Is Romney the flip-flopper boogey-man who the Valerie Jarrett-Media Matters crowd want you to fear? Who is Rick Santorum? Nobody thought he had a chance. Does Palin imagine she has a chance? Republicans don't want a brokered convention. Is Palin reaching for it?
It does make one puzzle: if Mitt Romney became President Romney, the government may run a profit finally . . .
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Illinois Primary Victory Night |
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“Gingrich isn’t after victory, he’s after vengeance;
this is Captain Ahab on the loose,” Charles Krauthammer argued.
This article covers ten months of the Republican 2012 race, besides providing an extensive photo journal with overview insights. However, the real value of this article lies in the hundreds of vital links to referenced material.
The reader can see the 2012 GOP Primary contest and contenders for themselves. Patience will be rewarded. The reader can run his or her cursor over the text, and select words or phrases which become highlighted. The word or phrase will change to an aqua color when highlighted. With a simple "click" one can observe for yourself like a look back into a time capsule.
The reader can see the 2012 GOP Primary contest and contenders for themselves. Patience will be rewarded. The reader can run his or her cursor over the text, and select words or phrases which become highlighted. The word or phrase will change to an aqua color when highlighted. With a simple "click" one can observe for yourself like a look back into a time capsule.
Rush Limbaugh lashed out at Rick Perry on Wednesday, comparing the Republican presidential candidate to Fidel Castro for his attacks on Mitt Romney. Limbaugh has been aghast at the attempts by many GOP hopefuls to tarnish Romney's tenure at Bain Capital, the company he helped found. After hearing Perry attack so-called vulture capitalism, ...Limbaugh was incensed."That is indefensible!" he fumed. "It's absurd ... this is the language of Leftists! This is the way Fidel Castro thinks, or says he thinks."Rick Perry is a Socialist, revealing a piece of the GOP contest puzzle. Rush Limbaugh was not wrong about contrasting Rick Perry to Fidel Castro. Studying their similar backgrounds enables the reader to discover the real story behind the ups and downs in the 2012 GOP primary polls.
Palin is the actual vulture politician who was the classless charlatan that stalked Romney driving her mobile home to follow and shadow Mitt since the time of Romney's first campaign trail appearances in June of 2011.
Eighty percent of voters don't want Sarah Palin to run for President.
So what happened in the South Carolina primary January 21st? Palin and Perry were the South Carolina Tea Party ringleaders who marshaled Obama-Democrat-Party Tea Party Members to vote in South Carolina's open GOP primary, and to help Newt Gingrich in the SC open primary. Palin's husband and Rick Perry endorsed Newt for Palin, though she in vain tried to deny it over and over again.
Palinista said if she were in South Carolina, she'd vote for Newt Gingrich. And when campaigning, Palin was rabid over Chris Christie attacking Gingrich. Also, Palin repeated Gingrich's attacks on Mitt, including her endorsement of Newt's film about Bain Capital. And when Republicans attacked Newt, Palinista said they were cannibals using alinsky tactics, and she even claimed the GOP was stalinesque because they attacked Gingrich. Palinista promoted Gingrich, and acted as though she was paid to do it. The fact of the matter is that Palin comprehensively endorsed Newt in thought, word, and deed.
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Wanna-Be Rock Stars on Campaign Trail in Texas Clenched Fist of the Communists |
This article picks up on three viral threads: that in reality Gingrich was an extremely harsh critic of Reagan, the plain truth about Bain Capital is known, and that Palin, Perry, and Gingrich are fake news' tax return charlatans.
Even when the Texas Republican Party held a straw vote among the possible 2016 hopefuls, the Texas governor finished a distant fourth. Outside of Texas, his support remains even thinner. Texas governor Rick Perry showed in one poll with a humiliating 1%.
It will become crystal clear how Palin earned her "Palinista" nickname, while Palin, Perry and Newt exhibited little knowledge of our economic system by their toxic, radical rhetoric and foolish ideas about how you create jobs. We will recall Palin's actions advocating the fraudulent Newt Gingrich film that smeared capitalism, Romney, Bain Capital, and America.
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Comrade Palin |
Facts were strained in King of Bain, and it received and deserved the four Pinocchio's it received. The film smacks of the usual Democrat Party tactics and ploys to demonize Mitt. 'Occupy Wall Street' might take King of Bain seriously, but why did Palin perform surrogate activities supporting this Lefty smear campaign?
The New York Times reported that the film was produced by Barry Bennett, a former consultant to a SuperPAC that supports Texas Gov. Rick Perry.
On Bloomberg TV early January 18, 2012, the managing director and partner at Joseph Littlejohn & Levy Fund, L.P. and JLL Partners, surprised a group of business reporters when he portrayed Newt Gingrich as a flip-flopper – and worse, a clear cut hypocrite.
As Paul Levy proclaimed,
As Paul Levy proclaimed,
Mitt Romney is playing with a strong suit. Bain Capital is a fantastic firm; it has a great reputation. I’ve met several of their people along the way -- they are wonderful people, they are thoughtful people.
Bain is known for its careful analysis, the work that they do, they are an outgrowth of Bain Consulting, {Campaign rhetoric by Gingrich} makes no sense.
The limited partner community, the investment community, knows how good Bain is. They have rewarded Bain with higher-than-average incentive fees, and God bless them.
Reporters questioned Levy for proof that Gingrich is a hypocrite on the issue of private equity/risk taking with capital by speaking at one of the major firms engaged in “vulture capitalism.” Newt is a hypocrite because Gingrich highly praised this economic process to them when paid to do so.
Paul Levy:
Paul Levy:
I can give you the check. Ok? A copy of the check. ... We paid him $40,000, and this gentleman {Gingrich} praised private equity more fulsomely than I could ever do it. ... We paid to the Washington Speakers Bureau for Newt Gingrich to come and speak. But nobody praised private equity, risk taking ... capital, more fulsomely than Newt Gingrich.

In a fourth thread we'll review Gingrich, Palin and Perry records where it will become crystal clear that Gingrich is a zany, unreliable leader.
United Liberty - Gingrich Betrayed the Republican Revolution
United Liberty brings us this revealing tale of the real Gingrich who betrayed conservative values.
The lack of a conservative agenda led Paul Gigot of the Wall Street Journal to wonder if the Republican centerpiece for the next two years was a “Contract with Ambivalence.” But what afflicted the GOP leadership wasn’t a lack of direction. Gingrich did have a direction in mind. The problem was it led down a path away from smaller government.
The first of many battles between Gingrich and the budget-cutters was over the funding for House committees. In fact, the legislation would have trashed a key element of the Contract with America: in 1995 when the House cut congressional committee funding by a third, House leaders touted it as one of the first Contract promises kept.
“It should have come as no surprise that some of us were going to say no when they want to hire more Washington bureaucrats,” said budget hawk Mark Neumann of Wisconsin when he declared he would vote against the bill. “When we go out and tell our people we’re going to balance the budget, we can’t start with an increase in our own budget.”
With all Democrats opposed to the bill, the swing votes came from eleven GOP budget hawks. It went down to defeat by a narrow margin of three votes. Gingrich was furious.
A few minutes after the vote, he announced an unusual mandatory meeting of all House Republicans in the caucus room right outside the House chamber. The session was going to begin with a roll-call and the Speaker threatened to send the sergeant-at-arms to round up any absent GOP congressman.
Once the meeting started, Gingrich fumed. “The eleven geniuses who thought they knew more than the rest of the Congress are going to come up and explain their votes,” he said. It was an unusual step and one that seemed to be motivated mostly by anger. It even surprised the more senior members of Congress, none of whom had ever heard of anyone being asked to explain their vote in this way to the entire caucus.
Gingrich’s goal was to humiliate, and he derisively referred to the dissenting members as “you conservatives,” as if they were a distinctly different and unacceptable breed of Republican. He derided them for not being team players and threatened to delay a two-week recess until each of those members explained himself . . .
Rep. Steve Largent of Oklahoma, former wide receiver for the Seattle Seahawks, pushed back. “The Speaker tonight talked about the eleven of us letting the team down. The more significant question, and the question that never gets asked in Washington, D.C., is whose teams are we on?" Many in the room began to nod their heads. The mood had turned against Gingrich. When he was done speaking, Largent received enthusiastic applause from most of the Republicans present.
Gingrich never tried a stunt like that again. Instead, he worked behind the scenes – and not for the last time – to upset the plans of the fiscal conservatives.
Calling all fiscal conservatives, we don't want "Traitor Newt" back! Gingrich lambasted the budget-cutters in a closed-door meeting! Gingrich’s sincerity to the cause of restraining government simply cannot use much of his tenure as Speaker of the House as their basis for that conclusion.
There is a very strange disconnect when a religious people like Americans are, can't get elected equally religious governing officials.
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George Washington Put Down Whiskey Rebellion |
Palin falsely noted a lack of “enthusiasm” for any one Republican candidate and suggested that when the party bosses meet in Tampa in late August, the GOP may not yet have settled on a nominee. Has Palin thought this through?
If Palin really were anti-establishment and rogue, why would the party bosses choose her as their candidate? What is so 'cheery' about Palin's prospects? McCain and Dole already endorsed Romney, and Romney has Bush Sr.'s blessing? And as Ann Coulter said, couldn't Palin be considered 'Establishment' because she was the Party VP nominee?
Did Palin think nobody noticed how she was glued to Rick Perry's side, and that her political opinions on conservative politicians were loony?
Perry is a lot like Palin. Palin was ill-prepared; she didn’t look like she knew what she was talking about, either. People were burned by Palin after defending her for a long time, people on the right are in no mood to do it again.
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South Carolina Democrat Tea Party's Favorites Rick Perry and his Comrade Sarah Palin |
If the GOP were unenthusiastic, why are the media and Palin working so hard to smear Romney?
So if Palin were honest, she'd say that Romney is the GOP front-runner. Romney was not stopped by all of Palin's significant spite.
Romney is the GOP front-runner even with 78% of the media coverage slinging negative attacks 24/7 at Romney, and at Mormons. Palin is not as respectful of Romney as she pretends. Palin and Perry are phony Republicans who are the prayer palooza 'rock stars' that promoted Newt.
The final half of this article contains Giuliani's warning that Palin, Perry and Newt are building something that we should be fighting. Giuliani said their attacks are not just aimed against Romney, they are aimed against the nation. So Palin committed her ABR campaign's suicide by attacking Romney's successful business career. And Palin seeks a brokered convention, that Republicans do not want. Palin was working as a "journalist" while she insisted she wasn't running for president. Her stories just do not add up.
