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Legislative Partners |
We usually appoint members of our own Party, previous opponents, to high government offices in America because we are not fascist. Governor Romney was poised to be a highly effective Secretary of State. But Trump said he is not interested in uniting the Republican Party.
Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire was the first Republican senator facing a competitive re-election to say she would no longer back Mr. Trump, announcing in a statement that she would write in Mr. Pence for president instead. Ayotte was left out of Trump's cabinet picks.
The truth matters. Gingrich is not truthful in this 2012 GOP Debate when he claims to have been a great supporter of Ronald Reagan. Gingrich was a very vocal critic of Reagan's efforts and of Reagan himself. Gingrich actively opposed Reagan and he did so in ugly personal attacks as well as in his very public ridicule of Reagan's diplomacy and domestic policy matters.
Romney once called out Gingrich in their ongoing primary debates. Romney did so with grace. Gingrich had just doubled down on using a label he'd used on Romney. However, Gingrich already apologized for using that label when rebuked by Rubio. Clearly Gingrich engages in bunk and bluster.
Ronald Reagan's son Michael certainly disagreed with Newt Gingrich's support of Donald Trump. Trump and Gingrich both wrongfully claim to be Reagan supporters, completely untrue. Trump is not a Reagan-Democrat Republican. Trump even voted for Carter instead of Reagan!
Everything Mitt Romney said about Trump March 3, 2016 was true, particularly his prediction that Trump's response to his takedown would be exceptionally sour. Trump's advisers need to take a serious look in the mirror about who was vicious and out-of-bounds in the GOP Primary Season.

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Bowing Down as UnAmerican and Eastern as Trump's Golden Throne |
"We all know that Trump meant what we think he meant when he said Mitt could get down on his knees to him." Trump's campaign was vulgar.Republicans did NOT owe Trump anything after 2012 because Trump voted for Barack and blamed losing the Presidency on Republicans being "mean-spirited" toward hispanics. The central feature of Trump's campaign often is "mean-spirited."And as one blogger put it, "Hahahahha, remember when Donald Trump blamed Romney's loss on Mitt being mean to illegal immigrants?" But we all recall Trump's anti-illegal immigration rhetoric in campaign mode.
Kellyanne Conway claimed Mitt Romney "betrayed" Trump, was a "vicious critic," and "hurt Donald Trump." In political contests candidates are vetted, vetting is our duty in serving the interests of the People.
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"Is Trump sniffling continually because he's a cokehead or no?” asked Amy R.
“I’m an expert & ABSOLUTELY,” Fisher responded
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Trump tweeted in 2012 that he voted for Barack Obama |
1) The worst thing about sexual assault is not hypocrisy, the worse thing is the sexual assault. Nobody says, "At least he's not hypocritical about sexually assaulting women." [except perhaps the Rolling Stone magazine]
2) Trump blamed Romney for losing in 2012 due to being mean-spirited toward illegal immigrants. 2016 was a year filled with Trump sounding like he was berating Hispanics, but in hindsight it was likely the enemy media distorted Trump (same thing that happened to Governor Romney).
3) At campaign rallies Trump promised to de-fund Planned Parenthood, but within twenty-four hours he instead praised them as "good" and vital for women.

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Vladimir Putin |
Our nation deserves to be informed of a man's character BEFORE voting him into the Presidency. So the driveby media were enemies of the People by not demanding Trump's tax returns in the 2016 GOP Primary. And they failed again in the 2016 general election. They appear very guilty. Previously the same driveby media were not shy to demonize and harass Mitt Romney over tax returns, they widely and loudly demanded Romney's tax returns during the primary season back in 2012. And Harry Reid even lied about Mitt Romney's taxes. The Leftist driveby media got hysterical about Romney's taxes, but in comparison the driveby media were silent over Trump releasing his tax returns.
Stuart Stevens noted that Conway "smacks of desperation” by switching to work for Trump after she helped run 'Keep the Promise,' a Ted Cruz super PAC. It is known Trump had criticized the appearance of Ted Cruz’s wife. When she accused Mitt of betraying Trump, Kellyanne Conway was projecting: she actually betrayed Ted Cruz.
Kellyanne Conway worked for Gingrich, so she would know up close all about betrayal. Gingrich betrayed the "Contract with America." Gingrich betrayed the Republican Party, the Constitution, and the promises he made to the American People. Mitt Romney is not the vicious one, nor the one out-of-bounds.
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Even former NJ Governor Chris Christie is reportedly having second thoughts about supporting a president who tells people to get down on their knees. Getty Images/John Moore |
Trump's unfavorability scores by far are the worst among the 106 presidential candidates since 1980, even lower than Al Sharpton's scores. One Trump hallmark is his name-calling insults. "One website dedicated to debunking Trump's bizarro claims counted 58 of them before finally giving up in late May."
The violence and wars of our century were not caused by religion. The Marxist Communist / Marxist NAZI Socialists mounted the horrors and mass slaughters of the recent 100 years, and they are anti-religion. Marxism is fascist socialism. Islam is fascist socialism. Fascist SOCIALISM is to blame for the mass murder of hundreds of millions of human beings.
In the 2015 Rolling Stone interview Trump excitedly exclaimed, "It’s not the polls. It’s the ratings."
As they said in a 2015 Rolling Stone magazine, "Trump's office is more of a trophy room as workspace. Every flat surface is adorned by his {own} image." His office walls are a gallery of framed magazine glossies from slut-catering magazines and tabloids, to Time magazine that displayed an unflattering cover captioned with one word, 'Meltdown.'

