Some call 'fake news' the mainstream media. Most Americans know them as the Enemy Media, or DriveBy Media. We all are witnesses of the way the Left's dysinformation network worked as Barack Hussein Obama's own personal campaign network. Instead of Barack's OFA standing for "Organizing for America," to those with common sense, it actually means Barack is "Organizing Destruction for America"(ODFA).
Barack calls them the "Resistance," and they call themselves Antifa; and it is no coincidence that that sounds like Intifada. Intifada is the war using Palestinians as the tip of the Ottoman Empire's spear pointed toward annihilation of Israel's existence.
The Laura Ingraham Show "The Angle"
Every nation protects their borders, and there is EVERY reason for the government of the United States to conduct law-regulated immigration and secure borders, because it is their primary responsibility. Kindhearted people ought to donate time and money to charity, and completely stop allowing the United States border to be a disgraceful, crime-scene festival of horrors.
President Trump has an important message for those in America wanting Sharia to govern here, and a message for people on the Left who refuse to admit that being PRO-multiculturalism is the opposite of permitting sharia within the United States. When Muslims are the minority in a society they furiously demand minority rights, even perks, then justify using the tactic of violence to obtain their demands. But when Muslims are the majority, there are no minority rights.
It is a sight to behold when the Supreme Court can't find the words to admit it is obvious and self-evident that the USA is allowed to ask about the citizenship of those in the census.
It is a sight to behold when the Supreme Court can't find the words to admit it is obvious and self-evident that the USA is allowed to ask about the citizenship of those in the census.
The citizenship question recurred multiple times from 1820 to 1890. And from 1890 to 1950, it appeared on every census. Since then, it has been included on every long-form census questionnaire from 1970 to 2000. To this day, the question is still asked on the American Community Survey, an annual supplement to the decennial census.
This citizenship information has been collected throughout most of our history and is critical to the very core democratic protections of the Constitution.
The German economy under Hitler was Marxist Socialism. Hitler is the Marxist Socialist Leftwing, NOT Capitalist, NOT Rightwing.
Hitler was elected and his regime was Democratic Socialism.
When facts and informational material in newspapers can be copyrighted and lead to copyright infringement lawsuits, the copyright office is a known corrupt fascist front for the giant mega corporations and mega banks.
Every sultan of the Ottoman Empire had his own monogram, called the tughra, which served as a royal symbol. An Ottoman Empire coat of arms in the European heraldic sense was created in the late 19th century at the request of Hampton Court. A tughra is a calligraphic monogram, seal or signature of a sultan that was affixed to all official documents and correspondence.
Refusal on the Left to identify and reject evil is creating danger. As far as it is known, President Trump is not the enemy of America. President Trump does not marginalize Christianity as Barack Hussein Obama did endlessly. Islam is our enemy; they completely see themselves already at war with us, and it is a deceitfully evil and insidious type of warfare. There is no evidence that Islam is a religion of peace. Some or even many Germans wanted peace before World War II, but that had little effect on Hitler's murderous and genocidal NAZI-lust for conquest, or on the sadistic NAZI delight in atrocities.
The customary way Muslims declare war is to burn a country's flag in front of their embassy. Iran burns our flag in their parliament, and burned our flag in front of our embassy. In point of fact, Iran has an annual flag burning spectacle where demonstrators chant “Death to America” “Death to Israel" "Death to Britain." The Muslim World celebrates the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 Attacks.
There is no doubt that the Islamic coat of arms is composed of Sun Worship pagan symbols. Islam bows to their Islamic idol in Mecca, they do not act like Abraham's children who were told by Abraham to never bow to idols. What we do defines us. There is no excuse for saying the Ottoman Empire's religion, Islam, is peaceful.
Each side of the Islamic Empire's heraldry is lined by swords, spears, cannons, pikes and guns because Islam is a religion of war. Their people say so daily. One could accurately say Islam's religion is war. Erdogan of Turkey has a favorite Imam, the Al Qaeda preacher Mehmet Dogan. He says,
If one doesn't listen with their ears and their hearts, then by inaction one becomes an accomplice in the Islamic terror, mass-murdering, plundering, and raping. It is a global war, and there is no vacation from reality. We must choose to act, or later we will be forced to choose in a worse form. Muslims proudly claim they are the slaves of Allah. They endlessly declare war on America. Is that a peaceful religion?
This manufacturing of "news" is part of the fake news everyone is talking about. The people paid by Soros to be posers in the phony echo chamber scenarios are creating false-flag psy-ops. Being highly familiar with this activity on the internet for a long time has exposed the reality that fake news goons are evil wanna-be pharaohs of the world, seriously delusional dementors. Their foot soldiers are called shills.
This is the reality behind the fact that daily we see the Enemy Media hire "reporters" from the foreign Catholic CIA, from counterterrorism intelligence and from law enforcement intelligence communities. Every head of the CIA was Catholic, and NAZI's were literally the CIA's founding members. Now you grasp why our Enemy Media lie to us continually.
Mark Levin's book, Unfreedom of the Press, exposes an unholy Marxist alliance, contaminated with the worst, most inappropriate revolving door hiring pattern. The media hiring from our intelligence and law enforcement agents is fascism. Our reality is that very sick turmoil is good for their media business, and they are the very government officials responsible for keeping the peace.
For example, the fascist Left would stop ginning up hysteria because of the citizenship question being part of our census if they were Americans, it is nothing new. How can the media do their job as watchdogs for freedom when they are popping in-and-out as politicians and government officials? This corrupt version of America needs to be checked dead in its tracks.
The Democrat Party SpyGate Coup attempt is a deranged dementor psy-op. Their Marxist echo chamber continues to drive a delusion, and they endlessly expect to control the masses and violent groups and America with their taqiyya strategy of lying. Now if they could just come up with the right set of lies . . . Taqiyya is the Islamic embrace of lying to infidels, the strategy of lying to their enemies. They demand everyone submit and fall in line! Open your ears, that doesn't sound peaceful. The sane part of the world asks that everyone use their eyes, and not look away.
In Islam each non-muslim is the infidel, and Islam views non-Muslims as their enemy. They will also count those they consider as not being strict enough about their barbaric Sharia slave system infidels. Hence, the Middle East is always a hotbed of violence and hate. It has been war on non-Muslims by this religion of violence for 1400 years. That is one thousand and four hundred YEARS. They do not merely conquer, they slaughter the whole population of the lands they will eventually TAKE VIOLENTLY.
This is why they hate us: it is not due to the fantastical excuses they will present in witchy victim-card maniac, coordinated propaganda they use to motivate their suicide bombers and to disarm their prey. It's unfathomable that anyone will quibble about the slaves of allah moniker since converting by the sword does make the person a slave.
