Saturday, September 3, 2011


Governor Perry's Trans Texas Corridor Conspiracy

"Texas has a plural executive, with power distributed among six officials elected statewide, all of whom have been Republican during Perry's tenure as governor." "Yet Perry vetoed a {Texas}record 272 conservative bills." 
The idea of Rick Perry, it seems, was a lot more enticing than the reality of Rick Perry. Republicans who are now leaping off the Perry bandwagon as quickly as they jumped on it in August, could have avoided electoral whiplash if they had simply listened to people in Texas.

In Texas Governor Perry won the March 2010 Republican Primary with only 51% of the vote. The Texas Tea Party ran THEIR candidate against Governor Rick Perry the Texas Republican three-way primary contest.
"To get a sense of Rick Perry's real weaknesses as a candidate, talk to Texas conservatives. Talk to the ones who didn't vote for him in the 2010 gubernatorial primary. In that election, Texas Republicans gave Perry a bare majority — 51 percent. ... Why in the world wouldn't half of the Texas Republicans support their incumbent?"
Overextended Republican Party faithful stood eye-to-eye with Governor Rick Perry as he pledged that he would not run for President of the United States. And at a July 4th 2010 Texas Tea Party event Mr. Perry was boo'd for his Spanish superhighway plans. Romney would end up winning the United States Presidential Republican nomination in Texas. Republicans in Texas can't stand Rick Perry.

Why Rick Perry Is Not Suited to be President
From The Mark America Blog Presentation

Saying he has Christian values is not the same as Rick Perry understanding them and giving them actual support: his proclaimed Christian values are indistinct and in thorough opposition to some of his actions.
At the same time that Rick Perry seeks to share the stage at TEA Party events, always ready to throw out more red meat for the crowd, he seems much less than sincere in his stance by the time he arrives back at his office.
This sort of schizophrenic, unprincipled and insincere conservatism is already thoroughly represented in DC, ...  and unlikely the country would fare any better. The conservative Texas Legislature acted as the real stewards of the Texas economy, often bouncing egregious Perry initiatives.
But former Governor Perry's core offenses reside in his unceasing drive to tamper with the freedoms and lives of Texans for the sake of his corporate cronies. For example the Gardasil vaccine, intended to prevent contraction of Human Papilloma Virus, or HPV. His efforts were pushed by a group funded by Merck. 
The whole Merck situation took on the stink of official corruption in the name of Big Pharma. The problem is that the drug was of questionable efficacy, but equally appalling, given the fact that the disease is spread through intimate contact, many Texans wanted immediately to know why the governor of Texas was assuming all their small daughters needed this shot, and how the Governor dared to try to mandate this untested medicine on them.
Rick Perry's Trans Texas Corridor Hoax


Some may not yet comprehend how Governor Rick Perry serves Spain as an authoritarian Governor. In this article we show that Perry is the type of authoritarian Governor with whom Zorro had to contend back in his day according to the Disney TV series. In this blog you see the whole rotten package, the real Rick Perry. 
Widely seen as one of the most ambitious infrastructure projects in the United States, the Trans Texas Corridor toll road Gov. Perry pushed was eliminated as soon as Texans exposed the scope and invasive nature of the project. Perry's corridor plans clearly converted a free road into a toll road, and put one of the key trade routes in Texas and America under the control of a foreign company! How did Gov. Perry dare to take private land from Texans and give them to Cintra-Zachry for a 50-year monopoly? 
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks, will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
Benjamin Franklin     Thomas Jefferson     John Adams     

