has plenty of experience being adored by crowds |
Eastwood was brilliant, but hot-dogging media pundits screamed, "bizarre." As Ann Coulter puts it, "Thoroughly debunked" is the new liberal code for "blindingly accurate."
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"Save a Little for Mitt" |
Fox is the only TV station to carry the GOP Convention gavel to gavel, and clips of Eastwood's remarks are even chopped to distort his performance. Everything Eastwood said was true, and deeply important. He is very wise as well as one of the good guys.

Kirstie Alley Verified accoun @kirstiealley I just saw Clint Eastwood's speech and I LOVED it!! Funny as hell & on point!!..& I'm a Democrat..US media is SO biased in favor of Dems 9:23 AM - 31 Aug 2012
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Mr. Empty Chair Could be First Arab President |
Obama is arguably not, however, “African-American.” His father, Barack Obama, Sr., is allegedly one-eighth African, on his mother’s side, from the Luo tribe in Kenya; and his father’s ancestry is purported to be Arabic.
To the extent that is true, candidate Obama could arguably be referred to as “Arab-American” or “Arab-African-American.” Obama is certainly not – like many black Americans – the descendant of African slaves owned by white American slave-owners. If he has Arab ancestors, Obama is, in fact, more likely a descendant of slave owners, because Arabs traditionally owned slaves and have been active slave traders for thousands of years.
Further, the names “Barack” and “Hussein” are of Arab origin. There is insufficient publicly-available evidence to state with certainty the percentages of Obama’s national ancestries.
President Obama of Arab descent dissed and insulted
Netanyahu and also bowed to a Saudi prince
In the midst of the assassination of our ambassador in Libya and the breach of our embassy in Cairo Danny Dannon, Deputy Knesset Speaker and author of Israel: The Will to Prevail, told Americans that the appearance of Obama on David Letterman is not more important than meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu when the U.N. convenes in New York.
Dannon explained that Iran is behind a lot of what we are seeing today, there is a direct linkage between these disturbances and Iran. The protesters aren't necessarily all Egyptians or Libyan, but weak governments are too afraid to stop the radical demonstrations. Extremists saw Obama's speech at the university in Eygpt as weak, it was an appeasement speech. "And in this neighborhood you cannot show weakness. When somebody is attacking you, you have to fight back."
Army Lt. Colonel Allen West pointed out,
For all the coverage of Election Day, there's another date looming, January 2nd, that has serious consequences for our nation's security. On that day, if the government does not act, automatically across-the-board spending cuts will take effect, cuts that would reduce funding for our national defense by as much as 10%. I cannot overstate the amount of damage these cuts would do to our military. They would essentially hollow out our armed forces.
The hippie Obama administration showed a White House unacquainted with American protocol.
British complained that customary protocol was not followed by the Obama administration during Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s visit, ... and Mr. and Mrs. Obama's tacky gifts only added fuel to the fire. The British conceded that Obama aides seemed unfamiliar with the expectations that surround a major visit by a British prime minister.
But Team Obama's poor diplomatic abilities compounded with Barack Obama's hatred of the United States fundamentally destabilized all of America's international relationships.
Struggling within these turbulent world relationships, conflicts, and locations U.S. Navy Seals have carried out operations over the past decade with skill and bravery. But the difference in recent months for America's premier Naval Special Operations force is that the details of their work has not remained secret. On the contrary, government officials have revealed the details of their work for political gain—endangering our forces in the process.
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Obama Is Leaking Intelligence To Boost His Chances In November |
Barack Obama felony leaks to tamper with a U.S. Elections, and compromises our ability to choose friends or enemies, and endangers our troops. Charles Krauthammer reported on how Stand-Down Obama exploited the Navy SEAL's to selfishly acquire political value. Barack even leaked the details of their plan about a very very highly secret operation, the name of the operation, how it worked, when it worked, how it leaked out, the fact that we had Israeli cooperation, and even the name of the Israeli unit. Elite U.S. forces have carried out such operations periodically over the past decade, always with skill and bravery. The difference under Stand-Down Barack is that the details of Navy SEALS work hasn't remained secret.
Navy SEALS Expose Obama
...in the book Russian Roulette there's passage about a staffer, Daniel Prieto, from National Security Council cybersecurity coordinator Michael Daniel's team, retelling the time that Obama's national security adviser, Susan Rice, told Daniel and his team to halt their efforts, and to "stand down" in countering Russia's cyberattacks.
Daniel was quoted saying to his team that they had to stop working on options to counter the Russian attack: "We've been told to stand down." Prieto is quoted as being "incredulous and in disbelief" and asking, "Why the hell are we standing down?"
Due to an incident involving Obama's remarks about Honduras, we find a microcosm of how U.S. foreign policy in general.

Microcosm of U.S. Foreign Policy's Deterioration: The attempted subversion of the rule of law in Honduras by the socialist president Zelaya, which would have unconstitutionally put him on the ballot for a third term, prompted his judicial removal from office. Obama condemned the supposed “coup” as “not legal.”
Apparently Obama doesn't like anyone's Constitution. Obama's fundamental change in America's foreign relations has been that we now support deceitful and lawless tyranny per se, not a tyrant in particular. To be crystal clear, Obama isn't just supporting the pro-American leaders of totalitarian nations, he's rubber-stamping the validation of despotism per se with his approval and U.S. complicity. Barack's despots are not pro-America. Obama isn't an American.
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Honduras' Former President Zelaya Supports
Fascist National Socialism
In other words, Obama is not supporting a despot, he is supporting despotism. He isn't establishing diplomatic relationships, he's supporting the subversion of the rule of law. The whole world is crushed under the weight of this American-mistake "president" who we don't know. We need to do a turnaround so all freedom-loving people in the world will feel the relief.
An American ambassador was killed in Libya, along with three other diplomats in the Middle East, also the U.S. Embassy in Cairo was breached on Sept. 11th, but instead of sharp criticism for Obama's bungled interventions, non-interventions, and assassinations, the "American" press talk about a 'Romney gaffe.'
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Hillary and Obama murdered Gaddafi Guide of the Revolution in Libya 1973 |
It is not that complicated. Obama and Hillary murdered the leader of Libya, and then they murdered our Ambassador Stevens. Please open the highlighted link and see the photo of Amb. Stevens being carried over the shoulder of one man, Amb. Stevens is undressed, his behind is pointed high in the air toward the sky. In this photo we see Amb. Stevens is still alive as he wipes his face in this picture.
The Arabic writing on the photograph says, "The Libyan Media Network," meaning this photo was actually released by the Libyan media itself, so it is not a photo-shopped image.
Notice Ambassador Stevens being carried by the barbarians...notice his right arm is hanging down limp, and his bent left arm is bent up by his face to either protect his face, cover his eyes, or even wipe tears from his eyes, but note that dead men do not wipe tears from their eyes or try to cover their face; Amb. Stevens was alive, not dead from smoke inhalation.
Both Gaddafi and Ambassador Stevens were gang raped to death. But the hit and run media decided that a Mitt Romney gaffe was the real story! The Barack Stand Down Obama also murdered Americans in Riverside, CA by giving a national stand down order at that time. We cannot continue to allow the Radical Left Media to gaslight america, they ignore reality. They fail to respond to new information, like the fact that conspiracy is real, McCarth's red scare was real, and THEY are the villains who smeared the patriot Joseph McCarthy.
Hillary's Maniacal Laughter and Hubris
When asked about the disturbing atrocity of the death of Gaddafi, you see Hillary's maniacal laughter in response: "WE CAME, WE SAW, HE DIED HA HA HA HA." Given the savage death of Gaddafi, it is heartbreaking to see little reaction by Americans over Obama's and Hillary's disgusting lies. In an interview Barack even casually dismissed BenghaziGate, when Muslims in Libya celebrated the Anniversary of the NY911 Attacks, as a 'Bump in the Road."
When the president was speaking about bumps in the road he was talking about the developments in the Middle East and that includes an assassination, it includes a Muslim Brotherhood individual becoming president of Egypt, it includes Syria being in tumult, it includes Iran being on the cusp of having nuclear capability, it includes Pakistan being in commotion. There are extraordinary events going on in the Middle East and considering those events either one of them or all of them collectively as bumps in the road shows a person who has a very different perspective about world affairs and the perspective I have. ~Governor Mitt Romney
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Death Of Ambassador Stevens |
Obama was informed at 9:42 PM LibyaTime that not only was the Benghazi Mission under attack, but that Ambassador Stevens and other Americans were missing. The Benghazi attacks continued on for eight hours. Five DSS agents went into the ‘safe haven’ at 10:50 PM and Ambassador Stevens was NOT there, they only found the body of Sean Smith. Stevens NOT there because he was taken out, brutalized, and later returned. At 12:15 PM Steven's body was 'found' in safe haven. At 6:05 PM Hicks had called Hillary Clinton to tell her unequivocally that the attacks in Benghazi were terrorist attacks. After 10:30 PM Barack Obama flew to Las Vegas and Hillary blamed an anti-islamic video.
At 5 AM a second attack, precision-targeted rockets, killed Glen Doherty and TyroneWoods. At 6:05 AM thirty-one American survivors and three bodies of Smith, Woods, and Doherty are evacuated to a Tripoli airport. And only after all were evacuated did anyone go to the hospital to retrieve Ambassador Stevens’ body. 13 Hours is a great movie about the attack.
We were told Benghazi was too dangerous for FBI to investigate for 20 days, yet the place was crawling with western reporters just two days after the attacks. Reporters even found one of the ring leaders of the Benghazi 911 Anniversary Attacks calmly sipping strawberry frappes and willing to talk about the attacks while sitting at a Benghazi sidewalk café. So Team Obama said it was too dangerous for the FBI, and yet it was perfectly safe for the media!
BenghaziGate is about Muslims celebrating 911 with more carnage. It was thoroughly planned well in advance. Of course the evil goes far deeper.
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Stand Down Barack |
The Leftist media, mafia lapdogs: "Wouldn't it be great is we could find a way to call the absurd unemployment rate, sky high numbers of Americans not in the labor force, and our suicidal national debt just Romney gaffes, too?"
Ready for Obama's 'overseas contingency operation'? We all want to go back to the time when our President's gaffes were "just an inconvenience." Clear similarity exists between John Kerry's and Jimmy Carter's policies, with Obama's policy.
August 12, 2004 Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry today answered criticism about his vow to wage a “more sensitive war” with Al-Quaida.
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"Israel will be eliminated." ~Ahmadinejad 2012 |
Supposedly Obama wanted to send the signal that his approach would be more conciliatory and sensitive to Islamic values, but the result is MORE of the anti-America sentiment that Obama's more conciliatory posture was meant to quell. Kumbayah?
Mitt Romney's voice of reason:
"It's disgraceful that the Obama Administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks."
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13 Hours Film-Actor James Badge Dale as Tyrone Woods |
Unlike most Americans Obama doesn't understand 'talk softly but carry a big stick.' Obama talks loudly against his own countrymen and carries a white flag. Obama huffs and puffs on the world stage, and then the lame-stream media get mad when Romney's house is made of bricks.
Team Obama and the MSDNC needs to find more anger for gang rape of our ambassador, for murder committed by our enemies, and less for Romney. Obviously Team Obama isn't anti-war, Team Obama is anti-America. The outrageously Muslim-Brotherhood driven Democrat Party must be halted in their literal trojan horse settlements of Islamic people in America. Islam is always radical; a minority of Muslims who behave moderately are exceptional.Ramadi is a defeat, the result of Obama's precipitous withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq against the advice of military minds who know more about tactical moves than the former community organizer from Illinois.
Hungarian Border
So un-serious was Obama’s attempt to “degrade and destroy” ISIS that he at one point spared ISIS oil facilities, a prime source of its funding, because attacking them might "hurt the environment."
ISIS is Obama's excuse for flooding the United States and Europe with Islamo-nazi enemies, "refugees." Mecca stands for "mother of all settlements." Islamic doctrine is the basis of Islamo-nazi violence, and Obama's insidious cloak for evil that, 'terrorists are not truly Islamic, but are just using the guise of religion to lash out against Western influence and intervention,' is a LIE.