Trump reiterated his belief that attention is all that matters after his wife Melania ... plagiarized Michelle Obama's convention speech, triggering a media frenzy.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump "Good news is Melania's speech got more publicity than any in the history of politics especially if you believe that all press is good press!"
Trump posed with Liberty University President Falwell Jr, with a Playboy cover framed on the wall in the background, positioned just above Mrs. Falwell's outside shoulder.
Mark DeMoss, the chair of Liberty’s executive committee criticized Trump’s 'politics of personal insult':
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Trump bragged about being on the cover of Playboy "I was one of the only men to ever get on the cover." |
Trump posed with Liberty University President Falwell Jr, with a Playboy cover framed on the wall in the background, positioned just above Mrs. Falwell's outside shoulder.
"It’s not behavior that Liberty has spent forty years promoting with its students."
The above photo op of trump with the leader of Liberty University provoked more fact checking over his claim to be a Christian and Presbyterian. Trump claimed he was Presbyterian, and the Presbyterians say that he is not. Presbyterians fact-checked Trump and explained: "He's not one of us." Trump's dishonesty is his hallmark.
I do whine because I want to win, and I'm not happy about not winning, and I am a whiner, and I keep whining and whining until I win. ~Donald Trump, CNN August 10, 2015A Presbyterian church fact-checked candidate Trump in their Easter billboard *above. Wealthy Donald Trump is more aligned with those who sought to have Jesus executed than the penniless “loser” Jesus.
Here’s what Donald Trump had to say about Jesus for his Playboy interview; it can be read inside that 1990 Playboy magazine edition used as a back drop for the Trump and Falwell Jr.'s photo op, the same issue was framed on the shrine wall of his office. ![]() |
Concern over the fact that "Trump's responses were downright Biblically illiterate" was overshadowed by Trump's Helter Skelter mumbo jumbo. The crazy-making photo op is a big deal. |
When asked how large a role pure ego plays in his deal-making and enjoyment of publicity, Trump replied that, "Every successful person has a very large ego." Trump doubled down after this follow-up questioning:
Playboy: "Every successful person? Mother Teresa? Jesus Christ?"
Donald Trump: "Far greater egos than you will ever understand."
~RedState: "Here’s What Donald Trump Said About Jesus"
The Falwell photo op was aimed to ease concerns of Christians. But Jesus' teachings and example demonstrate the opposite message than expressed in Trump's bogus claim to possess insights and "special knowledge" about Jesus Christ's massive ego.
In the KJV of the Bible we hear that fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Humility is a core precept in Jesus Christ's "Gospel."
Christians are guided on the use of adornments in 1st Peter:"For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another." ~Galatians 5: 13
"Let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be ...the ornament of a meek spirit . . ." ~1 Peter 3
At the most simple level of understanding Jesus Christ we are commanded to love others as we love ourselves, and do to others what you'd want done to you. Jesus exhibited the opposite conduct from egotism, lying, cheating, adultery, vengeance, or trolling. Trump is not smart about what Jesus taught, or his way of life. Trump outright failed to ease concerns over his principles.
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Jesus washing the feet of his twelve apostles. "If I wash thee not, thou has no part of me." John 13:8 KJV |
Far worse than bad presidents is bad theology that ignores the importance of repentance for the Christian, and repentance means both sorrow over our sin and faith in the promise of forgiveness.Trump crossed the line. Trump, like Constantine, proclaimed himself a Christian, then twisted Jesus Christ's message beyond recognition. Do Ivanka and Kellyanne Conway even listen when Trump speaks? Or Priebus? Trump is the one needing counseling, not the voters. It is not the job of Reince Priebus in government to order Christians around. The right thing to do is to tell Trump to stop exaggerating his Christian devotion. Mr. Priebus, it is the job of the voters to vet presidential candidates.
Trump is a guy who used his Bible as a prop at a rally and claimed he’s read it more than anyone; he used a panel of spiritual advisers to try and convince the public that he’s a devout Christian.
We all know Trump could not get endorsements in the Republican party, and that most of the endorsements he got after winning the nomination were rescinded. Trump loves 'Two Corinthians'?!
UPDATE Wikipedia altered Epstein’s bio July 7th 2019. First screenshot of Epstein’s bio was at 8:27 a.m. The 2nd was at 10:30 a.m. omitting Bill Clinton & Spacy, yet leaving Trump!
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"Except you repent you shall all likewise perish" ~Jesus Christ in Luke 13: 3 |
Repentance in Greek and Hebrew involves sorrow for sin, feeling urged toward God's required change, the action of yielding our Will to God, and the act of turning away from Sin.
Christians demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit ~Galatians 5: 22, 23
not the acts of the flesh ~Galatians 5: 19-21
by their fruits (deeds) ye shall know them. ~ Matthew 7: 20
Trump claimed he read the Bible more than anyone, but he shows zero reading comprehension. He is the one who claimed to be a devout Christian. We are not chastising Trump for his sins, we are saying his credentials as a Christian are weak since he doesn't believe in the most profound pillar of Christianity: God's forgiveness. He knows nothing about it.
I seriously doubt Trump even attends church each Christmas and Easter; but we can't buy Trump's tale of profound devotion. Obama fouled up the White House waters. We need to know your convictions, we at least need to know the truth.
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Forgiveness Is At The Core Of Christianity |
Even as Trump claimed to read the Bible "more than anyone," he proved he does not understand Christianity. "Gospel" means good news. Christians believe in repentance and forgiveness. They do not desire that Kim Davis should go to jail, when mayors of sanctuary cities do not. Kissing Giuliani in drag also not cool. A devout Christian wouldn't suggest that the Communist Chinese showed strength by assaulting students with rifles and tanks in Tiananmen Square.
We should all support the freedom of religion of our land. But the whole point of the Reformation was that Christianity not degenerate down to condone mistresses, graft, and noxious crime, as it did in Europe, especially among the clergy. Christianity is mocked when the clergy sexually molest children. Yes, support freedom of religion, but this sort of gross hypocrisy damages the truth about Christianity. Do not assume a virtue, but live a lie.
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Trump's Charity Partner, Pedofile Michael Jackson, and The Crossed Swords of Islam on his Jacket Pocket |
Notice the crossed swords of Islam on the jacket pocket of Islamic pedofile Michael Jackson. Yes, pedofile Michael Jackson was enthusiastically welcomed into Islam by Al Jazeera.
Trump's idea of charity work was tone-deaf, he flew a pedofile to the bedside of a teenaged boy, Ryan White, who was dying of aids, bringing a white-turbaned Muslim cleric as their chaperone. This was devoid of propriety, and this foul act was not innocently done. Muslim lands embrace pedophilia. Slavery and sex slavery are disgusting. Molesting children is the worst plague on earth. *See mark 1:28 as Michael Jackson sings praise to Allah. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x26uk18
The New Testament is the Biblical truth of Christians, and in Luke Chapter 17 of the New Testament we read the truth about Christian belief:
2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.As President Abraham Lincoln said, "If slavery is not wrong, then nothing is wrong."
Trump was a leader among those fighting in support of Obama's Dream Act, even after our Republican Congress had voted down and defeated it already. Trump used the exact same excuse he pulls out for all his MANY wrong actions and causes: "Because we have to." Trump bragged that he votes for winners, and proclaimed that he had voted for Obama. September 9, 2015 Trump called for the United States to take in Syrian 'refugees,' because "you have to."
Trump said it was too bad Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis "had to go to jail." Then he blathered on and on about the Constitution and the Supreme Court and the law. Does he find our immigration law important? No. This is precisely what Trump said:
County Clerk Kim Davis should not be in her particular line of work if she does not want to issue marriage licenses to same-sex marriages. ~President TrumpTrump does not say Muslim truckers must change their vocations if they refuse to transport alcohol. Is Trump actually a Muslim? The Muslim clerics reject logic and reason just as Trump often does. Every time Trump is caught for supporting something bad, he has the same response: "because we have to." Be vigilant to detect wrong, and valiantly defend the right. Treasure compassion, honesty, hard work and excellence; not empty promises and get-rich-quick schemes that leave you in slavery and bondage.
Mass media outlets hint that Castro has celebrity status among his extensive Islamic, global, terrorist networks. Doesn't it seem Castro is given little exposure for his terrorist passions, for his strong passion to inflict terrorist assaults on Americans? Think about it, those same media outlets that cover for Fidel Castro (Fidel is the name of Barack Obama's best man / brother's son), are the same enemy media in our homes 24/7 with their Trump derangement smear campaigns.
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Husseini-Arafat with Fidel Castro |
Fidel Castro helped train and fund practically every terror group on earth, from the Weathermen to Puerto Rico’s Macheteros, to Argentina’s Montoneros, to Colombia’s FARC, to the Black Panthers, to the IRA, to the PLO-Al Fatah {the mother of all Al Qaeda groups}. Puppet Maduro has Cuban bodyguards.
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Castro's Trainees and Fans |
Barack Hussein Obama and Obama media's normalization of Castro is vile. Cuban-Americans are celebrating Castro's death in Miami.
According to Trump and Conway, Mitt Romney is "mean-spirited" and "maniacal," but Trump reserved no such venom for Castro. Trump showed no fury over that vicious terrorist. Hillary also hates Republicans more than terrorists and Castro. The fact of the matter is that the murdering Castro Brothers endorsed Hillary. Hillary, have you thanked Castro lately for his passion to kill Americans and for torturing his own people?