We believe Mitt Romney is conservative because the Leftwing media demonize him. However they called Romney extremely rightwing in 2008, then only a moderate in 2012, a RINO. Every Conservative Republican has an extra opponent in political contests: the driveby media. The Beltway Establishment Press loves to treat GOP campaign losers like winners. It is in essence criminal that a man as stupid as Rick Perry was propped up in politics his entire career by the extremely corrupt Marxist Media.
"People love his ass" is what "one Republican operative close to Perry" told Buzzfeed anonymously. On TheMcLaughlin Group ... so many panelists sang Perry's praise "shrewd," "winning," "absolutely terrific," that host John McLaughlin announced, "a star is born." And Time has been in full swoon mode ... touting Perry as "swaggering," "handsome and folksy," and insisting he's "refreshed his message, retooled his workout routine and retrained his sights toward the national stage."In 2012 Fox News also demonstrated their lack of journalistic integrity. They hired Sarah Palin and she made the following on-air pronouncements in the role of Fox News commentator:
- A long primary is good for the process and the candidate which emerges.
- Voters should support Newt Gingrich in order to keep the primaries going.
- There is nothing wrong with a brokered convention.
- Conservatives should have doubts about the perceived front runner, Mitt Romney.
Like Obama, apparently Palin wants to game the system with a brokered /contested convention. Bad little mommy bear? A corrupt few seek an end run around our system to grab the helm. Palin also sank her credibility another way, her husband Todd endorsed the 'open marriage' Newt. She hides behind her ploy pretending, "Oh, I didn't endorse Newt!" Yes, try not to cringe. In this blog we want everyone to see for themselves what happened to Palin's family-values hoax.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck, of TV's "The View" fame, correctly identified Palin's manipulations behind her convenient bus tour (June 2011). Even Palin’s own fellow Fox News host, Brian Kilmeade, rebuked Palin’s shameful behavior.
"I thought Gov. Palin was really classless in doing what she did in going up to Massachusetts when Mitt Romney’s making his announcement. Now if it was someone in the other party and you wanted to find a way to get under their skin because you want them out of office, I understand.
But right now, if you think poorly of Mitt Romney, or if you feel as though he’s your greatest threat, or you feel as though you want to make sure that you are relevant (emphasis mine), whatever it is. I just think you are in the same party; give each man or woman a time to make their announcement.
... Right, okay. She’s upset about it. Can you give him a day? Everybody knew he was making his announcement on Thursday. Everybody knew it was going to be his week. The press made time. Gov. Palin stole {attention} ...”
We need to detect wrongdoing before we can fix it. We need Romney to do another turn around, like the ones he did in Massachusetts and for the 2002 Salt Lake Winter Olympic Games.
2002 Salt Lake Olympic Opening Ceremony
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Major Turnaround Artist |
Besides blocking Perry's mandate of Gardasil, the conservative Texas legislature also had to block Perry’s extraordinarily un-conservative and Un-American Trans Texas Corridor legislation.
Perry may have forgotten a thing or two about his part in the Trans Texas Corridor conspiracy when he mocked the idea that conspiracy exists. Zorro would have wanted to remind the Governor, "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

Rick Perry's weakness is donor corruption. He channeled government money to businesses and donors that had donated money to his campaign and to the Republican Governors Association while he was head of the organization. Texans for Public Justice were kept busy logging the foul deeds of Gov. Perry.
The European meltdown correlates with Marxist Socialism, actions that are not a redistribution of wealth, but instead Marxism correlates with causing national collapse with poverty for everyone. Why would Americans choose Leftists like Palin, Perry and Newt who constantly attack capitalism, when China, Russia and Europe have already seen that American capitalism may be the only hope at survival? Communist Obama is still clueless.
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Comrade Palinista and Perry Were Ringleaders in the South Carolina Democrat Party Membership of the Tea Party |
Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor and Tea Party favorite, announced Wednesday that she is not running for president, saying, "... my family comes first." Others felt Perry benefits from Palin's decision because it helps him portray himself as the best-known conservative alternative to Romney.
Newt's personal baggage is either weird or scary. He married his high-school geometry teacher. He cheated on her and divorced her while she had cancer. So he married Marianne Ginther six months later. But that wasn't to last.
Gingrich conducted a tawdry affair behind her back with one of his staffers while making political hay out of Clinton's affair with a White House intern. He then divorced Marianne and married the staffer.
Do we conquer the woes of an out of control and too secular government with a candidate who is out of control and too secular?
As the claws of Perry elites, and the tentacles of Occupy fascists and rapists begin their takeover of the medical industry, their foot soldiers occupy American sovereignty and squeal against business. These foot soldiers are rewarded with spa retreats at Solyndra, thus, spawning sadistic bullies. Like the Joker in Batman, their activities lead to destruction and chaos.
As the claws of Perry elites, and the tentacles of Occupy fascists and rapists begin their takeover of the medical industry, their foot soldiers occupy American sovereignty and squeal against business. These foot soldiers are rewarded with spa retreats at Solyndra, thus, spawning sadistic bullies. Like the Joker in Batman, their activities lead to destruction and chaos.
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The Joker From the Dark Knight by Heath Ledger |
In a word to the wise, we ought to remember the fate of the Joker's clowns who helped him practice plunder in a bank. Tent City-Leftist Political 'elites' and bullies act as the pawns of mayhem. Contrast their clowns with the Rightwing who attended the Restoring Honor Tea Party Rally: there was no rape at the Conservative rally. The Right and the Left are not the same.
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Socialist Toadies and Pawns |
Socialism Is Slavery and It Destroys Prosperity
"Our goal as socialists is to abolish private ownership of the means of production. What they won't tell you is that, at its base, the "means of production" is the individual. They mean to abolish your ownership of yourself, to enslave you to their ends.
The problem is the membership, at least the majority, is unaware of the true agenda of the leadership.
The local unions don't advertise what the national is doing, or for that matter affiliated groups. I am a public safety officer, my local is fair and has no leftwing agenda, but we fall under the AFL-CIO, they make SEIU look like libertarians." ~Union Insider
With an honest look we see our unpleasant national situation: our country's debt level is unconstitutional and a violation of the very basis of being a free people. It violates the main purpose of the Magna Charta, the historic foundation of our free republic. On penalty of the king's death, his hanging, the king cannot force anyone to give him a loan. Limitless funding in the federal coffers is unlimited federal power; this is unconstitutional and anti-Constitution.
Mr. Perry is wrong. Republicans don't believe Obama's claim that he copied RomneyCare . . .
The founding fathers refused to use government as a vehicle for charity. Indeed once "charity" is written into law, one hasn't given alms. General George Washington said, "Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. ~ President Washington
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Reality: Government Charity Spawns Slavery |
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Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others. ~Ayn Rand |
The Occupy crowd may not consist of only American citizens. The Occupy homeless, and the bottom 1%, have no qualifications to lecture the rest of us. They weren't elected, and so they never represent anyone. Any actual American voters from the Occupy crowd aren't more important than the voters of the 98%, or the 1 % with the highest incomes.
The Left in America suffers from the influence of Karl Marx who they embrace, and he basically said capitalism is the root of all evil. Karl Marx was anti-nation, anti-private property, anti-family, anti-religion, and anti-capital. This zany nonsense has Conservatives speaking up for family values. Conservatives know tribal life with all property in common was inferior, and there was nothing equal about it.
Advanced Nations Don't Value The Promiscuous Horde
Advanced nations don't value the promiscuous horde. Karl Marx claimed to be pro horde, or at least pro-promiscuity. One rarely hears the facts on the matter, this is HIDDEN, but fact. Even the Marxist mass slaughters of human beings is hushed, so that Hitler is the greatest villain, even though Russian and Chinese Communists slaughtered hundreds of millions of people and manifold times more than were murdered by Hitler! Communist Barack Obama put Mao on his Christmas Tree Ornaments!!! (...just in case you're from another planet and don't know why Americans loathe Barack)
Communism is the number one abomination today. And they are atheists. In the recent 100 years religious people are the victims, not the threat. Russian Communists slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Christian priests, and confiscated all christian church property and every last thin dime of the Christian church. And they mass slaughtered Jews under Communism in Russia.
Russian Bolshevik/communists called on Muslims to engage in a ‘holy war’ against Western imperialism. In Indonesia the revolts of 1926 were both communist and Islamic. In parts of Central Asia, Muslims constituted up to 70% of the Communist Party membership. Bolshevik leaders issued a call for a ‘holy war’ against Western imperialism. But ultimately Moscow and Mao sought to conquer the West, and they were imperialistic doing that!
To this day there is a propaganda war. Hadji Mohammad Misbach was very active in the mid-1920s, and his articles of 1925 display an absolute certainty that Islam and Communism are identical. He claimed that "...those who profess Islam but reject Communism, I am not afraid to say that they are not true Muslims, or they do not yet properly understand the position of the religion of Islam."
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Those who profess Islam but reject Communism, I am not afraid to say that they are not true Muslims, or they do not yet properly understand the position of the religion of Islam. ~Hadji Mohammad Misbach |
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"Islam and Communism are identical." ~Hadji Mohammad Misbach 1926 |
Misbach's sequel entitled "Islam and Communism" was written when he was in exile in Manokwari. The article was published periodically in Medan Moeslimin which was published sequentially six times throughout 1925.
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Obama Family December 2011 Kailua Bay
A $One Million Five Hundred
Thousand Dollar Vacation |
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Once the government decides who gets what, and who gives what,
we are not a free people. Notice that those who ask us to sacrifice, don't sacrifice. They live high in dictator fashion. |
Reality is that Romney paid much more of his income in charity / alms-giving than John Kerry. And JFK had more wealth and power than Romney. So to "get real" the Left must condemn JFK and John Kerry before they condemn Romney. It's third-world to say those of another party can't have wealth and power.
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Palin, Perry and Newt are the Alinsky Wolf in 'Republican' Clothes |
After the recent "tax return foaming-at-the-mouth" from Newt, Palin, Perry and other Leftist drones, we must contemplate their lack of respect for private property. They don't understand that without private property, there is no freedom. We are behind the Iron Curtain already if government is allowed to confiscate property because they disagree with someone's beliefs or votes. A good government doesn't allow mob rule.
