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Batman has a special relationship in fighting crime where he isn't the executioner. His plan is wisely conceived and normally well executed. This is the reason Batman tries not to kill the villains he works so hard to stop from flooding Gotham with crime; he tries to stop them and to catch them. His plan is for civilian government to manage their containment and punishments.
America is Gotham in this metaphor. R'as Al Ghul says Gotham is evil and must be fully destroyed. Batman was a League of Shadows trainee of Ghul, but found out their plan, and refused to join and conform. He decides to catch the outlaws, but will turn them over to America's legal system for sentencing.
Perfection is the destination, so Batman's journey has flaws. His long-term mission consumes much of his efforts, but he hopes to prevent R'as Al Ghul and the League of Shadows from destroying Gotham.
A Simple Lesson For Newcomers
What does fake news mean? The next video below, from the Great Dan Bongino, unpacks a recent example of fake news. The Leftist media is never in short supply of hoaxes: they use photos deceptively while misrepresenting current news stories.
So in Bongino's story, the NPR completely and knowingly lie about what is happening on our streets, and how the Left targets every one of their tall tales to smear America and Americans past and present. Their goal is the collapse of America, misery, distress, and terror. They seek power and gain.
We've been going through an islamic humiliation ritual. The Left really likes these. ***See mark 42:00 on video below, as fake NPR News details "50" incidents, NPR's imaginary details, on how "violent rightwing extremists" are turning cars into weapons "with reports of at least 50 vehicle-ramming incidents" since protests erupted in late May. It is all a hoax. Dan carefully and masterfully puts the crazymaking Left on display, and reveals the actual facts behind the fascist Left's gaslighting propaganda.
Here's the reality check punchline in advance: the rightwing are not violent nor extremists, and they didn't do anything criminal or wrong at all in Obama's Charlottesville; the photo NPR used isn't even from current events. The NPR used a photo from a situation that was part of the orchestrated Charlottesville harassment of Americans. [That hoax is detailed in a different Statesman Sword article of September 2019 called Barack Hussein's Death Cult.]
Dan Bongino reveals the reality about who the Left is now. Get ready for the coming battle. Stay ready.
Dan Bongino reveals the reality about who the Left is now. Get ready for the coming battle. Stay ready.
The Book of Revelation is the Christian epic book of hope. FACT: Good will prevail. This article will share evidence of everything true. A true report is essential to the existence of freedom. Our great American journal brings the truth with care and love.
Raise the glass for white hats. Gratitude to our White Hats, 'and many more.' Don't look away, as Lemony Snicket implores. President Trump said his real opponent is the propaganda media. We will together walk through the CoVid fight and the sinister 2020 Election DNC riots. After documenting many daring exploits, We the People will choose the glorious finale.
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Let There Be Light |
Our skeptical eyes will ponder events of our time, considering the historical causes and today's effects. Let there be light.
Please understand an Accomplice is someone who is also at the scene and helps the principal commit the crime, or knowingly encourages them to commit it. An Accessory also helps the principal commit the crime, but their involvement occurs before or after the crime itself, and they are not present at the crime scene. Leftwing media, the CIA, Barack Hussein Obama, Democrats, and Hillary act as both accomplices and/or accessories in Leftwing BLM and Antifa mob violence. They claim they are kind, although violent non-stop from the sixties.
Today's mobs are operating in Blue States. They have complicit, accessory governments that permit them to do crimes without fear of going to prison. Many blue states designate crime zones with the euphemism "sanctuary cities," as if crime is virtuous and deserves protection. California says their entire state is a sanctuary for criminals. But some cities, counties and areas in California opt out of that nightmare. It seems very possible that crime is the religion of the Left. It is a good time to move to a Red State. One must be full-throttle radical extremist to get credit for "being Democrat."

Every day Leftist media outlets falsely blame Republicans for failing to respond to CoVid threats, when the fact of the matter is that the Democrat Party fouled Americans, they forced sick CoVid patients into unwilling nursing homes causing Blue States to have the highest, worst CoVid record.