Ivanka's father wrote in his book, The Art of the Deal, that his ancestors came to America from Sweden, although he knew that was entirely false: his grandfather came here from Bavaria Germany. Bavaria is grand central Islamo-Nazism. Their community provided Hitler with the Inquisition's documents that helped Hitler to hunt down Jews for the Nazi's "Final Solution" in World War II.
Final solution to what? Answer: the Final Solution to the Inquisition. In plain sight, the community of Bavaria was the headquarters of those who worked hard to genocide Jews over many hundreds of years. Hitler distorted the truth and claimed Jews were Communists who slaughtered people in Russia, and Hitler claimed his genocide of the Jewish people was self-defense against such genocidal Communists.
One rabbi gave important information on the genocide in Germany, Hitler and the Jews. This informative rabbi concluded that the atheist, non-religious Jews who became Communists contributed to the horror heaped upon Jews randomly in Europe during World War 2: they were falsely accused of being Hitler's "excuse."
One rabbi gave important information on the genocide in Germany, Hitler and the Jews. This informative rabbi concluded that the atheist, non-religious Jews who became Communists contributed to the horror heaped upon Jews randomly in Europe during World War 2: they were falsely accused of being Hitler's "excuse."
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Need to Know |
Trump told the world a flimsy lie that he is Swedish, but really he is a Bavarian German. But this lie is the tip of the iceberg here, as most lies are. People lie hoping you won't see the iceberg below the surface.
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Chavez and Gaddafi Socialism, Terrorism, & Genocide |
Kellyanne's former boss, Newt Gingrich, is a Marxist Communist. But Conway is apparently comfortable with Communists and Trump's other Constitution-hating appointees. But she views Mitt Romney as vicious?
"O.K. If there’s a Nobel Prize in hypocrisy, those people Conway and Trump have got to win it this year.” ~Bill Maher
Romney opposed Trump, as most Republicans do, and as sixteen other Republican candidates did. But it was Donald Trump who bragged he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue, and he "...wouldn't lose a single voter." Kellyanne likes those sick groupies, but not Mitt. How fascist of her. True Americans respect the right to disagree. Megyn Kelly explained to Stephen Colbert why she avoids 5th Avenue.
Ivanka denigrates the personhood of Trump's victims, like Carrie Prejean and Megyn Kelly,
when she ignores the reality that her father many times fails to elevate political discourse.
when she ignores the reality that her father many times fails to elevate political discourse.
Trump deleted the tweet below revealing he voted for his ‘friend’ Barack Obama last November 8, 2012, instead of Mitt Romney who he'd endorsed: Trump betrayed Mitt Romney in 2012. So Kellyanne and Donald Trump both lied when they said Mitt Romney had betrayed Trump. The truth is the other way around: it was Trump who betrayed Mitt Romney.
It is simply the fact of the matter; Trump betrayed Romney back in 2012 when he voted for Obama, and he blamed Obama's re-election on Mitt. Trump actual said Mitt was "mean-spirited" towards the hispanic race because Romney wanted the immigration laws enforced and a secure border. It was Trump who betrayed Mitt Romney.
It is simply the fact of the matter; Trump betrayed Romney back in 2012 when he voted for Obama, and he blamed Obama's re-election on Mitt. Trump actual said Mitt was "mean-spirited" towards the hispanic race because Romney wanted the immigration laws enforced and a secure border. It was Trump who betrayed Mitt Romney.

Like Mitt Romney, Andrew Breitbart also warned America against Trump. When Andrew Breitbart was murdered, some how that very conservative man's news outlet became Trump's actual campaign headquarters. Trump certainly is not Conservative. It is the Conservatives who've been opposing the Establishment, and Trump always sided with the Establishment. Trump voted for Carter and Barack Obama, he is not for smart government.
"Over the years, there have been endless fractures in the façade of individual freedom," wrote National Review. But four policies provided the fuel that lit the tea-party fire: the stimulus, the auto bailouts, the bank bailouts, the medical insurers' bailouts. Barack Obama supported all four. So did Donald Trump.
But Trump has not abandoned American liberalism, classic liberalism. Human rights and civil liberties are CORE values Conservatives fight to conserve. Civil Rights are very American.
“Foolish liberals trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it's not an individual right...are courting disaster . . .” ― Alan DershowitzTrump rambled on and on saying that people from the Black Lives Matter groups were:
"...with hate coming down the street last week talking about cops and police and what should be done to 'em. It's disgraceful the way they're being catered to by the Democrats. Those Democrats are unfit to run for office, in my opinion."In the core values of our Constitution Trump supports gun rights, and the fact liberty come from law and order. So we realize Trump agrees with the concepts in the foundation of our Constitution. This is a vast difference Trump offers from Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
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Trump Was At The Epicenter Of Stupid Government |
Trump was quite recently a Democrat. The Republican Establishment is precisely who used Trump for power, Trump is NOT fighting the Republican Establishment. Trump IS the Republican Establishment candidate.

This means he is anti-christianity. "Lenin demanded that communist propaganda must employ militancy and irreconcilability towards all forms of idealism and religion." It is estimated that the total number of Christian victims under the Soviet Communist regime has been around 12 - 20 million. In context, Hitler mass slaughtered six million Jews.
The communist religion is having the power to oppress, torment, and inflict pain on others, and Moscow supremacy. The Marxist Communist prefers the promiscuous horde to Christian family life. Communists recruit joiners, then teach them their superior Communist 'values' later. Remember, Lenin's henchman was Stalin.

One could argue that the pointless destruction of Russia’s rural economy in the 1930's — the so-called de-kulakization and collectivization, which brought death to 15 million peasants while making no economic sense at all — was enforced with such cruelty, first and foremost, for the purpose of destroying our national way of life and of extirpating religion from the countryside.
... religious parents were wrenched from their children and thrown into prison, while the children were turned from the faith by threats and lies.
Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy; it is not a side effect, but the central pivot. ~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, author of Gulag Archipelago
Americans like Zell Miller supported George W. Bush instead of hippie John Kerry. We should ask why did Trump vote for Carter instead of Reagan? Why did Trump vote for Barack Obama? However, Ronald Reagan once was in Trump's position, and the media said he had no chance to win. The truth is Americans feel that in 2016 we did not have a real choice, we don't like Trump or Hillary.
Trump bragged about his relationship with Putin in 2013 and 2014, and then in the 2016 debate with Hillary, Trump said: "I don't know Putin." It is disturbing that Ivanka claimed her father is honest and elevated political discourse in America.
Trump claimed not to know Putin in 2016 Presidential debate.
*See Trump comment at mark 1:57
Twice in 2014 Trump already bragged
about meeting with Putin and about
receiving a gift from Putin
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Dishonesty is Trump's Hallmark |
Trump is not a truth-teller, even in his victory speech, as Trump's fans were chanting for Hillary to go to jail, Trump slapped them in the face with this gem, "...we owe Hillary a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country."
Recently Trump canceled a Boeing contract, and a strong Boeing company is vital in the muscle of our defense.
"To think that in 140 characters, the length of a Twitter message, the president can cancel a program is ridiculous. There would be a detailed review by legal professionals on the merits of the termination." ~Franklin Turner
Donald J. Trump✔@realDonaldTrumpBoeing is building a brand new 747 Air Force One for future presidents, but costs are out of control, more than $4 billion. Cancel order! 7:52 AM - 6 Dec 2016
Marcus Weisgerber@MarcusReports BREAKING: @Boeing says it only has a $170M deal with @usairforce to help with requirements for new Air Force One 10:29 AM - 6 Dec 2016
"Boeing is simply meeting requirements mapped out by the Air Force in consultation with the White House," said defense consultant Loren Thompson, who has close ties to Boeing and other companies.