A boldfaced Big Lie demonstrated when internal communiqués to fellow Muslims are contrasted side by side with al-Qaeda's communiqués to the West. Al-Qaeda speaks with 'a forked tongue,' they are intentionally two-faced.
As the scholar Raymond Ibrahim demonstrates in The Al Qaeda Reader, the terrorist group would regularly frame its grievances in political terms when broadcasting its message to the West so as to insinuate that once the West withdrew, peace would come.
But despite the propaganda of al-Qaeda, Obama, and other terrorists, Islam's war with the West is not driven by political grievances – Islam's war on us transcends time and space deeply rooted in their Islamo-nazi theocratic system.
But when speaking to the Muslim world, the group would make highly sophisticated religious arguments, explaining why its actions, however reprehensible on their face, were in fact justified by a close reading of the holy texts.
"Battle, animosity, and hatred – directed from the Muslim to the infidel – is the foundation of our religion. If the hate at any time extinguishes from the heart, this is great apostasy!" ~Osama bin Laden (The Al Qaeda Reader, p. 43)
“All of them are killing by the name of Allah. There is an Islamic problem and I think humanity needs to stand against this danger.” ~Mosab Yousef

"I have a very strict gun control policy; if there's a gun around,
want to be in control of it." ~Clint Eastwood
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Every Which Way But Loose |
Leftist partisan hacks are so convinced that their intentions are noble, that in their attempts to demonize those who don't agree with them, there is no low too low, to which they won't stoop. For the record we who have been with Eastwood through the years are able explain, for you all, that from his young and dashing days Eastwood has always had a rambling charm, always. People in the media do not seem to be from our nation and culture!
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Kristie Alley tweeted early Friday August 31st 2012: "Funny as hell & on point!! ...& I'm a Democrat." |
Clint Eastwood is wise as well as one of the good guys. Not to mention how Clint Eastwood did a turnaround in Carmel, California. When Eastwood was elected Mayor of Carmel, voter turnout had doubled and Eastwood won with 72% of the vote. Clint had a great day when Ronald Reagan called to congratulate him for winning the election.
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We Own This Country, Not Politicians, They Are Employees of Ours |
After all, this administration hasn't done enough with twenty-three million Americans unemployed, it may be time for someone else to come along and solve the problem, like a stellar businessman such as Romney. After all, we don't have to be mental masochists and vote for somebody we don't want in office. ~ Clint Eastwood
Democrats proved themselves complete jerks and partisan hacks by attacking Eastwood. Eastwood agrees with Truman that he doesn't give his opponents hell, "....he just tells the truth and it feels like hell." Against all odds, Clint Eastwood is his own man.
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Against all odds Eastwood |
For many their ... favorite Eastwood film is the orangutan movie, Every Which Way But Loose from 1978; it was demolished by critics but remains one of his highest-grossing movies ever. A man tied to an ape, driving across America, brawling for money, looking for love.
If this film had been made by a French or Serbian director, it would have been hailed as an absurdist parable about how to live well with brute desires in a brutal world.
At one point, a woman asks Eastwood's character why he fought so hard and risked so much for the ape, and the answer sounds like a rallying cry for American-like men everywhere: "I really hated to see him in that cage." And in the end, the ape is free.
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"We don't have to be mental masochists and vote for somebody we don't want in office." ~Clint Eastwood |
The orangutan was a pet with whom Eastwood's character talked about everything. When describing filming techniques to piece together the conversations and acting for this movie, Eastwood once spoke of how the orangutan was not actually there in the truck, but in reality he spent many takes "... talking to an empty seat."
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"You're much easier to talk to than Barrack Obama." |
Clint Eastwood understands freedom, and Republicans appreciate the fight to be free. Eastwood's conduct is the picture of restraint in a brutal world. We all must 'fight the cage."
"Live free or die" is the New Hampshire state motto. Ben Franklin selected a great national motto: "Age Res Proprias Tuas" which translates to "Mind Your Own Business." In every way ObamaCare violates our legacy of freedom.
Fight the Cage |
Some leftist partisan hacks have denied that Obama was a Communist, and object that he couldn't help it that his family were communists. Obama tells us that he was raised in Indonesia, but failed to mention that as a boy his religious instruction was in Islam. It is a fact that Islam does not allow apostasy, he could not be allowed to stop being Muslim.
But Obama didn't distance himself from his family, in fact he 'wrote' a book telling everyone he took his dreams from his atheist, Muslim, Communist father. Obama would have been better served to say of his father, '...dreams from the guy that I met that time.' Instead of distancing himself from Obama Sr., Barrack purports to idolize an alcoholic father who beat his wives and children.
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"...the guy I met that time." |
Obama did not distance himself from his Communist roots, and more than twenty times Obama spoke in his book about a mentor, Frank Marshall Davis. Frank Marshall Davis was a card-carrying communist as well as a Soviet spy/agent. He specialized in propaganda for children. Think about it: Obama himself repeatedly called Frank Marshall Davis his mentor.
... during World War II Frank Marshall Davis joined the Communist Party (CPUSA). His party number ... was 47544. He was unwaveringly loyal to the Soviet Union, as were all CPUSA members. To go that far — to actually join the party — was to become a loyal Soviet patriot, dedicated to what the CPUSA leadership called a “Soviet America.”
Obama's grandparents made a special effort for Ann Dunham to attend a communist high school, very rare at the time. One emphasis at this Washington state high school was disdain for traditional sexual mores.
Obama's mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, even wrote a pornographic memoir called Sex Rebel Black. Obama still told us his mentor was Frank, the pro Soviet communist propagandist.
And despite Michelle Obama talking humble pie in both of her convention speeches of 2008 and 2012, Obama attended one of the most exclusive and expensive high schools in the country. Today Obama tells us that later in college he lived so sparse and spartan a life that his mother called him Ghandi?

... later in college he helped pay money to American men if they'd agree to dodge the draft. But Ghandi? Why did Barack/Barry Soetoro visit Pakistan after the age of 18, and yet he never used an American passport? This action proves Obama is not an American. Also, Ghandi would not hang out in Pakistan. Obama paid $milllions to hide his past. He is no Ghandi.
Phony leftist pundits hide our phony President's past. But Michelle's present day lavish perks also reveal her phony humble pie talk. Michelle's not the simple and humble persona of her convention speeches. "The first lady of the United States is not elected, has no constitutional duties and receives no salary, ... but First Lady Michelle Obama has a staff of 22 White House employees with salaries combined to total $1,495,700 a year.
News of so many taxpayer-funded salaries attending the first lady – which doesn’t include the White House servant staff or the Secret Service detail assigned to the first family – has prompted some commentators to question if so many staffers are necessary.
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Obama told a reporter that he has a growing family that needs to get out of the White House on occasion
The expense of vacations for the Obama family has raised eyebrows. Here's a list of First Family trips over the past four years. They spent one million five hundred thousand dollars for one of their two vacations in Hawaii. They visited Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts three times.
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Five star Villa Padierna in Marbella, Spain
They bought 60 of the 129 rooms in Costa del Sol on the south of Spain, a playground for millionaires. There were trips to Mexico, South Africa and Botswana. They vacationed at Yellowstone National Park, the Grand Canyon, Mount Desert Island, Maine, New York City, and Panama City Beach, Florida. They took ski trips to Vail and Aspen, Colorado.
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The Kardashian Male |
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Obama Family's December 2011 Kailua Bay One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollar Vacation
“I doubt we’ll see the true cost of the trip to Paris,” Leslie Paige said. Paige, a spokeswoman for Citizens Against Government Waste, told the Boston Globe that few Americans would begrudge the first family some presidential perks – as long as the expenses don’t grow to be indulgent on the taxpayer’s dime.
Page did, however, criticize the White House for failing to report how much Americans paid for the first lady’s vacation. Not keeping his promise to run a transparent government, she added, “... has been a disappointment, to say the least. I doubt we’ll see the true cost of the trip to Paris,” Paige said, "... nor for the other shopping trip to the UK."
"Americans can’t afford gas and hotels, so they are resentful of the first family’s 17 lavish vacations around the world, and don’t want their tax dollars paying for the Obamas’ holidays," according to a new analysis of swing voters. … Obama told a reporter earlier this month that he has a growing family that needs to get out of the White House on occasion, which is ... missing the point.
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"I think everybody feels an absence of communication from the time he's been elected." |
Few families take more than one such vacation a year, not even families managing to do well in the stagnant economy. Taking an average of five a year, with the considerable taxpayer expense involved, is something that most people will find excessive, especially when those vacations involve significant travel — like, say, to Spain, rather than Camp David, which exists for a retreat for Presidents and their families.
Obama attacks Romney as an out-of-touch rich man, but I’d bet that even the Romneys haven’t taken 17 vacations in the last three years."
A realistic look at Obama's life reveals hypocrisy, and makes Obama's class warfare against Romney meaningless. A realistic view of Obama and his radical past reveals to us a communist / socialist / european marxist. Again, Obama is the extremist who hides. Barack Hussein Obama is the out of touch radical. It seems that the only Americans getting richer are government employees.
As the X Factor put it on March 10, 2009: "Spending $2 trillion dollars of money we don’t have, and doubling the national debt in 30 days, can be exhausting work! I guess Mr. Obama thought this job would be easy?"
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Eastwood was the highlight of GOP Convention 25% of Americans feel more favorable toward the GOP nominee |
To celebrate the impromptu "National Empty Chair Day" we'll listen to the adults, Jay Ambrose a columnist for MetroWest Daily News and Condoleezza Rice the former Secretary of State. We tip our hat to the various Americans who spontaneously created the "Mr. Empty Chair" exhibits displayed below.
The Democrats are hysterical to the point of waging a war on the elderly, or at least on 82-year-old Clint Eastwood, who gave us a lasting image of President Barack Obama at the GOP convention. He is an empty chair, the filmmaker suggested, though just how empty was something we learned earlier in a speech by former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
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Obama: Outsourcer-in-Chief |
"It's this kind of interventionist financial pandering on a much larger scale and in utterly negligent ways - such as a pork-filled, corrupt, largely ineffective and threatening stimulus - that has been robbing the middle class of its money.
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Government Motors opened plant in China four months after closing a plant in Wisconsin |
During the Obama years, in which debt has climbed to a record-high $16 trillion, which could spell our absolute ruin if nothing is done to control it, something else has gone down: median household income. When Obama took office, it was $54,983.00, according to the Census Bureau, as reported in The Wall Street Journal. Today it is $50,964.00, adjusted for inflation. The arithmetic is easy: a drop of $4,019.00.
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English is Obama's Second Language |
Even though Obama does not deserve all the blame, his reckless fiscal policies were on the order of an anchor tossed to a drowning man. It is also Obama policies that will make things worse in a second term if he further succeeds in dissuading business investments with his extended welfare state, slow-growth tax policies and avoidance of debt solutions."
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The Obama WH and Obama's DoJ sued more American Individuals, American Agencies, and American States than any previous President |
That's what you get from empty chairs. Eastwood's presentation was short and satirical.
Condolesa Rice's speech was longer and deadly serious as she talked about failed economic policies on top of something else: neglect in showing either friends or foes where America stands on vital issues. Rice did not minimize the leadership task, pointing to "internal strife" in the Middle East, dictators who "butcher" their own people, the "ultimate sacrifice" of Americans in war, and the support needed by "fledgling democracies."
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Another broken promise: no Transparency in Obama's Administration and Obama is King of Lobbyist Corruption |
"But since World War II," she said, "we have stood for 'free peoples and free markets' and if we do not lead again, there will either be 'chaos' or others who do not share our values will fill the vacuum."
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Obama’s ego takes precedence over the country |
The former secretary spoke of China's rise and gave us some frightening facts that cannot be disputed even by liberal fact checkers seeking out other liberals to confirm their liberalism. In the past three years, our country has ratified just 3 trade treaties, all of them negotiated in the Bush years, she said. China has signed 15 free-trade treaties "and is negotiating 20 more."
Grievance and entitlement, of course, are precisely the themes the Obama administration uses to justify its existence. This is the week that the Democrats once again nominate Obama and during which he and his henchmen once more stir up envy against the rich while promising others something for nothing. His cohorts, forever dividing us up into groups to be wooed in separation from the whole, will give us plenty of talk, for instance, about the supposed Republican war on women.