If Marxist evil aspirations had prevailed, every man and woman of every race and color would finally be enslaved from the cradle to the grave. In the New World Order all family life will be at an end, the only ones allowed to procreate fresh generations will populate a world divided into masters and slaves; the right to homes and children of their own would be reserved to Vicious Overlords.
Mark Levin says Leftists using the phrase "democratic socialism" is not clever. Socialism is iron-fisted, central-control dictatorship, it removes the democratic aspect. When have Democrats been talking about limited government, property rights, The Declaration of Independence, limited taxes, or individual liberty?
Amazing that the Left always mocks 'conspiracy theories' since conspiracy means seeking to get around the law, and theories are what the smart people use to think and to discover the truth. Detectives and scientists need to continue to think, so let's have more theories and thinking please. As for seeking to get around the law, that is the primal thrust of the Democrat Party. They hate everything about the Constitution, except when testifying under oath, then they feel the 5th Amendment is sacred. Democrats in Barack Obama's regime take the 5th as a way of life. However, they suddenly act appalled over the 'old fashioned' and 'disgusting' 5th Amendment when Republicans can use it.
Elected Democrats hate the Law. Jefferson said the Founders wrote an anti-tyranny Constitution. So the reason Democrats constantly insult the Constitution is that the Constitution blocks their endless quest to act the tyrant. Centuries of English law built the foundations for the American concept that we obtain liberty through law.
Most Americans were taught gratitude for the many centuries of striving that built our free land and our reverence for Law. They understood the concept of liberty through law by the age of 10 prior to 1963, back prior to when Democrats in the federal government nationalized education and unionized teacher unions against the will of the people.
Democrat elitists hate us being freed from their arbitrary despotism. The elitist Democrat Party seeks to be tyrants that rule over us. Democrats do not seek tyranny per se, they seek that THEY must be the tyrants. Toward this goal they use mob rule, along with their many ploys like Judges legislating from the bench, the LGBT muslim front, carbon taxation, etc. To make their tyranny easier, they promote poverty, big centralized ObCare government, and loss of information and education. But make no mistake, they hate the Law, and The Law is the source of our freedom.
The Democrats have gone so far Left, they do not know or care that our liberty comes through Law. They now act like the pagan who defines liberty as 'having no moral restraint.' The trouble with that is that Morals are about the behaviors our society finds unacceptable. We still find murder wrong, because it is immoral. Or it is immoral because we find murder wrong. The enemy within is gaslighting the nation with their doublethink/doublespeak, and attacking our institutions that offer proper moral training and education. We do not need more wild, drugged-up, unrestrained behavior, we need an education system that Democrats no longer control with their iron, clenched Communist fists and teachers union.
Few today seem educated about Islam. When America first became a nation, we lost our place with England and Europe in buying protection from Islamic government pirates called corsairs. Europe had a fund to pay off extortion / tribute to Islamic lands that then permitted the European shipping to function free from Islamic corsairs, who'd capture people from ships and make them white slaves in Islamic countries.
Immediately upon nationhood, America was compelled themselves to directly give Muslims 10 to 15% of our entire national revenue to protect our shipping from Islamic corsair attacks, and prevent enslavement of our citizens by Islam. On the map below we see "Tripoli," the place mentioned in the U.S. Marine Corps Anthem. Our brand new United States Navy rescued Americans held for decades as slaves in Tripoli (these Americans were white).
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Immediately upon nationhood, America was compelled themselves to directly give Muslims 10 to 15% of our entire national revenue to protect our shipping from Islamic corsair attacks, and prevent enslavement of our citizens by Islam. On the map below we see "Tripoli," the place mentioned in the U.S. Marine Corps Anthem. Our brand new United States Navy rescued Americans held for decades as slaves in Tripoli (these Americans were white).
From the Halls of MontezumaIn the past nobody had to ask or to explain why we didn't admit Muslims as citizens here in America. Everyone knew well their violent intent against us. It was never about racism, because Islam is not a race. It certainly is not over religion. Islam is a political and military force, that is a theocracy, but not a religion. But Islam is not a religion of peace, absolutely not. We shouldn't turn our precious nation into a warzone as Barack Obama did using taxpayer money to import Muslims. As recently as a hundred years ago, Islam was called the Ottoman Empire.
To the Shores of Tripoli;
We will fight our country's battles
In the air, on land and sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marines.
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Map Of Ottoman Empire Osman's Empire |
In Western Europe the two names "Ottoman Empire" and "Turkey" were often used interchangeably. Now most scholarly historians avoid the terms "Turkey,""Turks," and "Turkish" when referring to the Ottomans, due to the empire's present condition as multinational. Many Muslims are planning for Osman to rise again.
Islam attributes the success of Osman to Jihad. Osman rallied religious warriors to fight for him in the name of Islam. Islam was always about conquest. Islam is an empire wanting to rise and conquer again. Erdogan, leader today in Turkey, is a leader yearning for the uprising of the Ottoman Empire, and Barack Hussein Obama is his best friend.
State-run Turkish news outlets raise funds for Jihad-Rep Ilhan Omar, although it is prohibited by U.S. federal law for foreign nationals to donate to political candidates here. Yeni Şafak published call for Ilhan funds was the same call for funds, on both the English and Turkish language websites of Turkish state-run news wire Anadolu Agency, and the websites of the Turkish state-run:
- TRT World’s Research Centre,
- TimeTurk,
- Haksöz Haber,
- TürkHaber, and
- Fikriyat.
Given Yeni Şafak’s Turkish-language website is one of Turkey’s most popular news websites, and given Omar’s popularity in Turkey, and that the article was published in Turkish as well as in English, it is likely that some Turks have sought to donate to Rep. Omar’s campaign fund. [Her main donations come from Iranians.]
Upon winning her election, Omar met with Erdogan in New York, and she also participated in the Istanbul Conference. There ought to be a law against being a representative in the U.S. Congress and being part of the government of another nation. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu phoned Rep. 'Omar' in November 2016 to congratulate her on her election victory.
An explosion in Afghanistan rocks Kabul, and the Taliban claimed responsibility as "peace" talks with the U.S. falter. A U.S.-led coalition invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 to oust the Taliban and hunt down al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden following the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. The talks have failed, because they never want peace, they want conquest. Turkey has pledged its support for Afghanistan and offered an office in Ankara to them.So 'Omar' is conspiring with the enemies of America. I know everyone wants to give the Taliban an office in their city {sarcastic 'JUST KIDDING'}.