Willfully ignoring the truth and facts, the sinister Democrat gaslighting propaganda fake news praises the Democrats?! Meanwhile scheming Democrats refuse to acknowledge the end of CoVid and to recover our economy.
When Dr. Fauci was the poser, Mr. Cool, he made this remark January 31st: "... there's no reason to be walking around with a mask." And as if Fauci and DNC scientific credibility couldn't get lower, along came this.
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Governor Cuomo Is Sinister |
If Leftists are fine with hurting Americans to gain power, what will they do to us when they have it? ~ William L. Gensert
See 4:15 Where Fauci Mocks Wearing Masks
When Dr. Fauci was the poser, Mr. Cool, he made this remark January 31st: "... there's no reason to be walking around with a mask." And as if Fauci and DNC scientific credibility couldn't get lower, along came this.
Dr. Fauci took to PBS, "We have got to do the things … that we need to do to turn this around… When you do it properly, you bring down those cases … We have done it in New York. New York got hit worse than any place in the world. And they did it correctly . . . "
Let's mandate that sick CoVid patients be forced into Fauci's home to share his bedroom.
Let's mandate that sick CoVid patients be forced into Fauci's home to share his bedroom.
As Redstate pointed out on 07/19/20 at 03:51 PM: Dr. Fauci proclaims New York ‘Did It Correctly’ as his credibility burns to the ground. In three most fundamental and important ways to combat CoVid, NY is the worst offender. At the outbreak De Blasio urged people to NOT alter their conduct, to continue traveling and massive events (to not shelter in place, etc). Governor Cuomo forced sick CoVid patients into nursing homes. And NY refused to ban international flights appropriately.
Fugitive Spy Wanted by the FBI is Being Harbored by the Chinese Consulate
in San Francisco Democrat Sanctuary City
Democrat sanctuary cities don’t just provide sanctuary for illegal aliens, but for enemy spies. The Trump administration had already ordered the shutdown of the Russian consulate in San Francisco over its espionage. ... the situation in San Francisco is expected to be much worse because of Chi-Com infiltration of California Democrats.
The same dangerous deceitful distortion is applied to police work, after George Perry Floyd's homicide. The mob violence is massive in Blue States, and the Blue States are the ones running inadequately staffed and poorly trained police departments. Also, Blue States encourage and even praise mob rioting, looting, violence, beatings, and murder. Andrew Cuomo praised the mobs recently, and Pelosi said her kneeling showed solidarity with the Muslim Brotherhood Black Lives Matter and Antifa mobs. The Democrat Party's demonic preening persists as they do the crime while insisting Republicans do the time.
New York City police commissioner Dermot Shea said the city’s police force has been "handcuffed" by recent police-reform regulations. "You can't have the 1% driving agendas that have a negative impact on the 99%, particularly on people of color in inner cities," Shea said. "And that’s what’s happening right now."
Amid a huge spike in crime and a stunning number of retiring cops de Blasio claims: “We now have fewer people in our jails than any time since WWII, and we are safer for it and better for it.” ~ Alex Nestor, The Washington Free BeaconNY de Blasio, not just an abomination in draconian CoVid measures, but he also announced the disbanding of the NYPD's plain clothes anti-crime unit and a $1 billion cut in police funding in response to the anti-police marxist rioting. The Mayor siding with the marxist rioters triggered mass police retirements and New York's skyrocketing murders and historic crime tsunami.
New York City police commissioner Dermot Shea said the city’s police force has been "handcuffed" by recent police-reform regulations. "You can't have the 1% driving agendas that have a negative impact on the 99%, particularly on people of color in inner cities," Shea said. "And that’s what’s happening right now."
The accomplice/accessory media outlets pressure companies and celebrities to donate to terrorists?! This is Mafia conduct. Violence is used to silence criticism of the savage, taliban type behaviors of BLM and Antifa Mobs. Generally, people keep silent about the real villains and the actual crimes. Not here. We cover the crimes and expose the League of Shadows behind them. The rioting would stop as quickly as they got bad press. But Fake News media fail to condemn violence and hate of BLM marxists and antifa mobs; the marxist press are in fact accessories and accomplices.