The fact of the matter is that when in campaign mode for a Rolling Stone profile Trump expressed his enthusiasm about the capabilities of his own Boeing 757 plane:
"It's bigger than Air Force One, which is a step down from this in every way. Rolls-Royce engines; seats 43. Did you know it was featured on the Discovery Channel as the world's most luxurious jetliner?"
"The U.K.’s Guardian newspaper politely called Trump's communication style as "eccentric speech.” The Philadelphia Daily News ran a picture of Trump with his right arm outstretched, sieg heil style.
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Why look like something you're not? |
I think he’s a terrible traitor, and you know what we used to do in the good old days when we were a strong country— you know what we used to do to traitors, right? ~Donald Trump

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Harvard Republicans |
The Harvard Republicans Club took a strong stand in August: “For the first time in 128 years, we, the oldest College Republicans chapter in the nation, will not be endorsing the Republican nominee,” the club said in a statement. “Donald Trump holds views that are antithetical to our values not only as Republicans, but as Americans.”
University of Virginia College Republicans statement: “We do not feel Donald Trump accurately represents the way we view and conduct ourselves. This election’s unprecedented nature has made blind commitment to our Party unpalatable. The Cornell Republicans cannot, in good faith, endorse our party’s nominee."
In an unheard-of rebuke by a running mate, Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, declined to appear on Mr. Trump’s behalf at a party gathering in Wisconsin.After a 2005 video surfaced, the nation and world witnessed Trump exclaiming that he could sexually assault women because he's so rich! So Ivanka is wrong, the worst thing about sexual assault is not hypocrisy, the worst thing is the sexual assault. Nobody says, "At least he's not hypocritical about sexually assaulting women." [except the Rolling Stone magazine]
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What do enemies look like? |
The Trump campaign continually trashed the Republican Party and Republican unity. Few believed Trump could be or should be elected President. As Hillary pointed out, Trump likes to brag about his $9 billion net worth. Also, a 2005 video surfaced, the nation and world witnessed Trump celebrating how he could grope and sexually assault women because he's so rich! Yes, Trump's authentic about groping and sexually assaulting women.
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Trump's NY Penthouse |
There is no reason for the smugness of Kellyanne Conway. Trump is not what you told Americans he was. Trump certainly is not like President Jackson.
When two losers race against one another, the victory will go to a loser. Team Conway is alt-Democrat Party like Gingrich her former boss. She worked as the senior adviser to communist Gingrich during his 2012 United States presidential election campaign. Gingrich distributed The Third Wave to all members of Congress before his own party kicked him from the Speakership.
A former Gingrich con job was his "Contract with America," that called for stronger federal crime-fighting measures, despite the Constitution’s prohibition on federal involvement in police matters outside of piracy and treason.
In June 1995 Gingrich and Clinton both agreed at a debate in Claremont, New Hampshire, that they were “not far apart” in their views.
Gingrich supported the $30 billion Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 that shackled gun owners with new restrictions, federalized a number of crimes, and handed the feds police powers that the Constitution reserves to the states.
Gingrich says the Constitution is outdated. Gingrich praised Clinton’s unconstitutional use of the U.S. military to inflict a Communist regime on Haiti in 1994. This freak is a MEMBER of the Council on Foreign Relations. Gingrich is NOT a Republican.
Council on Foreign Relations members have amassed 75% of the nations industrial and financial assets. Methodically taking control of the Department of State, Central Intelligence Agency, and the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the Government, The Council on Foreign Relations established and controls the Federal Reserve System. And Gingrich is a member of CFR.
In April 2008 Gingrich cuddled up with current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on a love seat at the National Mall to make a “We Can Solve It” television commercial for Al Gore’s ad, a $300 million global-warming campaign urging constituents to pressure their Representatives in Washington to go green.
The Clinton-Obama "We Can" Team
Gingrich is known for his propensity to support unconstitutional legislation. Gingrich is of the neocon variety, who offers voters looking for alternatives to the liberal Democrats more of an echo than a choice.Gingrich’s “conservative” answer to the concocted energy crisis is price regulation and government subsidies, both of which use tax money to stifle the economy, giving advantage to faulty products and services that cannot support themselves in a free-market economy. Gingrich’s “Green Conservatism” is exactly like the “left-wing environmentalism” of which he claimed to disapprove.
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Thing One and Thing Two |
Bottomline: no Republicans endorsed Trump. So far, the fact that Trump campaigned against the Republican Establishment shows that there's no bottom to the rabbit hole that is Trump's dishonesty. Trump's coming transportation secretary, Elaine Chao, is married to the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell.
McConnell's the biggest Alligator in the Swamp. Trump spent his life funding the alligators, including McConnell. When Conservatives in Congress got close to 'primarying' Mr. Establishment McConnell, it was Trump who rescued the Establishment by giving McConnell the largest donation Trump had ever made to a single national candidate.
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Swamp Alligator1 and Swamp Alligator2 |
PICTURED: "Super" Power Couple: Trump's Secretary Elaine Chao is also Senator McConnell's Wife
No form of government can cure people ripe in iniquity. We need more reverence for the law, reason, and honor. In his time of national distress, President Lincoln once called for a day of fasting and prayer:
It behooves us then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness. ~Abraham Lincoln
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Senate GOP Leader McConnell Has Closest Ties To Owner of Ping May: His In-Laws |
Columbian Naval inspectors discovered 40 kilograms of cocaine being smuggled enroute to the Netherlands hidden on the Ping May, so we see the Trump appointment of Elaine Chao demonstrates a dangerous nexus of corporate and government power. The merging of corporate and government power is called fascism. Chao is the China-foreign-born wife of McConnell.
How is it superior, smart, or fighting the Establishment that Trump appointed in his cabinet the daughter of a Chinese druglord and the wife of THE core player of the Republican Establishment?
Remember how three chapters of Mein Kampf, "My Jihad," were focused on the study and practice of propaganda. Adolf Hitler put control of newspapers into the hands of a monopoly and Joseph Goebbels.
A media monopoly has a chilling effect on freedom. Like Hitler who also was at first called a buffoon, Trump is DANGEROUS. The Council on Foreign Relations uses psychological warfare techniques not only as a means of systematic nationalistic aggression, but as a means of deceiving their own countrymen.
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Consider: 90 percent of cable television networks are currently owned by just six companies: Time Warner (CNN), Viacom, CBS, ABC (Disney), Comcast (NBC) and 21st Century Fox.
The Senate Judiciary committee will hold a significant hearing...on the proposed $84 billion merger between AT&T and Time Warner, which owns CNN.
Presidential candidate Donald Trump said, "AT&T is buying Time Warner, and thus CNN, a deal we will not approve in my administration because it's too much concentration of power in the hands of too few."
Yet, ...{AT&T} news reports are suggesting President Trump will have a laissez-faire approach and the deal will go through. ~Michael ReaganYes, socialism, which is fascism, is a big deal. Fascism is the merging of government and corporate power. The worst possible outcome of government control over the economy is government enabling a monopoly of the media industry.
Remember how three chapters of Mein Kampf, "My Jihad," were focused on the study and practice of propaganda. Adolf Hitler put control of newspapers into the hands of a monopoly and Joseph Goebbels.
A media monopoly is Trump's recipe for propaganda and fascist intimidation, and it is not capitalism.Judge Bork warned us against monopoly in general, but monopoly of the media is the worst, most corrupt nexus of fascist force and corporate power, and the so-called "revolving door between industry and government." The purpose of propaganda is to mobilize certain of man’s emotions in such a way that they will dominate his reason: the enslavement of mankind.
A media monopoly has a chilling effect on freedom. Like Hitler who also was at first called a buffoon, Trump is DANGEROUS. The Council on Foreign Relations uses psychological warfare techniques not only as a means of systematic nationalistic aggression, but as a means of deceiving their own countrymen.
Yes, the danger of Trump is a big deal. "Nazi" is German for national socialist party. It is a big deal that Trump made his followers salute him with a sieg heil. Clearly there can be no such thing as informed consent in a socialist medical system either.