Recognize Hidden Patterns: Islamic Forces Are At War
With the West and Denial Is Not The Answer
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I see it because I’m familiar with patterns
that for many may seem “strange” and therefore hidden ~Ayaan Hirsi Ali |
We have many unpleasant facts to face because we can't solve our problems unless we know what they are. Ayn Rand warned the West to let nothing blind us from reality. She calls it A = A. In part that means to not be intoxicated with "it's all good," wishful-ness, or wishy-washy thinking. Ayn Rand warned the West.
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Ayn Rand A = A Is Reality |
Businessmen are the one group that distinguishes capitalism and the American way of life from the totalitarian statism that is swallowing the rest of the world. All the other social groups - -workers, farmers, professional men, scientists, soldiers - - exist under dictatorships, even though they exist in chains, in terror, in misery, and in progressive self-destruction. But there is no such group as businessmen under a dictatorship. Their place is taken by armed thugs, bureaucrats, and commissars. ~Ayn Rand
We see that Rick Perry is not Republican or Conservative, or even a Capitalist. Rick Perry is a Communist. That clenched fist in the photo *below is a sign of his Communist allegiance. There have been attempts on the internet to show this image with the fist cropped out. This miracle photo has survived due to independent bloggers and photojournalists. This picture reveals critical truth: read about the Communist Pedigree of the Clenched-Fist Salute here.
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Communist Pedigree Clenched Fist Salute
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Comrade Palinista |
Thinking of Comrade Palinista one can't help remembering that she and Mohammad have the same favorite Republican, Rick Perry, and that Perry joined Aga Khan to lay the cornerstone for a mosque in Plano, Texas.
It also is delusional to think that crony capitalism is capitalistic. When the government chooses the winners and losers, it is Marxist Socialism. The corrupt donors with influence take all the profits, and leave taxpayers holding the bag of losses. This process becomes a driving force in failed business practices (*see Venezuela). Influence peddler Perry endorsed this champion of bloated government, Newt Gingrich. The merging of corporate and government power is called fascism.
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Newt Talks the Talk, FAILS to Walk the Conservative Walk, He's a Fascist Republican Traitor |
Newt Gingrich has cultivated prominent Muslim donors and in the 1990's helped Muslim congressional staffers get space for prayers on Capitol Hill.
There is no freedom without private property completely protected by due process of Law. The erosion of freedom can be directly traced to influence peddling and the fat bureaucrats who, under the guise of redistributing wealth, spread national collapse and poverty. Currently Texans are complaining about Perry's abuse of taxpayer money.
We aren't seeking diversity, we are diverse in America. What we need is unity. Unity is strength. Forced unity is fascist, but unity is strength. Together we will redirect our manners and civil society away from the cliffs of toxic Socialism, with its sado-masochistic bullies. We need vigilance in detecting all that is false or intimidating, and we need to valiantly apply true solutions.
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Mexican Presidente Vincente Fox with Rick Perry |
It is just one dictator fashion mistake after another with Perry; from the Republican Governor's Association, RGA, to the West Texas nuclear dump, it's bribery, blackmail, and extortion with so much to do and so little time for transparency! Birds of a feather flock together like Mexican Presidente Vincente Fox with Texas Governor Rick Perry. Perry was campaign manager for Al Gore in Gore's Presidential campaign.
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Al Gore Ran for President with Rick Perry's Help |
Go Away, Governor J.R. Perry
Aga-Khan Perry and the dork Palin were South Carolina Tea Party's ringleaders who marshaled Obama Democrats to the South Carolina open Republican Primary. "... tactical voting is sometimes a concern in primaries as members of the opposite party can strategically vote for the weaker candidate in order to face an easier general election." Even Chuck Norris suddenly endorsed Newt just in time for the SC open primary.
Because I am curious. It’s clear to me that both Sarah Palin and Rick Perry have designs on national office (Palin speech a cringe worthy festival). They are friends and share many political philosophies. I wonder if they’d like to be on the same ticket. Who’d be the top of the ticket? I don’t know. Sarah Palin strikes me as pretty alpha. I have a hard time seeing her play second fiddle again. Perry made Sarah Palin an honorary Texan.
Saturday, August 06, 2011 Rick Perry gathered in Houston's Reliant Stadium for a 'prayer palooza.' August 23, 2011 Perry and Palin mimic'd rock star glitz as Palin campaigned for Perry. Julianne Moore is a real beauty in Game Change (March 2012), but a momma grizzly with lipstick? that never felt presidential.
Glenn Beck said Newt Gingrich "...makes Nancy Pelosi look like a superstar." Reviewing some of our background with Palin and Perry, a shadow falls over Newt as Perry and Palinista endorse him. Another shadow of doubt is Nancy Pelosi when she promised, "Newt Gingrich will never be President."
Many are calling out Newt about his phony 'fictitious reminiscences of his unwavering allegiance to Reagan.' But it is a hard fact that he is making false claims there. Mrs. Reagan even came forward to correct the Newt ad that misrepresented her.
Newt Gingrich really is same nasty character whom his party threw overboard as speaker.But as NBC’s Andrea Mitchell reports, Gingrich appears to be taking her comment out of context. Sources close to Nancy Reagan said the speech itself was written by the host at the Goldwater Organization – where Mrs. Reagan delivered the remarks – and that she was referring generally to Congress and not specifically to the former Speaker, Mitchell reported on her MSNBC program. Mrs. Reagan isn’t going to let anyone use Ronnie’s legacy for their own aggrandizement, certainly not a political grifter like Newt, with his hangers-on like Sarah Palin.
However, Palin insists Romney supporters and Paul supporters aren't allowed to call Newt on his lies and hypocrisy. She said it is the "worst tactic, Alinsky." She said this as Newt, Perry and she were fretting over "tax returns," "greed," "huge profits," "Wall Street," and "the rich taking advantage of others." Palin simply talks the talk of Leftist class warfare, and it is Palin herself that splashes around in Alinsky's realm.
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Early Days of Mrs. Sarah Louise Heath Palin |
The Palin paradigm is precisely that of those seeking to game our system to take from the "Haves" and 'give' to the "Have-nots." One Alinsky tactic is to accuse others with one's own evil motives. Palin really is the 'Comrade' and 'Alinsky Radical.' Curious to hear Newt concerned about tax returns when he made a fortune as a career politician. Newt is the father of the earmark. NBC’s Andrea Mitchell accurately categorized Newt, The Grifter, and Palin his hanger-on.
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich did the yeoman’s work for Democrats as he brought rival Mitt Romney’s business past up for major scrutiny during the last few weeks of the GOP presidential race. Gingrich has announced he will be releasing his tax returns, ... “Gov. Romney, if he plans to stay in the race, ought to plan to release his records,” reports CNN.
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Comrade Palinista |
And when Perry, Palin, and Newt are called on their class warfare, Plain rebuked Romney supporters as cannibals. Palin also called it "Stalin-esque" to point out that Newt was an extremely harsh critic of Reagan. Instead of gross hyperbole, Palin ought to tell Newt to stop trying to fake out conservatives that Newt was friends with Reagan in the past. Newt Gingrich loves FDR, Newt is NOT a conservative.
As Palin repeats Newt's lies and supports Newt, she is a co-swindler. So again Palin is trying to deprive Republican conservatives of a representative who is actually conservative.
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Ayn Rand Warned the West Against Wishy-Washy, Non-Reality Palinista Rhetoric |
Alinsky Radical = Class Warfare = Attacks on Bain Capital = Palinista
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We all hope Palin is in the rocket with Newt when he starts a colony on the moon. |
On January 21st of 2012 "The Right Scoop" reported and published online an audio snippet from "The Mark Levin Show." In December 2011 Newt Gingrich told Sean Hannity, “I helped Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp develop supply-side economics." But Mark Levin explained, "I like Newt Gingrich a lot. But he had nothing to do with the development of supply-side economics."
Palin's anxious fits of malice supporting a fraudulent film about Bain Capital, and her pretentious tax return malfeasance, hardly qualify her as anti-establishment, but they do rise to the level of charlatan. Newt, Perry and Palin used a media trick by accusing Romney of "hiding something" because he supposedly had not turned in his tax returns. There was no cause given for worry, no deadline missed, no reasoning behind this foolish trick. There was no wrongdoing by Romney. But charlatans Perry, Palin and Newt together self-righteously pretended there was.
If only a hanger-on tactic of strategically supporting the weaker candidate in order to face the easier competitor at a contested / brokered convention, Palin regurgitates more than necessary malarkey and whiny babble to feed an army of Newt's Third Wave Communist Zombies. Palin patronizes Newt, squawking chatter to sucker conservatives into voting for the most disliked, mental politician in America. But I can't laugh at it.
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Newt Is 3rd Wave Zombie |
The definition of a charlatan is a person practicing some trick in order to obtain money, fame, or other advantages via some form of pretense or deception. Perry, Palin and Newt are three charlatans.
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McCain's Leftwing Palin Pick |
We will not forget that it was the Moderate McCain who made Palin his VP pick. She doesn't have the pure 100% conservative card. When McCain voted with his gang of 14 against conservative causes, McCain like Palin, also considered himself a maverick. Palinista and McCain are radicals of the Left. McCain is the reason we have no ObCare Repeal. The gang always sided with Democrats on the most Leftist issues. They are radicals. The 'gang of eight' phrase alludes to the phrase "Gang of Four" used in China to refer to four ex-leaders blamed for the abuses during the rule of Mao Zedong. It is the right term for Palinista, apropo. Palinista's gang of eight.
So people who dislike Palin are threatening her cubs? When she decided to run for President of the most powerful nation on earth, she ought to bring better friends than Perry and Newt, who are the dumbest and craziest out there. Both men disgraced themselves and the Party. Palin is not able to take the heat she throws at others so thoughtlessly. Palin is an unethical, media-skunk.
Palin's Leftist rhetoric endangers the reputation of the Republican Party. And many, many in the Republican base suffer as the brunt of Palin hate, Palin prejudice, and Palin distortions. But does anyone see Santorum run about and threaten others like a bear? Even Santorum remains more firmly established mentally than the grandiose and "thundering" Palin.
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Envy Is the Root Of All Evil Flamboyance And Pouting Will Never Make Palin Superior to All Country Club Republicans |
There is no reason at all that suggests how flamboyance and pouting makes her superior to all country club Republicans. There are many vices, and envy is the root of them all. And since when was Palin in hibernation? Most days she's in everyone's face. Palin does get around, her actions are not those of a bear, her behaviors are more like those of a snake, skunk, or a vulture.