The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant. Karl Popper described it as the seemingly paradoxical idea that, in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.

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Careful What You Wish For |
CoVid and Overreaching Democrat Party Fascists
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The KKK Became BLM and Antifa |
The same Black Panthers, domestic terrorist Weathermen, and KKK organizers are literally organizing BLM and the other marxist rioting looters, Antifa. As for statue desecration, it has been important to marxists from their beginning. Marxist power is their cause, not Black lives nor justice. The DNC is desperate for power just before an election, and they've gone full marxist class/race warfare and Karl Marx's radical, atrocious anti-semitism. Karl Marx vibrates for his religion of power lust.
Pelosi and Cuomo assert that rioting is First Amendment Free Speech, but from Portland comes this Public safety advisory: his umbrella has been converted to a weapon; recovered after last night’s demonstration downtown.
Marxism claims to be about how everything was to be owned communally and that social classes would disappear. However, communist-run states such as the Soviets and China became notorious for repression and human rights abuses and their elites. Income disparity under the Chinese marxist regime is the worst in the world.
With Germany unsure about how to mark 200 years since Karl Marx was born, China gave a giant bronze statue of the philosopher to the town of his birth, adding to the unease. After years of wrangling over whether accepting it would appear to condone human rights abuses in China, eventually the small town in Trier near Luxembourg in western Germany decided to accept.

In every marxist country there are a tiny few rich elites, everyone else is poor and living in drug lord squalor. Bernie Sanders desperately refers to nordic socialist nations, but they are not marxist. They live with strong Capitalistic, market-driven economies already successful prior to their introduction of generous social-benefit programs. Their governments do not own the means of production, the marxist aspect so infamous a part of Karl Marx's hoax dystopias.
Why celebrate the man who's every prediction failed? Never have worker's created any marxist revolution, they grow and function among elitist academics and the most greedy and lawless among the rich. The marxists are criminal regimes and dictatorships. All the powerfully centralized marxist governments Bernie Sanders cheered for were dictatorships, not remotely democratic. Hence the massive statues of Marx and Lenin.
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Xi Remains Their Unpleasant Reality Check |
Marx co-wrote the Communist Manifesto, which said that all of human history had been based on class struggle. China's government presents Marx as central to its way of governing by dictatorship, but the success in their economy is mixed with capitalism.
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Marxist Communist Clenched Fist Hand Sign |

Karl Marx Called to Defund Police
In 1933 Hitler appointed Hermann Goring Minister of the Interior. His first orders were to defund and eliminate police departments so that they would not interfere with his Brown Shirts whose mission it was to riot, burn, beat up and kill citizens in an effort to sway the elections. The Democrats are defunding the police as many city budgets "re-allocate police funding." Murder and serious crime are skyrocketing.
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Mohammad Owned and Sold Slaves Should We Start Tearing Down Mosques? |

Revenge is never a straight line. It's a forest, And like a forest it's easy to lose your way ... To get lost ... ~ Hattori Hanzo
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George Funds Antifa and BLM Islamonazi Collaborators |
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David Hogg "led" Parkland Shooting protesters. He was funded by George Soros, and his movement was named March For Our Lives. PIC Above Shows His Communist Clenched Fist Salute |
David Hogg's Sieg Heil Salute

Accomplice/accessory Democrat media outlets try to claim David Hogg did not pose in Sieg Heil NAZI salute. They deflect and even falsely accuse Conservative media of lying about it. He did also wear the NAZI youth arm band.
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The Globalists Want Us Disarmed |
This symbol is the Teutonic rune of death. Early christians called it the nero cross, because Caesar Nero killed the Chief Apostle Peter upside down on a cross. This symbol is the visual mystic character for 'Aum,' the split 'Y'. To the Hindu, chanting 'Aum' is supposed to help awaken 'the serpent power of Brahma' at the base of the human spine.
