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Blacklisted by History by M. Stanton Evans "The greatest book since the Bible." ~ Ann Coulter |
Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy
and His Fight Against the Communist Conspiracy
He Was Right
In 2001 veteran journalist and author M. Stanton Evans published his groundbreaking book, Blacklisted by History in November of 2007. He reveals the overwhelming, irrefutable and convincing evidence of a relentless Communist drive to penetrate our U.S. government, and of their Soviet White House Cabal. The Red United States Communist Conspiracy is happening, and Joseph McCarthy was right after all. McCarthyism needs to be redefined.
"Senator Joseph McCarthy is universally remembered as a demagogue, a bully, and a liar. History has judged him such a loathsome figure that even today, a half century after his death, his name remains synonymous with witch hunts." Senator McCarthy is a victim of one of the most entrenched conspiracies.
We know why authors write with a detached air. We've all seen the lofty environment of scholars that brings praise for preserving a lack of sentiment. But correcting such an enormously false and cruel disservice to McCarthy commands a "shout," not for the sake of McCarthy, but in a clear message for our American well-being. Network's "We are mad as hell, and we are not going to take it any more," is the proper sentiment to the MSM-Enemy Media's blackout of news coverage regarding this book, Blacklisted by History. The biggest red flag of a secret, hidden agenda in communications are the acts of omission.
Today zombie legions of MSM writers mock "making up conspiracies theories" by derisively and falsely labeling the sound questioning of startling incongruities. The goal of such propaganda is to stifle free speech and the search for Truth, via their Alinsky method of ridicule. Those behind our enemy media are afraid that the truth does set us free.
To Department of Industry and Commerce Export Compliance officials conspiracy exists when two or more people talk about ways to get around the law. Not a steep, rare, nor an impossible-to-imagine threshold for its existence. Some refer to the American revolution from England as a conspiracy, so we no longer ought to ignorantly think that "conspiracy" means fantasy. It is a constant event, not rare. Kingslaying is an old profession, not at all rare nor impossible.
Kingslaying is often the conspiracy to kill the head of state. Conspiracy is not impossible. To ridicule the mere idea of conspiracy is complete nonsense and the jabber of a deficient education. Such ridicule is the drone propaganda of an enemy matrix controlling our nation's media industrial complex. Scientists formulate theories to organize investigations, the beginning step toward discovering new information. Smart and thinking people, like detectives, formulate theories to uncover the unknown facts, FACTS. Theories lead to facts, and that is what the enemy fears. This is what the Democrat Party fears. It is not only independent thinking they fear, the FACTS condemn them and we uncover the facts using theories.
Ayn Rand has warned us against the dangerous force of mediocrity: it is quite dangerous for our society and culture when we do not value thinking. The path to great ideas is brainstorming unfettered by Alinsky students' ridicule and ignorance. Throw off the chains and unshackle our nation. No more collective or group think, Yankee ingenuity is the America Legacy. The world needs our ingenuity today more than ever.
McCarthy warned us of the Soviet penetration of our government, and it happened precisely as McCarthy contended. Our U.S. leadership covered up the shadow government conspiracy. Today only a bumpkin, or worse, would use the term "McCarthyism." We must face the reality of flagrant loyalty risks working within the U.S. government.
As one book commentary stated:
The blackout of news coverage on Stanton's book about our real history demands close scrutiny. We now know of the vindication of the most dramatic conspiracy theorist, Joe McCarthy, yet our driveby media is silent. This silence reveals pernicious forces that continue to distort our vision and weaken our national resolve. This vast blackout arouses suspicion about the loyalty of our media. Without doubt, many in our country and media are a mixed matrix of "enemies within."

Conspiracy is not impossible nor at all rare. The bold and the brave develop theories to initiate investigations. New information and truth is discovered in such investigations. Theories are valuable. Conspiracy theories formulate the first steps in stopping crime, subversives, sedition and war.
Do we want our republic, freedom, and commerce undermined? If not, we develop conspiracy theories and pursue the investigations. Refusing to formulate theories and investigations for truth, and taking orders from the shaming collective is the path of brain-dead zombies. Independence of thought is our highest value and asset, protected by the First Amendment.
Some refer to the American revolution from England as a conspiracy, so we no longer ought to ignorantly confuse "conspiracy" with the word "fantasy." Conspiracy theories formulate the first steps in investigating criminals, traitors, and impostors and the first steps of vetting candidates for the Presidency. Without investigation one cannot discern the impostor.
For emphasis, I repeat that Joseph McCarthy was Senator McCarthy, he was not even a member of the House that was investigating Hollywood. McCarthy ran a Senate investigation of communists WITHIN OUR GOVERNMENT, the fake news has lied about him constantly from the start.
