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Stop Barack Hussein Obama Spying |
Reading this Statesman Sword article can provide an opportunity to be informed about the CIA Hillary-Barack Hussein Obama Coup D'état attempt that is still ongoing years after Trump's election. Besides the pertinent context, one can read, see, and hear about the conspirators against Trump.
The famous Trump-Russia-Possible Collusion REMIX is mid-way through the article. Enjoy this mini-book, it does ready the American People to secure our freedom.
A. Part I ..... The Deluge Coup Storm - Five Factions
B. Part II .... Radical Left Media's Hurricane Crossfire Psy Op
C. Part III ... Unraveling and Draining the Swamp
D. Part IV ... Pelosi's Legislative Tyranny
E. Part V ..... House Democrats 'Justify' Treason
F. Part VI .... BHO Spying with Quid Pro Quo Joe
Three states – New York, Pennsylvania and California – have more than 100,000 Ukrainians. There is also a concentration of Ukrainians in six eastern north-central states – Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Indiana and Wisconsin – ranging between 10,100 in Wisconsin and 48,200 in Illinois. May 11, 2018 Democrats are unable to govern, but they specialize in pandering and graft. This coup is the Democrat Party doing what they always do: totally corrupt and evil scheming.
They got careless and far too cocky. The Democrats have been caught red-handed. No, Elizabeth Warren, you are not going to get rid of the Constitution and the electoral college. The Democrats' answer to every roadblock to their tyranny that the Founders thoughtfully placed in our Constitution, is that the Constitution has to go.
Pelosi is not impeaching to protect the Constitution. NO. At every turn the House Democrats spew hatred for our Founders and the Constitution. Pelosi is 100% an evil tyrant. It is Pelosi who has to go, not the Consitution, our Republic, and freedom.
When reading this mini book you can enjoy speeches, lectures, music, and political discussions by America's finest. You've got to love our amazing people presented here, including insights from friends of America from around the world with those of our fantastic fellow citizens. We now all know why the U.S. was running about the world with egg on our face: the creepers running the Democrat Party right now, they are treasonous and behave as if fighting terrorists is not war, but just snobbery and the invitation of foreigners for to tea! And we do include Mitt Romney and the NAZI Bush clan among these establishment creepers.
The Democrats' crazy-making is ramping up, because they apparently confuse the DNC with the government of the United States. Contrary to the Schiff Show, it is not impeachable to dislike Democrats.
Rep. Doug CollinsVerified account @RepDougCollins Follow @RepDougCollins
Occasional-Cortex has given away the real reason for "impeachment inquiry" pushy, pushy, pushing. She explains aloud: "We have to be able to come together as a caucus. This Ukrainian allegation brings the Democrat Party caucus together. This is about preventing a potentially disasterous outcome from occurring next year in 2020."
Reality Check: the Democrat Party consensus was broken by their split over anti-religion socialism vs free enterprise and freedom. What fractured the Democrat Party and killed their 'caucus unity' was run amok hate. Their extremist hate for America is disgusting. Democrats are not progressives, what they believe and profess is a very OLD and backward, ancient and Barbaric hostility to biblical faith, a Constitutional Republic, female empowerment, and human rights like free speech.
This Leftist Cult is attempting to transform the once liberal, and, therefore, American Democrat Party into the savage antifa party. Pelosi and their party have given harbor to despotic, primitive sharia adherents who now trounce upon and fracture the Democrat Party. But their party was never progressive. Their brand has always incrementally and increasingly assaulted America, and they've increasingly spurned ethics and civil conduct. They've been violent and KKK from their earliest days. The Hollywood Left is the emblem of the Democrat Party, and their money trail leads to the most corrupt and immoral around: Soros, Weinstein, Epstein, and Avenatti, etc.
The Lawless Left is doing Trump's fundraising for him. Democratic fundraising committees now even decline to say whether they will return Jeffrey Epstein's vast contributions. “Go back and give money that he gave 20 years ago? Are you nuts? That’s my answer to that,” Fowler told CNBC in an interview. Take note that while Epstein gave big bucks to the Dems, he was allowed to roam and enabled to terrorize young women for decades!!! The Democrat Party is NOT woke.

As Lee Smith explained, the dark press are the impeachment platform, not actual journalists. The speech police are goebbels style stasi press, not working on the behalf of the American people. Chris Steele is the avatar of Barack's FBI and DOJ figures. We call The Establishment, that Americans hate, "The Deep State." Yovanovitch is being used in the Christopher Steele avatar role in the Ukraine staged hearings.
Again, the dark press is the platform for the anti-Trump operation. General Flynn had long spoken about reform of the intelligence community, and now he was starting to talk about an audit of the intelligence operations. The attack on Trump began with an operation against General Flynn. We have to keep in mind that the dark press hires from the intelligence community. The corruption is jaw dropping.
“If it weren’t for President Obama,” said James Clapper, “we might not have done the intelligence community assessment . . . that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today.”
“If you really were going to do something like an assessment from the intelligence community, then you’d get input from all our seventeen agencies,” says Nunes. “They did the opposite. It was only FBI, CIA, NSA, and DNI. They siloed it {isolated it}, just like they had with Crossfire Hurricane. They kept everyone else away from it so they didn’t have to read them in.”
There is NO excuse for the corrupt FBI practice that their employees are married to media personnel!
General Flynn's lawyer is uncovering information very illuminating for the rest of the country about what was being done to President Trump. Lee Smith asked certain reporters if they wanted to comment on the topic of his book. Did it ever occur to them that the intelligence community was waging a leaking operation against the President? Of course it was a ridiculous question, since the press was the platform for the operation!!
NYT, CNN, NBC, and the WaPo are the full-throated, treasonous coordinating conspirators of this operation, they are the operation. Both Comey and Brennan were manipulating intelligence for political purposes.
We've seen this kind of Stasi News Outlet before in East Germany, and other violent NAZI, Communist, and Islamist revolutions. *Today, see that a German newspaper investigated their new owner over his role as a Stasi informer. Berliner Zeitung’s new owner, Holger Friedrich, admits he worked for East German secret police.
Most newspapers from East Germany ceased publishing after the fall of the Berlin Wall 30 years ago. But the Berliner Zeitung secured a prominent position in the highly competitive German media landscape, becoming the only East German daily to do so.
The CIA media won't accept 2016 election results because they feel entitled, and believe their powers of deceit always triumph over "the masses." The communist leadership of BHO's CIA is vulnerable due to the fact they have soooo much to lose with a new White House that insists Americans will determine the course of America "for many many many years to come." President Trump also pointed out in his Inaugural Address that the Establishment protected themselves, not the citizens of America, and hence this forceful exclamation in his Inaugural Address:

The NWO globalists won't accept American election results because elitists of this debauched set mock democracy and love deceiving "the masses." Their agenda pursues the creation of World War III. The main NWO theme is that the rich stay rich via secret societies. What do they love? Power. The immense Trump Movement is historic, like no other.
Trump trumpeted the American conviction that a nation exists to serve its citizens:
Lunatic BHO, devoid of logic and reason, told the world lies: he told them Christianity was not the most adhered to religion in the United States. BHO lied that Islam some how is among the contributing Founders of the United States of America!!! So let's find out what was really going on between Islam and America throughout our history: why was Jefferson fighting Muslims in Tripoli!
A brief lesson on Barbary pirates, the islamic state corsairs since the 8th Century:
The term "Barbary" pirate is derived from the word "barbarians," a reflection of how Western powers, themselves often slave-trading or slave-holding societies at the time, viewed Muslim pirates.
By 1797 the United States paid out $1.25 million or a fifth of the government's annual budget in tribute to petty muslim tyrants, like the one in Algiers. One big reason Thomas Jefferson was elected President was his campaign against the United States being subjected to the spoliations of Islamic cruisers.
Ilhan and BHO are intimate associates of Erdogan who hates non-muslims. They are both always at war with non-muslims. They fund various forms of war, including civilization jihad. The fact that Turkey is a State sponsor of terror has to come up, and it regularly comes up, in connection to forces inside the United States attempting to seize power from President Trump, those forces opposed to freedom and America, our light upon a hill for the world. America gives Naval protection and hope to the world, and there are people who desperately want to smash that hope and end the U.S. Navy's protection of the vulnerable.
Long before 630 AD and Mohammad, evidence proves the star used in the 'crescent and star' predates Mohammad by more than two millenia. The star part of this motif represented the Sun, and hence the sun-god, most of the times. In other times it represented the planet Venus, and hence the goddess "Inanna" to Sumerians, "Ishtar" to Babylonians, and ISIS to Egyptians. She is the same pagan goddess, with various names in the various national languages: Ishtar, Inanna, and ISIS are the same entity.
The world is reeling, but people do things for a reason. Why is crazy Rashida lying, pretending Islam is friendly with America? Why do the Hillary/BHO praetorian media hide the antibiblical hostility of Barack that was such a central feature of the BHO Regime? Why did the Austrian, Adolf Hitler, become the chancellor of Germany? Why does the House Democrat Party hold a secret impeachment run by the Intelligence Committee leader Adam Schiff, who is a front for Hillary and Soros?
I just described 5 factions trying to reverse the results of the 2016 Election. Remember that BHO told Americans that it was impossible to rig the U.S. Elections. Why did muslim BHO hide that he is a muslim? We do need the answers to unravel the reason the Left is hysterical and wild with hate toward President Trump.
Marxist communism disdains the family as a capitalistic "gutter institution," and literally prefers the promiscuity of savage hordes back in primitive times. Communists are not progressive. Marxism is against borders and nationhood. And Marxists give the State all power, the State controls every aspect of life from social matters to the economy and natural resources. This is a State Political Religious Cult that by force replaces all other religions, the way that former Empires like Roman Catholics and Islamists functioned, the islamonazi's.

George Bush Sr. was a dark NWO wizard/high priest in the holy roman empire's pagan imperial cult; the NWO plans a uni-world government as well as a uni-world religion. Both the NWO and the 'holy' roman empire's imperial cult can be identified by their blatant skull and bones fetish. Islamic pirates are also connected to the Skull and Bones flag, the symbol of death.
The Bush family are known NAZI collaborators helping to finance German concentration camps and Hitler. Nazi gestapo wore skull and bones pins on their lapels and on other uniform items.
German-born Bush Sr married an American automobile heiress, Barbara Pierce. Barbara Pierce Bush's direct connection to the incredible Pierce-Arrow luxury automobile fortune is routinely obscured.
Frankly, for the diabolical, deceit is a way of life, a source of pride. We should realize the intent to deceive us, not only exists, but communism/islam teaches their followers it is a good thing to do to others who do not fall in line. Communism regularly trains their people to deceive the masses. Islam teaches their people to use a "strategy of lies." Islam refers to their strategy of lies as being 'flexible,' their path to victory and heavenly glory.
The Clintons are corrupted by greed, lust, sloth, envy, gluttony, and pride. But Hillary owns the particular deadly sin of WRATH.
For weeks, the public was told that the impeach–President Trump leaker, who is incorrectly called a whistleblower, would testify to Congress.
Now Democratic House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, a serial liar, has said there is no need for the leaker, who made up lots of stuff about a phone call by Trump, to testify, because the committee and the public have already seen the transcript of the call. That's the one that revealed that the leaker, along with Adam Schiff, the New York Times, and most of the media misled/lied to the public about what Trump said.
Adam Schiff says whistleblower may not testify in impeachment probe.
So the media, diplomats, bureaucrats, leakers, whistle blowers and other democrats never before cared about all the foreign policy actions that weakened our country and dissed our allies, but if Trump wants to abide by a 1999 law and seek out corruption by a politician's family, where the politician happens to be running for president, that is impeachable?
The public should be very concerned that most of the stasi media should just register as lobbyists for Democrats and their policies instead of intentionally misleading the public, lie, in order to meddle in every U.S. election.
Ciaramella would be one of the most important witnesses and could even be charged. “Ciaramella being seen as a courageous witness and as a kind of whistleblower against President Trump is beyond ridiculous,” states a former CIA Agent.
But Schiff KNEW there was no excuse for his tra-la-la Ukraine witch hunt.
Schiff also claims he is allowed/required to do secret impeachment?! The Star Chamber stage is the consequence of Democrats believing themselves perfect and therefore sanctified in forcing others into their own image. It is the hellish way the stasi media industrial complex has controled the masses using their schemes rather than reality as news.
The law says: "The inspector general shall not disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the inspector general determines that such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation ..." First, the inspector general is the only official specifically prohibited from disclosing the identity. And second, the statute's "investigation" refers to the inspector general's probe. Shifty's precious whistleblower is part of an impeachment investigation, so disclosure is in fact unavoidable. Oh, Shifty Schiff!!
Democrats cannot do their secret and lawless impeachment, keeping vital information away from Congressmen and the American people, in the name of preserving the anonymity of a whistleblower!!! Schiff is a scalawag charlatan. In point of fact, he even looks like the proverbial scalawag charlatan. He serves a literal NAZI, George Soros. Some day will Schiff develop self-awareness and see he's been an antifa fascist nazi all along?
****Where was the outrage by the media and other Democrats when the Obama Administration prosecuted eight whistleblowers for spying?
Obama laughed when Romney said Russia was dangerous.
Obama and his administration allowed Russia to get its hands on U.S. uranium after $tens of millions of dollars of "donations" went to the Clinton Foundation.
Obama, to appease Russia, refused to give Ukraine defensive weapons.
And when Reagan left the White House, Americans felt better about the direction of the country. His coattails even enabled Bush Sr to become his successor.
Barack Obama, Ilhan (Omar), Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, and AOC crews want to sell people on the destruction of liberty by the siren sound of socialism, but they are lying all the way to their elitist bank. BHO has sworn to create a pitiless, arrogant aristocratic DNC from scratch, out of what is left of the Democrat Party he is destroying, bye bye moderates.
Soroa and Barack are against free speech and freedom to choose your religion and follow your own conscience. This is blatant opposition to secularism and our Constitutional Republic! He is not pro atheists, his organizing is about sucker punching atheists. Barack's followers do not respect basic human rights, and they even openly say Barack is their messiah! In reality government distributing money is a government of enslavement. *See Cuba.
Chris Steele is professionally unnoticeable. C. Steele lived in Moscow, 1990 to 1993, during dramatic Russian history, a period that included the collapse of the Communist Party; nationalist uprisings in Ukraine, the Caucasus, and the Baltic states; and the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
Apparently the CIA is the boss of Mr. Empty Chair, too. Barack is the nexus of the scheming and abuse of federal powers. Abusing counterterrorism powers, Comey triggered a Special Counsel by his law enforcement leaks. That card shark trick was the director of Barack's pravda FBI committing a felony. Also, Special Counsels are meant for criminal investigations, not international espionage investigations.
It seems like when Democrats take the oath of office to preserve and protect our Consitution they make a spiteful, dishonest vow instead. The oath they really take is, "I swear I will relentlessly attack and infringe upon the God given power of self-defense and the 2nd Amendment. I will destroy any part of the Constitution that is an obstacle to Democrat Party tyranny. I will alter the meaning of all the volumes of family law in all the States by changing the definition of marriage."
This is a vicious violation of the separation of federal and state government and the Tenth Amendment. There is no separation of Church and State in the United States Constitution.
As for which party protects whistleblowers, Snowden has explained that Biden and Obama threatened the nations who protect whistleblowers like himself. So when Democrats claim they are the ones who care about the protection of whistleblowers, know that it is more of their lies. The fact of the matter is that President Obama routinely punished whistleblowers, and rewarded corrupt government workers breaking our laws and violating the Constitution.
House Dems didn't yammer about how uncouth and unfit serial rapist Bill Clinton was, quite the opposite. When raped female victims were brave enough to tell people that Bill Clinton is a serial predator and monster, Hillary was particularly vicious. Hillary mocked the female victims of her awful husband, and she abused power to persecute and intimidate Bill's female victims into silence. House Dems were not "frightened" or "alarmed" one bit. The fact of the matter is that Democrats treat themselves as above the law. Check out Charlie Rangel, Baghdad Barack's ideal hero leader of the people!!!
Let's walk throught the disturbing first attempt by Schiff, and then let's give Adam Schiff, and his Hillary and Soros masters, the well deserved negative inference that neither Schiff nor his masters have evidence to prove Trump guilty of anything, Schiff never did, and he still doesn't.
We are looking at a coup attempt. We all saw Barack Obama act lawlessly with media complicity. We know he illegally surveilled Supreme Court Justices, journalists, congress and the President of the United States. Team Obama was seeking to sway the 2016 Election to interfere with our representative government, and he's still trying to reverse the 2016 Election. Barack's election meddling in 2016 is at a colossal level, and in comparison Russian efforts were tiny. It is simply a fact that BHO weaponized government powers.
House Dems do not care about our Constitutional Governance or they'd be really mad about the Barack-Brennan Communist CIA Coup attempt. They NEVER complain or even criticize Baghdad Barack and how he abused power to weaponize the federal government. Their Coup attempt does not bother the House Dems. The negative inference is that they are members of the Coup attempt. The fact of the matter is the House Dems continue to the criminal coup to remove President Trump. They sicken any decent American.
Back on July 27, 2017 IG Horowitz notified Mueller he had thousands of texts between Strzok and Page revealing use of "oconus lures," which refers to spies outside the United States. Mueller panic'd, scrambled quick arrangements for Papadopoulos` arrest on the same day at night on verbal order from District Court Judge Beryl Howell. Howell represented the Clintons at the Clinton Foundation. ⟴⟴⟴⟴⟴⟴
It is likely hundreds of thousands of men have lost their jobs due to Bill Clinton's and the Democrat Party's very hypocritically pious sexual harrassment laws, so Bill Clinton more than deserved to be impeached and lose his job for his disturbing crimes and serial rapes. Democrats at the time knew all about Bill Clinton's MANY trips to Epstein's Lolita Island, and many of those very same hypocrites are part of the Unhinged Pelosi Posse today acting so disdainful of Trump as unfit?!
Amazingly the Democrat Party believes Americans will forget their charlatan media propaganda and endless harrassment of Trump. The Dems already just tried to use to impeach Trump, their Mueller farce claiming Trump is a Russian agent. There was never any evidence, and the 'new' tales about the Ukraine are also already debunked. House Democrats chose Maxine Waters as their spokesperson regularly and constantly for decades. Stupidity and being a lowlife scoundrel is apparently the accurate profile for House Dems.
The Ukraine hoax is the same fantasy Russian hoax. Big Lies. It is radical socialist hysteria. Are Democrats still trying to use our new 1984-Type State Databases to blackmail/compromise Republicans in the Senate? The House has no real power in impeachment. And 50% of the Senate is weaker than any president because the Constitution requires that only by two-thirds of the Senators voting to impeach can Presidential power be removed. Bye Bye House Lynch mob, you're just whiners kicking against the pricks.
SURPRISE! ICIG Michael Atkinson
Rep. Tlaib became more uncouth than Trump by using the most base and sexually charged swear words in front of her child as she bragged that once in power she would impeach Trump to overturn the 2016 vote. She was highly arrogant in her pride that she didn't require any due process trial. She is the politics of violence and brute force. Where is consistency in Pelosi and civilized Democrats who should decry Rashida Tlaib for being uncouth, crazy, and unfit?
In 2010 the Obama administration renewed the bogus Bush-era subpoena against the New York Times' James Risen in a prolonged attempt to determine whether the reporter was the recipient of leaked CIA information. In February 2011 federal investigators were revealed to have spied on Risen. Federal investigators pored over Risen's credit reports and his personal bank records. The feds even tracked his phone logs and movements. Baghdad Barack is a privileged, tyrannical sourpuss.
{Ruemmler and Monaco were prosecutors under Andrew Weissmann on the Enron Task Force, where they were all implicated in various forms of prosecutorial misconduct — well documented in “Licensed to Lie” with a long trail of evil Virginia blue blood family, who have been appointed to various positions by presidents Bush and Obama — The Uni-Party of Establishment infamy.
Daily Caller✔@DailyCaller
Expert Explains Democrat Mob's Crazy Tactic The Mueller Probe Origin is Ukraine
First of all, we know those who oppose President Trump oppose The United States of America. And then we ought to exam with the de facto Impeachment Ring Leaders of the House Dems: AOC's Agenda 21 Plus Three Brigade.
A word to the wise, and Mitt Romney is not wise: the self-righteous, although lawless House Dems, tried VERY hard to put their old lecherous and impeached Bill Clinton back in the White House, for a grand total of 24 years! They are not about upright truth, dear Mitt. Bill Clinton is an out of control sex addict, a serial rapist. House Dems need to clean up their own Party and then pretend we need them to tell all of the rest of America what we may or may not do, who we may or may not elect.
Wake Up Call RE The Presidency of the United States
According to Catch and Kill, NBC shuttered Ronan’s exposé of Harvey Weinstein, which resulted in his fire-starting piece for the New Yorker. Meghan McCain asked: “Will the current management at NBC survive? For me, it’s hard for me to understand why they have jobs.”
ドナルド・トランプの頭髪をリアルに表現するパロディ・ソックスが話題に 米
Republicans Find Their Passion

Directly due to the fact that this is not an authorized inquiry, the minority party in congress has no rights. The minority has important rights in a real impeachment inquiry. Pelosi has deprived the minority party of their rights in an impeachment inquiry. So Pelosi is exhibiting extreme partisanship, that has no place in a Consitutional process. Then Pelosi hides the witnesses, so that the People do not SEE for themselves the vile conduct of Schiff's clown squad of Justice Democrats who are lawless, and NOT just!!!

Five Factions are infected with Trump Drangement Syndrome. Yes, there is lots of overlap between factions of the deranged. There are plenty of annoying, contemptible Intersectional-ites that qualify in multiple categories. Let's review the five factions of Barack Baghdadi's Resistance, they are The Establishment Swamp:
Soros and Clinton funded the political appearance of Schiff on the Congressional stage. Why? James Rogan was the Impeachment Manager in the Bill Clinton Impeachment. The Clintons and Soros funded Schiff's campaign to defeat James Rogan (CA) from his seat in Congress, and they succeeded.
The misleadia narrative has been false, and we're unfortunately getting use to Schiff and the stasi misleadia crying wolf. There is no evidence of quid pro between Trump request regarding the already existing existing 2016 Ukrainian Investigation into Hunter Biden's business venture where Hunter Biden is paid exhorbitant sums. Joe Biden was BHO's point man to stop corruption in the Ukraine, he wasn't suppose to join the corruption. We have a video of Biden saying he ddid a corrupt, highly intimidating quid pro quo, and his son is holding the hot bags of money.
This is why Trump won, the psycho predators in the DNC after New York's Twin Towers came down by Islamic terrorists, put Barack Hussein Obama in our White House. Americans do not care for the Bush-Clinton dynasty of psycho predators, it was not time for the Impeached Clinton Clan to remain in OUR White House for a total of 24 years.
To socialists like Ilhan and AOC, Americans are the slaves and servants of America's enemies. AOC and Ilhan have no concept of serving Americans. They don't take a break from expressing hate for all things American: our land, our Constitution, our people, our culture, our history, our happiness, our economic system and our world power. They believe they can seize our peace and prosperity using her socialist tools that destroy them. Such lawless pirates fail to become educated, they are unenlightened bickering haters. They live by the sword and will die by the sword.
Dems do not expect the government to enforce the laws Americans worked long and hard to form. In fact, they create Sanctuary Cities for lawlessness and embrace endless civil strifes, rather than living by the law. They leave our borders defenseless, when national security is the most fundamental purpose of national government. Nobody is forcing them to live here! Socialism kills our better angels, and unleashes the lawless lust for power and money. They appoint judges they know will ignore the law and grant them a life with unlawful license and greed.
Rep. Ilhan promoted a tweet that appeared to celebrate the violent attack that befell Sen. Rand Paul in 2017, when Paul’s home neighbor attacked him and broke six of his ribs. Now Rep. Ilhan's interview has resurfaced that she did with the Qatari propaganda network, Al Jazeera, where Rep. Ilhan spread lies that “... white men are causing most of the deaths within this country,” so Americans should be “fearful” of white men.
I wonder what Al Jazeera is feeling while Ilhan is in the midst of an adultress affair with a white man. For that matter Ilhan's entire schtick is about being a woman of color, and how Americans must fear the white man blah blah blah. Perhaps Al Jazeera and the Democrat Party reflect on Ilhan's adultery and second legal divorce by callously proclaiming, "Some homewrecker wrecked something."
DonaldTrump@realDonaldTrump 8:23 PM - Oct 26, 2019
Americans know Schiff should not be in charge of impeachment. Democrats are telling Americans that our votes don't count, as Nadler once explained about partisan impeachments. Joe Biden once said impeachment usurps the People's voice and that impeachment violates the independency of the Presidency. Loony Maxine Waters once said that in a Democracy we send a message through the ballot box, but Pelosi and Al Green are afraid Trump is going to win re-election so they want to impeach him. That is what they now say openly. The Democrats are afraid Trump will win.
But Bernie picking AOC as his VP? What a maroon, as Bugs Bunny would say. That is a formula for suicide: ooops, accidental heartattack! Trump can easily win because Dems sold out to the Muslim Brotherhood Barack who was not born in America. If you claim he was, tell us where? The two hospitals in Hawaii plainly denied that Barack was born there at all, and Barack himself admitted his online birth certificate was a forgery. It was also proven to be a forgery by Sheriff Arpaio in AZ. Even if Bernie doesn't make AOC his VP, he says the bobblehead will figure prominently in "his" administration. Very stupid to give power to a pack of wild Antifa socialist animals.
We don't have to hold expensive hearings to easily deduce that Biden did not terminate corruption, which is what he was sent to do in the Ukraine. Democrats do the opposite of their self-righteous, virtue signaling. Everyone knows this. Biden is the corruption. Bribery? The Bidens are still holding their bags of money, the proverbial trail of guilt is still hot. Where are the House Democrats demanding justice for Biden's corrupt actions?! ...that great soulful DNC "concern"??? Suddenly they are not so concerned about corruption.
Yeah, for Yovanovitch, it is great news for the House Dems to show 'precious' Joe Biden the Bribery King to the Ukraine and to the whole world, running for the Presidency of the United States IN THE DEMOCRAT PARTY. There are plenty of House Dems sponsoring Biden the Bribery King. Remember what House Dems are always claiming, that you don't have to break the law to be impeachable. Some how, not a thing Dems do bothers House Dems, no matter how completely evil it is. The House Dems even wish the rich, elitist, psycho predator Hillary won!!! Harvey Weinstein is Hillary's close pal, and central fundraiser. Houston, The Dems have a problem and money does "rat them out."
Hillary Clinton’s Rebuke of GOP
Sen. John Kennedy
Over Alleged Ukraine Interference Backfires Spectacularly
Rep Steube says terrorists in Iraq got more due process than Republicans and Trump. He asks Nadler on what day Republicans will get a chance to call their witnesses, and Nadler will not answer Steube’s question, saying he is only recognized to ask questions to the witnesses. Schiff ran a fascist Stalinist show, where Trump and Republicans were never allowed to call witnesses. Really Pelosi? You believe the minority gets to call witnesses? The evidence proves Pelosi doesn't believe. You are a wicked creature, Pelosi.
Supercut Historic CNN REMIX:
Every day on CNN is “historic” when Trump’s being impeached.
Nervous Nancy most certainly is not prayerful about impeaching President Trump. Pelosi hires sharia adherents, those completely and violently opposed to our Constitutional government and free people. Pelosi let's them take dominion over the House Democrats. She has FAILED to protect and perserve the Constitution whatsoever.
House Democrats are afraid everyone will know they are using "impeaching" President Trump for free airtime for their endless Trump bashing campaign, so that American taxpayers are forced to pay for their airtime. Schiff got into Congresss in the first place using impeachment to finance his campaign. “There is no limit on the number of times the Senate can vote to convict a president or not, no limit to the number of times the House can vote to impeach a president or not,” Al Green explains ... So they’ll keep “investigating,” translate witch hunt, until they can actually find something they think they can coalesce everyone around." The Dems won't describe their socialist scheming, because their dream is to destroy America. Ask Kaepernick.
Most Americans disagree with Trump about many of his obvious flaws. But all Americans are jealous of his ability to send America's enemies packing. As it should be. This prominent President Trump feature is highly prized, and Dems will break themselves on the President Trump Rock if they continue their harassment of our President. Nobody will be hurt as much as they hurt themselves. Dems like to talk about being unfit or 'presidential,' but nothing makes Trump so VERY presidential as protecting our borders and keeping terrorists off our land. Three cheers for Trump: hip hip hurray! hip hip hurray! and HIP HIP HURRAY!
Quantum Star Quantum Star Quantum Star
GOP Lawyer Stephen Castor Brings Papers
To Impeachment Hearing In Grocery Bag
Polls Tank for Impeachment

U.S. Embassy Jerusalem Dedication Ceremony

House Dems had also erupted at the end of their lawless and very brief Ukraine Impeachment Hearings. They sounded like sports fans who ran out the clock. Very tribal and lowlife people. Pelosi can run, but she can't hide her hideous crew. Democrat Party officials are very evil and mean, and utterly fake shysters. The most authentic thing about the House Dems is their hatred and unfairness.
"Democrats are declaring their deep hatred and disdain for American Voters...This lawless and partisan impeachment is a political suicide march for the Democrat Party! ...In reality, they’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way.”

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Ukrainian Folk Dancers |
When reading this mini book you can enjoy speeches, lectures, music, and political discussions by America's finest. You've got to love our amazing people presented here, including insights from friends of America from around the world with those of our fantastic fellow citizens. We now all know why the U.S. was running about the world with egg on our face: the creepers running the Democrat Party right now, they are treasonous and behave as if fighting terrorists is not war, but just snobbery and the invitation of foreigners for to tea! And we do include Mitt Romney and the NAZI Bush clan among these establishment creepers.
The Democrats' crazy-making is ramping up, because they apparently confuse the DNC with the government of the United States. Contrary to the Schiff Show, it is not impeachable to dislike Democrats.
Rep. Doug CollinsVerified account @RepDougCollins Follow @RepDougCollins
Fact: Pelosi’s inquiry is officially the first presidential impeachment inquiry in modern history authorized by members of only one party. 9:12 AM - 31 Oct 2019That is unConstitutional to the very soul of our nation.
Occasional-Cortex has given away the real reason for "impeachment inquiry" pushy, pushy, pushing. She explains aloud: "We have to be able to come together as a caucus. This Ukrainian allegation brings the Democrat Party caucus together. This is about preventing a potentially disasterous outcome from occurring next year in 2020."
Reality Check: the Democrat Party consensus was broken by their split over anti-religion socialism vs free enterprise and freedom. What fractured the Democrat Party and killed their 'caucus unity' was run amok hate. Their extremist hate for America is disgusting. Democrats are not progressives, what they believe and profess is a very OLD and backward, ancient and Barbaric hostility to biblical faith, a Constitutional Republic, female empowerment, and human rights like free speech.
This Leftist Cult is attempting to transform the once liberal, and, therefore, American Democrat Party into the savage antifa party. Pelosi and their party have given harbor to despotic, primitive sharia adherents who now trounce upon and fracture the Democrat Party. But their party was never progressive. Their brand has always incrementally and increasingly assaulted America, and they've increasingly spurned ethics and civil conduct. They've been violent and KKK from their earliest days. The Hollywood Left is the emblem of the Democrat Party, and their money trail leads to the most corrupt and immoral around: Soros, Weinstein, Epstein, and Avenatti, etc.
The Lawless Left is doing Trump's fundraising for him. Democratic fundraising committees now even decline to say whether they will return Jeffrey Epstein's vast contributions. “Go back and give money that he gave 20 years ago? Are you nuts? That’s my answer to that,” Fowler told CNBC in an interview. Take note that while Epstein gave big bucks to the Dems, he was allowed to roam and enabled to terrorize young women for decades!!! The Democrat Party is NOT woke.
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President Donald Trump The Builder |
Fox Didn't Win The 2016 Election
Barack Lost It
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Barack Hussein Obama: The Reason Hillary Lost |
Ryan FournierVerified account @RyanAFournier Nov 9
BREAKING: The Democrats’ Articles of Impeachment have been leaked:
- He defeated Hillary Clinton.
- He hurt our feelings.
- We can’t beat him fairly.
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Please Explain Why This Billionaire is not Foreign Influence In Our Elections, only the Russians are? |

