Thursday, May 10, 2012


"If you heard him felling trees in a clearing, 
you would say that there were 
three men at work." ~Friend of Lincoln
                                              (Lincoln Through the Lens, p.14)

Some conspiracies are successful, some fail. The assassination of President Lincoln was part of an attempted a "Hail Mary" play for the South to snatch victory from defeat by killing off the top administration of the Union Army. This conspiracy to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln successfully murdered him, and managed to maim other top Union leaders in the sychronized assaults. But first the Confederate Secret Service agents bungled a bomb attack on Lincoln's cabinet a week earlier, planned and timed to go off with Lincoln present. 

Yet today few know of all those who did participate in killing the United States' President. The world needs to understand the conspiracy to heal, and to be enabled to move forward seeing the participants today for who they really are.

President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated immediately following his victory at Richmond, with Confederate Army General Lee surrendering to Union Army General Grant. Contrary to fake history, President Andrew Johnson did not declare the end to the Civil War until August 20, 1866.

Many parts of the conspiracy that involved killing President Abraham Lincoln failed. Also, the actual truth about the assassination was not spread because America wanted the volatile retaliations and carnage to stop. Even more, the global conspirators, southern conspirators, and northern conspirators have continued to cover up their insidious deeds from that day up until now. 
General Ulysses S. Grant and President Lincoln

In Steven Spielberg's 21st Century film about President Lincoln, either he still did not know the truth, or he lied for his bogus film "about Lincoln." When it comes to skilled artistic expression, all that glitters isn't gold. Once we learn the Truth about the conspiracy to assassinate Lincoln we can make better sense of  films and events in today's society, and it will very much illuminate politics today as well. 

When the conspiracy is laid bare before our conscience, the truth will increase our worries and troubles, but also increase our love for President Lincoln. And we can more fully realize why Abraham Lincoln was so highly regarded and loved by the world and by our nation.

Conspiracy is neither rare nor improbable. Kingslaying is an old profession. President Lilncoln was the most photographed person of his day. This online mini-book has beautiful pictures of Lincoln that few have seen. Most Lincoln photographs have not been seen.

Sections I - X

Overview - Lincoln Assassination Conspiracy ................................................................... Section I
  • Overview in Sections I thru III Robert Redford Condemned for Making Deceit-Filled Propaganda Film The Conspirators; Abraham Lincoln Represented Former Priest Charles Chiniquy in Court Against the Bishop of Chicago; John Wilkes Booth Looked Like Errol Flynn; Statesman Sword Narrative
  • Sections III thru V In Depth Evidence of Abraham Lincoln's Assassination: Who, What, Why, When, Where and How
  • Sections VI thru VIII The Man Abraham Lincoln
  • Section IX Why Real Americans Side with President Lincoln, and NOT his Killer, Redford's 'Pious' Maria Eugenia Surratt
  • Section X  Recommended Reading Booklet
Related Contemporary Conspiracy - Obama Gave Oil-Rich Islands to Russia ................. Section II

Train for Destruction - Abraham Lincoln Knew He Would Be Killed ...............................
Section III

The Church of Rome - America and the Reformation ........................................................ Section IV

Walking in Darkness - Evidence in the Lincoln Assassination Conspiracy ....................... Section V

Lighthouse of Freedom - Lincoln as Lawyer in Court Against the Bishop of Chicago ..... Section VI

  1. Chiniquy Dedicated his Life to Writing a Book, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome 
  2. Chiniquy Exposed the Truth About Who Killed Lincoln in his Book
Conclusions - "Getting Lincoln Right" from American Thinker Article ............................ Section VII
  1. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
  2. Lincoln: An Enlightened American
  3. Lincoln: Tribute and Farewell
President Abraham Lincoln Portrayals in the Movies ........................................................ Section VIII
Who Is The Tyrant .............................................................................................................. Section IX
Recommended Reading Booklist..........................................................................................Section X

Studying this blog article will open one's eyes to see today's actors for who they are. The information enables us to see the world in which we live more accurately. The truth here will benefit the reader because life will become far less confusing. And through studying this blog article our formal and official appreciation for Abraham Lincoln can grow to a very personal one. 

Hopefully, the preposterous nonsense of laughing at 'conspiracy theorists' will no longer cast the shadow of stupidity on uninformed or brainwashed minds in America and around the world.

With patience the reader will learn of seldom mentioned actions and qualities of Abraham Lincoln. And by analyzing the full blog one will see a seldom published photographs of Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), who was the most photographed American of the 19th century. 
After reading the truth about the conspiracy to assassinate Abraham Lincoln, freedom loving people will rejoice in the life of Abraham Lincoln, and his passion to make America truly a land of the free and the home of the brave.

Many do not know how the actor/assassin John Wilkes Booth closely resembled Errol Flynn, the actor from the forties and the fifties. This blog article, a short book, surveys the issues and players in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Following an overview of events and issues, we offer in-depth details, evidence, analysis, and conclusions. 

Through analysis that traces various threads of evidence in this national tragedy we get a true picture of the whole startling conspiracy, and the dramatic espionage plot. The holistic view of this article produces the context of world events surrounding the killing of Abraham Lincoln that helps the reader  reconize the true killers of President Abraham Lincoln; this allows the individual to see the truth actually has been revealed here.

Lincoln's assassination continues to remain at the nexus in the clash between freedom and the opponents of freedom. The facts of evidence here presented are thorough, so they can lead one to absolute and universal truth. Toward the last of this article we discuss why this conspiracy is roughly under the surface and normally not understood. Abraham Lincoln knew who would kill him, and he felt the nation was not yet ready to hear the truth at the time. 

But when we analyze and chronicle this conspiracy we can understand the past. The clarity will help us move forward wisely. When we know the truth, we can see today's actors for who they are because the facts presented here will help make better sense of events in society and in politics; life will become less confusing. And there is a vital need to remember that if we don't learn from the past, we're doomed to repeat it. 
President Lincoln was not a tyrant, those who assassinated America's President definitely are tyrants.

I. Overview of Lincoln Assassination Conspiracy
Many people left Europe to escape the clutches of the Roman Church, coming to America to obtain religious liberty, and with this freedom to enjoy Christian worship according to the dictates of their own conscience and true Biblical precepts. This article is intended neither to "bash" Catholic laypeople nor to breed contempt and hate of any one person or group. We seek to edify and to warn.
"The death of President Lincoln was the culmination of but one step in the attempt to carry out the Secret Treaty of Verona, to complete the destruction of this Republic, which had recently been recovered from the awful cataclysm which our foreign enemies had precipitated four years previous.
The destruction of this country was plotted by European monarchists. The Secret Treaty of Verona was ratified October 1822, which is also when Pope Pius the VIIth restored the Society of Jesus, Jesuit Order, which had been abolished on Jul 21, 1773 by Pope Clement IVth on the grounds that is was immoral, dangerous and was a menace to the very life of the papacy. {In 1773} Clement was promptly poisoned {for abolishing the Jesuits.}" (The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, p.12)
"There is not in the large collection of official condolences received by this U.S. government upon the death of Abraham Lincoln, coming from every civilized country in the world, one word from the Pope of Rome. And this in view, mark you, of the fact that the Pope was King of the Papal States and had more subjects in this country than any other ruler in Europe!" (The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, p.175)
Abraham Lincoln, not a abolitionist, sought political power to prevent the incremental spread of slavery into new territories and States of America. Eventually, by winning the Civil War and getting the the 13th Amendment passed, President Abraham Lincoln emancipated the slaves in America. 

In Lincoln’s “House Divided” speech of 1858 he paraphrased words from Matthew’s gospel explaining how the United States could not survive as a nation divided by slavery. Lincoln cannily maneuvered to make the causes of union and emancipation inextricable. Frederick Douglass said he didn't believe anyone but President Lincoln could have ended slavery.

From commentary on the new Robert Redford film, The Conspirator, to Abraham Lincoln's premonition dream, from simultaneous civil war period coal torpedo steamboat disasters to the Maryland Confederate Spy Network, from the funeral for Major General Sterling Price of the Confederate Secret Service to John Harrison Surratt's escape route, we examine the issues, conspiracy, and conspirators. We analyze the evidence and offer conclusions. 

Abraham Lincoln was the first U.S. President to be murdered in office. The topic is freedom.   

"If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong." ~ Abraham Lincoln
(Lincoln Through the Lens, by Martin W. Sandler, p.16)

The topic is freedom, and freedom is not separate from religion. The topic of freedom to worship according to the dictates of one's conscience is absolutely in the core of freedom's ideals. The slavery of black people in America tore apart the fabric of American society. America claimed that human rights come from God, not from the government, so the contradiction of ideals and conduct established a protracted state of disharmony in our nation of incompatible persons and interests including both internal and external factions.

This article seeks to establish a more perfect union and to praise President Abraham Lincoln and the great American freedom lovers who's expert details and narratives preserved the truth. We celebrate Lincoln's and their honor, labor, and abilities. "Glory, glory hallelujah, His truth is marching on . . ." 

This revealed truthful narrative was made possible by hundreds of patriots recording their eye witness accounts, and recording their family histories. The U.S. Army holds the hard trial evidence shared in this blog. Both honorable religious and civic Americans protect and guard the truth to this day. And modern retired secret service agents scoured the Confederate and Union secret service archives to preserve and protect the actual historical record, and powerfully share the true facts, thus doing justice for our dearly loved President Abraham Lincoln. 

The author holds deep, heart-felt gratitude for the thousands upon thousands of great Americans for whom these truths are prized. In the days following the death of Abraham Lincoln, those who expressed sympathy for rabid racist John Wilkes Booth and his co-conspirators received a beating from fellow citizens. Today we have a sympathizer film from Robert Redford, The Conspirator,  that has earned him a beating, and a place of infamy that firmly secures Redford his belonging in the crazed and loony part of the 'Hollywood crowd.'    

  The Conspirator  
A Robert Redford Film  

            Betrays An Animus Not Overcareful Of Truth           
H. L. Burnett Quote Apropo

The Robert Redford "Holyrood" film [Holyrood Palace of Scotland, prison of Mary Queen of Scots] paints a saintly victim status for Maria Surratt, so obviously his film neglected to reveal her disdainful and immoral pretext in historical events and the true facts. For instance Redford's film never explained to the audience why excessively large numbers Catholic priests regularly frequented Maria Surratt's boarding house in Washington D.C. throughout the Civil War.

    Surratt Washington D.C. Boarding House    
For Non-Heretics Only: Catholics

Every one of those priests, knowing that his infallible pope had called Jeff Davis his dear son, and had taken the Southern Confederacy under his protection, was bound to believe that the most holy thing a man could do, was to fight for the Southern cause by destroying those who were its enemies. (Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, p. 309-310)
Pontifex Maximus Pious IX

"Let us consider the real lady. Father Lahiman swears he was living with Mrs. Surratt, in the same house!(Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, p. 719)
"Maria Surratt converted to Roman Catholic and adopted the baptismal name of Maria Eugenia. Her son, John Harrison Surratt Jr, quit his studies at St Charles College in July 1861 and became a courier for the Confederate Secret Service. The Surratt tavern in Surrattsville, Maryland, was being used as a "safe house" for Confederate spies, and it was established that Mary clearly had de facto knowledge of her function with them."
Surrattsville, Maryland - Hub of Confederate Spy Network
John Wilkes Booth Horseback

 "At the very beginning of the Rebellion John Harrison Surratt was selected in the Confederate Secret Service, bearing the most important dispatches from Jefferson Davis at Richmond to his agents at Washington."  (The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of President Lincolnp. 118)            
"About November l, 1863, Mrs. Surratt and her family moved to their residence at 541 H. St., Washington, D. C., where she opened a select boarding house. Select to the extent that there were no "heretics" among her boarders.            
The first to come was Louis J. Weichmann, who had been for three years a classmate of John Surratt's at the Sulpician Monastery, a branch of the Jesuit Order, where Weichmann also was preparing for the Roman priesthood."  (The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of President Lincolnp. 105-107)                                                
The death of Abraham Lincoln is no more than the
death of any n!gger in the army
. ~ Maria Eugenia Surratt

And that pious Mrs. Surratt who, the very next day after the murder of Lincoln, said, without being rebuked, in the presence of several other witnesses: "The death of Abraham Lincoln is no more than the death of any n!gger in the army." Where did she get that maxim, if not from her Church?
Maria Eugenia Surratt

Had not that Church recently proclaimed, through her highest legal and civil authority, the devoted Roman Catholic Judge Taney, in his Dred Scot decision, "... the Negroes have no right which the white is bound to respect."?
By bringing the president on a level with the lowest n!gger, Rome was saying that {Lincoln} had no right even to his life; for this was the maxim of the rebel priests, who, everywhere, had made themselves the echoes of the sentence of their distinguished co-religionist, Judge Roger Taney. (Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, Chapter 61, p.721)
While the war was raging, the Pope of Rome endorsed Jefferson Davis ... recognizing him as the new president for the entire Union. (The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, by Burke McCarty, p. 212) 
Many Americans are not aware of the disdain felt by Abraham Lincoln's assassins for Americans who are not Catholic, which included their disdain for Abraham Lincoln. Part of the plot to kill Abraham Lincoln was justified by pointing out that Abraham Lincoln was not a Catholic, and hence his killers considered him a heretic. The truth is that many realize one cannot be a Catholic heretic if they had never been a Catholic, hence the never ending rumors of rumors about Lincoln's religious affiliation. 

This mini book easily clarifies the questions about Lincoln's religion. To many in America being a Christian would not require affiliation with a church, they feel reading the Bible for direction in life is more beneficial than social or official church attendance. Although some try to say Lincoln was once catholic, atheist or this type of Christian, it will be proven false. 
It was as President that Lincoln developed a strong feeling of wanting to be baptized, but he wished to be private about his choice of religion for the purpose of representing all Americans, not only those holding his same religious preference. 

President ABRAHAM Lincoln attended church services regularly while President. "The reason he gave for refusing to join a church was that he could "never be satisfied" with all the dogmas and creeds that the denominational churches of his day required." And Lincoln wrote this on the subject of his faith:
When any church will inscribe over its altar, as its sole qualification for membership, the Savior's condensed statement of the substance of both law and Gospel, 'Thou shalt love the lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and thy neighbor as thyself,' that church will I join with all my heart and all my soul.
One of Lincoln's earliest statements on the subject of his faith came in 1846:
That I am not a member of any Christian church is true; but I have never denied the truth of the Scriptures; and I have never spoken with intentional disrespect of religion in general, or of any denomination of Christians in particular ... I do not think I could myself be brought to support a man for office whom I knew to be an open enemy of, or scoffer at, religion[July 31, 1846]
     Thou shalt love the lord thy God with all thy heart,   
and with all thy soul, and thy neighbor as thyself.

Let's now consider a more America-friendly point of view of the events in this assassination than Robert Redford's excuse-making, sympathizer film. Let's begin our narrative realizing that Maria Surratt's "select" boarding house refused 'heretics." In other words Ms. Surratt allowed only Catholics to live in her boarding house.

We propose that few exposed to the facts will consider the lady saintly in the end, but rather, her wartime murder plot will be considered highly insidious. She was hung, and she deserved to be hung. 

The only excuse for so few to hang of the many who conspired to murder Lincoln is that the nation was weary of war. The full arrogance and vast numbers of guilty conspirators obviously makes the enormous Confederate murder operation far darker and far more dastardly. The South had surrendered, so the assassination of President Lincoln is a war crime, under the category of perfidy. 

It  also seems likely many conspirators from the North sought to hide their deeds in fake history; the real end of the Civil War was August 20, 1866.

But one should always keep in mind the intention to kill Lincoln began before he became President, so the claims are false that the plot was hatched due to grievances over imaginary tyranny done by President Lincoln in his office. Today people have too often forgotten how the Catholic is raised:
... told by their father confessors that the most holy father, the Pope, Gregory VII,
 had solemnly and infallibly declared that "the killing of an heretic was no murder."
                    ~ Jure Canonico (Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, Chapter 61)

Lincoln's Premonition Dream
In their theater box Mary Todd worried to Abraham that her friend Clara would notice how she was clinging to him. He kindly comforted her that Clara would not think less of her for grasping his hand tightly. Mary Lincoln arrived to the theater already uneasy. Several days prior to the assassination, Abraham Lincoln shared a dream with his wife, a few other friends, and Ward Hill Lamon (friend, bodyguard, and biographer), a dream Lincoln discussed with Lamon and others.
About ten days ago {April 1st or 2nd} I retired very late. I had been up waiting for important dispatches from the front. I could not have been long in bed when I fell into a slumber for I was weary. I soon began to dream. There seemed to be a death-like stillness about me.
Then I heard subdued sobs as if a number of people were weeping. I thought I left my bed and wandered downstairs. There the silence was broken by the same pitiful sobbing, but the mourners were invisible. I went from room to room; no living person was in sight, but the same mournful sounds of distress met me as I passed along.
I saw light in all the rooms; every object was familiar to me; but where were all the people who were grieving as if their hearts would break? I was puzzled and alarmed. What could be the meaning of all this? Determined to find the cause of a state of things so mysterious and so shocking I kept on until I arrived at the East Room, which I entered.
There I met with a sickening surprise. Before me was a catafalque, on which rested a corpse wrapped in funeral vestments. Around it were stationed soldiers who were acting as guards; and there was a throng of people, gazing mournfully upon the corpse, whose face was covered, others weeping pitifully.
The President

"Who is dead in the White House?" I demanded of one of the soldiers. 'The President," was his answer. "He was killed by an assassin." Then came a loud burst of grief from the crowd, which woke me from my dream. I slept no more that night; and although it was only a dream, I have been strangely annoyed by it ever since.
The Conspirators
John Wilkes Booth - Initiated Into The KGC
In Baltimore In The Fall of 1860

John Wilkes Booth said that the South "...  must take some decisive step. She must throw a bomb-shell into the enemy's land that shall spread terror and consternation wherever it goes." (The Great Conspiracy, p. 26)  The conspirators were all part of or connected to 'The Knights of the Golden Circle,' a secret society like the Jesuits. Believe it, John Wilkes was a FIRM believer in slavery for black People. He was baptized Catholic. Nothing about his work for the Confederate Secret Service was casual, accidental, nor harmless conduct.   

Perhaps the best documentation as to the power and influence of the 'Knights of the Golden Circle during the Civil War is The Private Journal and Diary of John H. Surratt, The Conspirator, which was written by John Harrison Surratt {Maria Surratt's son} and later edited by Dion Haco and published by Frederic A. Brady of New York in 1866.
In this journal Surratt goes into great detail when describing how he was introduced to the K.G.C. in the summer of 1860 by another Knight, John Wilkes Booth, and inducted into this mysterious organization on July 2, 1860, at a castle {an individual organized unit of the 'Knights of the Golden Circle'} in Baltimore, Maryland. 
Jesuit Arch-Assassin 
John Harrison Surratt

Surratt describes the elaborate and secret induction ceremony and its rituals and explains that cabinet members, congressmen, judges, actors, and other politicians were in attendance. Maybe the most significant revelation of Surratt's diary is that the 'Knights of the Golden Circle' began plotting to "kidnap" Abraham Lincoln in 1860, before Lincoln was even inaugurated in 1861, and continued throughout the Civil War, resulting in President Lincoln's assassination by fellow Knight {John Wilkes} Booth April 14, 1865.
Knights of the Golden Circle Secret Society
"Castle" Units VERY Numerous Across Texas in 1860

This historic photograph is the only known photo of a K.G.C. meeting. It was taken in the late 1800's or very early 1900's in Brownwood, Texas. The only person in this photo that has been positively identified is Henry Ford who is the only Knight with his hat off.
Redford's film fails the truth test. Indeed his total neglect of facts in the assassination of President Lincoln indicates vast ignorance. His lies together with these massive omissions are the red flag of a stealth agenda. The Civil War was NOT plotted by Abraham Lincoln, just the opposite is true. It was "organized" by a network of very numerous KGC castles throughout Texas, the same network that organized the murder of Lincoln. 

Indeed the previous H. L. Burnett quote above about the perverse Redford film is extremely apropo:  
"{Redford's film} betrays an animus not overcareful of truth." Just as Jesuit Freemasonry networks are organized using 'lodges,' the KGC network was a network of organized 'castles.' There was an abundance of KGC castles in Texas prior to the Civil War who did plot the Civil War.

As Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth, fled justice, some of his pursuers died in a collision "accident" with a steamboat, "The Massachusetts," on the Potomac while they were on patrol. This also secured the deaths of fifty Union POW's returning from war in a prisoner exchange. It was dangerous to chase John Wilkes Booth.

Prisoner Exchange

A different steamboat disaster, that also involved Union POW's returning home, happened in the Sultana Steamboat Disaster on April 26th of 1865. On April 24th of 1865 the previously mentioned Massachusetts Steamboat Disaster happened during the chase of John Wilkes Booth. This co-incidental time proximity appears to be a clue in detecting who was behind the murder of Abraham  Lincoln. Other aspects also become linked together in a grand conspiracy panorama. Let's examine the Sultana Steamboat Disaster.
One dispatch of March 20, 1864, for instance, shows The Sultana carrying a contingent of the Second Missouri colored troops. ...On looking down and out into the river, I would see men jumping from all parts of the boat into the water until it seemed black with men, their heads bobbing up and down like corks, and then disappearing beneath the turbulent waters, never to appear again.
In 1888 a St. Louis resident named William Streetor claimed that his former business partner, Robert Louden, made a deathbed confession of having sabotaged The Sultana steamboat with a coal torpedo. Other passengers and 1800 Union POW's were killed returning from war in this "exchange"of prisoners, which makes the number killed significantly higher in this disaster than even the number who were killed in the Titanic maritime disaster.

Maria Eugenia Surratt's Poisonous Fruit
Redford's film is a diabolical manipulation, since one must weigh in balance the dramatic context of Lincoln's struggle against villains torturing slaves in Richmond, and against the ongoing perpetuation of war-crime carnage, with the Redford claims of Maria Eugenia Surratt's "piety." To sympathize with her one must be callous and vile, it is a disgrace for Robert Redford to be as gullible as he pretends to be in his propaganda film, The Conspirators.

It is noble to tamp down the fury of war, but highly dishonorable to whitewash Confederate-sympathizer calumny. Toward the end of the war President Lincoln was forced to stop prisoner exchanges due to the Confederacy's official acts in the war-crime murders of black POW's. Lincoln was using his every breath to terminate Andersonville. Truly, Mr. Redford completely fails to reveal what exactly makes Maria Eugenia Surratt a saint? 

There is a difference between taking artistic liberties in making a film about true events, and actually falsifying all the facts about the case to tailor everything to support wishful thinking. It is beyond artistic license to change almost every fact to support your narrative. Redford did a propaganda piece, not art. It is entirely unacceptable for one to betray the spirit of the actual historical story. If you concoct a bizarre fictional person, don't name them using the names of actual people. There is an actual Maria Eugenia Surratt, and she ran her 'company' town, Surrattsville, a known hub for the Confederate Secret Service.

Redford's pitiful pretense for complaining about Ms Surratt's military tribunal, for her trial not being held in a civilian court, is COMPLETELY disconnected from reality itself. Lincoln's murder was perpetrated only a few days after the surrender of Richmond. Of course the Union military chased after President's Lincoln's murderers, and Ms Surratt was one of them. Ms Surratt was the insidious ringleader of the conspiracy, and her son later boasted of their role and wrote a book to profit off their conspiracy to kill top Union Generals! "Elections, who needs them. I win." ~Paraphrase of Maria Eugenia Surratt. This was a trial of spies. When an enemy spy kills your top general, the case ought to be tried in a military tribunal. Maria Surratt was a cold-blooded killer, not the victim! Lincoln's assassins were not in uniform.

Walt Whitman accurately said of the Confederate Andersonville Prison, "There are deeds, crimes that may be forgiven; but this is not among them." The 1st prisoners were brought to Andersonville in late February 1864, but by the end of June 26,000 men were penned in an area originally meant for only 10,000 prisoners. Eventually the top population became 33,000. Almost 13,000 Union soldiers died from disease, poor sanitation, and exposure of the total of 45,000 Union soldiers confined in Andersonville,. The purpose of this prison was to impair, injure and destroy Union prisoners ... in violation of the laws of war.

There was little the Democrat Party and the Confederate South would hesitate to do to force their values on the North, Republicans, and our Union. They certainly refused to accept the election result making Abraham Lincoln President. And the values of the Democrat Party controlling the Confederacy insistently opposed the values professed in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution.        