Now think about the extremely rabid Hollywood Communist behaviors and the way they viciously attack Conservatives and do not allow them to work in Hollywood. And it is known that Hollywood sponsors and funds the runaway islamocrat Democrat Party and despots around the world, and it is run by the Weinsteins of Hollywood. McCarthy is a hero. It is Hillary and her pal Weinstein who are the booze hounds, not Senator McCarthy. The Leftist Communists in Hollywood and Marxist Media smeared Joseph McCarthy and many many other Americans. As we speak, they're engaged in smearing America itself.
Unity is not fascist, forced unity is fascist. True unity is strength.
"Senator Joseph McCarthy is universally remembered as a demagogue, a bully, and a liar. History has judged him such a loathsome figure that even today, a half century after his death, his name remains synonymous with witch hunts." Senator McCarthy is a victim of one of the most entrenched conspiracies.
"It takes M. Stanton Evans's meticulous investigative journalism to show what Joe McCarthy's short stay on the national stage (a little under five years, from February 1950 to December 1954) really was about." ~Robert Novak, Weekly StandardIn this article we discuss the idea of "conspiracy" and share the truth about "McCarthyism" readily available through book commentaries, book descriptions, and editorial reviews from Amazon.com. It is disturbing for Americans to remain in the dark about our red-scare historical reality. But the term "McCarthyism" can no longer be a metonymic term for "witch hunts."

We know why authors write with a detached air. We've all seen the lofty environment of scholars that brings praise for preserving a lack of sentiment. But correcting such an enormously false and cruel disservice to McCarthy commands a "shout," not for the sake of McCarthy, but in a clear message for our American well-being. Network's "We are mad as hell, and we are not going to take it any more," is the proper sentiment to the MSM-Enemy Media's blackout of news coverage regarding this book, Blacklisted by History. The biggest red flag of a secret, hidden agenda in communications are the acts of omission.
Today zombie legions of MSM writers mock "making up conspiracies theories" by derisively and falsely labeling the sound questioning of startling incongruities. The goal of such propaganda is to stifle free speech and the search for Truth, via their Alinsky method of ridicule. Those behind our enemy media are afraid that the truth does set us free.

Kingslaying is often the conspiracy to kill the head of state. Conspiracy is not impossible. To ridicule the mere idea of conspiracy is complete nonsense and the jabber of a deficient education. Such ridicule is the drone propaganda of an enemy matrix controlling our nation's media industrial complex. Scientists formulate theories to organize investigations, the beginning step toward discovering new information. Smart and thinking people, like detectives, formulate theories to uncover the unknown facts, FACTS. Theories lead to facts, and that is what the enemy fears. This is what the Democrat Party fears. It is not only independent thinking they fear, the FACTS condemn them and we uncover the facts using theories.
To tell others they need to stop formulating theories is to tell people to stop thinking, and that is the evil to be most fiercely resisted, the self-censure of thinking and investigation! ~Ayn Rand
The writings of Ayn Rand really destroy the craft of the Reds, she lived through their insidious destruction of Russia and the Communist destruction of her father's business. She witnessed how her nation suffered, and the Communist slaughter of hundreds of millions of people. Her voice is vital in America now.
McCarthy warned us of the Soviet penetration of our government, and it happened precisely as McCarthy contended. Our U.S. leadership covered up the shadow government conspiracy. Today only a bumpkin, or worse, would use the term "McCarthyism." We must face the reality of flagrant loyalty risks working within the U.S. government.
As one book commentary stated:
"...we should focus on the matrix ... employed against the United States ... that condone{s} not only appeasement on the international scale, but locally as well."We should question the use of voting machines that process in Spain. Spain, our historical arch rival who wiped Roanoke off the face of America not so long ago.
"... folks, pay attention to even the most parochial of mandates and civil exceptions."
" The matrix" is a suitable term for enemies of the state within, like "Occupy America," who harken to their call from foreign, global ... magazines. We ignore this matrix at our own peril since we can recall how "Senate hearings ... casually dismissed ... the matter of ...Owen Lattimore, the Annie Lee Moss case, the Army-McCarthy hearings, and much more ..."
Knowing our true history transforms our society. And it demands that our language usage be rectified. Conspiracy is simply not impossible nor at all rare. The Soviet penetration of our government happened. The truly cruel and evil smear of Joseph McCarthy built up a false, backward, ignorance-riddled culture. America the bold and brave needs to be freed to think for themselves again.

I heard McCarthy speak in 1951, and he was really dynamic, one of the two best speakers that I ever heard in my life. The author M. Stanton Evans ... writes only the truth. ~Pete Jones
Introductory Commentary
By Patricia A. Helvenston, PhD
"This brilliant, meticulous, heavily documented book by Stanton Evans is about much more than Joseph McCarthy, great patriot that he was, as is amply demonstrated herein. And anyone who doesn't come away from this book with the belief that McCarthy was indeed a great warrior and patriot, hasn't bothered to read it in its entirety.
Just as important, it presents a picture of Washington politics during WWII and the early cold war, and provides an insightful and intimate view of the extent to which the FDR and Truman administrations were riddled by the penetration of top soviet agents at the highest levels.