Fascism is NOT limited government. Socialism is NOT limited government. And no matter how they begin, and they most often do begin as 'democratic socialism,' but fascist regimes end up oppressive. Fascism often has obtained power through democracy. More often than not, socialism has begun as democratic socialism. Then quickly the People lose their freedom, and they lose a free press.
Der fuhrer’s methods for accomplishing his madness were identical to der Islam's prophet. Adolf's book title when translated in Islamic countries is, "My Jihad." Adolf and Muhammad fixated on fascist violence. Madmen first seduce men with propaganda before coercing them, but they never deliver. Hitler promised the Mufti would be the most authoritative spokesman for the Arab world.
Hitler promised the Mufti would be the most authoritative spokesman for the Arab world. The Mufti was the Leader of the Muslim Word, and his hatred and "scientific" war crimes unrivaled. In 1946, the Muslim Brotherhood made sure that the Grand Mufti, who was then being sought as a war criminal by both Britain and the U.S., was granted asylum in Egypt. Yes, the Leader of Islam is a war criminal. The crimes are so hideous, that Muslims seek to be German-Genocide deniers, but the abominable reality is impossible to deny.
Fascism is NOT limited government. Socialism is NOT limited government. And no matter how they begin, and they most often do begin as 'democratic socialism,' but fascist regimes end up oppressive. Fascism often has obtained power through democracy. More often than not, socialism has begun as democratic socialism. Then quickly the People lose their freedom, and they lose a free press.
Der fuhrer’s methods for accomplishing his madness were identical to der Islam's prophet. Adolf's book title when translated in Islamic countries is, "My Jihad." Adolf and Muhammad fixated on fascist violence. Madmen first seduce men with propaganda before coercing them, but they never deliver. Hitler promised the Mufti would be the most authoritative spokesman for the Arab world.
Hitler promised the Mufti would be the most authoritative spokesman for the Arab world. The Mufti was the Leader of the Muslim Word, and his hatred and "scientific" war crimes unrivaled. In 1946, the Muslim Brotherhood made sure that the Grand Mufti, who was then being sought as a war criminal by both Britain and the U.S., was granted asylum in Egypt. Yes, the Leader of Islam is a war criminal. The crimes are so hideous, that Muslims seek to be German-Genocide deniers, but the abominable reality is impossible to deny.
Trump assembled a crowd of elitists for his ideal leaders: the richest administration in modern American history. It is not that money is evil, but the love of money is. MAMMON is the classic word for the potential evil influence of wealth. Trump's a self-described cash addict. Trump did not release his tax returns, just as Romney correctly foresaw.
Now we don't have Republican Party Leadership, and the Republic needs restoration. Lincoln warned future America against the destructive power of global corporations. Fascism is the merging of corporate power with government power.
Americans loathe Team Obama's anti-police Occupy lawsuits, druggies and thieves; all the while Obama's arming police in America to the teeth with military-grade gear. So Obama and Team, don't go away mad, just go away. Barack's is a recipe for violent turmoil. Especially unwanted are Obama's Muslim Brotherhood enemy aliens and criminals, and all the other jihadi allies of Obama, like Erdogan and Morsi.
The majority of Republicans never voted for Trump in the GOP Primary. The majority of Republicans voted for someone else. Trump only got a minority of the GOP Primary vote, it was Democrats switching to vote in the open GOP Primaries in their state that caused this: turnout in open 2016 GOP primaries doubled and quadrupled, and the equivalent number went missing from voting in the Democrat Primary.
Most Republicans realize that we need a President who will follow the guidance of and adhere to the United States Constitution. Trump refers to his presidency as a "reign." There is ample evidence that people viewed Trump as 'not Hillary.' Trump is not trying to unite the Republican Party.
We were told Trump was the worst candidate in history. He failed to win a majority of Republican voters in the GOP Primary. However, it is not difficult to see that Americans do not like NFL kneeling, the Democrat hatred of America, the EU Monarchists, nor the chrislam UN. But it is not accurate to portray defending one's nation from attack as 'populism.' When they tell you your borders are not important, watch out, they want to loot your land.
Pictured above is the Obama-sponsored Morsi, the first head of state to be from the Islamo-nazi Muslim Brotherhood organization. Notice that Morsi's chair is the same as Trump's 'gold throne.' Also, Trump frequently does a sign indicating he is a Muslim, when he holds down his other fingers with his thumb, but points his index finger to the heavens. It is a "God has no son" anti-Christ sign.
Egypt put elected Morsi in prison for immediately breaking his promises of democracy and appointing terrorists as governors. It is precisely what Morsi promised he would not do when he was campaigning. Regardless of how they begin, fascists/socialists quickly oppress and they enslave the people.
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Abraham Lincoln Was A Highly Successful Lawyer. |
Now we don't have Republican Party Leadership, and the Republic needs restoration. Lincoln warned future America against the destructive power of global corporations. Fascism is the merging of corporate power with government power.
Americans loathe Team Obama's anti-police Occupy lawsuits, druggies and thieves; all the while Obama's arming police in America to the teeth with military-grade gear. So Obama and Team, don't go away mad, just go away. Barack's is a recipe for violent turmoil. Especially unwanted are Obama's Muslim Brotherhood enemy aliens and criminals, and all the other jihadi allies of Obama, like Erdogan and Morsi.
The majority of Republicans never voted for Trump in the GOP Primary. The majority of Republicans voted for someone else. Trump only got a minority of the GOP Primary vote, it was Democrats switching to vote in the open GOP Primaries in their state that caused this: turnout in open 2016 GOP primaries doubled and quadrupled, and the equivalent number went missing from voting in the Democrat Primary.
Most Republicans realize that we need a President who will follow the guidance of and adhere to the United States Constitution. Trump refers to his presidency as a "reign." There is ample evidence that people viewed Trump as 'not Hillary.' Trump is not trying to unite the Republican Party.
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Trump Using Same Eastern-Style Golden Throne Chair As Morsi |
We were told Trump was the worst candidate in history. He failed to win a majority of Republican voters in the GOP Primary. However, it is not difficult to see that Americans do not like NFL kneeling, the Democrat hatred of America, the EU Monarchists, nor the chrislam UN. But it is not accurate to portray defending one's nation from attack as 'populism.' When they tell you your borders are not important, watch out, they want to loot your land.
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First Muslim Brotherhood Head of State Morsi Notice His Eastern-Type Golden Throne |
Pictured above is the Obama-sponsored Morsi, the first head of state to be from the Islamo-nazi Muslim Brotherhood organization. Notice that Morsi's chair is the same as Trump's 'gold throne.' Also, Trump frequently does a sign indicating he is a Muslim, when he holds down his other fingers with his thumb, but points his index finger to the heavens. It is a "God has no son" anti-Christ sign.
Egypt put elected Morsi in prison for immediately breaking his promises of democracy and appointing terrorists as governors. It is precisely what Morsi promised he would not do when he was campaigning. Regardless of how they begin, fascists/socialists quickly oppress and they enslave the people.
Islam would be no threat to Europe nor to the United States if our leadership just stopped using our money to import them into our countries, and stopped using our money to give them paychecks and weapons. Communism is atheist, and the current Catholic Pope openly admits he is a communist. Communism is anti-christianity. In this time of global distress Trump's top adviser, Steve Bannon, is also a Marxist Communist with ideas about producing wealth 'for the good of the community' (altruism).
"If any civilization is to survive, it is the morality of altruism that men have to reject." ~Ayn Rand
So-called populists Trump and Bannon appointed privileged elites, their cabinet does not validate the claim they are populists. Their picks have Ivy League degrees and Goldman Sachs posts on their résumés.
The former neo-Breitbart executive director turned Trump leader boasted at a party about his goal of destroying the conservative establishment.
Give him a chance? A chance to destroy freedom? No, be bold, be free. Trump's top adviser is soviet. When Lenin took over, the first thing the State did was to declare itself infallible and the State employed a policy of terror to control the masses. Lenin was not Libertarian. Lenin enabled State sponsored terror against the People.Bannon famously called himself a “Leninist”: a man who seized the State and moved ruthlessly toward a predetermined goal. Like Lenin, the super-wealthy class that produced Trump is now beginning to fill his Cabinet and the ranks of his advisers.