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Tout Then Pout Perry |
Read Kathleen Parker's latest in the Washington Post, "The Palinization of the GOP." Parker used to write for National Review. Then she graduated to the Washington Post. Going there, Parker's worldview gloriously expanded (sarcasm) and Parker's opinions are just so sophisticated now . . . takes courage to swim against the tide of know-nothingness that has become de rigueur among the anti-elite, anti-intellectual part of the Republican Party (Palin and Perry). The headline on Democratic strategist Paul Begala’s recent Newsweek essay dodged subtlety: “The Stupid Party."
We remember that Palin and Perry gathered the stupid, anti-intellectual Democrat base to be Know-Nothings with them in the South Carolina open GOP Primary there. And in Texas their zany following voted that Santorum would become their man.
Palin is the spectacle of someone who hates gravity. It is a proudful stance. Intelligence, innovation, resources, education and merit built this great country. Our opportunity driven, merit based economy advanced humankind to become somewhat unconfined by fate and fierce environments. Yet some are crying that talent is unfair. But everyone suffers if the leader is the least able. Nobody flourishes. Where is the advantage in this? The only advantage is to our enemies . . .
Remember Palin said this to Hannity in her baby-talk voice:
Rick Perry must have had Texas chili and Dr Pepper from his home state prior to the debate. Somebody must have been able to import it to him because he was on fire with some of those segments he participated in.
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Oooooops |
Palin was faking anxiety over Romney's tax return, she's a mischief-maker. Just before the South Carolina open primary Perry, Palin, and Newt joined Obama's media drones yelling, "Tax Return." And then Newt, Perry, and Palin instantly "responded" like chickens with their heads cut off. The charlatans didn't even name a reason to be concerned. Now that Romney's tax returns have been released we hope Palin, Perry, and Newt can finally get some sleep.
"Asked about attacks from Texas Gov. Rick Perry that Romney is a "vulture capitalist," the former Alaska governor said Perry is just holding his rival accountable. "This isn't about a politician making huge profits in the private sector," Palin said, adding "I think what Governor Perry is getting at is that Governor Romney has claimed to have created 100,000 jobs at Bain and people are wanting to know is there proof of that claim?""
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Not America's Cup of Tea |
"This isn't about a politician making huge profits in the private sector." What a thoughtless lie. For the record, Romney was not a politician when he was making his huge profits in the private sector. And right now Romney's money is in a blind trust. Palin so easily flashes with insults. Democrats may find "flash" appealing in their candidates, but conservatives prefer reserve in manners and conduct. Still waters run deep, and Palin is NOT still, nor deep.
If Palin is well informed, her erroneous 'profit' statement really becomes more creepy and troublesome. If Palin is very informed, is she just pure crazy and evil? Palin's insinuation trick earned no media rebuke. Nor does the Media tell her she ought to point her accusing finger at Perry. Palin's mojo is the same old wasteful, empty chatter that Newt has been serving up for decades: hypocrisy. She's hypocritical and full of mischief. After all is said and done, Palin continually says "ah sucks" and then supports the champions of bloated government, Perry and Newt, that the Republican Party threw overboard.
And Palin's vile support of Perry and Newt attacks on Romney's Bain Capital experience received Rudy Giuliani's rebuke since what they were saying is what Saul Alinsky taught Barack Obama, and it shows the "dumbest, most ridiculous ideas ... {and} ignorance of the economic system."
Giuliani asked, “What the hell are you doing, Newt? I expect this from Saul Alinsky! This is what Saul Alinsky taught Barack Obama, and what you’re saying is part of the reason we’re in so much trouble right now.”
Giuliani broadened his criticism to include the attacks on Bain Capital launched by both Gingrich and Texas Governor Rick Perry, who he described as “a very close friend of mine.” “I’m shocked at what they’re doing,” said Giuliani. “It’s ignorant and dumb. It’s building something we should be fighting in America, ignorance of the economic system, playing on the dumbest, most ridiculous ideas about how you grow jobs.”
He characterized the attacks on Romney’s private sector career as “unfair and bad for the Republican Party.” Giuliani really dislikes Romney, so this is big news that he got so hot under the collar that he came to Romney's defense.
But Palin is also mean and corrupt like her friend Perry.
Interestingly, Palin’s emails show that the push to get the plan passed was not easy {federal windfall oil profits tax}. Republicans in the Last Frontier were opposed to a tax which they felt would discourage investment and Palin found it necessary to approach them individually in an effort to garner support.
However, Palin's technique was considered as very heavy-handed by many lawmakers who accused Palin, among other things, of threatening to withhold district funding in retaliation for not supporting the bill, or to campaign against them if they did not cooperate.
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Mitt and Ann Romney |
When Rush Limbaugh compared Perry to Fidel Castro, he was not wrong. And Palin is the vulture politician who has stalked Romney in her mobile home from his first campaign appearances June in 2011. Clearly Palin's family life always coming first doesn't prevent a back door run for the White House, contrary to her own statement that she would not run in 2012. So in summary Perry and Palin were Newt surrogates in South Carolina, and still support shadowy, anti-GOP Newt.
Again, contrary to Newt's pretended history, Newt was a harsh critic of Ronald Reagan, a truly extreme enemy of Reagan during his life. For the 2012 race Newt rewrites his Reagan connection, it is a fabrication opposed to reality and truth. In reality Newt Gingrich blamed Reagan for the decadence of increasing crime rates and illegitimacy in America, and for a "failed" foreign policy because of his summit with Gorbachev. Reagan and Newt were the opposite of "friends."
Here is what Gingrich said: "Measured against the scale and momentum of the Soviet empire's challenge, the Reagan administration has failed, is failing and without a dramatic, fundamental change in strategy will continue to fail.
{And Gingrich characterized}, "... President Reagan's historic meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev as "the most dangerous summit for the West since Adolf Hitler met with British Prime Minister Chamberlain at Munich in 1938. The burden of the failure frankly must be placed first upon President Reagan."
Previously … Gingrich, as reported in the Congressional Record, had found Reagan responsible for our national "decay." … Students of Newt-speak will recognize that by "decay," Gingrich was generally referring to factors such as crime, illegitimate births, and illiteracy.
Mark Shields concludes that, “These blatant contradictions between what Congressman Gingrich actually said at the time about President Reagan and what Candidate Gingrich now offers as fictitious reminiscences of his unwavering allegiance to Reagan remind me of one of the former speaker's own broadsides against Washington, D.C.
"In this cold and ruthless city," Newt once said, "the center of hypocrisy is Capitol Hill." Newt Gingrich is quite obviously an expert on both subjects.
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No Resemblance To The Newt Grinch |
The fourth viral thread is on how Gingrich isn't conservative, capitalist, or a Republican. Gingrich was an enthusiastic fan of Third Wave gurus Alvin and Heidi Toffler. Gingrich is not conservative. And we see why the phony Newt can never lead Conservatives. We offer this pithy statement regarding Newt's record from the 1998 Cato Institute:
... intelligent conservatives should have paid a little more attention to the substance, and no attention at all to the style of Speaker Gingrich. Rarely did he speak about programs that needed to be cut back, much less eliminated. You never heard Gingrich invoke the Constitution in defense of limiting the role of the federal government. In fact, he didn’t invoke the Constitution at all, because he agreed with his New Age gurus Alvin and Heidi Toffler that the Constitution was fine for the Industrial Age, but clearly not up to the Third Wave’s Information Age. Besides, why should someone as brilliant as Newt Gingrich be constrained by some 200-year-old document?
We stared at Newt when watching the debate February 22, 2012. The thought of him swearing on the Bible to protect the Constitution brought a shudder. But Palin's husband endorsed Newt!
The fact of the matter is that Rush was not wrong about Marxist Rick Perry talking and walking like
Marxist Fidel Castro. When you know Rick Perry, you know why the far Leftist Radical Democrat is supporting the "The Third Wave" Newt. It is clear who they both are. They are Communists.
After the Florida debates, Bob Dole came forward and confirmed that Newt did not leave the leadership voluntarily as Newt claimed in that debate. And he would know because Bob Dole arranged the loan to help Newt pay off his ethics violation penalty. Almost 90% of the House Republicans voted that Newt was guilty.
Marxist Fidel Castro. When you know Rick Perry, you know why the far Leftist Radical Democrat is supporting the "The Third Wave" Newt. It is clear who they both are. They are Communists.
After the Florida debates, Bob Dole came forward and confirmed that Newt did not leave the leadership voluntarily as Newt claimed in that debate. And he would know because Bob Dole arranged the loan to help Newt pay off his ethics violation penalty. Almost 90% of the House Republicans voted that Newt was guilty.
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'Newt was guilty so vote for the most disliked politician in America, please.' ~Fake quote, but true Palin Position |
Palin didn't stop Romney, she buried herself in 2012. Romney surged to 15 point lead over Gingrich in Florida polls winning the GOP nomination.To her credit Nancy Pelosi warned us that she will come forward with further information related to Newt's violations. It is undisputed that Newt lied to the committee. His false testimony cost many investigators time and money to unravel the truth. Yes, Newt is an unreliable leader.
Bob Dole said, "In my opinion if we want to avoid an Obama landslide in November, Republicans should nominate Governor Romney as our standard bearer. He has the requisite experience in the public and private sectors. He would be a president we could have confidence in."

Gingrich conducted a tawdry affair behind his second wife's back with one of his staffers while making political hay out of Clinton's affair with a White House intern.
That outrageous scenario is the precise definition of unreliable and failed leadership. Newt is very phony in this year's election attempt for portraying himself as a conservative. There is nobody we can blame for the existing sick malaise of socialism in America more than FDR. So Newt's view on FDR tells you the truth, although the internet has tried to hide his record. As the saying goes, Newt never left Pelosi's love seat.He then divorced Marianne and married the staffer, Calista. Jim Talent, a former representative and senator from Missouri, {has} said in an ad that Gingrich would "blindside" members of his party with his "outrageous comments." "It's a problem when your own leader is the biggest political problem that you're dealing with, which is why we removed him as the speaker," he said in the ad.
Newt says, "No one is FDR, FDR is the greatest practitioner of self-government, certainly in the twentieth century, and maybe in American history. FDR was very Progressive." FDR is Newt's hero, and true conservatives find progressives demented. Socialism is not Constitutional, since our Republic's guiding principle LIMITS government, not individuals.
Yes, Newt Gingrich picked the mother of all progressives, FDR, ahead of Ronald Reagan as our greatest president! Newt is a radical, Third Wave Leftist.
“So he loves Andy Stern,” Glenn Beck said. “If he can’t figure out if Stern is a Socialist Communist dirt bag, then he shouldn’t be the leader of the free world.”