The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” ~ Thomas Jefferson, The Debate Over The Recharter Of The Bank Bill (1809)
Worse, the primary contractor, Cintra, a Spanish conglomerate, was to have a virtual monopoly on the construction and concessions on what promised to be a closed system. Still more infuriating to the people of Texas was that the deal would have mandated that there be no free alternative competing roads.
Perry hadn’t given up his Trans Texas Corridor plans, but they were scaled back and re-named. Once again, the Rick Perry showed his willingness to climb into bed with corporate masters, and more importantly, just as with the Gardasil issue, former staff members seem to be part of a constant recycling through a revolving door between his corporate cronies and his own office.
The planned toll charges  made it an unconscionable bit of corporate predation that would have crippled the Texas economy. These things, together with the expanded use of eminent domain by the state on behalf of a corporate contract, made this project much too bitter a pill for Texans to swallow. Conservative Texan voters thought Rick Perry was better than a Democrat, but the difference is only slight, and they believe he should bear just as much attentive watching as one.
This is precisely the sort of governance the country does not need, Washington's already thoroughly polluted with crony-elitist socialist schemes.

"When Texas Republicans in the 2010 Election were called to remind them to vote, and asked if the nation could count on their votes, volunteers learned that most Republicans in Texas didn't want to vote for Rick Perry. In fact, they were angry that they were going to have to vote for him. They are mad at Republicans for supplying such an awful candidate as Rick Perry. Almost on every call Republicans volunteered how deeply disturbed they were about Rick Perry. Frequently they'd counter, 'Yeah, I'll hold my nose!' 

Naturally the American government needs much better men than RINO's. Did America learn nothing from voting for Obama last time? We don't need stupid, corrupt, and evil. We need effective Americans who understand and love the Constitution, and we NEED the morally sound. We can't afford hoaxes, to be managed and indoctrinated by fake, deceitful propaganda. We already have to repair so much destruction caused Barack Hussein Obama." ~ TxLasso

Zorro Warns: Rick Perry Is All Hat And No Cattle

Rick Perry's weakness is donor corruption. He channeled government money to businesses and donors that had donated money to his campaign and to the Republican Governors Association while he was head of the organization. Texans for Public Justice were kept busy logging the foul deeds of Gov. Perry.
Its website’s homepage features a quote from its Crony Capitalism Report. The report itself explains, “Texas regulators often seem to be held captive by the industries they are supposed to regulate.”

Moreover, there is a strong correlation between major donors, both to Perry directly and the Republican Governors Association he headed, and favorable treatment by the state. “In Texas you can buy your own state agency, then regulate yourself,” Houston Democratic Rep. Garnet Coleman quipped at the time."

"... even some of his supporters say his frank one-liners don’t reflect his governing style in Texas, where Perry has been criticized as one of the most secretive governors in the country."

Governor Perry's Comprehensive Development Agreements 
Are No Bid, Secret, Corporate Welfare Contracts

Consider the Perry ventures into government bribery, blackmail, and extortion. And please know that this 'crony capitalism' is a polite word for something pernicious, a system sometimes referenced with the European financial meltdown. The Leftists in the Democrat party like to call it a redistribution of wealth, as if they were playing Santa Claus with free money, but in reality that money belongs to your neighbor..

Lampwick GOP Poser

Big Media lied and pretended that Obama was a moderate, and so we know Big Media can't be trusted about Gov. Perry. Perry is not Republican. Tea became a tonic for conservatives in Texas country, with many speculating about a runoff between Perry and Medina, the Tea Party Candidate.

In Texas they say Gov. Perry is all hat, and no cattle. Governor Perry is not popular in Texas, not conservative, not religious, and not smart. Fake news is manufacturing evil dysinformation. The media industrial complex did not reveal who Obama really was; and they won't reveal Perry the RINO.

But we are ripe for the truth, although unpleasant. Ignore Rick Perry claims about supporting the Tea Party. Governor Perry's doors were closed to the Tea Party, and the Tea Party ran their own candidate to oppose him in the GOP primary that Perry barely won. At rallies in Texas the audiences boo Governor Perry. Every candidate in Texas claims to support the Tea Party. It is known that Governor Perry doesn't.

Did Big Media scrutinize Obama's trip to Pakistan all those years before he ran for U.S. President?