James Madison insisted, “the censorial power is in the people over the government, not in the government over the people.” There are warning signs that the government may be glad to censor and condemn 'the other people.'Trump said in a May rally, “The important thing is the unification of the people, and all the other people don’t matter.”
Another Trump cabinet pick is Thiel who is recasting himself as Tech Trump....“I no longer think that freedom and democracy are compatible,” Thiel wrote in his 2009 Cato Institute essay.
What we discover NOW about trump's inner circle is their contempt for our Constitutional Republic. The noise was always there, but they played a con game and our lying media were complicit.
Team Trump is after what sounds like “managed democracy,” the standard euphemism for Vladimir Putin’s style of governing Russia. Their goal? to keep the public from getting in their way.
Bannon and Thiel believe their ideas have found the perfect host organism. They won’t be the last.
And everyone now must battle altruism, the populist leper's bell warning of an approaching looter, as Ayn Rand so thoroughly briefed our nation about the real face of Communism.
“National Review and The Weekly Standard,” Bannon said, “...are both left-wing magazines, and I want to destroy them also.” He added that “no one reads them or cares what they say.”
Guess who doesn't care about The People? Answer: those opposed to a free press and the Marxist Communists and Marxist Nazi's. Marxism is anti-christianity, so it is UnAmerican and in gross opposition to the First Amendment, the most vital Right.
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Young Ayn Rand |
"Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage’s whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men." ~Ayn Rand, thinker who fled Marxism in Russia
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Gary Cooper with Grace Kelly |
"Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities - - and the smallest minority on earth is the individual." ~Ayn Rand, who fled Marxist Russia
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"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." ~Sinclair Lewis |
Sieg Heil. Donald Trump made members of his Orlando crowd raise their right hands and swear to vote in the GOP primary. Sieg Heil. This Trump Orlando rally performing the sieg heil. Where is Trump's "takeover" of the GOP? He and McConnell are partners. The only truth I consistently see is Trump smacking Conservatives who understand the Constitution and know limited government is the only path for economic freedom and liberty. But the 'takeover' link proves the rally in Orlando was NOT doing sieg heil salutes. That is dysinformation. But we do need to be vigilant to detect hidden agendas, and not accept flag-waving on face value. We must set our sights high.
"The only unforgivable sin in this Romish corporation is to tell the truth about it." The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, p. 42 |
The Fascist Italy, Nazi & Arab Terrorism
Within weeks of Adolf Hitler`s ascendance to power, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, contacted the German counsel-general in 'Palestine.' Adolf Eichmann and Herbert Hagen were sent to 'Palestine' to establish a framework to provide Husseini with military and financial aid by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.This is the origin and foundation of the Muslim Brotherhood organization. It is 100% Nazi. The Leader of the Muslim World was Hitler's true believer and partner. And in Bavaria, Germany, they had the highest concentration of Catholics in Germany. This densely Catholic Bavaria connects the avid Jew-hunter Bavaria with fascist, densely catholic Italy.
"Ratlines" formed the basis of the ODESSA network after World War II. Nazi war criminals fleeing Germany to evade justice were helped to South America and the middle east. ODESSA stands for 'Organization of Former SS Members.'
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Ahmadinejad Scheming with Castro, Cuba's Saddam Hussein |
While Nazi concentration camp supervisors denied the existence of the ODESSA, US War Crimes Commission reports and American OSS officials did not. In interviews of outspoken German anti-Nazis we verified that plans were made for the creation of a "Fourth Reich" before the fall of the Third through Joseph Wechsberg, former American OSS officer and member of the US War Crimes Commission. They set up a worldwide clandestine escape network: ODESSA. Castro helped implement a reorganization of Nazi's in remote colonies across Latin America.
The foul CIA supplied the Egyptian secret service with Nazi SS officers. NAZI seed groups sprouted into Arab nationalist organizations: Fatah, Hamas and the PLO, part of the terrorist threat that we face today. The Castro Regime also trained these terror groups.
For fifty years Castro was the main connection between NAZI war criminals and the terrorist-drug networks of today. Barack Hussein Obama's enthusiasm for the Castro regime is an atrocity; the Castro Regime is Saddam Hussein's evil twin living 90 miles off our shores. Hence, Barack Hussein Obama's nickname: Obamanation.
Aside from their common hatred of the United States, Fidel Castro and Saddam Hussein have other things in common. Both came up through the ranks as trigger-men, wiping out appointed targets. Both have been ruthless in maintaining their rule. Both have wiped out freedom in their countries. Both rely on spy networks, political imprisonment of opponents, and torture. Both have engaged in recklessness which could provoke world war.
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Ahmadinejad and Venezuel's Hugo Chavez |
German NAZI's and Hitler organized and trained members of the organization they founded called the Muslim Brotherhood. German officers trained members of the Muslim Brotherhood in modern weapons. NAZI's funded, supplied weapons and organized the Muslim Brotherhood. They are one and the same. NAZI's are in the Muslim Brotherhood, and members of the Muslim Brotherhood are NAZI's. The Nazi = the Communist = the Castro pal of Barack Obama, Hillary's partner in crime.
Nazi's are the parent company of the Muslim Brotherhood. And when Muslims in Turkey held their Christian genocide in Turkey, NAZI officers observed Muslim methods used in mass murder, so actually genocidal Islam trained the German NAZI officers in genocidal mass murder! The original training for NAZI officers began with The Young Turks' Armenian Genocide.
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Leader of the Muslim world, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Muhammed Amin al-Husseini, planning the extermination of Jews with Adolf Hitler. |
On March 1, 1944, in a radio broadcast to the Arab people from Berlin, the Mufti urged muslims:
"Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God."
The world should only speak of Islam's infidelophobia, we must use firm minds to resist the death cult. Al-Husseini fled Jerusalem in 1941 when he failed in his attempt to murder the British ruler. He arrived in Germany to the open arms of Hitler himself.
The only religion I respect is Islam, the only prophet I admire is the prophet Muhammad... Hence today, I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator, by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of Allah. ~Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf, direct translation of Hitler's book title in arabic is: My Jihad
FACT: Adolf Hitler expressed his desire to please Allah right in his infamous book.
Norm Macdonald on Germany's Ambition
To disguise his bloodline Yasser Arafat used an alias. The truth is that his real name is a shock: "Mohammed Abdel-Raouf Arafat As Qudwa al-Hussaeini." He was born on August 24, 1929 in Cairo.
The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Cairo in 1928, so YES, these facts mean that Islamic Jihad as a mass movement was born at literally the same time as the birth of Arafat Mohammad al-Husseini. The Muslim Brotherhood propagated, in modern times, the archaic Islamic ideals of a belligerent and violent jihad and the culture of longing for death.
On October 10, 1959 a group of about 20 Palestinians met in Kuwait and secretly formed Fatah, and Arafat soon emerged as their leader. Fatah, or al-Fatah, is an acronym standing for Harakat Al-Tahrir Al-Watani Al-Filastini—the Movement for the National Liberation of 'Palestine.' In Arabic, HTF means death; when reversed to FTH it means victory. Islamic countries teach terrorism and praise terrorists. In islamic countries moderate muslims are terrorized.
The Muslim Brotherhood's campaign against the Jews in the 1936-1938 period used not only Nazi tactics, but also significant Nazi funding. For the muslim who held moderate views, the terror was so far beyond serial killer mode that no one, including ulama and priests, dared to perform the proper burial services. Islam is always extremist. Some muslims are moderate.
With Fatah Arafat recruited terrorists and led fedayeen raids into Israeli territory. Among the offshoots of Fatah was the infamous "Black September" that murdered the Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.
Is there any doubt left that Hitler sponsored and created the Muslim Brotherhood? On what basis did Hitler and Nazism connect with Islam?The bodies of the five 'Palestinian' attackers—Afif, Nazzal, Chic Thaa, Hamid and Jamal—killed during the Fürstenfeldbruck gun battle, were delivered to Libya, where they received heroes' funerals and were buried with full military honors.
Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: "The Jews are yours." ~Former Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini in his post-World War II memoirs.