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Adam Schiff was Delegated as Hillary’s Hatchetman on the Left Coast. Defeating Bill Clinton Impeachment Manager, Jim Rogan, was Their Highest Wrath Priority |
The Plot Against the President
by Lee Smith
As reported by Epoch Times, we do not have a free press. We need to continue General Flynn's work; he was uprooting treason and traitors. EU is desperate, and THEY are trying to control who is President of the United States. The vast, serious leaking problem advances the anti-Trump operation. It is propaganda, the Goebbels Media. As Lee Smith explained, the dark press are the impeachment platform, not actual journalists. The speech police are goebbels style stasi press, not working on the behalf of the American people. Chris Steele is the avatar of Barack's FBI and DOJ figures. We call The Establishment, that Americans hate, "The Deep State." Yovanovitch is being used in the Christopher Steele avatar role in the Ukraine staged hearings.
Again, the dark press is the platform for the anti-Trump operation. General Flynn had long spoken about reform of the intelligence community, and now he was starting to talk about an audit of the intelligence operations. The attack on Trump began with an operation against General Flynn. We have to keep in mind that the dark press hires from the intelligence community. The corruption is jaw dropping.
“If you really were going to do something like an assessment from the intelligence community, then you’d get input from all our seventeen agencies,” says Nunes. “They did the opposite. It was only FBI, CIA, NSA, and DNI. They siloed it {isolated it}, just like they had with Crossfire Hurricane. They kept everyone else away from it so they didn’t have to read them in.”
There is NO excuse for the corrupt FBI practice that their employees are married to media personnel!
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TREASON: The Press Was the Platform for the Operation |
General Flynn's lawyer is uncovering information very illuminating for the rest of the country about what was being done to President Trump. Lee Smith asked certain reporters if they wanted to comment on the topic of his book. Did it ever occur to them that the intelligence community was waging a leaking operation against the President? Of course it was a ridiculous question, since the press was the platform for the operation!!
NYT, CNN, NBC, and the WaPo are the full-throated, treasonous coordinating conspirators of this operation, they are the operation. Both Comey and Brennan were manipulating intelligence for political purposes.
A German newspaper has been forced to launch an investigation into its new owner after it was revealed he had been an informer for the East German secret police, the Stasi. The Stasi employed more than 90,000 regular spies and 174,000 informal ones."The paper said they also wanted to know why their new owner had not made known to them his contact with the Stasi when he was in the process of buying the papers." He claimed he was offered forgoing years in a Stasi prison for participating as a spy, and he subsequently supplied heavily incriminating reports on his fellow soldiers with whom he worked during military service in the armed forces, according to documents uncovered by Welt am Sonntag.
Around the despotic-run world many the reporter is actually a spy, like Kashoggi. Amid proxy wars between Turkey and Saudi Arabia, Kashoggi was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood who 'ceased' to spy for Saudi Arabia and was about to marry a spy/reporter of Erdogan in Turkey.
Researchers in Germany have chanced upon the above* Stasi ID card that was issued to Vladimir Putin during his time as a KGB officer in East Germany at the end of the Cold War. Russian President Vladimir Putin worked as a spy in East Germany, and the photo ID was found in the Dresden Secret Police Archive in East Germany (Stasi). Putin worked as a detective in East Germany from 1979 to 1979.
The Stasi has been described as one of the most effective and repressive intelligence and secret police agencies ever to have existed. They are so effective, American youth believe Communism is their friend!!! Those American youth sadly fail to learn the mere basics that Karl Marx, marxism, is the toxic fount of both the NAZI's and Commies, and that Commies = islamists.
Researchers in Germany have chanced upon the above* Stasi ID card that was issued to Vladimir Putin during his time as a KGB officer in East Germany at the end of the Cold War. Russian President Vladimir Putin worked as a spy in East Germany, and the photo ID was found in the Dresden Secret Police Archive in East Germany (Stasi). Putin worked as a detective in East Germany from 1979 to 1979.
The Stasi has been described as one of the most effective and repressive intelligence and secret police agencies ever to have existed. They are so effective, American youth believe Communism is their friend!!! Those American youth sadly fail to learn the mere basics that Karl Marx, marxism, is the toxic fount of both the NAZI's and Commies, and that Commies = islamists.
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The Seal of the Ministry of State Security of the GDR, The East German Stasi Secret Police |
Please take in/absorb the fact that the symbols of the UN and
the Jesuit Freemasons are on the Stasi emblem above.*
Putin was a security officer in Germany working as a liaison officer for the then Soviet Union's intelligence agency, the KGB. It was called 'Stasi' in the traditional language. Mielke's Stasi was superficially granted independence in 1957, but until 1990 the KGB continued to maintain liaison officers in all eight main Stasi directorates, each with his own office inside the Stasi's Berlin compound, and in each of the fifteen Stasi district headquarters around East Germany. Collaboration was so close that the KGB invited the Stasi to establish operational bases in Moscow and Leningrad.
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Ras-putin |
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Putin |
The Left Is Shredding Norms
And Undermining The Rule Of Law
And Undermining The Rule Of Law
“The fact of the matter is that, in waging a scorched-earth, no-holds-barred war of ‘resistance’ against this administration, it is the Left that is engaged in the systematic shredding of norms and the undermining of the rule of law,” AG Barr added.
The Left has no idea what the rule of law is, or that their endless quest to null and void the Constitution proves that it is they who are lawless fascists. They know nothing about our Constitution because they hold no 'rule of law' values. They've continually tried to change the fundamentals of our Constitution:
Leftists are anti-America. Democrats harbor Kaepernick-esque, anti-America shysters like Ilhan. Only a moron rejoices over our free-speech nation by burning the flag of our nation. Ilhan might as well be Iranian, her heart already is.
And it's strange to see this member of the mean girls squad, so haughty about their schtick of being women of color, wearing her colorful hat to proclaiming her modesty while she's committing adultery with a white man. A new colossal level of hypocrisy is on display here since Ilhan's piously arrogant about her islamic supremacy, when the fact of the matter is that under the sharia of muslim majority countries she'd be beaten 100 lashes and then stoned to death.
You see, in response to Al Jazeera host Mehdi Hasan, Ilhan denied the rise of Islamic terrorism in America, saying, “I would say our country should be more fearful of white men across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country (completely false). So, if fear was the driving force of policies to keep Americans safe, Americans inside of this country, we should be profiling, monitoring and creating policies to fight the radicalization of white men.”
It is funny in a morbid sense, not for Ilhan's three children and sometime husband, but we can guess that Ilhan would dismiss her grotesque hypocrisy with, so what, 'some homewrecker wrecked something.'
NYT, CNN, NBC, and WaPo are
the Obama Stasi Propaganda Ministry in USA
To Leftists, politics is their religion, they are a cult. They believe themselves perfect, and so their every effort to force and form others into their image is sanctified. Barack and his Leftist Cult didn't even grasp that the Senate had to ratify a treaty for it to be a Treaty of the United States! The Left has no idea what the rule of law is, or that their endless quest to null and void the Constitution proves that it is they who are lawless fascists. They know nothing about our Constitution because they hold no 'rule of law' values. They've continually tried to change the fundamentals of our Constitution:
- The 1st Amendment: Free Speech, Freedom to Choose and Exercise One's Religion
- The 2nd Amendment: The Right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not infringed.
- The Right to Life
- The Limited Government
- The Electoral College
- The Free Enterprise System
- The Presumption of Innocence
- The Reverence for Private Property
- The Right To Face One's Accuser
- The Right to Self-Defense and Due Process
- The President Must be a Natural-Born Citizen
- The Separation of Federal and State Government
- The Impeachment of a President Must Be Bipartisan
- The Right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated ...
Pelosi's FALSE claim that her impeachment protects the Constitution is disgusting. Her father and brother are the corrupt subjects of the TV series, The Wire, that exposes mafia madness in Baltimore. This is the background story of the super villain Nervous Nancy.
As is broadcast in RedState: Pelosi's idea that Trump getting Ukraine to do its job, by investigating the sh**hole of corruption that is Burisma, only jeopardizes, in Pelosi’s words, “the integrity of the 2020 elections” if you buy the twin premises that a) requiring recipients of U.S. aid to fight corruption is wrong, and b) that the offspring of prominent Democrats are free to grift to their heart’s content because that is their birthright and nature.
There are five factions of TDS who've been attempting a coup. They are frothing-at-the-mouth haters. The demonic EU aligned globalist elitists, the Stasi Intel Community media, the Socialists, the Islamocrats, and Democrats kicked from power.And it's strange to see this member of the mean girls squad, so haughty about their schtick of being women of color, wearing her colorful hat to proclaiming her modesty while she's committing adultery with a white man. A new colossal level of hypocrisy is on display here since Ilhan's piously arrogant about her islamic supremacy, when the fact of the matter is that under the sharia of muslim majority countries she'd be beaten 100 lashes and then stoned to death.
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4-Islamocrats |
You see, in response to Al Jazeera host Mehdi Hasan, Ilhan denied the rise of Islamic terrorism in America, saying, “I would say our country should be more fearful of white men across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country (completely false). So, if fear was the driving force of policies to keep Americans safe, Americans inside of this country, we should be profiling, monitoring and creating policies to fight the radicalization of white men.”
It is funny in a morbid sense, not for Ilhan's three children and sometime husband, but we can guess that Ilhan would dismiss her grotesque hypocrisy with, so what, 'some homewrecker wrecked something.'
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. ~John Adams
Liberty has never come from Government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it. The history of liberty is a history of limitations of governmental power, not the increase of it. ~Woodrow Wilson
Nancy Pelosi just stated that “it is dangerous to let the voters decide Trump’s fate.” @FoxNews In other words, she thinks I’m going to win and doesn’t want to take a chance on letting the voters decide. Like Al Green, she wants to change our voting system. Wow, she’s CRAZY! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Nov. 19, 2019
RedState accurately reports:
Regardless of the verbatim accuracy of the quote, what Pelosi is clearly saying is that the voters can’t be trusted to arrive at the correct decision in November. One would think that if the case for corruption was so worthy of impeachment, the nation, at large, would have zero problem acknowledging the seriousness of the crime and voting Trump out of office. But everyone knows that this exercise is a fraud perpetrated upon the nation and no amount of quibbling over words can remove the fact that the Democrat House leadership is still trying to overturn the 2016 election.
The Obama press wanted to blow the whistle on whistleblowers, they were seeking to discover Nunes' sources rather than the true story of Obama weaponizing government intelligence powers to spy on his political opponent.
For our news media this is an extinction-level event that for three years the press has been the platform for a disgusting lie. The press and the country are in trouble because by inserting these Obama-press fabricated lies, the prestige of the press is gone, the painful damage is very real, this very real paper coup is a coup.
David Pittelli @DavidPittelli1 Follow @DavidPittelli1
For our news media this is an extinction-level event that for three years the press has been the platform for a disgusting lie. The press and the country are in trouble because by inserting these Obama-press fabricated lies, the prestige of the press is gone, the painful damage is very real, this very real paper coup is a coup.
David Pittelli @DavidPittelli1 Follow @DavidPittelli1
In order to think the deep state could be at war with the president, you have to be a crazy right-wing conspiracy theorist. Like ... Senator Chuck Schumer: “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”Brennan, the former Director of the CIA, the director of spies, now works for CNN. He is a communist who studied Arabic in Cairo. He also went to the same college as Trump, Fordham. The pravda media (MainStreamMedia, MSM) in America hire from the CIA. Reporters and spies most often are one and the same. Today, a paid true journalist is the exception. As a rule, news people are spies. Today, even all 'businessmen' from China are spies, period. Tyrants own stasi media, that is what tyrants do . . . Just as Hillary owns the pravda media in America today.
The Coming Storm
NWO Context of Globalist BHO's Privileged, Crazed and Violent Life
BHO was a Russian Agent since he was 10 years old. Bill Clinton was a Russian agent since he was 23 years old. This article builds upon all the information base of previous articles, intentionally they are of a piece.
This article takes a wholistic approach to unraveling the ongoing secret Soros-Hillary-Schiff impeachment COUP attempt, BHO's phenomena of sedition and violence (2015-2019 and counting).
The Barack Harkonnen regime left Harkonnen saboteurs behind with their booby traps, moles, spies, and traitors. The CIA Praetorian Media directed the assault on Trump, using the media to drive for DOJ prosecutions. That colossal power wielded by the press to attack President Trump is unheard of, except in NAZI, communist, and islamic revolutions, the fascist revolutions.
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Coming Storm |
This article takes a wholistic approach to unraveling the ongoing secret Soros-Hillary-Schiff impeachment COUP attempt, BHO's phenomena of sedition and violence (2015-2019 and counting).
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Putin The Richest Man In The World |
The Barack Harkonnen regime left Harkonnen saboteurs behind with their booby traps, moles, spies, and traitors. The CIA Praetorian Media directed the assault on Trump, using the media to drive for DOJ prosecutions. That colossal power wielded by the press to attack President Trump is unheard of, except in NAZI, communist, and islamic revolutions, the fascist revolutions.

The CIA media won't accept 2016 election results because they feel entitled, and believe their powers of deceit always triumph over "the masses." The communist leadership of BHO's CIA is vulnerable due to the fact they have soooo much to lose with a new White House that insists Americans will determine the course of America "for many many many years to come." President Trump also pointed out in his Inaugural Address that the Establishment protected themselves, not the citizens of America, and hence this forceful exclamation in his Inaugural Address:
"... this American carnage stops right here and right now." ~President Donald J. Trump

The NWO globalists won't accept American election results because elitists of this debauched set mock democracy and love deceiving "the masses." Their agenda pursues the creation of World War III. The main NWO theme is that the rich stay rich via secret societies. What do they love? Power. The immense Trump Movement is historic, like no other.
Trump trumpeted the American conviction that a nation exists to serve its citizens:
"These are just and reasonable demands of righteous People and a righteous public ... this American carnage stops right here and right now." ~President Donald J. TrumpBarack Hussein Obama gave away oil-rich American Islands to Russia, so who is the REAL Russian Agent? Hillary wanted to reset our relationship with Russia. BHO mocked Republicans calling Russia our number one geopolitical foe in the world. BHO gave our Uranium to Russia and was caught on a hot mic sending a message to Putin via Medvedev, "After the election, I can be more flexible." It's difficult to imagine worse treason by a U.S. Russian-Agent President than Barack. Also, the Clintons and BHO were always and literally communists!
Lunatic BHO, devoid of logic and reason, told the world lies: he told them Christianity was not the most adhered to religion in the United States. BHO lied that Islam some how is among the contributing Founders of the United States of America!!! So let's find out what was really going on between Islam and America throughout our history: why was Jefferson fighting Muslims in Tripoli!
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United States Fought War Against Islam From Day One: Muslims Were NOT Among American Founders |
A brief lesson on Barbary pirates, the islamic state corsairs since the 8th Century:
In 1776 Islam's predation extended throughout the Mediterranean, south along West Africa's Atlantic seaboard and into the North Atlantic as far north as Iceland, but they primarily operated in the western Mediterranean. In addition to seizing merchant ships, they engaged in Razzias, raids on European coastal towns and villages, mainly in Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal, but also in the British Isles.
The main purpose of their attacks was slaves for the Ottoman slave market; slaves in the Barbary could be black, brown or white, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish or excluded groups of Muslims. Due to islamic raiding and conquest, coastal settlements were seldom undertaken until the end of the Ottoman Empire.
Immediately upon independence, the small group of American former British colonies suddenly had to pay for their own shipping protection: the extortion demands from the islamic terrorists. We were no longer covered by the British payments in Europe's tribute fund to Islam. After our Independence was asserted, American shipping was no longer protected from Islamic terrorism and sex slavery privateers.
BHO's is a debauched lunatic, the nation must snap out of the delusion George W. Bush also tried to perpetuate that 'Islam is the religion of peace.' The first person BHO called after his re-election was Erdogan, President of Turkey since 2014. Dogan, the Al Qaeda preacher dear to the heart of Turkey's President Erdogan, tells the true narrative:
If the sword is not used, then this is not Islam. ~ Dogan
A picture is worth a thousand words. The obligation to make jihad against Dar al-Harb, the non-muslim world, is mandatory Quoran 9:29. Ilhan and Barack are intimate associates of Erdogan who hates non-muslims. The religious texts unequivocally call for actual war against the non-believers.
A picture is worth a thousand words. The obligation to make jihad against Dar al-Harb, the non-muslim world, is mandatory Quoran 9:29. Ilhan and Barack are intimate associates of Erdogan who hates non-muslims. The religious texts unequivocally call for actual war against the non-believers.

By 1797 the United States paid out $1.25 million or a fifth of the government's annual budget in tribute to petty muslim tyrants, like the one in Algiers. One big reason Thomas Jefferson was elected President was his campaign against the United States being subjected to the spoliations of Islamic cruisers.
Not only were there no muslim founding fathers of the United States, our new nation fought Muslim spoliations of our People for 30 years. Islam was and is the enemy of America, the OPPOSITE of being a founding father!
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Ransoming Christian Slaves Held in Muslim Hands 1637 |
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Algiers Slave Market 1684 |
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Mount with Wings Like Eagles |
Ilhan and BHO are intimate associates of Erdogan who hates non-muslims. They are both always at war with non-muslims. They fund various forms of war, including civilization jihad. The fact that Turkey is a State sponsor of terror has to come up, and it regularly comes up, in connection to forces inside the United States attempting to seize power from President Trump, those forces opposed to freedom and America, our light upon a hill for the world. America gives Naval protection and hope to the world, and there are people who desperately want to smash that hope and end the U.S. Navy's protection of the vulnerable.
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Pagan Crescent and Star From Sumerians 2100 BC
Not Mohammad 632 AD

Particularly when the planet Venus makes conjunction with the moon in its crescent phase, it makes an unusual celestial crescent and star appearance, awesome to sun worshiping believers who made gods of astral objects. Strangely, Islam claims that it is not pagan??? The body of ISIS above* shows fish scales, because Bel or Baal, their sun god, was a fish god.
The Kaaba in Mecca. The Black Stone is set into the eastern corner of the building. An Arab geologist states that the Black Stone contained clearly discernible diffusion banding characteristic of agates. He and many others say the stone is not a meteorite.
The main feature of Abraham's descendents is that they do not bow to idols, a pagan behavior. True children of Abraham do not bow when they "hear the sound of the music" as the Muslims do. One of the Five Pillars of Islam requires every Muslim who is able to do so to perform the Hajj pilgrimage. The location of Mecca's Black Stone determines the "qiblah," an Arabic word meaning the direction of Islamic prayers. This definitely is worship of a stone idol.
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Hajj Kaaba Bowing in Mecca |
The Kaaba in Mecca. The Black Stone is set into the eastern corner of the building. An Arab geologist states that the Black Stone contained clearly discernible diffusion banding characteristic of agates. He and many others say the stone is not a meteorite.
The main feature of Abraham's descendents is that they do not bow to idols, a pagan behavior. True children of Abraham do not bow when they "hear the sound of the music" as the Muslims do. One of the Five Pillars of Islam requires every Muslim who is able to do so to perform the Hajj pilgrimage. The location of Mecca's Black Stone determines the "qiblah," an Arabic word meaning the direction of Islamic prayers. This definitely is worship of a stone idol.
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Rashida Tlaib lies about history. What is the relationship of America with Islam? Jefferson Built Our Mighty Navy to Fight Islamic Terrorism!!! |
The world is reeling, but people do things for a reason. Why is crazy Rashida lying, pretending Islam is friendly with America? Why do the Hillary/BHO praetorian media hide the antibiblical hostility of Barack that was such a central feature of the BHO Regime? Why did the Austrian, Adolf Hitler, become the chancellor of Germany? Why does the House Democrat Party hold a secret impeachment run by the Intelligence Committee leader Adam Schiff, who is a front for Hillary and Soros?
I just described 5 factions trying to reverse the results of the 2016 Election. Remember that BHO told Americans that it was impossible to rig the U.S. Elections. Why did muslim BHO hide that he is a muslim? We do need the answers to unravel the reason the Left is hysterical and wild with hate toward President Trump.
Instead of the Judiciary Committee conducting the Impeachment, it is significant that the Intelligence Committee is holding the zealot, cult-like, Star Chamber secret 'inquiry,' the same Committee the Barack Hussein regime weaponized and corrupted thoroughly so very recently. There is no right for the foreign intelligence deep state to conspire against an elected U.S. President, with only partisan help from the Democrats of the House. Democrats constantly demonstrate they know nothing about our Constitution: impeachment is NOT for partisan venting. Democrats fail to properly differentiate between all things political and their shill partisanship.Marxist communism disdains the family as a capitalistic "gutter institution," and literally prefers the promiscuity of savage hordes back in primitive times. Communists are not progressive. Marxism is against borders and nationhood. And Marxists give the State all power, the State controls every aspect of life from social matters to the economy and natural resources. This is a State Political Religious Cult that by force replaces all other religions, the way that former Empires like Roman Catholics and Islamists functioned, the islamonazi's.
Yet in Russia Putin now uses capitalistic measures and claims he rejected communism. The central theme of communism is anti-religion. When the Communists seized power over Russia, they first declared themselves infallible, they chose terror against the People as their policy, and then burned down the churches, confiscated every dime belonging to the churches, and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of priests. One could easily make the case that a competing religion went into Russia to purge the world of Greek Orthodox leaders, scholarship, records, scriptures, influences and financial well-being.

Secretly Bill Clinton became a Roman Catholic. He's a communist, so why did he bother converting to a religion and taking Holy Communion? Communism is not a red herring, but their message to their 'masses' is disconnected from the inner core agenda, in short, they lie to gain power. Acolytes are allowed to be religious starting off, to gain and increase their membership base and power. Why did Bill Clinton hide his Roman Catholic faith?

However, after the initial siren call of 'ecstasy of joining and belonging,' advancement in the communist Beast Empire will hinge on the required personal sacrifice of integrity, honor, family, religion, country, and subjugation under the Beast attack on free economic enterprise. The Joiner Class definitely will be forced to adopt the pursuit of power as their primary value.
Everything is sacrificed to this altar. In this literally demonic NWO, centralizing power in the hands of the few is the primary agenda, and the islamic 'strategy of lies' is the favorite tactic. Their greatest virtue is to not yourself be deceived, as they daily conquer by attempting to deceive others. Deceit is their gladiator arena. The air in Washington D.C. is thick with this arrogant drone bee class fighting to be proclaimed the greatest False-Accuser, the NWO Champion, the one best able to control and to deceive the Masses.
Many many the Imam insisted that communism is Islam, and they wrote often about how anyone who didn't know this, didn't understand Islam. In 300 - 600 AD the Byzantine–Sasanian Wars decimated the Roman and Persian kingdoms. And following the cumulative effects from centuries of almost continuous conflict, it left both empires crippled. Also, during two of these centuries the Plague resulted in the deaths of an estimated 25–50 million people.
And then arabs exploited the debilitated kingdoms already on the brink of destruction. The 532 AD "Treaty of Eternal Peace" over the strategic Lazica region came, later Persia completely fell, and the exhausted Roman Empire lost southern provinces in the Muslim conquest of Syria, Egypt and North Africa. Islam conquered three-fourth's of Christendom, and what remains of Christendom is called 'The West.'
And then arabs exploited the debilitated kingdoms already on the brink of destruction. The 532 AD "Treaty of Eternal Peace" over the strategic Lazica region came, later Persia completely fell, and the exhausted Roman Empire lost southern provinces in the Muslim conquest of Syria, Egypt and North Africa. Islam conquered three-fourth's of Christendom, and what remains of Christendom is called 'The West.'

The Bush family are known NAZI collaborators helping to finance German concentration camps and Hitler. Nazi gestapo wore skull and bones pins on their lapels and on other uniform items.
German-born Bush Sr married an American automobile heiress, Barbara Pierce. Barbara Pierce Bush's direct connection to the incredible Pierce-Arrow luxury automobile fortune is routinely obscured.
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One Hollywood Actor Owned A Gold-Plated Pierce-Arrow Automobile |
Rome had an imperial pagan cult that, after Constantine, Romans renamed Christianity. So our Roman calendar today is named for pagan gods, not for figures in Christianity that we should expect since the Empire overtly converted to Christianity. The paganism comes from Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, the Babylonian mystery religion.
The truth is that often only the most inner circle is privy to the true whole story. The same is true in Islam, their lies attempt to sell the idea that they are an Abrahamic faith. But a small amount of independent thinking reveals the obvious: Abraham's seed does not bow down to idols when they hear the sound of the music. The prominent feature of Abrahamic faith was rejecting the worship of idols, idolatry.
The truth is that often only the most inner circle is privy to the true whole story. The same is true in Islam, their lies attempt to sell the idea that they are an Abrahamic faith. But a small amount of independent thinking reveals the obvious: Abraham's seed does not bow down to idols when they hear the sound of the music. The prominent feature of Abrahamic faith was rejecting the worship of idols, idolatry.
One common challenge of life is to avoid deception. With patience the reader of these articles will gain new tools to prevent being overwhelmed by deceitful men in our age of delusion. Oddly, the pagans have a symbol connected to the vital and real desire to not be deceived by our enemies. The pagan symbol is called the Eye of Horus. It often comes in the form of an amulet for the living and for the dead, considered magic for healing and protection. The all-seeing eye.
But the inner circle knows the deeper esoteric meanings around the contest to deceive or to not be deceived. We don't fully understand what is going on in BHO's bizarre intelligence community hoax to reverse the 2016 Election. They would fail to deceive us if we knew who they really are.
So, please excuse the elements that do not seem like they belong in this stumblebum Mueller impeachment hoax saga. In reality there are great reasons that everything here belongs in the discussion about the attempted coup, and who is trying to defeat the sovereignty of the United States. Here the People are Sovereign. We have no King, but Jesus Christ. The NWO is calling national identity "sovereign extremism." The Star Chamber Schiff Show is the occult sequel to the stumblebum Mueller farce show.
So, please excuse the elements that do not seem like they belong in this stumblebum Mueller impeachment hoax saga. In reality there are great reasons that everything here belongs in the discussion about the attempted coup, and who is trying to defeat the sovereignty of the United States. Here the People are Sovereign. We have no King, but Jesus Christ. The NWO is calling national identity "sovereign extremism." The Star Chamber Schiff Show is the occult sequel to the stumblebum Mueller farce show.
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The Eye Of Horus |
Frankly, for the diabolical, deceit is a way of life, a source of pride. We should realize the intent to deceive us, not only exists, but communism/islam teaches their followers it is a good thing to do to others who do not fall in line. Communism regularly trains their people to deceive the masses. Islam teaches their people to use a "strategy of lies." Islam refers to their strategy of lies as being 'flexible,' their path to victory and heavenly glory.
The meddling by the media to destroy Trump and elect Democrats is much more dangerous to the integrity of our elections than anything Russia or any other foreign country has or is doing.
Schiff once used impeachment as a fundraising tool, and that hasn't changed. Adam Schiff is Clinton’s hatchet-man. There are classic techniques to uncover the truth in evil schemes and crimes, and one technique is to follow the money trail. Another effective technique was fleshed out by Sherlock Holmes:
Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.
Many are being deceived, so we can accept that the unraveling of this impeachment hoax factory will touch mysteries, hidden identities, and much we are conditioned to refuse to see. Deceivers exploit the fact that there are realities people refuse to face. The fact of the matter is that Adam Schiff won his first term in Congress by condemning the very things he's fighting for today.
You must conceal all crimes of your brother Masons ... and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother Mason be always sure to shield him ... It may be perjury to do this, it is true, but you're keeping your obligations. ~Ronayne, Handbook of Masonry, page 183
It is a good start to recognize that Islam is pagan, and paganism flowered and bloomed when they built the Tower of Babel. Another powerful piece of knowledge is what many many many Imams have exclaimed: communism is islam. Pagan freemasonry is very much active in D.C.. It was a diabolical conspirator that named this saga, The Coming Deluge. In the end we will return to that diabolical Hillary co-conspirator.
Crossfire Hurricane PsyOp
Rep. John Ratcliffe’s Full Questioning of
Robert Mueller
Mueller Did Not Follow Special Counsel Rules
Mueller Did Not Follow Special Counsel Rules
His Volume II Violates the Bedrock of Justice,
the Presumption of Innocence
The First Manchurian Special Counsel
Let me state my conclusion right up front: Robert Mueller did not actually lead the investigation into “Russian Collusion” with the Trump presidential campaign. He was simply a prop chosen by Rod Rosenstein, and whoever else was part of the Manchurian conspiracy, in order to give a respected face to a very dirty effort. ~Charlie Kirk
Once Mueller was questioned nobody tried to pawn him off as a man of valor with supreme ability any more. We see that when Mueller was questioned in public, EVERYONE saw he was not slightly capable nor honest. This simple instance of Mueller under oath, just one single witness under cross examination in public view on TV, resulted in the whole nation experiencing a quantum leap update on reality covering the whole Democrat Party Russia Collusion Hoax.
They are trying their new sequel to the same place using a Ukrainian hoax now, but this time they want their shysters hidden from view due to this fact that the public exposure has quantum levels of reality that vaporize the deceitfulness of their dumb psy op's.
They are trying their new sequel to the same place using a Ukrainian hoax now, but this time they want their shysters hidden from view due to this fact that the public exposure has quantum levels of reality that vaporize the deceitfulness of their dumb psy op's.
Barack's 'insurance policy' went down in flames when America finally heard from the Democrat Party champion, Robert Mueller. Mueller's colossal dud is a perfect microcosm of the nothing-burger that is Barack Hussein Obama and the Pelosi House.
The Pelosi House Dems, under the diabolical Hillary stooge, Adam Schiff, shamelesly have not stopped their Maxine Waters/Occasional-Cortex level evil stupidity, their hoax and frame up of a United States President. Yes, they finally voted for an inquiry, but they voted to continue the same secret, UnConstitutional, partisan, Star Chamber hoax: still no due process. But the good news is that we can name the names of those who betrayed Americans.
What happened when America saw Mueller for themselves? That is the power of transparency and confronting one's accusers. The russia collusion hoax evaporated when we, the American public, could assess Mueller for ourselves. The lying Leftwing media are part of the Deep State and they are owned by Hillary, the same way Schiff is owned by Hillary. With transparency many deceits are vaporized by the light of day.
And Dems produced no proof of Trump guilt for anything through using their expensive, illegal, NOT independent, Special Counsel bluff and witch hunt. For all their lying about their "Champion Mueller" and the "Special Counsel," they produced no evidence against Trump, nothing. So now Pelosi wants to hold a 'swift' lynching.
Schiff is again keeping corrupt allegiances, conspiring with witnesses, hiding witnesses, and taking the already unclassified hearings away from public view with no reason or excuse to do that at all. Ciaramella is a leaker, not a whistleblower (Ciaramella is a Roman name). And he isn't much of any kind of witness when he refuses to be seen. He flunks being called a whistleblower for other reasons: he is not a witness of anything.
Schiff is again keeping corrupt allegiances, conspiring with witnesses, hiding witnesses, and taking the already unclassified hearings away from public view with no reason or excuse to do that at all. Ciaramella is a leaker, not a whistleblower (Ciaramella is a Roman name). And he isn't much of any kind of witness when he refuses to be seen. He flunks being called a whistleblower for other reasons: he is not a witness of anything.
CIA - - Catholic Intelligence Agency
Holy Warriors Symbol is the CIA Seal: Alexander the Great's Shield
Biden Section One Exposé
The CIA had to change their definition of a whistleblower in August for Ciaramella to be called that, but a rose or a skunk remains a rose and a skunk no matter what name we may give to them. But whistleblower law is not about the impeachment of the elected President anyway! Anonymity for whistleblowing is for job scrutiny inside an agency, so this bogus 'anonymity' has nothing to do with civil or criminal trials. Ciaramella is a skunk leaker, no matter what Shifty Schiff demands we call him. Until this, a whistleblower was the one willing to become a witness, not someone spreading unaccountable hearsay rumors and from hiding places taking questions in writing like some god. What the House Democrats are DOING proves they know absolutely nothing about our Constitution, and that they lack a shred of decency.
The News Entertainment Industrial Complex knows who the whistleblower is, and they rarely hesitated to leak and endlessly conspire with Mueller's witch hunt. So why are they silent on this one leaker after their vast unmasking feast days? Because they are still colluding with Hillary. In Hillary's fantasy news industrial complex, hard facts cease to exist when not reported and given no coverage!!!
Federal documents reveal that the 33-year-old Ciaramella, a registered Democrat held over from the Obama White House, is so conneceted that he has already in his young life previously worked with former U.S. National Security Advisor Susan Rice, former Vice President Joe Biden, AND former CIA Director John Brennan (... and Brennan is a vocal critic of Trump who helped initiate the Russia “collusion” investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, no less). Is Ciaramella Pope Francis' nephew, or something? They call the CIA the Catholic Intelligence Agency, since all of their leadership have always been Catholic. CIA-ramella.
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To This State Luncheon Biden Invited Eric Ciaramella, a Low-Level GS-13 Federal Employee! |
Think about how connected Ciaramella is: Joe Biden invited Ciaramella to a state luncheon with the Italian premier. Also invited: Brennan, Comey, and Clapper. Ciaramella's is a high up, connected political operative, not a low-level civil servant whistleblower. We cannot permit him to pull our nation's strings in secret, thus doing far more deadly meddling in our 2016 and 2020 elections than dreamed of by any Russians or groups of Russians.
RealClearInvestigations named Ciaramella as the whistleblower last week. The report cites U.S. officials who said the invite to Ciaramella, "a relatively low-level GS-13 federal employee, was unusual and signaled he was politically connected inside the Barack Hussein Obama White House." Majority Leader Harry Reid, John and Tony Podesta, Colin Powell, and Condoleezza Rice received invitations too.
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Catholic Intelligence Agency-Muslim Brotherhood-Commie Coup
Ciaramella, heavily involved in Leftist protests, also showed support and sympathy for the Muslim Brotherhood. Just like Communist Brennan, this CIA Agent had a meteoric career within the intelligence agency. The CIA is run by foreign powers. This traitors' effort clearly is a hostile takeover attempt by foreign powers. The media complex hires from the CIA, so now you know why our media are traitors to America. This Islamonazi coup attempt used our islamonazi media outlets that I call stasi for short.![]() |
Ciaramella with CNN Brennan Communist Baghdad Barack's Communist CIA Director Brennan |
Hillary's Deadly Sin of WRATH Showing
When you watch the Schiff Show, recognize that when you are looking at Schiff you are staring at Hillary's proxy (Hillary's husband is a communist and catholic). Schiff is also Soros' proxy. It was Soros and Clinton money that got Schifty Schiff into Congress in the first place, by replacing the Manager of the Clinton Impeachment, James Rogan. California State Senator, Schifty Adam Schiff, was one of the most prodigious fund-raisers of 2000. The Clintons are corrupted by greed, lust, sloth, envy, gluttony, and pride. But Hillary owns the particular deadly sin of WRATH.
Soros IS foreign influence in our elections, and he is literally an enthusiastic supporter of the Third Reich during World War Two. And he's proud of it. He said it was the happiest time of his life. And Hillary? How evil is it that the candidate who lost the 2016 election has spent 3 years investigating the winner? This must be stopped by the People. Immediately. No need for a McCarthy to search for stealth communists, they are now the top most powerful Democrats and their allies. A real army of the dead walking past us.
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American Thinker October 15, 2019 By Jack Hellner |
It used to take a high crime and misdemeanor to get impeached.
Now it just takes someone being "concerned."
For weeks, the public was told that the impeach–President Trump leaker, who is incorrectly called a whistleblower, would testify to Congress.
Now Democratic House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, a serial liar, has said there is no need for the leaker, who made up lots of stuff about a phone call by Trump, to testify, because the committee and the public have already seen the transcript of the call. That's the one that revealed that the leaker, along with Adam Schiff, the New York Times, and most of the media misled/lied to the public about what Trump said.
Adam Schiff says whistleblower may not testify in impeachment probe.
Schiff (D-Calif.) said the whistleblower's testimony might not be needed given that a rough transcript of the call with Trump asking Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for a "favor" — the centerpiece of the whistleblower's complaint — is public.
The public should be very concerned that most of the stasi media should just register as lobbyists for Democrats and their policies instead of intentionally misleading the public, lie, in order to meddle in every U.S. election.
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The Leaker Ciaramella accompanied Biden on numerous trips to Ukraine. |
Ciaramella would be one of the most important witnesses and could even be charged. “Ciaramella being seen as a courageous witness and as a kind of whistleblower against President Trump is beyond ridiculous,” states a former CIA Agent.
But Schiff KNEW there was no excuse for his tra-la-la Ukraine witch hunt.
The ONLY reason Mark Sandy was ever given why there was a hold on $ to Ukraine was “the President’s concern about other countries not contributing more to Ukraine.” NOT bribery. NOT quid pro quo or any other WACKY Schiff conspiracy!”
CNN claimed in a report on Tuesday that the OMB took action on withholding the aid to Ukraine on the evening of July 25, the same day as the call.
Zeldin responded to the story, writing on Twitter: “This is not true. There were multiple actions before July 25th. It’s amazing how much deliberate misleading many in the media are enthusiastically engaging in ..."But Schiff held back the transcripts that showed the reality of why $ to Ukraine was on hold, while he was staging his cult Star Chamber, where he and Soros take the role of gods. Schiff and his stasi media collaborators are meddling and tampering with the 2020 Election far more often and worse than Putin in 2016.
Schiff also claims he is allowed/required to do secret impeachment?! The Star Chamber stage is the consequence of Democrats believing themselves perfect and therefore sanctified in forcing others into their own image. It is the hellish way the stasi media industrial complex has controled the masses using their schemes rather than reality as news.
The law says: "The inspector general shall not disclose the identity of the employee without the consent of the employee, unless the inspector general determines that such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation ..." First, the inspector general is the only official specifically prohibited from disclosing the identity. And second, the statute's "investigation" refers to the inspector general's probe. Shifty's precious whistleblower is part of an impeachment investigation, so disclosure is in fact unavoidable. Oh, Shifty Schiff!!
Democrats cannot do their secret and lawless impeachment, keeping vital information away from Congressmen and the American people, in the name of preserving the anonymity of a whistleblower!!! Schiff is a scalawag charlatan. In point of fact, he even looks like the proverbial scalawag charlatan. He serves a literal NAZI, George Soros. Some day will Schiff develop self-awareness and see he's been an antifa fascist nazi all along?
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Where were the foreign policy whistleblowers under Baghdad Barack Obama? |
American Thinker November 7, 2019
Somehow, during the Obama/Biden/Hillary/Kerry eight years we never heard of journalists, career diplomats, FBI, Justice, intelligence agencies and other Democrats being concerned much about any of Obama’s foreign policies. ****Where was the outrage by the media and other Democrats when the Obama Administration prosecuted eight whistleblowers for spying?
The media, diplomats, leakers, whistleblowers, and other Democrats had no concern on foreign policy when:
Obama reneged on a commitment to put in missile defense shields in Poland and the Czech Republic to appease Russia. Where was the concern that allies wouldn't trust us anymore?
Obama reneged on a commitment to put in missile defense shields in Poland and the Czech Republic to appease Russia. Where was the concern that allies wouldn't trust us anymore?
Obama and Hillary left Democrats unprotected in Benghazi.

Obama said he would be flexible
with Putin's Russia if re-elected.
Obama laughed when Romney said Russia was dangerous.
Obama and his administration allowed Russia to get its hands on U.S. uranium after $tens of millions of dollars of "donations" went to the Clinton Foundation.
Obama, to appease Russia, refused to give Ukraine defensive weapons.
Obama and Biden threatened to cut off over $1 billion if they didn't fire a prosecutor. Where was the concern about the clear quid pro quo?
The Obama administration had a gun-running operation into Mexico and illegally withheld documents from Congress for years.
Obama pulled troops in Iraq despite being told that was not a good idea. Where was the concern that allies wouldn't trust us?
Obama called ISIS the J.V. team. And remember how Obama laughed so hard when Romney said Russia was dangerous. Obama/Hillary left Democrats unprotected in Benghazi (Baghdad Barack and Hillary are the J.V. Team).
Obama/Hillary didn't lift a finger to save Americans under attack.
Obama, Hillary and others concocted a lie about a video that they told to the public and to the families of those who died to protect their political power.
AND Obama lied about terrorists being on the run.
Obama didn't enforce his red line in Syria. Where was the concern that allies wouldn't trust us?
Obama and Kerry trusted Putin to monitor Assad's chemical weapons.
Obama and his administration lied through the media to get approval of the Iran deal to give a big sponsor of terrorism and a country that pledges death to America a billion-dollar payout.
Obama sent $1.8 billion of taxpayer money as blackmail to the Iranian tyrants. Obama paid $1.8 billion in kickbacks to the Iranian tyrants in unmarked bills.
Russia and its stooges paid huge kickbacks to the Clinton Foundation and got Uranium One in return.
Obama dictatorially stopped an investigation into drug running by Hizb'allah to appease the tyrants in Iran.