Erdogan and Obama sponsored Iranian militias in the Syrian War, and Turkish militias are fighting in Qatar. Saudi Arabia sponsors ISIS rebels in the Syrian War, and fights Iranian militias in Qatar. Mostly Syria and Qatar are proxy wars between Shia allies and Sunni allies. Erdogan and Obama united latin american cartels as Shia allies with Lebanon's hezbollah-drug-fueled terrorist network (Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, Columbia and Venezuela).Today 'rumors of wars' include many proxy wars in this world. America MUST see our southern border in context of the global proxy warfare. President Trump is correct, and Democrats are traitors.
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Ottoman Empire's Coat of Arms Created At The Request Of Hampton Court |
Every sultan of the Ottoman Empire had his own monogram, called the tughra, which served as a royal symbol. An Ottoman Empire coat of arms in the European heraldic sense was created in the late 19th century at the request of Hampton Court. A tughra is a calligraphic monogram, seal or signature of a sultan that was affixed to all official documents and correspondence.
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Refusal on the Left to identify and reject evil is creating danger. As far as it is known, President Trump is not the enemy of America. President Trump does not marginalize Christianity as Barack Hussein Obama did endlessly. Islam is our enemy; they completely see themselves already at war with us, and it is a deceitfully evil and insidious type of warfare. There is no evidence that Islam is a religion of peace. Some or even many Germans wanted peace before World War II, but that had little effect on Hitler's murderous and genocidal NAZI-lust for conquest, or on the sadistic NAZI delight in atrocities.
The customary way Muslims declare war is to burn a country's flag in front of their embassy. Iran burns our flag in their parliament, and burned our flag in front of our embassy. In point of fact, Iran has an annual flag burning spectacle where demonstrators chant “Death to America” “Death to Israel" "Death to Britain." The Muslim World celebrates the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 Attacks.
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“If the sword is not used, then this is not Islam.” |
There is no doubt that the Islamic coat of arms is composed of Sun Worship pagan symbols. Islam bows to their Islamic idol in Mecca, they do not act like Abraham's children who were told by Abraham to never bow to idols. What we do defines us. There is no excuse for saying the Ottoman Empire's religion, Islam, is peaceful.
Each side of the Islamic Empire's heraldry is lined by swords, spears, cannons, pikes and guns because Islam is a religion of war. Their people say so daily. One could accurately say Islam's religion is war. Erdogan of Turkey has a favorite Imam, the Al Qaeda preacher Mehmet Dogan. He says,
“If the sword is not used, then this is not Islam.”
~ Imam Mehmet Dogan, favorite Imam of Turkish Government
Mosab Hassan Yousef is the Son of the Leader of Hamas.
He warns America: "Some Muslims are moderates,
but Islam is always radical."
He warns America: "Some Muslims are moderates,
but Islam is always radical."
Britain, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Spain have recently enacted, or are considering enacting, further restrictions on immigration, alarming immigration enthusiasts. The New York Times reported this week that the "right-wing Swiss People's Party" is requesting a referendum on immigration.
Wait a second! A referendum doesn't sound fascist at all. In fact to the contrary, it's always the advocates of unrestricted immigration who try to avoid letting the people vote. Marco Rubio and the rest of the pro-amnesty "Gang of Eight" don't even want the country to know they're about to vote on a mass immigration scheme.
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Barack's Antifa Dress Like ISIS |
It is the Marxist Left who loves Marxist fascism, and loves violent Antifa, the above Leftist protesters dressed in black. Apparently Antifa considers it "fascist" to oppose actual fascists immigrating to your country. #Antifa is backed by #Soros, an actual NAZI from World War II, and they are supported by #DNC #TheDemocrats who also supported #KKK that wore white. Antifa and KKK are the Leftwing; they are violent, fascist, and Democrats.
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Journalist Andy Ngo |
How many times does antifa have to show its brutality before people believe it? Last summer in Portland, a Leftist brought a flag to a protest attacking the Rightwing. Antifa attacked him, thinking he was a “fascist.” He was beat on the head and laid in pool of blood.![]()
Progressives say, "Basic human rights are not subject to a vote!" -- and then define "basic" human rights as "the right of people who don't live in your country to move there." ~Ann Coulter
An ADL Survey tells that 44% of foreign-born Hispanic-American respondents show strong anti-Semitic beliefs. By far they're many times more strongly antisemitic than American-born hispanics.
People who want their family protected in their own country and homeland who insist on secure borders, are not the ones being extreme nor are they Rightwing. Anti-mass-immigration is favored by Leftwing and by Rightwing voters of our whole world. Self-defense is sane. The sane part of this world is being mocked by the psychopaths.
These Progressive psycho's get a kick out of accusing their opponents of what they themselves are guilty of doing. But "this may be the most audacious reverse-guilt play yet. For objecting to the importation of primitive, violent, child-rape-forgiving bigots, the opponents of mass immigration are accused of bigotry." ~Ann CoulterThe Marxist Enemy-Media Goons tell protesters what to do, they don't report news they provoke it, and stage hoaxes. But think, EDL has pro-gay chapters. Opposition to the Soros/UN's demonic mass global immigration agenda is sanity, not Rightwing nor Leftwing. It is self-defense, not populism. Secure borders is liberty through law. Collapsing your own country is the audacity of dopes. Antifa is carrying the black and red flags of communism/Islam.
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Deranged Black Lives Matter act more Hitler-Brown-Shirt Fascist and Violent
than the virtuous innocents. They behave very like the KKK.
"While communists in Portland are preoccupied with fake hate-crime panics, this happened this week with no media coverage."
Liberal billionaire George Soros donated $33 million to social justice organizations which helped turn events in Ferguson from a local protest into national turmoil. Organizers from professional groups in Washington, D.C., and New York were bussed into the Missouri town to co-ordinate messaging and lobby to news media to cover events using the billionaire's funding.
The slew of organizations that Soros organized created an online 'echo chamber' using their extensive social media presences to 'like,' re-post, and comment on articles pushing Soros' point of view.The KKK were the inspiration for the NAZI racists. NAZI's were less deranged than the KKK.
This manufacturing of "news" is part of the fake news everyone is talking about. The people paid by Soros to be posers in the phony echo chamber scenarios are creating false-flag psy-ops. Being highly familiar with this activity on the internet for a long time has exposed the reality that fake news goons are evil wanna-be pharaohs of the world, seriously delusional dementors. Their foot soldiers are called shills.
This is the reality behind the fact that daily we see the Enemy Media hire "reporters" from the foreign Catholic CIA, from counterterrorism intelligence and from law enforcement intelligence communities. Every head of the CIA was Catholic, and NAZI's were literally the CIA's founding members. Now you grasp why our Enemy Media lie to us continually.