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Why Democrats Fear Voter ID |
Calling for the election of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, Condoleezza Rice said, "The world now sees that the United States cannot live 'within our means.' And in this nation of ours - the most successful political and economic experiment in human history - we have not previously fallen back on a narrative of grievance and entitlement."
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DNC Convention Is A Celebration of Failure ~ Mitt Romney |
To be sure, you have to be extraordinarily estranged from reality to lap up this stuff. Republicans do not much like an Obamacare provision providing free birth control when it can be purchased at a pittance. The rich are among those to profit from the insurance benefit, while those struggling to make ends meet are among those whose premiums will go up to pay for it. This is OK?
Most revealing about our incumbent, Barrack Hussein Obama, is that he sought help in his re-election from an impeached president. The 'enlightened' media looked on and cheered, but nixed Akin in Missouri for saying stupid things about rape. Yet Bill Clinton's a serial rapist. Republicans can't make foolish remarks about rape, yet Democrats can be serial rapist and still be considered pro-women.
Also, Al Gore's wife finally divorced him after a number of massage therapists accused him of attacking them. Remember the uncomfortable Al Gore kiss from that past 2000 DNC Convention?
The stained-glass window motif of Barack Obama's DNC convention is truly bizarre juxtapositioned with the decadent Democrat Party reality. There is a 'creepy' factor when the Democrats at their convention call Obama messiah, but boo'd for God, with a stained-glass window prepared for their stage backdrop.
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Al Gore and Bill Clinton both accused of rape multiple times. |
It is immoral how Obama ran America without a budget, it's also against U.S. law. There is a common way to measure federal spending by comparing it to the size of the overall U.S. economy, GDP. That helps put the spending level into context accounting for population growth, inflation and other factors.
"Here’s what the White House’s own budget documents show about spending as a percentage of the U.S. economy, Gross Domestic Product.
In 2008 our spending was 20.8% of our GDP;in 2009 our spending was 25.2% of our GDP;in 2010 our spending was 24.1% of our GDP;in 2011 our spending was 24.1% of our GDP;in 2012 our spending was 24.3% of our GDP . . .
In the post-war era, federal spending as a percentage of the U.S. economy hovered around 20%. Under Obama, it has hit highs not seen since the end of World War II — concrete evidence of a sustained higher level of spending."
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Obama outspent Bush instead of keeping his promise to reduce the national debt. |
Blaming "the economy I inherited" just doesn't work for Obama, as he was the point man on the initiation of the sub-prime mortgage loan fiasco, the bank-Fannie Mae-Freddie Mac colossal scam. But we remember how in 2008 Obama promised to reduce our nation's debt. In fact July 3, 2008 Obama said George W. Bush was not patriotic or responsible because of the nation's debt. The national debt when Obama took office in 2009 was at $10.6 trillion, and currently stands at $15.9 trillion.
Bush added 4 trillion dollars to our debt in 8- years, andObama added 4 trillion dollars to our debt in 2.5-years.
Barack Obama said, "The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion dollars for the first 42 presidents -- number 43 added $4 trillion dollars by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back -- $30,000 for every man, woman and child. It's irresponsible. It's unpatriotic!"
By the end of Obama's four years as president, he will have increased the national debt by more than all prior presidents combined from George Washington to George Bush, the highest in world history, a 60% increase from just a few years ago.
Art Laffer, economist and former economics adviser to President Ronald Reagan concluded, "Stimulus spending over the past five years totaled more than 4 trillion dollars." He said,
Federal government spending as a share of GDP rose to a high of 27.3% in 2009 from 21.4% in late 2007. This increase is virtually all stimulus spending, including add-ons to the agricultural and housing bills in 2007, the $600 per capita tax rebate in 2008, the TARP and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailouts, “cash for clunkers,” additional mortgage relief subsidies and, of course, President Obama’s $860 billion stimulus plan promised to deliver unemployment rates below 6% by now ...
Obama promised 6% unemployment, took one stimulus package and came back for another stimulus package. When asked about shovel ready jobs that were promised, he told us he didn't know what "shovel ready" jobs were.Tom Firey of the libertarian Cato Institute said,
I’ve been watching the debate over stimulus measures since ARRA, since early 2009 … and it seems like each time a measure was passed, it was like nothing had preceded it and nothing would come after it. And so I started tracking them.
If Obama thinks high national debt is unpatriotic, what does that make Obama? ... He is not patriotic by his own 'stimulus' standard.
Truth is, Speaker Pelosi and the Democrat controlled congress are responsible for the "purse strings," and were behind the spending spree from 2006-2010 as the debt increased by $5 Trillion. The current Senate will not allow spending cuts, but their time is up, the 2012 election is coming. The economy can't withstand any further wasteful government spending.
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Obama's fiscal policies were like throwing an anchor to a drowning man. ~Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice |
Although against the law Obama ran the United States of America without a budget for four years. What was he hiding? Obama spent four years insulting America and Americans, suing individual Americans, American Officials, and American Agencies and States. We've never heard of an American President acting this way.
Republicans forced the series of budget votes to highlight Democrats’ failure to advance their own plan. The Senate rejected Obama’s budget in a 0 to 99 vote. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, told reporters that the lack of Democratic support for Obama’s budget was “stunning.”
“A sitting president of the United States, seeking reelection, can’t lay out a plan that will gain a single vote in the House or Senate for the financial future of America,” he said. “It speaks volumes.”
We live in a brutal world, but Americans expect to live free. Rubio was absolutely 'right on' when he said Obama's ideas are the ones we came to America to escape. Clint Eastwood understands freedom and Obama doesn't. Many who watched at least a little convention coverage cited Clint Eastwood's speech as the convention highlight, and twenty-five percent say they feel more favorable toward the GOP nominee now.
Come to think of it, although we were Romney supporters from day one, even our opinion of Romney improved because Clint Eastwood spoke at the Romney GOP Convention. When wondering about Obama, more will decide to "let him go." Clint Eastwood made Romney's Day.
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Ayn Rand |
Ayn Rand warned America about the marxist notions that come along with Obama slogans like "Forward."
We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force. ~Ayn Rand
Clint Eastwood's Entire Speech From The Republican National Convention
Clint Eastwood input made a crucial difference.
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Mitt and Ann Romney |
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You have to be extraordinarily estranged from reality to lap up this stuff. |
"At the DNC Convention they enjoyed, "... a few cheap laughs for a failed president. Let's turn that around, Obama: 'Tax increases, tax increases, inflict more regulations, oh, and more spending increases. Tax increases when times are good, tax increases when times are bad. Spending increases to help you lose a few extra pounds. Tax increases to improve your love life. It'll cure anything.'""
As Glenn Beck pointed out, 'Obama’s like a virus.' Obama promised time and time again that he would NOT raise taxes on the middle class. The ObamaCare medical industry takeover IS in fact 21 new taxes, and a behemoth tax increase on the middle class. There is no longer any other way to spin it. President Obama has officially raised taxes on the middle class.
This is another broken promise. ObamaCare is a godzilla middle class tax hike. And like Obama's foreign stimulus spending, ObamaCare debt is on Americans, but the beneficial change belongs to foreigners and crony recipients of graft. Arrogantly, Obama finds democracy inconvenient, but he finds the pyramid scheme of communist theft convenient. Obama lied about ObamaCare from start to finish.

America's founders knew the trap of government "charity." They warned how this always would be a bottomless well of ever increasing taxation and loss of freedom. We need to re-think these 'scot' taxes. It is the tax to manipulate and regulate social interactions. It is the slippery slope to serfdom.
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Bank of America getting off 'scot free'? |
'Scot' is scandinavian for tax payment. It came to the UK as a form of "redistribution of wealth" which was levied as early the 13th century as a form of municipal relief for the poor. The term also represents a contraction of 'scot' and allotment share.
Clearly these types of taxes are for convenience in manipulation. Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco district was the hands-down winner in the latest set of ObamaCare waivers announced by the Obama administration.
We can see how in this ancient feudal system of graft, we find a system of favors: "infractions" could be forgiven and you could get off "scot free," much in the same way today's crony ObamaCare waivers can be 'given' out to unions and other donors like candy.
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We have a revolution that has to take place |
We the People need vigilance to detect creeping tyranny. Freedom is our natural right, so we must diligently resist a system in which we can be falsely detained, and in which one must therefore beg to escape custody or bondage with slim hope of escaping "scot free." What a Chicago-style racket! Continual deceit is its ever present flag, alerting us to the invitation to drink the 'Koolaid' at this ObamaSnare Suicide Party.
Within a feudal/monarchy type system we're taxed beyond constraints of survival so we'll assist government officials with their every whim to get these onerous "waivers." It is beyond sad to see grown people in America learn to apologize for living.
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Fifth U.S. President, President James Monroe Monroe Doctrine warned European powers not to interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere. |
Here we have the simple description of monarchy, which is always an oliogarchy.
Assertive statism under Obama’s socialism is a journey that will be endless, we have only taken a “critical first step,” for this is a seduction in progress. The takeover of the American healthcare industry hopes to downsize America, with a shrinking number of people making decisions for all.
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Professional and international left-wing anarchists and radicals are using “Occupy” to overthrow the United States by destroying its institutions and the free market system. |
On August 17, 2007 Obama told the SEIU: “Your agenda’s been my agenda.” Obama said we have a revolution that has to take place, and he's revealed that his agenda is the SEIU agenda. In fact ACORN and SEIU share office space and leadership personnel. Obama, SEIU, and ACORN are branches of the same tree. So we know what his revolution is about. Here is a quote from one union member warning us about extreme authoritarian unions seek to subvert our freedom.
The goal of socialists is to abolish private ownership of the means of production. What they won't tell you is that, at its base, the "means of production" is the individual. They mean to abolish your ownership of yourself, to enslave you to their ends.
The problem is the membership, at least the majority, is unaware of the true agenda of the leadership.The local unions don't advertise what the national is doing, or for that matter affiliated groups.I am a public safety officer, my local is fair and has no left wing agenda, but we fall under the AFL-CIO, and they make SEIU look like libertarians. ~Union Member
SEIU - Service Employees International Union
It is important to see that our sovereignty is in question with the involvement of international organizations spending funds to influence our elections and businesses via union political action, protests, violence, and malicious media deceits.
SEIU are activists seeking job opportunity, advantage, and job retention for gay people. They also seek Latino advancement in the workplace. SEIU contributed 100,000 campaign workers to Obama's 2008 election. They also provided 3,000 full-time campaign workers for that 2008 election. It is reported that SEIU is using 'secretive' network of front groups to attack banks, conservatives, and businesses.
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In reality 99% groups are erratic lobbyists created by wealthy and influential labor unions, amounting to a secret network of new SEIU front groups.
The politically aggressive Service Employees International Union (SEIU) has quietly created a national network of at least eight community-organizing groups, some of which function alongside the Occupy Wall Street movement, a Daily Caller investigation shows. OWS is an internationally organized and funded attempt to overthrow western values and capitalism, our free enterprise system.
The list of OWS international supporters includes The Communist Party, The American Nazi Party, Code Pink, National Socialist American Labor Party, David Duke, CAIR with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Klu Klux Klan, the U.S. Democratic Party, and others.
Think about Jameson Joyce's summary, "... by Obama showing his support of this movement, it appears Obama's goal lies somewhere in the cacophony of Occupy Wall Street, somewhere between wealth redistribution and the destruction of capitalism."

Drinking the Koolaid while giving government the benefit of the doubt is not American, but it definitely attracts the corrupt to office. Obama is providing nothing. In ObCare 'We the People' would be providing medical benefits to 32 million who don't now have benefits. This is the biggest increase in government spending in history, but Obama sells it like his personal recipe for "cutting costs." It is a fool's ploy; all that glitters isn't gold. The Soviet and Chinese communist solution to healthcare was eliminating hundreds of millions of healthcare recipients.
To believe that a free people would want socialism of ObCare is called "Drinking the Koolaid." Genocide is the companion of socialism. In Jonestown they acted as a cult in irrational, group-think, and gave away everything they owned to their government, on a vague promise the group would care for them the rest of their lives. Instead they were robbed and murdered. ObCare is a recipe for denial of treatment, and in socialism, there is no such thing as informed consent. 90% of the People will be begging the government for their lives. Socialism means zero freedom, and far less treatment if any. Women are giving birth on the streets in Venezuela today. It you want free health care for all, go live in Cuba.