Obama looked the other way as Hillary's and Biden's family greatly enriched their families with foreign money.
Obama and his administration allowing Hillary and those surrounding her to illegally mishandle classified information.
The Obama administration, in collusion with the DNC and Hillary, used foreign sources to dig up dirt on a political opponent and spy on them. Durham probe revealed whole precise cyber warfare of BHO.
The Obama administration illegally unmasking names of people surrounding Trump. Schiff and others are supposedly concerned about protecting the leaker, but never gave a damn about any of the people the Obama administration unmasked. Leaking to the media is a felony. Spying on candidate Trump that continued on sitting President Trump is treason.
Obama gave a stand down order to stop investigating Russian hacking in the summer of 2016. He knew all about how he was running surveillance operations against President Trump and other candidates.
In view of the whole world and Russia looking on, the Obama administration permitted the DNC to refuse to turn over the computer's physical evidence of Russian hacking!!!
Biden’s son got $millions in kickbacks from a corrupt Ukrainian company and also got money from China and Romania.
Biden/Obama threatened to cut off over a billion dollars in aid if they didn’t fire a prosecutor who was investigating the company that paid Biden’s son.
But they became very "concerned" that Trump was dangerous on foreign policy and should be impeached because he wanted to abide by a 1999 agreement with Ukraine to investigate the clear corruption of Biden and the DNC with Crowdstrike.
Ever since Trump started running against Hillary, bureaucrats and other Democrats have searched for a way to defeat and then impeach him. The truth has not impeded Schiff or any other Democrat for the last three years in their goal to reverse the election.
Instead of the media being unbiased observers and reporters, they have been active stasi-like participants in the indoctrination of the public that Trump is a lawbreaker, ignores the Constitution and is a racist, homophobe, xenophobe, dictator and fascist, among other names. And they say Trump is divisive!!
The meddling by the stasi media to destroy Trump and elect Democrats is much more dangerous to the integrity of our elections than anything Russia or any other foreign country has or is doing.
Ukraine colluded with Democrats to destroy Trump and elect Hillary in 2016.
When the media is intentionally peddling false stories about Russian collusion, lies about what Trump said about Charlottesville, blocking opposing views on climate change, attacking Kavanaugh with no evidence, or burying the Jeffrey Epstein story, they are campaigners, not reporters.
So the media, diplomats, bureaucrats, leakers, whistle blowers and other Democrats never cared about all the above* foreign policy actions that weakened our country and dissed our allies, but if Trump wanted to abide by a 1999 law to seek out corruption by a politician's family, where the politician happens to be running for president, that is impeachable?
The same Democrat stasi media that attacks Trump, covered-up and ignored serial rapist Bill Clinton when he obstructed justice and committed perjury.
From 2016 onward the Enemy Media couldn't stop puffying-up Impeachment Talk with "17 Intelligence Agencies," and the bogus Steele Dossier that Democrats and their pravda media lapdogs took so seriously. For three to four years Barack has run the worst personal insult-assault campaign ever, weaponizing the most dangerous powers of government, to tamper with the 2016 U.S. Elections, yet he lost.
This Ukraine-phone-call impeachment is called a Star Chamber for many reasons, primarily the cult hysteria and foregone conclusion. The Star-Chamber Democrats hold secret hearings, and don't allow Republican congressmen access to the available transcripts. The House Dems are accepting hearsay to impeach the U.S. President.
Neither the President nor the Republicans were allowed to call witnesses!!! Then there is the classic Star Chamber feature Shifty Schiff employs: Denial of Ability to Confront One's Accuser in open court. The House Democrat abomination is visible from every side. The House Democrats are unConstitutional, unjust, and demonic. They are colluding with the stasi Brennan media in Brennan's CIA driven coup.
This is exactly what socialism/communism has done EVERY SINGLE TIME. It is a highly violent, nation-collapsing mechanism: nation theft. Now Muslims, Chinese, Russians and Cubans are keeping their eyes out for Venezuela, not for their well-being, but to STEAL from them. China offered to mine their gold, how sweet. Venezuela has more gold than all of Africa, and more oil than all of the middle east. Yet their People are starving.
The awful, socialist Mean Girls Squad needs to fix their own countries they claim to have fled, and stop yelling against American free enterprise. People want to live in America, including those terrible hypocrites.
The Beloved Good Guys
The Obama administration said it was just trying to protect civilians in Libya. But instead their actions reveal a different story, they didn't like Qaddafi's responses to their demands even as he tried seriously to comply. Obama violently pursued regime change against Qaddafi. Hillary enjoyed it when reports came in of Qaddafi's gang rape death. For full context *see mark 4:00 in this full video source link, or see for yourself how Hillary responded to Gaddafi's savage end in the video below.*
The Obama administration had a gun-running operation into Mexico and illegally withheld documents from Congress for years.
Obama pulled troops in Iraq despite being told that was not a good idea. Where was the concern that allies wouldn't trust us?
Obama called ISIS the J.V. team. And remember how Obama laughed so hard when Romney said Russia was dangerous. Obama/Hillary left Democrats unprotected in Benghazi (Baghdad Barack and Hillary are the J.V. Team).
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The Index Finger Pointed Up is Antichrist Sign |
Obama/Hillary didn't lift a finger to save Americans under attack.
Obama, Hillary and others concocted a lie about a video that they told to the public and to the families of those who died to protect their political power.
AND Obama lied about terrorists being on the run.
Obama didn't enforce his red line in Syria. Where was the concern that allies wouldn't trust us?
Obama and Kerry trusted Putin to monitor Assad's chemical weapons.
Obama and his administration lied through the media to get approval of the Iran deal to give a big sponsor of terrorism and a country that pledges death to America a billion-dollar payout.
Obama sent $1.8 billion of taxpayer money as blackmail to the Iranian tyrants. Obama paid $1.8 billion in kickbacks to the Iranian tyrants in unmarked bills.
Russia and its stooges paid huge kickbacks to the Clinton Foundation and got Uranium One in return.
Obama dictatorially stopped an investigation into drug running by Hizb'allah to appease the tyrants in Iran.

Obama looked the other way as Hillary's and Biden's family greatly enriched their families with foreign money.
Obama and his administration allowing Hillary and those surrounding her to illegally mishandle classified information.
The Obama administration, in collusion with the DNC and Hillary, used foreign sources to dig up dirt on a political opponent and spy on them. Durham probe revealed whole precise cyber warfare of BHO.
The Obama administration illegally unmasking names of people surrounding Trump. Schiff and others are supposedly concerned about protecting the leaker, but never gave a damn about any of the people the Obama administration unmasked. Leaking to the media is a felony. Spying on candidate Trump that continued on sitting President Trump is treason.
Obama gave a stand down order to stop investigating Russian hacking in the summer of 2016. He knew all about how he was running surveillance operations against President Trump and other candidates.
In view of the whole world and Russia looking on, the Obama administration permitted the DNC to refuse to turn over the computer's physical evidence of Russian hacking!!!

Biden’s son got $millions in kickbacks from a corrupt Ukrainian company and also got money from China and Romania.
Biden/Obama threatened to cut off over a billion dollars in aid if they didn’t fire a prosecutor who was investigating the company that paid Biden’s son.
But they became very "concerned" that Trump was dangerous on foreign policy and should be impeached because he wanted to abide by a 1999 agreement with Ukraine to investigate the clear corruption of Biden and the DNC with Crowdstrike.
Ever since Trump started running against Hillary, bureaucrats and other Democrats have searched for a way to defeat and then impeach him. The truth has not impeded Schiff or any other Democrat for the last three years in their goal to reverse the election.
Instead of the media being unbiased observers and reporters, they have been active stasi-like participants in the indoctrination of the public that Trump is a lawbreaker, ignores the Constitution and is a racist, homophobe, xenophobe, dictator and fascist, among other names. And they say Trump is divisive!!
The meddling by the stasi media to destroy Trump and elect Democrats is much more dangerous to the integrity of our elections than anything Russia or any other foreign country has or is doing.

Ukraine colluded with Democrats to destroy Trump and elect Hillary in 2016.
So the media, diplomats, bureaucrats, leakers, whistle blowers and other Democrats never cared about all the above* foreign policy actions that weakened our country and dissed our allies, but if Trump wanted to abide by a 1999 law to seek out corruption by a politician's family, where the politician happens to be running for president, that is impeachable?
To The Swamp Media, Meddling in our Elections is A Way of Life
The public should be very concerned that most of the media should just register as lobbyists for Democrats and their policies instead of the fact that intentionally mislead the public in order to meddle in every election.The same Democrat stasi media that attacks Trump, covered-up and ignored serial rapist Bill Clinton when he obstructed justice and committed perjury.
Adam Schiff even tried to proceed with his Star Chamber lynching without the House voting to authorize his impeachment inquiry, and from a committee not suited to run an impeachment inquiry. Impeachment is pursued by the Judiciary Committee. They initiated this inquiry and sent out phony subpeonas. Schiff has extreme conflicts of interest, so in fairness Democrats should acknowledge that Schiff must not preside over an investigation where he is a witness. It is also uncomfortable timing for Cummings' death (he was writing those phony 'subpeonas' for the House Dems).
Americans Know Schiff Shouldn't Be In Charge
Schiff is continually implementing unfair, secret, and partisan impeachment. But House Dems mostly agree with this partisan mob lynching of a U.S. President under the leadership of Hillary's henchman. The founding principle of impeachment in our Constitution is that it is not the place for partisan meddling in our elections. Not one Republican has voted to support the House Impeachment Inquiry, it is not the bibartisan Impeachment Pelosi promised.This Pelosi-Soros-Schiff impeachment process is partisan, so it is unConstitutional, entirely out of bounds because it has been a completely partisan project, a true witch hunt.
Political business is related to government affairs. Partisan business is related to the affairs of a party or faction. Partisan and political are not the same thing, and the House Dems fusing them together is treason.
Political business is related to government affairs. Partisan business is related to the affairs of a party or faction. Partisan and political are not the same thing, and the House Dems fusing them together is treason.
For a thorough walk through of the Barack Hussein Muslim Brotherhood COUP, see the Mechanics of Deception paper linked here. You can view for yourself this awesome sliver, a tiny fraction and sample of data that allows all citizens to peek at how Barack's Strategy of Lying, his Flexible-News-Media COUP Network operated: see Bruce Ohr's incestuous relationship to ABC News.
Martha Genesoke is Bruce Ohr's sister, and a New York based ABC News Producer. Bruce Ohr operated as the 4th Ranking FBI official prior to and during the Mueller witch hunt. Ohr was a Deputy AG. It is completely unacceptable for this high FBI official to have his sister in NY producing for ABC News!!
Martha Genesoke is Bruce Ohr's sister, and a New York based ABC News Producer. Bruce Ohr operated as the 4th Ranking FBI official prior to and during the Mueller witch hunt. Ohr was a Deputy AG. It is completely unacceptable for this high FBI official to have his sister in NY producing for ABC News!!
This is only the tip of the iceberg of organizational incest that should NEVER be allowed. Barack Hussein is the hub of this vile network of organizational-incestuous ‘strategically’ placed attorneys. *See Mary Jacoby, Leila Babaeva, and Kathryn Cameron Atkinson at the 2015 GIR Awards. Jacoby is Glenn Simpson's wife, and co-founder of FusionGPS.
Jacoby knew and worked with Christopher Steele, Nellie Ohr, Peter Strzok and his wife Melissa Hodgman—the Associate Director in SEC Enforcement Division, Peter Fritsch, Neil King Jr. and his wife Shailagh Murray, David Kramer, Jonathan Winer, and Sidney Blumenthal who worked with her at Salon in 2004. These enemies of Trump are GLOBALISTS!
Blumenthal’s first 20 contacts out of over 4000 shows an over 96% linkage to anti-Trump publications, most of these are from mainstream media sources. Neil King Jr. from Fusion GPS is married to Shailagh Murray who was President Obama’s Senior Policy Advisor. She was also Joe Biden’s Deputy-Chief-of-Staff. King and Murray knew Steele, Kramer, Winer, and the Ohrs going back to the mid-2000s.
This is an unholy alliance that the FBI should NEVER have allowed to exist in the first place. As we have proven constantly, "the" intelligence agencies are in bed with the news industrial complex, and owned by Hillary. It is organization incest, and the network is rightly called "The Swamp." Some call it the Deep State, but that is too polite a term for them. The Bush family brought SS Gestapo and NAZI intelligence operatives into the U.S. following WW2, they were literally war criminals, and the Bush Team used those monsters to create the CIA. Hence the terrible, awful, degenerate reputation.
The enemies of Trump do not just act "like Nazi's," they literally are NAZI's. Soros and the CIA are NAZI's directly from WW2 war crimes, the most rotten of times. SPLC is outted by the black people who worked there, those running their operation dissed black employees, it actaully is a stasi propaganda brownshirt group.
Most of the textual evidence points to Glenn Simpson and his wife Mary Jacoby as the architects of the dossier framework. In Facebook Mary brags about her husband’s leading role in its composition and vents her frustration about Steele monopolizing the limelight.
The Swamp
Are all of these incestuous relationships coincidental? It is a vast open problem that the top law enforcement officials are married to stasi media spouses. Ian Fleming, a naval intelligence officer and the creator of James Bond, contemplated the problem of coincidental relationships in intelligence operations and came up with his famous maxim:
Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it’s enemy action.
Hillary's Cody Shearer was busy. Did Shearer & Steele simply get some of their stories from the same source, or was Steele re-using a tale invented by Shearer, a known Hillary fantasist & dirty trickster?
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1-Mueller Did Much More Effective Election Tampering Than Anything Russia Did |
From 2016 onward the Enemy Media couldn't stop puffying-up Impeachment Talk with "17 Intelligence Agencies," and the bogus Steele Dossier that Democrats and their pravda media lapdogs took so seriously. For three to four years Barack has run the worst personal insult-assault campaign ever, weaponizing the most dangerous powers of government, to tamper with the 2016 U.S. Elections, yet he lost.
BHO ran a sick, lead-from-behind arab nightmare in the middle east, yet the Democrat media failed to call him out on his murder of Gaddafi. Hillary and Barack didn't just make intimidating phone calls, they helped murder him and laughed about Gaddafi's gross gang-rape murder! Yet the incestuous stasi media would have you believe the Democrats are the sane ones on foreign policy?!!!
BHO was disgusting when saying in front of the cameras of the world that their abominations, that they call "foreign policy," would only be looked back on as a mere "bump in the road." Gaddafi's death was exceptionally gruesome and internationally shouted down as war crimes committed by BHO and Hillary. And Benghazi was an abomination where stand-down Barack sat and watched the U.S. Ambassador and four Navy SEALS murdered by Islamic terrorists. BHO abandoned the scene for weeks, never even looking for the "real killers" in a hypocritical OJ-type move. In a word, we all know the Barack stasi media is full of deceit and it is degenerate, wholly dishonest, and unreliable to report reality.
BHO was disgusting when saying in front of the cameras of the world that their abominations, that they call "foreign policy," would only be looked back on as a mere "bump in the road." Gaddafi's death was exceptionally gruesome and internationally shouted down as war crimes committed by BHO and Hillary. And Benghazi was an abomination where stand-down Barack sat and watched the U.S. Ambassador and four Navy SEALS murdered by Islamic terrorists. BHO abandoned the scene for weeks, never even looking for the "real killers" in a hypocritical OJ-type move. In a word, we all know the Barack stasi media is full of deceit and it is degenerate, wholly dishonest, and unreliable to report reality.
And Barack's insurance policy went down in flames when America finally heard from the Democrat Party champion, Robert Mueller. Mueller's colossal dud report is a perfect microcosm of the nothing-burger that is Barack Hussein Obama. Baghdad Barack's endless diabolical "smidgens," sprang from a filthy, toxic fountain and flowed into BHO's egomaniacal dead ocean. Truly strange that Barack, the King of Smears, insists that it is Trump who owns the insult! Barack is so vicious he turned it into a crime that Romney brought the family dog in a dog carrier on their family vacation, when it is Barack who ate dogs.
This Ukraine-phone-call impeachment is called a Star Chamber for many reasons, primarily the cult hysteria and foregone conclusion. The Star-Chamber Democrats hold secret hearings, and don't allow Republican congressmen access to the available transcripts. The House Dems are accepting hearsay to impeach the U.S. President.
Neither the President nor the Republicans were allowed to call witnesses!!! Then there is the classic Star Chamber feature Shifty Schiff employs: Denial of Ability to Confront One's Accuser in open court. The House Democrat abomination is visible from every side. The House Democrats are unConstitutional, unjust, and demonic. They are colluding with the stasi Brennan media in Brennan's CIA driven coup.
*See Mark 00:46 Mueller Says He is Not Familiar with Fusion GPS!
Mueller is incompetent and a complete disgrace. The Mueller Report is a one-sided attack on President Trump, and shamelessly omits exculpatory information. It's criminal how House Democrat officials conspire to get around the Law. Barack Obama abused power, colluded with foreign powers against America, and tampered and continues to tamper with our 2016 election. The Mueller testimony and hearings proved Mueller didn't write the report; and the report is not worth the paper upon which it is written.
And Glenn Simpson Was Not Even Mentioned in Mueller's 448-Page Report.
Mueller's Team failed to understand the most basic and sacred foundation of American Law, the presumption of innocence. Of course Mueller had no power to exonerate himself or anyone else. Democrats who prance around protesting for justice have none at all. The "news" people have become the chattering class that uses doublethink and doublespeak to gaslight American voters rather than report on news that interests Americans.
What the House Dems' Ukraine lynch mob hoax shows us is that to House Dems 'justice' is re-cycled crime. Venezuela's gold is sold to foreigners by the ton. Yet the People of Venezuela are giving birth on the roadside, starving, and being plowed down by government militia. The People can't get toilet paper, or basic supplies, because the Communists first confiscated their guns, and then they sent out maniac militia to oppress the now vulnerable People.OPPOSED TO TRUMP
This is exactly what socialism/communism has done EVERY SINGLE TIME. It is a highly violent, nation-collapsing mechanism: nation theft. Now Muslims, Chinese, Russians and Cubans are keeping their eyes out for Venezuela, not for their well-being, but to STEAL from them. China offered to mine their gold, how sweet. Venezuela has more gold than all of Africa, and more oil than all of the middle east. Yet their People are starving.
The awful, socialist Mean Girls Squad needs to fix their own countries they claim to have fled, and stop yelling against American free enterprise. People want to live in America, including those terrible hypocrites.
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If You Try to Kill the King, You Better Not Miss ~ James Woods, #HangThemAll |

My biggest problem in 2016 wasn't who should be president, it was who shouldn't be. Sorry, for all of his faults, of which there are many, Trump represented a much less danger to the people of the U.S. than the alternative. Having a President with the DOJ, FBI, AND the mainstream media on his & her payroll seemed like a one-way trip down the drain.
Exposes Left's Plot to Remake Americain 'Radicals, Resistance, and Revenge'

K.J. Keith wrote an excellent review of the Barack Obama coup, "Brennan: Conspiracy, Sedition, and the Coming Grand Jury." This article is the core material illustrated in discussions here from his August 17, 2019 article.
WASHINGTON, D.C. Former Obama CIA Director John Brennan continues to embarrass himself and the entire intelligence community with his ongoing campaign of character assassination against the sitting President. That he is the principal conspirator in a plot attempting to derail the Trump campaign and destroy the Trump Presidency is somehow lost on him.
John Brennan's problems extend far beyond losing his security clearance. It is laughable to hear his frantic framing this as an assault on the First Amendment. Seems to me that Brennan has been exercising his First Amendment rights in a manner that is both cringingly unseemly and completely unprecedented for former CIA directors.
John Brennan: the Russian Dossier and Harry Reid
Brennan has been verbally assaulting the President in the most vicious, cutting, unhinged manner on a consistent basis since Trump's election victory. Brennan's role in propagating the Russian Dossier throughout the government is now becoming clear. In the fall of 2016 he was apparently shopping the dossier all over town, to multiple journalists, and to Harry Reid.
Judicial Watch is doing the work of the Justice Department now. They seem to be the only one uncovering the truth. Their court action is now about to reveal the reams of documents, texts, and emails exchanged between Brennan and Harry Reid. Their expected contents are apparently both alarming and wildly incriminating.
It is known that treason, a noun, means “the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.” It's synonyms are treachery, disloyalty, betrayal, faithlessness. Barack and the House Democrats are foaming at the mouth and lawlessly attacking our government. The Democrats are not above the Constitutional parameters that limit them, such as presumption of innocence. It is the People who must block their treasonous overreach. And the states must also push back on federal overreaching.
The Barack Obama coup attempt that is still ongoing years after Trump's election. Barack seeks to steal power and is stealing power from America by his detestable lawlessness, by his censorship of our major news outlets, by his extensive weaponizing and politicizing of federal powers, by his illegal 'About Queries' in the vast, permanent, 1984-Type State Databases, by unprecedented censoring of conservatives on social media and google search engines, and by his other detestable 'organizing' machinations.
Knowledge is power and Barack Hussein Obama stiffles the free speech of his political foes, and grossly insults free speech by illegally spying and surveilling his poltical enemies.
The sovereign the NWO globalists, stasi media, socialists, Islamocrats, and Pelosi's deadbeat House Democrats attempt to overthrow? The People of America.
Knowledge is power and Barack Hussein Obama stiffles the free speech of his political foes, and grossly insults free speech by illegally spying and surveilling his poltical enemies.
The sovereign the NWO globalists, stasi media, socialists, Islamocrats, and Pelosi's deadbeat House Democrats attempt to overthrow? The People of America.
The Beloved Good Guys
When the USA uses tools designed to spy on foreigners, and turns them to spy on U.S. citizens, we have a run amok, unconstitutional government. The Barack Hussein Obama government was run amok, unConstitutional government. When the USA every day, hour, and minute collects data on U.S. citizens in violation of the Constitution, storing it permanently, that too is illegal searching and seizures.
The House has the powers of Impeachment and Impeachment Inquiry, the Speakership does not. If Democrats really believed what they say, the House would vote on an Impeachment Inquiry; they would not continue dodging accountability. Schumer and Schiff both claimed private, special non-circumstantial proof of Trump collusion with Russia. But there was no collusion. This new 'whistleblower' scam by Adam Schiff is him crying wolf again.
On January 3rd 2017, Schumer insisted that Trump would be foolish to taunt 'the Intelligence community' by mocking "the so-called Russian hacking" tales. The Democrat Party and Democrat Media ridiculed President Trump's claim that the Barack Obama regime was spying on him.
Democrat Party Senate Minority Leader Schumer also warned, "Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you." So it is the Democrat Leader Schumer who properly framed the biggest scam in political history:
Barack Hussein Obama used federal counterterrorism powers and spy agent 'lures' to spy on his political rivals. That drug addicted President is truly frightening. He didn't want America to mention Islamic terrorism because he is an Islamic terrorist scheming for a coup D'état. And top leaders of intelligence agencies and law enforcement are his co-conspirators.
House Democrats insist that a White House Official told their pet 'whistleblower' that Trump's Ukraine call was "frightening." The reality check for that extreme hypocrisy is that Qaddafi is dead! Something frightening is not mysteriously so. And their 'pet' is not a whistleblower since he is not a witness, he's only a leaker of hearsay.
Brennan told us that it was President Obama who ordered the intelligence assessment that led to the Mueller Special Counsel farce. If House Democrats were concerned about politicizing federal power, we would have heard about that before now. Where do the Democrats rage against the way Obama politicized our federal counterterrorism powers to spy on his political opponent?
For that matter, we rarely heard a peep from Democrats about how BHO destroyed their party, or how BHO continuously expressed deep disdain for Christians in America. Some grassroots Democrats did expose Barack's cheating to take the 2008 DNC Primary nomination, kudos to them. But over all, most elected Democrats "fall in line" with their despotic leaders. They are cowards.

House Democrats are silent about the vast majority of Barack's and Biden's abuses of power that were ruthless and relentless. Democrats failed to help demand overrsight to manage Barack's drone strikes: nobody knows who Barack Hussein Obama killed by stealth drones.
Barack was the nexus of rogue FBI, DOJ, CIA operations against Trump. The markings on Hillary's "hacked" data prove it was downloaded from the DNC computers locally by someone authorized on the DNC system, it was not a hack. And to this day the DNC has refused to allow the FBI or DOJ access to the DNC computers at all!!!
The House Dems are enabling a cover up, they are co-conspirators with BHO. The fact of the matter is that there was no hacking. Therefore, of course, no there was no Russian hacking. There was no hack of the DNC computers! Seth Rich had local access to the DNC system, and was offended by how the DNC rigged their primary for Hillary Clinton. Seth Rich was a Bernie Sanders fan. In reality the death of Seth Rich was when BHO's web of lies began unraveling.
Russians always mess in American elections. There were Russiabots active in social media. Trump was not colluding with the bots. As for which party protects whistleblowers, Snowden has explained that Biden and Obama threatened nations that they were not allowed to protect whistleblower Snowden. Barack is a shameless despot who corruptly assaulted whistleblowers.
Joe Biden threatened countries not to give me asylum for whistleblowing. ~Edward Snowden, Posted By Ian Schwartz On September 16, 2019
So when Democrats claim they are the ones who care about protecting whistleblowers, know it is all lies. The fact of the matter is that President Obama routinely punished whistleblowers, and rewarded corrupt government workers breaking our laws and violating the Constitution. See IRS Lois Lerner.*
But everyone please open your eyes! Democrats were not offended and they didn't do a secret impeachment when Obama was soooooooo intimidating to Gaddafi that he sent troops and murdered him. Where were the holier-than-thou House Democrats clamoring for impeachment then? It was an international crime, and many across the globe raised alarms and condemned Barack.
Why do Democrats fail to criticize Barack? Have all the Democrats converted to Islam? Why no secret Impeachment then?
But everyone please open your eyes! Democrats were not offended and they didn't do a secret impeachment when Obama was soooooooo intimidating to Gaddafi that he sent troops and murdered him. Where were the holier-than-thou House Democrats clamoring for impeachment then? It was an international crime, and many across the globe raised alarms and condemned Barack.
Why do Democrats fail to criticize Barack? Have all the Democrats converted to Islam? Why no secret Impeachment then?
In their letter to the Times essentially trying to bully the newspaper into only publishing favorable coverage on the powerful Democrat, the Biden Campaign complains that President Donald Trump is the real threat to a free press!
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Hillary on Qaddafi in Libya:
"We came, we saw, he died, he he he he he."
The Obama administration said it was just trying to protect civilians in Libya. But instead their actions reveal a different story, they didn't like Qaddafi's responses to their demands even as he tried seriously to comply. Obama violently pursued regime change against Qaddafi. Hillary enjoyed it when reports came in of Qaddafi's gang rape death. For full context *see mark 4:00 in this full video source link, or see for yourself how Hillary responded to Gaddafi's savage end in the video below.*
In the name of humanitarian intervention Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary "flagrantly violated international, constitutional, and U.S. statute laws – attacking another country {that was threatening no others}, killing tens of thousands of noncombatant men, women, children, the elderly and infirm."
In 2011 Barack Obama and then secretary of state Hillary Clinton bore full responsibility for the rape and destruction of Libya, transforming Africa’s most developed country into a cauldron of endless violence, instability, turmoil and unspeakable human suffering.
Hillary and Barack were warned in advance that chaotic turmoil and misery would following their attack, but went ahead with their internationally lawless act of murder anyway. ... it had nothing to do with protecting America’s “national security interests” or humanitarian need. It was the opposite.
The effect produced was NOT stability. War correspondent Jon Lee Anderson said: “...there is no overstating the chaos of post-Qaddafi Libya.” Reports explain that armed militias roam the streets ... nearly a third of the country’s population has fled across the border to Tunisia ... and the population that headed for Europe live in concentration camp conditions.
Barack Hussein Obama lied, calling his assault on Libya, his indefinite continual aggression, a “30-day mission.” – He used the phony pretext of combating the scourge of ISIS, that foul organization that the Obama Establishment actually created and supports. Also, it is this Barack Obama arab nightmare that caused the global migrant crisis.
Brennan tells us that it was President Obama who ordered the intelligence assessment that led to the Mueller Special Counsel farce. If House Democrats were concerned about politicizing federal power, we would have heard about that before now. But no where do the Democrats rage against the way Obama has used our federal counterterrorism powers to spy on his political opponent, not once.
So when Democrats claim they are the ones who care about protecting whistleblowers, know that they are telling lies. The fact of the matter is that President Obama routinely punished whistleblowers and rewarded corrupt government workers we knew were breaking our laws and violating the Constitution.
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Obama wanted to be the Democrats’ Ronald Reagan |
Obama wanted to be the Democrats’ Ronald Reagan, but instead Barack left his party decimated.
After the caldron of Barack's hatred for America and hostility to Biblical faith, and the 2010 ballot box, thousands of Democrats lost their offices and elections at the federal and state level. Barack is the old school marm who crossly lectured America and the world to do as he said, not as he did. Reagan was a freedom-loving American; he was truly gentle and funny. And regularly Reagan was expressive of his genuine adoration for America.
In contrast Barack long bragged he was from Kenya and continually distanced himself from America, who he constantly rebuked. Barack was a drug addict who loaded up our enemies in the middle east with millions of guns and advanced weaponry. He helped pay American men to dodge the draft when he was in college. Barack is a hippie and drug addict. He supports flag burning and kneeling during the National Anthem. He antagonized and brutally insulted our wonderful allies. He is a two-faced, unaccountable, stealth drone-killer. Obama's selfish, hard, sleazy and completely privileged sourpuss.
After the caldron of Barack's hatred for America and hostility to Biblical faith, and the 2010 ballot box, thousands of Democrats lost their offices and elections at the federal and state level. Barack is the old school marm who crossly lectured America and the world to do as he said, not as he did. Reagan was a freedom-loving American; he was truly gentle and funny. And regularly Reagan was expressive of his genuine adoration for America.
In contrast Barack long bragged he was from Kenya and continually distanced himself from America, who he constantly rebuked. Barack was a drug addict who loaded up our enemies in the middle east with millions of guns and advanced weaponry. He helped pay American men to dodge the draft when he was in college. Barack is a hippie and drug addict. He supports flag burning and kneeling during the National Anthem. He antagonized and brutally insulted our wonderful allies. He is a two-faced, unaccountable, stealth drone-killer. Obama's selfish, hard, sleazy and completely privileged sourpuss.
The ranks of moderate and conservative Democrats were disproportionately hollowed out under Barack while Democrats in liberal areas were driven further Left ... and are unable to talk to audiences who don't agree with them.
Barack Hussein Obama resulted in the Republicans being better situated than they had been since the 1920's!!! Thousands of elected Democrat officials lost their offices and elections at the federal and state level because of BHO's hatred of America, and due to his policy of doing everything he could to destroy the prosperity, leadership, and strength of the American People. Few politicians destroyed the quantity of their party's members in office remotely close to the decimation and fallout of their Barack disaster.
And the quality of Barack's destruction of the Democrat Party is 10 out of 10. There aren't enough teleprompters in existence to hide the Democrats' Barack Era and violent Antifa organizing:
- Communism
- Sympathy for genocidal, antisemitic racism
- Support for extreme sharia hate and abuse of women
- Lack of fairplay
- Violence toward free speech
- Desire for extreme baby killing
- Desire for open borders and disdain for Americans
- Hostility to biblical faith
- Rejection of our Constitution, Regular Insults for America and American Founders
- Ignorance of reality, history, and American values
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Barack Hussein Obama Appointed as CIA Director
The Known Communist: John Brennan
And when Reagan left the White House, Americans felt better about the direction of the country. His coattails even enabled Bush Sr to become his successor.
But bully authoritarian Barack turned the word 'liberal' obsolete. The big problem with Barack assuming he is the leader of "progressives" is that he is backwards and primitive. Communism was dropped by China so they could survive. Mussolini and China embrace dirigisme, a fascist, oppressive economic system where the state has the power to direct economic production, to allocate resources, and dictate over all social matters. No rationale person pursues commie enslavement. It is the same old master-serf totalitarian misery and toxic, dehumanizing economic system.
Backwards Communism is never democratic, but it is the siren song of socialists who have many times seized power by manipulating elections. We do not forget Hitler was elected, and will not ignore that Hitler is a hero to Ilhan and her communist crazies.
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Rashida Tlaib |
Barack Obama, Ilhan (Omar), Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, and AOC crews want to sell people on the destruction of liberty by the siren sound of socialism, but they are lying all the way to their elitist bank. BHO has sworn to create a pitiless, arrogant aristocratic DNC from scratch, out of what is left of the Democrat Party he is destroying, bye bye moderates.
So he and his Valerie Jarrett tell everyone, "... you better fall in line." These bullies are disgusting to Americans, and slavery is repulsive to Americans.
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"The Mueller Report Is Over. Go Home." ~Dems |
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4-Four Sirens of the Commie Brigade Tlaib, Ilhan, AOC, Pressley |
Barack intended to perpetually use counterterrorism powers of the President to punish dissent, exactly the way they have used and are still using their 1984-Type Databases and cabal against Trump. BHO definitely planned/plans to smear Americans perpetually. No rationale person supports the Democrat Party's enslavement plantations.
In the current DNC Presidential debates Biden's two terms at Barack's side have already turned into his greatest liability.
The god worship of Mussolini and China's rulers is infantile to American thinking. We already rejected it when we rejected the Marquis de Sade, and all his kind as prominently portrayed in the literary figure of the Marquis or Monseigneur St. Evrémonde in Tale of Two Cities. Our government is designed to block Legislative Tyrants like Pelosi, Nadler, and Hillary's/Soros' Adam Schiff.
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The Deranged Global Socialist SOROS Non-Governmental Organizations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-NGO King Faction The Deranged |
In the current DNC Presidential debates Biden's two terms at Barack's side have already turned into his greatest liability.
Attacking Reagan is still risky for a Republican politician, and he left office over three decades ago. ~Jonah Goldberg
We know Ronald Reagan, and Barack is no Ronald Reagan.
Hopefully Americans realize that Barack is not just for replacing Republicans, Barack also wants to transform the Democrat Party from SCRATCH, and replace all the Democrats as well. The congressional communist ring leader of the House Democrats, Ocassional-Cortex, has said this fact many times. The Deep State is the red scare, the Establishment, and they are in D.C. and quite done with Americans, including the Democrats, as we've seen at Hollywood and DNC events.
Hopefully Americans realize that Barack is not just for replacing Republicans, Barack also wants to transform the Democrat Party from SCRATCH, and replace all the Democrats as well. The congressional communist ring leader of the House Democrats, Ocassional-Cortex, has said this fact many times. The Deep State is the red scare, the Establishment, and they are in D.C. and quite done with Americans, including the Democrats, as we've seen at Hollywood and DNC events.
Barack and the Pope want illegal migrants crossing our borders because they're attempting to replace Americans. It is the way of muslims like Barack to affect a population who won't turn Muslim, so that it vanishes from the earth; and then it is replaced. Open borders is the destruction of the powerful United States, something the Pope and 57 Muslim states want to happen. HINT: it is not because they care about the poor.
Soros’ political, business and "philanthropic" interests all aligned closely. Many of the new memos show Soros’ for-profit and nonprofit groups reaching out to the State Department in 2016 about Ukraine following the ouster of its president.
Then Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland received repeated calls, emails and meeting requests from Soros,” specifically that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s plans for Ukraine were “a threat” to Soros’ own vision for the country.
Solomon’s interviews with Soros’ inner circle revealed that communications between the billionaire and the Obama administration happened “often,” also citing a 2010 meeting with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as an example.
Soros was one of Clinton’s top ten 2016 donors, giving $10.6 million to her campaign. He actually supported her before that and even advised her on foreign policy while she was Secretary of State under President Barack Obama.
Soros gave untold $millions to PACs supporting the election of Hillary. Democrats strain to falsely accuse the tiny gnat, of dappling by Russia in the 2106 U.S. Election, for causing Hillary to lose, but they SWALLOW the camel of $billions spent by Soros to make Hillary win it!!! Soros did this interference and the corruption was very Deep State.
USAID, The State Department, and several other government agencies gave $364 million in taxpayer dollars to the Soros-funded Internews Network, a massive international liberal journalism non-profit, between 2002 and 2012.
Columnist John Solomon has exposed what the Leftist Stasi Media rarely will: that with $1 billion a year in giving Soros is “...arguably one of the largest, most influential donors of his generation ... leaving an indelible imprint on policy positions of liberals worldwide.” He is a literal Nazi and today says the time he spent working with the NAZI regime stealing wealth from Jews in concentration camps during World War II was the happiest time of his life. Soros helped elect 24 State Prosecutors in America. Soros donates $26 million to global media institutions annually.
The Leftwing financier, George Soros, talks of 'international governance,’ his Nazi new world order is Hitler's dream. Soros fights for more open borders, increased Muslim immigration, and diminished U.S. global power. Hillary and Barack giving Nazi Soros U.S. taxdollars is treason. Americans fought and defeated Hitler, Barack Hussein Obama, Schiff, and Hillary demon spawn have no right to steal from the American People.
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Castro Trained Terrorists for Many Decades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Factions |
Soroa and Barack are against free speech and freedom to choose your religion and follow your own conscience. This is blatant opposition to secularism and our Constitutional Republic! He is not pro atheists, his organizing is about sucker punching atheists. Barack's followers do not respect basic human rights, and they even openly say Barack is their messiah! In reality government distributing money is a government of enslavement. *See Cuba.
Fidel Castro Ruz is the number one supporter of Palestinians, just like his diabolical pal Barack Hussein Obama. They do not want two states, or there would be two states. The Palestinians and the their allies want the annihilation of Israel.
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A Man Israel LOVES |
After Brennan’s briefing to Reid about the Russian Dossier, Reid immediately wrote the FBI publicly, demanding an investigation of the underlying, salacious, "Kremlin planted" allegations.
It is pertinent to note Christopher Steele is the first president of the Cambridge Union to invite a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization to speak, a fictious people in Islamic excuse-making, the tip of the spear for endless, antisemitic genocidal war and the annihilation of the State of Israel.
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4-The Hamas Government in Gaza and Christopher Steele |
Chris Steele is professionally unnoticeable. C. Steele lived in Moscow, 1990 to 1993, during dramatic Russian history, a period that included the collapse of the Communist Party; nationalist uprisings in Ukraine, the Caucasus, and the Baltic states; and the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
Christopher Steele lacks propriety, honesty or decency. Lindsey Graham explains in the Washington Post: “You can be an F.B.I. informant. You can be a political operative. But you can’t be both, particularly at the same time.” These are statements of fact, not opinions. When the FBI learned that Chris Steele was felony leaking law enforcement information to the media, he was terminated.
The FBI stamped Christopher Steele as a shady, untrustworthy person who fell short. He is not good enough to be the tip of the spear for impeaching a United States President. House Democrats are proving they are cads, con men, and con women.
As far as Steele being the magician behind the curtain, He looks to me more of an arsonist, well-poisoner, and saboteur-type than a magician. I wouldn’t be surprised if the back of his business card says something along the lines of:
Coups and revolutions for hire, the more sordid and vulgar the better.
Democrats Raved About Junk Dossier For Years
The Steel Dossier's Source Credibility and Verifiability Assessment
The context of a source is an important part of all intelligence reports. It describes in greater detail the circumstances under which the source acquired the intelligence, the source’s reporting history, and other pertinent details such as source’s credibility, i.e. his past success and failure.
None of Steele’s briefs contain this information. It seems that all of his sources have the same monolithic credibility and the method of obtaining the intelligence is always shrouded in obscurity.
Every source's credibility can range from ‘Pathological Liar’ to the ‘Word of G-d’. All intelligence and law enforcement organizations have grading systems for their sources. Credibility is also a subtle thing that depends on many constantly changing factors. The Key tradecraft for any case officer is the ability to constantly evaluate and determine the credibility of his sources.
One of the glaring problems with Steele’s reports is that his source credibility indicator uses vague fluffy terms like “well-placed,” “trusted,” “knowledgeable," etc. Steele did not assign sufficient granularity of trust to his sources.
None of the briefs show any doubts about the sources. The general impression is that Steele’s assets are all wheat and no chaff, 100% reliable!
And what was Brennan doing with the dossier anyway? You know, the Fusion GPS Hillary Clinton DNC funded dossier that Glenn Simpson hired British spy Christopher Steele to create: the collection of lies and Kremlin dysinformation that Clinton, and Brennan, and Comey and Strzok and Ohr swallowed like holy water and ran screaming off to use. The totally false and hallucinatory information that a child could have known wasn’t authentic, that they paid $9 million dollars for.
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3-Pravda Holy Water |
Russia-loving Communist John Brennan's CIA Coup Spread Kremlin Dysinformation
BHO's CIA Media Driven Coup Against America
Devin Nunes was part of the gang of eight, the four congressmen and four senators who have oversight of the entire intelligence community. The U.S. intelligence community was surprised by Putin’s takeover of Crimea and by Russia escalating its military presence in Syria in the late summer of 2015, caught off-guard even though Moscow was sending troops and arms through the Bosporus, a waterway controlled by a NATO member. This intelligence community did not immediately identify Russia as responsible for the hack of DNC emails either.
WaPo reported that on June 23, 2017 “an envelope with extraordinary handling restrictions arrived at the White House. Sent by courier from the CIA, it carried “eyes only” instructions that its contents be shown to just four people: President Barack Obama and three senior aides.”
CrowdStrike/Hillary first said Russian state actors were behind the hack and leaked them to Wikileaks. Then, after the emails were released July 22, Hillary's campaign chief Robby Mook told ABC News that “some experts are now telling us that this was done by the Russians for the purpose of helping Donald Trump.”
The tech experts at CrowdStrike might be able to tell you who did something, but not why. Mook doesn’t name the “experts” who had clued him in to Russia’s intentions. ... Nunes told CNN on April 12, 2016, many months before the Russiagate narrative went public, that when it comes to Russia, the United States was flying blind.
It is Nunes who has been vindicated completely by the IG Report. When the Barack Obama CIA Coup fed the lies to the world through Brennan; the coordination between Brennan, Comey, John Kerry, the CIA, Barack's pravda DOJ, the Barack pravda White House, and Hillary's pravda State Department and Hillary's Russia-connected Fusion GPS became clear enough for anyone to see. But it was the Clinton campaign that pointed the finger at the Russians.
Evidently when the CIA speaks to a U.S. Senator, like Harry Reid, that person does what he is told. Rosenstein and Schumer have also be caught acting as though the CIA is their boss.
Evidently when the CIA speaks to a U.S. Senator, like Harry Reid, that person does what he is told. Rosenstein and Schumer have also be caught acting as though the CIA is their boss.
It seems like when Democrats take the oath of office to preserve and protect our Consitution they make a spiteful, dishonest vow instead. The oath they really take is, "I swear I will relentlessly attack and infringe upon the God given power of self-defense and the 2nd Amendment. I will destroy any part of the Constitution that is an obstacle to Democrat Party tyranny. I will alter the meaning of all the volumes of family law in all the States by changing the definition of marriage."
This is a vicious violation of the separation of federal and state government and the Tenth Amendment. There is no separation of Church and State in the United States Constitution.
Trump and His Followers Are the Real Whistleblowers
Treasonous House Democrats and Barack Obama spied on Trump, their political rival. CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC etc. were criminally complicit as political-presidential-character assassins that disdained and mocked Trump when he revealed that Barack's regime was spying on him. Trump was telling the truth, it is consistently House Dems that were constantly lying about Trump and mocking him for telling the truth.
In the 2016 U.S. Election, it was Trump who was telling the truth. We learned the truth, no thanks to the stasi media networks who conspired against the American people.
As for which party protects whistleblowers, Snowden has explained that Biden and Obama threatened the nations who protect whistleblowers like himself. So when Democrats claim they are the ones who care about the protection of whistleblowers, know that it is more of their lies. The fact of the matter is that President Obama routinely punished whistleblowers, and rewarded corrupt government workers breaking our laws and violating the Constitution.
And Democrat Presidents routinely threatened the governments of other nations. Killary and Barack killed Gadaffi. International powers sounded the alarm over Hillary and BHO killing Gadaffi, but not Pelosi's 'courageous' House Dems. Not a peep of complaints from Pelosi or her courageous House Dems when Barack regularly told us he'd investigated himself, and violé he found he was 'exonerated.' Wow. When the President is a Democrat, House Democrats do put him above the law.
House Dems didn't yammer about how uncouth and unfit serial rapist Bill Clinton was, quite the opposite. When raped female victims were brave enough to tell people that Bill Clinton is a serial predator and monster, Hillary was particularly vicious. Hillary mocked the female victims of her awful husband, and she abused power to persecute and intimidate Bill's female victims into silence. House Dems were not "frightened" or "alarmed" one bit. The fact of the matter is that Democrats treat themselves as above the law. Check out Charlie Rangel, Baghdad Barack's ideal hero leader of the people!!!
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Russia Russia Russia 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-Communist CIA Directer Brennan And Democrat President Obama ARE above the law. |
Long ago the stasi media proved they are radical globalists, islamic hardened communists. They ignore islamic terror attacks on us, and regularly there is a media blackout. As President, Barack even tried to keep Nidal Hassan's name out of the news. The stasi media has proven themselves liars. And Americans rank such network 'journalists' even lower than politicians in trustworthiness. There is nothing mainstream about these criminal Leftwing radical news outlets who hire from the ranks of the CIA's personnel. To the sane, the Leftist news networks are DNC lobbyist shills.
Brennan is a communist and was hired by CNN for his treasonous communist activities after serving in Barack's CIA Coup. It is greivous and horrifying that any American listens to the radical stasi media's non-stop lying. In 2013 Barack appointed Brennan to succeed David Petraeus as the Director of the CIA.
Brennan is a communist and was hired by CNN for his treasonous communist activities after serving in Barack's CIA Coup. It is greivous and horrifying that any American listens to the radical stasi media's non-stop lying. In 2013 Barack appointed Brennan to succeed David Petraeus as the Director of the CIA.
Barack Hussein Obama appointed many members of the Muslim Brotherhood to run America's government. Many sources identify Brennan as one. His life and remarks fit. Brennan denies the war Islam is running against America. He says it isn't a religious war, and that Islam is peaceful. He was in positions to enable Al Qaeda's terrorist attack on America, and it is common sense that 911 was an inside job.
"It's pretty clear to me that President Trump was never told that the Russians were shaking the door handle and the windows and trying to get into the campaign," Senator Cornyn said, adding that Trump was never "given the defensive briefing that Loretta Lynch said was routine so he could tell these folks to knock it off or disassociate them with his campaign."
"It's pretty clear to me that President Trump was never told that the Russians were shaking the door handle and the windows and trying to get into the campaign," Senator Cornyn said, adding that Trump was never "given the defensive briefing that Loretta Lynch said was routine so he could tell these folks to knock it off or disassociate them with his campaign."
All coordinated at the very top by John Brennan Under the direction of Barack Obama. Using the elements of NSA surveillance and international spy agencies to spy on Americans. To set up George Papadopoulos. Feed the fabricated Kremlin disinformation from the Steele dossier to the FBI six ways from Sunday. To stage a coup attempt against the elected government of Donald Trump.