Mark Levin's book, Unfreedom of the Press, exposes an unholy Marxist alliance, contaminated with the worst, most inappropriate revolving door hiring pattern. The media hiring from our intelligence and law enforcement agents is fascism. Our reality is that very sick turmoil is good for their media business, and they are the very government officials responsible for keeping the peace.
For example, the fascist Left would stop ginning up hysteria because of the citizenship question being part of our census if they were Americans, it is nothing new. How can the media do their job as watchdogs for freedom when they are popping in-and-out as politicians and government officials? This corrupt version of America needs to be checked dead in its tracks.
The Democrat Party SpyGate Coup attempt is a deranged dementor psy-op. Their Marxist echo chamber continues to drive a delusion, and they endlessly expect to control the masses and violent groups and America with their taqiyya strategy of lying. Now if they could just come up with the right set of lies . . . Taqiyya is the Islamic embrace of lying to infidels, the strategy of lying to their enemies. They demand everyone submit and fall in line! Open your ears, that doesn't sound peaceful. The sane part of the world asks that everyone use their eyes, and not look away.
In Islam each non-muslim is the infidel, and Islam views non-Muslims as their enemy. They will also count those they consider as not being strict enough about their barbaric Sharia slave system infidels. Hence, the Middle East is always a hotbed of violence and hate. It has been war on non-Muslims by this religion of violence for 1400 years. That is one thousand and four hundred YEARS. They do not merely conquer, they slaughter the whole population of the lands they will eventually TAKE VIOLENTLY.
This is why they hate us: it is not due to the fantastical excuses they will present in witchy victim-card maniac, coordinated propaganda they use to motivate their suicide bombers and to disarm their prey. It's unfathomable that anyone will quibble about the slaves of allah moniker since converting by the sword does make the person a slave.
Historian Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn tells us that sixty-six million people perished in the Soviet gulag concentration camps, more than 10 times the amount of Jews who perished in NAZI Germany. But both violent systems of communism and NAZI-ism stem from Marxism, and Marxist Communism/Islam is far more hideous than Hitler and the NAZI were.
The sickle is a universal symbol of the Grim Reaper; that is, a symbol of death. With the hammer Communists formed the sign of Saturn or Satan. Also, the pagan god Saturn held the sickle with which he'd slain his father. Communism is very occult and pagan.
NAZI-ism is also occult, the NAZI uniform's lapel pin was the skull and crossed bones. Strange Conflict was written by Dennis Wheatley and first published by Hutchinson in 1941. Wheatley states that the New World Order is the central objective of Nazi political control. Dennis Wheatley's research led to him to explain: the "New World Order" is another name for hell, so their aspiration absolutely did not die in 1944.
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Insignia of the Der Fuhrer Regiment of the SS |
If Marxist evil aspirations had prevailed, every man and woman of every race and color would finally be enslaved from the cradle to the grave. In the New World Order all family life will be at an end, the only ones allowed to procreate fresh generations will populate a world divided into masters and slaves; the right to homes and children of their own would be reserved to Vicious Overlords.
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Saturn Symbol |
The Skull and Crossed Bones has an esoteric meaning that we are a temporary mortal creature that doesn't HAVE a soul, you ARE a soul. You HAVE a body. This symbol doesn't merely remind the occult of their mortality, but of their immortality. To the occult the skull and crossed bones channel the individual's God-powers.
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"As Above, So Below" ~Occult Saying |
To the Occult, Man is not just the microcosm of the animal reflection, he is also the god causing the reflection. The satanists teach that we are our own creation, and we are perfect. This is the imperial cult of Rome and the belief system of today's 'elites.' The days of the week are still the names of pagan gods from Rome's imperial cult of sun worship.
Democrat Party's Lies About Fascism
The Democrat Party SpyGate Coup attempt is a dementor psy-op. Their Marxist echo chamber continues to drive a delusion, and they endlessly expect to control the masses, elections, and ignore facts in America. Now if they could just come up with the right set of lies, hmmmm . . . Taqiyya is the Islamic embrace of lying to the infidels, the strategy of lying to their enemies.
The Justice Democrat re-built Democrat Party demands everyone submit, fall in line! Each non-muslim is the infidel they view as their enemy. Democrats are not democratic, they have fits when they lose elections. Antifa and Black Lives Matter and other Leftists go on rampages. That is NOT democracy, that is a goon, uncivilized mob going to war whenever they lose.
The Justice Democrat re-built Democrat Party demands everyone submit, fall in line! Each non-muslim is the infidel they view as their enemy. Democrats are not democratic, they have fits when they lose elections. Antifa and Black Lives Matter and other Leftists go on rampages. That is NOT democracy, that is a goon, uncivilized mob going to war whenever they lose.
SpyGate: The Democrat Party
Dementor Psy-op and Coup Attempt
Fun Montage REMIX:
Trump, Russia, Possible Collusion
Mark Levin has a new book called "Unfreedom of the Press"
The American Revolution was about representative government. Democrats want to completely change the civil society and our principles. We conservatives are the revolution, we wanted representative government and we still want representative government. The Democrats want socialism and that is not representative government. There is nothing democratic about Marxism.Mark Levin says Leftists using the phrase "democratic socialism" is not clever. Socialism is iron-fisted, central-control dictatorship, it removes the democratic aspect. When have Democrats been talking about limited government, property rights, The Declaration of Independence, limited taxes, or individual liberty?
The praetorian guard Establishment Media never asked Obama the tough questions. Obama hasn't been asked a single difficult question about the Mueller investigations, and it all occurred under his watch and people. The idea Barack Obama didn't know anything is a lie. Stand Down Barack and The Enemy Media were enabled to stay out of the Mueller investigation by Mueller's sadistic Team. Nobody brought Obama's staff before prosecutors, and they perpetrated the illegal surveillance and illegal "About" queries.
Democrats believe in open borders, thieving socialism, illegal spying on Americans and political opponents, and patriots and conservatives think otherwise. "Is there a bridge to be had?" Fox & Friends asked Mark Levin.
No, somebody is going to win and somebody is going to lose. And we need to win, because we stand for Liberty and we stand for the principles in the Declaration of Independence. ~Mark Levin
Sharyl Attkisson
Wrote the Book The Smear
She answers the question,
"Are fact checkers really trustworthy?"
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
the U.S. without proper authorization or entering outside of a designated port
of entry is a crime. Under Obama, migrants died every year at the Mexican-US
border. Tens of thousands were detained in camps. Children were detained in
those camps, too. Ocasio-Cortez, a self-described Democratic socialist, went on
to call President Trump a “fascist" and border immigration
detention areas "concentration camps."