Dr. Barbara Bellar sees Obama's unnecessary gamble with Americans' health care system for what it is, and plainly describes the insanity and precarious cliffs of disaster for our nation in Obama's vast financial and health care takeover. In fact she is famous for this one long sentence of acute awareness:
So let me get this straight, we’re going to be gifted with a healthcare plan we are forced to purchase, and fined if we don’t, which purportedly covers at least 10 million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents,
written by a committee whose chairman says he does not understand it, passed by a congress that did not read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a president who smokes, with funding - - same sentence – with funding administered by a treasury chief who did not pay his taxes, for which we will be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted social security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that’s broke. So, what the blank could possibly go wrong?
The founder of Planned Parenthood was a Socialist. Margaret Sanger sought to sell their policies as community health and welfare services. In 1957 Sanger became flustered and backpedaled when Mike Wallace pressed her, "...so you would like to see the government legislate religious beliefs in a certain sense?" Many gay people laugh at the idea of gay marriage. It is broadly understood that gay marriage is the gateway of governmental dominance and manipulation over the church and individual thought and will.
The Obama administration is crawling with the modern-day heirs of eugenics movement from Planned Parenthood golden girl Kathleen Sebelius at the Department of Health and Human Services, to the president's prestigious science czar John Holdren — an outspoken proponent of forced abortions and mass sterilization, and a self-proclaimed protege of eugenics, guru Harrison Brown, whom he credits with inspiring him to become a scientist.
Eugenics is a alternate branch of "science" involving improvement of the genetic composition of the population closely associated with the Nazi regime.
We are for Love, and we Love the Liberty
Made Possible by the Rule of Law
Barack Obama didn't tell you, but the transformation he wants is the destruction of the family, nation, Christianity, Jews, and private property. He lied to hide the fact he is absolutely against the Constitution and our Republic. Communists are pro promiscuous horde! When he took his oath of office, he was lying. The intensity behind Barack Obama's war on biblical faith and our Constitution is skyrocketing. We must DARE to be steadfast in the truth, protecting and preserving our Republic. See Ronald Reagan warn about the danger of Barack Obama.
Reagan Warned Us About Obama
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OWS Cleanup New York City |
In a speech on the eve of his inauguration, Obama proclaimed that, “What is required is a new declaration of independence." Obama's transformation talk is marxist talk, and one needs to face the fact that NAZI-ISM is marxist. Tyranny is tryanny by any other name. Notice that Obama hides his lifelong heavy involvement in communism. What does he wish to transform America into? Transformation is not reformation. Trans means farther out, and transformation is a farther out, radical, thorough change.
"Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy; it is not a side effect, but the central pivot.” ~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Because Obama hides his past while vicious promoting his beloved dystopia, he demonstrates his willingness to make America something it doesn't want to become. Barack Obama is a snake-in-the-grass dictator. He is a fraud pretending to be American, but he is not an American in any way, shape or form.
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Because Obama hides his past while suggesting his beloved dystopia, he demonstrates his willingness to make America something it doesn't want to become. |
Adult and mature understanding leads all to see that there are constraints in life. Making a law against vice doesn't prove we're virtuous. Making laws banning guns, doesn't prove we don't use guns. Stealing and "redistribution" are the same thing. Kings have redistributed wealth from the beginning. It is not progressive. Government possesses ALL the vices and evils of mankind, because it's formed of people. Our founding fathers cautioned us against government 'charity.'
We ought to remember that there were hundreds killed in Obama's Fast and Furious, while nobody was killed in Watergate.
Richard Nixon was forced out of office because he lied. And because he covered some stuff up. I’m going to be blunt and tell you this. Nobody died in Watergate. We have some people who are dead because of this {terrorism in Libya}. It was a planned, coordinated, orchestrated attack led by terrorists. And there are some questions that should be answered, and Americans ought to demand to get answers. ~Mike Huckabee
Barack Hussein Obama is maniacally oriented toward government control, fascism. Clearly Obama is a watermelon socialist, green on the outside and red in the middle. Americans don't like deception, and Obama is entirely deceptive.
Conservative pundit Dinesh D'Souza tears apart Democrat lies about fascism.
Fairness and tolerance are loving religious impulses, so communism and "social justice" do not correlate. Obama claims Muslims share our value of religious tolerance. However, where Muslims are a minority, they scream and demand rights, and justify using violence to obtain their demands and perks. Then when Muslims are a majority, there is no such thing as minority rights.
So many Barack Obama lies and deceits point to the fact that what Barack seeks, he knows he would have to impose against our will. Where Muslims are a minority they demand minority rights, and justify violence to obtain their demands. Where Muslims are the majority in a country, there are no minority rights. Barack Obama again is lying to the world. For most of the Muslim world, violence, not a loving impulse, is central to organizing for "social justice."
Engels and Marx became atheists first, and then socialists; they didn't become atheists because of socialism. Socialism pre-dates Marxism, and still continues after Marxism's colossal collapse. There is no such thing as the utopian money tree. Russia and China look to capitalist measures for survival.
Obama lied about his stimulus, it was not used for job creation in America, but for pandering abroad with America spiraling ever downward. Obama is the King of Corruption to the World. This is not the hope and change Obama promised in 2008. Did Obama sell, "Let's build up Occupy Wall Street and transform America into chaos?" Of course we didn't vote for that.
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Prepare to be stunned. A gut punch to the liberal myth carefully built up by the mainstream media, academia, and forces of the institutional Left. |
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Occupy Wall Street Riot |
Obama's self-righteous march moved swiftly by nationalizing health care and nationalizing two of the country’s Big Three automobile companies. Our nationalized auto companies are definitively lagging behind global competitors.
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Wall Street Tent City NY - Occupy Rape Street |
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Matam: Do Muslims share our value of religious tolerance? |
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"Death to America" |
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Muslims swarmed American Embassy in Cairo Egypt protesting a film, overrunning U.S. territory while chanting "Death to America" |
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We have rights! Obama said come to Washington and sue the filmmaker. |
In Islam the customary way to declare war is to burn
the flag of a nation in front of their embassy.
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Matam |
Socialism's naked goal is to remove from every individual the hope of ever becoming richer through hard work and intelligence. What madness, a barbaric and damning choice. Why would we reverse to a system of bribery, heeding every whim of the king like serfs and children? The purpose of Marxist Socialism is to collapse nations in economic destruction, mass murder, and destroy Christianity.
The free enterprise system has been the first and only relief for the poor from grinding poverty and hard labor. Are we really going to reverse from this system that created hundreds of thousands of advances in this world through capitalism, freedom, free enterprise, ability and ambition? Let's not follow the "forward" mesmerization back into a dystopia of statism and dictatorship! Progressives are aggressive, and they are not moving forward.
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Occupy Gotham |
Mr. Communist Obama dodges the Marxist and Socialist label, and prefers smoke-and-mirror branding effects; so he really ought to think about not writing an autobiography telling us more than twenty times how a card-carrying communist Soviet agent and propagandist was his mentor?! It's sort of a give away. Americans on both sides of the political divide despise dishonesty and tyranny.
'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah, I'm the taxman.Should five per cent appear too smallBe thankful I don't take it all'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah I'm the taxman.If you drive a car, I'll tax the street,If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat.If you get too cold, I'll tax the heat,If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet.Don't ask me what I want it forIf you don't want to pay some more'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah, I'm the taxman.Obama and ObCare are bad for our economy, and very very bad for freedom.
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San Diego Tea Party Against Barack Hussein Obama |
The "Tea Party" wanted to express how Americans plan for a strong America, and don't want to destroy our military and influence by debt slavery. Tea Party Americans are bewildered by the stupid idea of getting deeper and deeper in debt to our enemies. Saddle up, The People want to take the cure: The Constitution. It is never acceptable to push for a single non-natural born citizen presidential candidate, never can be accepted. Circle the wagons.
Must Hear Comments On Barry Soetoro's Broken Promises
"There was nothing in the speech that gives confidence that the President knows what he's doing when it comes to jobs and the economy." ~Mitt Romney
Romney on DNC Convention: "The President Needs to Report on Promises he Made."
The President needs to report on the promises he made to the American people. This is not a time for him to start stating new promises, but to report on the promises he made. I think he wants a promises reset, but we want a report on the promises he made. ...The President needs to report on his promises, rather than trying to reset another whole series of new promises that he also won't be able to keep.
There are forgotten promises and forgotten people. Why have so many people fallen from the middle class into poverty under this President.
Well, I was disappointed with President Obama's speech. But of course it's been a disappointing four years. There was nothing in the speech that gives confidence that the President knows what he's doing when it comes to jobs and the economy.
He hardly even mentioned jobs or the economy. In his speech he laid out a few new promises, but the old promises he gave he did not report on. And the reason he didn't do that was he was unable to fulfill the old promises.
At the last convention he said he'd cause incomes to rise, they've gone down; he'd create more jobs, we don't have new jobs in America; we'd see new businesses start up, but as a matter of fact we're at a thirty years low in business start-ups; he was going to cut the deficit in half, it's doubled.
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@Europe, do as Obama says, not as he does |
Almost every indication of what he'd do, Obama has not been able to fulfill. What we saw and what we read with regards to last night's speech was a President making new promises which he also will be unable to fulfill. And no new plan, no new ideas, no "here's how we're going to get the economy going," or here are the specifics of what it would take." Nothing there.
The point is that when this President was elected, he and his team announced to the American people that by now we'd have 5.4% unemployment. That was his promise, I didn't demand he put that number out there. He put it out for the American people. Had he delivered on that promise there'd be nine million more jobs in America today than there are. That was his promise. So I am only holding him accountable by the measure that he himself put out to the American people.
Romney op-ed exerpt: U.S. autos bailout was crony capitalism on a grand scale.
Instead of doing the right thing and standing up to union bosses, Obama rewarded them. A labor union that had contributed millions to Democrats and his election campaign was granted an ownership share of Chrysler and a major stake in GM, two flagships of the industry [new gall in criminal graft conduct for an American President].
Also, the U.S. Department of Treasury — American taxpayers — was asked to become a majority stockholder of GM. And a politically connected and ethically challenged Obama-campaign contributor, the financier Steven Rattner, was asked to preside over all this as auto czar. This was crony capitalism on a grand scale.
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Nixon foresaw: "Going to hell in a handbasket." |
The president tells us that without his intervention things in Detroit would be worse. I believe that without his intervention things there would be better. My view at the time — and I set it out plainly in an op-ed in the New York Times — was that "the American auto industry is vital to our national interest as an employer and as a hub for manufacturing." Instead of a bailout, I favored "managed bankruptcy" as the way forward.
Managed bankruptcy may sound like a death knell. But in fact, it is a way for a troubled company to restructure itself rapidly, entering and leaving the courtroom sometimes in weeks or months instead of years, and then returning to profitable operation. In the case of Chrysler and GM, that was precisely what the companies needed.
Both were saddled with an accumulation of labor, pension, and real estate costs that made them unsustainable. Health and retirement benefits alone amounted to an extra $2,000 baked into the price of every car they produced. Shorn of those excess costs, and shorn of the bungling management that had driven them into a deep rut, they could re-emerge as vibrant and competitive companies. Ultimately, that is what happened.
The course I recommended was eventually followed. GM entered managed bankruptcy in June 2009 and exited it a month later in July. The Chrysler timeline was similarly swift. But something else happened along the way that was truly egregious. Before the companies were allowed to enter and exit bankruptcy, the U.S. government swept in with an $85 billion sweetheart deal disguised as a rescue plan.
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Occupy San Diego |
By the spring of 2009, instead of the free market doing what it does best, we got a major taste of crony capitalism, Obama-style. Thus, the outcome of the managed bankruptcy proceedings was dictated by the terms of the bailout. Chrysler's "secured creditors," who in the normal course of affairs should have been first in line for compensation, were given short shrift, while at the same time, the UAWs' union-boss-controlled trust fund received a 55% stake in the firm {Obama's corrupt campaign contributors ripped off taxpayers}.