The John Brennan and Barack Treason Conspiracy
So the Brennan dossier was then leaked all around in the media by Barack's top "law enforcement" officers and agencies. The sitting Director of the CIA knew he distributed a political hit piece paid for by the Hillary campaign, Barack Obama, and the DNC. The four versions of the 'Steele Dossier' can be connected to their Hillary origins. The DNC, Barack and Hillary paid $9million for their Kremlin dysinformation dossier. It's likely Brennan lied under oath that he never saw the Dossier until December 2016.
Team Barack-Brennan Conspirators attempted to destroy the Trump campaign, and next to frame and destroy the President of the United States. Barack Obama's the only person at the nexus able to coordinate the epic treason. This is Barack's attempted Coup d’etat, shamelessly going on and on still . . .
Members of the House are the representatives of the sovereign — the People.
In November 2020, the People are scheduled to vote on whether Donald Trump should keep his job. If Democrats, who control the House, truly believe the president has committed impeachable offenses and is so unfit for his duties that we can’t wait just 13 months for the sovereign to render that verdict, then they should vote to conduct an impeachment inquiry.
If they are afraid to vote on it, then they shouldn’t be doing it. And, as their committee chairpeople are fond of saying, we should draw a negative inference against them.
Only the House can impeach the president. If there is to be an inquiry about invoking this most solemn and consequential of the House’s powers, the House must vote to conduct it. It is not for the Speaker and her adjutants make a decree that there is an inquiry. If the inquiry is to be legitimate, the House as a whole must decide to conduct it.
What a tyrant Pelosi is, that she believes that she is the House. That is NOT lawful. "The House" speaks when ALL representatives of ALL Americans vote. Beware of the legislative tyranny here rearing its ugly head.
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House Democrat Leaders Nadler and Schiff |
Let's walk throught the disturbing first attempt by Schiff, and then let's give Adam Schiff, and his Hillary and Soros masters, the well deserved negative inference that neither Schiff nor his masters have evidence to prove Trump guilty of anything, Schiff never did, and he still doesn't.
Schiff and Pelosi already perpetrated the misery of their Trump Russia Collusion debacle on the American People. How many shams does he get before we accept Adam Schiff is just a hack con man crying wolf. Judge Jeanine has written a book about the shyster House Dems and their violent antifa networks trying to stiffle free speech. The House Dems know they fail when Americans are given the truth.
House Democrats Don't Have a Case
Rep. Devin Nunes wisely outlined the colossal volcanic fissures in the current Democrat Party Cult's Star Chamber, filled with Democrats mocking and spitting on President Trump.
We really should stop holding these hearings until we get the answer to three important topics.
- The first being the full extent of the Democrats' prior coordination with the whistleblower, who were the administration people coordinating with the whistleblower, and why does Schiff lie as if this leaker gets government protection when he witnessed nothing himself.
- Second, the full extent of Ukraine's election meddling against the Trump campaign.
- And third, why did Barisma hire Hunter Biden and what did he do for them, and did his position affect any U.S. government actions under the Obama Administration.
You are not allowing those witnesses to appear before the committee which I think is a problem. So we'll expect hopefully you will allow us to bring in the whistleblower, the folks that he spoke to, and also numerous Democratic {Party) operatives who worked with Ukraine to meddle in the election. ~Devin Nunes, Hearing Posted by CBS on November 13, 2019
Russia Investigation Timeline
In summary, Hillary Clinton is a criminal who owns the FBI, DOJ, and the stasi media. She rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders. It was likely Seth Rich who leaked her secret emails to Wikileaks. He was then killed mysteriously by 'stolen' FBI weapons.
A coup was attempted against a sitting president by pushing a Russian collusion conspiracy based on no real evidence, just made up gossip and falsified documents funded by Clinton herself. These fake documents were then used to illegally spy on Trump and his associates.
The witch hunt lasted years and cost the American taxpayer over $30 million dollars all in order to spare President Barack Obama and to divert attention away from the crimes committed by the DNC and Hillary. Hillary is not above the Law, right? ha ha ha . . .
And now Julian Assange has been conveniently kicked out of the Ecuadorian Embassy just days after Ecuador receives $billions in funding. And do you think it is a coincidence that Julian Assange was arrested right after the Russian probe comes to an end showing no Russian collusion. This has nothing to do with his work with Manning. This is just the excuse they're using to extradite him to the United States.
... Assange knows who really leaked Clinton's documents. Hopefully he can work with Attorney General Barr to get some sort of plea deal by blowing this whole thing out of the water. But if Assange goes to jail for this, it would be completely unConstitutional. And any journalist who is not standing up for Julian Assange right now, is really really dumb.
War crimes, human rights abuses, corruption, election fraud and abuses of power are crimes. And telling the world the truth about those crimes shouldn't be. ~Truth Factory, April 30, 2019
"Donna Brazile, the former DNC Chairperson, demanded from police and the family of Seth Rich to know why a private investigator was 'snooping' into the death of Rich. She was also the CNN contributer who was caught leaking DNC debate questions to Hillary, but apparently nobody cares about Hillary Clinton trying to subvert Democracy during the 2016 Election." ~Kitty
Democrats and Hillary ARE above the law.
Snopes.com looked into the matter and stated: "We were able to confirm the FBI is not investigating Rich's murder." So when the notorious lying 'fact checkers' are attempting to deny the Leftist ventures to cover up the truth about the FBI plot to kill Seth Rich, Snopes is in reality proving the rogue FBI murder. The gun used to kill Seth Rich was stolen from the FBI, so the fact the FBI did not investiate is PROOF of the Coup.
Conpiracy is real, like kingslaying from ancient times is real. Denying the fact that criminals and the Leftwing go around the rule of law is to deny the blatant reality of the Leftwing Sanctuary City mindset that is absolutely AntiAmerica. We DO have a 5th Column faction and Barack sadistically organizes theses violent unAmericans. The Left reveals aloud their lawless path: get rid of 2nd Amendment human rights, get rid of the Electoral college, get rid of only-citizen voting, allow convicts to vote (many are terrorists), and also pass an election bill to spread the Leftists' voter fraud system to all states.
The Democrat Party is now the TOTAL infraction of the sovereignty of each of our 50 States!!!
The Democrat Party is now the TOTAL infraction of the sovereignty of each of our 50 States!!!
Fusion GPS, Veselnitskaya and Loretta Lynch Set Up Trump Jr.
At Infamous Trump Tower Meeting
Fusion GPS had other clients in addition to Hillary Clinton and the DNC. They also represented the Russian Government efforts to overthrow the Magnitzsky Act. They also had very close ties to Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr..
In fact, the purpose of the Trump Jr. meeting was to push the repeal of the Magnitzsky Act. Veselnitskaya was let into the country by special order of Attorney General Loretta Lynch. It is crucial to note that Veselnitskaya met with Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS both before and after the Donald Trump Jr meeting.
There is a massive cover up in progress. The Trump Jr. Trump Tower Meeting was a set up, from the same people who produced the Russian Dossier. Fusion GPS set up the Vesilnitskaya meeting at Trump Tower, briefed her beforehand, and debriefed her afterward. The people actually colluding with Russian Veselnitskyay is Hillary.
Other members of Veselnitskaya's team were Fusion GPS associates. Somehow this is also lost on the lying radical echo chamber misleadia. Somehow this is never even discussed by House Dems. The real Russian collusion is clear, driven by Hillary, Barack and the DNC's mammon $dollars.
Other members of Veselnitskaya's team were Fusion GPS associates. Somehow this is also lost on the lying radical echo chamber misleadia. Somehow this is never even discussed by House Dems. The real Russian collusion is clear, driven by Hillary, Barack and the DNC's mammon $dollars.
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Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Nellie Ohr |
Communist CIA Director John Brennan ran the dossier to anyone and everyone, including the FISA court, and he is the top Barack official that vouched for its authenticity! Brennan knew it was not authentic. Brennan lied under oath that he never saw the dossier until December 2016. The IG Report proves Brennan pushed the Steele dossier to the bureau in the FIRST place – breaking with CIA tradition by intruding into America's domestic politics: the 2016 presidential election. He also supplied suggestive but ultimately false information to counterintelligence investigators and other U.S. officials.
Nasty Communist Barack and Brennan CIA Coup Cabal
Brennan also lied about the January 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment Report. He lied that the dossier was not relied upon, when it was central. In fact the ICA Report's blockbuster findings were presented to the public as the consensus view of the nation's intelligence community.
...the report was largely the work of one agency, the CIA, and overseen by one man, then CIA Director John Brennan, who closely directed its drafting and publication with a small group of hand-picked analysts.
Bruce Ohr is 4th ranking official at the FBI, and his wife, Nellie Ohr, also worked for Glenn Simpson at Fusion GPS on the dossier. Nellie Ohr failed to disclose this fact to the FBI, violating FBI requirements that safeguard against corruption. Bruce Ohr obtained 'the' dossier from Glenn Simpson, and Peter Strzok magically received it one day later, and then he opened the Russia investigation.
John Brennan and James Comey then took that dossier and use it to get a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page. This allows unlimited electronic surveillance on Trump and his team. Not that they hadn’t already been doing it anyway.
The discredited FISA warrant was requested 3 more times, and authenticated to the Court three more times, to enable Team Barack Conspirators to continue to perpetrate illegal surveillance on Trump. But their official government spying began before their warrant to do so. One of these FISA renewals was signed by Rod Rosenstein who established Mueller as Special Counsel, although without doubt Mueller was not an appropriate pick for numerous reasons.
Yes, the champion of the Schiff-Nadler conspiracy theories, Bob Mueller, was in fact not mentally competent, and to date has no real knowledge of the so-called Mueller Report stamped with his name. When Mueller was interviewed at the Congressional hearings, he refused to acknowledge HE KNEW that Hillary, Barack and the DNC paid for the FusionGPS dossier used in the FISA court, the one used to trigger his investigation!
When President Trump won the election, Brennan grew crazed and completely unhinged about Trump, and Brennan's co-conspirator, Comey, was fired as per Rosenstein's recommendation. Although there is no underlying crime by Trump, the Special Counsel investigation began from counterterrorism spying. Special Counsels are NOT for this jurisdiction, they do not deal with international espionage.
With no evidence of a crime, the Special Counsel lacked any pretext to be opened. Improper spying is illegal because there was no predicate. The whole mess has the signature features of another lawless Barack Hussein psy op's, a false flag. This CIA psy op is another Progressive, stasi hoax like the Ferguson Riots, the Zimmerman trial, and the Las Vegas mass shootings.
With no evidence of a crime, the Special Counsel lacked any pretext to be opened. Improper spying is illegal because there was no predicate. The whole mess has the signature features of another lawless Barack Hussein psy op's, a false flag. This CIA psy op is another Progressive, stasi hoax like the Ferguson Riots, the Zimmerman trial, and the Las Vegas mass shootings.
The fix was in, under the same Barack-supervised investigators who predetermined and wrote an exoneration for Hillary weeks before any interviews and their "investigation" ever occurred. Despite Hillary smashing evidence with hammers, Comey failed to charge crooked Hillary for destroying evidence, her blatant obstruction of justice, and for her illegal and criminally negligent handling of our nation's secrets. While this creepy conduct is ongoing, Barack still stands out in public to attack Trump in the name of law and order, or his favorite smoke screen: justice!!!
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Michelle and Barack Obama with Tokyo Rose Jarrett 2-Deranged Intel Stasi Media Faction |
The level of treason and farce increases with Nadler and Schiff openly claiming that Trump is a Russian agent. It is reminiscent of the worst tactics of the East German Stasi secret police. It is completely based on lies and deceit propagated by senior members of the Obama Regime: but no state should be able to cover up the truth of their blatant misdeeds. No President, not Barack Hussein Obama, should be allowed to be above the law. The People must stop Hillary and BHO's Stasi Coup.
Obama, Brennan and Comey ran spies, many secret agents, and operations with code names against the President of the United States. The conspirators joined with foreign agents, Fusion GPS and the Clinton campaign in an illegal scheme to abuse the FISA courts in an attempt to frame the United States President and tamper in the 2016 U.S. Elections.
What is unprecedented is an outgoing President, Baghdad Barack, weaponizing the U.S. intelligence community to impair and derail his American political opponents. The co-conspirators are treasonous. Brennan better lawyer up, but Baghdad Barack and his Muslim-Brotherhood, Tokyo-Rose Valerie Jarrett will be unable to get their stories straight.
We are looking at a coup attempt. We all saw Barack Obama act lawlessly with media complicity. We know he illegally surveilled Supreme Court Justices, journalists, congress and the President of the United States. Team Obama was seeking to sway the 2016 Election to interfere with our representative government, and he's still trying to reverse the 2016 Election. Barack's election meddling in 2016 is at a colossal level, and in comparison Russian efforts were tiny. It is simply a fact that BHO weaponized government powers.
House Dems do not care about our Constitutional Governance or they'd be really mad about the Barack-Brennan Communist CIA Coup attempt. They NEVER complain or even criticize Baghdad Barack and how he abused power to weaponize the federal government. Their Coup attempt does not bother the House Dems. The negative inference is that they are members of the Coup attempt. The fact of the matter is the House Dems continue to the criminal coup to remove President Trump. They sicken any decent American.
Unraveling the Swamp Coup
The Point Of No Return
The Point Of No Return
"No Way Obama Was Not Told." ~Tony Shaffer
Shaffer Examines Reality
Astoundingly Critical Truth About Barack Obama's Coup Attempt
Here are some details about what needs to be investigated by AG Barr from a former Senior Intelligence Officer in the U.S. Army, Tony Shaffer. In the above video he points out that Susan Rice's email has it all right there, that there was an approval process and that Barack Obama was involved, and he insisted it be done "by the book."
There are legal, political, and operational issues linked together. There's been a subtle but direct denial of the fact that they knew they completely lacked authority to do this political spying. The FBI knew from Day One this illegal surveillance was not authorized, this is why someone in the FBI would and did leak national security information of this nature.
At first the radical Stasi media denied there was spying, they just said, "Oh, Trump is crazy, we didn't spy on him!" Now Team Obama shifted their narrative, "Well, he's crazy, we had to spy on him" or "we weren't really spying, we were doing legitimate collection activities against persons of interest."
The shift was caused by the truth being discovered about their spying. Hint, 'data collection against persons of interest' is called spying. And they went far beyond data and on to live secret agents, cutouts, foreign intelligence waivers, etc. It was an election race for the Presidency of the United States! From the start back in March 4, 2017 Tony Shaffer, who knew how the mechanical pieces work, predicted that a conspiracy to spy on Trump would be uncovered.
The shift was caused by the truth being discovered about their spying. Hint, 'data collection against persons of interest' is called spying. And they went far beyond data and on to live secret agents, cutouts, foreign intelligence waivers, etc. It was an election race for the Presidency of the United States! From the start back in March 4, 2017 Tony Shaffer, who knew how the mechanical pieces work, predicted that a conspiracy to spy on Trump would be uncovered.
It was, as one of my own FBI sources called it, a “classic case of information saturation” designed to inject political opposition research into a counterintelligence machinery that should have created awareness that a political dirty trick was underway.
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Barack Baghdadi |
When Steele’s dossier was already inside the FBI, Sussmann augmented it with cyber "evidence" they wanted to show a further connection between the GOP campaign and Russia's President Vladimir Putin. Very strange since the Democrats were always soft on Russian ever since World War Two. They love Communism.
But the FBI withheld from the American public and Congress, until months later, that Steele had been paid to find dirt on Trump by a firm doing political opposition research for the Democratic Party, Barack Hussein Obama, and for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and that Steele himself harbored hatred for Trump.
Tell me Schiff has noticed that America's counterintelligence apparatus was weaponized by Obama with political opposition research paid for by Hillary's campaign. Think about this: Schiff runs our Intel Committee. Schiff is colluding with Barack, Hillary and Soros!!!
Remember other agencies were called upon to perform follow-up in order for the FBI to be involved in investigations on foreign soil. This requires very high level authority, and there are limits on how it is used for an extraterritory investigation. The media insisted there was no spying, because they decided this was the story, and their aspirational desire was painted with excuse-making. But when the corrupt stasi journalists got caught, because we all know now there was spying, they then claim the spying was "legitimate collection," all done "by the book." But just remember how all of the stasi media made out that Trump was just crazy, they lied and claimed they weren't spying. They played games and pretended they didn't know what we were talking about when saying the word spying!!! Schiff is the leader of pathetic, mean girlie-men.
Counterintelligence and counterterrorism by the FBI requires significant and high level authority in overseas 3rd-party nation activity on foreign soil. Mi5 and Mi6 had to be aware of it. Those nations had to be notified and waivers obtained. The London School of Economics in London was used as a cutout, a waiver and outreach required huge authority to set up their woman agent in London as a direct procateur agent, too. This honey pot scheme and various other lures demonstrate Barack Baghdadi Obama ran a large operation under the oversight of the FBI.
First, the basic authorities for spying had to be authorized by Susan Rice. Where are the line of authorities, paper trails, chains of spying and field operatives? When will Barack Obama's transcripts be opened? Susan Rice had to be in that kind of line of authority. This is key. Susan Rice said Obama was involved in the Russia Investigation.
There is a lack of information black hole about how the 'Steele Dossier' came to exist, at least no person in authority discussed how it came to exist, how legal it was, who paid for it, how did they get away with using information from a foreign source, and how did it come to be used as legitimate intelligence! There is still not known who made the leap to say Carter Page meant they could conclude Russian 'hacks' were done to help Trump. The enormous volume of lies by the House Democrats and BHO is the red flag of an agenda. They lie constantly, and it signals very massive wrong doing by BHO's lawless crew and Muslim Brotherhood pals.
The dossier was the primary artifact that drove his investigation, yet Mueller ignored that not a single allegation was a fact, not even remotely correct. This lack of interest by Mueller and Stasi media is used to ignore this black hole. The radical Left media completely lost credibility because they were proven wrong on every aspect of their Russian narrative. The stasi media was part of this illegal cabal of mean girlie men.
The dossier was the primary artifact that drove his investigation, yet Mueller ignored that not a single allegation was a fact, not even remotely correct. This lack of interest by Mueller and Stasi media is used to ignore this black hole. The radical Left media completely lost credibility because they were proven wrong on every aspect of their Russian narrative. The stasi media was part of this illegal cabal of mean girlie men.
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There were no Russians. We know because there were no defensive briefings.
There is no there there. ~Former Intelligence Operative Tony Shaffer.
The broad dysinformation campaign by Brennan, to distribute the fake dossier to every possible media outlet, allowed a Kremlin virus to enter our political system. The information was fed to Steele by Russian Intelligence. This is a rare, glaring black hole that Mueller never questioned how the Steele Dossier came to be used in a FISA Court. Jake Tapper won't ask the hard questions about how this Kremlin Dossier Virus came to be used as legitimate intelligence.
Second, there is a presumption citizens have Constitutional rights to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of a weapon, etc. We assume our government won't interfere with any of this. Authorities were terribly abused because nobody in the Trump campaign was given defensive briefings as per requirements. It is a gross violation.
Due to the fact none of Trump's associates initiated an approach to foreign intelligence and weren't suspected of any wrongdoing, it is clear there was no existing precondition to authorize the type of intelligence operation using dangles and these honey pots to try and get the information.
Due to the fact none of Trump's associates initiated an approach to foreign intelligence and weren't suspected of any wrongdoing, it is clear there was no existing precondition to authorize the type of intelligence operation using dangles and these honey pots to try and get the information.
We have a Fourth Amendment, so the Government cannot just examine who they please and take advantage of people’s weaknesses. Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos said on Friday that her husband "had a target on him," allegedly placed by federal authorities because of his work in Israel and the Middle East - not because of any connections in Russia.
Our government is required to alert American citizens they are going to be approached by foreign (e.g. Russian) intelligence. It is clear this required alert from the FBI was never performed for candidate Trump. Now there is the senior level rot coming from the McCabes, the Strzoks, and the Comeys of the world who literally would sell their mother under the bus for purposes of gaining political influence or access.
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I’m telling you, make book on it. The Drive-By Media
is going to determine who the Democrat Party nominee is.
Back on July 27, 2017 IG Horowitz notified Mueller he had thousands of texts between Strzok and Page revealing use of "oconus lures," which refers to spies outside the United States. Mueller panic'd, scrambled quick arrangements for Papadopoulos` arrest on the same day at night on verbal order from District Court Judge Beryl Howell. Howell represented the Clintons at the Clinton Foundation. ⟴⟴⟴⟴⟴⟴
Mr. Papadopoulos tells us the woman Barack's FBI sent in his honey pot operation against Trump told him her name was “Azra Turk.” But Papdopoulos says now he is not sure she was working for the FBI, that it would be more likely she was from the CIA, probably working with Turkish intelligence. Papadopoulos explains that Ms. Turk’s name, her attractiveness, and her poor command of English convinced him she wasn’t the university research assistant she claimed to be.
“There is a word for this in the English language: spying,” said Brad Parscale, President Trump’s campaign manager for the upcoming election. “For two years, Democrats and their allies in the media have lied to the American people about the Russia collusion hoax, when all along the real scandal was the Obama administration using the Justice Department to spy on a political adversary’s campaign.”
The model behavior of Barack, Mueller and company: A ‘Human resource agent’ pretends to be a contractor working on your house. Keeps telling you if you heard about that bank job over and over. Weeks later you`re sitting in a diner. Another guy walks up to you and talks about the same bank. You mention what you were told about a ‘bank job’. You are immediately arrested for conspiracy to rob a bank.