Hitler's National Socialists ordered that the sign David Hogg's friend so proudly displays above must appear on German death notices, but it was also part of the official inscription prescribed for the gravestones of Nazi officers of the dread SS Gestapo. The symbol suited Nazi emphasis on pagan mysticism.
Occultist Albert Pike also identifies this symbol as mystical. Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, used this hippie peace symbol as the backdrop for his satanic altars. A former witch tells us this ugly symbol is nothing short of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. Symbolism is a picture language, and a picture is worth a thousand words.
For one to wear or display this symbol is knowingly or unknowingly announcing that you have rejected Jesus Christ.
First it was armbands, now it's salutes. #MarchForOurLives seems dedicated to reviving the totalitarianism that brought so much bloodshed last century. The demonization of groups in society, calls for violence, etc . . . This is why Americans own guns (we believe in the right for self-defense) ... The raised clenched fist is a Communist gesture. ~ America Speaks

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The 'Unraveled' Identity of David Hogg |
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Caesar Nero's Nero Cross A Pagan Death Rune Sign of Hindu 'Aum' Chant Prescribed Official Inscription For Nazi Officer Dread SS Gestapo Gravestones Symbol That Announces Rejection of Jesus Christ |
Barack Defunded Parkland Police Prior To Massacre of High Students
Students charged with various misdemeanors, including assault, would now be disciplined through participation in "healing circles." More than 50 other major school districts nationwide did this also, allowing thousands of troubled, often violent, students to commit crimes without legal consequence: thus allowing the grooming of crazed, violent bullies (like Hitler's brown shirts) in progress toward CHAZ, etc.
Obama administration strained to keep violent students of color from ending up in jail for crimes committed on campus.
So Broward County schools, at the behest of Barack Hussein Obama, had rewritten its disciplinary policies to make it nearly impossible to suspend, expel, or arrest students for behavioral problems including criminal activity.
Democrat Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel was one of the lead advocates for the program and in November 2013 he reportedly signed an agreement that spelled out 13 crimes that could no longer be reported to the police.
Barrack Hussein's friend Runcie was to slash arrests and ensure that students, no matter how delinquent, graduated without criminal records.
In just a few years ethnically diverse Broward went from leading the state of Florida in student arrests to boasting one of its lowest school-related incarceration rates. Substituting counseling for criminal detention for students who broke the law was the irresponsible behavior of Barack Hussein and Broward County that explains the Parkland mass killing. Obama organizes killing and other crimes.
More devastating is the fact that school officials and Broward Sheriff’s deputy Scot Peterson, the man who waited outside the building while children were slaughtered and bled out, recommended that the school shooter be committed to a psychiatric facility in September 2016, which would have banned him from ever purchasing weapons. That should have and would have happened prior to Barack Hussein's crime-enabling DEFUNDING of the Parkland area police. Instead nothing was done to prevent the school shooting, although predictive behavior abounded. The shooter was long predicted mass killer, but Obama would no allow them to tag him (this allowed him to buys guns wrongfully) (Laws don't end crime when Barack refuses to enforce the law).
Barack Hussein Obama is the Marxist communist directly responsible for the massacre of innocents at Parkland High School. Democrats now call what the Communists in America are doing "re-allocating police funding," but results do not change. Murder, mass shootings, and other serious crimes are the skyrocketing result.
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The Facts |
Pelosi assumed the same position of oppressive rogue policeman, officer Chauvin, who killed George Perry Floyd. His one-knee forceful pressure was loudly directing 'fall in line' orders. Pelosi's kente cloth scarfs come from an African state where 700,000 black slaves exist today in Ghana. There may be an implicit message sent here from Pelosi that all Democrats MUST fall in line.
By kneeling in this particular one-knee pose, Pelosi also can seem to be surrendering to mob rule as she panders to violent warlords. Her betrayal of allegiance is a breach of her oath of office to protect and preserve the Constitution. The American People govern through the rule of law, not outlaws and warlords like her BLM and Antifa terrorists.