Former Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen was working for the CIA after WW II from his station post in West Germany. He sent Otto Skorzeny to Egypt to act as General Naguib's military adviser. In 1952 Egypt had been taken over by General Mohammed Naguib. Otto Skorzeny now recruited a staff made up of former SS officers to train the Egyptian army. Among these officers were SS General Wilhelm Farmbacher, Panzer General Oskar Munzel, Leopold Gleim, head of the Gestapo Department for Jewish Affairs in Poland, and Joachim Daemling, former chief of the Gestapo in Düsseldorf who joined Skorzeny in Egypt.
Former CIA Officer Miles Copeland's book, "The Game Player,"discussed the Nazi-Nasser relationship in the 1950's. Copeland tells how Otto Skorzeny requested his assistance in recruiting German army officers {war criminals} who might find Egypt a convenient place to hide out from the Nazi hunters. The CIA did help: planting Germans suspected of war crimes on Middle Eastern governments had a lot to say for it because they were generally anti-American, anti-Soviet, anti-Semitic, and therefore anti-Israel.
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Chavez and Castro |
The PLO was founded as an umbrella organization for splinter terrorist groups.Many ask why Muslims hate us. They hate infidels. They are brainwashed in infidel-phobia. Arab nationalist groups became Fatah, Hamas and the PLO, a large part of the terrorist threat that we face today. Castro set up the Nazi Muslim Brotherhood network in South America. Castro is a Jesuit and devout Catholic. Ask yourself, "Why does an Islamic Mosque have John the Baptist's head?"
"Young Egypt" imitated the Nazi party in their ideology, slogans, and created a safe haven for Nazi war criminals in Egypt.
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Shrine of John the Baptist, Great Umayyid Mosque, Damascus |
Islam is using Palestinians as the spearhead of their spear directed at the annihilation of Israel.
After 911, we all must understand that the idea 'Islamism originally arose in response to recent American and Western policies,' is an entirely false notion. It is a wicked lie. Jew-hatred in the Middle East had reached epidemic proportions well before September 11th, and New York was considered the center of World Jewry by Islamic Jihadists. The existence of a Jewish State in Dar al-Islam contradicts the word of the Koran, which is why Muslims are so intent on destroying Israel.
Who Are The Palestinians? An Arab Invention.
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Revolutionary Guard Officers Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei |
Iran's top religious figure attends graduation of Iranian Jihadi. They die for Islam, they consider the jihadi a holy warrior. There is no separation of church and state in Iran. When we see what Iran does, we are seeing the face of Islam. Officially they are terrorists, they aren't peaceful. Iran threatened the U.S. with nuke attack, they are not developing nuclear technology for energy or a peaceful purpose!
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Aside from their common hatred of the United States, Fidel Castro and Saddam Hussein have other things in common. Both came up through the ranks as trigger-men, wiping out appointed targets. Both have been ruthless in maintaining their rule. Both have wiped out freedom in their countries. Both rely on spy networks, political imprisonment of opponents, and torture. Both have engaged in recklessness which could provoke world war.Barack Obama IS the cause of Hillary losing everything. No Russians had to do a thing! With Big Mike's Big KISS KISS of Castro, Hillary could kiss everything she desired good-bye.
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Castro the Villian of JFK's Cuba Missile Crisis October 1962 |
Trump is alt-Obama's Democrat Party. Trump is not a Presbyterian. Trump's the charity partner of pedofile Michael Jackson, who was wearing the crossed swords of Islam on his jacket pocket.
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Father of Donald Trump, Fred Trump, arrested in the 1927 New York KKK Rioting. |
I don't view it as mere coincidence that Fred Trump, Donald's father, was one of seven arrested at a KKK rally when more than one thousand were in attendance, nor do I believe people go to KKK parades as innocent spectators.
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Arafat-Husseini demonstrates the darkness that is Islam, his family are a family of war criminals and the bosom buddies of Hitler. |
"It was supposed to be socialism, but it really was fascism." ~Vernon Gosney, a sadder but wiser utopia-duped Jonestown survivor. Americans must ask themselves why Jonestown was mass murdered. They apparently knew too much: socialism is always fascism.
Up to $65,000 in monthly welfare payments from U.S. government agencies to Jonestown residents were signed over to the Peoples Temple {each month}. Jim Warren Jones plotted cyanide deaths years before his Jonestown massacre.
Jones enjoyed public support and contact with some of the highest level politicians in the United States. Jones met with Vice President Walter Mondale and First Lady Rosalynn Carter several times. Governor Jerry Brown, Lieutenant Governor Mervyn Dymally, and Assemblyman Willie Brown, among others, attended a large testimonial dinner in honor of Jim Warren Jones in September 1976. {Democrats}
Harvey Milk – a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors who was supported by the Temple – wrote a letter to President Jimmy Carter defending Jim Warren Jones as,"a man of the highest character."
Jim Warren Jones told Temple members that "capitalist pigs" were seeking to damage Rev. Jones' reputation with apparent bold-faced lies, that they wanted to destroy Jonestown and harm its inhabitants.
Temple members were put on lots of drugs, tortured, and "freed from religion." One third of Jim Warren Jones' ~920 victims were children, toddlers to teens. They did NOT commit suicide.Jim Warren Jones' body was found with a bullet in his head. Mass media were complicit in this Jonestown slaughter by staunchly insisting to America that the Jonestown slaves of the American Left committed suicide. A vast sum of money permanently disappeared, including the life savings of Temple members. That is socialism for you in a microcosm.
"It was a slave camp run by a madman," said Leslie Wilson, a young mother then only twenty-one.
Americans currently are in the same mass manipulation process used on Jonestown. They USE religion and religious lingo to sway people to HATE religion. A word to the wise, the Leftist socialist puts bullets into the heads of those who are thus sucker punched, not only in the heads of their enemies.
Cabinet appointees made by Trump include those opposed to democracy and representative government. They seek to change the meaning of democracy in unsettling ways—and, maybe, ultimately undermine it. Whether one is duped or not, Trump is vocally in favor of restricting freedom of thought and behavior.
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Trump's Favorite Marxist Communist Madman Steve Bannon |
Cabinet appointees made by Trump include those opposed to democracy and representative government. They seek to change the meaning of democracy in unsettling ways—and, maybe, ultimately undermine it. Whether one is duped or not, Trump is vocally in favor of restricting freedom of thought and behavior.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag
and carrying a cross." ~Sinclair Lewis
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Shamelessly Trump claimed he only became a politician to be selfless and help you. |
"If any civilization is to survive,
it is the morality of altruism that men have to reject."
~Ayn Rand it is the morality of altruism that men have to reject."
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Most polls and mass media said Trump had no a chance to rise to power. Germans thought Hitler had no chance to rise. |
Springtime For Hitler from The Producers by Mel Brooks - Song: Heil Myself
"Make Germany Great Again" ~Adolf Hitler
Inevitably throughout history many corrupt among the monarchy and their oligarchy crowds were confederate with criminals, ruling by using a policy of terror. Advice from those who wrote our Constitution: religious moral instruction is vital for our system of government in order to produce moral leaders. Good religious instruction is vital in our national system. Protecting religious freedom is vital, but leaders with a excellent religious instructions is also critical.
Madison and Monroe dramatically explained how we need to fear a national bank even more than a standing army. We are NEVER to organize a federal policing power, other than for piracy and treason. And liberty in our system depends upon fair and honest elections that are free from foreign influence.
And we also immediately developed a Monroe doctrine to ward off Jesuit assassins from the shores of both North and South America. We now suffer for not heeding all the above precautions given by our Founding Fathers. Today we face peril and unrest.
Is Trump's sidekick, McConnell, Swamp Alligator #1?Trump put donkey-tailed and donkey-eared 'Lampwick Perry' back into the Swamp waddling around, swaggering from behind his large black glasses. The draining of the swamp is no where in sight. Many of the new generation have no idea what a moral is, but Democrat Party zombies are sure they don't like morals.
So are the trains on time? Because that is not the right question. You should wonder where that train is going. Democrats are at war with our country. Getting on the Democrat Party's Mussolini train was never a good plan, no matter what time the train arrived. Where are we going, considering Trump is a Democrat? In summary, Republicans did not endorse Trump. The Fidel Castro Brothers endorsed Hillary.