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sparred with her Republican House colleagues on Tuesday after the New York Democrat compared housing conditions for immigrants at the border to concentration camps. AOC claims US is putting ‘concentration camps’ on the border.
"Please @AOC, do us all a favor and spend just a few minutes learning some actual history on the six million Jews who were exterminated in the Holocaust,” wrote Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming on Twitter. “You demean their memory and disgrace yourself with comments like this.”
Rep. Lee Zeldin called for Ocasio-Cortez to “...stop trying to draw these crayon parallels between POTUS & Hitler!”
Very difficult to grasp AOC's feelings of superiority. She has accomplished nothing, she has no evidence that she is not Hitler, since she's playing Evita, the socialist santa-claus role of NAZI infamy. Everyone keeps warning her to stop making false accusations. She is deaf. Worse yet, she tells the other Congressmen they should also be deaf to the People, and ignore the fact they will soon face election consequences. That is NOT democratic of her.
America already rejected Democracy, we formed a Republic. Why? because of the well understood tendency of the majority in a Democray to act as a tyrant, causing the well-being of the nation to wobble and fail to be prosperous from the instability. We are a Republic. This is the way to preserve individual rights, yes, to protect the smallest minority: the individual. Kevin McCarthy Retweeted Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
America already rejected Democracy, we formed a Republic. Why? because of the well understood tendency of the majority in a Democray to act as a tyrant, causing the well-being of the nation to wobble and fail to be prosperous from the instability. We are a Republic. This is the way to preserve individual rights, yes, to protect the smallest minority: the individual. Kevin McCarthy Retweeted Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
AOC and other Democrats have blocked funding 17 times for humanitarian aid at the border. Want to end the crisis? Fund @HHSGov and #BuildTheWall. ~Kevin McCarthy, GOP Leader
Where were Leftists' tears when Obama did this? In 2012, the year Obama was re-elected, to the whoops and cheers of progressives ... there were at least 463. In total, 7,216 people died crossing the US-Mexico border between 1998 and 2017. Where were the front page headlines? Why weren’t there massive marches when Obama visited London? Why was there no talk of ‘America’s shame’?
"...We're never going to know the complete number of dead immigrants in the desert." ~ Jason De Leon, Undocumented Migration Project
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Communism is Pagan Sun Worship
Note the Sun Rays & Star Symbols with Hammer & Sickle |
The clenched fist of the Occupy movement and Black Lives Matter is entirely revolutionary and Communist. We can be sure that the principal organizers promoting its usage understand precisely the importance of ingraining this — and similar symbols, often used unbeknownst by seemingly benign, average and unsuspecting people.
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Communist Clenched Fist Salute Used By Black Lives Matter and Black Panthers Clenched Fist Used During Riots in Ferguson and Riots About Trayvon Martin in Florida |
...communist parties are replete with what is known as “Aesopian language,” allowing its authors to propagate a specific message understood to their ideological adherents but unbeknownst or seemingly benign to the average unsuspecting person.
The longstanding definitive Webster’s 3rd New International Dictionary of the English Language Unabridged defines “Aesopian” as “language only understood by those indoctrinated in such verbiage.” The more recent 11th edition of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary is even more explicit, defining “Aesopian” as “conveying an innocent meaning to an outsider, but a hidden meaning to a member of a conspiracy or underground movement.” The Democrat Party is a party of conspiracies. Their elite rulers use aesopian terms, hand signs and symbols.However, they NOW openly admit they are not for making abortion rare and safe, but use a heavy dose of euphemisms, like pro-choice for baby butchery. But this is truly NOT safe for the babies.
Amazing that the Left always mocks 'conspiracy theories' since conspiracy means seeking to get around the law, and theories are what the smart people use to think and to discover the truth. Detectives and scientists need to continue to think, so let's have more theories and thinking please. As for seeking to get around the law, that is the primal thrust of the Democrat Party. They hate everything about the Constitution, except when testifying under oath, then they feel the 5th Amendment is sacred. Democrats in Barack Obama's regime take the 5th as a way of life. However, they suddenly act appalled over the 'old fashioned' and 'disgusting' 5th Amendment when Republicans can use it.
Elected Democrats hate the Law. Jefferson said the Founders wrote an anti-tyranny Constitution. So the reason Democrats constantly insult the Constitution is that the Constitution blocks their endless quest to act the tyrant. Centuries of English law built the foundations for the American concept that we obtain liberty through law.
Most Americans were taught gratitude for the many centuries of striving that built our free land and our reverence for Law. They understood the concept of liberty through law by the age of 10 prior to 1963, back prior to when Democrats in the federal government nationalized education and unionized teacher unions against the will of the people.
America the Beautiful - U.S. Anthem
O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern impassioned stress
A thoroughfare of freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw
Confirm thy soul in self-control
Thy liberty in law!
In 1199 Robin of Loxley (impersonated by Robin Hood) observes the coronation of King John, who orders the collection of harsh new taxes. Robin Longstride is the famed Robin Hood, and son of a promoter of an English Bill of Rights. Traitors use abusive taxation and French troops to stir up turmoil in England to prepare for the French King Philip to invade England.
Speaking on behalf of Sir Walter Loxley, Robin Hood still impersonating Robin of Loxley, proposed that King John agree to a charter of rights to ensure the rights of every Englishman and to unite his country. Knowing he must meet the French invasion with an army, the King agreed to sign the charter for unity.
As the main French expeditionary force begins its invasion of England on a beach at the White Cliffs cliffs of Dover, Robin leads the now united English army against them. TheAlthough scholars refer to the 63 numbered "clauses" in the Magna Carta, the original charter formed a single, long unbroken text. To mark the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta the British Library held exhibits for the Charter of the Forest and the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta is America's "greatest constitutional founding document of all times – the foundation of the freedom of the individual against the arbitrary authority of the despot."
French King Philip realizes that his plan to divide England has failed and he calls off his invasion.
Democrat elitists hate us being freed from their arbitrary despotism. The elitist Democrat Party seeks to be tyrants that rule over us. Democrats do not seek tyranny per se, they seek that THEY must be the tyrants. Toward this goal they use mob rule, along with their many ploys like Judges legislating from the bench, the LGBT muslim front, carbon taxation, etc. To make their tyranny easier, they promote poverty, big centralized ObCare government, and loss of information and education. But make no mistake, they hate the Law, and The Law is the source of our freedom.
The Democrats have gone so far Left, they do not know or care that our liberty comes through Law. They now act like the pagan who defines liberty as 'having no moral restraint.' The trouble with that is that Morals are about the behaviors our society finds unacceptable. We still find murder wrong, because it is immoral. Or it is immoral because we find murder wrong. The enemy within is gaslighting the nation with their doublethink/doublespeak, and attacking our institutions that offer proper moral training and education. We do not need more wild, drugged-up, unrestrained behavior, we need an education system that Democrats no longer control with their iron, clenched Communist fists and teachers union.