Other than permission from the White House, this honey pot operation could not happen against American citizens. Everything was at stake, so when Obama targeted the Trump Campaign the authorization would go to the National Security Council, meaning Susan Rice at the time. If it gets to Susan Rice, there is absolutely no way that President Obama would not be told in some form.
This was for all the marbles, the U.S. 2016 Election. In fact we know Susan Rice said in her very public memo that Barack Obama told her that the operation, run by James Comey against the Trump Campaign for Russian collusion, should go by the book. What we do not find in this Rice memo, is Barack telling Susan Rice, "ABSOLUTELY do not spy on Trump's Campaign." ⟴⟴⟴⟴⟴
No one in the FBI seemed to tap the brakes, noticing the obvious: its counterintelligence apparatus was being weaponized with political opposition research from one campaign against its rival.
Leaking. Politically motivated evidence. Ex parte contacts outside the normal FBI evidence-gathering chain. None of it seemed to raise a red flag.
Thirdly, it is required to notify Citizens that a foreign agent will be approaching you. Susan Rice and Barack Obama certainly authorized the spying on Trump. In reality this sleazy operation is the true face of Barack Obama. He is the King of Slime, lawless and cutthroat. He has zero respect for our Constitution, the sacred vow between The People and their Government.
By all accounts John Brennan put together this operation, and a joint CIA - FBI task force was created. Stefan Helper was being paid by the U.S. Government, $200,000.00, under the direction of Brennan in early 2016. The Director of the CIA was interfacing with elements of the Pentagon brought in, attempting to have that Pentagon asset interface with U.S. Citizens (The Office of Net Assessment paid Helper-Baker was the boss of Stefan Helper).
Stefan Helper even applied for a job in the Trump administration after the Trump November 2016 Election Victory. This puts Brennan in serious danger, since he put himself involved in a domestic political intelligence operation, which the CIA is not authorized to do, not at all.
It is likely NSA must be examined. Their taskings are assumed authorized, but this coup of wrongful acts was coming up short, the pravda Barack Regime had run amok. Also, unmasking will get a makeover. Snowden was a contractor. So one solution will be only sworn officers in uniform can manage internals, no contractors. DoD only uses civilians or sworn officers in the military.
Investigators of the future have to be ones who go where the evidence leads. We must remove the possible taint that investigators were those involved in the illegal acts being investigated, like Mueller and Strzok etc. were bizarrely tainted; they tried to erase the dirty tracks of their illegality.
This Obama machine was to be a tool of punishment for the Democrat Party. We'll find others who were being spied on, it was a tool to be used to destroy the career of opponents. It was to be of indefinite and continuous use for the Democrat Party. The Democrats likely are not pretending to be fearful, they are full of fear about what is going to come out.
Horowitz's investigation will be the tip of the iceberg, just the deviations. The IG Reports do not examine a political weaponization of our awesome surveillance powers. Our planning of the needed, coming investigations will take a very long time, and resolve of steal. The People have the job to WILL this to satisfying completion. Outside that scope, AG Barr will have to investigate the private funding of the Steele Dossier, etc. and other extended issues like Chris Steele.
Ohr’s revelation about his wife adds yet another example of people connected to the Clinton machine flooding the FBI with anti-Trump Russia research during the 2016 election.
Steele’s dossier was the opening salvo. A document sent to the State Department by Clinton proteges Cody Shearer and Sidney Blumenthal was another. A thumb drive given by Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman to FBI general counsel James Baker was a third. Simpson's thumb drive given to Bruce Ohr was a fourth. And Nellie Ohr’s thumb drive would be a fifth. At least three of those work products — those from Steele, Shearer/Blumenthal and Nellie Ohr — resemble what many people might consider a dossier.
REMIX: Trump, Russia, Possible Collusion
Robert Mueller knows nothing.
The Mueller Report isn't worth the paper it was printed on. Anyone who has ever worked in intelligence knows that a good brief should answer the who, what, when, where, how, and why questions. Almost none of the allegations in the dossier offer hard corroboration. And Mueller almost never mentioned ANYTHING about Schiff's beloved "Dossier."
Evidences strongly suggests that there was a proto-dossier in place, and that there was a wider coordinated effort between the US and UK teams with Orbis Business Intelligence likely acting as a front for Hakluyt & Co.
It seems that the real dossier story is not the scandalous insinuations that it makes, but rather it’s the funding sources, the teams that worked on it, and its compilation and distribution channels. At peak capacity, the dossier team must have consisted of at least 25 individuals who worked on it for over 6-12 months. Assuming a modest $200 per hour rate per person, some first/business class travel and accommodations, media, consulting, IT, and legal services, this project must have cost an upwards of $5-10 million dollars.
Steele and Chris Burrows worked with Stefan Halper as early as 2005. Steele knew Jonathan Clarke from his days in MI6 and communicated and met him in the US. Burrows knew and communicated with Joseph Mifsud since 2010. Edward Baumgartner had been contracting with Orbis and Hakluyt since 2011. Hakluyt is a U.S. FustionGPS.
As far as some Fusion GPS Halper Linkage, here are a few:
- He knows Mary Jacoby and Glenn Simpson from his WSJ-NYT-WaPo days in 1986-2000
- He met and communicated with Steele via email in May 2016. In October 2017 he sent Steele an email about the need to discuss “Joseph M.” (could be a reference to Joseph Mifsud)
- Jonathan Clarke from Hakuylt met Glenn Simpson in W-DC
- Jonathan Clarke: Former UK diplomat to US and the US representative of Hakluyt
- Stefan Halper: Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and advisor to Hakluyt
Democrats Are In Full Lynch Mob Mode
Now Pelosi by changing House rules has removed any semblance of due process for her House Democrats lynch mob. After Hillary and Barack minions have been caught in their evil coup and media lies, they are trying a new, same ole same ole fake CIA-Media narrative about Ukraine to impeach Trump! They are completely corrupt, power hungry imbeciles.
Rep. Adam Schiff illegally made up a FAKE & terrible statement, pretended it to be mine as the most important part of my call to the Ukrainian President, and read it aloud to Congress and the American people. It bore NO relationship to what I said on the call. Arrest for Treason? —@realDonaldTrump
Adam Schiff got creative because the Democrats have NOTHING. Barack constantly and continually punished whistleblowers and rewarded the criminals of his regime. Pelosi continues her hysteria by throwing all due process out the window in her rush to judgement.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) complained on Twitter September 28, 2019 about the fact that the Ukraine whistleblower’s complaint was based on second and thirdhand information.
In America you can’t even get a parking ticket based on hearsay testimony. But you can impeach a president? I certainly hope not.— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) September 28, 2019
Beyond the fact that Graham and the GOP had little trouble impeaching Clinton on Linda Tripp’s second-hand info, . . . — Garrett M. Graff (@vermontgmg) September 28, 2019
Bbbbbut Linda Tripp? Seriously – this is the road y'all are going down?Bill Clinton was not impeached over hearsay. He was impeached for lying under oath. Also, audio tapes of actual phone conversations are not "hearsay." SMH. https://t.co/a9K30B2fjl — Sister Toldjah🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺 September 28, 2019
Obviously you don't know anything about Clinton's impeachment. Lewinsky was recorded (without her knowledge), she saved the dress, and the Secret Service was ordered to testify. Once they were ordered to testify, Clinton admitted he lied – and then the sworn deposition was used — El Jefe (@ElJefeTulum) September 28, 2019
They had tapes from recorded conversations between Linda Tripp and Monica Lewinsky (that's not hearsay) and they also had DNA evidence & they also had lying in a sworn deposition, then witness tampering coaching Betty Currie to lie. https://t.co/dTWYr9aTow — Greg West (@GregWest_HALOJM) September 28, 2019
Garrett, apples and oranges. Tripp had audio tape. Not hearsay. Tripp secured the blue dress. Clinton was impeached for lying under oath and obstruction of justice — PolitiSite (@Politisite) September 29, 2019
Then there was that hearsay dress stain…— D Emmett (@poeticlargess) September 28, 2019
House Lynch Mob Democrats should be interested in the facts, but aren't. Clinton's impeachment was triggered by the death of Vince Foster. Then came Bill's denials of raping Juanita Broaddrick, and a chorus of other rape accusations and sexual assault charges by first person testimonies.
Remember? Bill Clinton told Juanita Broaddrick, "You better put some ice on that."
Remember? Bill Clinton told Juanita Broaddrick, "You better put some ice on that."
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5-If it weren't for double standards, the Democrats
would have no standards at all. ~Joe DiGenova
It is likely hundreds of thousands of men have lost their jobs due to Bill Clinton's and the Democrat Party's very hypocritically pious sexual harrassment laws, so Bill Clinton more than deserved to be impeached and lose his job for his disturbing crimes and serial rapes. Democrats at the time knew all about Bill Clinton's MANY trips to Epstein's Lolita Island, and many of those very same hypocrites are part of the Unhinged Pelosi Posse today acting so disdainful of Trump as unfit?!
Then as now the Democrats are playing in their own toxic swamp. They don't grasp the meaning of decency, justice or due process. Creepy Cardinal Comey is a felony leaker at the FBI. He leaked law enforcement documents to the press because he desired to trigger a special counsel on Trump in order to cover up his lawlessness at the FBI with the Loretta Lynch DOJ, and in collusion with the establishment-Hillary State Department to tamper in the 2016 election and to spy on Trump.
Without the House vote for impeachment inquiry hearings, without the minority enabled to call their own witnesses, without the minority and President having full access to all testimony and 'evidence,' the Schiff-House Dems act as a lynch mob that conspires and tampers with witnesses, calls their Star Chamber an impeachment inquiry. Their lynch mob is just a lynch mob, there is no inquiry.
They seek to protect their phony hearsay 'whistleblowers.' The Dems want legal protections for their phony, fake, bias'd leaker and lynch mob, so the pravda CIA changed the meaning of the word 'whistleblower.'
House Democrats called their Soros-driven lynch mob an 'impeachment inquiry,' and thumped their chests over subpeonas they were not authorized to send. Now all but two House Democrats authorized the same lawless Star Chamber that was working in secret prior to that belated vote charade. Why should Democrat subpeonas matter, when Republicans are not permitted subpeona power. It IS a lynch mob.
They seek to protect their phony hearsay 'whistleblowers.' The Dems want legal protections for their phony, fake, bias'd leaker and lynch mob, so the pravda CIA changed the meaning of the word 'whistleblower.'
House Democrats called their Soros-driven lynch mob an 'impeachment inquiry,' and thumped their chests over subpeonas they were not authorized to send. Now all but two House Democrats authorized the same lawless Star Chamber that was working in secret prior to that belated vote charade. Why should Democrat subpeonas matter, when Republicans are not permitted subpeona power. It IS a lynch mob.
It it weren't for double-standards, the Democrats would have no standards.
Our House is NOT Pelosi and Pelosi is NOT the House. It is government of the People, by the People and for the People, not of Pelosi, by Pelosi and for Pelosi. Impeachment inquiry happens by a House vote in favor of impeachment inquiry, not by a committee vote nor a group of committees' vote, and not Pelosi's Lefist goon squad from San Francisco, NY, and LA.
The more an area is governed by Dems the uglier and dirtier that place gets. The House had the power to start the Impeachment Inquiry, NOT Pelosi. Too bad House Democrats now say they don't require due process, transparency or human rights . . . And don't forget, the Constitution permits impeachment of a president, but only if it is not partisan. Only Democrats are involved in this political lynching. Hillary, Soros, and Schiff are staging a Star Chamber that is Un-Constitutional.
Our House is NOT Pelosi and Pelosi is NOT the House. It is government of the People, by the People and for the People, not of Pelosi, by Pelosi and for Pelosi. Impeachment inquiry happens by a House vote in favor of impeachment inquiry, not by a committee vote nor a group of committees' vote, and not Pelosi's Lefist goon squad from San Francisco, NY, and LA.
The more an area is governed by Dems the uglier and dirtier that place gets. The House had the power to start the Impeachment Inquiry, NOT Pelosi. Too bad House Democrats now say they don't require due process, transparency or human rights . . . And don't forget, the Constitution permits impeachment of a president, but only if it is not partisan. Only Democrats are involved in this political lynching. Hillary, Soros, and Schiff are staging a Star Chamber that is Un-Constitutional.
What is new?! Dems are a conspiracy against the rule of law, and their favorite gaslighting tactic is to change the dictionary and legal word usages for the benefit of their criminal organization. The DNC is run as a mafia, as Lois Lerner explained in her Tea Party Targeting IRS criminal-conduct hearings.
Democrats still like The Lawless One, although they will try to hide their glee over the not-born-in-Hawaii, or any other place in America, Barack Hussein Obama. Barack Obama officially explained 28 times that he couldn't give executive order amnesty to the DACA millions, after Congress soundly defeated his DACA bill. Then Barack did that unConstitutional abomination anyway. We only heard crickets chirping among the lawless House Dems, zero outrage and indignation.
There should have been loud indignation at Barack for destroying the Democrat Party, for as Jonah Goldberg accurately points out, when President Barack Obama left office "the GOP was better positioned than at any time since the 1920's."
Russian Comedians Prank Called Rep. Adam Schiff,
Promised Him Naked Photos Of Trump
Hillary, Barack, and the DNC paid $millions to foreign spies and FusionGPS to get dirt on trump, and lied about it over and over and over again. They lied to the FISA Court. And Barack abused Presidential counterterrorism powers to spy on Trump, his political rival. Where are the outraged justice peeps screaming about how foul and unfit Barack is?!! The Democrats are hypocrites to the max degree.
But now unhinged Pelosi says she suddenly has to impeach Trump for a phone call, a hearsay complaint from an extreme partisan and conflicted toadie, and she hadn't even read the actual transcript of the call! She kept insisting what Schiff read into the Congressional record was real, when it was a complete fiction!!! Evidently someone has 'dirt' on Pelosi. Pelosi suddenly needs to politically lynch Trump for her political gain . . .
As Schumer so brazenly warned: "... the intel community has six ways from Sunday to punish you for exposing them." Ask JFK.
As Schumer so brazenly warned: "... the intel community has six ways from Sunday to punish you for exposing them." Ask JFK.
You must conceal all crimes of your brother Masons...and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother Mason be always sure to shield him ... It may be perjury to do this, it is true, but you're keeping your obligations. ~Ronayne, Handbook of Masonry, page 183
Barack did illegal 'About Queries' that abused the 1984-Type State Databases to tamper with the 2016 American Election. That's never bothered Pelosi. Not a peep. Nothing but stonewalling from Pelosi when investigations seek to unravel how the DNC, Hillary and Barack weaponized the intelligence gathering powers to tamper in our 2016 Elections. I thought Pelosi cared about the integrity of our U.S. Elections?
Pelosi and the DNC refuse to allow law enforcement access to their allegedly 'hacked' computers. Amazing. There is no way that the Left would concede that the GOP computers were hacked, if we refused to allow law enforcement to verify the claim. The evidence shows absolute proof that the DNC was not hacked, but the data was downloaded locally by a person with access to the DNC computers.
Biden's son was part of massive corporate crimes in the Ukraine, and Biden threatened to withhold foreign aid until Ukraine fired the prosecutor investigating the crimes at Hunter Biden's company, Barisma. What do Democrats do? Do they show consistency and have high levels of outrage at unfit Biden? No. Of course not. House Dems continue to act as though Democrats are above the law. There is no end to their evil conspiracy against the rule of law in America.
*See Mark 00:17 Biden Brags That He Threatened Ukraine and
Successfully Blocked Their Prosecutor's Investigation of His Son Hunter
Successfully Blocked Their Prosecutor's Investigation of His Son Hunter
In their own Leftist-poned media propaganda swamp, Dems instead are calling their cover up for Biden: 'whistleblowing'!!! Biden is on tape openly describing his crime, his blatant quid pro quo in the name of Barack Obama, in squashing the investigation of graft and corruption committed by the Ukrainian natural gas producing Burisma corporation in the Ukraine that paid $millions to Hunter Biden! See above video.*
House Dems hope Americans never learn the details, because the Clintons want Dems to be fatcats getting rich in office through graft and corruption.
"Ooooo that Trump really did it, we're impeaching him," the House Dems hypocritically scream.
Surprise surprise? Impeached for a phone call?!!! ... but House Democrats are not even interested in OPEN Biden crimes. Shades of Hillary Clinton's bleach-bit, destruction of evidence and her obstruction-of-justice hammer attacks on her secret server's computer hardware, that one she INTENTIONAL hid in her NY bathroom . . . all exonerated by Comey, the very schmucks House Dems put in charge of investigating Trump for collusion! Double dip democrats.
Here’s is a pic of the actual transcript provided by the White House that shows that 489 words that “The View” cut out in order to falsely suggest that Trump engaged in a quid pro quo pic.twitter.com/JQIOqKU51E — Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) November 8, 2019
The House Dems are greedy charlatans with no shame. The same top Barack officials that 'exonerated' candidate Hillary for evidence destroying, serial perjury, and sharing America's premier espionage information are the same top Barack officials Schiff chose to run his impeachment investigation hoax! Nobody believes Schiff that Hillary is exonerated.
Everyone knows Bill Clinton was proven guilty. Everyone knows Hillary was guilty. And everyone knows there is no proof Trump suddenly needs to be lynched.
Everyone knows Bill Clinton was proven guilty. Everyone knows Hillary was guilty. And everyone knows there is no proof Trump suddenly needs to be lynched.
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Overturning the results of an American election requires
the highest level of fairness and due process,
as it strikes at the core of our democratic process.
Amazingly the Democrat Party believes Americans will forget their charlatan media propaganda and endless harrassment of Trump. The Dems already just tried to use to impeach Trump, their Mueller farce claiming Trump is a Russian agent. There was never any evidence, and the 'new' tales about the Ukraine are also already debunked. House Democrats chose Maxine Waters as their spokesperson regularly and constantly for decades. Stupidity and being a lowlife scoundrel is apparently the accurate profile for House Dems.
The Ukraine hoax is the same fantasy Russian hoax. Big Lies. It is radical socialist hysteria. Are Democrats still trying to use our new 1984-Type State Databases to blackmail/compromise Republicans in the Senate? The House has no real power in impeachment. And 50% of the Senate is weaker than any president because the Constitution requires that only by two-thirds of the Senators voting to impeach can Presidential power be removed. Bye Bye House Lynch mob, you're just whiners kicking against the pricks.
It is confirmed that the top Intel Agencies did in fact changed the first-hand information criteria for what defines a whistleblower. Check out who is on your side and who keeps on being caught lying about the facts and ignoring the Law. The stasi Media, House Dems, Hillary, and Barack are on one side, and Ben Shapiro, Victor Davis Hanson, Matt Gaetz, and Jim Jordan are opposed to that Hillary dynasty and deep state. The House Dems' lawless, sleazy, unConstitutional Impeachment is supposed to be run from the House Judiciary Committee, not by the Soros-Schiff cabal running our House Intelligence Committee! Dangerous that Schiff is the liar keeping America's secrets.
"We don’t even have time to go through the peripheral criminal activity of Sydney Blumenthal, the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton investigation, and the Loretta Lynch Tarmac meeting, but its all of one piece."
‘Groundbreaking’ disclosures fall apart, hoaxes are exposed, the media are discredited, over and over and over again. In a shocking review of the recently declassified letter he transmitted to Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire on August 26, we learn that his investigation didn’t even include a review of the phone transcript at the core of the entire complaint. Yes, you read that right.
It appears that the IC IG bought into the allegations in the whistleblower’s complaint so completely that he didn’t even afford the president the presumption of innocence and appropriate due process. His letter continued, “I concluded that it would be highly unlikely for the ICIG to obtain those records within the limited remaining time allowed by statute.”

It is unclear if he ever reviewed the transcript before it was made public by the White House. Once the transcript summary was released, it was shown that the whistleblower complaint was riddled with gossip and factual errors, calling into question whether the IC IG would still consider it credible now. As usual for House Dems, they leap before looking and they are always wrong. The fact of the matter is the House Dems' complaint from so-called ‘Whistleblower’ is riddled with gossip and blatant falsehoods. Again House Dems call for impeachment based upon misstatements of fact contradicted by publicly available evidence. It does seem House Dems do not read.
The complaint, which was delivered to the chairmen of the House and Senate intelligence committees, follows the same template used in the infamous and debunked Clinton campaign-funded Steele dossier. Rather than provide direct evidence that was witnessed or obtained firsthand by the complaintant, the document instead combines gossip from various anonymous individuals, public media reports, and blatant misstatements of fact and law in service of a narrative that is directly contradicted by underlying facts.
So if the House doesn’t provide for public hearings, Chairman Richard Burr should immediately call Atkinson before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and conduct their own hearing. ...the Senate wants to avoid connection to the messy impeachment saga, however, the concern that the whistleblower statutes are being misapplied and politicized is very much the responsibility of the Senate to investigate. Take down the Jabberwocky.
As for the 2014 culture of unauthorized disclosures in the nation’s capital generally, there was an uptick in espionage act prosecutions on Obama’s watch. The government used the Espionage Act 11 times to prosecute government workers who shared classified information with journalists. Of those 11, seven have taken place while Barack Hussein Obama was president.
Instead of talking about an idiotic "dossier," we now have a world yammering over a "complaint." This is what the deep state has done to dumb down the world. Pull the plug on the CIA, they are not Americans. We should not feed the monster destroying free speech and our sovereignty. Nothing is too filmsy for the intel community to use as the excuse for them tampering with our 2016 Election! Sherlock Holmes they are not.

So far, the House has fallen far short by failing to follow the same basic procedures
that it has followed for every other President in our history.
Juanita Broaddrick @atensnut FollowFollow @atensnut
Have you noticed..... the more Trump gets investigated, the more corruption we find on the Left? 10:37 AM - 29 Sep 2019
The Democrat Party's goofball Maxine Waters' 2.0 Socialist Brigade is ready set to malign the United States continually. Here's a recent sample of the Democrat Party's hatred of America, from the so-called 'Omar,' in case some from a different planet believe we exaggerated the Democrat Party's avowed hatred for America.
Venezuela is on fire right now, and instead of condemning illegitimate socialist President Nicolás Maduro for the inhumane conditions and violent treatment of innocent Venezuelan people, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) pointed her ire in a different direction: the United States.
Contrast Ilhan's support of the brutal dictator Maduro and his regime, with her position on Israel. She doesn’t support sanctions on Venezuela to force Maduro out, but she does support the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement against Israel.
WOW: @IlhanMN says the U.S. has "helped lead the devastation in #Venezuela," and accuses the U.S. of "bullying" the Maduro regime. Apparently Maduro's starvation of his people and armored trucks running them over in the streets is not worthy of criticism in her eyes. pic.twitter.com/leTcRHWDVd — John Cooper (@thejcoop) May 1, 2019
Nikky Haley, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, went nuclear in her response:
@IlhanMN the avg Venezuelan adult has lost 24 lbs. Babies have no medicine. Families have to walk miles in the heat to get the only meal they may have that day. All bc of the corrupt Maduro regime. Your comments are so far from the truth. Cuba and Russia appreciate your support. https://t.co/o1ADtlwrtN — Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) May 1, 2019
Cuba trained islamic terrorist organizations for fifty years, and Russia backs the colossally crazed Iranians, same as Ilhan "Omar" does.
At https://twitter.com/hashtag/Venezuela?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw one sees the U.S. mission to the UN walkout over Maduro. We joined other nations to walk out of #UNGA74 when Maduro’s crony took the stage as Maduro starves the Venezuela people.
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Have you noticed? ...the more Trump gets investigated,
the more corruption we find on the Left!!! ~Juanita
🇺🇸 TRUMP USA 🇺🇸@MADE__USA | 105,221 followers#BelieveWomen: Juanita Broaddrick Has Questions for Omar and Warren After They Tweet Support for Blasey Ford!!!! redstate.com/sister-toldjah
“Believe All Women” is a weaponized slogan for Democrats which many shamefully use mostly in instances where they feel it will benefit them politically. It’s shameful, but it’s what we’ve come to expect. Kudos to Broaddrick for continuing to point out the double standard.
Democrats Have Stepped Into More Than They Realize
Giuliani Has the Facts and Schiff Isn't Interested in the Facts
The Biden Campaign called on news executives from CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, etc. to stop having Giuliani on their shows, but the news outlets have offered Biden's people to come.
Counterpoint: Biden hasn't agreed to a single Sunday show sit-down this year. This week I asked for a campaign spokesperson to join me on CNN, and the invite was declined. — Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) September 29, 2019
Giuliani told the Daily Beast, which was first to report on the letter, that it “sounds like the usual leftwing censorship. Everything I say is supported by such as today, affidavits and statements. They are the ones who have covered up pay-for-play for at least 5 years.” The Biden Campaign letter attacked Trump and Giuliani saying, "... the dedicated liar always has the advantage." True, Democrats, their mob, and Biden are the liars here. Some Democrats do enjoy Giuliani’s news tour that provides evidence of Biden's corruption in the Ukraine, but the Biden Campaign does not.
Republicans Blast Disgraceful Democrat Impeachment Inquiry
*See Mark 17:00 For Critical Explanation Of Why Democrats Now
Are Acting Out So Desperately.
Pelosi is a traitor.
Pelosi is a traitor.
September 25, 2019
The press lied about a quid pro quo, they lied about the President raising this eight times, they lied about the President asking for a favor trying to tie it to Joe Biden, except really he was talking about the 2016 Election. The American People detest the media, not because they oppose freedom of the press, but because they love freedom of the press. ~Mark Levin
*See Mark 00:50 Dictator Pelosi Stood at the Podium
*See Mark 5:00 for Pertinent Discussion of the Leaker, Not-a-Whistleblower
"Why is Joe Biden above the Law?"
Judge Jeanine Pirro talking about her latest book:
Radicals, Resistance, and Revenge: The Left’s Plot to Remake America.
Personal lawyer to President Trump, Rudy Giuliani,
considering lawsuit against House Dems.
Some things never change. During the impeachment witch-trial flurries over Nixon, Hillary broke the law and stole documents from the National Archives. The documents proved that Nixon was entitled to have legal representation when he was under assault as President. Today Hillary again is showing she still believes the President of the United States has no human rights in Hillary World.
"Only Hillary may be President, yuck yuck yuck." (sarcasm)
Hillary was facilitated into her first job through a literal member of Al Capone's gang.

The {CIA} media and the Democrats have a lot in common. Neither of them have ever accepted the outcome of the 2016 election, and both of them have been talking about impeaching Trump all along.
Hillary Clinton might be hoping no one buys “Nixon’s Secrets” — Roger Stone’s new book marking the 40th anniversary of the Watergate scandal. Stone — a Nixon staffer who is so partisan he has a tattoo of his old boss’ face on his back — reports that Clinton was fired as a staff lawyer for the House of Representatives’ Judiciary Committee for “writing fraudulent legal briefs, lying to investigators and confiscating public documents.”
“Hillary’s lies and unethical behavior goes back farther — and goes much deeper — than anyone realizes,” Zeifman told Fox News in 2008. When asked why he fired Clinton, Zeifman responded, “Because she is a liar.”
In 2008, after Hillary campaigned in his home state of Connecticut, Zeifman wrote that he regretted “I had not reported her unethical practices to the appropriate bar associations . . . Nixon clearly had right to counsel, but Hillary . . . wrote a fraudulent legal brief and confiscated public documents to hide her deception.”
2-The Stasi Misleadia Intel Community Faction
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Barack Hussein Obama's IRS, FBI, DOJ Investigate BHO |
SURPRISE! ICIG Michael Atkinson
—Partisan CIA ‘Whistleblower’ Was Top Mueller Operative —
As usual, the Fox Barack is so happy to investigate the American hen house. Michail Atkinson is of the tainted lot that illegally spied on Trump. The fact of the matter is that the Barack-Pravda Regime spied on Trump. The corrupt intelligence community was organized by Barack Obama. Pelosi, you are our employee, you are not "The House."
Of course, the leftist media {the CIA Media, 5th-Element Conspirators} has ignored this crucial player in their latest impeachment quest. They don’t want you to delve too deep into Michael Atkinson’s background. That is because Michael Atkinson also played a major role in the Trump-Russia Mueller hoax.
Julie Kelly at American Greatness exposed Atkinson’s controversial role in the just completed Trump-Russia hoax. The non-whistleblower has ties that suggest the Ukraine ‘Scandal’ is just more collusion hoax.
His resume is touted as proof that the long-time public servant only is acting in the best interest of the country; his motives are not to be questioned, we are chastised. This description follows a pattern similar to the way the media portrayed dossier author Christopher Steele and Special Counsel Robert Mueller!
Atkinson worked directly for two figures involved in both the counterintelligence probe into the Trump campaign and the set-up of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.
The same way they are doing right now, fake news was pious when they lied to America about the spying on Trump. They mocked Trump for telling Americans that the BHO government was spying on him. They told Americans and the world that Trump was just stupid and crazy, but they knew they were lying.
The full spectrum of far Leftist radical news (not the mainstream media) claimed to disdain Trump for telling us about the spying. We all should know now that it is the CIA Media that deserves our disdain, and they have no audience. Americans believe journalists are less trustworthy than politicians, and that is a low blow for the numerous CIA 'journalists.'

But THEY KNEW the spying was happening, it is their evil, ugly, corrupt practice and a dangerous revolving door at these fascist Radical Media Outlets to hire from CIA personnel and then expect them to retain their official security clearance AFTER leaving government office!!
BUT the spying was happening. Leftists love acting holier-than thou, when to them nothing is holy and they wallow gleefully in the deep end with unfit Bill Clinton in the whole Weinstein-Clinton Swamp.
They are doing all of this right now because there is a pile of evidence that is about to be unleashed on them from the IG and John Durham which will debunk all of the Adam Schiff testimony of the last two years. ~Mark Meadows
The Democrat Party today is the party of mass cover up. They are obstructing justice Big Time.
Victor Davis Hanson: "Possible Russia Collusion" From House Dems Backfires
The Pelosi House will reap the whirlwind for this repeat of their bizarre Mueller hoax.
Reps. Mark Meadows, Devin Nunes, and Jim Jordan all seemed to be in agreement with Hannity that this inquiry will "boomerang" on the Democrats, resulting in political reprisal against figures such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff.
Nunes condemned Schiff for reading a parody rendition of Trump's July call with Ukraine's president during a recent hearing, and insisted the Democrats are the ones who tried to get "dirt" from Ukraine. "The origins of the Russia investigation begin in the Ukraine," Nunes said.
Apparently the Democrats have not grasped that once they turned Mueller loose they set a precedent by their behavior building a case for their own indictments, either directly or by going after behavior in people who were largely innocent, providing a model for prosecuting people who were clearly guilty of the same crime. So now they themselves can be held to the same standard!
The Director of the FBI cannot go before Congress on 245 occasions in a single testimony and say "I can't remember" "...he doesn't know." ~Victor Davis Hanson
Mueller opened the whole exposure and set the standard for going after trivia.
Boomarang: Who Is Atkinson?
Julie Kelly - September 30th, 2019 cont'd . . .
Atkinson was named senior counsel to John Carlin, the head of the National Security Division. Carlin was Robert Mueller’s chief of staff when he ran the FBI. Carlin regularly was briefed by former deputy FBI Director Andy McCabe on the Trump-Russia collusion probe.
Carlin’s shop was involved in handling the FISA warrant on Trump campaign associate Carter Page. The warrant accused Page of being a foreign agent, yet he has never been charged with a crime.
In September 2016, Carlin moderated an NSD event that featured speeches by Comey, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, former CIA Director John Brennan and White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough. Carlin abruptly resigned shortly thereafter amid controversy related to his handling of FISA material.
Carlin now is a CNBC contributor.
Another red flag is that Atkinson sent two letters about the “whistleblower” to the House Intelligence committee instead of its Senate counterpart. During his January 2018 public testimony to the Senate Intelligence committee prior to his confirmation, Atkinson said if there was a dispute with the DNI about the veracity of a claim, he would “talk to this Committee if that situation arose to that level, to keep you informed about those events.”
But Atkinson instead notified the highly-partisan House Intelligence committee led by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the same lawmaker who has lied to the American people for three years about having secret evidence of Russian collusion.
In a letter dated September 9 addressed to Schiff and Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), Atkinson alerted the committee that the acting Director of National Intelligence did not agree with Atkinson’s judgment that the claim was an “urgent concern.” An assessment somewhat laughable now that the call’s transcript is public.
Why did he send letters to Democrat Adam Schiff and not Republican Senator Richard Burr, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee? Did Atkinson have any communications with Schiff prior to sending his September 7 letter? Why was the form documenting an “urgent concern” apparently edited around the time of the latest complaint.
Democrats are poised to begin "the impeachment process" based on this!
Atkinson is not impartial the way Nadler and his mob claimed. Atkinson was chief counsel to John Carlin, who corruptly mishandled the FISA request on Carter Page for obtaining warrants four times to spy on Trump.
This absolute evil absurdity by the House Democrats and Pelosi is the same Russia collusion hoax, insert 'Ukraine Hoax,' not a new controversy as claimed by Nadler's Socialist Mob. John Carlin's soooo connected to the Mueller hoax: he's the former NSD head who ab-used the Steele Dossier to enable the illegal Carter Page FISA Warrant!!!
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AZ Representative Andy Biggs Incoming Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus |
Mr. Biggs, an Arizona Republican, introduced a resolution to censure Adam Schiff after Mr. Schiff misrepresented the phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenky that is now the center of an impeachment inquiry in Washington. Rep. Andy Biggs is the incoming chairman of the House Freedom Caucus.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Wednesday he has signed a resolution to censure House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff. "Chairman Adam Schiff has been lying to the American people for years. Now he is so desperate to damage the president he literally made up a false version of a phone call.”
The measure condemns Mr. Schiff who “misled the American people” and made “a mockery of the impeachment process” with “egregiously false and fabricated retelling.”
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff concealed an improper tip-off from the 'whistleblower' who started an impeachment inquiry against the president based on gossip. “It shows that Schiff is a fraud,” Mr. Trump said.
After the Atkinson closed-door hearing, Representative Crawford said the proceeding revealed missteps of the intelligence community IG who called his so-called whistleblower, ‘Credible.’ The meeting raised questions about the validity of IG Michael Atkinson’s behavior. "The more I see about it, the more I see the complaint is not credible."
“The complaint does not arise in connection with the operation of any U.S. government intelligence activity, and the alleged misconduct does not involve any member of the intelligence community,” the DOJ legal opinion noted. “Rather, the complaint arises out of a confidential diplomatic communication between the President and a foreign leader that the intelligence-community complaintant received secondhand.”
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Reality Check |
Worse yet, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Mrs. Pelosi has yet to lay out any of the ground rules for impeachment. He said until Democrats come up with a plan for calling witnesses, allowing access to evidence, and giving President Trump’s lawyers the ability to be part of the proceedings, there can’t be a fair impeachment inquiry. Bizarre that the House Democrats need this simple reality check. Hello, House Democrats, please set up a fair process . . .
Casual impeachment? No dice. Even Congress’s own legal team at the Congressional Research Service said Mrs. Pelosi is trodding new ground in pursuing an impeachment path without getting the entire House on record and laying out clear rules of the road.
Rep. Collins, in his brief to the federal district court in Washington, said: “An impeachment inquiry was authorized, in explicit terms, by the full House in the two previous cases where presidents were impeached ... Indeed, in the Judiciary Committee’s 206-year history, the committee has never reported articles of impeachment against a president without first conducting an impeachment proceeding authorized by a full House vote.”
He said those impeachment inquiries had rules to make them fair for the president as well as Congress, including giving the president’s lawyers the right to offer evidence and the right to cross-examine witnesses; to give subpoena powers to the minority party as well as the chairman; and to hold a specific vote authorizing the process.
“If you are indeed sincere about overseeing a fair and objective process, meet the standards of your predecessors by establishing the procedures outlined above. Otherwise, I must again insist that you suspend all efforts surrounding your impeachment inquiry,” the Republican wrote.
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Biden Campaign's Letter To News Networks: Do Not Let Giuliani Discuss Ukraine |
In the Pelosi Posse freak out so far, the Biden Campaign wrote a letter to news networks demanding they not let Rudy Giuliani discuss the Ukraine Scandal. The Biden Campaign actually sought to silence the President's lawyer, even in the press. They asked news outlets to not allow Giuliani on their shows. Giuiliani has the facts, and can quickly ruin the Democrats' perfectly insane lynch mob.
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President Trump's Lawyer Rudy Giuliani |
"The American people detest the media, not because they
oppose freedom of the press, but because they love freedom of the press. ~Mark Levin
Pelosi and her mob are not doing an impeachment inquiry, they're continuing their stonewalling, trying to keep the truth from America. Years of stonewalling is ugly. Someone said Pelosi should remember 'Ugly is, as ugly does." The Presidency is NOT below the House in power. The Senate clearly is superior to egomaniac Pelosi.
“At some point the American people will be able to remove or not remove the president in November. The closer you get to an election the less sense it makes to do an impeachment process.”
As usual the radical activist media behaves as shills for the DNC, and they publish phony polls to make Americans believe that most Americans believe one thing or another, even though Americans may not have previously heard about the thing! It is known that fake news is famous for lying to America about poll results, like when the radical Left media networks continually insisted that there was no chance Trump would win in November 2016.
Recently ABC waived around their bogus survey and claimed that most Americans support Pelosi's new, but just exactly the same, Russia-Ukraine-Hoax impeachment inquiry. Pelosi says it is formal now? Every move she makes is taking impeachment casually. She just wants to illegally peer into grand jury testimony. Not so fast. Her whole "new" charade collapsed already, already it is completely discredited. Now it also comes to light that the ABC poll was verifiably fake, it oversampled Democrats.
We all know a corrupt side of the Democrat Party has ALWAYS been seeking to overturn the 2016 Election. There is no shift in public a opinion due to a Ukraine-Trump phone call. The Left endlessly even derides and insults Trump supporters.
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Before Taking Office Following the the 2018 Midterms Uncouth Tlaib Wanted to Impeach To Overturn the 2016 Election Showing She Doesn't Accept the Rule of Law or the American Constitution |
Rep. Tlaib became more uncouth than Trump by using the most base and sexually charged swear words in front of her child as she bragged that once in power she would impeach Trump to overturn the 2016 vote. She was highly arrogant in her pride that she didn't require any due process trial. She is the politics of violence and brute force. Where is consistency in Pelosi and civilized Democrats who should decry Rashida Tlaib for being uncouth, crazy, and unfit?
But before the November Midterm Elections the Democrat candidates tried to hide this lawless rage and they pretended they wouldn't seek to impeach Trump to overturn the 2016 Election. The truth surfaced after they got into power. They were not concerned over discovering facts then or now. The House Democrats feel that THEY may impeach anyone if they just don't like them. They are scared, guilty, criminal, resentful power-hungry elites who feel entitled to power forever. They do not care about what the voters want once they obtain power.
The radical Left 'news' networks shamelessly push for impeachment using fake statistics!! They endlessly seek to seduce and deceive American voters. Power makes AOC and other nitwits overbearing and insanely tyrannical. A more accurate headline for their fake ABC / CBS poll about impeachment was, “The majority of Americans, in a Democrat-heavy poll, favor an impeachment inquiry into President Trump.”
Former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson went a step further diving into the bogus, fake poll, which wrongfully alleged that the poll showed a shift in American opinion, and now suddenly a majority of Americans favored the impeachment of Trump.
Attkisson pointed out how the fake news left out of their headlines other statistics from the same poll. The CBS poll, oversampling Democrats, showed 58% say Trump does not deserve to be impeached or that it’s “too soon to say.” APPARENTLY the extrapolated numbers would show that 64% of Americans believe that Trump doesn’t deserve impeachment or it’s too soon to know.
Here's the reality check. Attkisson reported other facts demonstrated in the same poll (facts the radical Leftist media hid and never mentioned): a majority from each group – Democrats, Republicans, and Independents – said they believed the "primary goal of the Democrats' impeachment inquiry is to 'politically damage Donald Trump’s presidency and his re-election.'" Oooooo, slam. Pelosi is busted, and America strongly affirms that she is nuts to compare herself to our wise, judicial Founders and courageous revolutionary forefathers. She is an excentric 'Nervous Nancy.'
Pelosi House Embarrasses Themselves
It was the Obama Administration that prosecuted and spied on reporters. It was Barack's officials who tried to block Fox reporters from interviewing “pay czar” Kenneth Feinberg. The White House initially lied about this, and many in the press went along with it. It wasn’t until 2011 that the public learned the truth about Feinberg.
Feinberg was not the only administration official to have his network appearances limited by the White House. The Obama White House communications director, Anita Dunn, said at the time, “We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent ... as they are undertaking a war..."
The Demonic EU Aligned Faction of Globalist Elitists
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1-Fox Watching The Hen House
In 2010 the Obama administration renewed the bogus Bush-era subpoena against the New York Times' James Risen in a prolonged attempt to determine whether the reporter was the recipient of leaked CIA information. In February 2011 federal investigators were revealed to have spied on Risen. Federal investigators pored over Risen's credit reports and his personal bank records. The feds even tracked his phone logs and movements. Baghdad Barack is a privileged, tyrannical sourpuss.
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5-Looked like one of the most boneheaded moves ever made by an attorney general. |
Loretta Lynch was caught red handed, but due to BHO's contempt for the Rule of Law we all saw him claim he could 'exonerate' Hillary even though he was and is her co-conspirator: Hillary contacted BHO using her secret server. And all things corrupted by Hillary in U.S. government were convenient in BHO's perverse war on all things America. Break the tire, then step up like a hero to repair the resulting wreck. Step off, Barack Hussein Obama.
House Democrats embarrass themselves by living in an imaginary existence. It is the Obama White House who engaged Ukraine to give the hoax Russia-collusion narrative an early boost, and the January 2016 meeting was one of Obama's earliest documented scam efforts. It was the Obama White House that abused journalists and disrespected our free speech human rights. Barack and Hillary tried to blame 'the evil' of free speech in America for Benghazi violence!!! They lie.
In the January 2016 gathering, confirmed by multiple participants and contemporaneous memos, some of Ukraine’s top corruption prosecutors and investigators were brought face to face with members of the Obama-Susan-Rice National Security Council (NSC), Comey FBI, Hillary State Department, and the Loretta Lynch Department of Justice (DOJ).
Ukrainian participants said it didn’t take long ... to realize objectives included 2 politically hot U.S. investigations: one that touched Vice President Joe Biden’s family and one that involved a lobbying firm linked to Manafort. [The lobbying firm is also linked to Podesta, Hillary's minion.] The FBI shut down the case without charging Manafort.
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3-The Three Succubus Muses of Barack Hussein Obama Kathryn Ruemmler, Lisa Monaco, Susan Rice |
{Ruemmler and Monaco were prosecutors under Andrew Weissmann on the Enron Task Force, where they were all implicated in various forms of prosecutorial misconduct — well documented in “Licensed to Lie” with a long trail of evil Virginia blue blood family, who have been appointed to various positions by presidents Bush and Obama — The Uni-Party of Establishment infamy.
Weissmann and Mueller had a hand in picking Matthew Friedrich for the notorious Enron Task Force, where they quickly destroyed Arthur Andersen LLP, the venerable accounting firm, and its 85,000 jobs all for nothing.}
Weissmann, Friedrich, and Mueller are the deep state. Mueller is the “insurance policy” of which Strzok, Page, and McCabe wrote.
A representative for Obama's senior adviser, Susan Rice, did not return emails seeking comment. Attendees say the facts showed evidence in Ukraine of political meddling in the U.S. election. The younger son of Biden, Hunter Biden, was making $50,000 a month during this arranged bribe of an American Vice-President in the name of President Obama. More than $3 million flowed from Ukraine to an American firm tied to Hunter Biden in 2014-15, bank records show.
A Ukrainian court in December concluded NABU’s release of a ledger was an illegal attempt to influence the U.S. election. And a member of Ukraine’s parliament has released a recording of a NABU official saying the agency released the ledger to help Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign for President. The Ukrainian Embassy in Washington on Thursday confirmed the Obama administration requested the meetings in January 2016.
The 'Russian Collusion' was about helping Hillary. FBI's Nellie Ohr admitted to Congress that she routed Russia dirt on Trump from Fusion GPS to the Obama-Loretta-Lynch DOJ through her husband during the election. Nellie Ohr's husband was Bruce Ohr, the 4th ranking FBI official at that time. Mueller is not believeable in his claim to Congress that he didn't know what Fusion GPS was!!! The 'Mueller' report barely mentioned Fusion GPS and the Steele Dossier, the basis for paying Mueller lots of money. So the House Democrats' reputation of being non-readers continues.
All 4 Dossiers Used to Launch the FBI Investigation Against Trump Will Trace Back to the Clintons. ~John Solomon
John Solomon's reporting highlights the black hole Tony Shaffer described, the fact 'journalists' from Leftist news networks fail to report on the reality that a high volume of evidence already gathered from the Ukrainians proves that it was Obama and Hillary who colluded with a foreign power to tamper with the 2016 U.S. Election.
John Solomon is an award-winning investigative journalist whose work over the years has exposed U.S. and FBI intelligence failures before the Sept. 11 attacks, federal scientists’ misuse of foster children and veterans in drug experiments, and numerous cases of political corruption.
The constant bombshells were continually ignored by Leftist media networks. The Barack-Pravda FBI's counterintelligence project, his Crossfire Hurricane Operation, didn't officially begin until July 31, 2016. Yet findings in December 2015 show that in the Strzok-Page text messages they used the the word 'lures,' AND IT IS REDACTED by top members at the Barack-Pravda FBI, but not in the OIG report.
"OCONUS LURES" is about Oconus = Outside Contiguous US and Lures, which in this context means multiple spies. This is HARD EVIDENCE that the Barack-Pravda FBI wanted to run a baited Sting Op using foreign agents against Trump.
Kevin Brock, the former assiatant Director of Counter-Intelligence at the FBI tells us: "If the FBI opened a Source or tasked a Source to gather information particularly from a U.S. person, before opening a formal investigation, then that would be a violation of the guidelines." So we KNOW Barack is guilty of this stealth coup and historic abuse of power, because we KNOW he did gather information using a task force before opening a formal investigation, not to mention that he was spying on his political opponent.
Corrupt Congressional Dems asked Trump's State Department for Ukrainian documents, but get crooked Hillary and Biden documents instead.
Today the State Department sent over the documents. But they weren’t what the Democrats were expecting! The Trump administration sent over documents on Hillary Clinton’s collusion with Ukraine in the 2016 election and the Biden Family’s massive pay-for-play with the Ukrainian regime! Zing!
“President Trump is right to call out this rushed process because Democrats refuse to protect the transparency and basic fairness that have been integral to previous impeachment proceedings,” McCarthy said.
The BHO Coup has choked up all the air. Democrats need to start reading BEFORE they vote in Congress. That doesn't seem likely . . .
Hundreds of pages of never-released memos and documents — many from inside the American team helping Burisma to stave off its legal troubles — conflict with Biden’s narrative. ~John Solomon's Report
Above link takes a reader to a Trump tweet and video showing that Democrats, who are so rabid today to impeach Trump, really know well that impeachment is harmful to the country. They lie through their teeth about what they are doing to Trump, and why they're doimg it.
As Rush wisely said, the Democrats are desperate to put the genie back in the bottle, but video, the evidence, and the truth are forever. We expect more than the FISA Court screaming about the FBI's treasonous actions. The HIGHLY partisan behaviors listed below are despicable, and make one's blood boil. Top law enforcement officials fabricated egregious lies for an evil Hillary Campaign narrative and to frame our U.S. President, as well as to frame many others, and to intimidate people in the hope that someone lies to betray President Trump!!!
The FBI cover-up and stonewalling in treason case continues, but Horowitz sees no operating bias?!! Failing to punish the guilty in these horrific crimes is boldface proof of a partisan criminal crew. How about the Russians being allowed to take America's uranium. Not believeable that Horowitz cannot see the red flags here. The FBI’s claim, of having no responsive records, “does not pass the straight-face test.”

Hillary wants to break the glass ceiling of being the first woman to lose the presidency 3 times https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1181645880983732224 …
It wasn't just Hillary Clinton that said irredeemables and deplorables are the Trump voter. There was Joe Biden who said that they were the dregs of society. I think Peter Strzok was caught in a text message saying basically they were smelly. We had CNN people say at Trump rallies people had no teeth. You saw that Jussie Smollett, when he had his hoax {the idiotic and corrupt Chicago false-flag crime}, he deliberately made the villains people with Trump hats. The same is true with the Covington kids. They were demonized because they had these red hats. ~ Victor Davis Hanson
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A growing number of Americans are sick of them all. |
Psychodrama: Trump Derangement Sydrome 10.0 By Victor Davis Hanson
We can predict how the House Democrat Mob will claim, "...we had a majority vote in the Senate. If we flip three or four Republican Senators, except for that stupid old Constitution, we would have removed him." Democrats have a socialist-communist theme: violent hostility to biblical faith, hatred for free enterprise, hatred for our Founders, hatred of the Declaration of Independence, and hatred of our U.S. Constitution.
What do the Kavanaugh hearings, Jussie Smollett, the Covington kids, the Mueller investigation, and now the Trump phone call all have in common? Staged melodrama, media collusion hysteria, progressive demands that justice be served immediately, promises of walls-are-closing-in blockbuster revelations from new witnesses, supposed surprise revelatory documents, fusions between Democratic politicians and Washington bureaucrats — and then bust, nada, and teeth-gnashing as the truth catches up to various rumor-mongers.
House Democrats like Lying Schiff, and deranged Trump haters, all have one thing in common -- they don't believe in a constitutional referendum in 2020, as the constitution prescribes: to have an up or down vote for their president to see if he should be re-elected.
Confederate hotheads were afflicted the same way with self-aggrandizement, putting what they want above the Law, and rejecting the election of someone for whom they did not vote. It is violent, infantile, brainless, and unenlightened. It is their drugged-up trip. No reality, no honor, no decency, no enterprise, no growth, no nurturing, no self-improvement. No grown ups.
The only salient fact about the collusion investigation was Mueller’s own embarrassing lack of knowledge of Christopher Steele’s fabricated dossier, gleaned largely from Russian plants and sources. The fake-news document had been paid for by candidate Hillary Clinton to undermine the Trump campaign, and it later became a source for lurid stories about Trump that were peddled by Obama-era officials in the FBI, DOJ, and CIA to undermine the Trump transition and presidency.
Not only were there no apologies; there also was no embarrassment that zealots, for 22 months and $32 million of wasted money, had lied about Trump’s imminent indictment and disgrace. If anyone could have found an iota of wrongdoing on Trump’s part, it was the dream team that hated Trump’s guts, though in the end, they found no collusion at all.
So here we are, on the eve of impeaching a president on the basis of disgruntled White House staffers, whose rumors in secondhand and thirdhand fashion were passed off through a leaker {who they wrongfully labeled a “whistleblower”} who worked hand in hand with partisan lawyers and Adam Schiff to circumvent the normal whistleblower protocols to smear a president.
And we will all shrug and grow quiet — at least until the next Blasey Ford, Michael Avenatti, Jussie Smollett, Nathan Philipps, dream-team, all-star star chamber, James Comey, or “anonymous” crusading “whistleblower” comes forth to seek notoriety and do his yeoman’s work to rid the country of Trump.
"It’s easy to get lost in all of these weasel words but the common term for raw intelligence that does not represent nor purport to represent credible or verified facts is called a rumor."
If it weren't for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all. ~Joe DiGenova
Nunes: "Both sides need to be able to gather evidence for impeachment inquiry to be fair."
Pelosi Wanted Impeachment Without Seeing The Evidence,
By Using 'Evidence' That Was Only Hearsay Testimony
Rep. Liz Cheney is gravely concerned that House Democrats show such flagrant disrespect for principles of American justice and due process. Pelosi and House Democrats are careening down this path of irresponsibility, unable to name the high crimes or misdemeanors, never seeing a basis in facts or evidence. Viewing this full video above is recommended. Pelosi is approaching Impeachment as a check on the Electorate, not the Presidency.
The Deranged Left is going crazy accusing Trump of what they did to President Trump, the true origins of the Mueller hoax investigation!!! Democrats already cried wolf over and over and over and over again throughout the past two years of bogus reporting by the Democrat Party Media.
If they actually had something, and the House Dems do not, nobody is listening. It is their own problem that they have no credibility. No, it is not okay that House Dems have no soul. No it is not okay that Soros money is fueling their false Schiff Mob Machine. Soros, Barack, and Schiff are Toads of Evil. Pure water does not flow from a toxic fountain. A right causet would not spring from Schiff.
Those voices going against Trump right now, they are the same ones deranged about Trump prior to our 2016 Election.
It is clear Romney wallows in the same swamp as his NAZI Bush masters. Remember, the voters said "No " to Jeb Bush. Go away, Mitt Romney. You're unwanted. Mitt Romney drenched himself in slime when his weasal mouth said very wrong things at the worst possible times. With friends like Mitt or McCain, America doesn't need enemies.
It is clear Romney wallows in the same swamp as his NAZI Bush masters. Remember, the voters said "No " to Jeb Bush. Go away, Mitt Romney. You're unwanted. Mitt Romney drenched himself in slime when his weasal mouth said very wrong things at the worst possible times. With friends like Mitt or McCain, America doesn't need enemies.
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Matt Gaetz is on the House Judiciary Committee
The One Where Impeachment Is Conducted
IF it is A REAL Impeachment
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So far, the House has fallen far short by failing to follow the same basic procedures that it has followed for every other President in our history. ~Senate Leader McConnell, October 8, 2019 |
BUT the spying on President Trump was happening. Leftists love acting holier-than thou, when to them nothing is holy and they wallow gleefully in the deep end with unfit Bill Clinton in the whole Weinstein-Clinton Swamp. We all see the Democrats behaving in ways no Americans would. Why?
Let's examine the five factions in desperate opposition to the elected President of the United States:
- The Vatican and their EU aligned, weak, green tax pushers - on anyone audacious enough to be born. Globalists who rig the New World Order in order that they will always be rich.
- Socialists who kill babies and are violent antifa fascists.
- Intelligence Community and the stasi media.
- Islamocrats, along with those who honor and pay them. This group wants the annihilation of Israel, all Jews, all Christians AND all non-muslims.
- Democrat Party Officials and Operatives who lost power and will lose power along with those now suddenly vulnerable to real justice without corrupt Democrats like Michelle Obama in office to jussie-smollett them out of jail.
What is worse? That the Clintons left a wake among friends and associates on a deadpool list once they were about to testify against the Clintons, or that large numbers of the Clinton friends and associates wanted to kill themselves?
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1, 2, 3, 4, 5-Bill Clinton left a deadpool list in his wake. |
First of all, we know those who oppose President Trump oppose The United States of America. And then we ought to exam with the de facto Impeachment Ring Leaders of the House Dems: AOC's Agenda 21 Plus Three Brigade.
Rashida Tlaib told us that thinking of the Holocaust provides her a 'calming feeling,' because her Palestinian ancestors provided a safe haven for Jewish victims of the tragedy.
This is deceitful as well as absurd. It is known that BHO also has no knowledge of real history. As President Reagan said, "It isn't so much that Democrats do not know anything, it is just that so much of what they know just isn't so." Here are the facts that completely debunk Rashida's fake claim and her antisemtic genocidal delusions.
— The Jewish presence in the area currently known as Israel dates back thousands of years, and the modern return of the Jews pre-dated the Holocaust by many decades, starting with the migration of Jews from Yemen in 1881 and the Balfour Declaration of 1917, where the British government supported the establishment of a Jewish state in the area, an idea rejected by Arabs, and the likely Rashida Tlaib kin.
— In 1937, the British Peel Commission proposed a two-state solution to Jews and Arabs, which the Arabs once again rejected because they could not accept any Jewish presence in the region.
During World War II, the Palestinian leader at the time, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Muhammad Amin al-Husseini, met with Adolf Hitler and allied with Nazi Germany. As the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum recounts, "Al-Husseini collaborated with the German and Italian governments by broadcasting pro-Axis, anti-British, and anti-Jewish propaganda via radio to the Arab world. They incited violence against Jews and the British authorities in the Middle East."
ALSO, Al Husseini, the Grand Mufti Of Jerusalem, recruited young Muslims for service in the German military, Waffen-SS. He filled two full Gestapo divisions, and other auxiliary units with Hitler true believers totally and completely with muslims. In 1942 the SS took over the German armed forces. And Al-Husseini inspired Axis support and Axis collaboration among Muslim residents of regions under Axis control beyond the reach of German arms.
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4-Palestinian Terrorist Leader Hajj Amin Al Husseini Grand Mufti in Jerusalem The Foremost Religious-Legal Authority |
— After World War II, instead of choosing to live peacefully, Arab leaders encouraged Arabs to flee out of Israel, and the next day the young nation was invaded by Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq.
— The terrorist group the PLO was founded three years before Israel occupied the West Bank in the Six Day War. These territories are NOT the heart of the middle east conflict.
The Grand Mufti is the chief Islamic legal-religious authority in Jerusalem, and his agenda was opposition to the return of the Jews. Tlaib's lies are destroyed by the truth: the Palestinian terrorist Leader, Hajj Amin Al Husseini, the Grand Mufti in Jerusalem, was Hitler's right hand man. Hitler's true believers were the SS Gestapo. As we've learned: Hajj Amin Al Husseini recruited and filled with muslims two of Hitler's true-believer SS Gestapo Divisions.
The Ottoman Empire ruled only a hundred years ago, barely gone in the scheme of history. Their banner features pikes, swords, cannons, cimeters, guns, and knives etc:

The symbol for Islam is not peaceful, but two crossed swords. The Grand Mufti Husseini's central goal was to prevent a Zionist movement, he failed because the allies won World War II and the UN established the nation of Israel at the end of World War II. The allies sought to punish the Mufti's NAZI war crimes during the Nuremburg trials, but he escaped from French authorities and continued his war on the Jews from Cairo, and later Beirut. He died in 1974.
It is known that there was no safe haven created for the Jews, so Tlaib's ancestors did not create one. Immediately following the announcement (the next day) of the independent State of Israel on May 14, 1948, five Arab nations invaded Israel. Syria was called the Syria Palestina, so Tlaib's people most likely were NOT friendlies since the Syrians invaded the independent state of Israel with four other arab nations. Jews in Israel created the only safety in Israel for Jews.
Tlaib's ancestors? Tlaib herself was banned from Israel. Her terrorist-sponsored BDS Movement is NOT about creating a safe haven for Jews. Tlaib knows Jerusalem's muslims violently fought the Jews and the State of Israel before, during, and after the Holocaust, and they still do. They were not only Hitler's allies, the muslims were NAZI SS Gestapo, Hitler's true believers!!!
Truth Bomb About Islamocrats of the DNC
In March 2017 a letter published by the National Library of Israel Archives, shows SS Chief Heinrich Himmler heaping praise upon Grand Mufti al-Husseini, his war and his lifelong onslaught against the Jews. That is the fact of the matter: the "islamic religion" in Jerusalem supported Hitler's war crimes. To this day Farrakhan and the islamic world praise Hitler. This is the actual identity of Ilhan, Tlaib, Pressley, and AOC. They have no where to run. This violence is who they are. They are the mean girls: violent and fascist communists.
Muslims invaded and conquered three-fourths of Christendom. What remains is called The West. Please notice that the so-called Muslim refugees to not seek asylum in the many Islamic countries, even though many Islamic-majority countries are extremely wealthy nations. In the Quran (6:92, 42:5) Mecca is called Umm al-Qurā (Arabic: أُمّ الْـقُـرَى), meaning "Mother of All Settlements."
Islamic political conquest invades in stealth as "asylum seekers" or by "settlement invasion." Mohammad himself was a phony asylum seeker. He slaughtered those foolish enough to help him. FACT: Islam first pursues political invasions into Christendom by speading their settlements into The West. It progresses into bloody jihad, and then the full religious war. Whether or not we are at war with the Muslims, they are always conducting a religious war on us.
The problem with the Democrat Party is they are foolish, and they are telling America to be fools and help the people who view Mohammad as their ideal role model. Mohammad teaches his believers that lying to non-muslims, the kafir, is GOOD. Loaded up with this sort of 'intentions' oriented fantasy, we've witnessed the outcome of this point of view:
BHO has zero ethics, zero reason, 100% deceitful hate, and he is part of a religious war on America and the world. No lying to Americans, no violation of our Constitution, nor his MANY frauds makes BHO feel ashamed of himself as he deserves to feel. He's proud to damage America. He is narcissisticly proud to afflict Americans, Jews, Christians and all non-muslims.
Tlaib's claim that her Arab ancestors provided a "safe haven" to Jews after the Holocaust ignores the fact that the Jewish presence in the region predated the Holocaust, ignores that her ancestors allied with Hitler and perpetrated the Holocaust, ignores the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem's war crimes and that under his leadership of Jerusalem the Muslim agenda before, during and after World War II was anti-safe-haven-for-Jews. The Mufti's muslims in Jerusalem violently opposed the presence of Jews there or any sort of 'zionist' movement, they fought and still fight the return of the Jews. They continually persecuted the Jews in Jerusalem even when it was under British rule.
And Tlaib's claim is Tlaib only pretending. She is really lying, and can't ignore decades of Islamic violence and terrorism directed at Israel before, during, and after the Holocaust. Not to mention the fact that Tlaib's terrorist-socialist sponsored BDS boycott's goal is the annihilation of Israel!! What gall! Americans must grasp the fact that a Muslim like Tlaib feels that lying to non-muslims is both justified and sanctified by Islam. To Rashida Tlaib we non-muslims are not even human. This is the teaching of Islam.
Rashida Tlaib is in a delusion. Under Rashida's Islam, the collective is told the lies they must think and speak, just as it is under communism. There is no freedom for Rashida, not even in her own head.
The reality is that Islam loathes non-muslims. The actual heart of the conflict Muslims have against everyone else in the world springs from this fact: Islam loathes non-muslims.
Democrats love corruption when Democrats do it, they throb with a totally corrupt hunger for gain and power. They betray America and the Constitution endlessly. They also constantly say how much they hate America. The Democrats' favorite use of free speech is flag burning, kneeling during our National Anthem, and kissing up to the most vicious regime on earth: China.
The Clintons are foul hippies, and yet they are the Democrat Party's leadership! In college Barack was an activist who arranged to give money to men who were willing to dodge the draft, but the Leftist Regime Media worship him as their messiah! All Democrat Party Presidential candidates fight for open borders: which means the destruction of our sovereignty over our land and the destruction of our Constitution and human rights.
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5-What is worse? Victims on the Clinton's deadpool list were assassinated when they were about to testify against the Clintons, or that large numbers of the Clinton's friends wanted to kill themselves? |
Trump is the real whistleblower. Tarmac Bill Clinton and the Democrats are very desperate to hide and cover up Barack Obama's illegal Loretta Lynch exoneration of Hillary The Crook, and Obama's illegal spying. Trump has exposed the real BHO, the thug who hates America, our Constitution, and the super criminal who weaponized massive federal counterintelligence powers and lied to the FISA court to thwart U.S. Elections!!! The Trump Tower Meeting? That was raunchy Barack in spades!!
Ms. McGowan, whose allegations against Mr. Weinstein played a part in sparking the Me Too movement, responded to The Hollywood Reporter’s story by accusing Mrs. Clinton of “protecting” the disgraced executive.
“I knew that Hillary Clinton’s people, were protecting The Monster. I can’t believe I used to support her. I guess predators are her style,” she tweeted to her 890,000 followers.
America's Professor
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Both Are 71 Years Old |
A word to the wise, and Mitt Romney is not wise: the self-righteous, although lawless House Dems, tried VERY hard to put their old lecherous and impeached Bill Clinton back in the White House, for a grand total of 24 years! They are not about upright truth, dear Mitt. Bill Clinton is an out of control sex addict, a serial rapist. House Dems need to clean up their own Party and then pretend we need them to tell all of the rest of America what we may or may not do, who we may or may not elect.
Someone tell Mitt he is on the side of those opposed to religious freedom, who want to dictate to a church what they may or may not teach and believe. With friends like Mitt, America doesn't need enemies.
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The Fall of the House of Clinton |
DOJ officials determined that the Ciaramella Complaint was statutorily deficient since the president is an independent constitutional officer who is not subordinate to unelected intelligence agency bureaucrats. The DOJ opinion also determined that the complaint, which was based almost entirely on hearsay, was not “urgent” as required by statute and therefore not required to be submitted to congressional intelligence committees.
According to Catch and Kill, NBC shuttered Ronan’s exposé of Harvey Weinstein, which resulted in his fire-starting piece for the New Yorker. Meghan McCain asked: “Will the current management at NBC survive? For me, it’s hard for me to understand why they have jobs.”
Sunny Hostin seconded: “Agree. Why do they have jobs? We’re talking about Andy Lack and Noah Oppenheim — people that killed your story for various reasons . . .
Democrat Party Leaders' Contempt
for Democracy, U.S. Elections, and Freedom
"... the whole Russia probe was the most outrageous, indeed evil, misuse of U.S. intelligence in our history." ~Roger Simon, U.S. Attorney John Durham InvestigationHillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama weaponized the FBI and U.S. Intelligence Agencies to interfere in the 2016 Elections. They spied on their political rival and lied about it. They bore false witness, committed many high crimes, and ran a hoax Mueller "investigations" into President Trump, making false accusations about Trump. They lied every step of the way. Hillary just didn't know how her phone worked?!! She lied that she didn't pay for the FusionGPS Russia-Kremlin dirt on Trump, etc. But she paid $9+ million! Lies, lies, lies. Who does Hillary serve?
Ken Starr was precisely correct that the Clinton Legacy is contempt for the Law.
BHO did not investigate Hillary's secret bathroom server, that she very intentionally installed in her NY house, violating U.S. classified document law, and illegally evading the Freedom of Information Act. It makes sense that it was Judicial Watch who actually investigated BHO.
Every other time BHO investigated himself, he just squealed very delighted with himself that he found out that he didn't do any wrongs, not a single smidgen. (sarcasm) Barack never knew about the crimes of his regime until America read about them in the news!!!! BHO told law enforcement to not investigate Hillary. If they had, BHO was even more guilty than Hillary.
BHO pre-determined that he and Hillary had no evil intentions so they did nothing wrong. According to Barack's Sharia Law, one may do ANYTHING and it is good if your intention was to conquer non-muslims.
But this is America, we are doing American Law. Hillary broke laws that don't require malicious intent. In America you are guilty if you did the crime. Barack lied to the world in his Loretta Lynch Mob propaganda. It is known Barack has extensive contempt for U.S. Elections: we all heard his hot mic message to Putin through Medvedev that he'd be more flexible after his re-election!!! In that dark hot-mic moment we heard the phony U.S. President reveal his contempt for American elections.
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5-Leftist Forces Promoting Legislative Tyranny |
These "masterminds" are playing stupid games, which will win them only stupid prizes. Consolidating power in this way can benefit them only while the Democrats are the majority in the Legislative branch.
For Democrats, it has always been about power by any means necessary, even if that means that the Constitution itself becomes tinder to grow the flames of an authoritarian hell.
But if we have learned anything from the recent election in Louisiana, it is that the pendulum is swinging the other way, and the landscape is turning very, very red. There was a brutal wipeout for Democrats in Louisiana, and the press is trying to keep it quiet.
Rudy Giuliani told House Democrats via a letter from his lawyer that he will not be complying with their subpoenas related to their impeachment inquiry. His letter states that the subpoena is:
"... overbroad, unduly burdensome, and seeks documents beyond the scope of legitimate inquiry."
"The House must vote first to authorize a committee investigation if its members want the judicial authority to enforce these letters. The kangaroo court that Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi are running has yet to do so. And so, because they're not really subpoenas in any legal sense, there is zero penalty for not complying with them."
Central figures in the Mueller hoax were flying to Venezuela. LeVine is just one of a dozen of ‘objective’ reporters that have been promoting the dossier and collusion narratives and shielding Fusion GPS, but never disclosing that they had a previous and/or a current business affiliation with Mary Jacoby, Glenn Simpson, and other Fusion GPS actors.
Central figures in the Mueller hoax were flying to Venezuela. LeVine is just one of a dozen of ‘objective’ reporters that have been promoting the dossier and collusion narratives and shielding Fusion GPS, but never disclosing that they had a previous and/or a current business affiliation with Mary Jacoby, Glenn Simpson, and other Fusion GPS actors.
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Chuanpu Socks |
Billy Nungesser, the Deputy Governor of Louisiana, arrived at the airport to meet Trump. The Lieutenant Governor wore a pair of "Chuanpu Socks." This photo is on fire. . . Fragrant!
ドナルド・トランプの頭髪をリアルに表現するパロディ・ソックスが話題に 米
Republicans Find Their Passion
Not everything is about race. The definition of 'lynching' is conviction and punishment by a mob without a trial. Lynching was by hanging, so obviously Trump calling this secret Pelosi impeachment inquiry a 'lynching' was his political metaphor. The impeachment of a U.S. President is like a political death penalty, and this mob punishment without proper due process is a lynching.
Lynching is about mob rule, hysteria, and no due process. In the South 27.3% of recorded lynchings were of white people for helping black people, or being anti-lynching. But in the South 73% of lynchings were of black people. Also, Arizona, Idaho, Maine, Nevada, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wisconsin were some of the states that did not lynch any blacks to record.
The number one cause of lynching was murder, then other reasons, and the 3rd leading reason for lynching was rape. The West was wild, meaning that if a lynching happened, some of the period included above could lack a proper written record of it. But fankly, it is doubtful we know about all the lynchings.
In the West lynching had nothing to do with race, so for many Americans in the West we find the whinging Democrat Party tiresome, they are just raunchy, self-centered, and uppity. Due to the FACTS of life in the West that lynching in the West was primarily over murder, we see this fact corroborating the fact that the number one cause of lynching in the South was murder (sometimes in the West a lynching was over cattle theft). So out West we find House Dems' PC blathering phony.
The Constitution never said that everyone has a right to never be offended. The Constitution in fact guarantees people may say that which someone might loathe, it is called freedom of speech. There is no right to only hear things you want to hear, that is called fascism. Of course, under fascists like Ilhan, only the wants of a privileged set will ever matter. This is what we Americans call no human rights nor civil liberty. America considers that the meaning of 'equality' to be that all are equal before the law. Socialist fascism has no equality. Obviously being equal before the law does not mean that people are the same, or equal in hard work, talent, experience, or good character. Sharia is fascist, and they violently oppose cultural diversity, human dignity, equality and human rights.
Once an angry mob of 200 Las Vegas citizens killed cops, and then hung a man who had been brought to their jail for murder. The man hung had lasso'd a husband out walking with his wife, then the killer dragged his victim and caused great bodily harm. This killer had killed before, he had murdered a dance hall girl. From the start in the West, America strongly rejected the cruelty and terrorizing done by the killer.

Quite a few states did in fact by far lynch more white people than black people. In the West most lynching was of white people, and lynching was primarily about about murder. California, Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming lynched mostly white people.
Americans loathe wild, crazy lynching mobs. Americans do not justify lynchings, we do not equate angry justice with justice at all. And the fact remains, the entire country is sick of Democrats' demagoguery making every single thing about race, because that is racist! True Americans never justify lynching anyone. Our Republic is founded on the Rule of Law, not the rule of mobs. Make the Democrat Party American Again!!!
Calling the Pelosi Posse a political lynch mob today is true, since Pelosi's Posse is all about a frenzied Democrat Party and the Lying Democrat Misleadia trying to conduct political murder of the United States President without due process by inciting and inflaming hate and violent mobs through use of lies and manipulations. They gaslight our nation, they do not care that Trump has never been proven guilty of anything. The media lies about facts and the law, and whip up furious feelings based upon untruths about our American legal system. The House Dems aren't rebuking the sick violence of their partisans, when once upon a time they claimed condemn Kathy Griffith's mob mentality. No more. Now Barbara Streisand has gone bonkers!!!
Trump is also accurate to say his opponents do not love this country. What they are doing to us is unacceptable. Democracy is wanting a Republic governed by Elections and the Laws that govern elections (electoral college wins). An untutored savage throws riots and freak out tantrums when the nation does not agree with them, and when the nation refuses to fall in line as their slaves in some maniac socialist system of theft! Equal outcome is not fair and not beneficial. Ayn Rand is exceptionally correct and wise: nobody believes everyone earns an "A" in every class, that is completely bonkers. Socialism is the recipe for national collapse and denial of government services.
Kathy Griffith paraded a decapitated head of Trump in the dark Media. Barbara Streisand tweeted a picture of the inpaling a miniature President Trump using Pelosi's high heel spike. The vicious, disgusting Democrat Party leadership conjured up Salem witch style mass hysteria over Trump appointing Kavanaugh. And in the midst of this Leftist Marxist mass hysterical rage, the dark Media went way too far, absolutely off the rails in their pronouncements and failures to warn the People. The Media run a savage business.
The Leftist psycho fits, they perfectly match up with the character of a hysterical lynch mob in these years of mass media Deranged Trump Syndrome Mania. As usual when the dark Media mock Trump over his use of facts or words, Trump is the smart one, he's the accurate winner. Pelosi is running a lynch mob, she's not running a Congress of the United States of America.
Trump's followers love him because he's the only one telling the truth. We finally were allowed to harken to the blatant truth that Jerusalem is the capitol of Israel, the Islamic migrants hate non-muslims and are a danger to American happiness and national tranquility, the border is an emergency and the national opioid crisis must be relieved.
Trump is the only one who did throttle up our military and set our national prosperity back on track. Trump understands how, and made Black and hispanic employment happen. Trump knows the UN's a cesspool, NATO's not as friendly to America as they need to be, and that Victor Orban is a terrific hero. Trump knows the Dems create magnets to bring dangerous conditions and criminals into our southern border, that Dems create that atrocity in Congress.
Trump is an amazing President, and to their eternal shame, his greatness drives the Leftists to behave like primitive animals. Valerie Jarrett's threats do not belong in America. And the censorship and media complicity with antifa violence against free speech also is UnAmerican. Time for Democrats to behave as Americans who value their freedom and republic.
Back at the time, Biden suggested that Bill Clinton's impeachment was a partisan lynching although some Democrats voted in favor: 31 Democrats voted in support of the impeachment investigation of Clinton without limits on its length or scope. That was not a partisan impeachment, and American impeachments are NOT lawful if they are partisan. And the Bill Clinton Impeachment had due process, so it was not a lynching. So Biden was wrong, as usual. Bill Clinton's Impeachment Inquiry was not partisan nor a lynching.
Here is a pertinent question: Why did Pelosi put Ilhan Omar on the Foreign Affairs Committee? Her continual anti-Americans and antisemitism is an abomination, so Pelosi has proven her blatant disregard for the Will of the American People who overwhelmingly support Israel, its happiness, security and safety.
Here are some of the reasons it is a fact that Pelosi actually is running a lynch mob.
- Impeachment is conducted by (Nadler's) the Judiciary Committee, not Schiff's Intelligence Committee.
- The impeachment inquiry by the House Judiciary Committee is triggered when a vote of the House authorizes the investigation. In 2019 Congressman Al Green called for a House vote to begin an impeachment inquiry, and 137 Democrats joined with the Republicans AGAINST one.
- Impeachment is supposed to be non-partisan, and there was not ONE Republican in favor of Pelosi's Impeachment Inquiry.
Pelosi attempts to scurry around like a slithering snake, thinking she is hiding her evil partisan activities. The whole world knows Pelosi's crew behaves and emotes exactly as a partisan lynch mob. Every American should call their Senators and House Representatives. The consequence of the House not authorizing the Impeachment Inquiry by a vote is that Schiff may not issue subpeonas. Hence, everyone can and ought to know that Schiff and the media are lying to the public.
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That's Not How The Force Works! |
The fact of the matter is Pelosi KNOWS she's violating the Constitution. After her scalawag announcement, she ranoff to Jordan and Afghanistan, so she was lying when she said her whistleblower was urgent. There is NOTHING fair nor transparent about this goon-squad mob Pelosi runs.
The desperate Pelosi Posse are the real criminals trying to escape justice. She is required by the Constitution to do ONLY non-partisan impeachment and through the House voting on it. She knows it. Or maybe not, since she is nutty and tells her snotty EU pals that she is equal to the President! The Regime Media is full of deceit or Pelosi would have been called out for being unfit and crazy.
The desperate Pelosi Posse are the real criminals trying to escape justice. She is required by the Constitution to do ONLY non-partisan impeachment and through the House voting on it. She knows it. Or maybe not, since she is nutty and tells her snotty EU pals that she is equal to the President! The Regime Media is full of deceit or Pelosi would have been called out for being unfit and crazy.
Schiff may only 'issue,' or properly stated, Schiff may only write strongly worded letters that have no legal consequences. They are not subpeonas, period. But the press lie, and denounce the White House hysterically screaming, "... obstructing justice." The Democrat Party cannot be both silent and for justice, pick one. It is improper conduct that the press doesn't inform, instead they manipulate ignorance of the law. Think about this, the Speaker of the House is in line to become President, and the House may change who the Speaker is!!!!! Explain this reality to your representative.
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4-Al Green Bottom Left |
Directly due to the fact that this is not an authorized inquiry, the minority party in congress has no rights. The minority has important rights in a real impeachment inquiry. Pelosi has deprived the minority party of their rights in an impeachment inquiry. So Pelosi is exhibiting extreme partisanship, that has no place in a Consitutional process. Then Pelosi hides the witnesses, so that the People do not SEE for themselves the vile conduct of Schiff's clown squad of Justice Democrats who are lawless, and NOT just!!!
When the People see how abusive the "nice" Democrat Party officers are to people who dare to speak the truth, the Dems know the People will kick them to the curb. I doubt they will avoid that consequence due to their longterm unConstitutional witch hunting, today their silence is deafening.
The People can judge who is telling the truth when they can SEE the witnesses and everyone finds out who the actual witnesses are. Schiff stooges are passing innuendo and hearsay off as a "whistleblower's testimony," but it is just hearsay bias'd buzz. An impeachment cannot be built on sand and hysteria, but like fools, the Democrats, Pelosi, Soros, and Hillary's pocket press just keep trying . . .
While the impeachment inquiry went unauthorized, the Republicans weren't allowed to call their own witnesses!!! Once authorized, it was the same. Schiff had to approve of any witness the Republicans called. The way Schiff and Pelosi behave is hateful of our American Constitution and all procedures for finding truth and justice. Pelosi is not allowing the President's lawyer to be present. Pelosi, the Biden Campaign (if he still has one), and the Regime Press fear Giuliani, because Guiliani knows the truth about Ukrainian events, and he knows the Ukrainian players, too.
There is nothing legitimate done by Soros' goon, Adam Schiff. Our government is by the People, not by internationalist thugs like Soros. He's the destroyer of nations. That is just who he is. We do NOT run America by Non-Governmental Organization, the NGO. No way. As President Lincoln said of the Union: we are government of the People, by the People, and for the People.
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The Good Guys: Stephen Scalise, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Scott Perry, Matt Gaetz |
Democrats' Secret Impeachment Process
“So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights.”
Democrats lost in 2016, so now they are little babies throwing a temper tantrum. They deserve to lose for nominating a non-citizen to be President and failing to stop him at nearly every evil turn. Barbara Streisand in a tweet shared a photo of Pelosi killing President Trump, some blood flows when Nervous Nancy spiked a miniature Trump with her stiletto heel.
If women desire stature, this is NOT how they win it. This is childish, not how powerful women act. This is a vile, infantile temper tantrum. Democrats evidently do belong in socialist 3rd-world countries like Venezuela. Acting out the bloodthirsty, violent killing of a U.S. President in tweet images is not how powerful women act.
Oh how Streisand and Pelosi have fallen. When will the Democrats get outraged by truly egregious conduct by one of theirs. The DNC motto: all Democrats are above the law.
The TV Series, The Wire, was about Baltimore where Pelosi's father was a Congressman for five terms (1938-1947) and he was the Mayor of Baltimore for three terms (1947-1959).
FBI Files: Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi’s Father, Thomas D’Alesandro Jr., was the “Constant Companion” of notorious mobster Benjamin Magliano. As the proverb goes, "A man is known by the company he keeps." Magliano was identified by the FBI as one of Baltimore’s “top hoodlums," and he became a made guy in the Lucchese family.
Pelosi's father and brother are the only father-son duo both to be Mayor of Baltimore, making the (Pelosi) D’Alesandro family perhaps the closest thing to political royalty in Baltimore, a twisted, sadistic royalty for sure. Mayhem in Baltimore is running at a higher rate now than 20 years ago, in a city made infamous by the brilliant TV series, The Wire.
Pelosi's father was born in Montenerodoma, Abruzzo, South Italy. Very strange listening to Dems whine about uncouth behavior and people being "unfit for office" while their House Leader is Nervous Nancy Pelosi D'Alesandro of the mafia. Congress has no right to investigate the president for the sake of oversight because they are equal branches of government: Congress is 'not the boss of him.'
And for the record, the baby-butchering party is not made up of people better than everyone else. They are not the boss of us. For the record, killing your baby feels repulsive. When a woman kills her baby, she knows it is the worst thing she's done and she hides it. Killing babies will never increase the stature of women, the lie Democrats like Hillary told women in distress. Hillary made increasing the numbers of abortion her life's quest.
What the "nice" Dems do not admit to the world is that suicide increases following an abortion 588% over natural birthing. But women standing up for their babies might increase the respect given women. Democrats never stop lying to their sucker punched following, the Dems hide the truth of their evil, twisted dystopia. In Pelosi's view point is running a Mafia "equality for women"? Is that empowerment to Pelosi and her Posse? Becoming as evil as evil men just makes you evil. So strange that this posture is coming from femme nazi's, since they most often act like they are better than men . . .
But, no, Hillary's career exploding the number of abortions in America and in the world is her abomination, a similar and related abomination to her friendships and collaborations with Harvey Weinstein and serial rapist Bill Clinton. DeNiro is a pedofile, he cannot get away with his ridicule of Trump, is it hypocritical, vile, empty and pointless.
Ronan Farrow says Harvey Weinstein used his relationship with Hillary Clinton to try to kill his exposé about the now disgraced movie producer hurt so many.
When Ronan Farrow was working on his book that spurred the #MeToo Movement, Hillary and Weinstein were still working together on a documentary, which was LONG after Lena Dunham and Tina Brown and others, on the record, specifically warned Clinton's staff about Harvey Weinstein's predation, and that he was likely a serious liability.
But Anthony Bourdain was deeply serious that Hillary Clinton not get away with . . . TBContinued
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Ronan Farrow Winning |
Here is some logic: Hillary knew about Bill Clinton, the rapist, but to everyone in America Hillary still recommended Bill Clinton as fit to be President, she absolutely endorsed rapist Bill Clinton. Evidently DiGenova is spot on: "If Democrats didn't have a double standard, they'd have no standards at all."
One must conclude that Democrats do favor forced conversion, that Republicans ought to be forced to be democrats. They fail to rebuke Antifa even. According to Democrats, anything Democrats do is okay, including rape. Apparently in Hillary World only a Republican could ever be unfit for office: rape is okay for Weinstein because he raises LOTS of money for the DNC.
REALITY CHECK: In America walls are moral, and Sanctuary Cities for criminals are immoral. The DNC needs to Make the DNC American Again (MDAA).
The sedition, of Schiff, Pelosi and their silent House Dems, is opposed against the sovereign of the United States: The People. They continue debauched power grabs and vile antics pretending to their donors that they are SO powerful after the 2016 Election that they lost.
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The Reason Hillary Lost: Barack Hussein Obama |
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The Deadly Sins Of Socialism by Andrew Klavan How To Live a Crap Life by Andrew Klavan |
*Begin Mark 8:40
Understand The Greedy Left Is Using Your Money to Buy Votes
It’s not a mystery, though, why Democrats want to keep their hearings low key. There has yet to be a major public hearing that has worked out well for them in their never-ending pursuit of undoing the 2016 election. James Comey lied to Congress. Michael Cohen embarrassed himself. And do we even need to mention the cringe-inducing performance of their now-former hero Robert Mueller? Every one of them was a disaster.
But the House is referred to as “the People’s House” for a reason. We’re all supposed to be invited to know what’s going on there. It would be one thing if we could count on private hearings with no leaks, but we can’t, as proven this week with the leak of Taylor’s opening testimony. Republicans are right to draw attention to the absurd level of secrecy, and the staging that Democrats are devoting to it.
House Republicans Who Forced Into Schiff's
Closed-Door Impeachment Hearing
Explain Why
Americans know they have rejected the Establishment for decades, and candidates all know, too. Hence the candidates all claim they are the outsider, not the career politicians. But sometimes we can't see what and who the Establishment is. The Establishment is a phenomena of people appointed to government power who remain in power, yet elected officials fluctuate, and their turnover is normally higher than among those in the "The Establishment" masses living in Washington D.C.. Great harm comes from these kingdom builders who's purpose is not to serve Americans, but to maintain their jobs at all cost. Their numbers grow and grow.
Netanyahu once explained that in the military he learned the value of small government. He said they held a drill asking soldiers to carry another soldier across the field. He told us of how a small fellow picked up a huge man, but he could barely move forward and cover any ground. Then a large soldier was paired with a very small man, and he could carry the small fellow and rush across the field almost perpetually. Netanyahu drew the contrasting picture that like one soldier carrying another, the strong, robust economy is facile carrying a small government, and can go far, but an economy is bogged down, made sluggish, and crushed by attempting to carry the bigger and bigger government.
America needs the numbers of people in Washington D.C. to decrease, and for President Trump to pull the plug on the swamp monsters. And these greedy monsters are indeed squealing and reeling. Naturally the parasite UN, NATO, and CIA hate Trump. Socialism is like campers feeding the bears: a very, very bad idea. It must stop.
Who Is Schiff
Who is Schiff? Schiff is Soros' pull in America, and they are pulling us to destruction. Yes, Soros is a literal NAZI, yet he's a biological a Jew from the German NAZI genocide of World War II. He's evil and diabolical. He knew everything the NAZI's were doing to the Jews, he helped them do it, and today says it was a wonderful time in his life. Soros, Schiff and the NAZI's are socialists.
Hitler and Islam are SOCIALISTS
NAZI Hitler was loved by the top islamic Grand Mufti of Jerusalem because they are both socialists and antisemitic, the socialists always have to lie about this. Both Hitler and this islamic world leader liked to hang out with white supremacists, because an actual white supremacist is antisemitic. Hitler was a SOCIALIST out to conquer and plunder from other nations, same as the Mufti, Leader of the Muslim World.

Five Factions are infected with Trump Drangement Syndrome. Yes, there is lots of overlap between factions of the deranged. There are plenty of annoying, contemptible Intersectional-ites that qualify in multiple categories. Let's review the five factions of Barack Baghdadi's Resistance, they are The Establishment Swamp:
1) the demonic globalist elitists, 2) the infamous Intel Community's stasi media, 3) the secubus socialists, 4) the Islamocrats, and 5) the kicked-to-the-curb DNC.
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All factions are heavily represented in Hollywood |
Soros and Clinton funded the political appearance of Schiff on the Congressional stage. Why? James Rogan was the Impeachment Manager in the Bill Clinton Impeachment. The Clintons and Soros funded Schiff's campaign to defeat James Rogan (CA) from his seat in Congress, and they succeeded.
Rogan's CA 27th District was very likely to hate the result of that bad choice, but they didn't get a chance to kick Schiff to the curb. The Democrat Party runs California, and they gerrymandered Schiff/James Rogan's district, so Schiff's newly sculptured 29th District doesn't resemble the original District 27: they made Schiff the classic Democrat 'glass of water' who could always be re-elected by autopilot because he had a (D) next to his name, using the bought and paid for voter base that is deep blue, hand-picked, and engineered. The Clintons' revenge continues.
Do the Clintons seem happy? Lust, greed, gluttony, sloth, envy, pride prove deadly enough, but Hillary is toppled by consuming, wrathful revenge. In Hungary the parliament passed new anti-immigration legislation known as the “Stop Soros” laws. Soros' claim is that the NWO is democracy! He claims to oppose communists, yet acts like one. Karl Marx, the communists, reject nationhood and religion, but so does Soros. Soros is NOT an anti-communist philanthropist.
In 1992 George Soros brought the Bank of England to its knees ... In the process, he pocketed over a $billion dollars ... demolishing the monetary system of Great Britain in a single day and profiting handsomely at the expense of British taxpayers and others . . .
Soros is NOT a philanthropist. When you see or hear that said, know the speaker is rotten to the core. So who is Schiff? Schiff represents the devil in Congress, in other words, he's Soros speaking!
Who is Viktor Orban?
Viktor Orban is the Prime Minister of Hungary who knows his country must be protected from the global communist criminal George Soros. Under Viktor Orban Hungary's Parliament approved Stop Soros Laws. They are defying the marxist EU. The Hungarian government proves they care about their people because it demonizes the NAZI Hungarian-born criminal billionaire, George Soros and his marxist NGOs.
So, thanks to Viktor Orban the organization of illegal immigration has become a criminal offense in Hungary. These bills and amendments are what they called anti soros laws. This law is an anti soros law long overdue in America. Another Constitutional Amendment was passed in Hungary using a two-thirds majority, that stated that an “alien population” cannot be settled in Hungary. We need this one too. Viktor Orban's tough stance is a vote-winner. Marxist House Dems and Hillary and Schiff are heavily funded by Soros. It needs to be the end for global criminal Soros being allowed to fund his socialist coup in our beloved USA.
So, thanks to Viktor Orban the organization of illegal immigration has become a criminal offense in Hungary. These bills and amendments are what they called anti soros laws. This law is an anti soros law long overdue in America. Another Constitutional Amendment was passed in Hungary using a two-thirds majority, that stated that an “alien population” cannot be settled in Hungary. We need this one too. Viktor Orban's tough stance is a vote-winner. Marxist House Dems and Hillary and Schiff are heavily funded by Soros. It needs to be the end for global criminal Soros being allowed to fund his socialist coup in our beloved USA.
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Nationalist Capitalist Heroes and Friends Loved By Their People |
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No Evidence of Quid Pro Quo: Media Reporting Has Been False |
The misleadia narrative has been false, and we're unfortunately getting use to Schiff and the stasi misleadia crying wolf. There is no evidence of quid pro between Trump request regarding the already existing existing 2016 Ukrainian Investigation into Hunter Biden's business venture where Hunter Biden is paid exhorbitant sums. Joe Biden was BHO's point man to stop corruption in the Ukraine, he wasn't suppose to join the corruption. We have a video of Biden saying he ddid a corrupt, highly intimidating quid pro quo, and his son is holding the hot bags of money.
The reporting that a witness provided evidence involving military aid is false. Neither he nor any other witness has provided testimony that the Ukrainians were aware that military aid was being withheld. You can't have a quid pro quo with no 'quo.' ~Rep. Ratcliffe
The truth is that within two minutes Ratcliffe destroyed this witness. There was no quid pro quo. ~ Rep. Nunes
The Storm Against Pelosi's Injustice Is Here
Because President Trump is Being Railroaded
Here's the Truth
Senator Graham held a press conference shaking his finger at misleadia's deceitful
manipulations, their gaslighting double speak and double standards.
Simple Wisdom and Great Summary
*See Video Mark 13:10
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Old English Star Chamber |
Schiff's lynch mob would have you believe they care so much about a proper process, but the cellphones did get collected. No, they are straining at cellphone gnats, but they're swallowing a lynching camel. So is the Rightwing exaggerating about the danger of Soros and his tool, Adam Schiff? Here are the facts of reality.
In 2016 Soros was the major donor of Hillary, and he gave a great deal more than $25 million to her and other Democrat Party candidates. Evidently Soros had no problem supporting the woman who rigged the DNC Primary.
Soros has been a major donor to the think tank Center for American Progress, founded by Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta. The organization also runs the pro-Clinton media outlet ThinkProgress.com.
The troubling ties between Soros and Clinton extend to her tenure as Secretary of State. An email released by Wikileaks revealed that, in 2011, Soros instructed Clinton to intervene in Albanian politics—advice she acted upon. Soros directly benefited from Clinton pushing for the 2011 Panama Free Trade Agreement, as several of Soros’ holdings were implicated in the recent scandal there.
That deal opened up the country for billionaires and millionaires to exploit as a tax haven, which was exposed in the Panama Papers leak earlier this year.
To Hungary, Poland, Malaysia, Albania, England, Panama, and a long list of other nations, George Soros is an international financial thief running a NGO already exposed in a massive hack for manipulating elections in Europe. Pelosi, Hillary, Podesta, and Schiff call this literal, actual NAZI socialist thief, a "philanthropist."
Now you know why Hillary calls her vile Clinton Foundation a "charity." In Hillary speak a "philanthropist" is an international thief, the sort Bill Clinton gave Presidential pardons. But no, stealing from the poor and giving to the rich does not make NAZI George Soros a philanthropist, no. Stealing from the poor makes Soros a megavillain.
In August 2016 Clinton’s running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine, reportedly had a private dinner with Soros’ son Alexander, who has also been known to have unfettered access to high-profile Democrats.
In August 2016 Clinton’s running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine, reportedly had a private dinner with Soros’ son Alexander, who has also been known to have unfettered access to high-profile Democrats.
It was asked earlier in this article, "Who does Hillary serve?" The answer is not Americans, but her rich, elitist, psycho predator NAZI donors, like Soros, who rob American citizens. The CIA was created from World War II NAZI intelligence officers. The NAZI Bush clan with Bill and Hillary are a family! The DNC-CIA stasi misleadia hire from the CIA, this is an open secret like Harvey Weinstein's predation. Hillary serves the obscenely rich, elitist psycho predators of the world.
As the proverb goes, "A man is known by the company he keeps." So Hillary is a rich elitist psycho predator.
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Confirmation Bias Is What Is At Stake
This is why Trump won, the psycho predators in the DNC after New York's Twin Towers came down by Islamic terrorists, put Barack Hussein Obama in our White House. Americans do not care for the Bush-Clinton dynasty of psycho predators, it was not time for the Impeached Clinton Clan to remain in OUR White House for a total of 24 years.
The Leftists appear to have an endless supply of psycho predators, and keep company with murky savages like Antifa. When they have the spine to FINALLY clean up their act and be American again, then they can talk about representing America. Democrats are not above the Law, and Democrats must begin to be restrained by the Consitution and Law, finally. Make the Democrat Party American Again.
The hypocritical and mafia Pelosi Posse Mob must stop writing law in the judicial branch, stop trying to run foreign policy from the legislative branch, and stop using the executive branch to dominate the Judicial Branch, like the Democrats who are talking about stacking the Supreme Court, degenerating humanity into a new dark age downward into their primative and pagan world.
And the Democrat Party's Driveby Regime Media are psychopathic liars. Don't go away mad, just go away. Nazi propagandists also appealed to popular desires for order after a period of violent civil unrest they had caused. That is a simple con: create the terror and horror, then act like you will save everyone from the chaos and utter desolation YOU caused in the first place. No, rich psycho predator Hillary does not serve the poor, save your children and keep her far from power.
By the way, serving the interests of your nation is patriotic and nationalistic. Overnight the DNC Propaganda Machine flip-flopped on a dime. They switched from using their long time insulting label of "country club Republicans." Suddenly overnight Republicans are the "deplorables" and "populists." America is a Republic that values rugged individualism, human dignity, and civil rights. A Republic is not populist, but mob rule IS.
Democrats always properly called themselves populists. Republicans aren't populists. In a populist system there are elitist rich psycho predators and their sub-class pitiful poor, there is no middle class. Remember Obama-HillaryCare? That was the biggest, most historic tax hiking ever done on the middle class, when in reality Barack Baghdadi campaigned with the promise that he'd never raise taxes on the middle class.
Socialism is a criminal con job, they always have to lie. They don't openly admit they believe themselves entitled to endless power, that they feel themselves vastly superior to the People. These smug feelings explain why Evita AOC got $300 dollar hair cuts and treatments both this month and last month. Ilhan uses such feelings of superiority over the People to go on a crime spree, silence American dissent, mock criticism, and wear a hat meaning modesty while her campaign cash illegally funds her love nest and adultery with a white campaign adviser.
Ilhan's hypocritical hat is her most loudly featured neon sign of smug feelings of superiority. To Ilhan, the non-muslim is not human. This is simply the truth. She shows no shame for her sick immigration lies and crimes, her university fraud, her tax frauds, her perjury to IRS officials and her extensive campaign finance lawlessness. Ilhan's smugness makes her exclaim that the U.S. Congress benefits from the diverse voices of America's enemies?! She absolutely feels justified and sanctified to betray America, meeting alone with Erdogan, and secure her campaign funding from Iranian terrorists!!!
Ilhan is clueless about freedom, and she doesn't value it. She lusts for power, and feels entitled to power. Ilhan won't acknowledge that democracy is Americans being represented in their Congress, not the representatives of America's enemies like her collecting huge salaries off the backs of American workers.
Socialism is a criminal con job, they always have to lie. They don't openly admit they believe themselves entitled to endless power, that they feel themselves vastly superior to the People. These smug feelings explain why Evita AOC got $300 dollar hair cuts and treatments both this month and last month. Ilhan uses such feelings of superiority over the People to go on a crime spree, silence American dissent, mock criticism, and wear a hat meaning modesty while her campaign cash illegally funds her love nest and adultery with a white campaign adviser.
Ilhan's hypocritical hat is her most loudly featured neon sign of smug feelings of superiority. To Ilhan, the non-muslim is not human. This is simply the truth. She shows no shame for her sick immigration lies and crimes, her university fraud, her tax frauds, her perjury to IRS officials and her extensive campaign finance lawlessness. Ilhan's smugness makes her exclaim that the U.S. Congress benefits from the diverse voices of America's enemies?! She absolutely feels justified and sanctified to betray America, meeting alone with Erdogan, and secure her campaign funding from Iranian terrorists!!!
Ilhan is clueless about freedom, and she doesn't value it. She lusts for power, and feels entitled to power. Ilhan won't acknowledge that democracy is Americans being represented in their Congress, not the representatives of America's enemies like her collecting huge salaries off the backs of American workers.
To socialists like Ilhan and AOC, Americans are the slaves and servants of America's enemies. AOC and Ilhan have no concept of serving Americans. They don't take a break from expressing hate for all things American: our land, our Constitution, our people, our culture, our history, our happiness, our economic system and our world power. They believe they can seize our peace and prosperity using her socialist tools that destroy them. Such lawless pirates fail to become educated, they are unenlightened bickering haters. They live by the sword and will die by the sword.
It is the Democrat mob who endlessly disses the Constitution, the rule of Law. They want former convicts to be enabled to vote for them and their lawlessness. Many a convict is rich, see Bill Clinton. It is known that Barack gets high on drugs. Each and every Democrat Party candidate wants open borders, which destroys our Republic, national sovereignty, the rule of law, and deserved prosperity we created from hundreds of years of human emancipation, our excellent legal structures, our virtues and national good deeds, our superior free economic system, our considerable talents, and diligent labors.
Democrats who want open borders prove their contempt for American freedoms, Americans, human rights, our valiant American history struggling for human liberty, dignity and the rule of law. The Democrats insult sacred private property rights, protect criminals using guns in their crimes while continually attempting to disarm the law-abiding citizens. They spew Streisand disdain and disrespect for elections and the consequence of those elections: our laws.
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Donald The Menace Hero to Hong Kong Protesters Who Are Much Smarter Than AOC, Ilhan, Al Green, Rashida Tlaib, Etc |
Democrats who want open borders prove their contempt for American freedoms, Americans, human rights, our valiant American history struggling for human liberty, dignity and the rule of law. The Democrats insult sacred private property rights, protect criminals using guns in their crimes while continually attempting to disarm the law-abiding citizens. They spew Streisand disdain and disrespect for elections and the consequence of those elections: our laws.
Dems do not expect the government to enforce the laws Americans worked long and hard to form. In fact, they create Sanctuary Cities for lawlessness and embrace endless civil strifes, rather than living by the law. They leave our borders defenseless, when national security is the most fundamental purpose of national government. Nobody is forcing them to live here! Socialism kills our better angels, and unleashes the lawless lust for power and money. They appoint judges they know will ignore the law and grant them a life with unlawful license and greed.
Rep. Ilhan promoted a tweet that appeared to celebrate the violent attack that befell Sen. Rand Paul in 2017, when Paul’s home neighbor attacked him and broke six of his ribs. Now Rep. Ilhan's interview has resurfaced that she did with the Qatari propaganda network, Al Jazeera, where Rep. Ilhan spread lies that “... white men are causing most of the deaths within this country,” so Americans should be “fearful” of white men.
I wonder what Al Jazeera is feeling while Ilhan is in the midst of an adultress affair with a white man. For that matter Ilhan's entire schtick is about being a woman of color, and how Americans must fear the white man blah blah blah. Perhaps Al Jazeera and the Democrat Party reflect on Ilhan's adultery and second legal divorce by callously proclaiming, "Some homewrecker wrecked something."

If collapsing our country's well-being by the tyranny of a socialist State is not deplorable, then there is no such thing.
"If slavery is not wrong, then nothing is wrong." ~President Abraham Lincoln
Reality therapy for media malpractice is learning about the truth, the truth the Stasi Media won't tell you. Some Intelligence Community officials revealed that Ms. Clinton’s “unclassified” emails included Holy Grail items of American espionage.
John Ratcliffe Rocks It
Not A Coincidence that the IG Report Was Completed
and the DOJ Review Also Became A Criminal Investigation
* See Mark 00:40
John Ratcliffe explained that there has been one inconsistency after another in sworn testimony and documents. He points out an example how in one instance FusionGPS' Glenn Simpson testified to Congress that he never met FBI's Bruce Ohr until Thanksgiving after the 2016 Election, but that Bruce Ohr told Ratcliffe in sworn testimony he met Glenn Simpson in August to talk about the Dossier before the 2016 Election.
"So someone clearly is not telling the truth. ...There's a lot of low hanging fruit there that John Durham and Michael Horowitz have been looking at ...The DOJ was used to go after enemies, but that was in the prior administration . . . " ~John Ratcliffe
The focus of IG Horowitz's report investigates potential BHO FBI and DOJ FISA abuse, used by BHO officials to spy on BHO's political rivals. The point getting resolution is that there was a lack of predicate for the BHO administration to spy on candidate Trump.
The IG Report vindicated the Nunes Memo, it absolutely was not Republican nonsense as House Democrats falsely accused and even still try continue to claim. BHO was coordinating his administration's agencies to spy on his political rival. If House Dems truly believed that a President is not above the law, we would have discovered before now their concern over Barack's massive abuses of powers, his secret police, stasi regime.
Nunes has been telling the truth, Nunes' alarms are the ones we need to heed. The House Republican investigations will be vindicated. The Obama Administration abused foreign intelligence powers and lied to FISA Courts over and over and over again, by presenting a fabricated dossier as 'evidence,' violating their obligation to only present verified fact and real evidence to trigger authorized surveillance.
The Republican memo published the facts that the BHO officials in the FBI and DOJ appeared to have abused and weaponized federal powers to spy on Trump. This reality is finally producing grand juries for the many crimes involved. House Democrats called it nonsense, and doubled down on their claim that the Justice Department did everything right. Dems insisted that Peter Styrok was a great guy, and how dare the Republicans say otherwise. Now the IG Report has uncovered a BHO Administration FULL of dirty crimes.
Simply put, Americans witnessed obstruction of justice when Hillary took hammers and bleach bit to destroy requested evidence!!! That was crystal clear run amok demonic ambition, very tangible, nothing subtle about her debauched operations. Hillary is a rich elitist psycho predator. She is not the only one, but potentially a Gorgon's head. Don't look at the Medussa.
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Donald Trump Became Our President |
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IS-Anführer al-Bagdadi Dead
After U.S. Special Forces Attacked ISIS In Syria
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"Mean Bastards need to be hung." ~ John Ruth This Tarantino Character was played by Kurt Russell |
DonaldTrump@realDonaldTrump 8:23 PM - Oct 26, 2019
Something very big has just happened!Announcement of the death of Al Baghdadi expected Sunday at 9 AM ET.
One of the female detainees in the al-Hol camp for ISIS detainees and their families in northern Syria said: "We don’t respond to news from infidels."
McConnell Applauds President Trump’s Announcement on the Death of al-Baghdadi:
This victory for the U.S. and our many counterterrorism partners is a significant step for the campaign against ISIS, for the future of the Middle East, and for the safety of the American people and free people around the world.’
LOUISVILLE, KY. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued the following statement following the announcement of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s death:
I applaud President Trump’s announcement that U.S. special forces have eliminated ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The world’s most wanted man has been brought to justice. The world is a safer place today.
This victory for the U.S. and our many counterterrorism partners is a significant step for the campaign against ISIS, for the future of the Middle East, and for the safety of the American people and free people around the world.
A victory like this is only possible because of the expertise, skill, and courage of those who work to keep the United States safe. I am grateful for the intelligence professionals who laid the groundwork for this raid, for the brave American servicemembers who risked everything to carry it out, and to President Trump and his team for their leadership.
While we welcome the fact that al-Baghdadi has been brought to justice, we know we cannot underestimate the resilience of terrorist groups like ISIS and al Qaeda. The important counterterrorism work of the United States, our international coalition partners, and local forces will not end with this significant victory. To the contrary, history shows us how vital it is to keep building on this victory and continue our work to set the conditions for the enduring defeat of ISIS, al Qaeda, and other terrorists in Syria, in Afghanistan, and around the world.
Everyone likely has heard of the insane Leftwing Media crying that Trump didn't know Baghdadi whimpered because he lacked audio. I am not sure how they can pretend to know that, but I've been able to see whimpering dogs, without having heard them.
"So what is this about? Well, ultimately, you're watching the flailing of a U.S. establishment leadership class that despises the country it governs. They loathe the elected president so much, they're incapable of acknowledging any accomplishment, no matter what it is."
The groveling Leftwing media and regime allowed Barack to give NO evidence the man he killed was Osama bin Laden. In fact, the groveling media allowed muslim BHO to get away with lies that his alleged method of burial for Osama bin Laden was a traditional Muslim burial. No, the sacred texts of Islam prefer burial on land, "...so deep that its smell does not come out and the beasts of prey do not dig it out." Osama bin Laden's burial at sea was quickly criticized by Muslim scholars who claimed it had breached sharia law
but if we should be call’d again to action I hope to have courage and strength to act my part valiently in defence of our Liberties & Country trusting in him who hath hitherto kept me, and hath cover’d my head in the day of battle, and altho’ we have lost four out of our Company & several taken captive by the enemy of America, I was not suffer’d to be touch’d…~Private Peter Brown, served under Colonel William Prescott at Bunker Hill.
but if we should be call’d again to action I hope to have courage and strength to act my part valiently in defence of our Liberties & Country trusting in him who hath hitherto kept me, and hath cover’d my head in the day of battle, and altho’ we have lost four out of our Company & several taken captive by the enemy of America, I was not suffer’d to be touch’d…~Private Peter Brown, served under Colonel William Prescott at Bunker Hill.
Dedicated to Blumenthal, Shearer, and their ilk:
The Death of MSM (a.k.a. The Widows of the Swamp) inspired by Lord Byron’s “The Destruction of Sennacherib”
The conspirators crawled out of the swamp in the night,And the media enablers promoted their lies with delight;The flash of their cameras was like the setting sun on the sea,Their dossier orgies included the leading politicians of DC.
Like the leaves of the forest when Spring is green,‘Russian Collusion’ incessantly played on every screen;Like the leaves of the forest when Autumn hath blown,The MSNBC studios abandoned lay withered and strewn.
For the Angel of Death flapped his wings in a gust,And breathed in the face of the MSM as he passed;And the eyes of CNN waxed deadly and chill,And their hearts but once heaved, and forever grew still!
There a WaPo reporter shattered and pale,Gave the last fake news update and his ratings frail;Their mics have gone silent, the news feed died,The tweets unpublished, and propaganda dried.
The widows of the swamp now cry and bemoan,The idols of DC are broken in the temple of Mammon;And the mighty NYT demon smote by the sword,Hath vanished like snow in the glance of the Lord!Yaacov Apelbaum , August 16, 2018 at 7:35 pm
Pelosi and Schiff's Legislative Tyranny
Senator McConnell is struck by the fact that there is "no small amount of irony" associated with the fact that the President is apparently being impeached in the House, shortly, for holding up aid to Ukraine, and at the same time the Democrats in the Senate are saying they are going to filibuster the Defense Bill which would provide for the assistance to the Ukraine (vote later this week).
Senate Majority leader explained that Senate advice to the House looks at how the Speaker plans to lay out a process that the House intends to do, to see if it meets the normal, fundamental due process standards you would expect to be provided to the President and his team similar to what was provided to President Nixon and President Clinton in similar situations.
The Democrats seem to be responding the pressure from the Senate to have a more transparent process. Senator McConnell reminds us,
"An impeachment is whatever a majority of the House decides it is at any given moment. And it appears that the Democrats, emboldened by the new majority they've had this year, have been on this path for three years. ...The first headline I saw, I think it was in the Washington Post before President Trump was sworn in, was that the impeachment process was beginning. This {new Democrat Ukraine phone call bruhaha} is just further evidence that this is what they had in mind from the very beginning.
...The action is in the House now ...will they meet fundamental due process standards? ...I think the vote that they're now going to have to open the impeachment inquiry will be very interesting. Will all the Democrats vote for it? ...we will watch what happens in the House and we'll see whether they will actually open this impeachment inquiry ...apparently they are going to vote on it later this week. ...it's going to be a very interesting vote."
Who supports the Ukraine? Democrats vs Republicans
Hannity and Trump Update
Biden's 2016 Election Interference
A growing number of myths and falsehoods were spread by partisans. John Solomon, a former editorialist and executive at The Hill, landed daggers into nine of the bigger Leftist fairy tales. Is Joe Biden above the law? Democrats refuse to investigate Hillary or Joe Biden, so claiming there is no evidence is vapid lying. When Dems refuse to investigate the evidence, and they don't even set up a case, it is not 'proof' of anything. But there is the obvious negative inference that Democrats believe that Democrats are above the law. So understand that the activities and allegation against Biden now at the heart of impeachment actually pre-date Giuliani starting work on Ukraine. You can read the prosecutors’ account of their 2018 effort to get this information to Americans here.
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Schiff's so-called "Whistleblower" was actually a leaker, a Democrat Party operative, a high roller, and a CIA official. |
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1, 2, 3, 5 - Democrat “Star” witness sat on Board of Ukranian NGO
with deep ties to George Soros |
Juanita Broaddrick slams Hillary Clinton for tweeting ‘witness intimidation is a crime,’ because Hillary is being FULL of hypocrisy here.
Highlight of the Schiff Show Sequel is that Hillary Clinton has been accused of intimidating witnesses against her husband, including Juanita Broaddrick, who accused former President Bill Clinton of rape in 1999.
Clinton then took to Twitter to condemn Trump, but her tweet backfired online.
Clinton then took to Twitter to condemn Trump, but her tweet backfired online.
Witness intimidation is a crime, no matter who does it. Full stop.— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 15, 2019
Many pointed this out to Clinton following her tweet about witness intimidation.
Juanita Broaddrick would like a word. https://t.co/EfyTHcdSKM— Caleb Hull 🎅🏻🎁 (@CalebJHull) November 15, 2019
Pot, meet kettle https://t.co/yA4T5Ndpor— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) November 15, 2019
Broaddrick also responded to the tweet herself, calling Clinton “evil” and “full of hypocrisy.” She claimed the former Secretary of State has been "threatening and harassing anyone" who could damage her or her husband's career for "decades."
You are so full of Hypocrisy @HillaryClinton after decades of intimidating, threatening and harassing anyone who stood in your way. Your intense and selfish desire for power and wealth tells us who you are. It’s called EVIL. https://t.co/iYlRSfiucw— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) November 15, 2019
It is the strange Pelosi Posse run by islamists who are the fascists shredding norms and undermining the rule of law.
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4-The Qatari Collusion |
When the pravda media says "Open Society" or "Civil Society," they secretly mean "SOCIALISM."
Soros = Socialism *****Must See This Hydra Video
The State Department Act As The Leaders and Trainers Of Antifa
We have a real measure of how Americans feel about the Democrat Party Cult. A CBS poll shows that the majority of Americans across all parties think the Ukraine impeachment chatter is fabricated just to hurt Trump’s re-election.
Adam Schiff is a Soros PROXY
In the third quarter of this year, Trump and the Republican National Committee brought in $125 million. Amid record-breaking fundraising numbers for Republicans and President Trump, the story for the Democrats is quite grim.
“The Trump 2020 campaign’s fundraising arm said Tuesday that it has raised more than $308 million in 2019 and has more than $156 million in the bank,” Fox News reported in early October. For context, Fox notes that former President Obama and the DNC raised just over $70 million in the third quarter of 2011, the year before his re-election year.
Trump will not be removed from power, so the do-nothing Dems are highlighting their criminal nature, that they cannot help America, in fact they only obstruct obstruct obstruct the President from doing what WE elected him to do. We did not elect Ms Fancy Pants Yovanovitch. If she hates being unpopular, she should stop opening her mouth.
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3-Bernie Says Venezuelans Are More Free Than Americans AOC Says These Socialists Are Better People Than Americans |
Bernie is pleading guilty to being a millionaire, but does he admit he sold out to Hillary in 2016? He was not a fighter, contrary to his schtick as the 'angry old white man.' And Bernie's deeply felt admiration for those awesome socialist utopias in Cuba and in Venezuela? The facts are that, in reality, in Bernie's socialist paradises one can't even buy toilet paper: Cuba and Venezuela are not free. And after the People's guns were stolen by those socialists, human rights were lost, and then the Maduro government militias (which include Cuban combatants) run about their countryside murdering Venezuelans. I promise Bernie and AOC do not care about the health and the well-being of Americans. It is obvious, and the fundraising numbers are loud and clear.