And pondering David Frum's tweet will confirm that Gingrich is a phony, zany, unreliable, failed leader:
“It’s manifestly true that Gingrich wanted open marriage. He had one! Only dispute is whether he told his wife about it.” ~Ann Coulter
Thankfully, Ann Coulter described this entire spectacle concisely: in her article called "Re-elect Obama: Vote Newt!"
"Newton's claim Romney is a "moderate," and Gingrich the true conservative -- a feat that can be accomplished only by refusing to believe anything Romney says ... and also refusing to believe anything Gingrich says."
Newt suggested that his open marriage matter is old news, but those of his home state say it is news to them. We must wonder about Newt on another statement he constantly makes. Newt tells us he has serious concern over Romney changing his core principles. Does his claim help anyone to naturally assume that Newt is a rock solid person of character?
However, the fact of the matter is that Newt changed his religion three times. Clearly a change of religion is a change of core principles. Gingich has "visited with pastors to assure them of his new but deep Roman Catholicism and his apologies to God."
If someone asked Newt what “religion” he is, he might very well answer “Catholic.” If he did, no one would misunderstand him. Catholicism may also be part of the Christian religion, but to describe someone’s religion as Catholic strikes me as perfectly acceptable usage. The same goes for Baptist.
If becoming Catholic isn't a change of fundamental core principles, why apologize to God? Yet Newt continues to call Marianne the liar and claims to not believe in open marriage. Since when? If he's changed now, does that make him a flip-flopper? If he's changed, why does he keep lying about his former wife?
While the Gingrich girls have not asked for the interview to be delayed or even scrubbed, they have made the following statement: “ABC News or other campaigns may want to talk about the past, just days before an important primary election, but Newt is going to talk to the people of South Carolina about the future– ... We are confident this is the conversation the people of South Carolina are interested in having.”
Palin made excuses for Perry when he called Romney a vulture capitalist. Isn't it bizarre for Republicans like Rick Perry and Palin to attack Romney's tax returns and condemn capitalism by promoting the fraudulent Newt film? Apparently Palin wants to win the GOP nomination as a RINO, using Democrat voters?!
Recently a Fox panel host was visibly annoyed that her well prepared segment was suddenly canceled to receive the 'grizzly momma with lipstick' as a surprise guest. Everyone on that panel was extremely uncomfortable. Palin's fondness of things Harley Davidson is a mind numbing turn-off.
Gingrich: Let’s Make the Moon a State |
The significance of Sarah Palin's husband, and also Rick Perry, endorsing Newt is that it helps us to see unpleasant facts we might not want to see. We see that Newt, Palin, and Perry are phony Republicans. Sarah Palin said that due to the media bringing out the old Gingrich divorce interview, Gingrich was "going to soar even more." Palin is as big a hypocrite as Newt.
Palin claimed to be the family values candidate, restoring honor, etc . . . So when Todd Palin endorsed the 'open marriage' Newt, Palin was finished. We won't forget what Palin said, "If I were in South Carolina, I'd vote for Newt." Newt is the consummate candidate of dishonor. Palin's political purpose sank. She promoted some of the dumbest economic ideas and candidates instead. Palin is a charlatan swindler. And she abandoned her Governor's post. Talking about our first principles could save our politics.
Progressives are backwards and slow. The Socialism Movement failed in America when American values and political structure caused the split between the Socialist Party and mainstream unions.
Progressives are backwards and slow. The Socialism Movement failed in America when American values and political structure caused the split between the Socialist Party and mainstream unions.
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin called out Gov. Chris Christie today saying he made a "rookie mistake" when criticizing Republican presidential candidate New Gingrich over the weekend. "Well, you kind of get your panties in a wad and you may say things that you regret later. And I think that that’s what Chris Christie did," she said Monday, January 23rd 2012. Palin again exposed her gross flaw: a lack of class.
Palin again exposed her flaw: an abundant lack of class. Most Republicans are embarrassed at Palin's conduct with Perry and Newt, her 'Jerry Springer' circus combo. If you want to be President, run for President. Please don't use Obama's playbook to game the system via a brokered convention. What Gov. Christie said was rational, and the fact of the matter. Newt is an embarrassment to the Republican Party. In contrast, Palin's misguided progressive surrogate activities kiss 'buh bye' the idea of her having credentials as a family-values conservative.
Christie, who has been out on the campaign trail for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, called Gingrich an "embarrassment for the party" while on "Meet the Press" on NBC over the weekend. He went on to talk about how Gingrich was run out as Speaker of the House and fined $300,000.00 for ethics violations.
Obama certainly would exploit Newt Gingrich's work with Freddie Mac."The fact of the matter is," said Christie, "the speaker for the last 10 years has been an influence peddler in Washington, D.C. That’s what he’s been, and he’s been paid tens of millions of dollars to be, an influence peddler."
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Wife #2 |
During the pre-South Carolina open Primary crunch time, we recall that the Driveby Media failed to inform the public that Marianne Gingrich's story was published at length in August 2011 by Esquire. It was the Media who decided to air their interview to coincide with the SC Primary in 2016. The Media slandered the former Mrs. Gingrich #2 by allowing the public, especially the SC public, to believe Newt's ex-wife was just making everything up to hurt poor little Gingrich.
It was the Driveby Media who was timing their broadcast with the South Carolina primary! People in South Carolina actually became huffy towards Gingrich's ex-wife. Sad and very wrong. The Driveby Media manipulate and interfere in our U.S. elections far more than any others do. The Driveby Media deceit is SwampLand in government.
On January 20, 2012, a regretful account mentioned Marianne's sad plea. Again ABC Air'd the Marianne Gingrich Interview, "Please South Carolina, don’t abandon your moral principles." Sadly, the fake news media manipulation already disgraced our land by lying for an inflammatory tactic.
Ron Paul sums it up: "Evangelicals might not agree with his dual bad divorces. All preceded by affairs. The most horrendous exhibit of his character included asking wife #1 while in the hospital to sign divorce papers while she was in the hospital concerned with living ... he rises to the top of my social agenda on the scumbag list. After Congress Newt did lobbying work for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae — which conservatives blame for the housing crisis. Gingrich doesn't have skeletons in his closet, he has a whole graveyard."Realizing Newt Gingrich's credibility gap is a gorge, let's move on to consider the completely un-vetted Rick Santorum who the Driveby Media continue to hide from the public. Santorum crossly responded to applause at CPAC from his own enthusiastic fans by sputtering, "You are eating into my time." He has normally been the least popular candidate.
We cannot count 'The Third Wave,' not-constitutionally anchored Newt as a Republican, and Rick Santorum's appeal exists with 'Reagan Democrat types' by his own account. This would be fine if he was running for President in the Democrat Party. Santorum is pro labor unions, and he's against the states 'right to work' policy. He's votes with conservatives on some social issues like other Democrats do.
Ron Paul said about Santorum: "Time to take down Santorum's disguise." Sanitarium is a douchebag. It's pretty obvious. His only tack is to hold a bible over his head and try to get one demographic to vote for him based off that alone. Sadly, some appear to be suckerpunched for it, too. He should have been out of the race a long time ago. ~Mike
Santorum is consistently to the Left of Romney on fiscal policy, starting with the concept of limited government. He voted for anti-gun "education" in the schools. If Santorum really were a Republican, would he claim to be superior to Reagan?
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Pope Benedict XVI on New York City's Fifth Avenue |
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Santorum is not conservative; he is a big spender. Santorum is the Fox running the Hen House.
And fiscal responsibility is the minimal requirement of being conservative.
Voting against abortion cannot give anyone a license to be a Marxist Socialist. Santorum voted for the ''Bridge to No Where." Rick Santorum is big government, and he's a big spender; and American politicians are not above the law. Our generals call over-spending the greatest danger to the U.S. military, and to our ability to defend America. Excessive spending brings higher taxation. And our unborn are brought into a life of debt slavery in America.
Governor Romney veto'd his legislature eight hundred times and balanced Massachusetts' budget. He's exactly what we need at this time to correct the ship of state. Rick Santorum is not what America needs, he continually argues in favor of more spending. Rick Santorum is The Washington Insider Career Politician. He will do what he's always done, spend.
Surging Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum has gone from a man of modest income to millionaire since losing his U.S. Senate seat in 2006, earning much of it by working as a conservative commentator on Fox News and advising industry and lobby firms.
No Senators have endorsed him. He is sincere and believable at times, but he frequently whines, lies and attacks Romney all at the same time. Santorum holds extremist views on abortion, and we need independent voters in the general election.
Labor laws are critical in an economic recovery, and Santorum is unprepared to take correct actions.
When Republicans needed to defeat Arlen Specter, Santorum supported him instead. Santorum lost his seat in Pennsylvania with a very large and rare 18% margin due to his misuse of government connections and financial perks. This compassionate Christian conservative founded a charity that was actually a bit of a scam. But few blemishes jeopardize his standing with conservative voters more than the former Pennsylvania senator's 2004 endorsement of Arlen Specter.
Rick Santorum cast himself as a 'progressive conservative, non-Reaganite" in his first campaign. It seems the media has been playing with us, because Santorum DID flip-flop on abortion.
But even on issues like abortion -- a topic on which Santorum's strong pro-life credentials are rarely, if ever, questioned -- an internal evolution seemingly occurred. In that October 28 Pittsburgh Press article, he said he opposed government funding for abortions, but "beyond that I tried as much as I could to dance around the issue, not really take a position on it."
A former aide to Walgren, meanwhile, said that when the campaign began researching Santorum, they identified him as a "pro-choice Republican."
Rick Santorum said he would "dance around the abortion issue." Interesting, our fake news - Driveby Media tell a much different story day in and day out. Or worse, the Media does not tell us the Santorum story at all.
The Driveby Media are The Biggest Flip-floppers
“Rick Santorum has always been pro-life,” insists his current spokesman. And the Driveby fake news media argument was he was the superior conservative to Mitt Romney because he was always pro-life. But the fake news has lied throughout the campaign, it turns out that Rick Santorum originally was pro-choice the same as Governor Romney. All politicians are flip-floppers. In 2008 Barack Obama campaigned that he was pro-traditional marriage. Then once in power he massively flip-flopped 180 degrees by refusing to enforce the Defense Of Marriage laws and pushing for same-sex marriage. The Driveby Media offers only SILENCE on the flip-flopping liar Barack Hussein Obama.