Ocasio-Cortez drew criticism after comparing ICE holding facilities to Nazi-era concentration camps. As pointed out by The Daily Caller, people who lambasted AOC for the gooberishness also include "... the National Border Patrol Council, media, GOP lawmakers, and even the Auschwitz Museum…”
Ilhan Omar says that because people are being “CONCENTRATED” in “camps” they are therefore “concentration camps.” What? ~Caleb Hull June 21,019
"If the USA has concentration camps, they’re the first ones in world history where people climb over walls to get into them." ~ Sedulous101
Economic Myths That Conceal Reality
by Milton Friedman
The Left is continually going too far...Julian Castro was an actual cabinet secretary in the Obama administration — it was only a couple of years of ago. Watch in this the linked reference, as he explains that men who get pregnant have a moral right to taxpayer-funded abortions. I’m not joking. Sadly, he really wasn’t.
Charlie Hunnan likes the Special Forces mentality of Jordan Peterson’s way of thinking. “I love the message that he promotes, which is, ‘Take your life seriously. Carry as much responsibility as possible,'" the actor said. “I think in his words he says, ‘Pick up the heaviest thing that you can and carry it.'”

No doubt of her diminished capacity,
AOC should resign.
Most of the meaning that is found in a genuine life is the consequence of adopting responsibility. It is so necessary to be careful and to tell the truth in a deep way. Instead the AOC bartender from NY throws rocks at the world, especially the United States. Does she grasp what other nations are doing? No. AOC needs to fix things in her sphere, and stop complaining about what other people are doing. Her false accusations are not proof she has done anything courageous or virtuous. So far, she is a law-breaking lawmaker, and her Green New Deal was an embarrassing flop.
"Put your house in perfect order before you criticize the world." ~ Jordan Peterson
Uygur said mockingly. “Totally not guilty in my opinion.” Kasparian, visibly upset, pushed back against her employer and compared the dossier to the “grab her by the pussy” comments by President Donald Trump — which the host has long railed against. Trump was also speaking of consensual encounters, yet Uygur demands that this is somehow different.
It is an insult when Democrats say AOC is the future of the Democrat Party. She is their new Maxine Waters 2.0! When Barack Obama says that he sides with Occupy Wall Street, realize he is 100% BOTH a Marxist Communist and a Goldman Sachs stooge. The Sunrise Movement was the central progressive organization lobbying the Democrat Party to implement the Green New Deal.
This group claims their goal is to end the corrupt influence of fossel fuel executives in politics, that their goal is to grow a vast youth movement, the likes of which has never before been seen.
Sunrise said they're inspired by a radical immigration group called United We Dream. AOC and 200 Sunrise groupies Occupied Nancy Pelosi's Office. It is so weird to see Democrats getting the Democrat-activist-harassment treatment, like when the Oscars shamed Democrat Hollywood for racism!
Democrats pander deceitfully in order to help themselves to increasing amounts of power. Too much of Washington D.C. is rotting due to a homesteading Congress of incumbents and their legislative tyranny of centralized debt-slavery, in other words non-compliance with our Constitutional Republic's limited government and Law.
We can see it is important to avoid the emotionalism and manipulation of the radical Left. Don't look away: Philanthropy reported that the Rockefeller Family is a core funder of Sunrise AOC. Does it make sense that Rockefeller fossil-fuel executives are funding AOC's anti-fossel-fuel-executive crusade? They claimed their goal was to end the influence of fossel fuel executives in politics when they are fossel-fuel executives! It is called the audacity of being dopes on the Left.
It is known in America and the whole world that George Soros is a Marxist NAZI from World War II Germany. AOC is sponsored by these two radical Marxists: Communist Barry Soetoro and NAZI George Soros. They use her as a human shield. Soros is working very hard to destroy America.
This is necessary myth breaking for those with eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts that are not yet hardened who do remember. ~Mark 8:18
AOC is a protege of Bernie Sanders and Communism. George Soros, Dr. Evil, is funding Leftwing agitator groups behind AOC's Green New Deal. Among those that pushed the Acasio-Cortez-fronted project are far-Left extremist organizations such as Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter. The fact Dr Evil Soros is funding the Green New Deal tells us the purpose of carbon taxation; carbon taxation is meant to cause nations to fail by economic collapse.
The Occupy movement is now organized into various Barack Obama rioting, protester groups. This movement had a corrosive influence on students repaying their college loans to the American taxpayers, the taxpayers that Democrats regularly leave holding the bag of fiscal responsibility. This is another Democrat Party - Enemy Media hoax. It is wrong to imply the Democrats are helping the poor through their offer to 'forgive' student loans, a bribe of free-stuff like free-college. It is more of the same Democrat Party Bribery of Voters, but these specific voter beneficiaries are the educated and higher income Americans!
The Occupy movement is now organized into various Barack Obama rioting, protester groups. This movement had a corrosive influence on students repaying their college loans to the American taxpayers, the taxpayers that Democrats regularly leave holding the bag of fiscal responsibility. This is another Democrat Party - Enemy Media hoax. It is wrong to imply the Democrats are helping the poor through their offer to 'forgive' student loans, a bribe of free-stuff like free-college. It is more of the same Democrat Party Bribery of Voters, but these specific voter beneficiaries are the educated and higher income Americans!
Who is Ocasio-CORTEZ
AOC is the face of Nazi George Soros. When following the money trail, we find among Ocasio-CORTEZ's sources of income are the AFL-CIO, Soros, Barack Obama, and Justice Democrats. Muslim supremacist Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks is a co-founder of Justice Democrats. The goal of Justice Democrats is to re-build the Democrat Party from scratch, beginning with the 2018 Midterms. Their goal is the same as so many despots now that use democracy to install oppressive despotic regimes. Justice Democrats merged with a Communist-Bernie organization.
It is known Bernie is another tool and hoax to deceive voters that they are not 'corporate' toadies. He is. They call him '3-Houses Bernie' for getting rich by running against Hillary and not complaining when Hillary rigged the 2016 DNC Primary.
Cenk Uygur resigned from Justice Democrats when former blogs he wrote revealed his extreme sexism and racism. But the group has re-instated him. In a 2002 archive of Uygur’s website for his Young Turks show, the progressive personality wrote:
- “... obviously, the genes of women are flawed. They are poorly designed creature."
- "When I tell a Miami girl I no longer practice law ... {their extremely turned-off} reaction is sickening, it's depraved, whorish blatantness."