But Bernie picking AOC as his VP? What a maroon, as Bugs Bunny would say. That is a formula for suicide: ooops, accidental heartattack! Trump can easily win because Dems sold out to the Muslim Brotherhood Barack who was not born in America. If you claim he was, tell us where? The two hospitals in Hawaii plainly denied that Barack was born there at all, and Barack himself admitted his online birth certificate was a forgery. It was also proven to be a forgery by Sheriff Arpaio in AZ. Even if Bernie doesn't make AOC his VP, he says the bobblehead will figure prominently in "his" administration. Very stupid to give power to a pack of wild Antifa socialist animals.
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Thanks Democrats, True to Paganism, Their Medal of Freedom Is Now the Medal of Libertines |
We don't have to hold expensive hearings to easily deduce that Biden did not terminate corruption, which is what he was sent to do in the Ukraine. Democrats do the opposite of their self-righteous, virtue signaling. Everyone knows this. Biden is the corruption. Bribery? The Bidens are still holding their bags of money, the proverbial trail of guilt is still hot. Where are the House Democrats demanding justice for Biden's corrupt actions?! ...that great soulful DNC "concern"??? Suddenly they are not so concerned about corruption.
Yeah, for Yovanovitch, it is great news for the House Dems to show 'precious' Joe Biden the Bribery King to the Ukraine and to the whole world, running for the Presidency of the United States IN THE DEMOCRAT PARTY. There are plenty of House Dems sponsoring Biden the Bribery King. Remember what House Dems are always claiming, that you don't have to break the law to be impeachable. Some how, not a thing Dems do bothers House Dems, no matter how completely evil it is. The House Dems even wish the rich, elitist, psycho predator Hillary won!!! Harvey Weinstein is Hillary's close pal, and central fundraiser. Houston, The Dems have a problem and money does "rat them out."
As Joseph DiGenova said, "If Democrats didn't have a double standard, they'd have no standards at all." Pelosi attempted to deceive the People that House Dems were responsible in their impeachment behaviors!!! House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) portrayed the impeachment inquiry as a somber event:
This is a very sad time for our country. There is no joy in this. We must be somber, we must be prayerful, and we must pursue the facts further to make a decision as to ‘Did this violate the Constitution of the United States?’ Which I believe it did.
The House Dems are the ones that violated our Constitution by throwing out the rule of law, by holding a bizarre impeachment without due process, and by doing impeachment for their partisan purpose. They drink alcohol to live with their guilty shame. "Democrat staffers threw an impeachment party at a Capitol Hill bar after the last public hearing concluded on Thursday evening." There is nothing prayerful about the Dems corrupting the purpose for impeachment and the entire concept of due process and a true search for the truth and our First Founding Principles. The fact of the matter is that Pelosi's impeachment is a lynch mob and stalinist witch hunt, and her mob posse is completely UnConstitutional.
"It’s amazing that the Democrats are following Schiff off a cliff for the second time. After Schiff lied to them about having evidence of Trump colluding with Russia, you’d think these people would know better." ~Christina Wong
House Dem staffers celebrated with Democrat counsel Daniel Goldman, with at least four rounds of cheers drinking liquors at a bar. The fact of Democrat giddy and lewd language cheering for Trump's impeachment has a 3-year history, so Pelosi's demagoguery conjuring up her "somber prayers" is repulsive.
Reality is very different from what one hears from the Clinton Campaign News Network (CNN): "In the third quarter of this year, Trump and the Republican National Committee brought in $125 million amid record-breaking fundraising numbers for Republicans and President Trump, but the story for the Democrats is quite grim. Perhaps the House Dems will receive a payoff 'quid pro quo' if they impeach trump. That would explain their suicide-bomber impeachment tactic.
“The Trump 2020 campaign raised more than $308 million in 2019 and has more than $156 million in the bank. For context, Fox notes that former President Obama and the DNC raised just over $70 million in the third quarter of 2011!!!"
The People decide this, and @Ms Nervous Nancy, it was you and the Democrats who violated the Constitution with your huper partisan Star Chamber, your no due process impeachment. A senior FBI official is under criminal investigation for falsifying FISA Warrant Documents, and CNN, Pelosi, and House Dems are running scared. The House Dems continue taking sides with the rich, elitist, psycho predator coup.

Democrats Got Caught
- They got caught falsely claiming they had more than circumstantial evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians to hack the 2016 elections.
- They got caught orchestrating this entire farce with the Whistleblower and lying about their secret meetings with him.
- They got caught defending the false allegations of the Steele dossier, which was paid for by the Democrats.
- They got caught breaking their promise that impeachment would only go forward with bipartisan support because of how damaging it is to the American people.
- They got caught running a sham impeachment process featuring secret underground depositions, hidden transcripts, and an unending flood of Democrat leaks.
- They got caught trying to obtain nude photos of President Trump from Russian pranksters pretending to be Ukrainians.
- And they got caught covering up for Alexandra Chalupa—a Democratic National Committee operative who colluded with Ukrainian officials to smear the Trump campaign—by improperly redacting her name from deposition transcripts and refusing to let Americans hear her testimony as a witness in these proceedings.
That is the Democrats’ pitiful legacy in recent years: They. Got. Caught. Meanwhile, their supposed star witness testified that he was guessing that President Trump was tying Ukrainian aid to investigations despite no one telling him that was true, and the President himself explicitly telling him the opposite—that he wanted nothing from Ukraine.
Whether the Democrats reap the political benefit they want from this impeachment remains to be seen. But the damage they have done to this country will be long-lasting. With this wrenching attempt to overthrow the President, they have pitted Americans against one another and poisoned the minds of fanatics . . .
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Lee Zeldin Weighs In |
After Adam Schiff soon submits his findings on his impeachment inquiry, the House Judiciary Committee should call him as a witness under oath to present his case and answer questions, including cross examination by POTUS’ counsel. It’s time for a healthy dose of due process.
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Soros Money Equals Socialist Enslavement |
Charlie KirkVerified account @charliekirk11 Follow @charliekirk11 Did you know: The largest single donor to the Clinton Foundation is Ukraine with $10 MILLION in contributions. How many Obama-era officials are complicit in Ukrainian corruption? Both Biden & Clinton need to testify. This is a massive scandal Trump is bringing it all to light. 9:10 AM - 22 Nov 2019
The Red Wave In Kentucky
"This Impeachment Is Unfair And Clearly Is a Partisan Way To Overturn An Election." ~Senator Rand Paul
In March 2018 Putin issued international arrest warrant for Soros. Russia declared Soros and his organizations a "threat to Russian national security." That phrase is similar to the language used by Russian officials when they banned two Soros charities in 2015.
"It was found that the activity of the Open Society Foundations and the Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation represents a threat to the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and the security of the state," stated a translated version of a press statement by Russia's General Prosecutor's Office in November 2015.
If there is a crisis on our world, it’s a safe bet Soros had a hand in it,’" Viral Politics US wrote. ...there's a quote by Butler in an article for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook in July 2016. Butler described Soros as a "real arch villain" and accused Soros of manipulating the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. It is known he has tampered in elections across the globe. Soros has been a major critic of the Russian president and said he believes that Putin has been behind the attacks on him.

“Our inclination is to engage in activities and with actors that will understand and counter Russian support to movements defending traditional values…" ~ George Soros
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The audacity of Hillary Clinton complaining about others dividing the country
and spreading conspiracy theories about the 2016 election, which she lost, but still refuses to accept. |
Sen. John Kennedy
Over Alleged Ukraine Interference Backfires Spectacularly
RedState's Spectacular Article December 2, 2019 by Sister Toldjah
Hillary Clinton speaks during the TIME 100 Summit, in New York,
Tuesday, April 23, 2019. AP Photo/Richard Drew
Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) has been making the media rounds over the last few weeks to discuss all things impeachment, but one thing he’s alleged that has gotten the most attention from the mainstream media and their Democratic allies is that Ukraine also interfered in the 2016 election.
The most recent interview he did where he repeated the allegation was during an exchange with NBC’s Chuck Todd on Sunday where Todd claimed Kennedy had been “duped”:
NBC host Chuck Todd pushed back at the Louisiana Republican by saying that the US intelligence community had concluded that Russia was behind the interference and that Russian President Vladimir Putin was pushing the Ukraine angle to get the Kremlin off the hook.
“I think both Russia and Ukraine meddled in the 2016 election. I think it’s been well documented in the Financial Times, in Politico, in The Economist, in the Washington Examiner, even on CBS,” Kennedy said.
Kennedy also pointed to a report in the New York Times that said a Ukrainian court had ruled in December 2018 that some of the country’s officials violated Ukraine law by interfering in the election
“You have done exactly what the Russian operation is trying to get American politicians to do. Are you at all concerned that you’ve been duped?” Todd asked.
Axios was among many news outlets that reported on the Todd/Kennedy interview, with many of them (erroneously) stating the claims were debunked, discredited, etc.:
Sen. John Kennedy argued in a testy exchange with NBC's Chuck Todd that "both Russia and Ukraine meddled in the 2016 election," claiming without evidence that former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko "actively worked" for Hillary Clinton. https://t.co/u4jrGm73HM — Axios (@axios) December 1, 2019
Clinton caught wind of the Axios report and tweeted out some questions for Kennedy:
Sen. Kennedy, why are you parroting Russian propaganda that U.S. intelligence officials tell us are designed to divide our country? Did you miss the briefing that day? https://t.co/mzmMYHTlSp
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 2, 2019
Kennedy responded in kind:
Bless your heart, Madame Secretary. I hope you are well. — John Kennedy (@SenJohnKennedy) December 2, 2019
Beyond the “bless your heart” greeting, though, is the audacity of Hillary Clinton complaining about others dividing the country and spreading conspiracy theories about the 2016 election, which she lost fair and square but still refuses to accept:
No one is more responsible for current partisan division than you, @HillaryClinton. You could have accepted defeat in 2016 with grace and dignity. Instead you disseminated an absurd conspiracy theory – that Trump was a Russian agent – to excuse your slipshod campaign. For shame! — Will Chamberlain (@willchamberlain) December 2, 2019
YOU laundered campaign funds through Perkins Coie to funnel payments to Fusion GPS to pay a foreign national, who procured Russian intelligence to create the infamous, fake Russian dossier to start a federal investigation on your political adversary. Sit this one out, cupcake. https://t.co/Myp8ZKGYVs — thebradfordfile™ (@thebradfordfile) December 2, 2019
Give me a break. You had every big money and media ally on your side, and the DNC pushing your candidacy and propping up Trump because he would be “easier” to defeat. Have some actual self reflection rather than blaming 4,000 Russian-made memes. pic.twitter.com/3b9jvivTch — Nicole Alexander Fisher (@_nalexander) December 2, 2019
There isn't any evidence that Russia interfered in the 2016 election either. Not a single vote was changed. — Carpe Donktum (@CarpeDonktum) December 2, 2019
Not only that, but there’s the little matter of Kennedy being right on the number of credible media reports about Ukraine’s interference in the 2016 election:
Andrea Mitchell can say otherwise, but the facts laid out by The Federalist’s Chrissy Clark are real articles with real claims about Ukrainians wanting Hillary Clinton to win (including that infamous Politico item).
The various reports Clark documented were from 2016 to 2018 and came from media outlets like the New York Times, Politico, and the Financial Times. But silly me. I forgot that election interference by a foreign country only matters when Democrats and the media say it does.
Thank You North Carolina and Sister Toldjah
We know Adam Schiff and Hillary Clinton are proxies for Soros. And since Soros explained how he's all about “...inclination ... in activities and with actors that will understand and counter Russian support to movements defending traditional values…," we realize that Schifty and Hillary are against traditional values. All that time and money to destroy values!!!! One would think they were the devil.
So bogus Pelosi is not "sober and prayerful" about impeaching President Trump. Hardly. Obviously her side is brawling, petty, TDS afflicted, despotic socialists like Hitler, who so many (Islamocrats) openly admire on the Left. We're all witnesses of their sleazy shining Star Chamber impeachment fest. When Shifty's final hearing ended, the scruffy Leftists cheered and shouted like they had run out the clock in Basketball. Then these delinquents headed for their bar to get liquored up. House Dems were rightly labeled a lynch mob given Al Green, AOC and Rashida Tlaib's enthusiastic vulgar and cussing demands for impeachment, their foregone conclusion, immediately once President Trump was victorious in the 2016 Election. They knew their resolve without naming a crime or the evidence of one!
Kellyanne was accurate to say Trump was not found guilty, President Trump was winning, he's just guilty of winning a profound upset victory. Immature criminal minds can't change with new information when they've been brainwashed. This Democrat Party is repugnant because their lynch mob thinks it "rules" America, as in the rule of despotic tyranny. The Left cannot explain how a hive collective runs a government, because it can't. Socialism always comes with the demented Maduro, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao and Xi mass murderers as "leaders."
Kellyanne was accurate to say Trump was not found guilty, President Trump was winning, he's just guilty of winning a profound upset victory. Immature criminal minds can't change with new information when they've been brainwashed. This Democrat Party is repugnant because their lynch mob thinks it "rules" America, as in the rule of despotic tyranny. The Left cannot explain how a hive collective runs a government, because it can't. Socialism always comes with the demented Maduro, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao and Xi mass murderers as "leaders."
Rep. Jim Jordan Is Everyone's Favorite: See Why
Where Crooked Sleazy COUP Started
Conclusion: Democrat Party Is The Loathesome Party For Criminals
That Created the Hysterical Mueller Impeachment Thrall
The DNC is the party of the criminals, by the criminals, and for the criminals.
Rep Steube says terrorists in Iraq got more due process than Republicans and Trump. He asks Nadler on what day Republicans will get a chance to call their witnesses, and Nadler will not answer Steube’s question, saying he is only recognized to ask questions to the witnesses. Schiff ran a fascist Stalinist show, where Trump and Republicans were never allowed to call witnesses. Really Pelosi? You believe the minority gets to call witnesses? The evidence proves Pelosi doesn't believe. You are a wicked creature, Pelosi.
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We The People Are The Ones To Stop This EVIL |
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Time For The Clinton Gang, Who Lost The Election, To STOP Investigating President Trump The Winner |
JW President Tom Fitton noted that, “The FBI is corruptly trying to keep secret documents to protect those behind the Russiagate smears of President Trump. Two federal courts have now rejected the FBI’s desperate attempts to hide the details of its anti-Trump conspiracy with Hillary Clinton’s Fusion GPS-FBI spy operation. Why is Director Wray allowing the corrupt cover up of the FBI’s Russiagate collusions with the Clinton gang?”
Supercut Historic CNN REMIX:
Every day on CNN is “historic” when Trump’s being impeached.
House Democrats abuse their power. They operate their Stasi DNC Media the same way that nazis used their goebbel's media, as their DNC propaganda machine. Our U.S. goebbels Media use fake polls to deceive the masses, to manipulate voters. The pravda press in America are engaged in the worst election tampering in the world.
The majority of Americans – Democrats, Republicans, and Independents – said they believed "the primary goal of the Democrats' impeachment inquiry is to 'politically damage Donald Trump’s presidency and his re-election.'" ~ Sharyl Attkisson, regarding actual CBS Poll finding 51% of Americans oppose the impeachment inquiryWhen most Americans are looking for unbiased information, they want the context of those polls the Left uses. Our U.S. goebbels Media use fake polls to deceive the masses, to manipulate voters. The pravda press in America engage in the worst election tampering in the world, while Americans want the media to disclose the truth that they interviewed more Democrats than Republicans. Time and again the Left spreads dysinformation headlines about public opinion, knowing they've rigged the Democrat-heavy polls they've manipulated to falsely support their fake news headlines.
CBS used a Democrat-heavy poll to claim that Americans favor an impeachment inquiry into President Trump. A check of the poll data shows it interviewed 124 more Democrats than Republicans, resulting in a 6% error schewed to Leftist views. It is lies: deceitful dysinformation propaganda, not information.
And this evil is the historic abuse of power that has been perpetrated by the Democrats and Deep State officials in federal offices, with the diabolical help of many many not elected officers in the D.C. Establishment Swamp. These twisted officials are usually Democrats. They are not American, because they believe in being activist jurors that do not fairly judge guilt, but they posture with stasi media complicity to seize MORE raw, unlawful and despicable power that they then use to protect Weinstein or Epstein evil a la jussie-smollett kinky DNC government, and to persecute real heroes and true whistleblowers fighting for the good of our nation.
Most of the time almost all Democrats seek to be elected by deceiving the voters. They are communists, and their communist masters tell them to deceive "the masses." They have no respect for our 2016 Election, or any election where they lose. This just means they do NOT believe in democracy/representative government.
And this evil is the historic abuse of power that has been perpetrated by the Democrats and Deep State officials in federal offices, with the diabolical help of many many not elected officers in the D.C. Establishment Swamp. These twisted officials are usually Democrats. They are not American, because they believe in being activist jurors that do not fairly judge guilt, but they posture with stasi media complicity to seize MORE raw, unlawful and despicable power that they then use to protect Weinstein or Epstein evil a la jussie-smollett kinky DNC government, and to persecute real heroes and true whistleblowers fighting for the good of our nation.
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1-Vice-Admiral Holdo |
Most of the time almost all Democrats seek to be elected by deceiving the voters. They are communists, and their communist masters tell them to deceive "the masses." They have no respect for our 2016 Election, or any election where they lose. This just means they do NOT believe in democracy/representative government.
Nervous Nancy most certainly is not prayerful about impeaching President Trump. Pelosi hires sharia adherents, those completely and violently opposed to our Constitutional government and free people. Pelosi let's them take dominion over the House Democrats. She has FAILED to protect and perserve the Constitution whatsoever.
Allowing those who do not swear allegiance to the Constitution to hold sworn office is a path to national destruction. They strive to transform our society into one that is barbaric, genocidal, and perverse by normalizing the barbarism, violence, and perversion of sharia in America. They seek to transform American law to permit that which law now prohibits. They seek to indoctrinate schoolchildren to accept as right that which is insane. They make no secret of these objectives, but have published them.
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Sharia Violently Commands Islamic Supremacy and Violently Eliminates Cultural Diversity |
Sharia calls for those who do not follow sharia to be murdered, mutilated, tortured, raped, enslaved, repressed, and terrorized. American law prohibits almost all of what is authorized by sharia. There is no moral equivalence between sharia and Judeo-Christian morality. There is no place for sharia in America or in any society that strives to advance civilization.
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4-Congressman Green said, “Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion in the world. It is my privilege to celebrate this special day by filing a resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives to recognize Islam as a way of life and one of the great religions of the world." |
House Democrats are afraid everyone will know they are using "impeaching" President Trump for free airtime for their endless Trump bashing campaign, so that American taxpayers are forced to pay for their airtime. Schiff got into Congresss in the first place using impeachment to finance his campaign. “There is no limit on the number of times the Senate can vote to convict a president or not, no limit to the number of times the House can vote to impeach a president or not,” Al Green explains ... So they’ll keep “investigating,” translate witch hunt, until they can actually find something they think they can coalesce everyone around." The Dems won't describe their socialist scheming, because their dream is to destroy America. Ask Kaepernick.
Fun reminder that Jerry Nadler revealed his impeachment plans for both Kavanaugh and Trump in my presence on the Amtrak from NY to DC the morning after Election Day in 2018. For those who think this is about a 2019 phone call w/Ukraine or something…. https://t.co/IS4kRnXH71 — Mollie (@MZHemingway) December 3, 2019
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5-The Kiss of Death |
Most Americans disagree with Trump about many of his obvious flaws. But all Americans are jealous of his ability to send America's enemies packing. As it should be. This prominent President Trump feature is highly prized, and Dems will break themselves on the President Trump Rock if they continue their harassment of our President. Nobody will be hurt as much as they hurt themselves. Dems like to talk about being unfit or 'presidential,' but nothing makes Trump so VERY presidential as protecting our borders and keeping terrorists off our land. Three cheers for Trump: hip hip hurray! hip hip hurray! and HIP HIP HURRAY!
Religious freedom is the NUMBER ONE freedom, and Trump champions religious freedom. Booyah, three cheers for President Trump!
Those seeking to block and stop President Trump from protecting and building America expose themselves as traitors and miscreants. Americans feel very strongly about the need to correct the ship of state now, and President Trump is the Man.
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President Trump The Winner |
GOP Lawyer Stephen Castor Brings Papers
To Impeachment Hearing In Grocery Bag
Fake News and Democrats Are A Partnership Made In Hell
**See Video Mark 2:50
**See Video Mark 2:50
Schiff Got Caught
President Trump Won't Be Impeached In The Senate
House Democrats are Desperate
The President of the United States
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House Dems Are Anti-America |
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Adios Baghdadi and Iranian Barack |
Polls Tank for Impeachment
What are the odds? Have you seen Horowitz's conclusions about the facts shown in his report?
The IG Report from Horowitz lacks good taste. It reminds Americans of Comey's rehearsal of Hillary's crimes yet Comey concluded there was nothing to see there!!! Reminds Americans of the thrill expressed by the goebbels media for Rosenstein (2) picking the dud Mueller (1) as Special Counsel.
The House Democrat hoaxes managed to impresss everyone with their lack of intelligence. No surprise now how the Intelligence Community were so wrong about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. No surprise our Intelligence Community failed to notice Muslim terrorists only taking lessons to take off and fly planes, with no lessons on how to land the planes.
With friends like the CIA (2) America doesn't need enemies. The House Democrats can't be trusted with oversight of our DOJ and the FBI: they can't protect America from corruption since they are the corruption. Michelle Obama (5) was the Democrat Party dirty cop who got Jussie Smollett off. That was a microcosm of why Democrats should NEVER win a majority again: they are dirty cops. In full view Democrats proved they are totalitarian stasi thought police who can NEVER be trusted to run Intelligence or be allowed near our surveillance powers. Pelosi (5) and Democrats holding the majority in the House (5) are two unacceptable disasters. As Nunes pointed out, their behavior means they are dirty cops.
Ken Starr accurately named the Clinton Legacy: contempt for the rule of law. The House Dems, the Deep State {Hillary minions at the State Department, in FBI and DOJ leadership, and her diplomat and government agency apparatchiks in service and at the CFR (1) )} are traitors, and the Deep State is unConstitutional. Soon the Supreme Court will choke off the Democrat Party power grabs of Big Government (5), by exposing the Deep State (1) and striping them of illegal powers. Our Constitutional Republic is ALL about limited government, which is the opposite of this Democrat Party religion-hating socialist cult (3).
How did this happen? Hillary was in the White House for eight years with Bill Clinton, the serial rapist (1).
It shouldn't take Weinstein being Hillary's close pal and top fundraiser to see who Hillary is! She told us a serial rapist was presidential!!!
Then for the next 8 years the official BHO White House logs show Hillary's presence every third day. Think about that. She was Secretary of State and OFTEN abroad, yet she was OFFICIALLY in the White House another eight years with BHO. This was 16 years of Hillary in the White House.
She tried to gain 8 more years in the White House, for a total of 24 years!!! She is total evil. She paid to elect Schiff, with help from her right hand man, George Soros, the literal NAZI. She was intimately involved in getting power into Schiff's hands, because Schiff took over the Congressional seat of James Rogan, the Impeachment Manager of Bill Clinton's Impeachment.
What we need is a strong injection of honesty, morality, and righteous conviction. All of us. We need regular religious instruction. We need to honor God. This is the American Way. Search the scriptures to know the truth, and the truth sets us free.

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Could Be Treason |
Rep. Liz Cheney on the Democrat Party effort to impeach the U.S. President:
We had people that are at the highest levels of our law enforcement … saying that they were going to stop a duly elected president of the United States. That sounds an awful lot like a coup, and it could well be treason.
The IG Report cites “countless examples of corruption and deceit committed by employees throughout the FBI and DoJ confirming the investigation against Trump was aggressive, politically tainted, ... and that Trump was not found guilty of any crime. There were countless deeds of corruption under Barack, and yet Comey still can't own the fact that he ran a deviant, partisan and weaponized FBI.
Baghdad Barack's Abuse of Power
Even DoD was paying money to set up the president. ~ Louis Gohmert
Senator Rand Paul pointed out that “Foreign aid, by law, can only go out to countries that are not corrupt.” And on the Senate floor, “The Senate is meant to act as judge and jury, to hear a trial, not to re-run the entire fact-finding investigation because angry partisans rushed sloppily through it. We don’t create impeachments over here … we judge them.” McConnell noted that Schumer misquoted the Constitution, saying that the Constitution gives the Senate “sole Power of Impeachment,” whereas Article I, Section 3 states that “The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.”

One will go their entire life without hearing a Democrat who grasps any of the meaning in our Constitution. McConnell goes on to teach the Democrat Party the Constitution 101 Class: "...the Democrats’ case does not come “anywhere near the bar for impeaching a duly elected president, let alone removing him for the first time in American history.”

Any process to overrule the American people’s democratic decision in a presidential election must adhere to the highest standards of fairness and due process. ~ Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel, R-Ky
Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our democracy, the stakes could hardly be higher. “Yet the House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry is breaking critical precedents, denying the administration important rights that were afforded other presidents, and violating basic rules of due process,” Senator McConnell pointed out.
As Speaker Pelosi herself once said, it is the House’s obligation to‘build an ironclad case to act. If they fail, they fail. It is not the Senate’s job to leap into the breach and search desperately for ways to get to guilty. That would hardly be impartial justice.
Oh, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a new legal memo ... indicating that the Trump administration’s decision to temporarily hold military assistance to Ukraine was a routine practice. People need to learn the difference between political and partisan. Impeahment of a President is always political, but it should never be partisan, because that is unConstitutional. Let's hope one day they Make the Democrat Party American Again (MDPAA).
Schumer was hit with strong backlash for his apparent reversal on the Senate calling witnesses. Ahead of the Clinton impeachment trial, Schumer opposed calling witnesses. He even suggested that his reason was that children will be watching.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's devastating advance on the Schumer's giddy Tribal scheme:
Over the weekend, my colleague the Democratic Leader began asking the Senate to break from precedent, break with the unanimous template from 1999, and begin choreographing the middle of a potential trial before we've even heard opening arguments.
In 1999, all 100 senators agreed on a simple pre-trial resolution that set up a briefing, opening arguments, senators' questions, and a vote on a motion to dismiss. Senators reserved all other questions, such as witnesses, until the trial was underway. That was the unanimous bipartisan precedent from 1999. Put first things first, lay the bipartisan groundwork, and leave mid-trial questions to the middle of the trial.
I have hoped, and still hope, that the Democratic Leader and I can sit down and reproduce that unanimous bipartisan agreement this time. His decision to try to angrily negotiate through the press is unfortunate. But no amount of bluster will change the simple fact that we already have a unanimous… bipartisan… precedent. [emphasis in original]
If 100 senators thought this approach was good enough for President Clinton, it ought to be good enough for President Trump.
Consider this gem about AG Holder's hyper-partisanship. Regularly Holder participated in the completely unConstitutional and lawless actions of Baghdad Barack. So we quickly trace the roots of the vile FBI and DOJ top leaders to him.
"When pondering the friendship between Jim Comey and Robert Mueller one recalls how, “Both men were rising stars mentored and guided by Eric Holder in the 1990's during Holder’s time in DOJ under the Clinton administration.”

Dems' fake 'solemnity' got exposed as Pelosi silenced applause about the impeachment vote with her evil eye and hand gesture... It was an absolutely perfect crystallization of the phoniness of the Democrats' impeachment rhetoric when Speaker Nancy Pelosi had to silence the spontaneous applause that started to break out as she announced the results of the vote on the first article of impeachment of President Trump.
House Dems had also erupted at the end of their lawless and very brief Ukraine Impeachment Hearings. They sounded like sports fans who ran out the clock. Very tribal and lowlife people. Pelosi can run, but she can't hide her hideous crew. Democrat Party officials are very evil and mean, and utterly fake shysters. The most authentic thing about the House Dems is their hatred and unfairness.
We can simply take notice of the camera-face solemnity, and the House Dems' giggly cork-popping on the side.
We all know now that Pelosi is a 3rd rate politician. Schiff and Pelosi's impeachment is "a tawdry and shameful scam."
John Locke states, “The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom… where there is no law, there is no freedom. For liberty is to be free from restraint and violence from others… and therein not to be subject to the arbitrary will of another, but freely follow his own.”

"Democrats are declaring their deep hatred and disdain for American Voters...This lawless and partisan impeachment is a political suicide march for the Democrat Party! ...In reality, they’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way.”
Standing Ovation On Rep. Doug Collins' Speech
Calling Out Wicked House Dems
Declaring Respect We Have For
A President That Serves America
Declaring Respect We Have For
A President That Serves America
The Three Kings of America Are Trying to Buy the 2020 Election
America has two sets of rules and norms,
How can House Democrats claim that Donald Trump is an existential threat to the republic if they aren’t even willing to formally advance their own articles to impeach him? ~ Mark Levin
Before issuing his unConstitutional DACA executive amnesty in 2014 (Supreme Court ruled this unConstitutional), President Barack Obama consistently threatened to use his “pen and phone” if Congress didn’t pass the laws he desired when it came to immigration policy. The entire legislative premise of logrolling, a practice as old as Congress itself, is premised on quid-pro-quo arrangements. How can the duly elected president of the United States be removed from office for engaging in constitutionally protected speech aimed at getting a foreign leader to investigate corruption and past election meddling?
Committee chairmen routinely threaten to take away unruly lawmakers’ committee assignments if they fail to vote in accordance with congressional leadership’s desires. If this cajoling conduct is unlawful, then virtually every politician in Washington, DC, should be in prison.
Looks like anti-American @RepRashida missed @SpeakerPelosi memo that this was a somber sad day. ... They’re impeaching us! pic.twitter.com/6x6tseKr5r — 👠 I Stand With Trump ⭐️⭐️⭐️ ClearFlynnNow (@superyayadize) December 19, 2019
Mitch McConnell's Glory Day
In 2010 the constitutionalist and populist Tea Party wave midterm election declared AMERICAN disapproval of Baghdad Barack, who has been pursuing revenge ever since. That extreme faction of the Democrat Party has raged ever since. Their hatred of everything American, Jewish and Christian is relentless. Time to put the shameful Baghdad Barack Faction to rest. We refuse to be governed by antisemetic tribal extremists. No way. The complicit stasi media failed to inform America how great our victory was when thousands of Democrats in office lost power, a vast Red Tsunami shot across our land. The stasi media was nearly silent about this massive shift in power. It is time for everyone to find out that the Democrat Party's power to betray Americans is waning.
Like fools, some in the Democrat Party keep trying, and the House Vote on Impeachment failed to reflect the lack of evidence.
In 2010 the constitutionalist and populist Tea Party wave midterm election declared AMERICAN disapproval of Baghdad Barack, who has been pursuing revenge ever since. That extreme faction of the Democrat Party has raged ever since. Their hatred of everything American, Jewish and Christian is relentless. Time to put the shameful Baghdad Barack Faction to rest. We refuse to be governed by antisemetic tribal extremists. No way. The complicit stasi media failed to inform America how great our victory was when thousands of Democrats in office lost power, a vast Red Tsunami shot across our land. The stasi media was nearly silent about this massive shift in power. It is time for everyone to find out that the Democrat Party's power to betray Americans is waning.
Like fools, some in the Democrat Party keep trying, and the House Vote on Impeachment failed to reflect the lack of evidence.
A political faction in the lower chamber, the House of Representatives, succumbed to partisan rage. ~ Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
The swamp-stasi misleadia blackout on the Farrakhan Scandal of eight Democrats was revealed by CNN's refusal to inform their audience of the spreading scandal. Prominent Democrats serve activist and Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite and racist. It is known the Democrats have met with Farrakhan and refused to denounce him. Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, the deputy chair of the DNC, lied for years about his relationship with Farrakhan. Illinois Rep. Danny Davis, a Democrat, defended Farrakhan as an “outstanding human being.” As of March 2018 CNN had yet to publish a single article outlining the new evidence of relationships between Farrakhan and Democratic politicians, including Barack Obama.
The leaders of Women’s March 2017 declared their support for Farrakhan and have refused to denounce him. Co-president, Tamika Mallory, suggested that Farrakhan is right to call Jews his enemies and compared him to Jesus. These Islamocrats run the Democrat Party. They do not care about America's well-being, to put it mildly. Otherwise, the scalawags would be asked to step down from power.
The point is well taken that the Democrat Party did nothing when under Baghdad Barack American ambassadors were coming home in body bags, Gaddafi was threatened by the U.S. and then gang raped to death, and Europe was terrorized in his migrant stampede. Hillary is murderously hypocritical to lecture President Trump now, as if she has shown us all how to defend our diplomats!!! House Dems did not impeach Barack, they refused to even complain when blatantly Al Qaeda terrorists celebrated 911 in Benghazi WHILE the DNC Convention proclaimed them wiped out by BHO! Yet the Democrat Party now claims it is an impeachable offense for a Republican President to not like an Ambassador, nor her policies and corrupt associates??? Sick news tells us that Ambassador Sondland is now being smeared by their stasi misleadia.
The way General Flynn, Roger Stone, and Carter Page have suffered indicates that the House Dems and Democrat Party are unlawful and likely cornered animals. Their crimes are being exposed by Horowitz and John Durham.
It’s really not difficult at all to condemn this anti-Semitic, nonsensical bilge. Unless of course you (a) agree with it, or (b) don’t want to alienate those who do. ~ Jake Tapper
When Bernie Sanders was questioned on Farrakhan, he compared the hate group leader to President Donald Trump. Farrakhan praises Hitler and says things like this: "White people deserve to die." The enemy-of-the-state stasi media fail to warn Americans about the twisted people in the Democrat Party Leadership. When Democrats like Keith Ellison brutalize women, the Democrat Party suddenly no longer cares about women.
Yes, it is pertinent to notice what Democrats claim is impeachable and contrast that to the type of men they elect as their own leaders, the ones they prefer to run their party. Keith Ellson is in the top Leadership of the Democrat Party, that fellow from Minnesota who got illegal alien Ilhan, the phony Omar, into the United States House of Representatives. What we do defines us. And looking at the FACT that Democrats chose Keith Ellison to lead them, gives one broad perspective! Now we grasp why Democrats are off the rails in unAmerican ways, and why Democrats are displaying a complete lack of fairplay. They are ungrateful to our Founders and are absolutely unworthy of the offices they hold. They run a doomed party.
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Senate Takes Over Will Try The Impeachment |
Yes, it is pertinent to notice what Democrats claim is impeachable and contrast that to the type of men they elect as their own leaders, the ones they prefer to run their party. Keith Ellson is in the top Leadership of the Democrat Party, that fellow from Minnesota who got illegal alien Ilhan, the phony Omar, into the United States House of Representatives. What we do defines us. And looking at the FACT that Democrats chose Keith Ellison to lead them, gives one broad perspective! Now we grasp why Democrats are off the rails in unAmerican ways, and why Democrats are displaying a complete lack of fairplay. They are ungrateful to our Founders and are absolutely unworthy of the offices they hold. They run a doomed party.
in which the best way to never be held accountable for anything
is to declare yourself a Democrat. ~ Fletch Daniels
is to declare yourself a Democrat. ~ Fletch Daniels
"This impeachment is an assault on due process." ~ John Ratcliffe
See The Eight House Republicans To Join The President's Legal Defense.