The driveby media is rabidly anti-Romney and anti-Mormon. The fake news, driveby media are the biggest Flip-Floppers; they are the boogieman about which they're always babbling. In 2008 according to the fake news, Driveby Media, Romney was an ultra extreme-right conservative and scary. But then Driveby Media hysterically flip-flopped in 2012 that everyone should fear Mitt because he's a moderate?!! Or the Obama flip-flopping? In 2008 the creepy flip-flopping Fake News told voters that the FAR FAR Left radical Obama was a moderate!!!
The driveby media is rabidly anti-Romney and anti-Mormon. The fake news, driveby media are the biggest Flip-Floppers; they are the boogieman about which they're always babbling. In 2008 according to the fake news, Driveby Media, Romney was an ultra extreme-right conservative and scary. But then Driveby Media hysterically flip-flopped in 2012 that everyone should fear Mitt because he's a moderate?!! Or the Obama flip-flopping? In 2008 the creepy flip-flopping Fake News told voters that the FAR FAR Left radical Obama was a moderate!!!
In a 1990 article of The Pittsburgh Press Santorum described himself as a "progressive conservative," only opposing abortions in the final trimester of pregnancy. Santorum cited "a lot of education, a lot of soul-searching," for his shift in position. But now his soul is fine with lying about his true, accurate pro-choice record; he definitely was not always Pro-Life. His soul searching led him to abandon his pro-choice, progressive, Arlen Specter sort of politics. So he says today, and we could accept this. But no, Santorum was clearly not always Pro-Life. He had to shift on abortion, that is the fact of the matter, and Boogieman Fake News keeps lying to the voters.
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) released its second annual report on the most corrupt members of Congress list of "Most Corrupt Members of Congress" for both 2005 and 2006. In 2005, there were only 3 Senators that earned this dubious distinction so you might say that Rick Santorum actually was at some point really in the top-tier of the Most Corrupt Members of Congress.
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New York City's St. Patrick's Cathedral |
Rick Santorum traveled in 2002 to Rome to speak at a centenary celebration of the birth of Saint JosemarÃa Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei. He and his wife were invested as Knight and Dame of Magistral Grace of the Knights of Malta in a ceremony at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York on November 12, 2004. Dame Karen Garver Santorum
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Joe Kennedy was also a Knight of Malta. |

And by all accounts Santorum is odd. If some thought Romney is square, Santorum, the "Vest Man," has the ultimate dork factor. Santorum's thought to be the least presidential.
Whether or not we call it influence peddling or crony capitalism, we're in miserable trouble. Many running to Santorum have previously fallen for Perry, Cain, Bachmann, and Newt. Many in the 'surge' crowd recently found themselves too squeamish to vote for 'open marriage' Newt. But we realize that Union thugs constitute an integral part of the Communist Occupy America threat today, as per Obama direction. The Unions back Santorum.
Many in Rick Santorum's family are Communists today, but originally as the alternative to Benito Mussolini's National Fascist Party.

Right now Santorum's mulish disposition is a foreign policy liability. And his vocal and extreme views cannot neutralize the religious issue in the general election. Santorum has said,
Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy; it is not a side effect, but the central pivot. To achieve its diabolical ends Communism needs to control a population devoid of religious and national feeling, and this entails the destruction of faith and nationhood. ~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

How does Santorum consider himself a conservative Republican to the Right of Romney, but also sponsor a bill for anti-gun "education" in the schools? He approves of the nanny state as long as it is his nanny state. This is called statism. But a fun question is: why would evangelicals vote for Santorum?
In Europe one could accurately label Rick Santorum as rightwing. It is a label with no equivalent meaning here in America. [Glenn Beck has a series explaining the differences between the European rightwing, versus the rightwing in the United States of America.]
But another blunder fatal for Santorum's campaign is his gall. After RomneyCare was law, four years ago in 2008, Santorum proclaimed Romney a great conservative. Now he carries water for the Left by joining their Driveby Media mantras that Romney isn't conservative. Zero Senators have endorsed Santorum and we need support from the independent voters in the general election.
Santorum also repeatedly suggested that Romney can't be trusted because Romney changed his position on abortion. Rick Santorum in a 1995 issue of Philadelphia magazine in which he admitted he “was basically pro-choice all my life, until I ran for Congress.” Now we know Santorum has changed his position on abortion, and his spokesman lies about it. So it is doubtful there will ever be a President Santorum. The facts are bringing Santorum his long over due comeuppance for this 2012 race.
But Santorum has beautiful moments serving America, like the time in a debate when he was himself and intimate with his audience. Rick Santorum leveled with them about how badly Gingrich behaved in Congress. Normally Rick Santorum abandons party principles for his own political advantage.
I don’t want a nominee where I’m going to look at the newspaper and wonder what he’s going to do next….Something’s going to pop and we don’t need that in a nominee.
So when public service personnel strike against their 'Government' employer in our Republic, they are striking against the rule of Law and against 'The People.' Unions cannot be allowed in the public sectors, like education. Americans are suckers to allow teachers, who are paid with taxpayer money, to protest the Laws we already voted to enact. Public sector unions are a different problem from unions for carpenters and other trades.
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October 5, 2011 Sarah Palin announced that as always her family comes first so she was not running for President in 2012 |
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Why hasn't Sarah Palin been suspended by Fox? |
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Mama Grizzly Toes |
Palin tells us she feels threatened, or that her cubs are threatened, when people dislike her? When she decided to run for President of the most powerful nation on earth, she ought to bring along better friends than Perry and Newt, who are the dumbest and craziest. Both men disgraced themselves and the Party. Palin is not one of the grown-ups. Palin is the unethical, lying 'Stupid Media.' She ran about screaming as though she was outraged that an unethical scam was being played by Romney, while she's the person trying to compete in a Presidential election from the role of the impartial 'watchdog' press!!!
First, there is the precedent that Fox set last year when they suspended Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum from their roles as Fox commentators because they were taking (rather tepid at the time) steps toward running for president. ... However, any question as to whether Palin has indeed crossed the line into the realm of commentator illegitimacy ended yesterday 2/15/2012 when she said on Fox that she might run for office again and strongly implied that she {Palin} would accept the nomination of a brokered convention.
A "House Divided Against Itself" is the dream goal of marxist rhetoric, and exactly the result of that foreign, driveby media relentlessly lying to us. Palin is the 'Onstage Media.' "Goebbel's Experiment" is a very important film viewing experience available at Netflix, and it demonstrates the evil of incendiary propaganda.
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Media Manipulating Heart |
It was the Driveby Media who pretended personas for candidates, and then served them to the people without vetting. They delighted in manipulating the 'flavor of the month,' and they sang the praises of people who they hate, like Newt Gingrich. Yes, they are responsible for creating the volatile primary season because they failed to properly vet candidates, and still do. They still prattle about the awesome Rick Perry, who they already thrashed for his many goofball antics in the debates. Not one word on Perry's difficult treason with Islamic supremacy or his supreme dolt status.
And then when Republican voters predictably surged for one of their flavors, they mocked the the voters for being deceived by their fake-news pretend 'flavors.' They called the Republican Party, "The Stupid Party." Nothing off base at all for Republicans to call the driveby media fake news.
Too bad for us that the Stupid Media were not as condemning of Obama for his large supply of evil close friends and associates, his lack of a track record or experience, or his non-disclosed identity and fraud. But for some reason the Media worries us incessantly about Romney, and their invented flavor, the flip-flopper Boogie Man. They fabricated that persona in their spooky collective imagination, although for the most part, the other politicians flip-flop more often, more extremely, and more deceitfully (like Barack campaigning in 2008 that he supported traditional marriage).
Also, the stupid media went on a loop where using a dog carrier to transport the family dog was demonized as though more egregious than the extreme treason, bribery, blackmail, and extortion done by the other candidate. They are The Stupid Media and fake news, and they wink at pure evil.
But they are so stupid they don't realize that Romney pays more taxes than GE, thanks to Obama and their Leftist green-privilege Chicago associates. Stupid Media called Romney a RINO. They say that their claim is based on how he changed positions on abortion. This fake excuse was the same game they played, when they were worrying voters that Reagan couldn't be trusted because he was trigger-happy. The Driveby Media are fake news. Perry, Palin, Newt, Paul and Santorum are all to the Left of Romney, but the media are endlessly silent on the facts. In 2008 and 2012 the Stupid Media colluded with the Democrat Party to interfere in the U.S elections far worse than Russia EVER did [update 2019].
Yet 'The Stupid Media' showed no such consternation that Obama was inexperienced, had strange Social Security numbers and gaps in his past record, with trips to Pakistan during his college days. Our Media weren't worrying voters about Obama's 20 years at a racist, Nation-of-Islam church. And they didn't think America needed to be warned against Bill Ayers, the domestic terrorist who sponsored Obama into politics.
The Driveby Media have not shown much concern that English is Obama's second language, or that his mother and grandparents and their friends are, and always were, Communists. Nor was there ANY alert about the Chicago murder capitol where Hillary and Barack honed their green privilege politics and lawlessness. This nation used to know better than to nationalize anything that grew out of Chicago. {It was lawless Michelle Obama who gave 'green privilege' to terror punk Jussie Smollett and his disgusting hoax}. Chicago is an example of Democrat government, a giant warning sign of their disasterous ways and crazymaking lies.
Before today the Media Leftists haven't seemed to notice that the idea of being a liberal was about rebelling against authority, but now these overgrown hippies are more tyrannical than the authorities they once complained against. They seek to dictate in every facet of life, not by making laws, but through unaccountable agencies and lawless judges. This tyranny is what Ayn Rand has warned us against. It is here. Obama lectures Europe to "do as I say, not as I do." The Obama Regime is The Dark Age of The Bureaucrat.
The Media was not distressed when Obama said the Islamic prayer call was the sweetest sound in the world to him, despite Barack claiming he is a Christian and the most pro-Israel President ever. And they try to ignore the blatant perfunctory bow by Obama to Saudi royalty, a bow that came from habit, automatic, perfect and mechanical.
Obama Bows to Saudi King
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Fake News Ought to Be Relentlessly Troubled Due To Obama Destroying Our Military |
The fake news aren't relentlessly troubled about Obama destroying our military or his fake 'stimulus' spending spree. They don't question him. They don't seem to mind him excessively taking extremely expensive vacations although he endlessly used the expression, "I will not rest," to characterize his own vigorous intentions to labor for us during his Presidency.
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'Stupid News' Didn't Ask Barack Hussein / Barry Soetoro the Hard Questions |
Zero Reality Zero Percent of the Time
In lecturing us about blowing our money, Obama displays breathtaking gall. Given that he is blowing trillions of dollars of our money, not his, and burying us in debt as no president in history, his silence on the subject would seem more reasonable.