Most of the facts are not fit to be reported, but to show how current his offenses are, some insights will be offered. In 2016 the men’s soccer team at Harvard was suspended for the rest of their season over a lewd “scouting report”. The women listed in the public document went on to pen an op-ed for their student newspaper, The Harvard Crimson, describing their “embarrassment, disgust, and pain we feel as a result” of the lewd document. Uygur, who now supports the #MeToo movement, sided with the male players at the time.
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2014 Harvard Soccer Team |
Uygur said mockingly. “Totally not guilty in my opinion.” Kasparian, visibly upset, pushed back against her employer and compared the dossier to the “grab her by the pussy” comments by President Donald Trump — which the host has long railed against. Trump was also speaking of consensual encounters, yet Uygur demands that this is somehow different.
“That’s different,” he says. “The soccer team didn’t sexually assault anybody. He meant to make a joke amongst his friends — this is actual locker room talk,” Uygur hypocritically states after a year of attacking Trump for the same vile remarks. “They’re just kids.”
Uygur’s opinion on this issue may have been colored by the fact that he has a history of rating women’s appearances himself. In another archive from his former Young Turk website where he was pitching himself as a television personality, he wrote that “I started telling people how I pick up chicks (or how I don’t), and how I rate women when I first see them (it’s a five tier system based purely on how hot they are), and what I think of current events and all the other crazy things going on in the world. Then, I became a phenomenon. I became The Turk.”
Furthering the hypocrisy of Cenk Uygur railing about Trump’s comments on how women will often be inclined to sleep with men who are celebrities and his support of the #MeToo movement, an archive of his website revealed the TYT host admitting to “tricking” women into sleeping with him because he works in television.
Justice Democrat Executive Director Chakrabarti forgives Cenk Uygur because he is a progressive. And Chakrabarti sweeps all racism and sexism hypocrisy of Cenk under the rug and blames a "smear campaign." It is obvious that Chakrabarti also has deep-seated racist, sexist issues. And Chakrabarti is a fan of the NAZI and Imperial Japan.
Americans have some mild vague ideas about the evils and dangers of communist Barack Hussein Obama and of NAZI George Soros. But think for a minute about the AFL-CIO who in May 2019 tweeted then deleted a guillotine meme with a suggestive reference to Delta CEO Ed Bastian. It is not your grandpa's AFL-CIO, the Muslim Brotherhood already re-built the AFL-CIO organization from scratch!!! The terrorist meme appeared before in tweets disparaging Delta . . .
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Americans have some mild vague ideas about the evils and dangers of communist Barack Hussein Obama and of NAZI George Soros. But think for a minute about the AFL-CIO who in May 2019 tweeted then deleted a guillotine meme with a suggestive reference to Delta CEO Ed Bastian. It is not your grandpa's AFL-CIO, the Muslim Brotherhood already re-built the AFL-CIO organization from scratch!!! The terrorist meme appeared before in tweets disparaging Delta . . .
Ocasio-CORTEZ aligns with despots, terrorists, and Justice Democrats. Who are the Justice Democrats? The Justice Democrats want to re-build America from scratch, creating a communist infrastructure using their Green New Deal, and to discontinue arms sales to Sunni countries. [Here is a sample bad joke on this topic: The gun sales proposal is called Obama's New-Shia Iran Deal.]
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Democrats Say AOC Is The Future
Of The Democrat Party |
It is an insult when Democrats say AOC is the future of the Democrat Party. She is their new Maxine Waters 2.0! When Barack Obama says that he sides with Occupy Wall Street, realize he is 100% BOTH a Marxist Communist and a Goldman Sachs stooge. The Sunrise Movement was the central progressive organization lobbying the Democrat Party to implement the Green New Deal.
This group claims their goal is to end the corrupt influence of fossel fuel executives in politics, that their goal is to grow a vast youth movement, the likes of which has never before been seen.
Democrats pander deceitfully in order to help themselves to increasing amounts of power. Too much of Washington D.C. is rotting due to a homesteading Congress of incumbents and their legislative tyranny of centralized debt-slavery, in other words non-compliance with our Constitutional Republic's limited government and Law.
We can see it is important to avoid the emotionalism and manipulation of the radical Left. Don't look away: Philanthropy reported that the Rockefeller Family is a core funder of Sunrise AOC. Does it make sense that Rockefeller fossil-fuel executives are funding AOC's anti-fossel-fuel-executive crusade? They claimed their goal was to end the influence of fossel fuel executives in politics when they are fossel-fuel executives! It is called the audacity of being dopes on the Left.
Communist Barack Hussein Obama's
Human Shield
In the beginning of this article we learned that Soviet Marxist Communists were more than 10 times as deadly and hideous as the German Marxist NAZIs. Russian Communists burned Christian churches, stole Christian churches and property, and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Christian priests in the exact same way Mohammad's followers have done for the past 1400 years. Communists are anti-Christianity and anti-semite. The Communists lied to the Jews for recruitment purposes, and the power to overthrow the Czar, then purged the Jews from Russia. In other words, Soviet Communists used taqiyya on the Jews in Russia. The communists are shills to their core.
Yes, the Soviet Communists confiscated Christian church property and money, they closed church bank accounts. From the age of ten-years-old Marxist Barack Obama was mentored by Russian Soviet, Marxist Agent Frank Marshall Davis, a child propagandist. Both 'Obama Sr' and Stanley Dunham studied Russian, the story is they met in a Russian language class!
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George Soros is a NAZI Literally from World War II known as Dr. Evil |
It is known in America and the whole world that George Soros is a Marxist NAZI from World War II Germany. AOC is sponsored by these two radical Marxists: Communist Barry Soetoro and NAZI George Soros. They use her as a human shield. Soros is working very hard to destroy America.
At the center of the USSR Communist emblem is Saturn's symbol, yes, the pagan god Saturn. He is the reason we have a "Satur-day." Now consider this reality: it is known that the UN is a cesspool, and that these are the emblems for the USSR and the UN. The USSR emblem also shows the typical sunburst, the sun rays below the central sickle and hammer motif. This sunburst proves the sun worship origins. Also worth noting is the crescent and star elements present in the USSR emblem.
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USSR Communist Emblem UN Emblem |
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The Sickle of Pagan God Saturn Who Killed His Father Uranus |
This is necessary myth breaking for those with eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts that are not yet hardened who do remember. ~Mark 8:18
Barack Hussein Obama is Medvedev and Putin's 'flexible' (lying) King of Misrule
July 27, 1970 On the Not Remarkable Hitler
Isaaclar, an internet user asks, "Are we seeing a pattern of live feeds?
#DNC@MSNBC Controlling the flow? Remember this?