The Sabotaged Sultana Steamboat

One of the worst marine disasters in history, but one which has a hard time finding its way into the history books. 
This is a photograph of  "The USS Sterling Price," another steamboat. 
It  was captured early in the war, re-named, and used by Union forces.

Robert Louden, who died 1867, was a Confederate messenger and partisan in the American Civil War. Louden was said to be the primary messenger for delivering messages from Sterling Price to Confederate Secret Service units, to Confederate regulars, and to his guerrilla warfare operatives. We get a direct picture of the Confederate Secret Service modus operandi from Robert Lowden's confession that he sabotaged "The Sultana" by coal torpedo.   

Together with more in-depth information on the Confederate Secret Service's networks, and their other methods, the sabotage of The Sultana gives off a flashing signal that the Confederate Secret Service was behind the complex plot to assassinate Abraham Lincoln. Ms Surratt ran Surrattville, the major hub of the Confederate Secret Service behind "enemy" lines in the Union. She was a spy and an assassin fighting to enslave black families, the black People. Maria Surratt is not a saint.

 Union Army Soldier May 1865 
on His Release from Andersonville Prison

The post war actions and the post war fate of Sterling Price, Confederate Army Major General and a top leader in the Confederate Secret Service, also provide a glimpse into the past. The arrogance and wounded egos of the South come to panoramic view, but they also point us to the vast collaboration leading up to the first murder of a U.S. President.
"Instead of surrendering at the war's end, Sterling Price led what was left of his army into Mexico, where he unsuccessfully sought service with the Emperor Maximilian. Price returned to St. Louis sick in August of 1867. ...
When Price died, the funeral of Price was held at the First Methodist Episcopal Church on October 3rd, 1867 ... and the funeral procession, with his body carried by a black hearse drawn by six matching black horses, was the largest funeral procession in St. Louis up to that point. He was buried in Bellefontaine Cemetery."
"Bellefontaine Cemetery (1849) and the Roman Catholic Calvary Cemetery (1857) in St. Louis, Missouri, are adjacent burial grounds, which have numerous historic, extravagant tombstones and mausoleums. They are the necropolis for a number of prominent local and state politicians, as well as soldiers of the American Civil War."
Confederate Army Major General 
Sterling Price

 Lincoln Funeral Procession

Lincoln Funeral Procession

For years some Southern family parlors featured shrines to John Wilkes Booth's photographic portrait. But Booth envied Abraham Lincoln's glory because he witnessed the nation's grief at Lincoln's death.

Lincoln Mourners

American railroad engineers were deeply moved at the sight of our national grief when they observed the masses of Americans kneeing through the night in the darkness over miles of torch-lit railroad crossings as Lincoln's funeral train passed their stretch of the journey.    

Lincoln's Funeral Procession
11,000 military men and 75,000 civilians marched in Lincoln's funeral procession
New York City

Both Sterling Price's refusal to surrender to Lincoln, and his fugitive flight, fit with the Confederate Secret Service's culpability in the assassination of Lincoln. And his refusal to surrender, along with the successful assassination of Abraham Lincoln, appear to be central reasons that explain the Southern fervor so highly bestowed on Sterling Price in his spectacular St. Louis funeral.    

Through similar finery and a majestic funeral procession for Sterling Price in Missouri Southerners attempted to compete with Abraham Lincoln's funeral and the grandeur of Lincoln's funeral procession. The copy cat arrangements manifest the well documented pretense of Confederate Supremacy.

Lincoln Funeral Train

The Nation Mourns

In this blog overview we scan the distressing assassination experience from the beginning to the end. Our ride begins in 1859 at Harper's Ferry with John Wilkes Booth with his Virginia Grays hanging John Brown, and ends when we step out of the nation's nightmare at the steamboat Titanic's sinking. We seek to use the Face-and-Conquer approach in order to find relief from the endless lies and turmoil that seeps from this stressful global wound, a dilemma hidden below the surface. With patience, a vast depth of evidence in this mini-book will flesh out the details, and the truth will be exposed to the light of day. Robert Redford is a charlatan for making The Conspirator film.
Confederate Secret Service Plots Against Abraham Lincoln
Con­fed­er­ates planned to over­throw the Union by cap­tur­ing Abra­ham Lin­coln as ret­ri­bu­tion and as an attempt to bring the war-weary North to capitulation. When Booth failed to cap­ture Lin­coln in March 1865, the Con­fed­er­ates intrigued instead to blow up the White House dur­ing a con­fer­ence of senior Union offi­cials. ... plans failed, and by 9 April, Lee was forced to surrender. 

(Come Retribution: The Confederate Secret Service and the Assassination of Lincoln, by William A. Tidwell, James O. Hall, David Winfred Gaddy, 1988, Back Cover Text)
... the plan evolved into a plan to kill Lin­coln and some of the other top polit­i­cal lead­ers of the Union in an attempt to sow con­fu­sion into the North’s polit­i­cal process, buy­ing time for the Con­fed­er­ate armies still in the field to rally.
... the oper­a­tional plan to cap­ture Pres­i­dent Lin­coln ... evolved into a plan to kill Lin­coln. Ini­tially, the plan entailed cap­tur­ing Lin­coln and oblig­ing the Union to sue for peace.
... a fund to finance the oper­a­tion was cre­ated. Two Confederate generals closely related to Robert E. Lee appear to have been in charge of parts of the gam­bit. Per­haps the most impor­tant of the oper­a­tional ele­ments in the Lin­coln plan was Colonel John S. Mosby, the famed “Gray Ghost” and his ranger units ... and arguably the most skilled and dec­o­rated of the Con­fed­er­ate guerilla lead­ers. 
There is evi­dence that Booth was attempt­ing to get to Mosby as he fled fol­low­ing the assassination.
Colonel John S. Mosby

Booth’s escape appears to have involved the main Con­fed­er­ate under­ground net­work lead­ing into the North. If one omits Swann, Bryant and Lucas as play­ing only sub­or­di­nate roles in Booth’s flight, the remain­der of those on the list share two attrib­utes: all had strong, pro-Confederate feel­ing or con­nec­tions, and all were asso­ci­ated with offi­cial Con­fed­er­ate under­ground oper­a­tions or with peo­ple engaged in that work.
... Gen­er­ally glossed over or ignored, as in a.k.a. “lone nuts,” these indi­vid­u­als in fact com­prised an ele­ment of an extensive Con­fed­er­ate clan­des­tine appa­ra­tus.

Stakes rise at the trial of John Brown at Harper's Ferry November 1859
after the election of Abraham Lincoln.

John Brown Abolitionist

November 19, 1859 - John Wilkes Booth - Redbox Highlighted

He served in Virginia's Richmond Grays and 
as a Confederate Secret Service Agent

  This First Regiment of Virginia Volunteers 
  Deployed to Charles Town West Virginia

John Wilkes Booth The Hyper Racist
Harper's Ferry Looking Toward Maryland

The purpose for the Richmond Grays' deployment to Harper's Ferry in November 1859 was to fight off Northerners they expected, who they believed would attempt to prevent them from hanging John Brown. John Wilkes Booth enlisted as a soldier in  the 1st Regiment of Virginia Volunteers for the purpose of ensuring the hanging of John Brown. 

This First Regiment of Virginia Volunteers deployed to Charles Town, West Virginia. Brown's trial was rushed and illegal, and the deceitful mockery of Law was a microcosm of the Democrat Party tyrant wolves who controlled the South and the Confederate "Cause." It was a guilty "Cause." Their "Cause" was slavery, and readers will see it plainly by patiently studying the facts laid out in this mini-book.

When the Virginia troops deployed from Richmond to Harper's Ferry, their loved ones believed they might not see their soldier again until after the civil war since many Southerners wanted this deployment of Virginia troops to trigger the civil war. John Brown was hung on December 2, 1859.   

John Wilkes Booth enlisted as a soldier in  the 1st Regiment of Virginia Volunteers for the purpose of ensuring the hanging of John Brown, hoping to trigger a Civil War at that time.      
John Wilkes Booth
Prison Guard Of John Brown
John Wilkes Booth Joined the 1st Regiment of Virginia Volunteers
    Booth Joined The Virginia Grays for the Sole Purpose 

of Hanging John Brown

Major Henry Reed Rathbone With Fiance Clara Harris
Mary Todd, Abraham Lincoln

John Wilkes Booth Firing the Gun

Letters found in his trunk back at the National Hotel used a secret code that tied John Wilkes Booth to the Confederacy. His close associate, John Harrison Surratt, carried the most important dispatches from Jefferson Davis in Richmond to his agents in Washington D.C. At the very beginning of the rebellion John Wilkes Booth was selected in the Confederate Secret Service.      

Ford's Theater where Abraham Lincoln was shot on Good Friday night at 10:15 PM April 14th 1865.
The back door to Lincoln's theater box had previously been fitted 
by conspirators with a bar to secure the door closed.
Before the Civil War, Booth appeared in New York, Boston, Baltimore, Washington, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, St. Louis, Leavenworth, Richmond, Nashville, New Orleans and several other cities.
On November 9, 1863, President Lincoln viewed Booth in the role of 'Raphael' in The Marble Heart. Besides appearing at Ford's from November 2 to November 15, 1863, Booth made only one other acting appearance in that theater. That occurred on March 18, 1865, when Booth made the last appearance of his career as 'Duke Pescara' in The Apostate.
When the Lincoln's saw John Wilkes Booth in The Marble Heart at Ford's Theatre on November 9, 1863, they were accompanied by several people. Among these people was Mary B. Clay, a daughter of Cassius Clay, U.S. minister to Russia. Mary Clay reminisced about the evening.
The Startling Reminiscence of Mary Clay
Daughter of Cassius Clay, United States' Minister to Russia
In the theater President and Mrs. Lincoln, Miss Sallie Clay and I, Mr. Nicolay and Mr. Hay, occupied the same box which the year after saw Mr. Lincoln slain by Booth. I do not recall the play, but Wilkes Booth played the part of villain.
The box was right on the stage, with a railing around it. Mr. Lincoln sat next to the rail, I next to Mrs. Lincoln, Miss Sallie Clay and the other gentlemen farther around.
Twice Booth in uttering disagreeable threats in the play came very near and put his finger close to Mr. Lincoln's face; when he came a third time I was impressed by it, and said, 'Mr. Lincoln, he looks as if he meant that for you.' 'Well,' he said, 'he does look pretty sharp at me, doesn't he?'
At the same theater, the next April, Wilkes Booth shot our dear President. Mr. Lincoln looked to me the personification of honesty, and when animated was much better looking than his pictures represent him.  (Mary, Wife of Lincoln, by Katherine Helm, New York, Harper and Brothers, 1928, p. 243)
Mary Todd Lincoln

On April 11, 1865, two days after Lee's army surrendered to Grant, Booth attended a speech at the White House in which Lincoln supported the idea of enfranchising the former slaves. Furiously provoked, Booth ... said: "That means n!gger citizenship. Now, by God, I'll put him through. That is the last speech he will ever give."
John Wilkes Booth slipped into Lincoln's box and shot him in the back of the head. Booth then jumped from the President's box to the stage where he raised his knife and shouted "Sic Semper Tyrannis" (Latin for "Thus always to tyrants"), ... the Virginia state motto ... {and a quote} attributed to Brutus at Caesar's assassination.
Official eyewitness stated that Jefferson Davis was pleased at the news of Abraham Lincoln's assassination. He expressed his sentiment precisely that what mattered was that it was done right. Davis replied that if they had killed "... Andy Johnson, the beast, and ... Secretary Stanton, the job would then be complete."

Records indicate that operatives from the South penetrated Lincoln's administration, with a Confederate spy network concentrating and taking refuge in nearby Surrattsville, Maryland. The Confederate Secret Service continually held their meetings in Maryland or Canada.    

Co-Conspirator and Confederate President Jefferson Davis
and His Wife Varina

Co-Conspirator and Confederate President Jefferson Davis, and his Wife Varina
John Wilkes Booth became a Roman Catholic, his sister Asia Booth Clarke also became Catholic. In late 1860 John Wilkes Booth was initiated in the pro-Confederate 'Knights of the Golden Circle' in Baltimore, the largest seaport among the Mid-Atlantic United States, the area between New England and the South. This was a paramilitary organization formed in 1854 to extend pro-slavery interests, headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. 

The objective of the KGC was to annex a golden circle of territories in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean for inclusion in the United States as slave states, and thus to dominate the United States of America securing the establishment of slavery.   

   Knights of the Golden Circle
History of Secession      

Major Henry Reed Rathbone was a distant cousin of stage and film actor Basil Rathbone. Major Rathbone's widowed mother, Pauline Rathbone, remarried Ira Harris, who was appointed U.S. Senator from New York after William H. Seward became Lincoln's Secretary of State. As a result of this marriage, Ira Harris became Rathbone's step-father and his daughter, Clara, became Rathbone's step-sister. 

Young Clara Harris Rathbone

Although this unusual series of events made them stepbrother and stepsister, Henry Rathbone and Clara Harris were not related by blood. But their union was not a storybook type of love. Henry couldn't even hear the name "Lincoln" without suffering flashbacks. Their eldest son became a U.S. Congressman from Illinois, Henry Riggs Rathbone, and he was born on Abraham Lincoln's birthday.    

Henry Seward

On the night of Lincoln's assassination, {Seward} survived an attempt on his life in the conspirators' effort to decapitate the Union government. As Johnson's Secretary of State, he engineered the purchase of Alaska from Russia in an act that was ridiculed at the time as 'Seward's Folly.' 
The Alaska Purchase

Republican hostility to Johnson, and to Seward as Johnson’s political ally, nearly killed the purchase of Alaska. In June 1868, after Johnson’s impeachment trial was over, ... the House finally approved the appropriation in July 1868. ... On August 1, 1868 Riggs Bank cashed the Treasury check for the Russian diplomats, closing on the American purchase.
Clara Harris Rathbone

In December 1883 while both lived in Germany, one assassination eyewitness, Major Henry Reed Rathbone, shot and murdered the only other eyewitness, his wife Clara Harris Rathbone. 
After shooting his wife, he then inflicted her with multiple stab wounds. Once Henry killed Clara, Rathbone attempted suicide by stabbing himself.
Major Rathbone later died in 1911, and was buried next to Clara in the city cemetery at Hanover / Engesohde. As time passed, the cemetery management, looking over records concerning plots without recent activity or family interest, decided in 1952 that Rathbone's and Clara's remains could be disposed of.
This couple were together with Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln in the theater box during the assassination. If Clara later had incidentally discovered a previous acquaintance between Major Henry Rathbone and John Wilkes Booth, or any of other major co-conspirators, Clara would represent a mortal threat to Henry Rathbone for complicity in the conspiracy. So their fates also signal a complex and nefarious chain of events linked to the 1st killing of a United States President.

Robert Redford's sympathizer film failed to mention extremely pertinent information, such as the fact that Washington D.C. was under Martial law when Lincoln was killed, that Richmond fell on April 3rd, the South surrendered to General Grant on April 9th, and that Lincoln was killed on April 14th. Naturally the military conducted the search for Booth, and of course it conducted the trial of these Confederate Secret Service spies. 
  Union Army Soldier on His Release from   
Andersonville Prison 
May 1865

Robert Redford's sympathizer film failed to reveal the context for the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, the fact of Andersonville war crimes, etc. 
Walt Whitman wrote regarding the Confederate Andersonville Prison, "There are deeds, crimes that may be forgiven; but this is not among them. It steeps its perpetrators in blackest, escapeless, endless damnation."  

Redford's film failed to point out that much of Maryland, and many in Prince George County, participated with the very Surrattville spy network which killed Lincoln. A civilian jury would be made of these Southern spies and traitors. 
"The sworn testimonies show that 561 H Street, Washington, D.C. {Mary Surratt's home and a boarding house} was the common rendezvous of the priests of Washington. What does the presence of so many priests in that house reveal to the world?" (50 Years in the Church of Rome, p.309-310)
"In late 1861 Lafayette C. Baker, a detective with the Union Intelligence Service, and 300 Union soldiers, camped in Surrattsville and investigated the Surratts and others for Confederate activities. He quickly uncovered evidence of a large Confederate courier network operating in area {an area under Mary Surratt's control and dominance}, but despite some arrests and warnings the courier network remained intact."
Eventually in a civil trial of the arch spy and conspirator, John Harrison Surratt, jury members each confirmed his guilt in the killing of Abraham Lincolnyet the Catholic jurors let John Harrison Surratt off scot free using jury nullification. Remember that after his mother was hung, John Surratt tried to earn large sums of money by publishing his booklet and lecturing about what he and his mother did to President Lincoln, until patriots put a stop to that.
Later Surratt secured a job as a teacher in St. Joseph Catholic School in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Some time after 1872 he was hired by the Baltimore Steam Packet Company. 
        Former Priest Charles Chiniquy       
In 1886 an ex-priest by the name of Charles Chiniquy wrote a book titled Fifty Years in the Church of Rome which portrayed the assassination of Lincoln as a Catholic grand conspiracy.
In 1856 Lincoln had defended Chiniquy in court. Chiniquy had quarreled with his bishop and then was sued for slander by one of the bishop's friends ... A morals charge was also involved. The case was heard May 20-22, 1856, in Urbana, Illinois. [This case will be described in detail below as part of Section VI.*]
Lincoln arranged for a compromise settlement, but Chiniquy interpreted the settlement as a victory over the church. He felt some Jesuits held Lincoln responsible for the settlement.
In 1906 Chiniquy said, "The President, Abraham Lincoln, was assassinated by the priests and the Jesuits of Rome." "...the Jesuits alone could select the assassins, train them, and show them a crown of glory in heaven..." Booth was the tool of the Jesuits. He was corrupted and directed by the Vatican." [This type of Jesuit vain glory clearly reminds us of Muslim Jihad.]
"An Inquiry into the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln by Emmett McLoughlin was published in 1963. Among other points, McLoughlin maintained that the majority of American Catholics were in favor of slavery and opposed to Lincoln. The author said the totalitarian Papacy considered Lincoln a major enemy, and that the Church for centuries had 'been involved in numerous instances of the forcible removal of heads of state whom it condemned.' "
Arch Conspirator John Harrison Surratt, Jr, 
     an Irish American in 
Zouave Uniform Circa 1866-1867   
During the intense, unprecedented manhunt for Abraham Lincoln's murderer, John Harrison Surratt, the arch conspirator, hid in Vatican City as a personal soldier of the Pope under the name of Watson. Surratt's movements were constantly and continually observed by U.S. government detectives. Today Papal Zouave are called 'The Swiss Army.'
Later Surratt secured a job as a teacher in St. Joseph Catholic School in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Some time after 1872 he was hired by the Baltimore Steam Packet Company.
Not Everyone Is Freedom Loving
Pontifex Maximvs Pious IX Author of Infamous Syllabus

Pontifex Maximus
On December 8, 1864 Pius with his encyclical Quanta cura issued his famous "Syllabus of Errors." In this Syllabus Pius set forth his condemnation of the winds of democratic change sweeping Europe, which he discerned as contrary to the aims of the Papacy.
Pivs IX, Pontifex Maximvs, author of infamous “Syllabus” proclaimed December 8, 1864, which anathematizes the fundamentals of Representative Governments and was aimed particularly at the United States which stands in authority today precisely as it did the day it was uttered as is attested by the Great Encyclicals of Leo XIII. (The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, p. 86)
Reality Therapy

For years Priest Wiget was the confessor of both John Surratt and his mother Mary Surratt. This fact seems eerily similar to a team with a "political officer," the type soviet communism made famous. During the intense U.S. manhunt for John Harrison Surratt he was harbored in Vatican City after the assassination, via those positioned very high up in Canadian and English Catholic hierarchies
John Harrison Surratt, at age nineteen  ... son of Mrs.Mary Eugenia Surratt, ... was chosen by the Jesuits as the arch conspirator in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. He had studied three years in preparation for the Roman priesthood at the Sulpician Fathers monastery, at Charles County, Maryland, previous to the breaking out of the Civil War. The Sulpician Fathers is a branch of the Jesuit order.
Signs of Catholic approval in this assassination abound. Lucy Hale was John Wilkes Booth's secret fiance. Robert Todd Lincoln was one of her admirers, too. She remained in Europe for five years after they killed Abraham Lincoln, during which time she received and refused many offers of marriage from titled aristocrats from France, Italy, and Switzerland. She returned to America in 1870 and married in 1874. Her husband became Secretary of the Navy. Lucy Hale's fate of being a highly desirable match in Catholic countries corroborates other indicators that they approved of John Wilkes Booth's murderous act.

"Author Hamilton Howard in Civil War Echoes (1907) made the claim that while {Andrew} Johnson was military governor of Tennessee, he and Booth kept a couple of sisters as mistresses and oftentimes were seen in each other's company." After the Civil War
 President Andrew Johnson's reconstruction policies failed to promote the rights of the Freedmen, newly freed slaves, and he came under vigorous political attack from Republicans, ending in his impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives; he was acquitted by the U.S. Senate.

Lincoln had essentially ignored Johnson after Johnson's embarrassing behavior on Inauguration Day; Vice-President Johnson was drunk on Lincoln's second Inauguration Day. Mary Todd Lincoln felt Vice-President Andrew Johnson was involved in the conspiracy to kill her husband. President Andrew Johnson pardoned co-conspirators Dr. Mudd, Arnold, and Spangler early in 1869.

"Judah Benjamin, the Confederate Secretary of State, was deeply involved in the plot to {kill} President Abraham Lincoln. He burned all of his records before Richmond was evacuated. Benjamin escaped to England, and he was the only member of the Confederate government never to return to the United States . . . 
At the time of Judah Benjamin's Florida escape --- Benjamin's bother, Joseph, was hiding out in New Richmond, British Honduras, with none other than the Confederates' chief of fiscal operations for Europe --Colin McRae."
Confederate Secretary of State Judah Benjamin's nephew was the close companion of John Wilkes Booth at the John Brown hanging and deployment in Charles Town, West Virginia on November 1859. This nephew, Philip Whitlock, was a Jewish kid that became a very successful Confederate secret agent during the war. Whitlock was Booth's bunkmate and closest companion during his time at the John Brown hanging. Whitlock is in the Richmond Grays photos with John Wilkes Booth, taken during Richmond’s 1st Regiment of Volunteers deployment for the hanging of John Brown.

After the Civil War many Southerners were fugitives from the American government, and they fled to British Honduras or Brazil as Colin McRae and the brother of Confederate Secretary of War, Joseph Benjamin, did also.

We remember that: "After the Lincoln assassination, police found decoding sheets in Booth's Washington hotel room. A matching coding device was found in Benjamin's Richmond office."

There is a fact to which the American people have not yet given ... sufficient attention. It is that, without a single exception, the conspirators {who were in custody} were Roman Catholics. The learned and great patriot, General Baker, in his admirable report, struck and bewildered by that strange, mysterious and portentous fact, said: "I mention, as an exceptional and remarkable fact, that every conspirator, in custody, is by education a Catholic."
We might also take note that the Jesuits were among the largest slave owners in the country, though we know that in Maryland they sold off their slaves in 1838.
On another note, John Wilkes Booth was born in 1838. Please consider this undeniable fact that Abraham Lincoln, who was first elected in 1860, was the first U.S. president to be killed in office; and it is another fact, not mentioned by Redford's sympathizer film, that other U.S. presidents elected in 1880, 1900, 1920, 1940 and 1960 were killed in office. It is likely that many in the South really, really do NOT want to be "united" states. This new insight might increase our wisdom when vetting and selecting Vice-Presidential candidates today.
President Abraham Lincoln 
16th President of the United States

Lincoln, a Kentucky-born lawyer and former Whig representative to Congress, first gained national stature during his campaign against Stephen Douglas of Illinois for a U.S. Senate seat in 1858. The senatorial campaign featured a remarkable series of public encounters on the slavery issue, known as the Lincoln-Douglas debates, in which Lincoln argued against the spread of slavery, while Douglas maintained that each territory should have the right to decide whether it would become free or slave. 
Lincoln lost the Senate race, but his campaign {Lincoln edited the Lincoln-Douglas Debates and published them as a book} brought national attention to the young Republican Party. In 1860 Lincoln won the party's presidential nomination. In the November 1860 election, Lincoln again faced Douglas, who represented the Northern faction of a heavily divided Democratic Party, as well as {two other candidates} Breckinridge and Bell. 
The announcement of Lincoln's victory signaled the secession of the Southern states, which since the beginning of the year had been publicly threatening secession if the Republicans gained the White House.
By the time of Lincoln's inauguration on March 4, 1861, seven states had seceded.

Those who supported the side of the North did not want slavery incrementally spreading into new territories in the United States. Many people in the North also disliked getting caught in the middle as the South pursued runaway slaves. The North was unable to reconcile with their conscience the act of returning fugitive slaves back to the South. 

In 1859 the South thought hanging John Brown would start the Civil War. But the South began fighting in earnest when anti-slavery Lincoln was elected by a strong margin in a 3-way race.  

Battle of Gettysburg

This section concludes our first scan of the issues and players in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. In the final three quarters of this article we offer more of our in-depth details, evidence, analysis, and conclusions. 
Lincoln's Widow

The Titanic sank on April 14-15, 1912 . . . on the anniversary of Lincoln's assassination. Perhaps another Vice-President from the South might bring more trouble than previously imagined.
The Fenian Brotherhood, an Irish nationalist organization operating in the United States in the late 1860's–1870's, reportedly considered placing coal torpedoes in the furnaces of New York City hotels as well as English transatlantic steamships.
The Titanic Sleeps Deep on the Ocean Floor

II.  Related Obama Conspiracy 
Joe Miller: “Obama Gave Seven Alaska Islands To Russia”

Joe Miller was the 2010 Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate from Alaska. He is a West Point graduate and decorated combat veteran from the first Gulf War. A former judge, Joe Miller graduated from Yale Law School and was later awarded an advanced economics degree from the University of Alaska. He is presently chairman of the Restoring Liberty Alaska PAC and the Restoring Liberty Action Committee.

Russian officials listed the value of these islands for fishing opportunities, but also for their potential oil and gas fields, and for their naval passages used by submarines.

"Conspiracy is simply not impossible nor at all rare." ~StatesmanSword

III. Train for Destruction
Next we present material evidence and in-depth issues that can help honest people understand the horrible assassination of Abraham Lincoln. It rocked the world. The truth can blind if one doesn't want to see it. Who killed Abraham Lincoln? If one is ready to listen, Lincoln will tell us for himself who conspired to kill him.    

In 1517 the Society of Jesus became the Engine of Destruction that was formed
to combat Martin Luther’s reformation. 
The Black Pope is its General, 

and it runs with strict military discipline and training.

"The common people see and hear the big, noisy wheels of the Southern Confederacy’s {railroad} cars, they call them Jeff Davis, Lee …etc. And they honestly think they are the … first cause of our troubles. The "true motive power" {the "First Cause" or primary and original cause} is secreted behind the thick walls of the Vatican … schools of the Jesuits … and the confessional boxes of Rome.
The Passetto in red is the corridor atop the old Vatican wall 
between St. Peter's and the Castel Sant'Angelo.

The leading families of the South, have received their education in great part, if not in whole, from the Jesuits and the nuns. …hence that strange want of fair play, humanity; that implacable hatred against the ideas of equality and liberty, as we find them in the Gospel of Christ.  
... the first settlers of Louisiana, Florida, New Mexico, Texas, South California, and Missouri were Jesuits. …they have continued … to spread their hatred against our institutions, our laws, our schools, our rights and our liberties … as I told you before, it is to Popery that we owe this terrible civil war.
I would have laughed at the man who would have told me that, before I became the President.
Our people are not yet ready to learn and believe those things … it would throw oil on a fire which is already sufficiently destructive. But sooner or later the nation will know the real origin … of the cause of desolation and death spreading everywhere.
I see a very dark cloud on our horizon. And that dark cloud is coming from Rome. It is filled with tears of blood … after a fearful peal of thunder … a cyclone such as the world has never seen, will pass over this country spreading ruin and desolation from north to south. Neither I nor you, but our children will see those things." ~ The True Assassins in Lincoln's Own Words
"Many of those who approached Abraham Lincoln felt that there was a prophetic spirit in him, and that he was continually walking and acting with the thought of God in his mind, and had only in view to do his will and work for his glory. Speaking of the slaves, he said, one day, before the members of his cabinet:
I have not decided against a proclamation of liberty to the slaves, but I hold the matter under advisement. And I assure you that the subject is on my mind, by day and by night, more than any other. Whatever shall appear to be God’s will, I will do." (Six Months in the White House, p. 86)
A few days before that proclamation, he said, before several of his counselors: "I made a solemn vow before God, that if General Lee was driven back from Pennsylvania, I would crown the result by the declaration of freedom to the slaves."
Richmond Surrendered

One must wonder at those who strain to convince others that Lincoln was an atheist. Any encounter with Abraham Lincoln verifies his true religion. The hallmark testament to Lincoln's real Christian faith is his affirmation after violent years of strife: "The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."
I cannot, however, omit his admirable and solemn act of faith in the eternal justice of God, as expressed in the closing words of his last inaugural of the 4th of March, 1865.
"Fondly we do hope, fervently we do pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman’s 250 years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn by the lash shall be paid by another drawn by the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so, still, it must be said: 'The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.'" ~ Lincoln
This vile rebellion, after deluging the land with blood, has culminated in a crime which appalls all nations. Slavery slayed noble Abraham {Abraham Lincoln}, true descendant of the father of the faithful: a statesman who won the gratitude of his country and the admiration of the world. Booth was nothing but the tool of the Jesuits. Abraham was assassinated by the priests and the Jesuits of Rome. ~ ChiniquyFifty Years in the Church of Rome, p713-718

Honest Abe
 Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln is the best lawyer and the most honest man we have in Illinois.                                                         ~ Good Samaritan Stranger to Charles Chiniquy
At Urbana, in Champaign County, on the 19th of May, 1856, the French priest, Charles Chiniquy, met Abraham Lincoln for the first time. Their meeting was suggested by a stranger who followed Chiniquy's legal case with the Bishop of Chicago. 
The case appeared before the Criminal Court of Kankakee (Illinois) in November 1855. Chiniquy won this round in a series of legal battles with the powers of the Bishop of Chicago. The lawyer for the prosecution was Peter Spink, who appealed the case to the Court of Urbana, in Champaign County.
The heavy-hearted Chiniquy began to leave the court building when a stranger approached him and said: "I have followed your suit from the beginning. It is more formidable than you suspect. Your prosecutor, Spink, is only an instrument in the hands of the bishop. The real prosecutor is the land shark who is at the head of the diocese, and who is destroying our holy religion by his private and public scandals.
As you are the only one among his priests who dares to resist him, he is determined to get rid of you: he will spend all his treasures and use the almost irresistible influence of his position to crush you. The misfortune for you is that, when you fight a bishop, you fight all the bishops of the world. They will unite all their wealth and influence to Bishop O'Regan's to silence you, though they hate and despise him.
There was no danger of any verdict against you in this part of Illinois, where you are too well known for the perjured witnesses they have brought to influence your judges. But when you are among strangers, mind what I tell you: the false oaths of your enemies may be accepted as gospel truths by the jury, and then, though innocent, you are lost.
Though your two lawyers are expert men, you will want something better at Urbana. Try to secure the services of Abraham Lincoln, of Springfield. If that man defends you, you will surely come out victorious from that deadly conflict! ...Abraham Lincoln is the best lawyer and the most honest man we have in Illinois."  
In an ironic twist, a few minutes after Lincoln had sent his reply, Spink attempted to telegraph to Lincoln, asking his services at the next May term of the Court, at Urbana on the diocese side. Of course, the honorable Mr. Lincoln had already pledged his services.
I found him still more a giant in the noble qualities of his mind and heart.
It was impossible to converse five minutes with him without loving him. There was such an expression of kindness and honesty in that face, and such an attractive magnetism in the man, that after a few moments of conversation one felt as tied to him by all noblest affections of the heart. When pressing my hand, he told me: 
"You were mistaken when you telegraphed that you were unknown to me. I know you, by reputation, as the stern opponent of the tyranny of your bishop, and the fearless protector of your countrymen in Illinois; I have heard much of you from two priests.
And, last night, your lawyers, Messrs. Osgood and Paddock have acquainted me with the fact that your bishop is employing some of his tools to get rid of you. I hope it will be an easy thing to defeat his projects, and protect you against his machinations."
He then asked me how I had been induced to desire his services. I answered by giving him the story of that unknown friend who had advised me to have Mr. Abraham Lincoln for one of my lawyers, for the reason that "he was the best lawyer and the most honest man in Illinois."

He smiled at my answer with that inimitable and unique smile, which we may call the "Lincoln smile," and replied: "That unknown friend would surely have been more correct had he told you that Abraham Lincoln was the ugliest lawyer of the country!" and he laughed outright. ~ Fifty Years in the Church of Rome
Lincoln Learned Who The Union Was Really Fighting

Monitor and Merrimac Duel

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. ~ Sun Tzu, The Art of War, Special Edition
Confederate Merrimac Ironclad Above
 Was Taken Out of Action 
By The Union's Monitor Ironclad

John Ericson Designed Monitor: The North Wins

IV. The Church of Rome
Inquisition 1207

One cannot comprehend the Civil War until one understands a little about the struggle for freedom, and how freedom clashed with the Church of Rome. For when Mr. Chiniquy called the Bishop of Chicago a usurper for improper use of church power to take the property of Catholics, there was a sharpening of this combustible clash. Twenty years ex-priest Charles Chiniquy researched his book thoroughly, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome. And Chiniquy asked God to protect him until he could tell the world the truth about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

Commentary on the book, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, by Charles Chiniquy:
"The facts stated are backed up by history. Like it or not the book is ridiculously TRUE." 
"After reading parts of this book, I am excited to finish it. There is every reason to believe Charles Chiniquy, and no reason to doubt the truth. But for many the truth still hurts. I celebrate Charles Chiniquy for his bravery in publishing the truth. Abraham Lincoln was the first American President to be murdered in office. Let those with ears hear, and those with eyes see. 
John Foxe in 1554 published the first part of Foxe's Christian Martyrs, for the first time, in Strasbourg, France. He went to Frankfort to support a John Knox Calvinistic Party and then he moved to Basel, Switzerland. Manuscripts and eyewitness accounts of the persecution of Protestants by the English Queen Mary were forwarded to John Foxe in Basel.
John Foxe

John Foxe published his completed manuscript in 1559, the year after Queen Elizabeth I took the throne. That edition was translated into English, then published and printed in March of 1563 under the title of Acts and Monuments of These Latter and Perilous Days.
John Foxe's book compiled a record of the Catholics interviewing people they accused as heretics. Foxe documented the beliefs for which the 'heretics' died after those interrogations. They were tortured and most were burned at the stake by 'The Church of Rome.' The Catholics, The Inquisition, and Queen Mary savagely murdered protestants who could read the Bible now for themselves for the first time due to the printing press. 
The Reformation grew in strength, and the roaring flames of martyrdom grew."
Burning-At-The-Stake Death of Thomas Crammer
Archbishop of Canterbury
Protestant Martyr

This form of death is torture. Bags of gun powder were hung around the neck
of martyrs who had friends enabled to obtain it and allowed to provide it. Victims would strain to connect gunpowder to flame, sometimes in vain due to strong winds.
We will never forget that our forefathers, the first inhabitants of the American land, were compelled to leave their native country, to come to bury themselves in unknown and far-distant wildernesses to escape your [Jesuit] tyranny and cruelty. ~ Jesuitism Unveiled, by Claude Pirat, 1851 AD
Protestants easily and simply saw that Catholics dictated a dogma not consistent with scripture, but rather Catholic dogma significantly denies scriptural truth. Protestants were burned at the stake for such basic and simple beliefs as faith being necessary for Salvation. The most vast fortune of the day was denied John Milton when his grandfather discovered an English translation of the Bible in his bedchamber.         
Father Into Thy Hands I Commend My Spirit  
Common Remark of Martyrs While Burned at the Stake in England

Catholic blood curdling methods and twisted habits, which openly value celibate life as the ultimate spiritual life, did not hide the pretentiousness of their claim to a Christian-truth monopoly perversely enforced with the sword. Jesus Christ invited all to believe, just as ancient Israel was admonished to "choose ye this day whom ye will serve." Conversion by pointing a sword at the throat of a person is not the Christian Way of Jesus Christ. 
The Catholic Church was propagated by Constantine who co-opted the Christian Way and forced a Catholic "Nicene Creed" pretend gospel on the world by killing or exiling all bishops who opposed their creed. The reign of Constantine established a precedent of the emperor controlling the Catholic Church."
{There were} fewer than fourteen further creed formulas between 340 and 360 AD, leading the pagan observer Ammianus Marcellinus to comment sarcastically: "The highways were covered with galloping bishops."
Through the centuries Kings and Popes vied for power over the ideas of christian worship. There was no monopoly and a great number of views starkly diverged from Constantine's Nicene Creed. There were Greek Orthodox's, Gnostics, Stoics, etc. Black market churches met under the cloak of night with Jewish christian priests.
Oldest Church In Spain

But reading the book Acts and Monuments of these Latter and Perilous Days, which is called Foxe's Christian Martyrs today, will convince honest skeptics of the validity of a fierce and evil determination on the part of a Catholic world to suppress truth seeking and the honest in heart with blood thirsty torture and holocaust, part of which was termed, "The Inquisition."
One can fabricate doubt about anything, but one cannot be just and doubt truth by the use of a network of lies. Abraham Lincoln was called Honest Abe for many reasons, and he told us that the Jesuits and priests of Rome were responsible for the bloodshed of the American Civil War. But the connection between the Confederate Secret Service, the Surratts, the Washington D.C. Catholic priests, and John Wilkes Booth cannot be denied.

Palacio Real Madrid Spain

In an official Catholic Papal Bull, Inter Cetera Bull of May 4, 1493, Spanish Pope Alexander had divided the world into two halves and Spain used it to declare its right to subjugate Third World countries. It divided the world in half, Africa and the East Indies for Portugal and America and the West Indies for Spain.
This papal command marked the beginning of colonization and Catholic Missions in the New World. Spanish national behavior clearly manifested their interpretation for ALL to see, and they've received no correction.  
Palacio Real Madrid Spain

Spain being Catholic considered all non-Spanish ships on the seas to be pirates, and we MUST recall that to them there was no separation of church and state. They confiscated cargoes of ships at sea, and imprisoned the ships' sailors with the confidence of the self-righteous. But for mysterious reasons even today the Spanish are not called by our history books "thieves" or "pirates" for their pattern of stealing.  

"The catholic acts of confiscating property cannot be numbered." 

~Excerpt from commentaries on Foxe's Book of Martyrsoriginally published and printed in English March of 1563 
under the title of Acts and Monuments of These Latter and Perilous Days

Few know that the greatest sea battle in history was the Battle of Gravelines
where the protestant Sir Francis Drake defeated the Catholic Spanish Armada.

World history ought to celebrate the victory of Sir Francis Drake defeating the Spanish Armada. It dramatically and dynamically changed the world. Sir Francis Drake is the most renown seaman. When Sir Francis Drake died from a fever eight years after that epic battle, the Spanish feasted with festivals and fireworks for two weeks in Seville Spain. Where is the celebration in history textbooks of Sir Francis Drake? At least one Drake enthusiast caught the spirit. Notice the light sabers?  

        Fire Ships Destroying Armada
at Calais Harbor

Many opinions of the Popes about our U.S. Constitution would disturb people that appreciate freedom and liberty. The Inquisition, the Nazi German Genocide, and the Ustashi in Yugoslavia remind us less of religion, and more of monsters. Here is truth about the history of the inquisition and Jewish Genocide in Germany that culminated in World War II's 'final solution,' the NAZI's 'final solution' to the Inquisition, that is.
"First implemented by Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) in Rome ... by 1255 the Inquisition was in full gear throughout Central and Western Europe; although it was never instituted in England or Scandinavia. Initially a tribunal would open at a location and an edict of grace would be published calling upon those who are conscious of heresy to confess; after a period of grace, the tribunal officers could make accusations.

Those accused of heresy were sentenced at an auto de fe, Act of Faith. Clergyman would sit at the proceedings and would deliver the punishments. Punishments included confinement to dungeons, physical abuse and torture. Those who reconciled with the church were still punished and many had their property confiscated, as well as were banished from public life.

Those who never confessed were burned at the stake without strangulation; those who did confess were strangled first. During the 16th and 17th centuries, attendance at auto de fe reached as high as the attendance at bullfights.
In the beginning, the Inquisition dealt only with Christian heretics and did not interfere with the affairs of Jews. However, disputes about Maimonides’ books, which addressed the synthesis of Judaism and other cultures {and the nature of God}, provided a pretext for harassing Jews and, in 1242, the Inquisition condemned the Talmud and burned thousands of volumes. In 1288 the first mass burning of Jews on the stake took place in France.
In 1481 the Inquisition started in Spain and ultimately surpassed the medieval Inquisition, in both scope and intensity. More than 13,000 Conversos {secret Jews} were put on trial during the first 12 years of the Spanish Inquisition. The Inquisition never stopped in Spain and continued until the late 18th century.
Not until 1808, during the brief reign of Joseph Bonaparte, was the Inquisition abolished in Spain.
An estimated 31,912 heretics were burned at the stake, 17,659 were burned in effigy and 291,450 made reconciliations in the Spanish Inquisition. In Portugal, about 40,000 cases were tried, although only 1,800 were burned, the rest made penance.
The Inquisition was not limited to Europe; it also spread to Spanish and Portugese colonies in the New World and Asia. Many Jews and Conversos {secret Jews} fled from Portugal and Spain to the New World seeking greater security and economic opportunities. Branches of the Portugese Inquisition were set up in Goa and Brazil. Spanish tribunals and auto de fes were set up in Mexico, the Philippine Islands, Guatemala, Peru, New Granada and the Canary Islands. By the late 18th century, most of these were dissolved."
Peter de Rosa’s assessment of the era was that "The one thing Rome cannot abide is freedom in any form."
"On December 8, 1864 Pius with his encyclical Quanta cura issued his famous "Syllabus of Errors." Its proclamation caused, to put it mildly, "a sensation." In this Syllabus Pius set forth his condemnation of the winds of democratic change sweeping Europe, which he discerned as contrary to the aims of the Papacy.
Important as these statements were to an understanding of the church’s position … they were not as ominous as his ideas, soon to be declared infallible, on liberty of conscience. Included in his long list of errors, numbers 15 and 77 stood out as outrageous affronts to liberty of conscience.
In these he declared that it was an error to promote the concept that:
Error...15: Every man is free to embrace or profess that religion which, guided by the light of reason, he shall consider true.
Error...77: In the present day it is no longer expedient that the Catholic religion should be the only religion of the state, to the exclusion of all other forms of worship.
And remember, Pius declared this concept to be a deadly error:
Error...24: The church has not the power of force, nor has she any temporal power, direct or indirect.
Pius IX condemned individual freedom severely. It should not escape our attention that The Syllabus of Errors was proclaimed exactly one decade after the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. And published six years before the Pope declared his own infallibility.
So different from the silence of today’s Anglican Church, its British paper, Church Times, described the Syllabus as viewed with "disgust and derision." Even the satirical weekly periodical, Punch, published a poem in its first edition of 1865, which would win no prizes for poetry, but did emphasize its assessment. It stated in part:

"I was prepared to swallow with unquestionable docility,
The biggest things delivered by Superior Infallibility;
To stretch my mouth from ear to ear I shouldn’t have objected,
Would willingly have opened it to any width directed.
But really that Encyclical, so contrary to reason, 
Your Holiness had published just at this special season [Christmas],
Insisting on the divine right of priestly domination
O’er civil power, the family and public education; 

Against despotic government denouncing insurrection, 
Denying people’s right to choose their rulers by election, 
Proclaiming the Church bound to back the State in persecution,
Condemning free press, conscience, free and liberal constitution." 
The apparently not-so-advanced modern world wobbles in a fog for many refuse to learn from history.

V. Walking in Darkness  
In our day we live in an age of dysinformation. We now peek into a somber abyss at the murky plot to kill a President of the United States for the first time. Many have been told the falsehood and actually believe that John Wilkes Booth was the only assassin, a "lone nutjob." That is fake history. We benefit from opening our eyes to the truth, and are doomed to repeat the past until we do.    

Dark cloud coming from Rome . . .

Let us analyze Confederate spy and popular actor John Wilkes Booth, and the other conspirators, and their backgrounds, in this massive plot for the Confederacy to snatch victory from defeat.
George Crutchfield, iron oxide merchant at Richmond and a member of the First Virginia Volunteers stated: “I knew John Wilkes Booth quite well in 1858-1860, and frequently met him socially… He was a man of high character and sociable disposition, and liked by everyone with whom he associated. Was considered very handsome, having coal black hair and eyes…"
George W. Libby related this about John Wilkes Booth,  “He was a remarkably handsome man, with a winning personality and would regale us around the camp fire with recitations from Shakespeare. Seldom has the stage seen a more impressive, or a more handsome, or a more impassioned actor."
Gordon Samples wrote this about John Wilkes Booth in his book, "... during free evenings from guard duty {Booth was guard for John Brown} entertained his companions with dramatic monologues, of which he had a great store in his fantastic memory."
From all accounts, John Wilkes Booth had all of the major qualifications necessary for acceptance. He was a fellow Southerner, a social favorite, possessed the demeanor of a “Virginia Gentleman,” shared the Quixotic notions of a “Southern Knight,” was ‘one of the boys,’ and he was no ‘flat foot.’ In addition to all of this, Wilkes Booth was a remarkably handsome, engaging, and a very entertaining young man. He was the total package.
John Wilkes Booth of the Richmond Grays at the John Brown Hanging 
in Charles Town West Virginia. He and all of Richmond 
believed they might not come home again until after the war. 
Frankly, John Wilkes Booth looks like Errol Flynn. 
Photograph from November 19, 1859

In The Unlocked Book, {John Wilkes} Booth’s sister, Asia Booth Clarke (Catholic), recounts seeing a photograph of him with others dressed in their uniforms during the {Richmond Grays} Charles Town deployment. Asia writes this of John:
"He acknowledged {John Brown was} a hero when he saw {Brown} die, and felt a throb of anguish as he beheld the old eyes straining their anxious sight for the multitude he vainly had thought would rise to rescue him. He was a brave old man; his heart must have broken when he felt himself deserted.”
Phillip Whitlock’s firsthand recollection states that Booth turned white when the drop fell and asked for a drink of whiskey at the sight. The Richmond Grays and Company F were lined up oblique to the scaffold.
The Lincoln Conspiracy Timeline
---Fall 1864 Booth, Surratt, Powell met at least twice with Confederate Secret Service in Montreal
---Oct. 13, 1864 "Ciphered" letter sent from Richmond to Booth, his "Friends would be set to work                                   as directed."
---Nov. 1864 John Wilkes Booth began recruiting for Lincoln "kidnap" plot
---Nov. 29, 1864 Davis responded to the offer to rid Confederacy of its "deadliest enemies"
---Jan. 1865 Conspirator Lewis Powell seen meeting in Montreal with Clement Clay, Co-Leader of 
                    Confederate Secret Service
---Jan. 1865 Jacob Thompson talked of proposition by "group of bold men" to kill Union leaders
---March 27, 1865 John Surratt visited Richmond and met with Confederate AG and Jefferson Davis
---April 3, 1865 John Surratt left Washington, D. C. for Canada, the day Richmond Fell
---April 6, 1865 Surratt arrived in Montreal, bringing with him a ciphered letter from Richmond
--------                 Thompson: "This makes the thing all right"
--------                  $184,000.00 withdrawn from Montreal Branch of Ontario Bank
----April 9, 1865 General Robert E. Lee surrendered.
---April 10, 1865 Montreal justice of peace approached with information of plot to kill Lincoln and                                 others
---April 10, 1865 Confederate explosives expert plotting to blow up White House arrested
---April 14, 1865 Lincoln assassinated and Secretary Seward stabbed.

---April 19, 1865 In Charlotte Jefferson Davis learned of assassination by telegram. Jefferson Davis                                 said "If it were to be done, it were better it were well done."
---April 21, 1865 Jefferson Davis then said: "... if the same had been done to Andy Johnson, the                                       beast, and to Secretary Stanton, the job would then be complete."  

Four conspirators were hung in the plot 
to assassinate President Lincoln.

Jefferson Davis - Confederate President
Who Planned the Deaths of Abraham Lincoln, 

Secretary Stanton,  Union General Grant, 
The Union Cabinet, and Others

Let us examine the conspirators hung for plotting to kill President Abraham Lincoln: Mrs. Maria Surratt, Lewis Thorton Payne, David E. Herold, and George Atzerodt. 

Also, the jurors following the separate civil trial of John Harrison Surratt, son of Maria Surratt, confided that without doubt John Surratt was the arch conspirator in killing U.S. President Abraham Lincoln. The jurors advised the public that they felt John Surratt had been 'punished enough' because his mother was hung for the conspiracy.     

The "lone" killer does not exist here. There were many
more deeply involved over a long period of time
before and after Lincoln was assassinated.

Four Conspirators were hung. Four. 
There are officers and others on the scaffold, and guards.

   Hung are the Confederate spies who killed a President    
after the Confederacy had surrendered.   

The Majority don't {even} know that ... four people hung for the crime, and that John Surratt, {The Arch Conspirator}, the only one that {escaped} for a season with the help of the Catholic Church's priests, was caught by a {U.S.} government detective in the Vatican {followed by a chase to Egypt since Surratt mysteriously 'escaped' extradition proceedings between the U.S. and the Vatican} where {John Harrison Surratt} was serving as a personal soldier of the Pope called at that time the {Papal} Souaves, today they are called the Swiss Army. 
Surratt was captured, ... sent back to the United States to face the music, was tried by a civil court, and because of a {"hung jury"} the criminal John Surratt (the Arch Conspirator and spy) was set freeThis was the result of the defense playing the religious card in the trial, a civilian court trial.
Some of the jurors were asked if they felt the defendant was guilty, and they replied "Without a doubt, he is guilty, but we felt that the execution of his mother was enough punishment for him."
It is very interesting to note, that many catholic priests testified on behalf of John Harrison Surratt, as also they did two years before, in the trial of his mother Mary Surratt, and three other defendants (David "Davy" Herold, Louis Payne, George Atzerodt).
These big guns testify in behalf of the Conspirators: Miss Anna Ward, resident at the Catholic Female Seminary at Tenth Street Washington; Reverend B.F. Wiget president of Gonzaza College, F Street between Tenth and Eleven; Reverend Frances E. Boyle pastor of St Peter Church; Reverend Chas. H. Stone Street Pastor of Saint Aloysius Church; Reverend Peter Lanihan, catholic priest from Beantown Charles County, Md; and Reverend N.D. Young, resident at the pastoral home of St Dominick Church on the Island and Sixth Street, Washington City.
The original plan of the conspirators was to kill the beloved president and all the members of his cabinet, to place the country in a state of chaos, allowing the South to win the war it was loosing.
   Michael O'Laughlin died in prison with a life-in-prison sentence for conspiracy.   
Five conspirators were dead, but there were countless more who 
conspired against the President of the United States

Michael O'laughlin planned to assassinate General Grant, and he was found guilty by the same court and sentenced ..., but he died in prison of the Yellow Fever. ... Samuel A. Mudd only served three years imprisonment, as {did} Edman Spangler and Samuel Arnold, for conspiracy and high treason {pardoned by President Andrew Johnson, an associate of John Wilkes Booth from the South}.
{In the end} only the beloved president was killed in the massive assassination plot (but many others were injured and one of these victims was permanently paralyzed).
This plot was initiated by the Confederate Secret Service and carried out through their agents and operatives. It was an espionage plot. It was organized long before the end of the war.
None of the scores of people that helped Booth during his 12-day-long manhunt were ever prosecuted, despite the government issuing statements during the manhunt that anyone aiding or abetting Booth and Herold would be executed. If Booth had not broken his leg, he might have escaped this massive manhunt for good and possibly vanished into history. Several photographs of Booth's corpse were taken, but all of these mysteriously disappeared within days and have never been seen since.
Boston Corbett, who {we are told} shot Booth, faded into obscurity and nobody knows whatever became of him. Corbett was also a religious fanatic who wore his hair long to emulate Jesus. He also castrated himself with a pair of scissors so as to not be tempted by prostitutes during the war. He was a prisoner at Andersonville for a while, and actually testified at Henry Wirz' trial.
Heinrich Hartmann Wirz 
   Commandant of Andersonville Prison, GA    

When the war broke out Wirz enlisted in the Confederate army and was wounded in the Battle of Seven Pines. He lost the use of his right arm, which never healed and gave him constant pain. Wirz was promoted to captain and traveled to Europe on Confederate business from December 1862 to February 1864. The next month he was named commandant of the newly opened Camp Sumter Prison at Andersonville, Georgia. Wirz fell on his sword for Jefferson Davis, and Wirz became the only person to be hung for war crimes as a result of the civil war.     

Grave Marker For 
          Heinrich Hartmann Wirz        

Prisoners arriving at Andersonville Prison in Georgia were greeted by Wirz's thick German accent. Father Peter Whelan, a Catholic, testified on Wirz's behalf at his trial. To this day residents of the town of Andersonville annually march to a Wirz memorial along with supporters of a congressional pardon for Wirz.  

    Come Retribution from University Press     
of Mississippi 1988

Let us consider reviews and comments from on the 1988 book, Come Retribution.
With John Wilkes Booth as its agent, the Confederate Secret Service devised a plan of retribution--to seize President Lincoln, hold him hostage, and bring the war-weary North to capitulation. The code word for this stratagem was "Come Retribution." But when Booth was stymied, the Secret Service took another course.
Then they conspired to bomb the White House during a conference of senior Union officials. But this plot also failed {Confederate explosives expert was arrested April 10th}. This is a very detailed and well documented book that demonstrates that the Confederate special operations were very active whether in germ warfare with a failed effort to contaminate NYC with yellow fever or to contribute to anti-war sentiment particularly in NYC or even to free Confederate prisoners in the Great Lakes, it is very apparent that Confederate agents were willing to use extraordinary measures.
White House 1859

Investigating the assassination from their perspective as career intelligence officers, William A. Tidwell and David Winfred Gaddy, joined by James O. Hall, one of the leading authorities on the assassination, find and follow the clues, interpret the clandestine evidence, and draw well-founded conclusions. They are the first to explore the Confederate Secret Service's link to the death of Lincoln.
Acclaimed books on the Lincoln assassination like Blood on the Moon, frequently referenced Come Retribution, calling it a great scholarly history on the Confederate spy and special operations network and its activities. From their investigation we see a purpose built organization recruited, financed, and directed to some significant degree by the Confederate Secret Service. It is apparent that Booth was active with operatives in New York City, Canada, and agents in eastern Maryland, which are on the flight path of his escape.
The evidence is damning, the authors ... argue convincingly that the death of President Lincoln was a runaway operation that was designed to kidnap the president and/or blow up the War Department (killing Lincoln and other Union senior officials in conference).
Abraham Lincoln at Battle of Antietam

"The facts presented and the inferences drawn are provocative," said Nathan Miller in The Baltimore Sun. "Every account of the Lincoln assassination published in the future will have to take account of the arguments presented in this book."

Assassins Wanted In Conspiracy

               Arch Conspirator John Harrison Surratt          
The Assassins' Handler 

Surratt, Booth and Herold Were SPIES Plural 
Not "THE" Murderer  

But if anyone still has any doubts of the complicity of the Jesuits in the murder of Abraham Lincoln, let him look at the very elaborate plan of escape prepared by the priests of Rome to save the life of their arch assassin and conspirator, John Harrison Surratt.  
Washington D.C.  - B & O Railroad Station

Washington D.C.

Aquia Landing

St Lawrence Hall Hotel

Detectives discovered that John Surratt checked in at the St. Lawrence Hall Hotel on April 6th, and checked out on the 12th of that month; that he had returned on the 18th and left a few hours later. They learned on further investigation that he had stayed at the home of a man by the name of Porterfield, a Secessionist from Tennessee, who was one of the agents for the Confederacy in that city, and that Surratt had left that house with another man dressed exactly like him, each taking a carriage and being driven in different directions.
At this point the trail ended until the government learned of his sailing on the Peruvian, an English steamer, plying between Quebec and Liverpool (The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, p. 169)
"John Surratt was in Washington the 14th of April helping Booth in the perpetration of the assassination. The priest, Charles Boucher, swears that only a few days after the murder, John Surratt was sent to him by Father Lapierre, of Montreal; that he kept him concealed in his parsonage of St. Liboire from the end of April to the end of July, then he took him back, secretly, to Father Lapierre, who kept him secreted in his own father's house, under the very shadow of the Montreal bishop's palace. {Monsignor Ignace Bourget}
In The Steamer "Montreal"

He swears that Father Lapierre visited Surratt often, when secreted at St. Liboire, and that Father Boucher visited him, at least twice a week, from the end of July {to} September, when concealed in Father Lapierre's house in Montreal. 
That same father, Charles Boucher, swears that he accompanied John Surratt in a carriage, in the company of Father Lapierre, in the steamer "Montreal," when starting for Quebec: that Father Lapierre kept Surratt under lock during the voyage from Montreal to Quebec . . .
Montreal Palace Built 1771

Bishop Bourget of Montreal

 and that he accompanied him, disguised, from the Montreal steamer to the ocean steamer, "Peruvian"
The doctor of the steamer "Peruvian," L.I.A. McMillan, swears that Father Lapierre introduced him to John Surratt under the false name of "McCarthy," whom he was keeping locked in his state room till she left Quebec for Europe the 15th September, 1865. But who is that Father Lapierre who takes such a tender, paternal care of Surratt? No less than the canon of Bishop Bourget.of Montreal.
Ocean Steamer Peruvian

He is the confidential man of the bishop; he lives with the bishop, eats at his table, assists him with his counsel, and receives his advice in every step of life. According to the laws of Rome, the canons are to the bishop what the arms are to the body.
Now, I ask, is it not evident that the bishops and the priests of Washington have trusted this murderer to the care of the bishops and priests of Montreal, that they might conceal, feed, and protect him for nearly six months, under the very shadow of the bishop's palace? 
Would they have done that if they were not his accomplices? Why did they so continually remain with him day and night, if they were not in fear that he might compromise them by an indiscreet word?
But where will those bishops and priests of Canada send John Surratt when they find it impossible to conceal him any longer from the thousands of detectives of the United States who are ransacking Canada to find out his retreat? Who can suppose that any one but the pope himself and his Jesuits will protect the murderer of Abraham Lincoln in Europe?
U.S. Consulate in Liverpool to Secretary of State: “Surratt arrived in Liverpool and is now {September 30, 1865}staying at the Oratory of the Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Cross, the Roman Catholic Clearing House through which the ecclesiastical agents passed between this country and the Vatican, during their activities through the Civil War (The Suppressed Truth about Abraham Lincoln, p. 173).
During the intense, unprecedented manhunt for Abraham Lincoln's murderer, John Harrison Surratt, the arch conspirator, hid in Vatican City as a personal soldier of the Pope under the name of Watson. Surratt's movements were constantly and continually observed by U.S. government detectives. Today Papal Zouave are called 'The Swiss Army.' Surratt "escaped" Vatican custody, and made it to a boat bound for Egypt. Because of a cholera outbreak, officials quarantined passengers of the boat in Malta and it was there that American officials finally caught John Harrison Surratt.  

If you want to see him after he has crossed the ocean, go to Vitry, at the door of Rome, enrolled under the banners of the pope in the 9th company of his Zouaves, under the false name of 
Watson. Of course, the pope was forced to withdraw his protection over him, after the government of the United States had found him there, and he was brought back to Washington to be tried.   

Now, rather than Robert Redford 's propaganda of events, consider the non-sympathizer point-of-view of the "trial" of Maria Eugenia Surratt's son:
But on his arrival as a prisoner in the United States, his Jesuit father confessor whispered in his ear: "Fear not, you will not be condemned! Through the influence of a high Roman Catholic lady, two or three of the jurymen will be Roman Catholics, and you will be safe." 
Those who have read the two volumes of the trial of John Surratt know that never more evident proofs of guilt were brought against a murderer. 
Those jurymen were told by their father confessors that the most holy father, the pope, Gregory VII, had solemnly and infallibly declared that: "the killing of an heretic was no murder." -Jure Canonico (Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, p. 312-314).
To be crystal clear, the Pope told Surratt's jurors via their father confessors that is was not murder to kill a heretic, meaning that Lincoln was a heretic and killing him was not murder. This gaslighting-type reasoning sounds so jihadist. Here is an excerpt from the Jesuit Oath:
"I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ" ~Excerpt from The Jesuit Oath
"If the Holy Church so requires, let us sacrifice our own opinions, our knowledge, our intelligence, the splendid dreams of our imagination and the sublime attainments of human understanding."  ~Pope Gregory XVI., Encyclical, August 15th, 1832.
"This lack of will or mental vacuity opens up a person, beyond demonic influence, to actual demon possession."                                                                             ~Truth On The Web Ministries
1st Virginia Regiment Richmond Grays Photo #3

Booth was assigned as the quartermaster sergeant. Harper’s Ferry Fund records at the Library of Virginia include a pay voucher for John Booth, written and signed in his own hand and witnessed by both R.A. Caskie and Col. Thomas August, certifying Booth served as the quarter master sergeant for the 1st Virginia Regiment from November 19 through December 6, 1859.

John Wilkes Booth with Knife in Staged Tableau
at Richmond Grays Charles Town Hanging of John Brown
November 1859

Knife is not military issue. It is a gentleman's knife. 
  It is known that John Wilkes Booth brought his own knife   
to Charles Town West Virginia 1859 

Let us consider the killer devils who murdered Abraham Lincoln. Run your cursor over the highlighted words to select them, and then just "double click" to open reference links to biographical backgrounds regarding ways these killers participated in murdering a President of the United States, and in a conspiracy against members of the Union government.   

   1 - Maria Eugenia Surratt Hung  
Guilty of Conspiracy, Espionage, and High Treason   
   Name before converting to Catholic: Mary Jenkins Surratt   
After shooting Abraham Lincoln, Mary Surratt's home was the first place John Wilkes Booth and co-conspirator David Herold stopped as they fled Washington D.C.. 
Between six and six-thirty, shortly before they began their return trip to Washingon, Weichmann, who was boarding at Surratt's Washington home, saw Mary Surratt speaking privately in the parlor of her tavern with John Wilkes Booth. Less than seven hours later, as the President lay dying and Booth having fled, investigators paid an initial visit to the Surratt home. 
When the investigators left, Surratt reportedly exclaimed to her daughter, "Anna, come what will, I am resigned. I think John Wilkes Booth was only an instrument in the hands of the Almighty to punish this proud and licentious people." [Weichmann affidavit, 8/11/1865] 
On April 17th, shortly after eleven at night, a team of military investigators again arrived at the Surratt home to interview her and other residents about the assassination. While they were doing so, Lewis Powell, carrying a pick-axe, knocked on the door. When he claimed to have been hired by Mary Surratt to dig a gutter, Surratt was asked whether she could confirm his story. Surratt answered, "Before God, sir, I do not know this man, and have never seen him, and I did not hire him to dig a gutter for me.
Maria's Surrattsville Tavern in Maryland --- John Lloyd was Maria's Tavernkeeper

According to Thomas Harris, a member of the Military Commission that tried Mary Surratt, the most damning evidence against her came from Surrattsville tavernkeeper John Lloyd. Lloyd told the Commission that five to six weeks before the assassinations John Surratt, David Herold, and George Atzerodt came to Surrattsville to drop off at his tavern two carbines, ammunition, about twenty feet of rope, and a monkey wrench. The men then asked Lloyd to conceal them, with John Surratt suggesting a hiding place under joists in a second-floor room.
Lloyd testified that three days before the assassination Mary Surratt told him that "the shooting irons" left at his place by the men weeks ago would be needed soon, and he needed to give them to the men coming for them {Booth and Herold}. Another prosecution witness, George Cottingham, told the Commission that after learning of the assassination John Lloyd had cried, "Oh, Mrs. Surratt, that vile woman, she has ruined me! I am to be shot! I am to be shot!"
H. L. Burnett, who served on the Commission, defended the sentence: "Whomever indulges in wide-mouthed proclamations, or pronounces her conviction 'an inhuman crime' unsupported by evidence, betrays an animus, to say the least, not overcareful of truth."
Obviously Maria Eugenia Surratt was convicted and hung for the murder of Abraham Lincoln. Obviously she was guilty. Ms Surratt said there was nothing wrong in killing a United States President. She compared it to killing a black slave which in her world view was entirely permissible. Ms Surratt was fanatical anti-heretic and an extremely racist sick woman. 

Maria Surratt ran a Confederate spy town. From Surrattville, Maryland, her son ran part of the Confederate Secret Service network and carried Confederate Secret Service messages between Canada, Washington D.C. and Richmond. Maria and her son John Harrison Surratt were Confederate spies. Ms Surratt and John Harrison Surratt were assassins who managed the conspiracy to kill the first sitting United States President, President Abraham Lincoln.  

2 - Real Name: Lewis Thorton Powell Hung 
Guilty of Conspiracy, Espionage, High Treason    
He injured many and paralyzed the messenger of Sec. Seward. 
He attempted to kill Secretary of State Seward.

Powell (Payne) was wounded during Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg fighting with the 2nd Florida Infantry. Lewis Powell was seen meeting in Montreal with Clement Clay, Co-Leader of Confederate Secret Service. 

Lewis lived in Mary Surratt's boarding house four days, but in bright lights Maria denied recognizing him and knowing him. After his frantic flight of four days hiding in fear, Payne/Powell came in the late night hours to Mary Surratt's Washington D.C. home for help, but told the investigators Mary Surratt hired him to make a gutter. 

Seward Son and Daughter Fight to Save Him From Payne / Powell's Vicious Assault

Powell repeatedly stabbed the elderly Seward in the face with his knife, and several others, but Seward's son interrupted Powell and saved his father, Secretary of State William Seward. Fredrick Seward was crippled by Powell, another son Augustus was injured, and a messenger was permanently paralyzed when Powell stuck deep with his knife into his back.

Very difficult to grasp the willingness of many to look away. This conspiracy was vast and deep. Many people across the world conspired in President Abraham Lincoln's death. But empathizing with Maria Surratt? these killers? This is absolutely unacceptable. In the name of Heaven all need to choose to stand for what is right and recognize that those who say 'oh, Lincoln the Tyrant' are siding with murderous war criminals.

3 - David E. Herold Hung
Guilty of Conspiracy, Espionage, and High Treason


Herold held his horse near Cabinet Secretary Seward's home while Lewis Powell made multiple stab wounds into Secretary Seward's face. Bragged to a witness that he and Booth killed the President.   
Scene of  alleged killing of "John Wilkes Booth"  
Garrett Farm

Scene of  alleged killing of "John Wilkes Booth"  
Garrett Farm

Herold met John Surratt while attending Charlotte Hall Academy, and through Surratt in 1863 Herold was introduced to John Wilkes Booth.
David Herold was apprehended with the President's assassin John Wilkes Booth, the apparent mastermind of the conspiracy to destabilize the federal government. Union soldiers finally caught up with David Herold and Booth at Garrett's farm in northern Virginia in the early morning of April 26th. Faced with the prospect of being shot or dying in a burning barn, Herold surrendered.
"National Detective Police agents Andrew & Luther Potter had been on the trail of Booth from the beginning. They were called in to identify the corpse. When the blanket was removed they commented, ‘He sure grew a moustache in a hurry. Red, too.’"           
4 - George Atzerodt Hung  
Guilty of Conspiracy, Espionage, and High Treason   
   Confederate Operative who Regularly helped 
Confederate Secret Service Agents to Cross the Potomac

Military Police Agent Lee discovered a loaded revolver, a large bowie knife, a map of Virginia, three hankerchiefs, and a John Wilkes Booth bank book in Atzerodt's bed of his rented room. Witnesses showed that Atzerodt had met frequently with Booth in front of the Pennsylvania House in Washington. Witness testified that on April 14th Atzerodt showed up at the stable with co-defendant David Herold with a dark-bay mare. 
Witness said Atzerodt was got very "excited looking" at about 10 PM and said, "If this thing happens tonight, you will hear of a present." Atzerodt said he was suppose to back up Herold, to give him more courage to kill Andrew Johnson.
5-Washington D. C. Naval Yard, Michael O'Laughlen, a manacled conspirator. 
Died in Prison of Yellow Fever. Thwarted when he tried to kill General Grant.
     Merely sentenced to life in prison for espionage and conspiring to kill the President.
Schemers were spies, not in uniform. They plotted to murder Union Leadership in wartime. 


O'Laughlin did ornamental plaster work in Baltimore. He joined the Confederate Army at the beginning of the Civil War, but returned in 1862 "discharged." John Wilkes Booth sent O'Laughlen a telegram in Baltimore, urging him to come to Washington. O'Laughlen attended a meeting March 15th along with Booth and other conspirators to plot the interception of Lincoln's carriage. In their next plan he was supposed to extinguish gas lights at Ford's theater.
Major Kilburn Knox said on the night of April 13th O'Laughlen entered the home of Secretary of War Edwin Stanton. The Major said O'Laughlen inquired of the Secretary's whereabouts. O'Laughlen lingered several minutes in Stanton's entry hall until he was asked to leave. Two other witnesses saw him there. O'Laughlen returned to Baltimore on April 15th. O'Laughlen voluntarily surrendered himself to federal authorities on April 17, 1865.
   6 - John Wilkes Booth of Bel Air, Maryland --- Presidential Assassin   
Some Claim He Himself Was Also Shot in Custody Like Oswald
Guilty of Murder, Espionage, Conspiracy, High Treason
   A Terrorist Anxious to Keep Black People in Subjugation

Key Participant in The Illegal Hanging of John Brown

During the Civil War Booth worked as a Confederate secret agent. He met frequently with the heads of the Secret Service, Jacob Thompson and Clement Clay, in Montreal. Everton Conger and two other investigators tracked David Herold and John Wilkes Booth to the farm of Mr. Garrett on the road to Port Royal.

Faced with the prospect of being shot or dying in a burning barn, 'Davy' Herold surrendered. With flames rising around him, Booth, carrying a carbine, started toward the door of the barn. A shot rang out from the gun of Sergeant Boston Corbett and Booth fell. Repeatedly until he died, 'John Wilkes Booth' begged of his captors, "Kill me, kill me." Photographs of Booth's "corpse" immediately disappeared.

John Wilkes Booth was not only a professed Romanist, but he was a devout one. He wore an Agnus Dei bronze medal, and also lived in the Surratt boarding house for Catholics only. The priests of Rome were accessories both before and after the fact in the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, and escape without censor, leaving their tools to pay the price!

7 - Arch Conspirator John Harrison Surratt
    This kingslayer used aliases of Watson and McCarthy   
Catholic jurors at his trial let him off scot free. 
He tried the lecture circuit to profit 
from the murder of President Abraham Lincoln.

By 1863 Surratt was working as a Confederate secret agent, carrying messages to Confederate boats on the Potomac River and sending messages about Union troop movements in the Washington area south to Richmond.

Dr. Samuel Mudd "introduced" John Surratt to John Wilkes Booth on December 23, 1864 in Washington, although clearly they knew each other previously. Surratt was the Confederate conspiracy handler, that began by plotting to kidnap President Lincoln. Surratt participated in the March 15th meeting with John Wilkes Booth and other conspirators at Gautier's Restaurant on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Surratt was brought back to the United States for trial, after his escape through Canada, England, Italy and Egypt, to a civilian court - - not a military court as was the case for the others. Surratt's trial ended on August 10th of 1867 in a hung jury. He died of pneumonia on April 21, 1916.    

8 - Sam Arnold - Pardoned by Andrew Johnson
Guilty of Conspiracy, Espionage and High Treason
In a letter Arnold wrote that he was the most zealous one
wanting to kidnap the President

Sam Arnold was a friend of John Wilkes Booth since school in their youth; he was also of Baltimore. On March 15, 1865, Arnold met Booth at Gautier's Restaurant in Washington to plan the abduction, scheduled for two days later. A March 27th letter from Arnold to Booth was discovered by investigators during a search of Booth's hotel room after the assassination. After his pardon and release from prison, Arnold wrote a detailed confession of his espionage role in the plot to kidnap President Lincoln. The act was planned in wartime, and is an act with the implicit threat to kill.   

   The first Roman Catholic cathedral built in U.S. was built in Baltimore, Maryland   
Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary  (1821)
Also the first major religious building constructed 

in the nation after the adoption of the U.S. Constitution

9 - Edman Spangler Pardoned by Andrew Johnson
Guilty of Conspiracy to Murder the President and High Treason
When Peanuts told Spangler that he "...had to go in to attend my door,"
Spangler said he should hold the horse anyway,
"...and if there was anything wrong, to lay the blame on him."

Immediately after the shooting of Lincoln, Spangler hit Jacob Ritterspaugh, another of Ford Theater's employees who followed Booth out the rear door and observed him heading down an alley on his horse. Ritterspaugh testified that when Spangler slapped him on his mouth he said, "Don't say which way he went."

After his release from prison, Spangler accepted Dr. Samuel Mudd's offer of five acres of farmland near Mudd's home in Maryland. He lived there from 1869 to 1875 when he died. 
     10 - Dr. Samuel Mudd-Pardoned by Andrew Johnson     
Guilty of Espionage, Conspiracy, and High Treason


During the war Dr. Mudd concealed returning Confederate soldiers
 and recruited Confederate soldiers and spies 
(The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, p.162) .
An examination of the evidence makes clear ... that Mudd lied to the Commission and concealed his knowledge of the conspiracy. He often expressed his dislike--even hatred--for Lincoln and his policies. Mudd tried, unsuccessfully, to secure a carriage for Booth and Herold.
After Booth shaved off his moustache in Mudd's home, ... Mudd pointed the route to their next destination, Parson Wilmer's.
When a military investigator, Lt. Alexander Lovett, tracking Booth's escape route, reached Mudd's home on April 18th, Mudd claimed that the man whose leg he fixed "was a stranger to him." Mudd lied concerning knowledge of Booth and Herold's whereabouts.
Lt. Lovett returned to the Mudd home three days later to conduct a search of Mudd's home. When Lovett told of his intentions, Mudd's wife produced a boot that came off Booth's broken leg three days earlier, previously hidden behind upstairs wall boards. Lovett turned down the top of the left-foot riding boot and "saw the name J Wilkes written in it." Mudd told Lovett that he had not noticed the writing. Shown a photo of Booth, Mudd still claimed not to recognize him.
John Wilkes Booth's monogrammed
boot left behind with Dr. Mudd

Mudd "introduced" Surratt and John Wilkes Booth. Several witnesses testified that they saw Mudd with John Wilkes Booth on November 13, 1864 in Maryland. Mudd helped Booth buy a horse from a nearby horse trader.

Louis Weichmann was with John Surratt near the National Hotel in Washington when Mudd, walking with Booth, called out "Surratt! Surratt!" According to Weichmann, the three men later excused themselves for private conversation over what was claimed to be Booth's interest in purchasing real estate in Maryland.
National Hotel Washington D.C.

Attorney Marcus Norton testified that in March, when he was in Washington to argue a case before the Supreme Court, a man he now recognized as Mudd excitedly burst into his room at the National Hotel. He apologized for his entry, saying that he thought the room belonged to a man named "Booth"--who actually had rented the room directly above Norton's.
Numerous witnesses told of John Surratt and other alleged conspirators visiting Mudd's farm - - in Surratt's case, "dozens of times" - - in the months before the assassination.
A minister, William Evans, testified that he saw Mudd go into the home of Mary Surratt in early March of 1865. Evans also said he saw Booth with a man closely resembling David Herold at that time.
Lt. Alexander Lovett told the Commission that Mudd appeared suspicious from the start of his investigation: "When we first asked Dr. Mudd whether two strangers had been there, he seemed very much excited, and got pale as a sheet of paper and blue about his lips, like a man frightened at something he had done."
Federal Prison in Dry Tortugas, Florida

While enroute to the federal prison in the Dry Tortugas, Florida, Mudd confessed to his military escort, George Dutton, that he "knew Booth when he came to the house with Herold." According to Dutton, Mudd said he lied "to protect himself and his family." He also confessed to having come to Washington in March to meet with Booth at the National Hotel.
A witness testified that Mudd shot one of his slaves, Elzee Eglent, in the leg, when he refused to do something for him, and that Mudd sometimes threatened to "send his slaves to Richmond.
George Atzerodt, in a confession offered shortly before his execution, said Mudd played a significant role in the original plan to abduct the President and take him to Richmond. "I am certain Dr. Mudd knew all about it," Atzerodt said. "Booth sent liquors and provisions {to Dr. Mudd's} for the trip with the President to Richmond about two weeks before the murder ... ."
Dr. Mudd was a Confederate Secret Service operative. Since everyone knew the President was dead, is it too much to ask that at least SOME of those aiding and abetting the murder of our President be properly punished?

In 1901, Mudd's wife, Frances, also indicated to a Lincoln historian that her husband was well aware that Booth was his visitor and the fact that Booth had shot and killed Lincoln. Two other individuals, Brigadier General Levi Axtell Dodd and William F. Keeler, claimed Mudd had confessed all of the same to them as well. Keeler was so moved by the confession that he wrote a letter of complaint to his congressman after reading a newspaper article suggesting Mudd might be pardoned by President Johnson.

Dr. Mudd also made an escape attempt at Dry Tortugas prison. Blood on the Moon: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (2001) has thrown more mud on Dr. Mudd: Dr. Mudd said that he would not have attempted to escape except that "colored" troops assigned to his Fort Jefferson prison arrived. A ship captain offered to help Mudd escape. Mudd was discovered missing, and all ships were searched. Mudd was caught and returned to prison. Immediately the prison suffered an outbreak of Yellow Fever. In summary, his name is still Mudd.

Dr. Mudd's Home And Farm

In December 1865 Mudd complained to his wife about being guarded by black soldiers who he described as being a "set of ignorant, prejudiced and irresponsible beings of the unbleached humanity." Mrs. Mudd passed these comments onto President Andrew Johnson who responded by ordering better treatment for Mudd and his fellow conspirators at Fort Jefferson.
Dry Tortugas Prison

"Andrew Johnson was the only Southern senator who refused to join the Confederacy. Andrew Johnson made it clear that he was fighting for the Union and not the abolition of slavery. He openly told the people of Tennessee: "I believe slaves should be in subordination and I will live and die so believing."

In Ex Parte Quirin the Supreme Court determined that “neither citizenship nor the Due Process (trial by jury) clause of the Constitution are applicable to enemy belligerents when charged under the laws of war.” 

And Andersonville citizens keep parading around complaining that Mirz, the commandant of Andersonville Prison, was scapegoated. Mirz fell on his sword for Jefferson Davis. Mirz scapegoated himself.

"... the 1942 Supreme Court case, Ex Parte Quirin, ... states: Citizens who commit law of war violations against the United States in a time of conflict may be tried by a military commission. Mr. Henry also pointed to an 1865 opinion of the attorney general, James Speed, which held that all Lincoln assassination conspirators were subject to the authority of a military commission."
"The U.S. Army has rejected an appeal to overturn the 1865 conviction of Dr. Samuel Mudd as an accomplice in the escape of John Wilkes Booth after the Lincoln assassination. ... Army Assistant Secretary Patrick T. Henry rejected the latest request to throw out Samuel Mudd's conviction by a military court. Henry said, "... I find that the charges against Dr. Mudd, that he aided and abetted President Lincoln's assassins, constituted a military offense, rendering Dr. Mudd accountable for his conduct to military authorities."
In October 1997 a book titled His Name is Still Mudd was published. Written by noted Lincoln scholar Dr. Edward Steers Jr., the book presents the case against Dr. Mudd. It includes incriminating evidence against Dr. Mudd of which most people are not generally aware. In 1996 the Department of the Army declined to "set aside the 1865 conviction of Dr. Mudd."
Who makes excuses for murders, conspirators, and assassins going scot free? We all know of one such excuse-maker: Robert Redford in his sympathizer film. He surely will pay dearly for his creepy movie supporting the killers of President Lincoln.
'But if everyone were imprisoned for plotting to blow up the White House, and also murder the President of the United States, then who among us would be free?' ~Sarcasm
Your Name Is Mudd

So if we understand you correctly, Mr. Redford, you consider it unfair to catch Confederate spies, Confederate explosives experts in Washington D.C., and their vast network of agents and operatives. According to your film should they only be charged with civilian crimes? Sound familiar?

The same people think that terrorists of our day should be treated as if they were part of America's civilian society, even as they are making war on us by stealth and are attacking us while not wearing uniforms. Abducting and killing a President is murder and high treason for an American, but for invading, covert actors in wartime? espionage. Spies are shot. Washington D.C. was under martial law, Mr. Redford, and you are a dirty rat sympathizer.

On April 10, 1865 the Confederate explosives expert was arrested for plotting to blow up the White House. They were planning to do this with the President inside the White House! They did not come in uniforms protected by Geneva conventions. They are spies. They ought to be shot after obtaining information, not the way Boston Corbett 'silenced' John Wilkes Booth. They deserved to be shot. The South had surrendered, and these conspirators were hateful Confederate spies, John Harrison Surratt the arrogant arch conspirator.

Attempts on the life of General Grant to events co-ordinated between John Surratt and John Wilkes Booth, with the synchronized coal torpedo 'prisoner exchange' steamboat 'disasters' to President Andrew Johnson pardoning the conspirators, and diabolical plots to disguise the killing of President Lincoln as a 'kidnap' gone wrong, these obvious elements of an obvious vast conspiracy along with the entire cover up remind us of how Obama ended the war on terror via email.
A message sent recently to senior Pentagon staff explains that ... (please pass this on to your speechwriters) ... that the global war on terror is dead; long live "overseas contingency operations."
Excuses are mumbled decade after decade, but Major General Sterling Price, leader in the Confederate Secret Service, never surrendered. And he was celebrated elaborately in the South. This is consistent with his successful murder of Lincoln.                   

Old Pap  

From steamboat disasters co-incidental with John Wilkes Booth's flight, to the official Catholic sponsored declarations at the time regarding heretics, black slaves, and heads of state in foreign countries; Events, Participants, and History collate around John Surratt spy and arch conspirator, and the Confederate Secret Service handler in the conspiracy to kill a U.S. President in office. John Harrison Surratt's home was the center hub of the Confederate Secret Service network in Surrattsville, Maryland; they were spies during the war when they continued to plot against Lincoln. They were Confederate spies.

Even while immediately under suspicion for conspiring to kill Lincoln, Mary Surratt could not restrain herself from expressing her vile hatred of Abraham Lincoln and publicly sharing the point-of-view of Lincoln's killers. She characterized Lincoln's murder as un-disturbing as the death of "any n!gger in the army." This glaring fact confirms Mary Surratt's willful participation. The day of the assassination she told her tavern-keeper in Surrattsville to fetch the weapons hidden by her son for the assassins to use. The point is that she knew the details and the timing of this assassination, and she coordinated their efforts.

Maria Surratt's home was the first stop of John Wilkes Booth after he shot Abraham Lincoln. The facts indicate Maria Surratt's total assistance in the conspiracy. The facts remove any doubt of her desire, intentions, and actions helping to kill Lincoln. And Mrs. Surratt's Washington D.C.home and her tavern in Surrattsville Maryland, were hubs in the Confederate Secret Service network. Mrs. Surratt was a spy, guilty of murdering a United States President, Abraham Lincoln. 

Lincoln In Peterson Home Across From Ford Theater

The Catholic Church carefully chaperoned John Surratt as he fled from the scene of blood leaving his mother, friend John Wilkes Booth, and the wounded head of Abraham Lincoln behind. John Wilkes Booth was shot in custody, reminiscent of how Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald. Someone did not want the "assassin" to talk. 

It is always conspiracy when authorities assist in the eradication of a key witness.  

U.S. government detectives monitored John Harrison Surratt's movements through Montreal, and they monitored John Surratt being processed into Vatican City. But after the U.S. requested extradition of John Surratt, Surratt then "mysteriously" escaped authorities in Rome. U.S. authorities captured John Surratt in Egypt. Conspiracy simply is not impossible nor at all rare.

Mary, Queen of the World Cathedral in Montreal

The murder of Abraham Lincoln and subsequent massive manhunt for John Surratt had the effect of Surratt running to high profile Catholic Bishop. Astounding dedication and fastidious assistance by Catholic clergy to John Surratt's escape is a confession of their guilt. 
Benediction de la Premiere Pierre de la Nouvelle Cathedrale Montreal 1852-1870

John Surratt was the Pope's personal soldier amidst the manhunt for him in the first assassination of a U.S. President! We can conclude that unswerving, high level Catholic support of John Surratt was the effect of the Pope being the First Cause of the U.S. President's murder. 

Notre-Dame Basilica of Montreal 1683

Dedicated to Our Lady the Blessed Virgin – “Notre Dame” – the small original chapel was operated at first by the Jesuits. Then came the Sulpician Fathers, who in 1657 undertook construction of a larger church. The Sulpician François Dollier de Casson was its architect, and the present-day Notre-Dame Street served as the original site. Its construction in Baroque style was completed between 1672 and 1683.    
Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Chapel Montreal built in 1771

An ex-priest of the Church of Rome wrote a detailed, first-person account about Catholic methods and about the fact that Lincoln pointed to the priests and Jesuits of Rome for causing slavery, for triggering the Civil War in America, and for Confederate attacks on the Union. They were in plain sight with their clearly Catholic 'Dred Scott' decision. Charles Chiniquy revealed that Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States, was killed through a plot generated by Jesuits, and infected with the priests of Rome. 

Jefferson Davis' satisfaction when receiving the news of Lincoln's death, and his statements at that moment conveying personal and supervisory interest, wishing that the others were also killed, is consistent with an effort from the highest level of the Confederate government to kill Lincoln and others. The fact that the Confederate Secretary of State escaped America never to return is also consistent with their complicity in the conspiracy, and their fear of prosecution and hanging.

The testimonies of conspirators before and after sentencing confirm the involvement of a far-reaching Confederate spy network in the first murder a President of the United States.    

Abe Lincoln: Hand of the King

According to Abraham Lincoln the Jesuits were the "motive power" causing the American Civil War. The Catholic Church owned of the largest number of black slaves in America in 1860, not catholics, but the Catholic Church itself. Lincoln discussed locomotive wheels and "motive power" in reference to Issac Newton's principle of "deducing Causes from Effects, until we come to the very First Cause. Bodies persist in their Motion or Rest, and receive Motion in proportion to the Force impressing it
 ["Law of Motion" from The Principia: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy by Issac Newton (1687) 3rd Edition (1726)].

Those exerting and impressing force on slaves were causing that system to persist. Stopping the slavery movement required that a greater amount of force be exerted to make a change in the direction of that movement. So, to be enabled to stop slavery we passed through the crucible of civil war with greater fierce and deadly force. Lincoln explained that the Jesuits and priests of Rome were the newtonian First Cause of slavery and the American Civil War. And Charles Chiniquy explained that Jesuits did indeed kill Lincoln, and they selected John Surratt as their arch conspirator.

Lincoln chose to do God's Will by declaring the emancipation of black Americans, and giving them their voting rights. 
How you measure or judge is how God will measure and judge you. If you sow evil, you will reap the whirlwind. As Issac Newton outlined: "Every body perseveres in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by forces impressed."

Frederick Douglass said he believed Abraham Lincoln was the only person who could have ended slavery. God bless Abraham Lincoln.

VI. Lighthouse of Freedom     

~~~~~~ Quote from Ronald Reagan~~~~~~~
Meaning no disrespect to the religious convictions of others, I still can't help wondering how we can explain away what to me is the greatest miracle of all and which is recorded in history. No one denies there was such a man, that he lived and that he was put to death by crucifixion. the miracle I spoke of?
Well consider this and let your imagination translate the story into our own time -- possibly to your own hometown.
Jesus Christ The Newborn King
A young man whose father is a carpenter grows up working in his father's shop. One day he puts down his tools and walks out of his father's shop. He starts preaching on street corners and in the nearby countryside, walking from place to place, preaching all the while, even though he is not an ordained minister. He never gets farther than an area perhaps 100 miles wide at the most. He does this for three years. 
Then he is arrested, tried and convicted. There is no court of appeal, so he is executed at age 33 along with two common thieves. Those in charge of his execution roll dice to see who gets his clothing -- the only possessions he has. His family cannot afford a burial place for him so he is interred in a borrowed tomb. End of story?
King of Kings

No, this uneducated, propertyless young man who...left no written word, has for two thousand years had a greater effect on the world than all the rulers, kings, emperors; all the conquerors, generals and admirals, all the scholars, scientists and philosophers who have ever lived - - all of them put together - - unless he really was what he said he was.  
Amazing grace how sweet the sound 
that saved a wretch like me. 
I once was lost, but now I'm found.
Was blind, but now I see.
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
the hour I first believed. 
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come.
Twas grace that brought us safe thus far.
And grace will lead us home.
And grace will lead us home. 
When we've been here ten thousand years 
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun. 
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, 
That saved a wretch like me. 
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
Abraham Lincoln Funeral Procession down Pennsylvania Ave in Washington D.C

Abraham Lincoln Now Belongs to the Ages

"If the American people could learn what I know of the fierce hatred of the priests of Rome against our institutions, our schools, our most sacred rights, and our so dearly bought liberties, they would drive them out as traitors!"  ~Abraham Lincoln 1864
After the president’s death, over one million people looked upon Lincoln’s face in open casket viewings. A doctor had accompanied Lincoln’s body, injecting him with the embalming fluid before each stop to preserve the body. At the 1901 opening, the body had been so well preserved that the only body part that was deteriorated was the eyebrow over his left eye. The American flag held in his hands was in shreds.  

The Tabernacle Choir At Temple Square Sang "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"

I surrendered the Confederate Army as much to 
       my faith in Abraham Lincoln's honesty and compassion 
as to Ulyssess S. Grant's artillery.
~ General Robert E. Lee

The Biggest Cover-up in American History
There are two books to get if you want to know the truth about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, IF, you can get them: "The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln" by Burke McCarthy and "Rome Responsibility For The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln" by Thomas M. Harris, late Brigadier General U.S.V. and Major General by Brevet (higher rank without increase in pay). Originally Publishing Company, 1897.
In these two books, both writers clearly point {outthe culprit is the Roman Catholic Church, and especially the second book {has} more more weight because General Harris sat in the tribunal which judged the conspirators in the assassination of the beloved president. {Too many people are misled by the dysinformation that John Wilkes Booth was a lone assassin.} At the beginning of the 19th century a man on his death bed died on the West Coast claiming to be John Wilkes Booth.
"While the war was raging, the Pope of Rome endorsed Jefferson Davis as the president for the South, and sent him a letter recognizing him as the new president for the entire Union. When Jefferson Davis was arrested after the war, and was to be tried for treason, it was the distinguished Catholic Attorney Chase O'Connor, of New York City, who offered his services, which were accepted in Mr Davis's defense.
On September 25, 1863, Jefferson Davis sent a letter of thanks to the Pope of Rome, for getting personally involved in his defense." ("The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln" by Burke McCarty, p. 212)
"Several of the government men in whom I had more confidence, told me: 'We had not the least doubt that the Jesuits were at the bottom of that great iniquity; we even feared, sometimes, that this would come out so clearly before the military tribunal, that there would be no possibility of keeping it out of the public sight.'
This was not through cowardice, as you think, but through a wisdom which you ought to approve, if you cannot admire it. Had we been in days of peace, we know that with a little more pressure of the witnesses, many priests would have been compromised; for Mrs. Surratt's house was their common rendezvous; it is more than probable that several of them might have been hung. 
America chose to have no other King than Jesus Christ

But the Civil War was hardly over. The Confederacy, though broken down, was still living in millions of hearts; murderers and formidable elements of discord were still seen everywhere, to which the hanging or exiling of those priests would have given a new life. Riots after riots would have accompanied and followed their execution.
We thought we had had enough of blood, fires, devastations and bad feelings. We were all longing for days of peace: the country was in need of them. We concluded that the best interests of humanity was to punish only those who were publicly and visibly guilty; that the verdict might receive the approbation of all, without creating any new bad feelings.
Allow us also to tell you that there was nothing that good and great man feared so much as to arm the Protestants against the Catholics, and the Catholics against the Protestants." (Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, by Charles Chiniquy, Chapter 61)
M. Fylop-Miller, former President of the John Adams Union, wrote to Jefferson in 1816: "I am not happy about the rebirth of the Jesuits. Swarms of them will present themselves under more disguises ever taken by even a chief of the Bohemians, as printers, writers, publishers, school teachers, etc. If ever an association of people deserved eternal damnation on this earth and in hell, it is this Society of Loyola."
Thomas Jefferson replied, "Like you, I object to the Jesuit's re-establishment which makes light give way to darkness."
Jesuit Re-Establishment Makes Light 
Give Way To Darkness

Thomas Jefferson, who was still alive at that time, took an active part to bring about the declaration by President Monroe in his next annual message to the Congress of the United States that the United States would regard it as an act of hostility to the government of the United States and an unfriendly act, if this coalition, or any power of Europe ever undertook to establish upon the American continent any control of any American republic, or to acquire any territorial rights.

Comment of U.S. Senator in 1916 to Congress: "This is the so-called Monroe Doctrine. The threat under the secret Treaty of Verona to suppress popular government in the American republics is the basis of the Monroe Doctrine. This secret treaty sets forth clearly the conflict between monarchial government and popular government, and the government of the few as against the government of the many." His comments define the object of  “Divine Righters” in Europe.
Monarchial Government Vienna
Baltimore Maryland is the Vienna of America

It was because of this conspiracy against the American Republics by the European monarchies that President Monroe stated to Congress that the United States would regard it as an act of hostility if the Holy Alliance; or any European power, attempted to establish control of any American republic or to acquire any territorial rights. Maybe you will remember this decree from school, as this was known as the Monroe Doctrine.
As you well know, the Catholic Church laughs in the face of that decree and became a major landholder in the U.S.A. As the Vatican brought these political powers together for the Treaty of Verona, they also had other things going on."

"Simultaneously with the calling of Congress of Vienna in 1814, Pope Pius VII restored the Society of Jesus, the Jesuit Order, which had been abolished by Pope Clement IVth, July 21, 1773, on the grounds that it was immoral, dangerous and was a menace to the very life of the papacy." ~The Supressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

"It is interesting to notate that this Pope Clement IV, who had banned the Jesuits, was promptly poisoned for his act. The re-activation of the Jesuits was carried further through the next Pope, Leo XII." (Pope 1823-29)
The equality of all men as taught by Jesus Christ has always been hated and feared by the Jesuits despite all their protestations of supporting Christianity.
The plans laid by these men are very long range and quite detailed and have but one goal: "It will be well for the reader to understand that the church of Rome with its sixteen centuries of intrigue, plans fifty or a hundred years ahead. The ultimate goal is to throw the lever of time back by restoring the Pope as the "universal arbiter" from whom all the rulers of the earth must receive their authority to rule, as during the Dark Ages.' "
                                  ~The Supressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
JFK Held Very American Views

President John F. Kennedy warned against grave danger from a secret society along with censorship that stifles dissent. 
"We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. ... And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.
For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.
No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding; and from that understanding comes support or opposition. And both are necessary. I am not asking your newspapers to support the Administration, but I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed.
I not only could not stifle controversy among your readers -- I welcome it. This Administration intends to be candid about its errors; for as a wise man once said:
"An error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it."
We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors; and we expect you to point them out when we miss them. Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed-- and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy.
And that is why our press was protected by the First (emphasized) Amendment-- the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution-- not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and sentimental, not to simply "give the public what it wants"--but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.

This means greater coverage and analysis of international news-- for it is no longer far away and foreign but close at hand and local. It means greater attention to improved understanding of the news as well as improved transmission. And it means, finally, that government at all levels, must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security...

And so it is to the printin
g press--to the recorder of Mans' deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news-- that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent."
President John F. Kennedy said that there is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. Some have claimed John F. Kennedy expressed his very American views, and that triggered his assassination.

Lincoln's Trial Against the Bishop of Chicago
   White Suit Abraham Lincoln: The Good Guy   

Next, in Lincoln's trial against the Bishop of Chicago we see the dark villainy of Lincoln's enemies, the kind disposition of his friends, and we witness the skill and true religion of Abraham Lincoln. Notice Lincoln's ever present recollections of his mother's tenderness and teachings. Also, Lincoln's obvious and truly high spiritual aptitudes give stark contrast against the demonic graft of his opposition in the case of Charles Chiniquy.
Lincoln, in his eloquent manner, had thoroughly disarmed the testimonies of 10 false witnesses and that of two lying Catholic priests (named Lebel and Carthuval). The eleven Protestants on the jury voted unanimously "Not Guilty," but the single Catholic on that jury voted against Chiniquy.
The court discharged the jury for not being able to decide beyond a shadow of a doubt ( the lone catholic had cast that shadow). Chiniquy was held prisoner for five months until the next court date of the 19th of October, 1856.
On the 20th of October, 1856 the Rev. Lebel was the first called to testify as a character witness against Chiniquy. His testimony lasted nearly an hour. He began by declaring that "Chiniquy was one of the bilest men of the day--that every kind of bad rumors were constantly circulating against him."
He proceeded to tell of these numerous rumors and declared he could substantiate one as true. "Mr. Chiniquy," he perjured, "had attempted to do the most infamous things with my own sister, Madame Bossey. She herself has told me the whole story under oath, and she would be here to unmask the wicked man to-day before the world, if she were not forced to silence at home from a severe illness."
Charles Chiniquy

Lincoln, lawyer for the defense, supplied a strong cross-examination and brought in twelve respectable witnesses who swore under oath that Mr. Lebel was a drunkard and vicious man. They said that he was so publicly Chiniquy's enemy because of the many rebukes Chiniquy had given in regard to his private and public vices, that they would not believe a word of what he said, even upon his oath.
And yet, the courtroom was buzzing over some of the false testimony that they still thought true. At ten p.m. the court was adjourned and told to meet again the next morning.
Chiniquy met Lincoln in his room and we will let him personally relate to us what occurred next:
"My dear Mr. Chiniquy," said Mr. Lincoln, "...though I hope, tomorrow, to destroy the testimony of Mr. Lebel against you, I must concede that I see great dangers ahead.
There is not the least doubt in my mind that every word he has said is a sworn lie; by my fear is that the jury thinks differently. I am a pretty good judge in these matters. I feel that our jurymen think that you are guilty.
There is only one way to perfectly destroy the power of a false witness--it is by another direct testimony against what he has said, or by showing from his very lips that he has perjured himself. I failed to do that last night, though I have diminished, to a great extent, the force of his testimony.
Can you not prove an alibi, or can you not bring witnesses who were there in the same house that day, who would flatly and directly contradict what your remorseless enemy has said against you?"
I (Chiniquy) answered him: "How can I try to do such a thing when they have been shrewd enough not to fix the very date of the alleged crime against me?"
"You are correct, you are perfectly correct, Mr. Chiniquy," answered Mr. Lincoln, " they have refused to precise the date, we cannot try that. I have never seen two such skillful rogues as those two priests. There is really a diabolical skill in the plan they have concocted for your destruction. It is evident that the bishop is at the bottom of the plot.
You remember how I have forced Lebel to confess that he was now on the most friendly terms with the Bishop of Chicago, since he has become the chief of your accusers. Though I do not give up the hope of rescuing you from the hands of your enemies, I do not like to conceal from you that I have several reasons to fear that you will be declared guilty, and condemned to a heavy penalty, or to the penitentiary, though I am sure you are perfectly innocent.
It is very probable that we will have to confront that sister of Lebel to-morrow. Her sickness is probably a feint, in order not to appear here except after the brother will have prepared the public mind in her favor. At all events, if she does not come, they will send some justice of the peace to get her sworn testimony, which will be more difficult to rebut than her own verbal declarations.
That woman is evidently in the hands of the bishop and her brother priest, ready to swear anything they order her, and I know nothing so difficult as to refute such female testimonies, particularly when they are absent from the court.
The only way to be sure of a favorable verdict to-morrow is, that God Almighty would take our part and show your innocence! Go to Him and pray, for He alone can save you."
Resolve to be honest at all events; and if in your own judgment you cannot be an honest lawyer, resolve to be 
honest without being a lawyer. ~Abraham Lincoln
Mr. Lincoln was exceedingly solemn when he addressed those words to me, and they went very deep into my soul. I have often been asked if Abraham Lincoln had any religion. But I never had any doubt about his profound confidence in God, since I heard those words falling from his lips in that hour of anxiety.
I had not been able to conceal my deep distress. Burning tears were rolling on my cheeks when he was speaking, and there was on his face the expression of friendly sympathy which I shall never forget. Without being able to say a word, I left him to go to my little room.
It was nearly eleven o'clock. I locked the door and fell on my knees to pray, but I was unable to say a single word. The horrible sworn calumnies thrown at my face by a priest of my own church were ringing in my ears! my honor and my good name so cruelly and for ever destroyed! all my friends and my dear people covered with an eternal confusion! and more than that, the sentence of condemnation which was probably to be hurled against me the next day in the presence of the whole country, whose eyes were upon me!
                                                ~ Charles Chiniquy's Fifty Years in the Church of Rome.
The only unforgiveable sin in this Romish corporation is to tell the truth about it.

  (The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, p. 42)

From eleven PM. to three in the morning Charles Chiniquy cried out to God for help in sobbing prayer. His plight against so powerful a foe as the false witnesses, set up by the Chicago diocese, seemed so dark. He began to think that maybe God had forsaken him.
At three in the morning, Chiniquy answered a knock upon his was Abraham Lincoln who exclaimed, "Cheer up, Mr. Chiniquy, I have the perjured priests in my hands. Their diabolical plot is all known, and if they do not fly away before dawn of day, they will surely be lynched. Bless the Lord, you are saved!"
The newspapers in Chicago were quick to print of Chiniquy's impending doom. The news that Chiniquy would be hung thrilled the Roman Catholics to no end. One of the papers was bought by a friend of Chiniquy named Terrien, whose wife, Narcisse, revealed that she delivered false testimony against the priest.
She was quite ill and could not make the journey to Urbana, but told her husband that another woman, Miss Philomene Moffat, was with her when the deed occurred. They rushed Miss Moffat to the courthouse right away and she related how Lebel had offered his sister 160 acres to perjure herself in testimony against Chiniquy. It was done!
Lebel, knowing he would be exposed, dropped the charges against Charles Chiniquy. Abraham Lincoln did not let the priests go unscathed during his closing statements.
He fully and clearly set himself against the Jesuit powers when he forcefully said,
"As long as God gives me a heart to feel, a brain to think, or a hand to execute my will, I shall devote it against that power which has attempted to use the machinery of the courts to destroy the rights and character of an American citizen."                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ~  President Abraham Lincoln
This is a world of compensations; and he who would be no               slave, must consent to have no slaves.  (Lincoln Through the Lens, p.16)

After the excitement died down, Chiniquy asked how much the bill was for his legal services.
..My dear Mr. Chiniquy, I feel proud and honored to have been called to defend you. But I have done it less as a lawyer than as a friend. The money I should receive from you would take away the pleasure I feel at having fought your battle.
Your case is unique in my whole practice. I have never met a man so cruelly persecuted as you have been, and who deserves it so little. Your enemies are devils incarnate. The plot they had concocted against you is the most hellish one I ever knew.
But the way you have been saved from their hands, the appearance of that young and intelligent Miss Moffat, who was really sent by God in the very hour of need, when, I confess it again, I thought everything was nearly lost, is one of the most extraordinary occurrences I ever saw.
It makes me remember what I have too often forgotten, and what my mother often told me when young - that our God is a prayer-hearing God.
This good thought, sown into my young heart by that dear mother's hand, was just in my mind when I told you, "Go and pray, God alone can save you." But I confess to you that I had not faith enough to believe that your prayer would be so quickly and so marvelously answered by the sudden appearance of that interesting young lady, last night.
Now let us speak of what you owe me. Well! - Well! - how much do you owe me? You owe me nothing! for I suppose you are quite ruined. The expenses of such a suit, I know, must be enormous. Your enemies want to ruin you. Will I help them to finish your ruin, when I hope I have the right to be put among the most sincere and devoted of your friends?
Charles Chiniquy

"You are right," I (Chiniquy) answered him; "you are the most devoted and noblest friend God ever gave me, and I am nearly ruined by my enemies. But you are the father of a pretty large family; you must support them.
       My wife is as handsome as when she was a girl,        
and I, a poor nobody then, fell in love with her, 
and what is more, I have never fallen out."

Your traveling expenses in coming twice here for me from Springfield; your hotel bills during the two terms you have defended me, must be very considerable. It is not just that you should receive nothing in return for such work and expenses.  
     As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master.             
"Well! well!" he answered, "I will give you a promissory note which you will sign." Taking then a small piece of paper, he wrote:
Urbana, May 23, 1857
Due A. Lincoln fifty dollars, for value received.
                                      C. Chiniquy
After reading it, I said, "Dear Mr. Lincoln, this is a joke. It is not possible that you ask only fifty dollars for services which are worth at least two thousand dollars."
He then tapped me with the right hand on the shoulders and said: "Sign that, it is enough. I will pinch some rich men for that, and make them pay the rest of the bill," and he laughed outright.
When Abraham Lincoln was writing the due-bill - - the relaxation of the great strain upon my mind, and the great kindness of my benefactor and defender in charging me so little for such a service, and the terrible presentiment that he would pay with his life - - what he had done for me caused me to break into sobs and tears.
As Mr. Lincoln had finished writing the due-bill, he turned round to me, and said, "Father Chiniquy, what are you crying for? Ought you not to be the most happy man alive? you have beaten your enemies and gained the most glorious victory, and you will come out of all your troubles in triumph."
"Dear Mr. Lincoln," I answered, "allow me to tell you that the joy I should naturally feel for such a victory is destroyed in my mind by the fear of what it may cost you.
If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. ~ Issac Newton 1675

There were then in the crowd not less than ten or twelve Jesuits from Chicago and St. Louis, who came to hear my sentence of condemnation to the penitentiary. But it was on their heads that you have brought the thunders of heaven and earth! 
Nothing can be compared to the expression of their rage against you, when you not only wrenched me from their cruel hands, but you were making the walls of the court-house tremble under the awful and superhumanly eloquent denunciation of their infamy, diabolical malice, and total want of Christian and human principle, in the plot they had formed for my destruction. 
What troubles my soul just now and draws my tears, is that it seems to me that I have read your sentence of death in their fiendish eyes. How many other noble victims have already fallen at their feet!
"I am not weeping for myself, but for you, sir. They will kill you; and let me tell you this, if I were in their place and they in mine, it would be my sole, my sworn duty, to take your life myself, or find a man to do it." ("The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln") - Charles Chiniquy speaking to Abe Lincoln after the trial in Urbana May 23rd, 1853- Referring to the Jesuit Oath.

He tried to divert my mind, at first, with a joke, "Sign this," said he, "it will be my warrant of death." But after I had signed, he became more solemn, and said, "I know that Jesuits never forget nor forsake. But man must not care how and where he dies, provided he dies at the post of honor and duty," and he left me. ~Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome

 ...In whatever place of the Catholic world a Jesuit is insulted or resisted, no matter how insignificant he may be, he is sure to be avenged, - and this we know 
(Charles Sauvestre, translated by Edwin A. Sherman).

As long as God gives me a heart to feel, a brain to think, or a hand to execute my will, I shall devote it against that power which has attempted to use the machinery of the courts to destroy the rights and character of an American citizen.                                                      ~ President Abraham Lincoln

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea
With the glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me.
As he died to make men holy let us live to make men free
While God is marching on. 
Glory, glory hallelujah
Glory, glory hallelujah
Glory, glory hallelujah.
His Truth is marching on.

      A man must not care how and where he dies,      
provided he dies at the post 
of honor and duty.  ~ President Abraham Lincoln          

Let us live to make men free

Lincoln Memorial

If the liberties of the American people are ever destroyed, they will fall 
by the hands of the Catholic clergy.  ~ Lafayette

The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave, to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.
                                                                                                        ~ Abraham Lincoln   
Abraham Lincoln Belongs to the Ages

That is the issue that will continue in this country when these poor tongues of Judge Douglas and myself shall be silent. It is the eternal struggle between these two principles— right and wrong— throughout the world. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time; and will ever continue to struggle. The one is the common right of humanity and the other the divine right of kings. It is the same principle in whatever shape it develops itself. It is the same...‎ ~Abraham Lincoln (The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, p.74)
The topic is freedom, and freedom is not separate from religion. The topic of freedom to worship according to the dictates of one's conscience absolutely dominates the world. The slavery of black people in America tore apart the fabric of American society. "By their fruits shall you know them." America claimed that human rights come from God, not the government.      
Lighthouse of Freedom vs Train of Destruction

"With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds ... "                                                                                             ~Abraham Lincoln

Many presidents have exhibited a sense of humor throughout our nation’s history. None, however, is any better known for his wit than was Lincoln. No matter the situation, it always reminded him of a story, and more often than not, the story was amusing. It would seem that his zest for humor appeared early in life. At the age of 16 or 17 he wrote these two poems: 
Abraham Lincoln
His hand and pen
He will be good
but God knows when.
Abraham Lincoln is my name
And with my pen I wrote the same
I wrote in both haste and speed
And left it here for fools to read.
Lincoln particularly enjoyed stories at the expense of those in positions of authority. For example: Secretary of War Stanton.had been travelling by boat up the Broad River in North Carolina, and a Federal picket yelled out, "What are you carrying on that tug?" The answer came back, "The Secretary of War and Major General Foster." The picket replied, "We've got enough Major-Generals here. How about bringing us some hardtack?"

Our 16th President Abraham Lincoln
was known for his humorous tales.

One of the reasons we don't study Lincoln enough, is because he blows the whistle on the Democrat Party.

VII.  Concluding Remarks
For steadfastly preserving the Union and bringing an end to slavery, and for his honorable life, goodness, character, wry humor, wisdom, and powerful oratory, Lincoln is hailed as one of the greatest American presidents. One of his speeches on freedom and government of, by, and for the people can be quoted verbatim by most older Americans. It is our national prayer that the right prevail forever and that we valiantly oppose the wrong continually.

In reality John Wilkes Booth demanded superiority over black slaves, and he abhorred the thought of their emancipation. Yet he also admired John Brown and resented that he had been the instrument of Brown's death. So John Wilkes Booth transferred his guilt for murdering John Brown onto Lincoln. Desperate times, and hopeless feelings of inferiority to his older brother Edwin, pressed in on John Wilkes Booth. Going unscathed during the horrors of war John Wilkes Booth sought compensation and relief for his guilt in the misapplication and grandeur of sic semper tyrannis, his state's motto in Virginia. He sublimated his life force into misguided and twisted altruistic service of 'the state.'

Diabolical and complex plans culminated in the vile murder of our beloved Abraham Lincoln, to the sadistic satisfaction of Maria Eugenia Surratt. Inflicting Abraham with death made Maria, the Jesuits and John Wilkes feel that they had control regardless of the fact that the South lost the war. To this day it remains like trying to pull teeth to get a Southerner to admit that they lost the war.

Booth's knife wielding photographic tableaux reveals Richmond Grays trying to impress each other. Booth acted out his pain, and sought compensation by delusional self-aggrandizement. He indulged in the intemperate pursuit of pleasure and a large assortment of delinquent, dissipated behaviors. He murdered Lincoln when he emancipated the slaves. Booth said that he would, and he did it.

The 'sic semper tyrannis' phrase invoked historically in Europe and other parts of the world was an epithet or rallying cry against abuse of power; but sic semper tyrannis is more properly applied to the Church of Rome in their newly found posturing to claim "infallibility." The concept of papal infallibility entirely contradicts vast empirical evidence and scripture. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3: 23

The idea that the pope could be infallible might have remained a heresy had it not been for Pope Pius IX and his Vatican I Council, called by Pius ... which met in Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome 93 times between December 8, 1869, and September 1, 1870. How did he manage to get papal infallibility declared an official dogma? Catholic theologian Hans Küng, critical of this dogma, argues for four principle reasons: "Pius IX had a sense of divine mission which he carried to extremes; he engaged in double dealing; he was mentally disturbed; and he misused his office."
We cannot bind the wounds of this nation with lies. It is the truth that sets us free. The watchmen of the nation must warn, and when they've been warned, honest men warn their neighbors. Honest men do not make excuses for the assassination and murder of Abraham Lincoln, or sympathize with racist John Wilkes Booth. If one actually excuses the kingslayer, don't then pretend you are not a kingslayer.

Support for the above stated conclusions is based on extensive reference resources and links, not merely the material presented in the body of text in this article alone. Clicking on highlighted words will open links to some of the source reference materials.

When the Confederacy failed, it oozed with emotionally toxic debris. John Wilkes Booth crippled the South, the Confederate Secret Service was a nest of villainy. General Robert E. Lee said he had "...surrendered the Confederate Army as much to his faith in Abraham Lincoln's honesty and compassion as to Ulysses S. Grant's artillery." (Lincoln Through the Lens, p. 92)

It behooves us all to challenge what we are taught and to expand our horizons in our struggle with these two eternal principles— right and wrong. Lincoln was true and honest. He said, "If slavery is not wrong, then nothing is wrong." He also understood, "As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master." Lincoln believed America would yet swell the chorus of the Union, when touched by the better angels of our nature.

Lincoln's Tomb   Oak Ridge Cemetery   Springfield, Illinois   2006

Gettysburg Address Vigil
by Abraham Lincoln
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate, we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. 

The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.

It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.                                                                                                        ~Abraham Lincoln
Good Times for the Land of the Free
Celebrating Emancipation in Washington D.C.

O Divine Redeemer Tabernacle Choir At Temple Square

     Sing the Chorus of our Union When Touched    
by the Better Angels of our Nature

Statesman Sword's Introduction for "Getting Lincoln Right"Article From American Thinker
This article is not about the Civil War, but that war is an integral part in the life history of Abraham Lincoln so I include the following article to complete our accurate understanding of the man, Abe Lincoln. And reflecting on those who hated Lincoln enough to shoot him in the back reveals the obviously bloodthirsty nature of Lincoln's assassins, for the South had "surrendered," but released cowardly assassins lying in wait to shoot Lincoln in the back!

This Blackwell and Morrison article is important to include as it explains important facets about internal and external factions that struggled together in American History, and struggled forcefully during the Civil War. It puts many falsehoods to rest. I conclude by including this important explanation about States Rights, slavery, secession, and the Civil War. 

European globalists still continue to try to disguise their actions and intentions. They continue to spread lies and vile fictions to smear Lincoln, and express their hatred of Lincoln. My hope and intention for this 'small online book' about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln is to renew and deepen appreciation for the great hero Lincoln, our Constitution, and for all of our Founding Fathers, pointing out how the Tenth Amendment is intact! I hope we learn from the past. Let's detect and expel European globalists, their unions, and their influence over our elections.

With this understanding of our history and of our remarkable President Lincoln, we need to renew our determination to restore our nation in keeping with our Constitution and the founding principle of our Constitution, a limited federal government with checks and balances. Let's beware of GolfingCare bearing gifts. I hope Americans will unite and form a more perfect union. When we know the truth, we can see today's actors for who they are. With the Truth we can make better sense of events in society and politics.
What has destroyed liberty and the rights of man in every government which has ever existed under the sun? The generalizing and concentrating all cares and powers into one body.                                                          ~ Thomas Jefferson,  letter to Joseph C. Cabell, February 2, 1816
Please enjoy the very worthy article by Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison as published in the online news outlet "American" An excellent outlet brought us this extraordinarily significant and conclusive analysis.

            February 28, 2013              Getting Lincoln Right               By Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison

Secession was no revolution. We have Jefferson Davis's own Inaugural Address to prove that: "The sovereign States here represented have seceded from that Union, and it is a gross abuse of language to denominate the act rebellion or revolution." The reason Mr. Davis denied his Confederate States were making a revolution was simple: If he had a human right to revolution, then so did his slaves. Also, Jefferson Davis wanted the aid of England and France, then both monarchies. They would be unlikely to assist a Southern revolution that might give ideas to their own disenfranchised masses.

Jefferson Davis's vice president, Alexander Hamilton Stephens, was a personal friend to Abraham Lincoln. But Vice President Stephens gave a famous "Cornerstone Speech," in which he openly avowed that the new Confederate constitution was based on slavery.

When President Lincoln wrote to editor Horace Greeley, he famously said he would free all the slaves or none, or free some and leave others alone if by so doing he could save the Union. Recall, this letter was written while Lincoln had the draft of the Emancipation Proclamation in his desk drawer.

This is taken to be proof that he didn't care about slavery. Not in the least. Let's remember how he was elected. It was to stop the extension of slavery into the territories.

Saving the Union would stop the spread of human bondage over the continent. There was no inconsistency in this. Saving the Union meant "putting slavery on the path to ultimate extinction." That was the Founders' policy; that was Lincoln's policy.

The leaders in those states that seceded were not confused about Lincoln 's views on slavery. They took the election of Lincoln on an anti-slavery platform as their signal to leave the Union. 

Each of those states sent commissioners to other slaveholding states, urging them to leave the Union, too. Would they have done that if they thought Lincoln was insincere about stopping the spread of slavery?

To say Lincoln didn't free anyone by his Emancipation Proclamation is similarly misguided. It is true he didn't free the slaves of loyal Union citizens in the border states (or in those regions occupied by the Union army). That's because he knew that his war powers extended only to suppressing the rebellion. If an American citizen was obeying the laws, Lincoln had no right to interfere with their slaves -- until the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified.

From that date -- January 1, 1863 -- until the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment, however, the Union armies and navy became forces of liberation. Slaves swarmed into Union camps crying for joy and blessing the Lord for their freedom. If those freedmen and women -- many of whom were kept illiterate by law -- could understand so clearly what Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation meant, how can we get it so wrong?

Some folks say the Civil War was not about slavery, but about states' rights. We strongly support states rights -- especially when it comes protecting our essential liberties from the dangers of Obamacare. But in 1861, the secessionists' new constitution prohibited any free state from joining the Confederacy. It forbade the people of any Confederate state from voluntarily freeing their slaves. And the framers of that constitution even debated -- and soundly defeated -- a provision that would have allowed states to secede from the Confederacy. Clearly, the war was not about states' rights.

Some think Abraham Lincoln gave us the Big Government we all deplore today. He did give us the Trans-Continental Railroad, to be sure, but that was privately built and owned. And the Homestead Act turned over millions of acres of public lands to private owners who would farm and improve them. Even the military -- which had mushroomed to over a million men in wartime (including some 200,000 free men of color) -- quickly shrank after the war. By 1870, it was little larger than before the war.

Today, the people of the South are leading the country in respect for life and in defending marriage. The South cares deeply about religious freedom. We thank God for our Southern friends and fellow believers. This is true conservatism.

But if conservatives today surrender Lincoln to the Hollywood left and Barack Obama, we will be giving up a vitally important cultural icon and one of our two greatest presidents. Conservatives believe in the Founding principles of this nation, including the inalienable right to life. Lincoln said that in the Founders' enlightened belief, "nothing stamped in the divine image was sent into the world to be trod upon." We know he meant the slaves. But we challenge President Obama: "Are not unborn children so stamped?" Let's not abandon Lincoln and allow liberals to "blow out the moral lights around us."    

Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison are seniors fellows at the Family Research Council.

The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave 

"The Oscar for Best Actor went to Daniel Day-Lewis, and deservedly so. This Welshman brought the Great Emancipator to the screen in a remarkably life-like portrayal. He captured the Hoosier accent, the awkward gestures, even the pained walk of a man whose feet hurt him.
The only thing amiss in this amazing rendition was that Day-Lewis's Lincoln looked like the incoming president, the man of 1861, not the withered, ravaged commander-in-chief. The Abraham Lincoln of 1865 had visibly aged twenty-five years in four. 
Still, Daniel Day-Lewis's Lincoln comes closer to the real man than some of the caricatures that are, unfortunately, being offered by some conservatives. Some of them say Lincoln is a hypocrite because he approves of the right of revolution spelled out in the Declaration of Independence but disapproves of secession.
      Last Photograph of Lincoln February 1865     
Secession was no revolution. We have Jefferson Davis's own Inaugural Address to prove that: "The sovereign States here represented have seceded from that Union, and it is a gross abuse of language to denominate the act rebellion or revolution." The reason Mr. Davis denied his Confederate States were making a revolution was simple: If he had a human right to revolution, then so did his slaves. Also, Jefferson Davis wanted the aid of England and France, then both monarchies. They would be unlikely to assist a Southern revolution that might give ideas to their own disenfranchised masses.
Jefferson Davis's vice president, Alexander Hamilton Stephens, was a personal friend to Abraham Lincoln. But Vice President Stephens gave a famous "Cornerstone Speech," in which he openly avowed that the new Confederate constitution was based on slavery.
When President Lincoln wrote to editor Horace Greeley, he famously said he would free all the slaves or none, or free some and leave others alone if by so doing he could save the Union. Recall, this letter was written while Lincoln had the draft of the Emancipation Proclamation in his desk drawer. This is taken to be proof that he didn't care about slavery. Not in the least. 
Let's remember how {Abraham Lincoln} was elected. It was to stop the extension of slavery into the territories. Saving the Union would stop the spread of human bondage over the continent. There was no inconsistency in this. Saving the Union meant "putting slavery on the path to ultimate extinction." That was the Founders' policy; that was Lincoln's policy.
The leaders in those states that seceded were not confused about Lincoln 's views on slavery. They took the election of Lincoln on an anti-slavery platform as their signal to leave the Union. Each of those states sent commissioners to other slave-holding states, urging them to leave the Union, too. Would they have done that if they thought Lincoln was insincere about stopping the spread of slavery?
To say Lincoln didn't free anyone by his Emancipation Proclamation is similarly misguided. It is true he didn't free the slaves of loyal Union citizens in the border states, or in those regions occupied by the Union army. That's because he knew that his war powers extended only to suppressing the rebellion. If an American citizen was obeying the laws, Lincoln had no right to interfere with their slaves -- until the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified.
From that date -- January 1, 1863 -- until the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment, however, the Union armies and navy became forces of liberation. Slaves swarmed into Union camps crying for joy and blessing the Lord for their freedom. If those freedmen and women -- many of whom were kept illiterate by law -- could understand so clearly what Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation meant, how can we get it so wrong?
             Right is of no sex, and Truth is of no color.  ~ Frederick Douglass       
Some folks say the Civil War was not about slavery, but about states' rights. We strongly support states rights -- especially when it comes protecting our essential liberties from the dangers of Obamacare. But in 1861, the secessionists' new constitution prohibited any free state from joining the Confederacy. It forbade the people of any Confederate state from voluntarily freeing their slaves. And the framers of that constitution even debated -- and soundly defeated -- a provision that would have allowed states to secede from the Confederacy. Clearly, the war was not about states' rights.
Some think Abraham Lincoln gave us the Big Government we all deplore today. He did give us the Trans-Continental Railroad, to be sure, but that was privately built and owned. And the Homestead Act turned over millions of acres of public lands to private owners who would farm and improve them. Even the military -- which had mushroomed to over a million men in wartime (including some 200,000 free men of color) -- quickly shrank after the war. By 1870, it was little larger than before the war.
Today, the people of the South are leading the country in respect for life and in defending marriage. The South cares deeply about religious freedom. We thank God for our Southern friends and fellow believers. This is true conservatism.
But if conservatives today surrender Lincoln to the Hollywood left and Barack Obama, we will be giving up a vitally important cultural icon and one of our two greatest presidents.
Abraham Lincoln 1860                                                                  Daniel Day-Lewis 2012

Thomas Jefferson

A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people 
may take away the rights of the other forty-nine. ~ Thomas Jefferson
John Adams

Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. 
There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. ~ John Adams

George Washington - The Prayer at Valley Forge

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord, ... His truth is marching on . . .
~ Battle Hymn of the Republic, we ARE a Republic . . .

Daniel Day-Lewis

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty 
is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote! ~ Benjamin Franklin

Lincoln Tribute and Farewell
Beloved United States President Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln - The Enlightened American 
With Pax Americana based on liberty, egalitarianism, individualism, republicanism, populism, and laissez-faire Lincoln chose to master his life using his mind, and Lincoln rose though his own efforts. Knowledge is power, and a man from the most humble circumstances can shape his own mind, character and destiny.

Scottish Enlightenment began with a long history of religious tolerance. The enlightenment was characterized by an outpouring of intellectual and scientific accomplishments. Scotland had a network of parish schools and five universities. The culture was orientated toward books, and intense discussions took place daily at intellectual gathering places.

Scottish Enlightenment asserts the fundamental importance of human reason, and the optimistic belief in the ability of humanity to effect changes for the better in society and nature. The chief values were improvement, virtue, and practical benefits for the individual and society. Fields that rapidly advanced were philosophy, political economy, engineering, architecture, medicine, geology, archaeology, law, agriculture, chemistry and sociology.

After union with England in 1707 Scottish parliamentarians, politicians, aristocrats, and placemen moved to London. Scottish law, civil law courts, lawyers and jurists remained separate. The headquarters and leadership of the Presbyterian Church also remained separate, as did the universities and the medical establishment. The lawyers and the divines, together with the professors, intellectuals, medical men, scientists and architects formed a growing middle class of urban yuppies. The Scottish Enlightenment soared.

The core enlightenment belief is that though we may face a struggle, it is not a bitter struggle, we can prevail. The enlightened man is self-reliant, not dependent on the State. Glasgow benefited from trade supplying the colonies with manufactured goods. Banks made capital available for business, and the improvement of roads and trade. 

A rare intellectual orientation emerged in Scotland and then America. To this day capitalism is part of the enlightened man's happy quest to prevail. Confidence in the power of man replaces dependency on government elites. 

With enlightenment the rugged individual now is termed 'randian.' Ayn Rand promoted enlightenment and reason, and warned us not to sublimate our worth altruistically for the State, or pretend the State is all-knowing. She urged us to distrust 'for-your-own-good' socialist dystopias.

"The result of American socialism has been tyranny ... Equal protection of life and private property from violent transgressions is the only ideal of equality that is consistent with individual liberty. If property rights are protected, so are human rights."                              
TR extends Monroe Doctrine to keep European powers
out of the Dominican Republic.

       If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.         

Years afterwards, one wounded soldier recalled the Civil War coming to an end and the time he spent with other soldiers and Lincoln: 
"After this handshaking, and before leaving, be picked up an ax in front of the steward's quarters and made the chips fly for about a minute, until he had to stop, fearful of chipping some of the boys, who were catching them on the fly."
According to some versions of the story, Lincoln also held the ax at arm's length for a full minute, demonstrating his strength. A few soldiers tried to duplicate the feat, and found they couldn't. The day after swinging an ax for the last time to the cheers of soldiers, President Lincoln returned to Washington. Less than a week later he would be assassinated at Ford's Theater.

VIII.  Recent Lincoln Portrayals in Films

Steven Spielberg's Lincoln
Everyone would be disturbed by Spielberg's film who went to see the movie expecting a film about Lincoln, after all, the title was not 'The 13th Amendment: How Lincoln is a Crooked Politician.' Although the film held promise with great attention to visual details, Spielberg's film sustained substantially inaccurate facts about the country's voting on the 13th Amendment. I too am perplexed that Spielberg would besmirch Connecticut in his film. 

I will not give this error a pass, but forcefully object. "All four representatives from Connecticut voted yes on the 13th amendment," and yet Spielberg showed Connecticut voting against the constitutional amendment to end slavery! Spielberg is a disgrace. This is not to be tolerated.

I suspect the Spielberg intention was to conjure propaganda for the Democrat Party, more cover to hide the lies of DNC charlatans that still busily attempt to sell their Lie that Democrats weren't and aren't racists. Klansman Lyndon B. Johnson is part of the Left’s Big Lie. We learned this in the  recently released JFK files.

*See Mark 7:00  D'Souza Exposes the Secret History of LBJ

*See Mark 58:00 D'souza Explains That 85% of Democrats in The North 
Voted Against Freeing the Slaves in Amendments 13, 14, and 15

At least in his early career LBJ was openly an outspoken racist. Democrats are the KKK, another truth kept below the surface today. And FDR was elected by agreeing to block all anti-lynching laws with the help of Northern Democrats. At the 2010 funeral for Senator Robert Byrd, Bill Clinton said we should remember KKK Senator Byrd gently since one couldn't advance in the Democrat Party unless one was a member of the KKK. The Democrat Party is the party of slavery, and the extent and consequence of this reality is vast and earth shattering.
There were four million slaves in 1860 and Democrats owned every single one of them. "No Republican in the United States owned a slave." ~Dinesh D'souza 
After the Civil War, 85% of the Democrats voted against freeing black slaves, The 13th Amendment, and the South could not vote!!! This was the reality among Northern Democrats!!! The roll call votes on Amendments 13, 14, and 15 show the truth about the Democrat Party. On the roll call vote for Amendments 14 and 15, they were not passed with a single Democrat vote in support. Every single Democrat voted against Amendments 14 and 15.
Congress abolished slavery in the District of Columbia in 1862, and President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation ended the practice of slavery in rebellious states in 1863. ... the 13th Amendment passed by the Senate on April 8, 1864 and by the House on January 31, 1865 (many claim that date). Congress required former Confederate states to ratify the 13th Amendment as a condition of regaining federal representation.
The 14th Amendment made freed slaves citizens, and the 15th Amendment "...prohibited states from disenfranchising voters “on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”"
Democrats will imply that plantation holders trying to get back their plantations following the Civil War are 'rightwing.' FALSE. That use of 'rightwing' has absolutely no application in the U.S. That is a perverse twist of American history using Europe's conception of rightwing that has monarchy implications. The slaverholder-plantation owners in the South were all Democrats. All slaveholders were DEMOCRATS, period.

Today Democrats like AOC actually call Lincoln a Progressive!! He is NOT a Progressive nor was he radical or extremist! President Lincoln is a Christian who loves our Founders, Constitution, Freedom and Nation. Lincoln was never a Progressive nor radical. President Lincoln was elected president BECAUSE of his rejection of slavery, the mainstream view in America. 

Americans died to rid our land of slavery, that was how strongly opposed most Americans were to slavery. Being opposed to slavery was clearly the powerful view of the majority of the American People. The slaverholder-plantation owners in the South were ALL Democrats. Lincoln is a Republican, and in point of fact, he's the founder of the Republican Party.

Lincoln did not start a new cause, but he did finish it. His antislavery view was the common American view on slavery by 1776. The reason President Lincoln was elected President was his Lincoln Douglas Debates book thoroughly explaining his position on the immorality of slavery, and that it could never be allowed in new States being admitted to the Union. 

Lincoln described himself literally as a 'Conservative.' President Lincoln was not an abolitionist, or in other words a violence-supporting radical activist like AOC. The South supposed their illegal trial and hanging of John Brown would provoke the North to War, but it never did. The first shots of the Civil War (1861-65) were from SOUTHERN guns upon federal troops at Fort Sumter, an island fortification located in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.

It was Lincoln who published his book, The Lincoln Douglas Debates. In America monarchy was abolished, but the sountern plantation did exhibit elitism. But northerner Lincoln founded the Republican Party. The Republican party is pro-Constitution and human rights, and not remotely abolitionist/violent racial activist. President Lincoln is a conservative Republican. The slaverholder-plantation owners in the South were ALL Democrats. 

President Lincoln is very Christian, he is NO progressive. He worked for a legal path to end slavery. But Lincoln never suggested using violence inside America to end slavery. Lincoln was NOT an abolitionist. It was the Democrat Party dominated South of that time that was radical and activist, they were the ones that prepared and threatened terror and war to maintain slavery!!!

Proof that American voters took Lincoln's rejection of slavery as serious and complete is that the Democrat controlled South seceded at the news of Lincoln's successful election victory. Abraham Lincoln was profoundly driven by his decision to end slavery in the United States.

Although Spielberg's Lincoln film unforgivably lied about Connecticut, his film did demonstrate accurately how most Republicans voted for the freedom of blacks, voted to end slavery, and opposed slavery. Spielberg's  film also showed the facts of history accurately that most Democrats voted to oppose freedom for black People. 

Even at the close of the Civil War 85% of all Democrats in the Union Congress still voted to keep slavery.

D'souza And The Big Democrat Party Lie  

The fact of the matter is that Democrats' actual record shows how they consistently voted in favor of slavery and that they passed all the abhorred 'fugitive slave' laws, and there were many. Overall the Spielberg film smeared Lincoln. Perhaps Obama is defensive due to 20+ states applying to secede from the USA because of his lawlessness and his persecution of biblical faith. Wrong Spielberg,  Lincoln was greatly loved and approved of due to his honesty. 

Tyrant Obama constantly lies and deceives and exhibits smug disdain for America and Americans. Lincoln was beloved for his intellect, quick wit, and profound love for America.

Not one Republican voted in favor of the government takeover of the entire medical industry and one sixth of the United States' economy. Daniel Day-Lewis' shiny performance allowed a false face for the Left's rabid anti-Lincoln hate. Not all that glitters is gold, and Day-Lewis' role will never change this movie's pack of lies into reality. 

Lincoln and Republican Americans fought a breathtakingly deadly war defending the morality of freedom, our national ideals,  and our union. Lincoln fought a bloody war opposing pro-slavery secessionists. Lincoln fought and struggled against darkness, so heads up AOC, world-wide Lincoln has always been the greatest advocate for AMERICA and the right of People in general to be free. He was highly loved in and outside of America in his day, he was not a fringe radical. Wrong.

Lincoln's moral stand against slavery was supported by the majority of Americans, both north and south. That is why he became our 16th President. This seems something neither Spielberg nor AOC are really incapable of grasping. But Spielberg's dumb movie deceit is all his own fault. Lincoln said with his life's blood that slavery is wrong, and that slavery NEVER can be made right or 'okay' by holding a popular vote.

It was that horrid idea that was held by more than 85% of the Democrats in the North. The north's Democrats were insisting on making slavery legal using popular voting process in newly admitted States. In the Democrat South they were led by such tyrannical and wickedly insane leaders, that they demanded their abomination and Will be forced upon everyone through terror and war!!! These are the FACTS. 

Before undertaking to expound and teach about Lincoln and slavery, Spielberg should first have read the Lincoln Douglas Debates by Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln refused to let slavery spread to new states on the grounds that it is immoral. After all, Lincoln was the Republican nominee for president due to the publication of what he'd said about slavery in those debates. Everyone knew Lincoln was deeply opposed to slavery, and THAT is why he won the U.S. Presidency. THAT is what triggered Southern secession, their REBELLION. They were accurately call rebels.

Way too Democrats today are still so brainwashed, compliant and insane that they continue telling their lies claiming Lincoln wasn't so good, he wasn't even opposed to slavery or Christian. Apparently Spielberg is among such 'fashionable non-conformists' who are still brainwashed, compliant, and insane. Oooooo, yucky.

When Lincoln was elected, the Democrats who ruled in the South continued their ambition to dominate the nation. They refused to accept the result of the election of Lincoln, much the same as Democrats are doing in 2017 toward the election of Trump. The willingness to accept election results that do not go your own way is a necessary part of having and believing in representative government in our Republic variation of democracy.   

Pelosi District Bay Area Protest For Women's March 2017
UPDATE: Notice That In January 2017 Democrats Were Already
Demanding Impeachment of DJT

In 1860 the Democrats chose to reject the will of the People as expressed in that election, and instead attempted to keep and spread slavery in the nation through bloodshed. Lincoln rightly concluded that by seceding the South broke their original contract and compromise with the member States of our nation as written and laid out in the Declaration of Independence. It was now proper to eliminate slavery, even in the Southern States who signed the Declaration of Independence. It was the South who broke faith with the national compromise in the Declaration.

Dinesh D'souza: The NAZI Roots of The Progressive Left
Hitler Made BHO's Big Lie Famous

It is the South who refused to abide by the results of a vote and election that went against their desire to continue slavery. It is the leadership of the secessionists who are the tyrants. The Democrat Party officials and leaders, NOT merely the South, did their resistance to President Lincoln, the Donald Trump of their day (many Democrats despise Lincoln to this day). 

All violent activists willing to kill and perpetrate violence to gain dominion in America are detestable, then AND now! In the so-called Women's March 2017 screaming Madonna and Sansour figures visually and vocally managed to be manifestly insane, gross, obscene and a complete abomination. The vulgar Democrat activist resisters of today incite violence and refuse to condemn antifa. At Trump's Inauguration during their women's rally they gloried in rash and disgusting exhibitionist behavior. Their detestable, hypocritical, and self-centered gross display destroyed feminism.

The South forfeited their prerogative to the institution of slavery when they tried to secede, when they spilled the life's blood of so many for their wicked "Cause." It is simply common sense that when the South broke the Declaration of Independence contract, they lost their slavery prerogative. Good riddance, but what foul carnage the virtue-signally, "nice" Democrats are willing to inflict to get their own way. The Democrat Party is the Party of fake piety, greedy elitism, and sordid selfishness.

The Spielberg Lincoln film rings false given the fact that on April 8, 1864 the Senate passed the 13th Amendment (S.J. Res. 16) by a vote of 38 to 6. President Abraham Lincoln was the voice of the people, not a tyrant. Also consider how President Lincoln's party ran on a platform in 1864 to abolish slavery. Lincoln's electoral victory in November 1864 was 212 to 21, with a double-digit margin win in the popular vote. Soldiers in the Army gave Lincoln more than 70% of their vote. President Lincoln is one of our top two greatest Presidents, very popular and loved. 

The publication of the Lincoln Douglas debates was pivotal in Lincoln's general election to the Presidency. Their debates also presented our American case to the world favoring freedom in general. There is no excuse for Spielberg's gross ignorance, despicable apathy, and criminal neglect of the truth. Overall Spielberg's film smeared Lincoln, it was a propaganda vehicle of excuse-making for Obama's extreme partisanship in cramming ObamaCare down the throats of Americans, lying about affordability, and lying that Americans would be able to keep the healthcare programs they liked. Obama KNEW the programs the People liked would not exist. Obama is a tyrant.

Lincoln was doing the will of The People, he was not a tyrant. In all truth Lincoln was elected BECAUSE he opposed slavery. Those who preferred war, opposed acceptance of losing through democratic elections, they are the tyrants. These Southern tyrants also happened to be slaveholders! Clearly the South was run by tyrants since they liked slavery so much they were willing to violate and kill to perpetuate and spread it, and obviously they were tyrants for oppressing our black People. For pity's sake, let's speak the truth. The South was run by tyrants and slavers, The Democrats.

And on January 31, 1865 the House of Representatives passed the 13th Amendment (S.J. Res. 16) by a vote of 119 to 56.  The Civil War ended April 9, 1865. Four southern states ratified the 13th Amendment before the end of the Civil War. 
After Congress passed the 13th Amendment, and Lincoln proposed it to the states on January 31, 1865, twenty-seven states ratified the 13th Amendment, and only four rejected it: Mississippi, Kentucky, Delaware and New Jersey. The slaverholder-plantation owners in the South were ALL Democrats. 

When Georgia ratified the 13th Amendment on December 6, 1865, the institution of slavery officially ceased to exist in the United States. The Amendment was easily ratified, so Lincoln's stand was indeed what Americans wanted most. Tyrants force their will on the People, but Lincoln opposed very dark hombres, and he is a great man.There was no tyranny on the part of Lincoln. Lincoln's position was the popular desire of the states and of the People, his anti-slavery policy was the popular will of the People. 

Lincoln did not force anyone to accept freedom against their will. And Lincoln was not intimidated or forced to support slavery, no matter how much he was threatened, so they killed him. Lincoln opposed tyrants, and a rabid racist, John Wilkes Booth, murdered him for opposing slavery. John Wilkes Booth also killed John Brown, he was John Brown's jailor, and he even joined the Virginia Grays specifically so that he could hang John Brown.

Bottomline, Lincoln was a popular president. He didn't need to be a tyrant, his policy was popular. Democrats spent hundreds of years in disinformation trying to point the finger of scorn on Lincoln that ought to be on Democrats. The Democrat Party refused to live by election results when they were not in their favor, and they had for a long time threatened and menaced those who disagreed with them. The South were violent slavers, and Lincoln foiled the evil intentions of their violence and tyranny.

Consistently it was the Democrats who nearly 100% voted in favor of slavery. They are desperate to spread disinformation and avoid their just comeuppance, even making demonic attacks on one of our two greatest presidents to this day. Their disinformation campaign recently led to the hooligan act of spray painting the Lincoln Memorial. The anti-Lincoln crowd wobble about with a manipulated short fuse. The Washington Post reports that the monument "hasn't been vandalized since its dedication in 1922 in the presence of Lincoln’s son, Robert."

The only valid comparison of Obama to Lincoln is how twenty states petitioned to secede at news of Obama's re-election. Pro-slavery Southern states said they didn't want to be under Lincoln, since he opposed slavery. Today most states wanting to secede don't want federal government tyranny. They loathe Washington D.C. publishing all their sensitive information for ready global access. At least 20 states consider the collection of so much money, and processing it through Washington D.C., to be anti-Constitution and anti-limited government. And they are right. Obama is exactly what our Founding Fathers struggled to protect us from: government taking away our freedom 'for our own good.'

2016's Highest Grossing Documentary 'Hillary's America'

Which was the Party of slavery, segregation, and the Klu Klux Klan? The truth is that was the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party never acknowleged it. It never apologized for what it did. It never did restitution for what it did. It took the blame for what it did and put it on the South or put it on America. The "Big Switch" actually is the Big Lie.  
Robert Redford's The Conspirators 
Robert Redford's sickly film attempt on the topic of Lincoln was even worse nonsense, and a worse violation of truth and justice. In actual history jury members after his civil trial proclaimed to newspapers how John Harrison Surratt was guilty of first degree murder in the assassination plot that killed Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln was the first American President to be killed in office. Tongue in cheek, if this article is understood correctly, some noble soul will beat up Robert Redford for making this sympathizer film.
Amazingly Redford acts as though Ms Surratt wasn't one of Lincoln's killers?! What fantasy is this?! Redford cannot sanction the total lack of honor in Ms Surratt's assassination plot against many Union Leaders, AFTER the South had surrendered. He must not be allowed to use film trickery and lies to fabricate from toxic thin air, a sympathy with the Lincoln killers as though they were victims!  