According Barack Obama and his Driveby Media, the native American 'indian' is only nature-loving, not ever the actual barbaric, nomadic, backward, corpse-mutilating, animal-like savages or terrorist kidnappers who at times confronted, tortured, raped, pillaged, murdered, mutilated and burned-out the American pioneer/pilgrim farmers who came to America once they managed to escape being burned at the stake in Europe.
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I will not rest until blah blah blah is accomplished. ~Barack Hussein Obama |
The same media industrial complex imagination process is what brought the blight of Obama in the first place; the Obama radical who they deceitfully pretended was a moderate, transparent and unifying candidate.
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2002 Olympic Winter Games |
But our Media would have us believe that the flip-flopper Romney is the scariest person in the universe? They fail to mention how ALL the candidates flip-flop on far grander scales. They stood idly by as Perry attacked RomneyCare, all the time they knew about Perry's bi-national healthcare plan, and that Perry was a Democrat until the early '90's. The Driveby Media seem nearly useless, except to provide propaganda to back up Barack Obama.
An internal Media Matters For America memo obtained by The Daily Caller reveals that the left-wing media watchdog group employs an “opposition research team” to target its political enemies. Included in the list of targets are right-leaning websites, conservative think tanks, and conservative news outlets.
The Media Matters' memo outlined their plans to launch smear attacks against targets on their enemies list. Tucker Carlson and Vince Coglianese reported on their investigation into Media Matters. They found close co-ordination between the White House and news organizations, and erratic behaviors. They found that David Brock, the head of Media Matters, had "... more security than a Third World dictator."
One employee explained that Brock's bodyguards would rarely leave his side, even accompanying him to his home in an affluent Washington neighborhood each night where they "stood post" to protect him.Our media has been acutely quiet when it counts, cowardly, derelict, and delinquent. There is a coordination at the highest level to manipulate media headlines.
Since the beginning of the Obama administration Media Matters has shared regular meetings and weekly phone calls with the Obama White House to coordinate messaging, their messages are sync'd. David Brock, the head of Media Matters, did hold a meeting at the White House in June 2010 with Varlerie Jarrett who is the highest adviser to Obama, and many other meetings along with weekly phone calls giving them lots of opportunities to collude against the American voters.
No driveby media questioned Barack's use of members of the Muslim Brotherhood to run our government. Even Egypt knows better than to allow members of the Muslim Brotherhood in their government, MB is the organization of terrorists!!! BHO sponsored the Muslim Brotherhood Morsi, and Egypt put him in jail where he belonged. Barack is twisted, and Egypt is much more sane than BHO!
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Valerie Jarrett Media Lapdog |
As reported February 13, 2012, Daily Caller online editor Vince Coglianese is on this investigation. Media Matters is a tax exempt organization. The Left has been trying to take down Ford and Fox News via Media Matters.
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David Brock Head of Media Matters |
If the media were not coordinated with the Obama Administration, the press would have warned Republicans that Perry and Newt lack conservative credentials. Perry is a Democrat through and through. Newt is Big Government, CFR through and through.
Most of the Media is silent about Perry helping Al Gore as his Texas campaign manager when Gore ran for President of the United States. Romney ran against Ted Kennedy, a Leftist, but Perry was the campaign manager in Texas helping the very radical Leftist Al Gore! Newt campaigned for Nelson Rockefeller, a radical liberal. But the Driveby Media failed to tell the people the truth, the fake news claimed Americans needed to fear Mitt Romney! Americans were daily hit-and-run attacked by fake news insisting that the Republican favorite was the only one who is scary.
Newt said unlimited amounts of money can pass through the Federal government, and it can still be considered limited government. He's not suppose to be stupid, so he must be very dishonest.
David Brock has spent the last decade apologizing to liberals for his role in creating the vast right-wing conspiracy. Now he’s trying something more ambitious (collusion with the Democrat Party) and hoping it gains him the respect he craves from the White House.
Influence peddling and 'crony capitalism' have everything to do with Big Government using it's force to choose the winners and losers. Crony capitalism has nothing to do with capitalism. The donors reap their graft profits and leave the taxpayers holding the bag of losses. This is the problem we need Romney to fix because it is leading us to the cliffs of a European collapse. And it reeks with the consummate disrespect afforded private property by too many Democrat officials, and, therefore, leads to the end of freedom.
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America Needs Mitt |
Influence peddling destroys everything that fostered our Yankee ingenuity. Nobody will benefit, it is the same 'Old World' master/serf scam that came with it's own nightmare "Inquisition." Our Founding Fathers knew that the key to freedom was private property. And they strove to narrow and contain as much government power as possible to protect private property.
Without a Mitt Romney turn around soon, we will be saying goodbye to the world of innovation that brought us microwave ovens, modern plumbing, modern medical advancements, dishwashers, and the electric light bulb. We urgently send the message that "America needs Mitt."
Also, Ron Paul does not count as a Republican since he is a Libertarian, another unpleasant reality. The other candidates are various shades of blue, not red state material. We have had it with false flag antics, we need a Republican conservative.
Let's review. We've seen how Palin, Perry and Newt showed their zany ideas with toxic, radical leftist rhetoric about Romney's tax returns and the fraudulent Bain Capital film published by Newt. It became crystal clear that Palin has earned her "Palinista" nickname with toxic Leftist rhetoric about unfair capitalism. And her claim is absurdly false that she supports the "public servant" sort of governors. HINT: Gov. Perry is NOT that type of Governor, both Perry and Newt are the bloated government types.
Palin supports and promotes the fraudulent Bain film that Gingrich published. Palin continually smears capitalism, Romney, and America. She doesn't understand our economy. Maybe she agrees with Santorum that math isn't part of reality? We don't need to understand math to manage and budget the U.S. economy? Neither Palin nor Perry would know what they were looking at if they had Romney's tax return in their hands.
From a review of Gingrich's, Palin's and Perry's records it becomes crystal clear that Gingrich is a radical, zany, and unreliable leader, and that Palinista and Perry are dingbat phony Republicans. For their illegal prayer-palooza Palinista and Perry created a stadium rock star entry for themselves. But Perry and Palin claimed that there was nothing political about their rock-and-roll prayer palooza stadium gig! What a coincidence that Perry's taxpayer-funded prayer palooza stadium gig accidentally launched Perry's Presidential campaign?!
REVIEW: In 2012 Fox News demonstrated their lack of journalistic integrity. They hired Sarah Palin and she made the following on-air pronouncements in the role of Fox News commentator:
- A long primary is good for the process and the candidate which emerges.
- Voters should support Newt Gingrich in order to keep the primaries going.
- There is nothing wrong with a brokered convention.
- Conservatives should have doubts about the perceived front runner, Mitt Romney.

Interest in Palin is another phony media fabrication. Palin is largely unvetted. How many know these simple facts? Palin's claim to fame is being a third place beauty pageant contestant in Alaska, being on a City Council in a tiny town in Alaska for 4 years, and being the mayor of said tiny town for 4 years. Then once she was Governor of Alaska part of a term, she quit.
Palin qualified for a degree in journalism from the University of Idaho. If some wish to have this unqualified person as president, they are entitled to their opinion. But Fox now compromises it's integrity by allowing Palin to poll for candidates she intends to run against in a contested / brokered convention.
Palin knows Newt will never be President. When Newt acts as though he represents Republicans, he heaps more dislike upon them. Newt and Palin are two swindlers running for President in 2012 knowing they have no chance. If we ever had an election where we could get excited about a biker president, this one isn't it. "It's the economy stupid."
When Palin claimed to always put her family first, she had this to say,
It is also a horrid spectacle to watch a "journalist" proudly manipulate and snarl at her opponents, calling it "news," with her conflict of interest and lack of ethics in full view. Beware of Palin's statist point of view. There have always been dirty tricks, but we are seeing the government revolving door sneak into the journalism/media industry in broad daylight. We are experiencing a new, more dangerous level of 'The Corrupt Lobbyist.' This is not a free press. This is not capitalism. This is grave.
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Compromised Journalist, Snarling 'Jerry Springer' Biker, Swindler, and a "Family Always Comes First" Quitter |
Palin qualified for a degree in journalism from the University of Idaho. If some wish to have this unqualified person as president, they are entitled to their opinion. But Fox now compromises it's integrity by allowing Palin to poll for candidates she intends to run against in a contested / brokered convention.
Palin knows Newt will never be President. When Newt acts as though he represents Republicans, he heaps more dislike upon them. Newt and Palin are two swindlers running for President in 2012 knowing they have no chance. If we ever had an election where we could get excited about a biker president, this one isn't it. "It's the economy stupid."
I believe that at this time I can be more effective in a decisive role to help elect other true public servants to office — from the nation's governors to congressional seats and the presidency.
We are here to remind America of one such Governor, one Governor on whom Palin spent her grizzly effort to re-elect was Gov. Rick Perry, the evil Gardasil and 'Trans Texas Corridor' King of Graft. Rick Perry is not a "... true public servant."

We are in the gravest danger when our government is run by people who reap profits by stirring up contention with rash emotion as some lobbyists and journalists do for their ratings. We count on government to keep the peace and provide order! This is grave. The incremental encroachment must be reversed. We must be steadfast, not rash, as the wheels of justice turn slowly. We are amazed, but must not be dismayed. We have the power. We have a choice. We must elect only those who enforce our Law.
Palin's surrogate activities for Newt expose Republicans to ridicule. And Palin has put Republican family values in a laughingstock loop. Whether we like it or not, Palin pushes forward. But instead of pushing forward with reverence for the Law, Palin pushes forward with Newt the Marxist Cad.
Gaming the system is Obama's 'Cup of Tea,' and not America's cup of tea. Palin's values already were conspicuously represented in 2008. Palin and Perry not only participated in Newt Gingrich's 'Jerry Springer' three ring circus, they actually are center ring surrogate acts. So in the coming movie "Game Change" (on HBO March 2012), we will realize how much Palin does not want to go back to Alaska.
When asked if he thought Newt Gingrich had a shot at the White House, Sen Bob Dole said: "I hope not." And former presidential candidate John McCain told reporters:
"Just because someone debates well does not mean necessarily they would be a good president." He added: "I think we ought to send Newt Gingrich to the moon and Mitt Romney to the White House."