It takes a lot for C-Span to get mad. But an unusual move by the South Carolina Democratic Party to bar the network from putting on a live broadcast of its annual convention — which is doubling as a major showcase for 21 presidential candidates — has left executives at the strait-laced public affairs network fuming. CNN and Fox News aren’t thrilled about it, either.
The New York Times #LetYangSpeak
C-Span lodged a formal complaint on Wednesday with the convention’s organizers, calling their move “the antithesis of openness” that “could set a precedent that would end up seriously limiting citizen access to key presidential electoral events.”
Mr. Scully, of C-Span, said he went public with his objections in an effort to prevent a troubling precedent. C-Span, he noted, has generated a library of decades-worth of unfiltered appearances by presidential candidates, useful for historians and citizens alike.
“I worry it could be the start of a slippery slope,” he said.
We are tired of the enemy media and their Marxist propaganda machine, all those staged events featuring Barack Hussein Obama. Everyone in the world saw that off teleprompters, Barack couldn't stop speaking in virulent Communism. They now know they have to muzzle their toxic pets now, and entirely manipulate their "performances."
The Democrats will lie to you. Hitler was not a capitalist, Mao and Stalin were not capitalists. The evil ones, those who mass slaughter human beings, are atheist socialists, The Left.
Jordan Peterson wrote the foreword to the 50th anniversary version of the abridged version of one of the most important books of the 20th century, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's The Gulag Archipelago. It is the devastating account of absolute horror in Russia wreaked upon the people of the USSR by the acolytes of the doctrine of Karl Marx. Democide is when the government kills its own people. Marxists, Communists, NAZI are democidal maniacs, and not enlightened NOT smart.
The Democrats will lie to you. Hitler was not a capitalist, Mao and Stalin were not capitalists. The evil ones, those who mass slaughter human beings, are atheist socialists, The Left.
Jordan Peterson wrote the foreword to the 50th anniversary version of the abridged version of one of the most important books of the 20th century, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's The Gulag Archipelago. It is the devastating account of absolute horror in Russia wreaked upon the people of the USSR by the acolytes of the doctrine of Karl Marx. Democide is when the government kills its own people. Marxists, Communists, NAZI are democidal maniacs, and not enlightened NOT smart.
Jordan Peterson reads his foreword and encourages everyone to purchase and study the book that changed the world.
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Charlie Hunnan |
Canadian with Great Thoughts for Americans
Prescott Bush and Rockefeller's Standard Oil had been in business with the Hitler regime and the Nazis since 1933, and in 1942, three Bush businesses were seized by the U.S. government, for violation of the Trading With the Enemies Act.Read about Bush family occultism, do not let the world die of ignorance.
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Living quarters of the Dutch Volunteer Legion on the Leningrad Front
Note The Occult Skull and Bones Totem December 1943 |
Roman Polanski On Escaping The Jewish Ghetto
In World War II
In World War II

Pagan, occult, the ancient Roman and Egyptian imperial cult of sun worship of marxist communism and marxist nazism.
Their observation to be continued in later articles.
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In Venezuela Communist "Colectivo" Militia keeps the masses in line,
after their mega corrupt Communist system first confiscated all guns from Venezuelan citizens. |
A colectivo is one of the dozens of
armed paramilitary groups that are the only law in many of Venezuela's poorest
neighborhoods. They play a growing role in keeping embattled president Nicolas
Maduro in power. His lieutenants are all skinny and appear to be half his age.
Opposition leaders say the groups are part motorcycle club, part death squad, and worry that as Venezuela's political and economic crisis worsens no one is restraining them.
Naudy Mendez hosts a radio show from
Antímano, an impoverished and violence-ridden slum in Caracas. Mendez told his
listeners of the potential US invaders. He broadcasts from a small radio booth
with a large picture of deceased Communist President Hugo Chavez looking down.
Ocasio Cortez told America anti-family, anti-nation, anti-religion communists above* are better than Americans seeking security for our families here in America! This hateful rubbish is also the dumb and hateful opinion of her sponsor, Barry Soetoro. True that Ocasio is like this radical communist pictured above.
We need to spread an understanding of the communist threat, and study the history of communism when implemented. Hungary was once under Soviet control following WW II, and it has fought to recover their nation by privitization, in other words the free enterprise of capitalism. We can benefit from their good procedures. First, their voters cast out the socialists destroying their country. They gained an important ally, Poland. Then they ignored the EU. Next, Hungary adopted the “Stop Soros” law, which prohibited non-governmental organizations from aiding undocumented migrants, including asylum seekers.
The nation recovers quickly when its taxes are not diverted to support their own destruction, and the foreign dominatrix is cut off at the knees. It comes down to a real rejection of Rome, its pagan imperial cult that is occult, because the marxists are very deadly to Christians and Jews. America is a refuge for any downtrodden, but especially true christians and jews. We are not the refuge of tinpot dictators like AOC and Ilhan Nur Said Elmi. Say no to the attila bullies and ISIS, please.
After pondering and analyzing this article and the sources linked to it, now view the extremely potent Trump video again.

We need to spread an understanding of the communist threat, and study the history of communism when implemented. Hungary was once under Soviet control following WW II, and it has fought to recover their nation by privitization, in other words the free enterprise of capitalism. We can benefit from their good procedures. First, their voters cast out the socialists destroying their country. They gained an important ally, Poland. Then they ignored the EU. Next, Hungary adopted the “Stop Soros” law, which prohibited non-governmental organizations from aiding undocumented migrants, including asylum seekers.
The nation recovers quickly when its taxes are not diverted to support their own destruction, and the foreign dominatrix is cut off at the knees. It comes down to a real rejection of Rome, its pagan imperial cult that is occult, because the marxists are very deadly to Christians and Jews. America is a refuge for any downtrodden, but especially true christians and jews. We are not the refuge of tinpot dictators like AOC and Ilhan Nur Said Elmi. Say no to the attila bullies and ISIS, please.
After pondering and analyzing this article and the sources linked to it, now view the extremely potent Trump video again.
Important Leadership Event

- Jason Arps
I think it’s cute when democrats pretend they don’t hate America . . . - Gerald WeylandOr when they pretend hating the American flag is an American value.

Jason Arps
They're not even pretending or hiding it any more.
Venezuela proves things do go wrong under mob rule.

Luxferia 2smartforlibs
Didn’t you know? Dissent is patriotic . . . unless, of course, it diverges from far leftist orthodoxy, in which case it must be vilified and eradicated from public life.Other Articles

"The greatest book since the Bible." ~ Ann Coulter
The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy
"The greatest book since the Bible." ~ Ann Coulter
The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy