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This article does double duty focusing on the truth about the long awaited information on the corrupt FBI and CIA, and the Hillary and Obama lawfare coup.
We begin by rolling out newly discovered information on the 'mueller' investigators' crimes. Kellyanne Conway explains why Barack Hussein Obama now must be held to the same standards he used in his investigation of President Trump.
Entire Kellyanne Video Is Essential
Some ask what was ObamaGate? Listen to Jim Jordan's answers, the expert on all things spygate and impeachment.
In above video of Jim Jordan he summarized ObamaGate, and at the end of the video he mentioned how Democrats are using CoVid hazards and lockdown rebellions to fabricate an Impeachment 2.0. This article first reviews the fallout of phony Russia collusion hoax, then later on the CoVid 'pandemic' fallout is reviewed.
This is a great video where Kellyanne Conway connects the dots and helps us understand the vile conspiracy behind "unmasking" of a 3-Star General, Michael Flynn. **Must see video, Kellyanne is truly the greatest. Worth watching to the end!!!
Why are Barack Obama's people, like Susan Rice, saying one thing on TV, but the opposite under oath?
Judge Sullivan in Violation of Separtation of Powers
When Comey sent agents to the White House to interview Flynn, violating by-the-book protocol, they had a crime yet unknown, and his original 302 testimony notes are still missing!
The decision to dismiss pending charges lies squarely with the prosecutor. The Executive Branch, the prosecutor, has exclusive authority and absolute discretion to decide whether to prosecute a case. Flynn's lawyer, Sidney Powell, is now seeking a writ of mandamus forcing Judge Sullivan to act as required by law.
Justice Ruth Ginsburg just wrote for an unanimous Supreme Court eviserating the 9th Circuit District Court, reversing them, for inviting outside counsel to brief on an issue not before them!! Judge Sullivan is trying to do this very thing. And he's trying to weaponize the Courts in a political cause against President Trump to benefit the DNC in the 2020 Election.
But this Judge Sullivan actually asked Mueller what other additional charges could be filed against a 3-Star General railroaded by a corrupt FBI and DOJ, and asked if Mueller considered charging Flynn with Treason, a death penalty charge?! Judge Sullivan told General Flynn that he sold out his country?!! ... although the FBI evidence files had made it clear that General Flynn had done nothing derogatory. And prosecutors had even hidden exculpatory material.
Who was Judge Sullivan in communication with outside the case in front of him, someone like Strzok? General Flynn was wrongly framed and targeted by the Barack Administration. Under his robes Sullivan is a harden political operative willing to ignore the law, precedent, and the separation of powers to punish a man wrongly framed and targeted by the Obama Administration.

This judge is blatantly politicizing justice and tampering with the 2020 United States Election. In advanced western civilizataions for most of the past 1,000 years criminal prosecutions are "no longer conducted in the village square where everyone holding their pitchfork gets involved rallying for justice, usually delivered from the closest tree." Judge Sullivan disgraced himself, his extreme bias and lawless acts require that he be removed from this matter.
Loyalty to a treasonous regime, the Barack Hussein's coup with his FBI and DOJ ripe in corruption, is a crime itself, as we witness islamonazism brutality across the land in the Neo Genocidal DNC today.
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White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany
Shredding Journalists
...former top officials in the Obama administration unmasked then-incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn and someone appeared to have illegally leaked his name to the media.This is an assault on representative government and national security. We all are involved. When law enforcement officials leak their classified information to the media it is a felony. Felony by high government officials is a high crime. As Jim Jorday says, they must be held accountable.
Did anyone take it upon themselves to pose any questions about Michael Flynn and unmasking to President Obama’s spokesperson? ~ Kayleigh McEnany
"So, number one, why did the Obama administration use opposition research funded by a political organization and filled with foreign dirt to surveil members of the Trump campaign?
Number two, why was Lieutenant General Michael Flynn unmasked, not by the Intel community entirely, but by Obama’s chief of staff? By the former Vice President Joe Biden? By Susan Rice? By the Treasury Secretary?
If it were political appointees in the Trump administration, I can guarantee you, I’d have questions in my inbox right now, but apparently Obama’s spokesperson does not.
Why was Flynn’s identity leaked in a criminal act?” McEnany continued. “It is a criminal act to leak the identity of Michael Flynn to the press, but it happened. Where are the questions to Obama’s spokesperson? Because my team would be running around this building should this have happened under the Trump administration.”
“Why did the DOJ’s Sally Yates learn about the unmasking from President Obama?” McEnany continued. “So much for going ‘by the book’ as Susan Rice said three times, thou doth protest too much, Susan Rice.”
“And then finally, question number five, why did James Clapper, John Brennan, Samantha Power, and Susan Rice privately admit under oath they had no evidence of collusion while saying the opposite publicly?”
"Obama’s spokesperson should be asked those questions because President Trump’s spokespeople certainly would be.”
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