Why Look Like What You Aren't?

Comedian Jon Stewart joked about a similar occasion to this pictured, but it happened in New Hampshire at the Cornerstone Action’s Annual Fundraising Dinner and Awards Gala in Manchester on October 28, 2011.
"Best-case scenario, that dude's hammered. Worst-case scenario, that is Perry sober, and every time we've seen him previously, he's been hammered."
Rules for Radicals Men Barack Hussein Obama & Rick Perry
The Alinksy radical has a single principle – to take power from the Haves and give it to the Have-nots. What this amounts to in practice is a political nihilism – a destructive assault on the established order in the name of the "people" who, in the fashion common to dictators, are designated as such by the revolutionary elite. ~David Horowitz
In his 1971 book, Rules for Radicals, Alinsky said in RULE 12 to polarize, and they explain it means to isolate from support. They say direct personalized criticism and ridicule works. Alinsky said that the only way to achieve Alinsky's anti-American goals is to lie about everything you stand for. 

That's why Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer, Satan, whom the Bible says "is a liar and the father of lies." Perry dutifully follows the Alinsky model of chaos-anarchy-nihilism and psychological projection: assigning your own evil motives to your enemies.

With multiWith multi-media converging, the futuristic scope of this blog series allows us aerial observation of Mr. Perry operating from his yacht-club home base in dictator fashion. This is your chance to look at the man behind the media curtain. See him practice his Alinsky devices and deceptions. Notice in this article how frequently Perry sides with Obama! Also, realize that Mr. Perry abuses his Emerging Technology Fund in the way Obama abuses his Stimulus Funds. 

Very Dark, Bernardo, Very Dark

It also is delusional to think that crony capitalism is capitalistic. When the government chooses the winners and losers, it is Marxist Socialism. The corrupt donors with influence take all the profits, and leave taxpayers holding the bag of losses. This process becomes a driving force in failed business practices and bread lines.*see Venezuela

Many Democrat activists refused to be bound by unfavorable election results, like the election of Abraham Lincoln. And when they can't get enough votes in the legislative branch, they ply judicial tyranny, like in the case of abortion. And when that fails, they've taken to executive edicts, like the case of ObamaCare mandates with Pelosi waivers for her unsavory donors (the ObCare world of corrupt politicians and influence peddling).
More than 50 percent of the Obamacare waiver beneficiaries are union members, which is striking because union members account for less than 12 percent of the American work force. 
The same unions that provided more than $120 million to Democrats in the last two elections and, in many cases, openly campaigned in favor of the government takeover of your health care, now celebrate that Obamacare is not their problem.

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. ~ President George Washington

Perry has flip-flopped from being a Democrat supporting 'Mr. Global-Warming' for President, to proclaiming that he is the utmost conservative Conservative. Perry claimed that he 'got religion' when he was about 40 years old, but we know the truth. Perry left the Democrat Party when his friend Al Gore lost the race for President. Ask yourself why this Megascale Flip-Flopper is not called out by the Driveby Media on his vast wake of lies and mega flip-flops? Perhaps because the Marxist media know he is a Marxist and one of them?

It was after that 'change' from being a life-long Democrat to becoming the new utmost conservative Republican, that Marxist Socialist Perry mandated the STD virus vaccine hoax on sixth grade girls in Texas (Gardasil), promoted bi-national health care with Mexico, praised HillaryCare, tried to build a superhighway through Texas for Spain (TransTexasCorridor), made egregious University Regent appointments, hired the lobbyist of a foreign company to be his legislative director, and expressed his illegal-immigration-tuition heart using taxpayers' money. 

Remember, Perry told America his excuse for becoming a Republican was that "he got religion." But his deeds prove Perry has no religion, so much for the Perry "change" or fake conversion story!!!

And we all realize that only Democrats push for more extensive "diversity training." Perry pushes Islamic training! Perry is a phony Republican, and few Democrats are as radical. Perry signaled his Communist heart using his clenched fist salute. What he does defines him, and he is a Communist. Even Communist Bill Clinton defends Rick Perry!

Go Away, Governor J.R. Perry Monastario

The Kardasian Male

Pleasure Island

Governor Perry Lives Here
Instead of in the Texas Governor's Mansion

Big Media fails to serve America's interests, as does Rick Perry and Barack Obama.

But like south american dictators Obama and Perry both wanted to create 'wonderful health care.' Perry was so wonderful that in 2001 he wanted to provide bi-national health care for Mexico, in other words, both Perry and Obama are wonderful and generous with money that belongs to taxpayers, that is . . .

Recently when Gov. Rick Perry attacked Romney by calling him a vulture capitalist, Rush Limbaugh finally came forward. Perry used Marxist language to decry those "greedy" people on Wall Street at Bain Capital. So Rush compared Perry to Fidel Castro who also talked the same Marxist-Communist/Marxist-Socialist way Perry speaks. Rush is not wrong. 

This photograph is of Aga Khan with one of his girl friends, not Sydney Perry. Aga Khan's father, Aly Khan, once married Rita Hayworth, and the international custody battle followed.

But Perry is phony in other ways as Mr. Correct Christian Tradition than him being the Adolf Hitler of shallow. Perry is close with Aga Khan, the leader of one branch of Shia Islam, and his followers are called Ismailis. 
The fact that Hamas-tied CAIR, one of the top five groups named in AFDI’s Threats to Freedom Index, immediately praised Perry, speaks volumes.
The Aga Khan Foundation’s membership and supporters include top military officers in Syria, including Sharba who had a hand in the covert nuclear weapons program that Syria was developing with help from North Korea and Iran.
Grover Norquist, a front for the Muslim Brotherhood, has been exposed as the recipient of huge donations from a Brotherhood figure who is now in jail for financing terror activity. Grover Norquist is a speaking partner of Rick Perry and he is promoted on Gov. Perry's website.

The Aga Khan Development Network allowed the jihad terror groups Hamas and Hezbollah to operate with impunity out of Damascus.  

Perry is close with another open supporter of Islamic terrorism, Palestinian extremist Farouk Shami, who bragged that his father killed many innocent Jews in Israel. Shami refuses to specifically condemn Hezbollah, HAMAS, and Islamic Jihad terrorist groups. 

Now that his secrets are coming out Farouk Shami was even trying to deny he's muslim, yet his father is a sheikh who's name is Mohammad and this photo shows him wearing a keffiyeh scarf that says, “Palestine: Jerusalem is Ours.”


Rick Perry's friend, Farouk Shami, wore the disturbing scarf/keffiyeh for Martin Luther King Day celebrations, although to own the Martin Luther King legacy, they have to own it all ... including King's love for Israel and Jews. [*See Seymour Martin Lipset, “Socialism of fools,: The left, the Jews & Israel,” Encounter, (December 1969), p. 24.)]

... the HAMAS financier and unindicated HAMAS co-conspirator in Islamic terrorism, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Action Network, is having Allah-bliss over Perry. 
President Powers of University of Texas, Governor Rick Perry of Texas, President Rasul of the Aga Khan University in Pakistan, and His Highness the Aga Khan sat in discussions at the Governor’s office at the Texas State Capitol on 12 April 2008  *See blurred image below. Perry is stupid, but even he knows his Texas voters strongly reject this.

Perry's Positions Are Often Marxist And He Was Coordinating With 
     Aga Khan University In Pakistan to Push Islam Training     
In Texas High Schools And Colleges

Aga Khan Development Network is one of the world's largest private system of development agencies. Heads up. Consider how Texas Gov. Rick Perry used government power to push extensive "diversity education" into Texas schools.

Powerful forces have attempted to eliminate all traces of that planned Perry/Aga Khan curriculum by removing a great deal of the evidence from the web including Dallas news articles, and links like this one:
At least parents organizations used the courts to block the distribution of Perry's warped textbooks. The Perry textbooks were frequently unfavorable to Christianity. 

Here is one Texan who wrote to a blog site with gratitude that they had alerted him to the clear and present danger within Texas school textbooks:
Thank you for calling attention to Perry's cozy relationship with the Aga Khan. The Perry/Aga Khan propaganda curriculum contains a bizarrely twisted portrayal of the Islamic world that blames Islam's repression of women on Western Colonialism.
Critical and vital information regarding Texas textbooks can be taken directly from the San Antonio Independent School District's own website. 
You can find high praise for Gov. Perry's collaboration with the Aga Khan, leaving no question about Perry's complicity, and his active support.
Do they know how stupid they look? … it is strangely disquieting to see … the Islamic propaganda of unabashed Islamic supremacists ... a naked advertisement for the Aga Khan and the Ismaili sect of Islam.
This is particularly dangerous because the Ismailis are a sect of only about 20 - 30 million people -- approximately 2% of the entire Muslim population and, therefore, not representative of Islam as a whole.
I'm willing to grant Gov. Perry the benefit of the doubt and believe that his actions are the product of naiveté and ignorance, rather than actual hostility to the West. However, his ignorance is inexcusable, and the damage he has done is immense. If Barack Obama had imposed such a curriculum on schools, we'd be calling for his impeachment.
Therefore, it is unconscionable to look the other way when it comes to Gov. Perry. In my opinion, not only should Perry not be President, he should be impeached from the Texas governorship.                                                           ~ Dave
Mohammed's Favorite Republican Is Rick Perry

Perry joined Aga Khan to lay the cornerstone for a mosque in Plano, Texas. Gov. Rick Perry flew in to lay the first ceremonial brick for the center's foundation. This photograph is of Aga Khan with one of his girl friends, not Sydney Perry. Aga Khan's father, Aly Khan, once married Rita Hayworth, and the infamous international custody battle followed. 

"Scratch him off my Presidential List...we have already seen what a Muslim enabler in the White House can do." The poorly launched Perry campaign immediately plummeted like a lead balloon. 


Say No to Gov. J.R. Perry Monastario

French-Cuffed Cowboy

I will tell you, it’s three agencies of government, when I get there, that are gone,” Perry told the panel of moderators and a national television audience...he began to tick the agencies off with his fingers. “Commerce,” Perry said, “Education, and the, uh . . . ” He dropped his head, like a sixth-grader stumped in a spelling bee. “So, Commerce, Education, and . . . um . . . um . . . um.”

Rick Perry A Demos
In Republican Clothing

To detect gaslighting watch out for these warning signs:
  •  They deny they ever said something, even though you have proof. 
  •  They use what is near and dear to you as ammunition.
  •  They throw in positive reinforcement to confuse you.
  •  They tell you or others that you are crazy. 
  •  Their actions do not match their words.
  •  They know confusion weakens people. 
  •  They try to align people against you. 
  •  They tell you everyone else is a liar. 
  •  They wear you down over time. 
  •  They tell blatant lies.
  •  They project.  

Can You Believe It, Bernardo?


Please, let's restore goodness and reverence for the Law  

Out of the night when the full moon is bright
... Zorro, Zorro, Zorro . . .
 Disney Zorro Theme Lyrics (1957) 
Out of the night when the full moon is bright
Comes the horseman known as zorro
This bold renegade carves a "z" with his blade,
a "z" that stands for zorro.
Zorro, zorro, the fox so cunning and free . . .
Zorro, zorro, who makes the sign of the z

He is polite, but the wicked take flight
When they catch the sight of zorro
He's friend of the weak and the poor and the meek,
this very unique Señor Zorro
Zorro, zorro, the fox so cunning and free . . .
Zorro, zorro, who makes the sign of the z

Zorro, zorro, zorro, zorro, zorro . . .

Viva La Liberte