What the Confederate military failed to achieve, Ms Surratt's conspiracy attempted to steal through her foul breach of the Confederacy's treaty of surrender. Her malicious 'poisonous fruit' festered, resulting to this day in a tumultuous cycle of violence without resolution. General Grant surrendered because he understood Lincoln's compassion, and desire to heal the nation.
Due to Maria Eugenia Surratt murdering President Lincoln, however, America instead has suffered nauseating injustice, stomach-churning, nasty, odious, deceitful, violent, racist turmoil. A festering malevolence flows to this day from Maria Surratt's fiendish deeds. And in point of fact Robert Redford's evil film does generate stomach-churning racist turmoil for all who know the truth: it is dispensing even more violence-inducing pain-filled vapors of deceit, and there is NO excuse for his lies and monumental hoax.

How convenient to fight a WAR as Confederate spies, then claim the assassination of Abraham Lincoln was not done by enemy combatants?! Redford's film argues Maria Surratt's killing should have only been tried in a civilian court! Not at all, Mr. Redford. You owe America an apology. Maria Eugenia Surratt was at war with the Union, and the killers all were enemy combatants to President Lincoln and the Union. Their military tribunal was the perfect legal remedy. The first hanging of a woman in the United States was fully justified.
Redford Maybe a Pscyho

One gets the impression Robert Redford wished he'd been the one who built and installed the board-hinged device that fastened securely blocking the closed door behind President Lincoln to prevent his escape from the theater box where he sat in the Ford Theater. Or perhaps Robert Redford dreams that the world will fawn over him for vicariously pulling the trigger and shooting Lincoln in the back? 

How noble of Confederate Redford to blast and crush President Lincoln's head, right after the Confederates surrendered?! It is appropriate to recognize that Redford's film shows a bloodthirsty point of view. Using the evidence, Ms Surratt's malfeasance is known, it is KNOWN. The facts vanquish Redford's demonic myths. It is truly a shock to catch Robert Redford embracing crazy-making myths.

What did Maria Surratt stand for? She used all violent force possible in subversive support of enslaving black people. She colluded with foreign powers against the United States in the slaughter of Americans in support of tyrannical rule, elitism. Does Redford imagine he can make her cause heroic? Robert Redford spent his film advocating the case of a traitor, assassin, and murdering master conspirator! They did many other disgusting attacks besides assassinating Lincoln, including the bombing of a Union cabinet meeting.

Robert Redford's sympathizer film failed to mention extremely pertinent facts, such as the fact that Washington D.C. was under Martial law when Lincoln was killed. Richmond fell on April 3rd, the South surrendered to General Grant on April 9th, and Lincoln was killed on April 14th. Naturally the military conducted the search for Booth, and of course it conducted the trial of these Confederate Secret Service spies. 
Redford's version of Maria Eugenia Surratt 
who was hung for murdering President Lincoln.

More fake history from the Democrats here in Redford's film "The Conspirator." 
Robert Redford was the producer. 

        Learn About The Reality Of The 'Pious' Killer      

Real Americans side with President Lincoln, and NOT his killer, Robert Redford's 'pious' Maria Eugenia Surratt. Mr. Redford may not separate Ms Surratt's spy identity and her assassin deeds from her motivation for the vicious enslavement of black People, nor is her murder separate from her disdain toward the non-catholics she calls "heretics." Maria Surratt feigned holier-than-thou piety, but Robert Redford should not confuse smugness for pious feelings. This Redford movie's contention that Maria Eugenia Surratt was an offended victim in a rogue trial is without doubt untrue. Maria Eugenia Surratt's name is still Mudd.

Redford's propaganda film ignored the facts. Redford also ignored that John Harrison Surratt published a booklet so that all could see the particulars of how he and his mother assassinated Lincoln. Redford's sickly film never even mentioned that after his mother was hung, John Surratt tried to earn large sums of money by publishing his booklet and lecturing about what he and his mother did to President Lincoln. 

This mother/son Surratt duo remind one of islamic terrorists: an evil zeal for Machiavellian beliefs, that they are the 'masters' and are allowed to deprive others of freedom and representative government due to their superiority! The fact of the matter is that Ms Surratt was very vocal and unapologetic about hating "n*ggers" and "heretics." 

The fact of the matter is that John Wilkes Booth was so determined to advocate slavery for the black People, he said that the South "... must take some decisive step. She must throw a bombshell into the enemy's land that shall spread terror and consternation wherever it goes." Like their political party, the Democrat Party, John Harrison Surratt and his mother are racists. Democrats like Redford spin racism, wow.

"If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong." ~ Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln: The Great Hero for Freedom
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Picasso commented on art that, "Art is a lie that reveals the truth." Of course people do at first wonder at a film that combines Lincoln and vampires. We can learn from a line written by the creators of The Matrix in their 1999 film, V for Vendetta: it explains the greatness of this film. "Politicians lie to hide the truth, artists tell lies to reveal it." This film 'lies' about vampires to reveal the truth about Lincoln. 
History prefers legends to men. It prefers nobility to brutality, soaring speeches to quiet deeds. History remembers the battle, but forgets the blood. Whatever history remembers me, if it remembers anything at all, it shall only remember a fraction of the truth. For whatever else I am, a husband, a lawyer... a president... I shall always think of myself first and foremost ... as a hunter.  ~ From trailer for the film Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
History prefers legends to men. It prefers nobility to brutality, soaring speeches to quiet deeds. History remembers the battle and forgets the blood. Whatever history remembers of me, if it remembers me at all, it shall only remember a fraction of the truth. For whatever else I am, a husband, a lawyer ... a President ... I shall always think of myself as a man who struggled against darkness. ~ Journal of Abraham Lincoln in film Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Most freedom lovers can enjoy this film because it most accurately reveals Abraham Lincoln's experience in his lifeThe film shows us the true Lincoln, and it possesses immense social artifact value. It is the most entertaining film on Lincoln, and with imagination and excellent performances they dared to speak the truth of Lincoln's valor. 

One crucial loss in this film's narrative is the fact that this movie's version of Lincoln's father fails the truth test. Lincoln's father regularly beat him, and also abandoned him all alone in their house in the woods for two years when he and his little sister were small children. But to be fair to the movie-making process, the truth is complex and more difficult to reveal. 

However, unraveling the complexity here offers an incredible opportunity to understand the facts why Lincoln deeply related to the trials of a slave. And this clearly is a crucial facet to  'getting Lincoln right.' Parents treating their children as slaves is poisonous pedagogy, and it is an evil belief system to this day not properly exposed, and not as fully contradicted and overruled as it needs to be. This system's foundational premise is that parents are always right.  

IX. Who is the tyrant? 
A reflection amidst the barbecues and fireworks and the paeans to patriotism.
The Fourth of July is not just another day off from work. Nor is it just the celebration of our country’s birth, the bold act of the Colonists in challenging the world’s greatest power and creating a government based on freedom and self-rule. On this day 241 years ago the delegates to the Second Continental Congress adopted a document that laid the foundations of the American political order.
Sadly, the meaning of the Declaration of Independence has been lost, and the order it created eroded by progressivism. One of the greatest statements of political philosophy occurs in the preamble to the Declaration:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. ––That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed . . .
Government is a creation of the sovereign people who must consent to its forms and functions. It is thus accountable to the people, and exists primarily to protect their rights, especially freedom, that precede government. These rights are the “unalienable” foundations of our human nature, and come from a “Creator” and the “Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.” They are not gifts of the powerful or any institutions that an elite of wealth or birth create to serve their interests. They cannot justly be taken away by any earthly power, but they can be limited and destroyed by tyranny.
Central to these rights is freedom, which implies self-rule as well as the scope to pursue “happiness,” the actions and behaviors, the way of living that achieves a good and virtuous life suitable for a human being possessing reason and free will. To secure the freedom of the individual requires political liberty expressed through a government of laws and institutions that reflect the collective consent of the people, and whose agents are chosen by the citizens or their representatives, and thus are accountable to the people.
A little more than a decade later the Constitution formalized the structures of governing that would protect this ideal. Recognizing that human nature is flawed and subject to “passions and interests,” and fearful of power’s “encroaching nature,” the framers separated, checked, and balanced power through federalism and mixed government. James Madison in Federalist 51 famously expressed the assumptions lying behind a form of government designed for the “preservation of liberty”:
Ambition must be made to counteract ambition. The interest of the man must be connected with the constitutional rights of the place. It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government. But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.
Given a fallen human nature, power must never be allowed to be concentrated into an elite of any sort, for neither birth, wealth, nor wisdom can guard against the destructive excesses of power. Defend the people’s ordered liberty, equality of opportunity, and equality under the law, and the freedom of all will be protected.
This is the American creed, the set of ideas assent to which makes one an American­­––not blood, or soil, or any mystic “identity” exclusive of others and claiming a natural superiority over them.
The bulk of the Declaration, however, is a catalogue of the despotic acts of George III, whose “repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States,” justified the rebellion against Britain. The word “tyranny” here is not used casually: it is a technical term from political philosophy going back to its beginnings in ancient Athens. Tyranny is the opposite of liberty and equality, for it makes power the instrument of the self-aggrandizement of the few at the expense of the many. As Aristotle wrote, tyranny is “arbitrary power . . . which is responsible to no one, and governs all alike, whether equals or betters, with a view to its own advantage, not to that of its subjects, and therefore against their will. No freeman willingly endures such a government.” A tyranny is diametrically opposed to the ideas set out in preamble to the Declaration.
At the end of the 19th century, progressivism began to undermine and dismantle the American creed, and to create a government in many ways similar to “absolute tyranny.” The advances of science and technology deluded many into believing that human nature and behavior could be understood and manipulated and improved with the same success natural science enjoyed. The old American creed based on a permanently flawed human nature and the need to disperse and balance power had to be discarded. As Woodrow Wilson said, the Constitution had to be interpreted “according to the Darwinian principle,” with a centralized government of technocrats who could shape or “nudge,” as our progressives today put it, human nature into greater “fitness” for happiness in a new world of science and technology. Now power is to be concentrated into an elite of superior knowledge charged with shaping people’s lives in order to “improve” them, and empowered to confiscate and redistribute wealth in order to finance this social engineering.
Also contrary to the Declaration is the progressive view of rights. Now rights come not from “Nature and Nature’s God,” their origins and nature transcendent. Now rights are derived from the will of flawed men, defined according to their limited and contingent vision of happiness and the good. Just as they disparage the Constitution, progressive thinkers sneer at the notion of natural rights “beyond the reach, not only of the majority but of the state itself,” as progressive historian Charles Beard wrote in 1912, who reduced natural rights to an “obsolete and indefensible” notion. Putting rights into the hands of powerful men meant that they could be multiplied and expanded by political power, as Franklin Roosevelt did in his 1944 inaugural address, in which he called for a Second Bill of Rights including everything from a “useful and remunerative job” to “adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health.” But this turns rights into the gifts of power wielded by flawed and limited human beings, and as such the foundations of our rights are temporal and always up for debate and redefinition, as we have seen in communist countries or in Islamic sharia law.
Finally, the progressives rejected the idea of the transcendent, divine authority that defined humans by their innate freedom and equality. Hence the relentless efforts to drive religion from the public square and reduce it to a lifestyle choice and expression of private identity, no different from one’s taste in food, clothes, or entertainment. In this way the moral order sanctioned by “Nature’s God” and the “Supreme Judge of the world,” as the Declaration describes the divine order, which enforced limits on license and self-indulgence, can be marginalized and bereft of its power to sanction destructive behavior. This leaves the state––a collection of flawed, corruptible human beings limited by their own “passions and interests” –– as the only authority for regulating people’s lives.
The result is to set all rights adrift, vulnerable to chance and change. The author of the Declaration, Thomas Jefferson was a deist, but even he recognized the necessity of religious belief for the American order, and the dangers of ignoring its transcendent foundations: “God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the Gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.”
Today we live in a political order that the progressives have altered and distanced from its philosophical roots in the Declaration of Independence. Political power is now concentrated in the federal government and its 2.6 million mostly anonymous, unelected unaccountable workers who staff over 430 agencies and departments, which extend their coercive and regulatory power into every aspect of our lives. Every day we witness their tyrannical “repeated injuries and usurpations” at the expense of our freedom and autonomy, and the Constitutional balance of powers. The government confiscates wealth and redistributes it to political clients, just like the tyrants of old, in order to make people “accustomed to feed at the expense of others” and to make “their prospects of winning a livelihood depend upon the property of their neighbors,” as Polybius described the modus operandi of the ancient tyrant. Political freedom is degraded into license, the power to do what we want rather than to live as people deserving of freedom. Today we are subjects of Tocqueville’s “soft despotism,” which seeks “to keep [the people] in perpetual childhood,” and is “well content that the people should rejoice, provided they think of nothing but rejoicing.”
Donald Trump has pruned back federal power to some degree, and praises patriotism and faith. But weaning the citizens from their dependence on entitlements––the engine of soft despotism–– is a monumental task that so far he has shown little interest in attempting. The difficulties the Republicans are currently facing just in reducing the growth in Medicaid spending that accelerated under Obamacare illustrate the scope of the problem. Given our $20 trillion in debt and trillions more in unfunded liabilities, our children and grandchildren are facing a fiscal Armageddon, and when it comes freedom and equality may be its first victims.
So today, amidst the barbecues and fireworks and the paeans to patriotism, we should take time to contemplate how far we have drifted from the ideals for which our ancestors fought and died.
*Bruce Thornton is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

"What has destroyed liberty and the rights of man in every government which has ever existed under the sun? The generalizing and concentrating all cares and powers into one body."                                                 ~Thomas Jefferson, letter to Joseph C. Cabell, February 2, 1816
We will never forget that our forefathers, the first European inhabitants of the American land, were compelled to leave their native country, to come to bury themselves in unknown and far-distant wildernesses to escape your Jesuit tyranny and cruelty.                                                                                                ~Jesuitism Unveiled, by Claude Pirat; 1851 AD 

Who is the tyrant? Barack Hussein Obama Vs Abraham Lincoln  
Abraham Lincoln so beloved and popular because he was not a tyrant; and he founded the thriving Republican Party of our 21st Century. BHO's communist socialist pushing is so rejected, he decimated the Democrat Party that lost thousands of elected government officials their positions, creating a Republican Party stronger than its been since the 1920's. By the 2012 election BHO lost millions of his  original supporters from 2008.

Only insidious contortions would attempt to compare Obama to Lincoln. Lincoln freed the slaves, Obama attempts to enslave us in his atheistic communism which lacks civil liberties, property rights, and our God-given right to exercise religion according to our own conscience. The fact of the matter is that throughout Democrats' record in our past they consistently voted in favor of slavery and passed abhorred 'fugitive slave' laws, and there were many.
The executive power in our government is not the only, perhaps not even the principal, object of my solicitude. The tyranny of the legislature is really the danger most to be feared, and will continue to be so for many years to come. The tyranny of the executive power will come in its turn, but at a more distant period.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
Not one Republican voted in favor of the government takeover of the entire medical industry and one sixth of the United States' economy. It is Obama who is the tyrant. Obama got zero Republican votes for ObamaCare. This is legislative tyranny.  His ObamaCare bill was pitched with an extraordinary caveat that you had to pass the bill before you could read it. That is tyranny. The reason Obama's fingerprints are all over the IRS high crimes, is that Obama has claimed ObamaCare is his crowning achievement.

The 70-lb ObamaCare Bill Pictured 
Is The Short Version of The Bill: 1100 Pages

Although tax bills must originate in the House, ObCare originated in the Senate. The Supreme Court declared ObCare a tax bill. So legally, the bill has not been passed. Obama seeks to take control of the nation with amnesty for those here illegally, and by bribing them with ObCare benefits: benefits used as perks and as criminal, pirate booty per Obama's whims is traitorous tyranny. Under ObCare we must prove we have medical insurance, but illegal aliens get benefits without having to prove they are citizens!

Obama ran for office saying he'd never raise taxes on the middle class. ObCare is a vast, historic tax hike on the middle class. Obama also ran his 2008 campaign for President on promises to clean up the lobbyist influence in Washington, and on promises of a transparent government. Instead Obama has the least transparent administration, and his ObCare created the mother of all Washington lobbyist feeding frenzies. 

ObCare purports to cover at least 10,000,000 more people without adding a single doctor. It adds 16,000 more IRS agents, that we know after Tea Party IRS crimes, are used to enforce partisan choices illegally. The takeover of all our medical doctors' businesses and the hospitals' businesses is socialism. The Democrats have been claiming that to save on expenses it is worth losing our national sovereignty and losing our adult choices and freedom. This is selling yourself for nothing.

BUT, instead of saving on medical expenses, ObCare has destroyed the medical insurance plans people had that they liked. And the price to set up a police state using ObCare and the IRS is astronomical. Our medical expenses increased in the many $billions. And medical insurance plans now cost 4 to 10 times as much as medical insurance plans did previously. ObCare plans increased in cost 34% for 2018. ObCare never saved medical expense, it was a fascist takeover to get around our human rights outlined in the Constitution. And it was passed based on the lie that it would cut medical costs.

By using thousands upon thousands of statutes ObCare gives the government license to kill, and it is creating a recipe for the denial of treatment. All our privacy and protections from illegal searches and seizures wiped out. A long line of offenses against our human rights are perpetrated by ObCare. ObCare is run by a 15-member board not answerable to Congress. Barack Hussein Obama sought the power grab for government to make all the decisions of almost all Americans in heath care, even the decision about who could become a doctor. 
Obamacare creates 159 new bureaucracies, boards, agencies, commissions and programs to govern your healthcare. We've become one nation under too many laws ... Obamacare is over promised and under funded. ~ Barabara Bellar

The tyrants are Obama and Washington D.C., not Lincoln. The reason Obama's fingerprints are all over the IRS high crimes, is that Obama has claimed ObCare is his crowning achievement. Team Obama abused the IRS to suppress and intimidate Tea Party dissent against ObCare, especially since they helped elect a Republican landslide in the 2010 Congressional midterm.

If the Democrats want ObCare, they need to use the Amendment process in the Constitution. This would create gibberish of our limited federal government Constitution. But in reality ObCare would not pass. Obama is a tyrant trying to usurp the powers of Congress with his parade of corrupt crony waivers. The Democrat Party in Congress is responsible for elitist rubbish of subsidies on their 'cadillac' plans. Unions have expressed their objection to Obama'a signature "crowning achievement."

One of the most egregious Congressional behaviors was to exempt themselves from the mechanism of ObCare. This is their REAL opinion of the vicious bill: they protected themselves from it!

"Senators are allowed to receive a federal subsidy covering roughly 75 percent of their health care premiums under the law by enrolling in the D.C. Health Link exchange." Are American Senators more needy than the needy? Or why don't the middle class get 75% subsidies for their premium healthcare plans. Why is the middle class instead forced to pay penalties for cadillac plans? Is ObCare the fascist control agency using deadly force against non-communists?

The fact of the matter is that Obama has proved ObCare isn't the will of the people by his use of IRS intimidation, and the IRS suppression of dissent. What can we conclude? that ObCare is only good enough for Republicans and non-government workers?

Obama's is a lawless, rogue government that abuses power in the IRS, and can't be trusted with the government's snooping dragnet. With skyrocketed deficits, Barack's administration was the most excessively partisan and expensive administration ever. Criminals who should have been fired in the IRS, Obama instead promoted to run health care. He hired convicts and campaign workers to positions with access to the most sensitive information on Americans. And Islamic terrorists have used ObCare's database to kidnap and extort hostages through their RansomWare app.    
In socialist medical care there is no such thing as informed consent.
Obama is the tyrant who alters the ObCare "law" at his whim, and corruptly passes out waivers like candy to his crony friends. ObCare precisely the socialist instigation of bread lines and rationing, the fleecing of an economy that always has been the purpose behind marxist socialism. Marx wants the death of Christianity, private property, and the family. ObCare is vital step for communists, communist muslims especially. Marx considers the family a capitalist institution that must end.
Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy; it is not a side effect, but the central pivot...Karl Marx longs to annihilate religion and nationhood. ~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Obama has a terrorist brother that he is close to, and has sent $billions in advanced weapons, arms, and paychecks for international jihadi terrorists and war criminals to help them subjugate Syria to Muslim Brotherhood fanatics, the extremists who hate America. We've been deprived of justice for Ambassador Stevens who was gang raped and brutally murdered in Benghazi. Obama only attempts to cover up his own gun-running violations of the U.N. arms sanctions on Syria at that time.

Obama is the tyrant. Lincoln was a friend of liberty. Obama insults our allies and is extremely friendly with America's enemies. Obama is the lawless tyrant. Obama supports the Muslim Brotherhood instead of supporting freedom. Obama supports anti-West tyrants in Egypt, Turkey, Syria, and Iran. Obama intimidates the press and ignores Congress, including members of his own party. Obama thinks America has 57 states (false, but there are 57 Arab states). Obama is a tyrant and a traitor.
"What has destroyed liberty and the rights of man in every government which has ever existed under the sun? The generalizing and concentrating all cares and powers into one body." ~Thomas Jefferson, letter to Joseph C. Cabell, February 2, 1816 
To count our 2012 election vote Obama hired a computer company which is known internationally for election tampering. He hired the computer company from a foreign country, which violates the principle that foreigners not influence our election process. In the 2012 election Obama dumped the military's vote in the ocean. ObCare generalizes and concentrates all cares and power, all the money from one sixth of our economy, through Washington D.C., the exact single place {One Body} all Americans want kicked to the curb: The Establishment.
You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve YOUR freedom. I hope you will make a good use of it.” ~President John Adams
On Tuesday, Nevada became the 15th state, along with the District of Columbia, to pass a measure that would grant its electoral college votes to the candidate that won the nationwide popular vote.
This movement is being led by an organization called National Popular Vote. The 501(c)(4) was co-founded by election law expert and attorney Barry Fadem and John Kaza (co-inventor of the scratch off lottery ticket). ...
Messrs. Fadem and Kaza have incredible resumes and have had careers filled with professional achievement. It would be easy for someone who understands political science and the structure of American government to dismiss them by saying, “Well, they might be smart, but they sure don’t know much about politics, do they?”   
My fear is exactly the opposite. I’m afraid they understand politics perfectly and this initiative they have launched, a federal republic annihilator, is exactly what they intend.
Our Founding Fathers had the debate at the beginning of our nation as to how our system of election and governance would be structured. Democracy was rejected because of the well understood tendency of a majority to act as a tyrant. While much of what was created by our Founders was original, this concept wasn’t. The critique of democracy dates back to Plato and the Republic. The demos, as they were called in Greek, couldn’t be trusted; they would just vote to satiate their voracious appetites at the expense of others or the nation at large.
Plato thought the majority would lack the knowledge and wisdom to make sound choices. ... No need to worry about 2400-year-old concepts??
What about concepts that date back only to the late 18th Century and come from James Madison and Alexander Hamilton. Yes, young readers, before he was a Broadway star, Hamilton was trying to protect American voters from themselves. The Connecticut Compromise, and its derivative, which led to the structure of our bicameral legislature, the executive branch, and the electoral college, were all born out of the need to prevent the United States becoming nothing more than a place where the majority subjugated the minority.
In addressing this matter and the need for divided government to place controls on tyranny, Madison particularly focused on factions: those unions of people that take on their own larger interest. He identified two types of factions, those of a minority and those of a majority. Interestingly enough, he dismissed minority factions, saying that it would be easy enough for a majority to control them.
In Madison’s mind, the structure of government and the process for electing the chief executive were designed to try to fragment the power of majority.
When you read Federalist 9 , Federalist 10, and Federalist 51, {Hamilton and Madison} explain three key elements existed to help give the new United States a chance for success: its population size, geographic size, and the differing interests of the independent states. Back in the late 1700’s, these factors would all make it more difficult for minority factions to attain the sort of critical mass required to do real damage.
But Hamilton and Madison were not contemplating smartphones, the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, and 24-hour cable news. They could not see that barriers and impediments to communication and mobilization were going to be completely torn down. Today, any sort of tiny minority faction can become a nationwide majority in a very short period of time. This means that movement can advance well ahead of thought.
In his book, Skin in the Game (Penguin Random House, 2017), Nassim Taleb warns about intolerant minorities and how they can very easily convert into intolerant majorities through a simple, mathematical progression. Taleb demonstrates how it becomes easier for a larger group (e.g., non-kosher beverage consumers) to adjust itself to a minority group (those who must keep kosher). If you doubt this, look for the “circle-U” symbol on your soda can.
The consumption of kosher beverages is a harmless example of minority positioning becoming majority behavior. Other examples are not so harmless. [Christian and Jew hating groups] Our society today lends itself to the rapid conversion of intolerant minority factions into tyrannical majorities in a way our Founders could never have imagined.
At the very time in our history when we are more vulnerable than ever to simple majority rule, National Popular Vote wants us to dive in fully at the presidential level.
Fadem and Kaza are far too intelligent not to understand this. Any argument they might make that this is simply to let the voice of the people to be heard is specious. I don’t know their personal motives, but I would speculate that they see themselves somehow benefitting in terms power, profit, privilege, or prestige should the U.S. be more directly controlled by the demos.
Our Founding Fathers envisioned a system where government would be designed to do little as opposed to doing too much. They built a system that was able to account for the nature of man and to try to control his less desirable tendencies. To paraphrase and reduce Madison, if men were angels, the Founders would not have needed such a complex structure.
We are not angels. We need these controls to prevent the very kind of efficiency in voting that can lead to majority dominance. The electoral college is one of those most fundamental controls. If we effectively neuter it through state collusion, then we move one step closer to a world our Founders feared, and that Plato described. For those who are wondering, Plato’s next stage was total tyranny.
“The executive power in our government is not the only, perhaps not even the principal, object of my solicitude. The tyranny of the legislature is really the danger most to be feared, and will continue to be so for many years to come. The tyranny of the executive power will come in its turn, but at a more distant period.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln: 
Conspiracy In America 

Dinesh D'souza:  A World Without America

X. Reading Booklist

"Lincoln Through the Lens" by Martin W. Sandler (2008)

“Come Retribution: The Confederate Secret Service and the Assassination of Lincoln
by William A. Tidwell (1988)

"The Day Lincoln was Shot" by Jim Bishop (2001)

"Lincoln and Chief Justice Taney: Slavery, Secession, and the President's War Powers"
by James F. Simon (2007)

"Abraham Lincoln: Quotes, Quips, and Speeches" by Abraham Lincoln By Gordon Leidner (2009)

"Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: Echoes of the Bible and Book of Common Prayer"
by A. E. Elmore (2009)

"The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln" by Burke McCarthy (1924)

"Rome Responsibility For The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln"
by Thomas M. Harris Late Brigadier General U.S.V. and Major General by Brevet (1897)

"Fifty Years in the Church of Rome" by Charles Chiniquy (1886)

"His Name Is Still Mudd: The Case Against Doctor Samuel Alexander Mudd"
by Edward J. Steers and Edward, Jr. Steers (1997)

"Blood on the Moon: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln" by Edward J. Steers (2001)

"The Gettysburg Gospel: The Lincoln Speech That Nobody Knows" by G. S. Boritt (2008)

"The Transformation of the Republic" by C.T. Wilcox (2005)

VIDEO The Big Lie - D'Souza exposes the secret history of LBJ

WND  Obama's Giveaway: Oil-Rich Islands to Russia

Jesuitism Unveiled (Americans Warned About Jesuitism) by Claude Pirat; 1851 AD

The Gardasil HPV Vaccine Criminal Hoax
Merck Pharmaceuticals Poned Rick Perry
Trans Texas Corridor
"Best book since the Bible" -Ann Coulter
"Any society that will give up a little liberty to gain a little security 
will deserve neither and lose both." ~Benjamin Franklin