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ChiCom and Iranian Collaborators Bow to Lynch Mob Violence |
Pelosi is ChiCom and Iranian Collaborator
She Bowed to Lynch Mob Violence
Our present totalitarian moment was dramatized in the film "300" where King Leonidas of Sparta and a force of 300 men refuse to kneel at the Hot Gates. Instead they fight the Persians at Thermopylae in 480 B.C. to save their nation, starring Gerard Butler as Leonidas, and Rodrigo Santoro as Xerxes.
Like America today, so it was that the Athenians found themselves suddenly a great power ... they gave vivid proof of what equality and freedom of speech might achieve.

The Persian Empire of ancient Iran only required that you kneel, yet the Athenians found themselves suddenly a great power ... they gave vivid proof of what equality and freedom of speech might achieve.
Americans do not kneel, we are governed by the rule of law. In our country, one must comply with laws against rioting, smashing police cars, looting, assaulting people, and against murder, etc. Protesting gives NOBODY the right to be a Mob of Supervoters who Democrats reward for spreading terrorism.
Americans Defeated Hitler's White Supremacists

America Knows The Oppressive Dangers Of Gun Control
In 1660 the Brits ordered all gunsmiths in the colonies to produce a record of all firearms they had sold, and of all their buyers from the past six months. This known gun registration scheme contributed to Americans grasping the purpose and uses of such lists by oppressors. Generally it was a norm that non-nobility commoners were unable to own guns.
The German parliament of the Weimar Republic enacted legislation prohibiting gun possession. Germans following WWI lived by the Law on the Disarmament of the People from the Versailles Treaty. Jewish extermination began in Germany with the Nazi Weapon Law of 1938, signed by Adolph Hitler, that required police permission for ownership of a handgun. All firearms had to be registered.
The Nazis also enacted the "Regulations against Jewish possession of weapons" within the days of Kristallnacht when stormtroopers attacked synagogues and Jews throughout Germany ... Firearms registration lists, moreover, were used to identify gun owners. When the SS arrived, more than the gun would disappear, the owner would never to be seen again. These policies were promulgated in every country conquered by Hitler, with the same results.
Clinton's involvement in the leaking of classified documents to foreign interests may have led to the torture and murders of at least twenty CIA agents in China. ~Discerning
If an individual knowingly removes classified information from a secured government server, it is very clear that they know the risk they are taking. After all, government officials do not typically acquire security clearances without knowing what they are getting into. They know it is irresponsible, dangerous, and illegal to leak classified information to anyone, especially a foreign government.
Hillary Clinton’s Emails, many of which are Classified Information, got hacked by China. Next move better be by the FBI & DOJ or, after all of their other missteps (Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, FISA, Dirty Dossier etc.), their credibility will be forever gone! — Donald J. Trump August 29, 2018

Alongside the nero cross is the hippie hand sign of "peace," used in Satanic rituals as a benediction, something like amen is used. The hand "V-sign" has layers of meaning, so consider that "V" is the Roman symbol for the number five. The Illuminati has the Law of Fives. And Satan loves the PENTA-gram (Penta = five!) and the FIVE-fold salute used in masonry and witchcraft.

This sign also has the meaning in Cabala as the Hebrew letter "V," and the word meaning of this Hebrew letter is Van, meaning 'Nail.' By using this hand sign as a Satanic benediction ("The Nail" is one of the secret titles of Satan within the Brotherhood of Satanism), Satan is letting us know that this is one of his favorite signs. The victory hand "V-sign," or in other words the hippie "peace" sign, is Satan's favorite sign to remind and to emphasize how "The Nail" was used to torture and to cause the death of Jesus Christ. Satan is obsessed with sadistic glee at remembering the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Jesus knew the Pharisees and Sadducees were practicing the witchcraft that later was to become known as the Kabalah. Jesus was unrelenting in His pronouncements of damnation against the Pharisees, a secret society. What the occultists represent, who were also Masons, are the very few Illuminated Masons who have gone all the way to the "Light," discovering that the final great secret of Masonry is dedicated Satanists working to achieve the New World Order of Antichrist.