The pensions of union workers and retirees at Delphi, GM's parts supplier, were left untouched, while some 21,000 non-union salaried employees saw their pensions slashed and lost their life and health insurance. And so on and so forth across the industry. While a lot of workers and investors got the short end of the stick, Obama's union allies — and his major campaign contributors — reaped reward upon reward, all on the taxpayer's dime.
American taxpayers have been left on the hook for billions to benefit unions and the union bosses who contributed millions to Barack Obama's election campaign. Such a state of affairs is intolerable, and as president I would not tolerate it. The Obama administration needs to act now to divest itself of its ownership position in GM. The shares need to be sold in a responsible fashion and the proceeds turned over to the nation's taxpayers.
Fact: Obama spends millions in legal fees to seal his records. He's hiding something. As Clint Eastwood suggested, we don't have to be mental masochists and vote for someone we don't want in office, for example Mr. Empty Chair.
Truth About "Renegade" Barry Soetoro
Correction of Video Information: *This video inaccurately states that Obama's parents separated two years after they married in February 1961. Obama was born August 4th in 1961 and his mother began school in the state of Washington in September 1961. So Ann Dunham left Hawaii, and was never married to Barrack Obama Sr, who was already married to his first wife in Africa.
Joseph Stalin also started as a community organizer. Community organizers find weaknesses in democratic systems, a technique in Alinsky tactics. Saul D. Alinsky was a former Russian police officer who moved to Chicago. He worked with gang leaders developing techniques for overthrowing current governments and replacing them with Leftist radical governments.
Those doing research for books about Obama have proclaimed Barrack Hussein Obama to be the most secretive president in the history of the United States. But it is well known that as a community organizer Obama trained ACORN employees, and as a lawyer Obama represented ACORN. Fourteen states investigated ACORN for voter fraud. Obama studied under pro-Palestinian activist Edward Said.
After the 2012 Arkansas primary one Democrat stated, “They want a coronation. They're conflating Obama with the party. Are we supposed to call him ‘Dear Leader’? Is this some kind of North Korea thing? They’re trying to make people think it’s hopeless to vote against Obama.”
Obama acts like Big Government is trustworthy, yet history shows that where socialism/communism is on the rise, genocide is its companion. Big Government means classic "Drinking the Koolaid." This expression refers to handing over your money to those in authority with a hope that they'll take care of you for life. In Jonestown the unfortunate result was poison in their koolaid and mass "suicide."
A new survey reveals that the number of Muslims in the U.S. has soared 67% since the 911 attacks. Thanks to our State Department's massive importation of Muslim immigrants, Islam is now the fastest growing religion in America, up from 1 million in 2000 to 2.6 million today.
July 13, 2008 Obama proclaimed to La Raza, “We rise and fall together as one people, and together we will transform this country." It doesn't look healthy for Obama to court followers who aren't Americans to join him in transforming America. Not healthy at all. What does it mean when your most loyal followers are unknowns who came here illegally?
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"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." ~ George Washington |
The founding fathers sought every way possible to limit government. The Constitution is anti-big government. Americans historically do not find big government trustworthy, and find limiting terms the best norm.
James Fenimore Cooper, the novelist, described the common view that "contact with the affairs of state is one of the most corrupting of the influences to which men are exposed."
The historian Mercy Otis Warren warned that "…there is no provision for a rotation, nor anything to prevent the perpetuity of office in the same hands for life; which by a little well timed bribery, will probably be done ..."
We are there, the Era of incumbency and bribery. "Homesteading" in Congress became possible by re-election rates that approached 100% by the end of the 20th century.

The two enemies of the People are criminals and government, so let us tie the second one down with the chains of the Constitution so that the second will not become the legalized version of the first. ~ Thomas Jefferson
The Democrat's New Deal failed to defeat poverty, but it has successfully established a system of bribery and a massive level of corruption. It also enabled "homesteading" of incumbents in Congress. But this sordid system is not restrained; they now are also forcing our offspring into debt slavery to perpetuate their system of bribery.
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Democrats Can't Handle the Truth They Run Out and Print New Money |
Some refuse to see what they see, to hear what they hear, or to say the truth. They prefer believing in a money tree or stealing from others, and the offspring of others. But there are many who are refusing to have their unborn forced into paying loans to our enemies for the purpose of enticing millions to sneak into this country in violation of our immigration laws.
There are many who find government untrustworthy, as Americans always have. We can be especially suspicious of those in our government who officially made laws to get elected, but who then turn around and do not implement those laws. We realize they are cheating, and the nation is on the cliffs of financial suicide.
There seems no self-interest for U.S. officials to vote themselves out of money and influence. Unfortunately, they are participating, and the consequence looks like suicide. Fighting for your freedom is not "just" violence. Obama's communism is not about re-distribution of wealth in America. Obama's communism is about distributing America's private property to foreigners and foreign countries. Obama's communism is about no longer being a sovereign nation.
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Muammar Gaddafi |
Obama used our military to attack and kill Libya's Muammar Gaddafi. The behavior of Obama in the world does not represent the values and interests of Americans.
Obama's actions against allies and civilization, in favor of the barbaric, is not explained by Obama. And he shows no sign of coming clean, only more BIG lies and falsely accusing others. The point is that he has plans within plans, and he fails to tell Congress and America about what he's doing or why he's doing it. Instead Obama confides in Russia's Medvedev. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney seized on Obama’s secretive open mic comment, calling it “alarming and troubling.”
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"Flexible" Is The Islamic Term For Strategic Lying Called 'Taqiyya' |
Charles Krauthammer discussed how Obama admitted to Medvedev that his second-term will be to the hard Left, "This is my last election." That's his way of saying with a nod and a wink, "I'm unleashed. I can do anything I want." It is called collusion with Russia (Putin).
And what he's saying is, "You know that reset I began three years ago where I completely undermined our allies in Eastern Europe, I cancelled the missile defense system and began a process in which our supremacy in missile defenses is now negotiable, which the Republicans have never allowed to be negotiable . . . "
During the 2012 election, Obama mocked his opponent, Republican candidate Mitt Romney, for his comments about Russia being the "number one geopolitical foe" of the United States. It was under Barack Obama that Russia was enabled to invade Ukraine, annex Crimea, prop-up Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, and interfere in the U.S. 2016 elections. He also gave stand-down order for Americans busy defending the U.S. from Russian cyber attacks interfering with our elections.
"It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks." ~Governor Mitt Romney
Andrew Napolitano bolstered Romney by calling his remarks "statesmanlike." Napolitano: "What Romney said yesterday ... was statesmanlike and was far more presidential than what President Obama said."

Barack Obama failed to secure the so-called "crime scene" in Benghazi. It was an Act of War, but Barack insisted upon labeling it just a crime! Then he failed to secure the crime scene!! Obviously it was a crime for which Barack didn't want anyone held accountable, and he sought to limit public information as much as he could.
KRAUTHAMMER: The irony is that it began in Cairo, in the same place where the speech he made at the beginning of his presidency in which he said he wanted a new beginning with mutual respect, implying that under other presidents, particularly Bush, there was a lack of mutual respect, which was an insult to the United States, which had gone to war six times in the last 20 years on behalf of oppressed Muslims in Kuwait, Kosovo, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.
So to imply that we somehow had mistreated Muslims, which was the premise of his speech, and how the Iraq war had inflamed the Arab world against us -- well, there was no storming of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo in those days. [Media Matters, 9/14/12]
Just as Barack Obama told his DNC Convention that he'd destroyed Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda launched the killing of our ambassador in Benghazi, Libya. During Fox News' On the Record, host Greta van Susteren said, after showing a montage of clips related to the Benghazi attacks, "Why does the Obama administration keep changing its tune? Incompetence, or cover-up, or something else?"
So many terror attacks now are up in public view with zero accountability, no investigations that end in punishment of the perpetrators. What can you surmise when Hillary and Obama tell the parents of Benghazi's dead soldiers that they died due to a video? Hillary and Barack even unjustly put the filmmaker in prison. There was no truth, no accountability, and zero compassion from Hillary or Barack for the American victims. And Barack did also act like the Muslim killers are the poor victims, not our American dead!
On behalf of Barack Obama Susan Rice lied to Chris Wallace: "Well, first of all we are obviously investigating this very closely. The FBI has a lead in this investigation. The information, the best information and the best assessment we have today, is that in fact this was not a pre-planned, premeditated attack. That what happened initially was that it was a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired in Cairo."
REALITY: Democrats in the Driveby Media and internet cybersphere mocked anyone brave enough to call Benghazi a terrorist attack - - for months. The attacks WERE planned, it was the anniversary of 911!!! Trolls would claim it was not terror, and also that it was not an attack!!! In this disturbing assault on American soil, the Democrats got smug and disdainful of anyone who disagreed with them!!! It is their guilty pattern, and a sick one.
Co-host Dana Perino noted: "When Ambassador Rice goes on the Sunday shows -- first of all, she's never out ... you never see her. {But this time} she goes out, she's the one who says, this is all just the video, that's the information we have at the time. Three days later, we find out that that is completely wrong. How does that happen?"
Team Obama claimed to want to avoid speculating, but proceeded with constant babbling speculation blaming a video. No, the killers are not killers, a video killed the American Ambassador and 4 Navy SEALS!!?! What ought to raise the national treason alert was Obama's insane behavior in the midst of this grossly disturbing world-wide guilt fest: in an interview Barack Hussein Obama brushed off the death of Amb. Stevens and our Navy SEALS as a "bump in the road."
Yes, there were American dead, but also, there is Hillary and Barack's concealment, and the way they enabled the killers to remain unknown and escape scot free. We were suffering from the shame of having Leaders like Barack and Hillary who have no consciences. During this cover up process Hillary called the President of Libya a liar! The conduct of the President of the United States and the Secretary of State was hideous, a GREAT national dishonor.
Co-host Eric Bolling: Honestly, Dana, it looks and smells and probably is a cover-up. The White House is covering up for what is going to end up being a terrorist attack on American soil, and there are three reasons. They're all political. Number one, because in the hours in the aftermath of the attack, President Obama decided to go get on Air Force Once, go to Las Vegas, pick up some campaign checks.
Number two, this isn't an attack in retaliation for 9/11. 9/11 was 11 years ago. This is an attack in retaliation for [the] bin Laden killing and the victory lap that the Obama administration has been taking, especially at the DNC. Remember this line? "Bin Laden's dead. GM's alive."
So the more they did that, the more it angered the Muslims, the radical Muslim world. And they said, 'You know what? Enough is enough,' and they went and did that. But the administration -- that doesn't look good. Politically, it looks bad for President Obama. So they had to blame it on a movie. Anything but what it really was. 9/21/12
The mode of Ambassador Stevens' death points more to retaliation for Gaddafi's murder by Barack and Hillary, but Barack's constant bragging mantra was sure to keep the revenge embers burning "Bin Laden's dead. GM's alive."
The fact of the matter is that Barack DID tell Americans to empathize with the Benghazi killers, as condemned by Governor Mitt Romney above. And every time Americans are killed by Muslims in terrorist attacks Barack tells Americans not to retaliate, but he NEVER tells Muslims to quit killing Christians. The author is a first-person witness of Barack calling the Benghazi deaths a 'bump in the road,' and revisionist history is endlessly attempted online now. But it is known how dismissive Barack was of Ambassador Stevens' death and of the deaths of our Navy SEALS. It is terrible that the internet is being scrubbed of history. It is dangerous.
Barack does this weird thing, 'his personal ISIL label,' and he constantly frames jihadi as freedom fighters. But that is clearly not the case in Benghazi or Syria. In Syria ISIS was attempting to force Sharia on Syria, it was about islamic religious supremacy. In Benghazi they were doing their terror attack to celebrate the deaths of thousands of Americans in 911, they were celebrating the anniversary of September 11, 2001 NYC Twin Towers Destruction.
In dark humor and tongue in cheek sarcasm, Syria is not NY so Syria doesn't deserve terrorist attacks like Americans do, according to Barack's church and Rev. Wright's remark that 911 was America's chickens coming home to roost. So much for Barack's imaginary freedom fighter 'myths.'
Assad and Gaddafi both were Muslims. Where is Barack's imaginary freedom fighter? Putin said the fighters in Syria fight for who ever gives them the best paycheck. Barack is a Communist. Communists hate reality and history because it proves they are endlessly lying about their conduct and goals.
Bad little president: terrorists are not freedom fighters. Killing without a declaration of war and wearing no uniforms makes them war criminals, not freedom fighters. When terrorists targeted the Christians in the state of Washington, they were retaliating for being caught and stopped in the French train terrorist attack. Three Americans who thwarted the islamic terrorist attack on that train going to France received France's Legion Of Honor Medals. But there were no nanny lectures from Barack that followed to tell the Muslims to stop hunting and slaughtering Christians!!!
Most of America's Driveby Media outlets perpetuated the "video caused an uprising" story until after the election when the administration admitted that it was indeed a terrorist attack. Democrats display a shameless lust for power and lying, and Barack was willing for Americans to die and willing to put a filmmaker in prison to carry on his lies. He even permitted the Islamic killers to walk free, again . . .
The White House bringing up the video is akin to talking about the rape victim's short skirt. It's a complete and utter slap in the face to murders committed by terrorists on the anniversary of 9/11. ~jtrue
Why Israel doesn't support Iran Deal.
America will only have a Republic with a president that protects the Constitution according to his oath of office. It is the job of the President to enforce the Constitution. Obama doesn't do the job, so we have to "let him go."
On February 27th, 2007, Barack Hussein Obama said the Muslim call to prayer is "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset," as published by Nicholas Kristof in The New York Times. Obama recited the Muslim call to prayer -- the Adhan -- to Nicholas Kristof with a first-class Arabic accent.
Barack claimed to be the most pro Israel president, but mistreated Israel's leader and he became the chief advocate of their worst enemy, Iran. For many Jews in Israel, the Muslim call to prayer is not the prettiest sound on Earth at sunset.
Mitt Romney Policy Speech In Israel
The sun sets behind modern buildings and mosqueminarets in Cairo, Egypt.
A rally was organized by Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) on June 6, 2010 at the corner of Church Street and Liberty Street near Ground Zero. Thousands of New Yorkers gathered to protest the construction of a mega mosque."You can build a mosque at ground zero when we can build a synagogue in Mecca.” One of the signs in Russian said, “No to mosques - - the monuments to Islamic extremism and suicide bombers.” Another New Yorker sign exclaims, “And they think a cartoon is insulting?"
President Obama 'weighed in' on the Ground Zero Mosque, and he questioned a person's values if they are against the mosque being built at ground zero; Obama said they don't believe in freedom of religion. Barack Obama got “emotional.”
Center 'cube' under the black and gold drapery is the Kaaba that Muslims say was built by Ishmael and Abraham. In the midst of this brutal world Obama proclaimed that the Islamic Call to Prayer is the prettiest sound on earth at sunset. He could have believed this and not mentioned it. This is the Adhan prayer 'song':
Allah is Most Great.Allah is Most Great.
I bear witness that there is none worthy of being worshipped except Allah.I bear witness that there is none worthy of being worshipped except Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah.I bear witness that Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah.
Come to prayer.Come to prayer.
Come to Success.Come to Success.
Allah is Most Great.Allah is Most Great.
There is none worthy of being worshipped except Allah.
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Kaaba |
To most of the muslim world the ideas of 'deen' and 'islam' are directly opposed to freedom. They demand using force to prevent a separation between church and state, there is nothing 'secular,' politics and religion MUST be one and the same. Most Americans don't realize the consequence of this point of view.
Obama speaks English as a second language. He is not the child of citizen parents, so his 'birth' location is not the only facet of his ineligibility. He is not a poor person who made it to the big time. He's not African-American. According to his autobiography Barack Obama Sr is his father. And he
attended one of the most prestigious and most expensive high schools in America. Obama is not a natural born citizen. He is a phony president, and fraud.
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Occupy Charlotte North Carolina |
Obama lied when he applied to practice law in Illinois. Among other offenses in his application Obama denied ever going by another name. To lie about something so simple suggests a person probably has iceberg-like issues, or this risky behavior would have been avoided. Obama, or Barry Soetoro, became a community organizer for reasons other than bliss.
The tip of the iceberg is Obama voter fraud and voter intimidation in 2008. If Obama is allowed to run in 2012, with the power of the presidency behind him, with Eric Holder to pad the voter rolls with his phony crusade against voter ID, the corruption within the 2012 election will make 2008 look mild.
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Pilgrimage to Mecca |
Cairo, Egypt |
Obama's record is one of spending millions on legal fees to seal his records. Yet his leftist lapdog media pundits tell us we don't understand him when he says, "... you didn't build that." Maybe if in practice they behaved like a free press, they'd demand the transparency Obama promised in 2008 instead of their servile acceptance of Pelosi's elitist edicts like, "...you have to pass the bill to read it."
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Obama is hiding, but what? |
These empty talking heads tell us that we are taking his remarks out of context when Obama said our businesses weren't created by our intelligence and hard work. These hot-dogging pundits tell us we don't understand Obama when he tells us that "somebody else did that." But these lapdogs need to hear us, Americans understand Obama all too well.
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Obama said it and he meant it. Hear for yourself. American Businessmen Know Obama's Context. |
Delusional Barack Obama thinks
he's winning in the middle east.
*See mark 4:00 Charles Lays Track: "It's not harmless."
After seven years in office, Barack Hussein Obama is delusional about what is going on in the world.
This is Columbia undergraduate adolescent view of Himself and the World. It is a disaster.
August 24th in Michigan Romney said, "I love being home in this place where Ann and I were raised, where both of us were born. Ann was born in Henry Ford Hospital, I was born in Harper Hospital. No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate, they know that this is the place that we were born and raised.”
Romney is expressing the clear and present fact that the people of Michigan know the Romney family, and they are Americans. The obvious juxtaposition is that Obama is the one who has something to hide. Obviously Obama hides because he could not get elected if America knew who he really is and what he wants to do next.
Saving our Republic is up to us. We have the leadership, do we have the moral courage? Ben Franklin said they'd given us a Republic, and he wished us luck trying to keep it. We cannot be surprised when we must fight for our Republic. Jihad is real, and we are best served by Churchill-like resolve. "Tolerance" is a a code word with political Islam and its appeasers for suicide. There is no Shinto Shrine on Pearl Harbor Island and letting Obama support a ground zero mosque is moral weakness.
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Romney Married Ann, a Coal Miner's Daughter |
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Tonight, Mitt Romney needed to give the speech of his life. And he did. ~Ben Shapiro |
Click Here for
Ann Romney's Speech RNC Convention
Concluding Remarks
Obama is the worst President we've had. Being a community organizer prepared Obama to tell people dystopia fairy tales. With Ann, Mitt Romney is prepared to build our economy, families, military and our Republic with Constitutional laws and conduct.
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We Did Built This Fleet |
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Apparently not all people say Islamic prayer call is the sweetest sound on earth at sunset. |
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A gold medal for Romney in Tampa August 31, 2012 |
Mitt "out Obama-ed Obama" with a diversity no GOP convention has ever seen. A diversity that, to be honest left me flabbergasted. As a political pundit and observer of politics for decades, I’ve never seen such an array of star power, let alone this kind of diversity of star power at a GOP event. It isn’t about policies. It’s about riveting and compelling stories that connect with the American people. And Mitt learned well enough to earn a gold medal on Thursday night.
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Krauthammer Blasts the 'Bump in the Road' Double Standard
CATWOMAN ::: "Hey, Mr. Empty Chair, I heard that Krauthammer blasted your 'Bump in the Road' double standard. Yeah, he said. 'If Romney had said that the death of our ambassador, the attack on our embassy, the death of three other Americans, the hoisting of the black Al Qaeda flag over four U.S. embassies, and demonstrations all over the Middle East all the way to Indonesia including a burning in effigy of you in Sri Lanka ... is a bump in the road, it would be a three day headline."
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September 14, 2012 Afghan demonstrators torch an effigy of U.S. President Barack Obama during an anti-US demonstration in Ghanikhail district of Nangarhar province.
CATWOMAN ::: "You hardly hear about it anywhere. And he's right. I get around, and there was little laughter over your statement, at least not in front of the cameras. But only Biden clings to the delusion that our crisis of excess debt can be solved by creating more debt. Wow, Clint Eastwood was right . . . "
In 2005 Ahmadinejad called Israel a "tumor" and echoed the words of the former Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, by saying that Israel should be wiped off the map. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has hinted Israel could strike Iran's nuclear sites and criticized U.S. President Barack Obama's position that sanctions and diplomacy should be given more time to stop Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons.
NEW YORK, Sept 24, 2012 -Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke during the high-level meeting of the General Assembly; Iran denied it is seeking nuclear arms and says its atomic work is peaceful and aimed at generating electricity. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Monday Israel has no roots in the Middle East and would be "eliminated." The United States quickly dismissed the Iranian president's comments as "disgusting, offensive and outrageous."
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"Let's see what the American Superman can do to me now." |
Netanyahu At UN In 2012
"Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him?" ~Thomas Jefferson: 1st Inaugural, 1801. ME 3:320
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The Era of Incumbency and Bribery |
In our Era of Incumbency and Bribery 'homesteading in Congress' became possible by re-election rates that approached 100% by the end of the 20th century.
The Democrat's old and unreliable New Deal failed to defeat poverty, but it has successfully established a system of bribery and a massive level of corruption, unrestrained even by spending the money they force us to give them every year.
Democrats now force America's offspring to provide the 'Big Government" a loan, born in debt slavery to our most vicious enemies, to perpetuate their system of bribery. ~Anonymous
Democrats such as Al Gore and Bill Clinton do rape in their offices and massage parlors, as did Democrats in their tent cities of Occupy Wall Street. Yet Obama hearts the Occupy Wall Street crowd, and asks for the support of Bill Clinton. Meanwhile the State media feign blindness as they point their so-called non-judgmental fingers at Akin for using the word "rape" stupidly.
The rotten hypocrisy on the Left has come home to roost, along with their ill got gains. The culture of rape is sponsored directly by the Democrat Party's leaders! Gadzooks. Obama laughably claimed he's guiltless?!
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Obama: The Kardashian Male |
The electorate made the mistake of trusting empty promises in 2008. Please stop listening to unverified words. We must require good-faith deeds. Remember that fraudulent Sandra Fluke abortion-pill-and-birth-control assault on the First Amendment?
When remembering the last four years, we realize that we are staring down the barrel of the Obama 'HealthCare' Gun.
Obama doesn't understand freedom. Go ahead - - make my day.
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There are Navy Seals telling us that that President Obama lied. It is not Muslim custom to bury Osama bin Laden in the ocean. |
On CBS News' "60 Minutes" President Obama in 2012 said that it was unclear whether an assault on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, was the pre-meditated work of terrorists, or a random uprising. The president's uncertainty in that interview, conducted one day after the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack, stands in sharp contrast to when he stated indignantly during an Oct. 16 presidential debate that he saw the assault as an act of terror from the get-go. Barack Obama lies are not little white lies.
Independence Hall Tea Party group endorsed Romney January 2, 2012 |
On August 28, 2010 the Pensylvannia Independence Hall Tea Party group sent nearly 1500 tri-state patriots on 28 buses to Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally in Washington D.C., no other group sent more.
At the rally The People told the world what is behind the 2010 Landslide with Republicans winning elections in areas not Republican for hundreds of years. Americans protested Obama loud and clear. We choose to restore honor, to stop Obama, to stop ObamaCare, to stop overspending, and to stop over taxation.
The Age of Obama begins with perhaps the greatest frenzy of old-politics influence peddling ever seen in Washington. By the time the stimulus bill reached the Senate, reports the Wall Street Journal, pharmaceutical and high-tech companies were lobbying furiously for a new plan to repatriate overseas profits that would yield major tax savings.
We The People have the power. America's August 2012 Tea Party rally hails back to the original 1773 Boston Tea Party protesters, the Sons of Liberty, who also resisted unwanted taxes.
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1001 Reasons to Vote Against Barack Obama |
Why so little coverage of American President suing banks? Bill Clinton with Barry Soetoro and his Chicago allies caused the Great Recession. Obama also won massive campaign donations from the mortgage industry. Threatening companies using government power is called crony capitalism, a method to fill one's campaign warchests. And crony capitalism is euphemism for fascism, the merging of government powers and corporation powers.
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The Obama WH and Obama's DoJ sued more American Individuals Agencies, and States than any previous President |
Let Him Go
Barack Obama the least transparent president in history, and in Obama’s final year,
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The other side
of the looking glass is empty.
Obama suggested that a publicly funded health-care system might help “avoid. . .some of the overhead that gets eaten up at private companies by profits and excessive administrative costs”—thus mistaking the act of making money, the foundational cornerstone of capitalism itself, with the generation of unnecessary expenses.
Many Republicans wonder about the Democrat tendency to attack business. Democrats scream and complain 'excess profits' if oil companies make 4% profits, but 'Big Government' never hesitates to tax gasoline at the pumps at rates between 15-30%. It is the socialist government who is most greedy of all.
Posing as an anti-business crusader, Peter Schiff found a number of DNC delegates and attendees who support explicitly outlawing profitability. We deliberately avoided speaking with the occupy protesters camping outside in tents to get a more "mainstream" Democratic perspective!
Obama’s name can be printed again and again on the surface of the legal documents filed during the proceedings of the Rezko trial, but the {lame-steam media} with all their “naked” insight will clothe the verifiable record with their blindness. Knowledge production, it seems, has been lifted from its evidentiary supports when Democrats write about Barack Obama and Antoin “Tony” Rezko.
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Thomas Jefferson |
"Conservative leaders claim unprecedented media bias this election cycle. Two-dozen conservative activists and media personalities on Tuesday urged members of their respective groups to switch off the 'biased news media,' claiming in an open letter that establishment media are 'out of control with a deliberate and unmistakable leftist agenda.'
Though these groups frequently complain about a left-leaning media bias, they claimed in the letter that the political slant this cycle is unprecedented.'In the quarter century since the Media Research Center was established to document liberal media bias, there has never been a more brazen and complete attempt by the liberal so-called "news" media to decide the outcome of an election,' wrote Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center, and other conservative leaders.They ticked off a litany of grievances against the news media, saying they've been 'shamefully smearing' Mitt Romney over the course of the election ... and suppressing gaffes by Vice President Biden; and have been "deliberately covering up embarrassing government failures and scandals, including the Solyndra debacle, Fast & Furious, and national security leaks. "
U.S. Naval Academy Gangnam Style
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Creator of the Universe and Freedom from Bondage |
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These people are here because Mitt Romney let's them cling to as many guns and religious beliefs as they want without being mocked for it. |
Empty means vacant, hollow, vacuous, inane, and idle when used as an adjective. With ideal serendipity when the same word 'empty' is used as a verb, it means to void or discharge. 'We the People' have the power, so we trust that we have the power in our system to void our mistake. In November we can finally 'pink slip' and discharge Mr. Empty Chair, "Let him go."
Barry Soetoro Is Delusional UPDATE 2015
Mitt Romney said it is all about being born free.
The tip of the iceberg is Obama voter fraud and voter intimidation in 2008. If Obama is allowed to run in 2012, with the power of the presidency behind him, with Eric Holder to pad the voter rolls with his phony crusade against voter ID, the corruption within the 2012 election will make 2008 look mild.
Obama dumped military ballots into the ocean because months before the election in 2012 he knew he couldn't win unless he cheated. SAD, yet Barack Hussein Obama was 're-elected' when 400,000 votes difference in a couple swing states would have made Mitt Romney President in 2012. 2012 one of the top 3 closest races in U.S. history since 1900, a situation considered the red flag of voter fraud. And Barack Obama was an instructor at ACORN.
It is against the Law in the United States to establish any religion, to give preferential treatment to a particular religion. Barack Hussein Obama broke our laws so constantly he's been nicknamed "The Lawless One." Barack Obama's ISIS killers are now at our border and within our borders.
America’s Most Biblically-Hostile U. S. President
Barack Hussein Obama Enacted Communist / Islamic Regime
When one observes President Obama’s unwillingness to accommodate America’s four-century long religious conscience protection through his attempts to require Catholics to go against their own doctrines and beliefs, one is tempted to say that he is anti-Catholic. But that characterization would not be correct. Although he has recently singled out Catholics, he has equally targeted traditional Protestant beliefs over the past four years.
So since he has attacked Catholics and Protestants, one is tempted to say that he is anti-Christian. But that, too, would be inaccurate. He has been equally disrespectful in his appalling treatment of religious Jews in general and Israel in particular. So perhaps the most accurate description of his antipathy toward Catholics, Protestants, religious Jews, and the Jewish nation would be to characterize him as anti-Biblical.
And then when his hostility toward Biblical people of faith is contrasted with his preferential treatment of Muslims and Muslim nations, it further strengthens the accuracy of the anti-Biblical descriptor. In fact, there have been numerous clearly documented times when his pro-Islam positions have been the cause of his anti-Biblical actions.
Listed below in chronological order are (1) numerous records of his attacks on Biblical persons or organizations; (2) examples of the hostility toward Biblical faith that have become evident in the past three years in the Obama-led military; (3) a listing of his open attacks on Biblical values; and finally (4) a listing of numerous incidents of his preferential deference for Islam’s activities and positions, including letting his Islamic advisers guide and influence his hostility toward people of Biblical faith.
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Barack Hussein's White House "Christmas" Tree Ornaments
Ornament of Drag Queen and Ornament of Mao
1. Acts of hostility toward people of Biblical faith:
December 2009-Present – The annual White House Christmas cards, rather than focusing on Christmas or faith, instead highlight things such as the family dogs. And the White House Christmas tree ornaments include figures such as Mao Tse-Tung and a drag queen.
May 2016 – President Obama appoints a transgender to the Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships — an act of overt disdain and hostility toward traditional faith religions.
September 2015 – For White House and State Department dinners, the president deliberately invites guests that he knows will be offensive to the Pope and who openly opposed his message, but he and the State Department very carefully avoid inviting guests that oppose or would offend the dictators of countries such as Cuba and China.
June 2013 – The Obama Department of Justice defunds a Young Marine's chapter in Louisiana because their oath mentioned God, and another youth program because it permits a voluntary student-led prayer.
February 2013 – The Obama Administration announces that the rights of religious conscience for individuals will not be protected under the Affordable Care Act.
January 2013 – Pastor Louie Giglio is pressured to remove himself from praying at the inauguration after it is discovered he once preached a sermon supporting the Biblical definition of marriage.
February 2012 – The Obama administration forgives student loans in exchange for public service, but announces it will no longer forgive student loans if the public service is related to religion.
January 2012 – The Obama administration argues that the First Amendment provides no protection for churches and synagogues in hiring their pastors and rabbis.
December 2011 – The Obama administration denigrates other countries’ religious beliefs as an obstacle to radical homosexual rights.
November 2011 – President Obama opposes inclusion of President Franklin Roosevelt’s famous D-Day Prayer in the WWII Memorial.
Trump Joins World Leaders - Reads FDR Prayer from D-Day Landing
November 2011 – Unlike previous presidents, Obama studiously avoids any religious references in his Thanksgiving speech.
August 2011 – The Obama administration releases its new health care rules that override religious conscience protections for medical workers in the areas of abortion and contraception.
April 2011 – For the first time in American history, Obama urges passage of a non-discrimination law that does not contain hiring protections for religious groups, forcing religious organizations to hire according to federal mandates without regard to the dictates of their own faith, thus eliminating conscience protection in hiring.
February 2011 – Although he filled posts in the State Department, for more than two years Obama did not fill the post of religious freedom ambassador, an official that works against religious persecution across the world; he filled it only after heavy pressure from the public and from Congress.
January 2011 – After a federal law was passed to transfer a WWI Memorial in the Mojave Desert to private ownership, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that the cross in the memorial could continue to stand, but the Obama administration refused to allow the land to be transferred as required by law, and refused to allow the cross to be re-erected as ordered by the Court.
November 2010 – Obama misquotes the National Motto, saying it is “E pluribus unum” rather than “In God We Trust” as established by federal law.
October 19, 2010 – Obama begins deliberately omitting the phrase about “the Creator” when quoting the Declaration of Independence – an omission he has made on no less than seven occasions.
May 2009 – Obama declines to host services for the National Prayer Day (a day established by federal law) at the White House.
April 2009 – When speaking at Georgetown University, Obama orders that a monogram symbolizing Jesus’ name be covered when he is making his speech.
April 2009 – In a deliberate act of disrespect, Obama nominated three pro-abortion ambassadors to the Vatican; of course, the pro-life Vatican rejected all three.
February 2009 – Obama announces plans to revoke conscience protection for health workers who refuse to participate in medical activities that go against their beliefs, and fully implements the plan in February 2011.
April 2008 – Obama speaks disrespectfully of Christians, saying they “cling to guns or religion” and have an “antipathy to people who aren’t like them.”
2. Acts of hostility from the Obama-led military toward people of Biblical faith:
October 2016 – Obama threatens to veto a defense bill over religious protections contained in it.
June 2016 – A military prayer breakfast whose speaker was highly decorated Delta Force Lt. General Jerry Boykin (ret) was cancelled because Boykin was a traditional value Christian who has voiced his support for natural marriage and his opposition to Islamic extremism. (The atheist critic behind the cancellation had complained that Boykin as a “homophobic, Islamophobic, fundamentalist Christian extremist.”)
April 2016 – At the orders of a commander, a 33-year Air Force veteran was forcibly and physically removed by four other airmen because he attempted to use the word “God” in a retirement speech.
February 2016 – After a complaint was received, a Bible was removed from a display inside a Veterans Clinic.
March 2015 – A decorated Navy chaplain was prohibited from fulfilling his duty of comforting the family (or any member of the unit) after the loss of a sailor because it was feared that he would say something about faith and God. He was even banned from the base on the day of the sailor’s memorial service.
March 2015 – A highly decorated Navy SEAL chaplain was relieved of duty for providing counseling that contained religious views on things such as faith, marriage, and sexuality.
June 2014 – Official U. S. government personnel, both civilian and military, in Bahrain (a small Arabic nation near Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran) must wear clothing that facilitates the religious observance of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
March 2014 – Maxell Air Force Base suddenly bans Gideons from handing out Bibles to willing recruits, a practice that had been occurring for years previously.
December 2013 – A naval facility required that two nativity scenes — scenes depicting the event that caused Christmas to be declared a national federal holiday — be removed from the base dining hall and be confined to the base chapel, thus disallowing the open public acknowledgment of this national federal holiday.
December 2013 – An Air Force base that allowed various public displays ordered the removal of one simply because it contained religious content.
October 2013 – A counter-intelligence briefing at Fort Hood tells soldiers that evangelical Christians are a threat to Americans and that for a soldier to donate to such a group “was punishable under military regulations.”
October 2013 – Catholic priests hired to serve as military chaplains are prohibited from performing Mass services at base chapels during the government financial shutdown. When they offered to freely do Mass for soldiers, without regard to whether or not the chaplains were receiving pay, they are still denied permission to do so.
October 2013 – The Air Force Academy, in response to a complaint from Mikey Weinstein’s Military Religious Freedom Foundation, makes “so help me God” optional in cadets’ honor oath.
August 2013 – A Department of Defense military training manual teaches soldiers that people who talk about “individual liberties, states’ rights, and how to make the world a better place” are “extremists.” It also lists the Founding Fathers — those “colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule” — as examples of those involved in “extremist ideologies and movements.”
August 2013 – A Senior Master Sergeant was removed from his position and reassigned because he told his openly lesbian squadron commander that she should not punish a staff sergeant who expressed his views in favor of traditional marriage.
August 2013 – The military does not provide heterosexual couples specific paid leave to travel to a state just for the purpose of being married, but it did extend these benefits to homosexual couples who want to marry, thus giving them preferential treatment not available to heterosexuals.
August 2013 – The Air Force, in the midst of having launched a series of attacks against those expressing traditional religious or moral views, invited a drag queen group to perform at a base.