James Baker III who served in both Ronald Reagan’s and George H.W. Bush’s administrations has recently endorsed Mitt Romney. He made this comment on Romney and Electability:
“To win a general election, you’ve got to win the voters in the swing states,” he said. “Those swing states are Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida – and I think Mitt Romney would probably appeal to those independent voters more so than any of the other people running on our side.”
Romney is the Republican in the 2012 race. Holding fast to that which is good we will avoid becoming media pawns. In Mitt we get family values, strong budget and foreign policy leadership, great economic experience, commitment, and tenacity. Romney is a conservative Republican and an American. He's lives the American Dream.
Mitt Romney Foreign Policy Speech
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America Needs Mitt Romney |
Governor Mitt Romney Americans for Prosperity Speech
Must Listen At Mark 14:50
Three Cheers for Government Running A Profit!
So Florida is a beacon of hope because they chose Gov. Romney, the only Republican in the 2012 race for President of the United States. Sadly, Rick Santorum danced around the abortion issue.
The Florida win for Romney protected us from a contested / brokered convention. Florida chose the man who appeals to Reagan Republicans. Let's skip the Palin circus with her mediabots.
We have the power to elect the most conservative candidate on secure borders. We must act decisively by rallying together. There are too many ways Obama creates mischief. There is no leisure room for error by choosing the cad, the libertarian, or the extremely off-putting union man. We need Mitt Romney.
Al Smith Memorial Speech
Mitt Romney Is Very Funny and A
Great Father
Mitt Romney Is Very Funny and A
Great Father
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Let's take the battle to the Communist Obama |
There is a reason Romney has 90% of the endorsements. Up up with the real heroes of our independent and free Republic. Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric, says that Romney is the most qualified person to run for President he's seen in the past 50 years. We need an exceptional man today.
Viva La Liberte
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America Needs Mitt Romney |
We have the power to elect the most conservative candidate on secure borders. We must act decisively by rallying together. There are too many ways Obama creates mischief. There is no leisure room for error by choosing the cad, the libertarian, or the extremely off-putting union man. We need Mitt Romney.
As Ann Coulter put it:
Similarly, if reducing contraception use, lobbying for Freddie Mac and promoting huge government programs such as moon colonies and No Child Left Behind are the best ways to create jobs, then it could be true that Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum are our strongest candidates in a general election.
Of course, it might also be true that dousing yourself in fairy dust does not guarantee that you will find the perfect mate and get the perfect job.
We're being asked to hand Obama another four years in the White House in order to "send a message." To whom? And what message? That we're morons? Message received!Meanwhile, Romney cheerfully campaigns on as the biggest outsider and most conservative candidate we've run for president since Reagan, while being denounced by the Establishment as "too Establishment."
"What is going on when the tallest basketball player is Chinese, the best golfer is black, and the best rap singer is white?"
Is the best person to save traditional marriage a Mormon?
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Philadelphia Tea Party 1st Tea Party To Endorse Mitt Romney Predicts Romney Will Become 45th President of the United States |
The Philadelphia Tea Party
Endorsed Romney
Independence Hall Tea Party PAC
Perry and Obama both specialize in graft
and praised HillaryCare.
and praised HillaryCare.
The Gardasil Scandal won't go away.
ManBearPig Texicanus
ManBearPig Texicanus

Viva La Liberte
A bus load of politicians were out campaigning. They were driving down a country road one afternoon, when all of a sudden, the bus ran off the road and crashed into a tree in an old farmer's field. Seeing what happened, the old farmer went over to investigate.
He then proceeded to dig a hole and bury the politicians. A few days later, the local sheriff came out, saw the crashed bus, and asked the old farmer, "Were they all dead?"
The old farmer replied, "Well, some of them said they weren't, but you know how politicians lie."
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Americans |
*Above quote may be from Alexis de Tocqueville. Ike, however, attributed it not directly to Tocqueville but to "a wise philosopher {who} came to this country ..."I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers - and it was not there . . . in her fertile fields and boundless forests and it was not there . . . in her rich mines and her vast world commerce - and it was not there . . . in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution - and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.
Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle. ~ George Washington
President Lincoln spoke of the correct way to live as Americans. Lincoln was 28 years old at the time he gave this speech and had recently moved from a rough pioneer village to Springfield, Illinois. We need the help of Mitt Romney to turn around the ship of state and restore this motto given to us by another Father of our Country, President Abraham Lincoln.
"Let reverence for the laws, be breathed by every American mother, to the lisping babe, that prattles on her lap--let it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges; let it be written in Primers, spelling books, and in Almanacs;--let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice. And, in short, let it become the political religion of the nation; and let the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the grave and the gay, of all sexes and tongues, and colors and conditions, sacrifice unceasingly upon its altars." ~ Abraham Lincoln
Possible to Be a Christian And a Marxist?
***** 5-Star Recommended Viewing
We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force. ~ Ayn Rand
The fundamental institutions of the West did NOT cause inequality. Every system we know produces inequality. The Western system is the only system that also produces wealth along with the inequality.
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There are two sides to every issue involving morality: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil. One must never fail to pronounce moral judgment. ~Ayn Rand |
Nothing can corrupt and disintegrate a culture or a man’s character as thoroughly as that {idea that} one must be morally tolerant of anything, that the good consists of never distinguishing good from evil. Moral stands are necessary.
It is obvious who profits and who loses by such a precept. It is not justice or equal treatment that you grant to men when you abstain equally from praising men’s virtues and from condemning men’s vices.

But to pronounce moral judgment is an enormous responsibility. To be a judge, one must possess an unimpeachable character; one need not be omniscient or infallible, and it is not an issue of errors of knowledge; one needs an unbreached integrity, that is, the absence of any indulgence in conscious, willful evil.
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Reagan Nominated Judge Robert Bork for the U.S. Supreme Court. Judge Bork Supports Mitt Romney in 2012 |
Just as a judge in a court of law may err, when the evidence is inconclusive, but may not evade the evidence available, nor accept bribes, nor allow any personal feeling, emotion, desire or fear to obstruct his mind’s judgment of the facts of reality—so every rational person must maintain an equally strict and solemn integrity in the courtroom within his own mind, where the responsibility is more awesome than in a public tribunal, because he, the judge, is the only one to know when he has been impeached. ~Ayn Rand
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After massive attempts to cast Romney as both a predator and too timid, we can see America Needs Mitt. |
Tabloid Tunes 2011
He also made clear he's stunned by his own success now: “Whereas I would have thought originally it was going to be Mitt and not-Mitt, I think it’s going to — it may turn out to be Newt and not-Newt,” Gingrich tells Hannity, according to excerpts of the interview.
“And that’s a very different formula than, frankly — I mean we’re having to redesign our campaign strategy because we’re at least 60 days ahead of where I thought we’d be.”
The country, he argued, is "talking to itself" and there's only one cure: more Newt.
Without medical records that he hasn’t released, we can’t know whether Gingrich may have inherited his mother’s manic depression. Nevertheless, one observes in the former House Speaker certain symptoms—bouts of grandiosity, megalomania, irritability, racing thoughts, spending sprees—that go beyond the ordinary politician’s normal narcissism.
Voters haven't soured on Newt — they've just finally remembered what they thought of him in the first place.
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Matt Romney visited Guam and Northern Mariana Islands |
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Hello Future |
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America Needs Mitt |
...Terrorists have launched 90 attacks this year, and they are currently holding sixteen ships and more than 250 seamen hostage. America continues to “monitor the situation,” a policy that isn’t likely to stop the hijackings.

Fifteen years ago, armed bands of Somali militiamen shot down two U.S. Black Hawk helicopters, killing 18 American soldiers and wounding another 73.
After the battle, the Somalis dragged the corpses of U.S. soldiers through the streets of Mogadishu for the cameras of the world.
Two days after the battle, U.S. President Bill Clinton ordered all offensive action in Somalia stopped, paving the way for an eventual withdrawal of all American forces from the region. No retaliatory strikes were ever launched against the Somali warlords.
Today, Somalia is as out-of-control as ever, with a new breed of Islamic radicals – al-Shabaab – not only making gains on the ground, but taking to the high seas with Somali pirates in an effort to obtain weapons as well as ransom payments from hijacked cargo.
“The Shabaab are now at sea looking for Israelis, Americans and other Westerners,”an analyst said recently of the deteriorating situation. “This is getting very nasty now.” “These pirates are getting bolder every day,” another analyst warns.
Sixty-two pirate attacks have taken place off the coast of Somalia over the past year, with these groups earning millions of dollars in ransom payments – money that’s going directly to fund terrorist activity.This is the old fashion way to wage war, one finances the effort by conquest.
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Unholy Alliance: Muslims and Communists An Introduction Recommended Reading |
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Ayn Rand Russian Born Novelist Anti-Communist |
Ayn Rand was a Russian born American novelist. She is widely known for her best-selling novels, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, and for developing a philosophical system she called Objectivism. She was an advocate of rational individualism, capitalism, and she opposed marxist socialism, altruism, and marxist communism.
Some of Ayn Rand's profound quotes:
A government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims.
Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage’s whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.
Do not ever say that the desire to “do good” by force is a good motive. Neither power-lust nor stupidity are good motives.
From the smallest necessity to the highest religious abstraction, from the wheel to the skyscraper, everything we are and everything we have comes from one attribute of man – the function of his reasoning mind.
Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage’s whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.
Do not ever say that the desire to “do good” by force is a good motive. Neither power-lust nor stupidity are good motives.
From the smallest necessity to the highest religious abstraction, from the wheel to the skyscraper, everything we are and everything we have comes from one attribute of man – the function of his reasoning mind.
Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities, and the smallest minority on earth is the individual.
It only stands to reason that where there’s sacrifice, there’s someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there’s service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master.
Man’s unique reward, however, is that while animals survive by adjusting themselves to their background, man survives by adjusting his background to himself.
All you have to do is look straight and see the road, and when you see it, don’t sit looking at it – walk.
Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it, do not count on them. Leave them alone.
Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. That sentence is the leper’s bell of an approaching looter.
The man who lets a leader prescribe his course is a wreck being towed to the scrap heap.
The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.
The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil.
There is a level of cowardice lower than that of the conformist: the fashionable non-conformist.
We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.
When I die, I hope to go to Heaven, whatever the Hell that is.
Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think. The most depraved type of human being is the man without a purpose.

The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.
The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil.
There is a level of cowardice lower than that of the conformist: the fashionable non-conformist.
We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.
When I die, I hope to go to Heaven, whatever the Hell that is.
Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think. The most depraved type of human being is the man without a purpose.
Karl Marx's Socialism / Communism
Does Not Work
Does Not Work
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