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Freemasonry Gates of Hell Black Abyss |
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BLM Rioters Are Bad People Mocking America |
There is no right to riot, terrorize, loot, rape, desecrate monuments, and burn down America. Democrats perversely kept calling the abomination of organized terror attacks, "peaceful protesting." This massive and planned mob violence is terrorism, insurrection, and treason. Likely the rioting looters will continue to break the law, and then end up back in prisons.
BLM themselves say they're marxist and want violent revolution. Pressure needs to be put on the evil nero-like Democrat Governors who stand back and watch 'their nation burn,' then blame the Republicans. Democrat governors are refusing to do their job preserving and protecting our Constitution and our Citizens.
The CoVid response and violent sedition ought not to be partisan issues, but instead of supporting their country, Democrat Leaders once again undermine American interests and businesses in favor of the very brutal Communist Dictatorship in China. Former Democrat Senator Max Baucus' China rhetoric tipped into blatant PRC propaganda, when he compared Trump to Hitler when speaking to a CCP propaganda outlet.
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Houston Chinese Consulate Hot Bed Of Spies |
Obama’s 'Man in China' is now Beijing’s 'Man in Washington' since the former ambassador Baucus appears regularly on Chinese propaganda outlets. Like Bloomberg's 'amazing' economic 'success,' Baucus' post-retirement public statements praising China have coincided with his burgeoning overseas China investments.
Walter Lohman, director of the Asian Studies Center at the Heritage Foundation, said that it was "inappropriate" for a former ambassador to speak ill about his own government on a foreign propaganda outlet.
Xinhua News Agency, a state-owned outlet, extensively cited Baucus's attacks in a May 8 article calling Trump Hitler, using it as evidence that the Trump administration is attempting to "deflect criticisms about their imaginary 'blunders' by blaming China."
Many people are harmed by Democrat lies. President Trump is honored in Israel, he is not Hitler. American interests are damaged, too. Baucus also referred to the President as being like McCarthy. Baucus has failed to learn the fact that Joseph McCarthy was right. Today communists like Baucus, Clinton, and Barack Hussein fill Democrat ranks and don't bother hiding it. Pelosi honors Marxist Communist BLM Mobs. This fact is in fact published widely.
Kamala Harris' sugar daddy, Willie Brown, expressed admiration for Jim Warren Jones for being like Mao. Barack Hussein Obama's White House Christmas tree had ornaments with Mao's image on them. These communists cheer for mass murder.
Obama's Baucus also speaks at events backed by the China-U.S. Exchange Foundation, a registered foreign agent of the Chinese government according to a 2018 congressional report. Reminding one of Hunter Biden, Baucus founded the Baucus Group, and he sits on the board of directors for Ingram Micro, a U.S. subsidiary of a Chinese state-owned conglomerate, as well as on the board of advisers for Alibaba Group, one of China's largest tech companies.
Instead of standing with America, Democrats and the media insist on treating the Chinese Communist regime as the victim of President Trump. The Democrat Communists are more loyal to their hatred for President Trump than they are to America. Even in the face of blatant enemy action, they choose the People’s Republic of China over the United States. A growing number of Democrats have also been directly or indirectly compromised by the enemy regime.
And that makes President Trump’s crackdown on spy consulates in Democrat cities all the more urgent. When the State Department closed the spy consulate in Houston, Democrats had to choose between standing with Communist China or standing with America. They chose China and they chose treason.
Sources say the Houston consulate was well known as a hot bed of spies, and was being used to steal medical and scientific research. Beijing was told that the consulate must cease operations by Friday July 24th. The Chinese consulate in Houston was raided by U.S. officials, shortly after it officially closed for business.
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Victoria Harbor |
Congress unanimously approved a bill rebuking China over its crackdown in Hong Kong amid protests against a strict “national security” law that outlaws so-called subversive or terrorist acts, as well as collusion with foreign forces intervening in the city’s affairs.