Evans presents some compelling, but as yet incomplete evidence, that soviet agents in both Washington and Japan worked tirelessly to make the US and Japan buy into the inevitability of war between the two countries, thus facilitating WWII.
Moreover, Evans documents the extent to which these gullible presidents ignored security issues, the extent to which they sold out China, the Balkans, and all of Eastern Europe to communist Russia, under the influence of some of their trusted advisers who were known, even at the time by the FBI as Evans shows, as top soviet agents working directly for Moscow.
The FBI's findings were subsequently confirmed in the Venona decrypts when made public, and Evans concludes that the FBI was definitely effective in gathering the evidence that many in the State Department were agents for Moscow at the time, although FDR and Truman ignored and denigrated Hoover's findings, even in the case of the Truman administration, trying to blame the FBI for not briefing them when McCarthy and others made the information public.
McCarthy was able to bring much of this information before the Senate in hearings, before the powers in and out of the Truman and Eisenhower Administrations ultimately destroyed him, thus alerting most Republicans and many Democrats to the seriousness of the soviet penetration of all levels of government (although the Eisenhower administration was unconscionably hostile to McCarthy).
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Listening to McCarthy in Wisconsin |
As Evans sums up, "It's a remarkable but generally neglected fact that EVERY major McCarthy investigation in the period 1953-54 resulted in some significant change in governmental practice (p. 604)."
The lying tactics used by Truman especially attempted to cover up the fact that the State Department was not only run by communists (Hiss, Vincent, Service, and dozens of others, and White, Adler, Coe and others in Treasury), but the Secretary of State, General George C. Marshall, and Under Secretary Dean Acheston appear to have been either communists, communist sympathizers, or useful idiots.
For example, Truman was repeatedly warned about White, Hiss, Robert Oppenheimer, Service and other top soviet spies by the FBI, as is minutely documented in this book, but he completely ignored the warnings. Whether Oppenheimer passed Atomic secrets to the Soviets is another detailed book that still needs to be written, as far as I know.
A speech that Acheson gave on Jan 12, 1950, literally invited the Communist North Koreans to invade South Korea, which they did on June 25, 1950, thus beginning a "police action" as Truman called it, that resulted in the deaths of thousands of American soldiers.
In this context, and with much of the evidence Evans makes public for the first time, a re-evaluation of the McArthur-Truman showdown, and the context in which it took place during the Korean "police action" is in order.
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Rare Glimpse Inside North Korea Today |
Evans documents specific communists and their written comments, who were able to shape the Truman State Department, such as Prof. Owen Lattimore (and earlier the FDR administration) to "pull off" these enormous land and people "give aways" to the Communists world wide, leading to over ~100 million deaths attributed to Communists before the fall of the Soviet Union.
The tactics used against McCarthy are documented in this book in great detail, and provide some of the best evidence available of the treasonous deceptions of some in the Democratic Party seventy years ago, which are the same strategies as used by the Marxists who control their party today.
Nothing has changed except that the lies are bigger, and more and more of the American Public is "too busy," or too ignorant to learn what's going on.
Even conservatives who have suspected or known some of the information presented by Evans for over half a century will find this book stunning in its revelations. It will open eyes and teach lessons well worth knowing for today's world.

Valerie Jarrett and Eric Holder strongly support continued progress of students who are or are presumed to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender in our nation’s public K-12 schools. Too bad they don't feel strongly about reading, writing, mathematics, science and history. Instead they are fascinated with the State dictating to the church. How Communist of them.
Far from being "Old News" as the Marxists are trying to argue regarding the publication of this book, it contains such detailed facts, never-before-published-for-the-general-public, that there are literally more than 600 pages power-packed with new information. I can't recommend it too highly."
[By the way, Communist Valerie Jarrett was brought in to manage the fact that Communist Eric Holder lied to Congress.]
Senator Joe McCarthy was an earlier victim of the machine that the Left has always activated against people who are a threat, and in favor of their own. The Venona transcripts and Russian archives have largely exonerated McCarthy's claims as correct, but the mainstream history and media professions have no interest in putting this on the record.
In fact Evans gives examples of patently untrue statements of alleged historical record by contemporary media regarding McCarthy, that go beyond even the distortions that are a matter of "record." Evans' efforts to get retractions published by the likes of, for example, the New York Times, have been fruitless. ~Phil HaywardThe “vast left-wing conspiracy” has always worked this way. Bill Clinton’s National Security Adviser, Sandy Berger, gained access to National Archives after Sept 11, 2001, and surreptitiously removed (no-one knows how many) documents which would have been proof of goodness knows what, doubtlessly not reflecting very favorably on himself and/or the Clintons.
The Communist driveby media elected Communist President Barack Hussein Obama telling voters virtually nothing about his real background, with all source documents about him obligingly locked down by Communist University administrations and Communist government bureaucracies, and so on.
To this day Communist media shills and allies will use alinsky's ridicule on 'birthers.' Yet Sheriff Arpaio proved the Obama internet birth certificate is entirely a forgery. Ask where was Barack born? You know, Barry Soetoro, since both hospitals in Hawaii still deny that Barry Soetoro was born in their hospital.
The Sheriff's evidence ... is clear and convincing proof that the Obama certificate of live birth, posted on Whitehouse.gov on April 27, 2011 is a fraudulently manufactured document.
The Key is Government Documents:
Evans aims to give empirical proof that those Senator McCarthy accused of spying for the Soviet Union in the 1950s were guilty of it:, e.g. two decades of House and Senatorial memos, 1930's Congressional spy investigations, government reports on security, official lists of named security risks, two decades of FBI reports with margin notes, transcripts of FBI wiretaps, notes from political strategy meetings squirreled away in boxes, and so forth.
This pastiche of evidence plays the devil with the book's narrative for the first few chapters. Be that as it may, if one accepts these documents as factual, then one must accept the guilt of those McCarthy accused.
In Evan's view, McCarthy was ... sinned against ... He conducted his inquiries fairly, did not slander, and did not steamroll ... anyone. He was an exceptionally bright, lower-class, self-made man who raced through high school and law college. He was a judge while only in his thirties.
As junior Senator from Wisconsin at age 41, he threatened to mortify the White House, Democrat Party ruled Senate, and the State Department with revelations of a "massive" communist penetration of the U.S. government.
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Each threatened institution had enough individual power to poleaxe him. Despite that, the first wave of retribution couldn't touch him, because what he said about Communist infiltration was "old news" in Washington circles, with years of evidence to prove it.
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George Marshall |
When Democrats lost the House and the Presidency in 1952, McCarthy alienated Eisenhower by soundly condemning George Marshall for losing China, then going after some of Eisenhower's job nominees as Communists sympathizers, which Evans argues they were. By 1954 McCarthy held a tiger by the tail, and it finally ate him, with some Republican help.
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Young Richard Nixon |
According to Evans, those who brought McCarthy down did to him what legend says he did to others--they smeared him by innuendo, told outrageous lies about him, even deleted or altered sections of Senatorial reports, to make him look not just bad, but horrible.
It worked. Newspaper cartoonists of the day drew pictures of him coming out of sewers walking on his knuckles; and Hollywood films have ever since depicted him as a Neanderthal booze-hound . . . hence the title: Blacklisted by History.
Yet, writes Evans, what the junior Senator from Wisconsin charged was practically dead-on correct in nearly every instance. He was being fed information by fed-up government insiders. Interestingly enough, notes Evans, several important items connected to the truth of McCarthy's charges, once in government archives, were removed decades ago. Their titles are still listed, but the documents are gone.
Evans put forth an argument for re-evaluating who and what Joseph McCarthy was. Perhaps most important of all, he suggests that a counterfeit, confabulated story of "McCarthyism" is the dominant one held to this day by popular, ignorant history. ~James November 24, 2010
This is not a work that we should look back over our shoulders and say, "Well, that's behind us." Far from our past experience with the Commintern, we should focus on the matrix or matrices employed against the United States in our own political ranks, that condone not only appeasement on the international scale, but locally as well.
I repeatedly warn folks, pay attention to even the most parochial of mandates and civil exceptions. Evans work is dynamic; eye and thought opening.
Who McCarthy is and what McCarthy did has been a “closed case” for so long that to send professors back to the drawing boards might lead them into exactly what Stan Evans found: proof that even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Soon enough, those who think there’s two ways to feel about McCarthy won’t be laughed out of the classroom anymore ...
Much like Ernesto Miranda, freed from prison for not being read the “Miranda Warning," only to have his eventual killer released without charges ten years later for a procedural problem regarding his Miranda Rights! “McCarthy was a drunk, a crook, and a liar who maintained his waning political career by willfully attacking individuals and organizations that posed no threat to the United States,” writes The Capital Times of Madison, Wisconsin, a publication McCarthy once referred to as “the Pravda of the Prairie” after it opposed both of his bids to the U.S. Senate.Though he’s been dead and gone since 1957,” M. Stanton Evans begins his book, "...Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy lives on in American legend with remarkable staying power… Not that Presidents Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower, two eminent critics of McCarthy in the 1950's, are forgotten. It’s just that they don’t come up all the time in squabbles of the modern era. Joe McCarthy does, and then some. ~David B. O'Connor (Boston, Massachusetts 02115) February 19, 2012
I'd give it six stars if I could. Although the first part of the book is necessary background material, as soon as it starts with the work done by McCarthy, it reads like a novel. Meticulously researched, well-documented account of what really happened, and disproves the falsehoods perpetrated by partisan enemies. Worth reading twice! ~Batjacboy (CA) February 6, 2012
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McCarthy Grade School Group Portrait |
Editorial Reviews
"It takes M. Stanton Evans's meticulous investigative journalism to show what Joe McCarthy's short stay on the national stage really was about (a little under five years, from February 1950 to December 1954)." ~Robert Novak, Weekly Standard
"So comprehensive is Evans's research that it will be a foolish historian who does not consult Blacklisted by History when a question arises over some person or event that comes into the McCarthy story." -John Earl Haynes, co-author, Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America
"This book will change forever how you think about Sen. McCarthy and the Soviet penetration of the U.S. government and society." ~Bob McMahan, Foreign Service Journal
"Evans goes through extensive files and transcripts with complete mastery of complex material and an engaging turn of phrase that makes more than 600 pages of painstaking analysis both a triumph of historical scholarship and a gripping detective story." ~David Ashton, The Salisbury Review
"Of the hundreds of books on the McCarthy era, Stan Evans has written the best—a nuanced, incredibly detailed work of scholarship." -William Schulz, The American Spectator
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Joseph McCarthy in the South Pacific |
"In this masterful instant classic, M. Stanton Evans sets out to tell the 'Untold Story of Joe McCarthy' and does so definitively." ~Jack Cashill, WorldNetDaily
"This is a master newspaperman at work: digging, interviewing the record, pulling apart and putting together the details of deeds done mostly by the politicians who ran our imperfect national government in the nineteen fifties." -John Willson, Chronicles
"After combing through masses of declassified documents from Congress, the FBI, the State Department and other federal agencies, Stan Evans has produced a masterpiece of truth." -Terry Jeffrey, Human Events
"Evans, a veteran journalist, doesn't shout. He displays, instead, a deadly meticulousness that is, at last, overwhelmingly convincing." -William Rusher, United Features Syndicate
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George Marshall |
"The most thorough scholarly examination of McCarthy's career." ~Cliff Kincaid, Accuracy In Media
"Brilliantly documented." ~Wes Vernon, RenewAmerica.us
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Joseph McCarthy is Best Man, a Marine Captain |
"Monumental ... the result of six years of reading primary sources. Evans proves that almost everything about McCarthy in current history books is a lie and will have to be revised.... one of Reagan's old radio commentaries referred to Evans as 'a very fine journalist.'
He is, indeed, but this book shows that he also is a Sherlock Holmes-type detective who chased every clue to find the truth and to write accurate history in elegant prose..... Everyone who henceforth writes about Joe McCarthy will have to check his facts with Evans' documented discoveries. ~Phyllis Schlafly, Creators Syndicate
Evans's lively book seeks, first, to demonstrate that Communists worked, often successfully, to undermine American security during the Cold War. It tries, second, to defend Sen. Joseph McCarthy, the egregious scourge of American Communists and fellow travelers, against those who, in Evans's The Theme Is Freedom view, have unjustly ruined his reputation.
On the first point, save for some new details, Evans, a contributing editor to Human Events, treads worn ground. Most scholars, having also used Soviet archives, concede his position and argue now only over secondary matters, like the guilt of Alger Hiss.
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Obama Administration Is Giving Away Seven Strategic Islands to Russia |
On the second point, Evans has a tougher case, which he seeks to make as a defense attorney would, by conceding nothing to McCarthy's detractors ...although the history Evans relates is already largely known, if not fully accepted." (Nov. 6) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. ~Publishers Weekly
Rebuke and Refutation of Publisher's Weekly
"This book is very well written, using facts. Publishers Weekly's review of the book tries to deflect the import of this book by claiming that it is common knowledge that McCarthy was right about the inroads Communism had made into the U.S. government. The fact that McCarthy is still today called by Publishers Weekly "the egregious scourge" proves that what they say is false. Publisher's Weekly goes so far as to lump Evans into a category of conspiracy theorists ... !? Buy the book and don't trust Publishers Weekly, they are on the side of the American Communist movement. ~Amazon Customer
Book Description Excerpts Publication Date: November 6, 2007
Accused of creating a bogus Red Scare and smearing countless innocent victims in a five-year reign of terror, Senator Joseph McCarthy is universally remembered as a demagogue, a bully, and a liar. History has judged him such a loathsome figure that even today, a half century after his death, his name remains synonymous with witch hunts.
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Joseph McCarthy Pilot WWII |
But that conventional image is all wrong, as veteran journalist and author M. Stanton Evans reveals in this groundbreaking book. The long-awaited Blacklisted by History, based on six years of intensive research, dismantles the myths surrounding Joe McCarthy and his campaign to unmask Communists, Soviet agents, and flagrant loyalty risks working within the U.S. government. Evans’s revelations completely overturn our understanding of McCarthy, McCarthyism, and the Cold War.
Drawing on primary sources—including never-before-published government records and FBI files, as well as recent research gleaned from Soviet archives and intercepted transmissions between Moscow spymasters and their agents in the United States—Evans presents irrefutable evidence of a relentless Communist drive to penetrate our government, influence its policies, and steal its secrets. Most shocking of all, he shows that U.S. officials supposedly guarding against this danger not only let it happen but actively covered up the penetration. All of this was precisely as Joe McCarthy contended.
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Julius and Ethel Rosenberg |
Blacklisted by History shows, for instance, that the FBI knew as early as 1942 that J. Robert Oppenheimer, the director of the atomic bomb project, had been identified by Communist leaders as a party member; that high-level U.S. officials were warned that Alger Hiss was a Soviet spy almost a decade before the Hiss case became a public scandal; that a cabal of White House, Justice Department, and State Department officials lied about and covered up the Amerasia spy case; and that the State Department had been heavily penetrated by Communists and Soviet agents before McCarthy came on the scene.
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"I have here in my hand . . . " |
Evans also shows that practically everything we’ve been told about McCarthy is false, including conventional treatment of the famous 1950 speech at Wheeling, West Virginia, that launched the McCarthy era “I have here in my hand ... ," the Senate hearings that casually dismissed his charges, the matter of leading McCarthy suspect Owen Lattimore, the Annie Lee Moss case, the Army-McCarthy hearings, and much more.
But as Evans writes, “The real Joe McCarthy has vanished into the mists of fable and recycled error, so that it takes the equivalent of a dragnet search to find him.”
Blacklisted by History provides the first accurate account of what McCarthy did and, more broadly, what happened to America during the Cold War. It is a revealing exposé of the forces that distorted our national policy in that conflict and our understanding of ... history since.
If you studied postwar history in college, chances are you’ve come across the name of Senator Joe McCarthy once or twice. But as Robert Novak explained in his review of Blacklisted by History for The Weekly Standard, ...one need not attend college or study history to know about Joe McCarthy’s alleged bad deeds. All you have to do is turn on the T.V. or pick up a reference book."

“McCarthyism,” Novak writes, “...is ingrained in the contemporary political lexicon, used so frequently – by conservatives as well as liberals – that it is no longer necessary to define its meaning.” This is changing. For all he does to Joe McCarthy from history’s “blacklist,” M. Stanton Evans would not assume to argue that McCarthy’s importance in the post World War II order has been overstated, so much as it’s been misunderstood (understatement).
That ... type of sentiment is precisely what Evans attempts to address. Anyone who’s had to do a project that necessitated reliance upon grandparents or those elderly enough to be grandparents knows our elders can offer the type of perspective no dry, detached history book can offer. That “I remember where I was when…” perspective ... is so different in its insight than books myopically focused on the top figures in national politics.
Evans not only “remembers were he was” when history was happening around him – and, at 73, he’s seen a lot – but he was the one writing the news as it happened, not to mention training young writers in the craft.
Writes Robert Novak, “The jacket blurb says it took over six years to write "Blacklisted," but… Evans has spent his whole career thinking about Joe.” Evans, founder and longtime director of the National Journalism Center – since assumed by Young America’s Foundation and on the tail end of its 30th year training upstart conservative journalists – is a consummate researcher and fluid writer, and something of a legend in conservative Washington.
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J. Edgar Hoover's Body Lies in State in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol 1972 He Worked for Eight Different Presidents |
He’s one of the few people who writes like he talks and talks like he writes – with flair, depth, and necessarily at length. Evans is that rare person whose knowledge will never be fully shared with the world. No matter how much he writes, or how many writers he trains, or how many tall tales he tells, there’s just too much there to truly take full advantage . . .
In the end, it is with the Capitol Times of the world that Evans’ painstakingly-crafted arguments will get the least traction. Having felt McCarthy’s power in a way only someone who “remembers where they were” could, there’s no amount of documents the FBI could ever declassify that would cause them to view the man differently or his work as necessary, let alone laudable. ... but before long, Blacklisted by History will make its way onto postwar American History reading lists. ~From the Hardcover Edition
About the Author
M. Stanton Evans is the author of seven books, including The Theme Is Freedom. A contributing editor at Human Events, he served for many years as director of the National Journalism Center. Evans was previously the editor of the Indianapolis News, a columnist for the Los Angeles Times Syndicate, and a commentator for CBS and Voice of America. He lives near Washington, D.C.
A Visual Biography, 1908-1957
"May 2nd marked the 50th anniversary of the death of Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy, who for four years in the early 1950s, held the nation in his grasp with his anti-Communist rhetoric. To his enemies, McCarthy was evil incarnate, but to his supporters, he was an ardent champion of freedom.
Elected to the U.S. Senate in 1946, Joseph McCarthy created a sensation in 1950 when he announced during a speech in Wheeling, West Virginia, that communist members of the State Department were influencing American foreign policy.
At the time, communist expansion in Eastern Europe and Korea fueled Americans' anxiety that their way of life was under attack. Proclaimed just as Americans were preparing to fight in Korea, McCarthy capitalized on people's fears of encroaching communism to launch a public campaign aimed at eliminating the supposed communist infiltration of government.
Re-elected in 1952, McCarthy, as chair of a Senate Permanent Investigations Subcommittee, took it upon himself to expose communists and their sympathizers ... The Subcommittee interrogated more than 500 people under his leadership, often refusing to reveal their sources of information under the veil of national security.
In 1953, however, McCarthy took it too far when he accused the Army of harboring communists. The televised Army-McCarthy hearings that ensued exposed many Americans to McCarthy's bullying tactics and ruined his public reputation. The next year, the Senate officially censured McCarthy for "conduct unbecoming a senator." His ostracism from his party, coupled with chronic alcoholism, led to his death three years later."
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Don't Listen to The Publisher's Weekly Review
Of This Book!
November 7, 2007 By R. Smith
You will get a real history lesson that is very pertinent today, where the liberal media is seeking to rewrite history to try to convince the masses that "evil is good" and "good is evil."
The blackout of news coverage to herald such epic revelations about our actual 'red scare' history demands close scrutiny because the vindication of the most dramatic conspiracy theorist, Joe McCarthy, reveals pernicious forces that continue to distort our society and national understanding of history and our national policies. Much of MSM can properly and fairly be viewed with suspicion.
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Democrat Party in Marxist Communist Control Today |
The next StatesmanSword article describes another famous conspiracy, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Conspiracies happened and they are happening. New research reveals greater understanding and details in the conspiracy to kill Abraham Lincoln. You will read in Lincoln's words who his assassins were. And this information on real conspiracies is essentially relevant to understand our government, country, policies, and elections today, even up to this very minute in time.
Conspiracy is not impossible nor at all rare. The bold and the brave develop theories to initiate investigations. New information and truth is discovered in such investigations. Theories are valuable. Conspiracy theories formulate the first steps in stopping crime, subversives, sedition and war.
Do we want our republic, freedom, and commerce undermined? If not, we develop conspiracy theories and pursue the investigations. Refusing to formulate theories and investigations for truth, and taking orders from the shaming collective is the path of brain-dead zombies. Independence of thought is our highest value and asset, protected by the First Amendment.
Some refer to the American revolution from England as a conspiracy, so we no longer ought to ignorantly confuse "conspiracy" with the word "fantasy." Conspiracy theories formulate the first steps in investigating criminals, traitors, and impostors and the first steps of vetting candidates for the Presidency. Without investigation one cannot discern the impostor.
It would seem that there is a history that has never been confronted, of key figures near the top of Democrat Administrations in the US, doing favors for their Russian friends including the steering of policy in the direction of assisting the ascension of Communist hegemony in Eastern Europe and China. A disturbing picture is painted of “what might have been” possibilities – no Mao triumph in China, no Tito triumph in the Balkans, vastly less of Eastern Europe conceded to Russia after 1945, and so on.
Now, to this day, the mainstream Left will rise up in horror and condemnation at any suggestion that a Kai-Shek regime would have been preferable for China; or a Mihailovich one preferable for Yugoslavia; and again and again as Cold War proxy struggles played out we find the lesser evil condemned unreservedly by the western Left without any acknowledgement of the greater evil attaching to the Communist alternative that prevailed.
So why is it so hard for contemporary political Conservatives and classical liberals to wake up to the ease of conscience with which some Americans serving Democrat Administrations, and their circle of acquaintances, helped the Communist cause along its merry way? And the ease of conscience with which the Democrat politicians and appointees and the hegemonic Left in the media and academia close ranks to protect their own?
There is an even more hard-hitting book by Diana West, called American Betrayal. ... but it is not such a stretch of the imagination that on the left of mainstream politics in the USA there would have been sympathy and friendship for Russia and its Communist experiment going back decades, that still had American exponents during WW II and even as the Cold War began.
There has not previously been any sort of purge regarding Communist sympathizers in US government positions; the atrocities that we now accept as a feature of Communism were smoke-screened by the New York Times and other mainstream media for years and claimed by many on the Left to be unproven.
As political theory, Communism was still regarded as a credible option by many, especially in academia; and Russia was an ally in WW II. ~Phil Hayward, August 21, 2014This accumulation of wisdom on Communists in America is not complete. Consider this fact. Joseph McCarthy worked over Senate hearings, and he was not the person conducting the investigation of Hollywood Communists. Think about how much our media industrial complex is our enemy, that they convinced people to blame McCarthy for the House investigation of Hollywood celebrities.
For emphasis, I repeat that Joseph McCarthy was Senator McCarthy, he was not even a member of the House that was investigating Hollywood. McCarthy ran a Senate investigation of communists WITHIN OUR GOVERNMENT, the fake news has lied about him constantly from the start.
Now think about the extremely rabid Hollywood Communist behaviors and the way they viciously attack Conservatives and do not allow them to work in Hollywood. And it is known that Hollywood sponsors and funds the runaway islamocrat Democrat Party and despots around the world, and it is run by the Weinsteins of Hollywood. McCarthy is a hero. It is Hillary and her pal Weinstein who are the booze hounds, not Senator McCarthy. The Leftist Communists in Hollywood and Marxist Media smeared Joseph McCarthy and many many other Americans. As we speak, they're engaged in smearing America itself.
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Leftist Fake News and Democrat Party Officials Dumped Decades of Lies and Smears on Americans in Service of Their Communist Masters Like Barack Hussein Obama and Biden |
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"Booze Hound" Communist Democrat Officials in Hollywood |
It is stunning to read how politicians and bureaucrats care more about their prestige, than they do about ending corruption, and how they care more about the establishment system than about stopping top secret information from getting to murderous Communists. They are creating nightmares, not dreams.
"This is not wide spread knowledge." ~Jordan Peterson on Soviet History
The Communists have a long held policy of smearing someone, even if the person has been dead a very long time. Karl Marx hated reality, he hated history. Marxist Communism and Marxist Nazism hates the existence of christianity, nations, and the family. Marx said the family must go. Marx said the problem with the family is that it is capitalism. Communism says the nation must go, the family must go, and religion must go. Communists believe in bringing in joiners, and then weaning them from the nation, family and religion. It is an evil seduction.
The real reason the Democrat Party loves Planned Parenthood (and their baby butchery) is that the organization is not pro choice, they viciously pressure women to get abortions. Planned Parenthood lies to those who come to them for help. Barack Obama's White House administration hated him lecturing them on history because his Communist world view is very dumb and ignorant.
Barack Obama's Democrat Party is in denial about Islam and their abuse of women. It is Barack Hussein Obama that lives in a different, freaky and fake Communist dimension. Today's Islamocrat DNC looks the other way and refuses to hold Islam accountable for their abuse of women. Clearly Planned Parenthood is not about increasing the stature of women.
Barack Obama's Democrat Party is in denial about Islam and their abuse of women. It is Barack Hussein Obama that lives in a different, freaky and fake Communist dimension. Today's Islamocrat DNC looks the other way and refuses to hold Islam accountable for their abuse of women. Clearly Planned Parenthood is not about increasing the stature of women.
Barack Hussein's Islamocrat Driveby Media
Finally the true story of the good Senator is told. He was correct that the State Department was heavily laden with Soviet dupes and traitors, not withstanding the Media Moral Hoes who covered it up, like Walter Cronkite. Cronkite is a prime example of the Quislings in the main stream media. ~Robert Granville Lee
The fact that McCarthy is still today called by Publishers Weekly, "the egregious scourge," proves that what they say is not true. Publishers Weekly goes so far as to lump M. Stanton Evans into a category of conspiracy theorists! ~R. Smith
Senator McCarthy wrote the books The Fight for America and America's Retreat From Victory. He provides chapter and verse of his charges and the plans to disrupt his investigations by Sherman Adams, Eisenhower, Jack Anderson and Drew Pearson, Truman, and others. It is truly a shameful period and treatment of McCarthy was the most shameful part of it. ~Raven, 2015
Don't trust Publishers Weekly, they are on the side of Obama's American Communist Movement. The Left continually seeks to rewrite history, and Antifa destroys monuments for the same purpose. Barack Hussein Obama Islamocrats are trying to convince the masses that "evil is good" and "good is evil." Hiding history, crushing the family, mocking Christianity is the work of Leftists seeking the annihilation of America and Israel. Unity is not fascist, forced unity is fascist. True unity is strength.
America must hold steadfastly to the truth, and redefine the term "McCarthyism." The Communists specialize in the witch hunt. Russia's Communist secret police chief said, "Show me the Man, I'll show you the crime." He means they decide first who they want to smear, and then they will smear them. There is no connection with reality necessary, zero justice, the Communists will just fabricate the 'crime.'
Remember how convincing Barack was that Romney was guilty of a crime for putting his dog in a dog carrier on his car?! Communists falsely accused Senator Joseph McCarthy, and turned their term "mccarthyism" into a term for a witch hunt. Sick Communists project onto others what they themselves are guilty of doing. Communist Barack Obama has eaten dogs.
As they say in Twin Peaks: "it is happening again." Why isn't Rosenstein in prison? Keep him away from the IG Report. So much for AG Barr being the new sheriff in town. How sick is Washington D.C.!!! They are doing it again . . .
Remember how convincing Barack was that Romney was guilty of a crime for putting his dog in a dog carrier on his car?! Communists falsely accused Senator Joseph McCarthy, and turned their term "mccarthyism" into a term for a witch hunt. Sick Communists project onto others what they themselves are guilty of doing. Communist Barack Obama has eaten dogs.
As they say in Twin Peaks: "it is happening again." Why isn't Rosenstein in prison? Keep him away from the IG Report. So much for AG Barr being the new sheriff in town. How sick is Washington D.C.!!! They are doing it again . . .
It is stunning to read how politicians and bureaucrats care more about their prestige, than they do about ending corruption, and how they care more about the establishment system than about stopping top secret information from getting to murderous Communists. And it's stunning to read how they do everything they accused McCarthy of doing.
As Robert Novak explained M. Stanton Evans showed that McCarthy’s importance in the post World War II order can't be overstated, but McCarthy's revelations do continue to be hidden.