"Make Germany Great Again" ~Adolf Hitler
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20-year-old Bibi 20-year-old Barack
Obama's Arab Spring
Morsi Was First Muslim Brotherhood Head of State and Obama's Pet Protege
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Young Husseini |
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Father Arafat al-Husseini |
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Young Barrack Husseini Treachery as Diplomacy |
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Baby Barack Husseini |
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Arafat Husseini |
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Barack Husseini is Radical Islam |
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The upper echelons of the Turkish army, envisioned by Ataturk as a counterweight to the forces of radical Islam, were thrown into prison by Erdogan, Obama's best friend. |
Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Kuwait all publicly publicly stated that Mansour and Sisi had saved Egypt, the Middle East and possibly even the entire world from the Muslim Brotherhood and catastrophe.
It is clear that it is in America's interests to destroy the Islamist terrorist elements inspired and nurtured by the Muslim Brotherhood, such as Al-Qaeda, Hamas, the Taliban and various other global jihad organizations and networks.
Absurd and delusional Barack Hussein Obama claimed in the midst of this nightmare that the Muslim Brotherhood is a "peaceful" political party that has no ulterior agenda in promoting an exclusive religious theocracy, although they chanted in the streets of Cairo: "Jerusalem the capitol of Egypt, Marching to Jerusalem, Martyrs by the millions." Obama refused to face facts and did nothing.
But Obama dared to dictate to Israeli's to withdraw to borders that will expose an entire population to clear and certain terrorist threats while it spirits its own employees away at the slightest whiff of an intelligence threat!Trump Voted For Barack Obama
There are more than 70 lawsuits against Trump outstanding today. Has the United States Presidency has become a 'Get Out of Jail Free' card? The truth is that this presidential race was Trump's fifth attempt to be President of the United States, beginning with 1987-1888 when he considered a run for president while simultaneously juggling large debts stemming from $billion dollar expenditures on his Taj Mahal Casino, advertised as the 8th Wonder of the World. Trump's modus operandi is causing bankruptcy by excessive debts.
In February 2015, the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network settled an investigation of Trump Taj Mahal with the assessment of a $10 million civil fine for "significant and long-standing money laundering violations" which were described as "willful and repeated."
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A Peek at the Trump Taj Mahal |
Trump personally profited during his tenure in this bankruptcy, partially thanks to a deal that had his flailing casinos buying up Trump Ice bottled water. Trump walked away having pocketed roughly $82 million.
A hundred contractors were never paid, and workers went away unpaid. As there was no market for an Islamic casino on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City it fail. It was the first casino with an in-casino strip club. While hemorrhaging multi-millions a month, Trump failed to secure a deal with unions over pensions and healthcare.Of course Trump wants American taxpayers to foot the bill for his employees. Hitler also claimed to be Christian, but made statements of faith that made him a Muslim.
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Bullies will always exist somewhere, but
the White House should not be that somewhere.
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It is George Washington's advice that religious education is vital in our governmental system. |
Inevitably throughout history many corrupt among the monarchy and their oligarchy crowds were confederate with criminals, ruling by using a policy of terror. Advice from those who wrote our Constitution: religious moral instruction is vital for our system of government in order to produce moral leaders. Good religious instruction is vital in our national system. Protecting religious freedom is vital, but leaders with a excellent religious instructions is also critical.
Our founders outlined how our system relies upon finding ethical men who support the principles in our founding documents: The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Magna Carta, and the Charter of the Forest.
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A Free Press Is Vital To Liberty |
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Founders Warned Against The Danger to Liberty of Jesuit Teachers and Assassins |
And we also immediately developed a Monroe doctrine to ward off Jesuit assassins from the shores of both North and South America. We now suffer for not heeding all the above precautions given by our Founding Fathers. Today we face peril and unrest.
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New World Order Gave Us Decades Of Islamic Air Piracy |
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Trump's Energy Secretary
Rick 'Lampwick' Perry!
But Trump said that he wanted an end
to stupid government?! |
Is Trump's sidekick, McConnell, Swamp Alligator #1?Trump put donkey-tailed and donkey-eared 'Lampwick Perry' back into the Swamp waddling around, swaggering from behind his large black glasses. The draining of the swamp is no where in sight. Many of the new generation have no idea what a moral is, but Democrat Party zombies are sure they don't like morals.
So are the trains on time? Because that is not the right question. You should wonder where that train is going. Democrats are at war with our country. Getting on the Democrat Party's Mussolini train was never a good plan, no matter what time the train arrived. Where are we going, considering Trump is a Democrat? In summary, Republicans did not endorse Trump. The Fidel Castro Brothers endorsed Hillary.

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Goodnight Sweet Princess
Wedding of Carrie Fisher
Born October 21, 1956 - Died December 27, 2016
At age 84 Carrie Fisher's Mother, Debbie Reynolds,
Died the Day After Carrie Died

...at at the debates he spoke in elementary English, but I guess people like that . . .
Can't wait for Pathetico to give us the 199 stupidest things Joe Biden said

Trump appeals to idiots

Washington Post is part of the Obama propaganda machine.You can't call anyone an idiot if you voted for Obama at least once.

Trump in the debate was a magnificent performance. Only a candidate as tough as Trump could have waded thru that attack job and come out unscathed.

I live in an open primary state and I guarantee you that tons of Democrats are voting for Trump in the primaries.

Kaepernick's NFL-Nike malarkey isn’t about sneakers, but about people who want ‘no USA at all.’ Of course, everything is fine when Obama does it, from flying the Betsy Ross flag to running detention centers for illegal immigrants. Barack and Antifa are the most extreme partisan haters. Kaepernick's girlfriend is a furious Muslim who hates America. Simple fact. She's all about "Death to America." So is Barack Hussein Obama.
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