Critics say the new law effectively ends the “one country, two systems” framework under which Hong Kong was promised a high degree of autonomy when it reverted from British to Chinese rule in 1997.
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President Trump and Unanimous Congress Rebuke China |
"America rebuked China over its crackdown in Hong Kong by imposing sanctions on groups that undermine the city’s autonomy or restrict freedoms promised to its residents. President Trump to take strong action in response to the crackdown by China against the former British territory, which was granted partial sovereignty under a treaty that took effect July 1, 1997.
The Chinese government “is already flagrantly using their new "
"authorities" to punish and imprison those who have stood up against their ... unconscionable repression."
"authorities" to punish and imprison those who have stood up against their ... unconscionable repression."
We showed rare overwhelming bipartisan concern over the autonomy of Hong Kong that allowed the former British colony to thrive as China’s freest city and an international financial center.

The United States has already begun eliminating Hong Kong’s special status, halting defense exports and restricting the territory’s access to high-technology products.
Lights Out for the Deep State
What the Democrats have being doing for the recent past cannot be called: "we go
high." Michelle Obama at the DNC 2020 Convention was full of it. Her husband has been running a filthy coup.
The FBI’s suspicions about Danchenko being a russian agent is another piece of pertinent information that the FBI left out of their FISA
applications, & another factor proving Stalin-esque motives. Stalin-Era Beria said, "Show me the man, I'll show you the crime." Barack Obama is indeed the communist we know him to be.
Calling their schemes a witch hunt is an insult to witches.
Through FusionGPS, Barack and Hillary with the DNC financed by law firms the creation of their illegal, wicked "Steele' dossier. And we have evidence shows and proves that this Herr Mueller stalin-beria coup would not have moved forward slightly without the journal of lies they called "the dossier."
Barack Hussein's bogus dossier/Mueller criminal investigation into
imaginary collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign followed the
stalin-Beria model, not the U.S. Constitution. Their fake justice did not remotely honor American's foundational principle of innocent until proven guilty. Accurately, Dershowitz pointed out how Barack's coup engaged in the “criminalization
of politics.”
In point of fact “collusion” in a political campaign is not a crime. @michelle obama, digging for years into Trump-Russia collusion is hardly your hubbie "going high." When anything was "discovered." it happened your hubbie's watch. He did nothing except try to gain political advantages for himself. Barack did NOT protect our election. His actions were not guarding moves, but predatory against Carter Page and General Flynn. Bother are heroes who did NOTHING wrong. Your husband goes lower than anyone, you two did NOT go high.
We all saw Barry Soetoro illegally imprison a filmmaker to use as cover for his own lies and guilt in Benghazi. Barack is responsible for the brutal murder of Gaddafi that Hillary callously mocked. So no, Michelle, Barack does not go high.
"From hell's heart, I stab at thee" is the proper response to Barack and those calling him their messiah. Kathy Griffith's decapitated Trump head in effigy was NOT 'we go high' of Barack Obama. There is a phrase for Michelle Obama's lies about Barack and her 'we go high' claim: cray cray.
National theatrics today show symptoms of the underlying United States disease of tyranny that we've suffered from for many decades. Today democrats return to their Woodrow Wilson racist roots, back to Teddy Roosevelt who was so defiant a tyrant that he wanted to stack the Supreme Court. Democrats indeed justify every evil related to 'general welfare' to impose their tyranny. Slavery is okay to a Democrat who has always been around in the KKK and Dems dominated in the South. Leftists are elitists and feel above the rule of law. Long ago the Left silenced the cries of those who wanted to crack down on crime. The Left today doesn't say they want to crack down on crime, do they. . .
President Thomas Jefferson said the People of a nation have two internal enemies: crime and government. Jefferson said our Constitution was constructed to keep one from becoming the other. Democrats do the opposite, trying to make cartels our government. Barack Hussein from his days in Fast & Furious was trying to unite islamic terror networks with latin american cartels. Hence his love for Fidel Castro, the man who begged Russia to nuke America.
No, no, no @Michelle Obama, your husband is not under the column, "we go high."
As John Marini tells us in his book, Unmasking the Administrative State: that "... bureaucratic authority is democratic despotism." Americans in the Democrat Party and in the Republican Party have been seeking outsiders, because they felt the corrosive effects of The Establishment. It is in complete opposition to representative government and freedom.
Today Democrat Governors across our land are seeking to impose their beliefs and ideas on every aspect of our lives and system, ignoring checks and balances against such unlimited power. They felt so smug, in their delusional state, they even deny our limited government exists. They praise violent mobs. Until now everyone knew this was pure evil, because it is.
Blue states run an IMPOSED system, NOT representative government limited by the principles and law laid down in our beautiful Constitution. Endlessly we hear democrats wiggling around, squirming and attempting to get around the Constitution. That has a name: conspiracy.
When they look for someone to nominate to the Supreme Court, they hope to find someone who will ban the Constitution bit by bit. Their lawmakers also now pretend to not know that their bills cannot be and are not superior to the Constitution. If all of America doesn't overwhelmingly want to write another amendment, no bill can prevail. They live in their heads: magic think.
Remember when FDR got elected without the people knowing he was
handicapped? that is NOT representative government. It is symptomatic of the tyranny choking our nation. To the crazed Left, the State is their Secular Deity, and they find sadistic glee deceiving the "masses." Their imposed belief system is founded in fear, with very pagan, evil practices.
Our volatile realm is filled with the unelected professional bureaucracy fighting back, but their ivy league demise will overcome their evil designs. We now see what they have tried, and once did, hide.
The public has lost faith in the imperial bureaucracy; we love President Trump supporting our Constitution and returning our nation: we are getting our first fresh breath in more than a century. Strange how democrats exploited CoVid to expand their vampire desires to stomp out religion and small American businesses!! Their open 'audacity' to oppose freedom of religion was a surprise to many in this country, and not a good one.
For decades, the audacity of the criminal Left has organized to occupy the academy, the news media, and the entertainment industries. Our system today is Leftist, so if Leftist BLM hates it, they hate themselves.
It was the Democrat Party that promised free Black Americans 40 acres and a mule. They've never delivered. The Democrat Party is the dependent-co-dependent party, and the Republican Party is the Independence Party. So guess what, it is the Democrats withholding stimulus money so they can bailout the airlines in the hopes THEY can win a CoVidian mailin election. It is the Republicans fighting for the common people!
The decision of NY Gov. Cuomo to merge wards of CoVid patients with healthy residents in nursing homes was “the most insane thing I ever saw in my entire life,” according to an employee report released months later. Dear Michelle, nobody looking at your husband's favorite, Kamala Harris, would think his pick of a snarling hoochie mama shows Barack Hussein is the 'we go high' guy?! No, not at all. Barack Hussein is the hoochie man that goes lower than the cartels or hamas. Of course Barack Hussein enjoyed hanging out with Fidel Castro, his nephew is even named Fidel after the terrorist Castro regime.
Lady Portia
The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest: It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes The thronèd monarch better than his crown. His scepter shows the force of temporal power, The attribute to awe and majesty Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptered sway. It is enthronèd in the hearts of kings; It is an attribute to God Himself; And earthly power doth then show likest God's When mercy seasons justice.
Therefore, Though justice be thy plea, consider this: That in the course of justice none of us Should see salvation. We do pray for mercy, And that same prayer doth teach us all to render The deeds of mercy.
~ Portia, in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, Act 4. Scene 1

SNL Hilarious Summary of Candidate Biden
AG Barr Tired of the Double Standard of Democrats
President Trump's Full Speech At The 2020 RNC
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Donny Osmond Joseph and His Coat Of Many Colors |
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Joseph In Egypt |

Adolf Hitler visited in the spring of 1944. After the war, Wernher von Brawn became director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. Hitler’s plans for extermination of Poles were first stated in his 1927 book Mein Kampf. Van Braun was SS Gestapo. A Heinrich Himmler his Reichführer SS buddy.