July 2013 – When an Air Force sergeant with years of military service questioned a same-sex marriage ceremony performed at the Air Force Academy’s chapel, he received a letter of reprimand telling him that if he disagreed, he needed to get out of the military. His current six-year reenlistment was then reduced to only one-year, with the notification that he “be prepared to retire at the end of this year.”
July 2013 – An Air Force chaplain who posted a website article on the importance of faith and the origin of the phrase “There are no atheists in foxholes” was officially ordered to remove his post because some were offended by the use of that famous World War II phrase.
June 2013 – The U. S. Air Force, in consultation with the Pentagon, removed an inspirational painting that for years has been hanging at Mountain Home Air Force Base because its title was “Blessed Are The Peacemakers” — a phrase from Matthew 5:9 in the Bible.
June 2013 – The Obama administration “strongly objects” to a Defense Authorization amendment to protect the constitutionally-guaranteed religious rights of soldiers and chaplains, claiming that it would have an “adverse effect on good order, discipline, morale, and mission accomplishment.”
June 2013 – At a joint base in New Jersey, a video was made, based on a Super Bowl commercial, to honor First Sergeants. It stated: “On the eighth day, God looked down on His creation and said, ‘I need someone who will take care of the Airmen.’ So God created a First Sergeant.” Because the video mentioned the word “God,” the Air Force required that it be taken down.
June 2013 – An Army Master Sergeant is reprimanded, threatened with judicial action, and given a bad efficiency report, being told he was “no longer a team player,” because he voiced his support of traditional marriage at his own promotion party.
May 2013 – The Pentagon announces that “Air Force members are free to express their personal religious beliefs as long as it does not make others uncomfortable. “Proselytizing (inducing someone to convert to one’s faith) goes over that line,” affirming if a sharing of faith makes someone feel uncomfortable that it could be a court-marital offense — the military equivalent of a civil felony.
May 2013 – An Air Force officer was actually made to remove a personal Bible from his own desk because it “might” appear that he was condoning the particular religion to which he belonged.
April 2013 – Officials briefing U.S. Army soldiers placed “Evangelical Christianity” and “Catholicism” in a list that also included Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, and Hamas as examples of “religious extremism.”
April 2013 – The U.S. Army directs troops to scratch off and paint over tiny Scripture verse references that for decades had been forged into weapon scopes.
April 2013 – The Air Force creates a “religious tolerance” policy but consults only a militant atheist group to do so — a group whose leader has described military personnel who are religious as ‘spiritual rapists’ and ‘human monsters’ and who also says that soldiers who proselytize are guilty of treason and sedition and should be punished to hold back a “tidal wave of fundamentalists.”
January 2013 – President Obama announced his opposition to a provision in the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act protecting the rights of conscience for military chaplains.
June 2012 – Bibles for the American military have been printed in every conflict since the American Revolution, but the Obama Administration revokes the long-standing U. S. policy of allowing military service emblems to be placed on those military Bibles.
May 2012 – The Obama administration opposed legislation to protect the rights of conscience for military chaplains who do not wish to perform same-sex marriages in violation of their strongly-held religious beliefs.
November 2011 – Even while restricting and disapprobating Christian religious expressions, the Air Force Academy pays $80,000 to add a Stonehenge-like worship center for pagans, druids, witches and Wiccans at the Air Force Academy.
September 2011 – Air Force Chief of Staff prohibits commanders from notifying airmen of programs and services available to them from chaplains.
September 2011 – The Army issues guidelines for Walter Reed Medical Center stipulating that “No religious items (i.e. Bibles, reading materials and/or facts) are allowed to be given away or used during a visit.”
August 2011 – The Air Force stops teaching the Just War theory to officers in California because the course is taught by chaplains and is based on a philosophy introduced by St. Augustine in the third century AD – a theory long taught by civilized nations across the world (except now, America).
June 2011 – The Department of Veterans Affairs forbids references to God and Jesus during burial ceremonies at Houston National Cemetery.
January 2010 – Because of “concerns” raised by the Department of Defense, tiny Bible verse references that had appeared for decades on scopes and gunsights were removed.
3. Acts of hostility toward Biblical values:

October 2015 – The administration attempts to pick opponents for court cases dealing with Obcare contraception mandate.
March 2014 – The Obama administration seeks funding for every type of sex-education — except that which reflects traditional moral values.
August 2013 – Non-profit charitable hospitals, especially faith-based ones, will face large fines or lose their tax-exempt status if they don’t comply with new strangling paperwork requirements related
to giving free treatment to poor clients who do not have Obamacare insurance coverage.
Ironically, the first hospital in America was founded as a charitable institution in 1751 by Benjamin Franklin, and its logo was the Good Samaritan, with Luke 10:35 inscribed below him: “Take care of him, and I will repay thee,” being designed specifically to offer free medical care to the poor.
Benjamin Franklin’s hospital would likely be fined unless he placed more resources and funds into paperwork rather than helping the poor under the new faith-hostile policy of the Obama administration.
August 2013 – USAID, a federal government agency, shut down a conference in South Korea the night before it was scheduled to take place because some of the presentations were not pro-abortion but instead presented information on abortion complications, including the problems of “preterm births, mental health issues, and maternal mortality” among women giving birth who had previous abortions.
June 2013 – The Obama Administration finalizes requirements that under the Obamacare insurance program, employers must make available abortion-causing drugs, regardless of the religious conscience objections of many employers and even despite the directive of several federal courts to protect the religious conscience of employers.
April 2013 – The United States Agency for Internal Development (USAID), an official foreign policy agency of the U.S. government, begins a program to train homosexual activists in various countries around the world to overturn traditional marriage and anti-sodomy laws, targeting first those countries with strong Catholic influences, including Ecuador, Honduras, and Guatemala.
July 2012 – The Pentagon, for the first time, allows service members to wear their uniforms while marching in a parade – specifically, a gay pride parade in San Diego.
October 2011 – The Obama administration eliminates federal grants to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops for their extensive programs that aid victims of human trafficking because the Catholic Church is anti-abortion.
September 2011 – The Pentagon directs that military chaplains may perform same-sex marriages at military facilities in violation of the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
July 2011 – Obama allows homosexuals to serve openly in the military, reversing a policy originally instituted by George Washington in March 1778.
March 2011 – The Obama administration refuses to investigate videos showing Planned Parenthood helping alleged sex traffickers get abortions for victimized underage girls.
February 2011 – Obama directs the Justice Department to stop defending the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
September 2010 – The Obama administration tells researchers to ignore a judge’s decision striking down federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
January 2009 – Obama lifts restrictions on U.S. government funding for groups that provide abortion services or counseling abroad, forcing taxpayers to fund pro-abortion groups that either promote or perform abortions in other nations.
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ALIVE From New York at Times Square
The Day Abortion Died
4. Acts of preferentialism for Islam:
I can't believe that your Government would even entertain a plan to build a mosque at Ground Zero. Who in their right mind would condone placing a statue of Adolf Hitler in Israel? ~Bill in UK
70% of Americans Opposed the Mosque |
To the Muslim World building a mosque at Ground Zero is like hoisting a victory flag. In Muslim countries other religions are forbidden from building churches, and forbidden from ever repairing those in existence.
I am Manjunath from India, one of the countries whose culture and civilization were ravaged by barbaric Muslims. The Mussies take pride to claim Islam means peace. They are true to a good extent as there is always peace in a graveyard.
The decision to build a mosque at 9/11 site shows the mental bankruptcy of the U.S. authorities. The U.S. authorities are deliberately insulting not only the 9/11 victims, but the sufferers of militant Islamic attackers around the world.
April – September 2015 – The Obama administration negotiates a deal to stop economic sanctions of Iran because of nuclear power development, despite the warnings and concern of Israel.
February 2012 – The Obama administration makes effulgent apologies for Korans being burned by the U. S. military, but when Bibles were burned by the military, numerous reasons were offered why it was the right thing to do.
August 2010 – Obama speaks with great praise of Islam and condescendingly of Christianity.
August 2010 – Obama went to great lengths to speak out on multiple occasions on behalf of building an Islamic mosque at Ground Zero, while at the same time he was silent about a Christian church being denied permission to rebuild at that location.
April 2010 – Christian leader Franklin Graham is disinvited from the Pentagon’s National Day of Prayer Event because of complaints from the Muslim community.
April 2010 – The Obama administration requires rewriting of government documents and a change in administration vocabulary to remove terms that are deemed offensive to Muslims, including jihad, jihadists, terrorists, radical Islamic, etc.
May 2009 – While Obama does not host any National Day of Prayer event at the White House, he does host White House Iftar dinners in honor of Ramadan.
2010 – While every White House traditionally issues hundreds of official proclamations and statements on numerous occasions, this White House avoids traditional Biblical holidays and events but regularly recognizes major Muslim holidays, as evidenced by its 2010 statements on Ramadan, Eid-ul-Fitr, Hajj, and Eid-ul-Adha.
Many of these actions are literally unprecedented – this is the first time they have happened in four centuries of American history. The hostility of President Obama toward Biblical faith and values is without equal from any previous American president.
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Mojave Memorial Cross
Barack Hussein Obama Lied That He Is Christian
"We don't have to be mental masochists and vote for somebody
that we don't really even want." ~Clint Eastwood
To the question "do you pray often?" Obama replied, "Uh, yeah, I guess I do."
When asked whether he had read the Bible, Obama responded: "Absolutely. {But} these days I don't have much time for reading or reflection...
In answering reporter Falsani's question about whether there was a role model who combined everything Obama said he wanted to do in his life and faith, Obama's first response was, "I think Gandhi is a great example of a profoundly spiritual man."
Gandhi? A Hindu? How about Jesus, seeing as Obama claims to be a "committed Christian"?
When Obama was asked pointedly, "Who's Jesus to you?" he immediately responded with a nervous laugh, followed by a rather sarcastic "Right." He proceeded:
"Jesus is an historical figure for me, and he's also a bridge between God and man, in the Christian faith, and one that I think is powerful precisely because he serves as that means of us reaching something higher. And he's also a wonderful teacher."
"I find it hard to believe that my God would consign four-fifths of the world to hell. ... That's just not part of my religious makeup."
FYI, Christian belief is that on Judgement Day people are judged for their deeds, thoughts, words, and what was in their heart, evil or good. They CHOOSE their conduct, and we know God is Just. We Christians trust God, and don't believe our wisdom is greater than God's.
Literally the only guidance for Muslims about how to reach paradise is to die while you slit the throat of an infidel. Remember, this is the man when in Cairo who emphatically stated to the Middle Eastern world that it is part of his "responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear." Yet on June 28, 2006, two years after his interview with Falsani, then-Sen. Obama publicly perpetuated negative stereotypes of Christianity.
"Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation"; "the dangers of sectarianism are greater than ever"; "religion doesn't allow for compromise"; "the Sermon on the Mount (is) a passage that is so radical that it's doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application"; and "to base our policy-making on such commitments (as moral absolutes) would be a dangerous thing."
And the whole time I consider Obama's anti-Christian diatribes and religious rubbish, I keep coming back to the words of President George Washington in his presidential Farewell Address, advice our current president would be wise, especially now, to heed:
"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them."
What Christian would choose to name themselves Barack Hussein? A Christian wouldn't. A 'committed' Christian would not lie. Also, they would know that America was founded by Christians and say so.
August 2010 – Obama went to great lengths to speak out on multiple occasions on behalf of building an Islamic mosque at Ground Zero, while at the same time he was silent about a Christian church being denied permission to rebuild at that location. After a Freedom of Information Act request from Judicial Watch, released documents, emails, and various exchanges between Mayor Bloomberg's office and the radical Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his motley crew of Islamic supremacists, showed evidence of collusion, inappropriate political support for the Ground Zero mega-mosque, and favoritism given to the project.
Barack Supports Islamic Supremacy In America: UnConstitutional
This country was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics and principles, so if elected officials are going to support religious freedom for Muslims in America, they should do the same for one of this country's Christian minorities.
Where Muslims are a minority they scream and demand minority rights, even perks, and justify using violence to obtain their demands. But where Muslims are a majority, there are no minority rights.
You May Know When Your Society Is Doomed
- When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion
- When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing.
- When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors
- When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you
- When you see corruption being rewarded, and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice — you may know that your society is doomed. ~Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
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